by Mike Adams
the Health Ranger
October 10, 2011
Insanity prevailed in California once again today as Governor
Brown signed bill AB499 allowing 12-year-old children the ability to
consent to being injected with
Gardasil vaccines without their
parents' knowledge; yet at the same time the Governor
banned the use
of tanning beds by anyone under 18 unless they received
parental consent.
For the record, HPV vaccines are widely linked to maiming and even
killing countless children while contributing absolutely nothing to
the body's real defense
of cervical cancer.
The entire fabrication of quack science behind HPV
vaccines is nothing but a corporation fantasy created to drum up
sales for vaccines.
In contrast to that,
tanning beds have actually been scientifically shown to
increase vitamin D levels in people
who are deficient in vitamin D -
and that includes the vast majority of the population living in
children cannot give adult consent!
The whole idea that 12-year-old children can give "consent" to being
injected with HPV vaccines is a total violation of common sense and
yet another encroachment of the nanny state upon the rights of
The idea that 12-year-old children can consent to invasive medical
procedures that carry a very real risk of death is absurd. Is the
state now going to say that 12-year-old children are adults and can
buy beer, drive vehicles and consent to sexual encounters with other
adults, too? If Jerry Brown is saying that 12-year-old children are
old enough to make such major decisions about their sexual health,
then by implication he's also saying that 12-year-olds have the
right to decide, for example, that they want to have sex with a
But that's crazy. This is why we have laws about sexual predators
who target minors.
It's based on the premise that minors do not yet
have the worldview understanding to make well-informed decisions
about their own wellbeing, and that they are thus easily preyed upon
by those who would approach them with their own selfish agenda.
Such as
the vaccine industry, for example. Now, by removing parental
consent from the decision-making process for HPV vaccines, the
vaccine industry can medically exploit children's bodies which
sounds a lot like rape.
And just as physically raping a child will
leave permanent scars, HPV injections often cause their own
permanent damage - or even death!
Jerry Brown
advocates the chemical raping of children
What I'm saying here - and I want to be completely clear in my
choice of words - is that Jerry Brown promotes the chemical raping
of children by the vaccine industry.
That he has sided with the vaccine industry over the lawful rights
of parents is an outrage. This is disgusting, immoral behavior from
a dangerously overreaching politician who now feels he has the power
to usurp parents' rights and turn over their children to the whims
of the criminal vaccine industry - the same industry that uses
children as guinea pigs to run outlandish
medical experiments in
countries around the world.
The vaccine industry in particular is steeped in criminality,
including one of its godfathers, Dr. Jonas Salk, who conducted
illegal medical experiments on U.S.
insane asylum residents.
At the same time,
Gardasil has been found to be widely contaminated
with rDNA from HPV strains,
meaning that thanks to Jerry Brown, this contaminated and
potentially deadly mish-mash of chemicals can be injected into
12-year-old children without their parents even knowing about it.
Thanks, Governor, for poisoning the children of California!
What's next -
Chemotherapy for schoolgirls?
Think about the implications of this precedent in California.
If the
state now believes it can selectively "grant" children the right to
consent to highly invasive and even deadly medical procedures,
where does this stop?
Will schools roll out preventive chemotherapy sessions for all
fifth-grade girls with the claim that the state if preventing breast
cancer by injecting young girls with toxic chemotherapy agents?
schools allow children to consent to
Big Pharma experimental vaccine
trials without parental consent as long as those trials are excused
as being for "public health?"
Will California's public schools now
start teaching children that oral sex is once again safe because
even the little boys have been injected with HPV vaccines designed
to prevent cervical cancer?
Will they give lessons on oral sex in
the classrooms to explain why even the boys are being lined up and
injected with
One day, parents in California will find their little boys coming
home from school and telling them,
"Today at school we learned about
oral sex and got Gardasil shots to protect us from disease! Here's
my permission slip, which they let me sign myself! Aren't you proud
of me?"
California cave-in to the criminal vaccine industry
You see, the insanity just never ends once you start giving in to
the dark side of the vaccine industry.
By signing this bill into
law, Governor Jerry Brown has given his middle finger to
California's parents and delivered millions of fresh, young children
to the vaccine industry's insatiable desire for profit at any cost.
Yeah, this is blunt language, but these are issues of such
seriousness that they call for total honesty about what just
Jerry Brown just let the vaccine industry chemically rape
the children of California with a provably deadly vaccine that
offers absolutely no scientifically-supportable benefits (unless, of
course, you believe all the quack science fabricated by the vaccine
makers themselves, which shouldn't count in any honest assessment of
This is a reflection of the scam that Texas Governor Rick Perry
tried to pull off with his ill-fated mandate of the Gardasil vaccine
in Texas. That was eventually exposed as a total insider job with a
key Rick Perry staffer being on the Merck payroll, and now Perry is
paying the price in the Presidential race for his Big Brother
vaccine mandate.
Jerry Brown will probably
never run for President,
so he seems to be more concerned with leaving a legacy of some sort.
What he doesn't realize is that his legacy will be a line of
gravestones of dead and suffering children from the vaccine he
"granted" those children the ability to accept without parental
This guy is going to be haunted by the souls of
countless little boys and girls whose lives were stolen from them by
deadly chemicals which were dishonestly marketed to them as safe.
Here comes the
public school vaccine propaganda
Because what we're going to see now in California is a public school
vaccination propaganda campaign that pressures little children into
being vaccinated through a carefully-planned social engineering
Public schools, which already lie to students about everything from
world history to economics, will blatantly lie to the students about
vaccines, stating things like "people who don't get vaccinated can
spread disease" and then reinforcing vaccine acceptance with things
like candy and donuts.
This is the way social engineers operate:
make you unpopular or try to make you feel guilty if you don't do
what they want you to do.
But if you go along with their agenda,
they reward you with social acceptance and food or monetary awards.
I can see these schools even offering students $5 in cash if they
accept the vaccine shots without parental consent.
There is no end to the evil trickery and the downright scientific
fraud that will be committed in California to force these injections
onto schoolchildren there.
As NaturalNews readers already well know,
the vaccine industry will stop at nothing to force its deadly
chemicals onto infants, children and teens. Whether you think this
is just a profit agenda or something far worse - such as a
population control agenda - doesn't really matter.
What matters is
that by signing this law, Governor Jerry Brown has ensnared children
in the state-run vaccine agenda while telling parents "Hands off
your own children!"
shall decide what gets injected into your child from now on!
Let's face it, the idea that a 12-year-old child can give "consent"
to any medical procedure is a total fiasco. If it weren't so sad, it
would be laughable.
Keep in mind that by signing this bill, Jerry Brown is saying that
children who are too young to watch a PG-13 movie without parental
consent can suddenly say YES to being injected with what is
essentially an experimental cocktail of viral fragments, toxic
preservatives and neurologically
damaging adjuvants.
Is this not a felony assault on children? If you jab some kid with a
needle filled with toxins, that's a felony, even if they give you
permission, right? So why is it suddenly okay for public school
nurses to do the same thing even without parental consent?
Jerry Brown, you are a shameful human being and a sellout to the
criminal vaccine industry.
No matter what other good you may have
done in public office, it can never outweigh the torrent of evil you
have unleashed with this single irresponsible action. May these
deaths weigh heavily upon your conscience as you burn in eternity
for willfully violating the sacred bodies of countless innocent
children who will now suffer and die because of your grotesque,
nefarious actions.
Whether you believe in the quack science of vaccines or not, for
God's sake let the PARENTS decide what should be done with their own
children, not the (corrupt) state!
You have to love California, folks:
This is the state that believes
fresh cow's milk is so dangerous for children that those who
distribute it are charged with felony crimes and subjected to
terror-level surveillance campaigns even when parents want the fresh
milk for their babies.
But toxic, deadly vaccines are so "safe" that
children can give consent to them without their parents' approval
Let the
Governor know what you think
Contact Governor Jerry Brown at:
Hear more on the Robert Scott Bell Show
This issue is being discussed in much greater detail on the Robert
Scott Bell Show aired Tuesday, October 11th: