The official story of
what happened on 9/11, backed by both the Bush
administration and the Kean Commission’s “investigation” is as follows: On
September 11th, 2001, 19 AlQaeda terrorists, under the direction of Osama
bin Laden, hijacked 4 commercial airliners, flew 2 into the World Trade
Center towers, 1 into the Pentagon, and crashed the last in Shankesville,
Pennsylvania after a passenger revolt onboard.
The 2 Trade Center towers
burned for 56 and 103 minutes respectively before collapsing symmetrically
at near freefall speed into their own footprint. Another
building not hit by
a plane, the 47story World Trade Center 7 building, also collapsed at
freefall speed many hours later allegedly due to internal fires and
structural damage from falling debris.
While on the surface this explanation
for the 9/11 events may seem plausible, it does not stand up to critical
To begin with, if the official story is true, World Trade Center buildings
1, 2, and 7 all made history on 9/11 by being the first and only steel-framed
buildings ever to collapse from fire or a plane crash. Steel-framed buildings
have burned for up to 28 hours, gutting the entire interiors, but still not
collapsed. The Empire State building was hit by a B25 and never collapsed.
Hundreds of architects and engineers at
www.ae911truth.org and WTC
Minoura Yamasaki himself have expressed repeatedly that the World Trade
Center buildings were specifically built to withstand an airplane collision
of that magnitude. There even used to be an information sign at the top
assuring visitors of just that. And since the buildings stood strong for a
good hour after impact, it is safe to say the collapses were not caused by
the plane crashes.
The official story states that fires from burning jet fuel weakened the
buildings’ steel beams until they gave way and collapsed. In the past, all
over the world steel buildings have burned uncontrollably for over 20 hours,
completely decimating every floor and not collapsed. Not
once in history had one fallen from fire, until 9/11 when WTC buildings 1,
2, and 7 supposedly all did.
The National Institute for Standards and
Technology (NIST) reports that the temperatures of jet fuel fires do not
exceed 1800 degrees Fahrenheit and steel does not begin to melt until 2800
degrees. This means they would have us believe jet fuel fires burning 1000
degrees below steel’s melting point, for only 56 and 103 minutes, on only 8
and 5 floors respectively, was enough to bring down the twin towers.
giving them the benefit of the doubt, assuming that jet fuel fires did
somehow weaken the steel frames enough to bring down the buildings how is it
possible that they collapsed at the
speed of gravity? The official story is that fire induced structural failure
caused each floor to collapse and pancake on top of one another.
“pancake theory,” however, is seriously at odds with Newton’s gravitational
"In order for a floor to fall, hundreds of joints had to break almost
simultaneously on 236 exterior columns and 47 core columns … For a 1,300foot
building, ten seconds is almost freefall speed. But if each floor produced
just a little resistance, so that breaking through each one took a half
second, the collapse of all those floors 80 or 95 of them would have taken
40 to 47 seconds.
Can we really believe that the upper part of the buildings
encountered virtually no resistance from the lower parts? The problem would
be even worse in relation to the North Tower, at least if Hufschmid is right
to say that it fell in eight seconds, which would be exactly freefall speed
‘How,’ he asks, ‘could the debris crush 100 steel and concrete floors while
falling as fast as objects fall through air?’”
David Icke, “Alice in Wonderland and The World
Trade Center Disaster”
News footage, firefighters, ground-zero workers and other witnesses reported
molten metal flowing out of windows preceding the collapse, and huge pools
collected in the basement area remaining in molten form for over 5 weeks.
For fire to produce molten steel, it absolutely must be over 2800 degrees
Fahrenheit, and jet fuel burns at 1000 degrees cooler than that.
What can
account for this?

Professor Steven Jones, a physics professor at BYU points
out that thermite combustion is a process used in controlled demolitions
which produces high temperature molten metal.
In his paper, “Why Indeed did
the WTC Buildings Collapse” Jones
“molten metal was repeatedly observed and formally reported in the
rubble piles of the WTC Towers and WTC 7, metal that looked like molten
steel or perhaps iron … I maintain that these observations are consistent
with the use of high temperature cutter charges such as thermite, HDX or RDX
or some combination thereof, routinely used to melt/cut/demolish steel.”
Diagonal blast cuts on support columns have been photographed as well.
Demolitions experts say these 45 degree cuts are typical so the building can
easily “walk” or slide down and collapse.
The idea that explosive charges were placed inside the building is supported
by literally hundreds of eyewitnesses, seismic recordings, video footage,
and Isaac Newton. Firefighters and scores of witnesses on CNN, ABC, NBC, and
CBS all talked about bombs going off that day, but once Osama bin Laden had
blamed, it was never again addressed by the mainstream media or the Kean
Commission. Teresa Veliz, for one, was working on the 47th floor of the
North Tower when Flight 11 hit.
She was quoted saying,
“there were
explosions going off everywhere. I was convinced that there were bombs
planted all over the place and someone was sitting at a control panel
pushing detonator buttons. There was another explosion, and another, I
didn’t know where to run.”
Live on ABC as one of the towers came down, Peter
Jennings commented,
“Anybody who has ever watched a building being
demolished on purpose knows that if you’re going to do this you have to get
at the under infrastructure of a building and bring it down.”
After building
7 came down, Dan Rather live on CBS News said,
“For the third time today,
it’s reminiscent of those pictures we’ve all seen too much on television
before when a building was deliberately destroyed by well placed dynamite to
knock it down.”
One of the firefighters up in the second tower,
Louie Cacchioli, told “People Weekly” that,
“I was taking firefighters up in the
elevator to the 24th floor to get in position to evacuate workers. On the
last trip up a bomb went off. We think there were bombs set in the
William Rodriguez, a janitor in Sublevel 1 of the World Trade
Center testified to bombs exploding in the basement several seconds before
the planes even hit the buildings!
His testimony was completely ignored by
the 9/11 Commission report.
Also seismographic data from a nearby observatory showed two spikes of 2.1
and 2.3 Richter at the instant the collapses began. This too indicates
explosive charges, because if the towers simply “pancaked” down, the
seismographic spikes would happen when the massive debris hit the ground,
not at the start of the collapse. In all, the number of people claiming to
see, hear, detect, or suspect bombs in the buildings is staggering.
Add to
this the visual evidence from footage of the collapse, in which Demolitions
experts have pointed out “squibs” characteristic of controlled implosions.
Squibs are charges that go off early below the line of detonation as the
buildings are coming down. If you play the twin towers’ collapses in slow-motion you will notice dozens of squibs blowing out the sides ahead of
Another massive piece of evidence omitted from all mention by the Kean
Commission, was the third building that collapsed on 9/11 WTC 7. This
47story building housed offices of the CIA, DOD, IRS, and the Secret
Service, as well as Rudy Giuliani’s emergency bunker, and a large SEC
database of over 3000 files on pending Wall
Street investigations.
At 5:20pm, building 7 symmetrically collapsed into
its own footprint in 6 seconds flat. This building was not hit by a plane,
suffered only minor structural damage, and had isolated fires on a few
floors. Also, Demolitions experts have identified building 7’s
characteristic “kink” just before it was brought down. A kink is where the
building begins to fold inwards after the central support beams are blown.
Standard procedure for implosions, they pull the middle infrastructure first
and let the floors fold into one another, instead of dangerously blowing
debris outwards.
Added to this, in September 2002, WTC complex owner Larry Silverstein
accidentally admitted in an interview,
“I remember getting a call from the
Fire Department commander, telling me they were not sure they were going to
be able to contain the fire. I said, ‘We’ve had such terrible loss of life,
maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it’. And they made that decision to
pull and we watched the building collapse.”
Since letting this slip in the
interview Silverstein has tried to explain away his statement saying he
meant “pull the firefighters out,” not “pull the building down.” But the
fact of the matter is he said “pull it” a common demolitions term, not “pull
(them) out” referring to firefighters. Later on in the same documentary,
preceding the controlled demolition of WTC building 6, a cleanup worker even
says, “we’re getting ready to pull building six.”
It is typical jargon when
imploding a building.
In another interesting twist, the British BBC news actually reported on the
collapse of building 7 at 4:57pm – 23 minutes before it happened!
As the
journalist is talking about building 7’s demise, it can be seen still
standing over her left shoulder.

CNN also had a similar report an hour
before WTC 7 came down saying,
“we are getting
information now that one of the other buildings; building 7 … has either
collapsed or is collapsing.”
Anyone else curious where CNN and the BBC are
getting their information?
A few miles away in Arlington, Virginia, the official story states that
American Airlines flight 77 was hijacked and crashed into the side of the
Pentagon at 9:38am. In the minutes preceding, the plane allegedly performed
a highly technical 330 degree banking turn descending 7000 ft. in 3 minutes
at over 500mph. Many pilots have gone on the record stating that this is
absolutely impossible, like commercial and Air Force pilot Russ Wittenburg
who told Wing TV, “[Flight 77] could not possibly have flown at those speeds
which they said it did without going into a high speed stall.
The airplane
won’t go that fast when you start pulling those high G maneuvers. That plane
would have fallen out of the sky.” Assuming a hijacker really did pull off
this impossible maneuver, by doing so, he stupidly took the plane away from
important sections housing the Joint Chiefs and Donald Rumsfeld’s office, to
a recently renovated, unimportant part of the Pentagon.
As news teams arrived on the scene, early footage of the Pentagon shows no
skidmarks on the lawn, no bodies, no blood, no significant pieces of
wreckage just a small, smoldering 20 foot hole in the wall.
After reports of
secondary explosions and the roof collapsing, the hole widened marginally,
but even then remained far too small to account for a 155 ft. long, 44 ft.
high, 124 ft. wide, 100 ton Boeing 757.

Small plane scraps were found inside
and on the lawn, but most were small enough to be carried off by hand. There
were no titanium engines, no indestructible landing gear, no major wing
pieces, fuselage, or tail sections anywhere to be found. There were no
bodies or blood anywhere either, yet supposedly forensics specialists were
able to positively identify 184 of the 187 passengers through DNA work.
80 CCTV cameras were watching the point of impact at the Pentagon, including
security cameras at the nearby hotel and gas station, but employees said FBI
agents came within minutes to confiscate their tapes. All 80 tapes have been
withheld from public view for “national security reasons,” save 5 frames
they released that show the explosion but no plane.
The official story states that the 4th plane, flight 93 went down in
Shanksville, Pennsylvania after a passenger revolt onboard. Witnesses in
Shanksville estimated the hole was about 20 ft. long by 15 ft. wide.
said on FOX News there was really no smoke, no fire, no airplane wreckage,
no titanium engines, indestructible landing gear, body/wing/tail sections,
and again no blood or bodies.

Wally Miller, the Somerset county coroner on
the scene said,
“it looked like somebody just dropped a bunch of metal out
of the sky … like someone took a scrap truck, dug a 10 ft. ditch and dumped
trash into it … I stopped being a coroner after about 20 minutes because
there were no bodies there.”
This was the second time in history that a
commercial plane full of passengers crashed and obliterated into
nothingness, all wreckage and bodies disappearing. The first time was
earlier that morning at the Pentagon.
The official government excuse for allowing the attacks to take place was
ignorance. National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice said,
“I don’t think
anybody could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and
slam it into the World Trade
President Bush said his first
reaction upon seeing a plane hit the tower was, “that’s some bad pilot.”
Bush was busy with an elementary school photoop that morning; even when his
advisor told him of the second plane hitting the towers, he sat reading “My
Pet Goat” for another 8 minutes.
“The president reportedly told the school's principal that ‘a commercial
plane has hit the World Trade Center and we're going to go ahead and ... do
the reading thing anyway.’ Critics find this incredible. If the hijackings
were unanticipated occurrences, as claimed, with one of the hijacked
airplanes having already completed its terrorist mission, the country was
suffering the worst terrorist attack of its history.

And yet the Commander
in Chief, rather than making sure that his military was prepared to shoot
down all hijacked planes, sticks to his planned schedule. This photo
opportunity involved, as indicated above, the president's listening to
second graders read a book about a pet goat.
After Bush had been in the
classroom a few minutes, his chief of staff, Andrew Card came in and
whispered in his ear, reportedly telling him about the second attack. But
the president, after a brief pause, had the children go ahead with the
reading demonstration.”
David Icke, “Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade
Is it possible that Bush, Rice, Rumsfeld and friends truly were ignorant of
the impending 9/11 attacks?
Take a look at this timeline of events leading
up to 9/11 and decide for yourself.
To begin with, most people are unaware that the Bush and bin Laden families
have been close friends and colleagues for a long time. Back in 1976 Osama’s
older brother Salim bin Laden invested $50,000 in George. W. Bush’s budding
Arbusto Energy Company. They met through fellow CIA employee and Bush family
friend Jim Bath who handled all the bin Laden family’s American investments.
By the late 1970’s the Bush’s and bin Laden’s already owned oil companies
and airports together.

Larry Klayman, President of Judicial Watch, among
others has confirmed that the Bush family also vacations with the bin Ladens
and usually stays at their home when they are in Saudi Arabia.
“How many know that the Bush family and the Bin Laden family have long been
extremely close? Or that the former head of the family construction
business, Salem bin Laden, brother of Osama, was an investor in President
Bush's first oil company? Or that an investor in a later Bush company was
Khalid bin Mahfouz, an associate of Bin Laden, who was named by the US State
Department during the Clinton administration as a funder of the alQaeda
terrorist network?
Or that alQaeda was funded into existence by the CIA
during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan? Or that the 'alQaeda' tunnel
systems in Afghanistan were built by Bin Laden Construction with CIA money
funneled through Pakistan military intelligence, the ISI, which is the CIA
branch in Pakistan?”
David Icke, “Tales From Time Loop”
Since the late 1980’s the Bush’s and bin Laden’s have also worked together
in the Carlyle Group, Washington DC’s largest private equity firm, which
deals in the industries of Aerospace/Defense, Automotive, Consumer/Retail,
Energy/Power, Healthcare, Real Estate, Technology, Telecommunications/Media
and Transportation.
In 1998 and 2000 George Bush Sr. traveled to Saudi
Arabia on behalf of the Carlyle Group and met with the bin Laden family.
Then on the morning of September 11th , as
the planes were heading for the towers, George Bush Sr. actually sat in the
Washington RitzCarlton hotel at a Carlyle Group meeting with Osama’s
brother, Shafig bin Laden!
The London Observer reported on this 6/22/02:
11 September, while AlQaeda's planes slammed into the World Trade Center and
the Pentagon, the Carlyle Group hosted a conference at a
Washington hotel. Among the guests of honor was a valued investor: Shafig
bin Laden, brother to Osama."
The Wall Street Journal later called for Bush
Sr. to resign from
Carlyle Group. He never did, but for fear of bad
publicity, the bin Laden family formally sold their investments back to the
firm in October, 2001. They went on national TV calling Osama the black
sheep of the family, effectively disowned and washed their hands of
responsibility for him.
Nowadays Bin Laden Construction still builds most
United States military bases in the Middle East, North Africa, and Central
Asia, including the bases in Iraq.
“The Carlyle Group also has very close links with the bin Laden family, who
have been both clients and investors. Father Bush has been a paid consultant
to the Bin Laden Group. Reports in the Wall Street Journal say these Carlyle
investments have been earning the Bin Laden family some 40% a year on their
money since 1995.”
David Icke, “Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade
Center” (83)

“The Carlyle Group is the biggest defense contractor on the planet and the
majority owners are the Bush family and the bin Laden family. Both families
are profiting hundreds of billions of dollars off America’s foreign policy
and Carlyle’s earnings continue to rise since 9/11.”
Alex Jones, “9-11 - Descent Into Tyranny”
Osama bin Laden was the 17th of 52 sons of
construction baron Mohammed bin Laden. Back in 1979 The CIA paid Osama to
recruit and train AlQaeda fighters. When Bush became CIA director in the
1980’s they recruited Osama, AlQaeda, and the Taliban in Afghanistan to run
their opium trade.
Everything changed however on Dec. 4th, 1997, when
American oil barons proposed the Afghanistan oil line to the Taliban who
turned it down after demanding too large a share.
A BBC headline from that
day read,
“Representatives of the Taliban are in Texas Visiting the
Headquarters of Unicol.”
The proposed pipeline was to be built by
Halliburton, who’s CEO at the time was none other than Dick Cheney. Shortly
after this the media began labeling the Taliban as terrorists.
In 1999 NORAD performed exercises in which hijacked airliners were used as
weapons to crash into targets, one of which being the World Trade Center.
USA Today article from March 18th, 2004 read,
“In the two years before the
Sept. 11 attacks, the North American Aerospace Defense Command conducted
exercises simulating what the White House says was unimaginable at the time:
airliners used as weapons to crash into targets and
cause mass casualties. One of the imagined targets was the World Trade
In September of 2000, Rebuilding America’s Defenses was published by
Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Jeb Bush, and others from the
Project for a New American Century team.
In it they said regarding their
plans for the middle east that,
“the process of transformation, even if it
brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some
catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbor.”
On October 24, 2000, MASCAL was a Pentagon training exercise that simulated
a Boeing 757 crashing into the building. Back in 1989, Charles Burlingame,
an ExNavy F4 pilot who worked at the Pentagon for 17 years, also
participated in an earlier version of MASCAL crashing simulated planes into
the Pentagon.
Burlingame retired from the Navy into a job at American
Airlines. Twelve years later on 9/11 it was none other than Charles
Burlingame’s Boeing 757 AA flight 77 that was supposedly hijacked and
crashed into the Pentagon.
In January 2001 FBI deputy director John O’Neill went public that the Bush
administration (and Clinton’s) had ordered the FBI to back off
investigations of bin Laden and AlQaeda.
“The next piece of evidence you are about to read is the biggest smoking gun
of all. President George W. Bush signed secret National Security order No.
W199eye telling FBI agents as well as defense intelligence officers that if
they tried to stop AlQaeda they would be arrested under national security
implications … This secret, leaked document has been in many publications,
including BBC News Online, Agency FrancePress, and the London Guardian.
Lawsuits have now been filed by FBI agents who were outraged by the fact
that they were not allowed to stop AlQaeda. The global crime syndicate that
George W. Bush and his family work for has everything to gain from the
September 11 attacks: a national ID card, a national control grid and a
cashless society. It’s part of the public record. George W. Bush signed the
documents threatening defense intelligence and FBI agents with arrest if
they stopped AlQaeda. This is the most absolutely treasonous, treacherous
thing he could possibly do.”
Alex Jones, “911 Descent into Tyranny”
FBI director John O’Neill was so furious that he quit after the Bush
administration blocked his investigation of Osama bin Laden. He was then
“generously” offered a position in the private sector working as Kroll head
of security.
Marvin Bush was director of SecuraCom/Kroll which provided
electronic security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines, and Dulles
airport all three of which were involved in the 9/11 attacks. The head of
security position offered to Mr. O’Neill was for the World Trade Center.
first week on the job was the week of September 11th, 2001.
“CNN’s ‘American Morning with Paula Zahn’ reported that FBI deputy director
John O’Neill resigned because he felt the U.S. administration was
obstructing the FBI in their attempts to stop AlQaeda (CNN, January 8, 2002,
‘Explosive New Book Published in France Alleges that U.S. Was in
Negotiations to Do a Deal with Taliban’). The show went on to report that
Bush signed W199eye restricting the investigation. Again, this is high
treason and absolute fact. George W. Bush signed this publicly reported
The BBC has a copy of it. The body of evidence is conclusive.
George W. Bush is an intimate partner with bin Laden and a traitor to
America … We have already talked about FBI Deputy Director John O’Neill
quitting because George Bush signed the order forbidding him to stop AlQaeda. The reason for his not going public now? Mr. O’Neill is dead. His
new job was head of security for the World Trade Center complex and he died
in the collapse of September 11, his first day on the job.”
Alex Jones, “911
Descent into Tyranny”
Back in 1996 and 1998 the Sudanese twice tried to arrest bin Laden, but
Clinton also ordered his release.
This was reported in Los Angeles Times,
the London Times, WorldNet daily, the Village Voice and other mainstream
“The truth is that the Central Intelligence Agency, controlled by Wall
Street, has been grooming Bin Laden and his family over the last fifty years
to carry out dangerous projects in the Middle East, Central Asia, and North
Africa. Back in 1996, according to the Times of India, the CIA worked in
tandem with Pakistan to create the Taliban (Times of India, March 7, 2001:
“CIA Worked in Tandem with Pak to Create Taliban”).
Then in 1998, when the
Afghans offered to arrest bin Laden, the CIA responded by publicly telling
them to do no such thing. They needed this bogeyman for one more big action
(Washington Post, October 29, 2001: “Diplomats Met with Taliban on Bin
Laden— Some Content U.S. Missed Chance”). Through all of this, Bin Laden’s
family was being rewarded with giant satellite company deals, oil company
mergers, and some of the biggest construction projects in the world.”
Jones, “911 Descent into Tyranny”
In May 2001 the Bush administration gave $43 million in aid to the Taliban.
In June German intelligence, the BND warned the CIA that “middleeastern
terrorists are planning to hijack commercial airlines to use as weapons to
attack America.”
In July, George J. Tenet, director of the
CIA warned
Condoleezza Rice, National Security Advisor, of the imminent AlQaeda attack
but “failed to persuade her to take action.”
On July 4th, 2001, Osama bin Laden, wanted since 1999, was on dialysis at an
American hospital in Dubai where he was visited by the local chief of the
“Shortly after September 11, witnesses came forward documenting for the
record the fact that bin Laden met with the CIA Section Chief for ten days
in Dubai in the American hospital. French intelligence was so upset by what
they had learned that they purposely published media reports prior to
September 11 specifically warning that bin Laden was planning to hijack
aircraft and fly them into tall buildings in downtown Manhattan as well as
the Pentagon (This Is London, October 31, 2001: ‘CIA agent ‘met Bin Laden in
July’; Ananova, October 31, 2001, ‘Bin Laden 'met CIA agent before terror
attacks’; Le Figaro, October 31, 2001, ‘La CIA aurait rencontré Ben Laden en
–Alex Jones “911 Descent into Tyranny”
On July 24th, World Trade Center owner Larry Silverstein took out a $3.5
billion insurance policy on the entire complex which specifically covered
acts of terrorism. On August 6th, President Bush’s own daily debriefing memo
was headed “Bin Laden Determined to Attack within the United States.”
in August the FBI arrested a Muslim militant linked to bin Laden in Boston.
French intelligence confirmed the connection and the FBI learned he had been
taking flying lessons and possessed Boeing aircraft and flight training
manuals. Later in August Russian President Vladimir Putin himself ordered
Russian intelligence to warn the US government of imminent attacks on
airports and government buildings.
Putin later stated,
"I ordered my
intelligence to warn President Bush in the strongest terms that 25
terrorists were getting ready to attack the US, including important
government buildings like the Pentagon."
The head of Russian intelligence
said himself, "we had clearly warned them [the US] on several occasions.”
Israel’s MOSSAD intelligence agency also met with the CIA in August
regarding the proposed 9/11 attacks.
“Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak says that he gave the United States
specific warnings that something big was going to happen in New York 12 days
prior to September 11th. In an interview in December of 2001, he stated, ‘We
expected that something was going to happen and informed the Americans. We
told them.’
Other warnings were ignored from Russia, Israel, Germany, and
France. On September 14, 2001 Ananova news service reported that German
police confirmed that an Iranian deportee phoned warnings to US police
agencies including the Secret Service about the impending attack on the
World Trade Center. A month before the attacks, Israel intelligence warned
US intelligence of AlQaeda plans to attack highly visible targets like the
Pentagon, World Trade Center, White House and CIA Headquarters.
Tatyana Koryagina, a leading Russian economist in Vladymir Putin’s inner
circle, in an interview with Pravda on July 12, 2001, stated that America
was a giant financial iceberg and that a private $300 trillion group working
towards world government was going to launch an attack on the US financial
system. During this interview she also stated that the attack would come in
the next few months.”
Alex Jones, “911 Descent into Tyranny”
“An anonymous listener to a Cayman Islands radio station wrote a letter two
weeks before the attack which was passed on to a Cayman government official.
The letter stated that agents of Osama bin Laden had entered the US and were
about to carry out an attack via an airline or airlines.”
Paul Joseph
Watson, “Order Out of Chaos” (801)
Just a week before 9/11, WTC occupants Zim Israeli Shipping Company suspiciously broke their lease, packed up, and
moved out after paying a $50,000 penalty for breaking their contract. Then
on Sept. 6th, there were 4 times the normal amount of put-options (bets to go
down) placed on United Airlines stock. The next day more than 5 times the
usual put volume was placed on Boeing stock. And on Sept. 10th , American
Airlines had nearly 11 times its daily put average.
No other airlines showed
such anomalies.
CIA Executive Director “Buzzy” Krongard was implicated along
with a few other CIA-related investment firms as being the one who placed the
UA put-options, but as of yet, no further investigations have been made.
“Newsweek twice reported that top Pentagon officials had got a warning of
the impending attack on September 10th and cancelled their flights for the
next day. This confirms that these officials knew both the locations of the
imminent attack and the method of using jetliners as bombs.” Paul
Watson, “Order Out of Chaos” (87)
Not only did a group of top Pentagon officials cancel their 9/11 flights,
Mayor Willie Brown, Author Salmon Rushdie, and Attorney General John
Ashcroft all said they were specifically warned not to fly. None of them
will divulge sources, but Brown said he was warned by an unspecified federal
agency, Rushdie was temporarily banned by the FAA, and Ashcroft cited an FBI
threat assessment saying he had been advised to travel only by private jet
for the remainder of his term.
During a CBS interview with Dan Rather, Tom Kennedy, a spokesman for
“National Urban Search and Rescue Team” let it slip that they were sent out
to New York City on September 10th!
Tom Kennedy said to Dan Rather,
currently one of the first teams that was deployed to support the city of
New York in this disaster. We arrived on late Monday night and went right
into action on Tuesday morning.”
“The National Security Agency intercepted two messages on September 10th
indicating a significant event was to take place the next day. The messages
were in Arabic and stated, ‘tomorrow is zero hour’ and ‘the match begins
tomorrow.’ The majority of communication took place between Khalid Shaikh,
one of the chief 9/11 planners, and Mohammed Atta, the lead hijacker. NSA
intercepts also detected multiple phone calls from Abu Zubaida, bin Laden's
chief of operations, to the United States. Over thirty messages in all had
been received by the NSA from May to September, indicating an imminent
Paul Joseph Watson, “Order Out of Chaos” (87)
Unbelievably, with all these warnings, relationships, covert ops, and
examples of foreknowledge, the Bush administration claimed (and continues to
claim) complete ignorance regarding the 9/11 attacks. On that very morning,
once again NORAD and the FAA were running suspicious drills.
Vigilant Guardian and Northern Vigilance moved NY/DC fighter planes hundreds
of miles away where they performed training exercises involving hijacked
British MP and Blair cabinet minister Michael Meacher in the London
Guardian said,
“The first hijacking was suspected at not later than 8:20am,
and the last hijacked aircraft crashed in Pennsylvania at 10:06am. Not a
single fighter plane was scrambled to investigate from the US Andrews air
force base, just 10 miles from Washington DC, until after the third plane
had hit the Pentagon at 9:38am. Why not?”
The FAA and NORAD essentially
stood down that morning. Any other day, when planes go off course,
fastmovers are scrambled within 10 minutes to liaison. That is standard
procedure and had already happened 67 times in 2001 alone. Why was 9/11 any
When giving evidence to the 9/11 Congressional Commission, Secretary of
Transportation Norman Mineta stated that Dick Cheney knew of the plane
heading for the Pentagon, but purposely ordered the stand down:
“There was a
young man who had come in and said to the vice president, ‘the plane is 50
miles out, the plane is 30 miles out,’ and when it got down to ‘the plane is
10 miles out,’ the young man also said to the vice president, ‘do the
orders still stand?”
And the vice president turned and whipped his neck
around and said,
“of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything
to the contrary?’ Well, at the time I didn’t know what all that meant.”
Norman Mineta’s testimony was completely ignored by
the Kean Commission
Former White House counterterrorism expert Richard Clarke told Vanity Fair
that on the days following 9/11, when all commercial flights were down, the
Bush administration allowed at least four private flights with about 140
Saudis, including over 20 members of the bin Laden family to escape the US
without being interviewed or interrogated by the FBI.
Not long after, it
came out that many of the supposed hijackers were/are still alive.
“As is now well known, at least eight of the September 11 ‘suicide
hijackers' either died before the event or are actually still alive. This
isn't some kind of Internet conspiracy theory; it's been reported in
mainstream media across the world. Furthermore, four of the five named
Flight 11 hijackers are still alive and could not have been on the plane
that hit the north tower. Beside the fact that according to their flight
school instructors they could barely fly a Cessna, never mind a Boeing 767.”
Paul Joseph Watson, Order Out of Chaos (98)
It has been confirmed that 7 of the alleged hijackers are still alive and
well. Another one had died already in 2000. The Bush administration and Kean
report have nothing to say on this matter. On top of this, September 15th,
2001 it came out in Newsweek that 5 of the, “Alleged Hijackers May Have
Trained at US Bases.”
Shortly after, the Pensacola News Journal confirmed
that 3 of the hijackers were trained at the Pensacola NAS in 1999.
In the
following months it got out that the CIA had been tracking 2 of the
hijackers for 4 years and had actually helped getting visas for all 19.
“It emerged in May of 2002 that the Central Intelligence Agency had officers
and assets shadowing two of the hijackers. Newsweek ran the headline, ‘The
Hijackers We Let Escape,’ reporting the fact that the CIA followed these two
men into Malaysia where they had a meeting with senior leaders of the
AlQaeda in 2000. The CIA flew out of Los Angeles closely tracking
AlQaedaPakistani Intelligence useful idiots Nawaf Alhazmi and Khalid
Almihdhar. Both men attended what the FBI called an AlQaeda summit.
American people were shocked to learn that the CIA had been following the
hijackers for four years. Even after their meeting in 2000 with the
leadership of the AlQaeda, Alhazmi and Almihdhar were allowed to return to
the United States and to enroll in flight schools. Reports in the BBC and
the Washington Times confirmed that the CIA had pressured US Embassies
abroad and the INS to issue visas for all 19 of the hijackers.”
Alex Jones,
“911 Descent into Tyranny”
The government claims that the lead hijacker, Mohammad Atta’s suitcase was
accidentally not loaded onto the flight that day. Inside it, investigators
say they found the Quran, a video on how to fly commercial planes, and a
fuel consumption indicator. The night before he also accidentally left a
Quran in a Florida strip club.
Then another Quran and Arabic flight manuals
were found in his rental car. Why didn’t he take a taxi? If he was such an
Islamic extremist, about to take his life for his religion, why was he at a
strip club? And why did he bring his Quran inside?
It also came out that
that Mohammad Atta was wired $100,000 by the CIA through the ISI.
“One of the biggest smoking guns to indicate that the terrorist attack was
an inside job is the CIA’s direct connection with the hijackers via Pakistan
ISI Director General Mahmoud Ahmad. General Mahmoud Ahmad instructed Ahmad
Umar Sheikh to hotwire $100,000 to the 9/11 lead hijacker, Mohammad Atta. On
September 11th, Ahmad was a guest of former clandestine CIA officer and CFR
member Rep. Porter Goss and Skull and Bones/CFR member Senator Bob Graham.
Since September 4th, he had met with top brass at the CIA, the Pentagon and
the White House, including Colin Powell, Richard Armitage, Joseph Biden and
George Tenet.”
Paul Joseph Watson, “Order Out of Chaos” (93)
In a statement issued to Al Jazeera just days after the 9/11 attacks,
bin Laden
“The US government has consistently blamed me for being behind every
[attack]. I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent
attacks, which seem to have been planned by people for personal reasons.”
Weeks later Japanese, Chinese, and Indian news reports all confirmed Osama’s
death, but then on December 14th, 2001, the US government came out with “The
Bin Laden Confession Tapes,” starring someone whom we are told is Osama bin
Laden, yet looks and acts nothing like him. His beard changes color, his
skin darkens and his face fattens.

He is actually seen signing a paper with
his right hand, even though Osama bin Laden is left handed. He claims
responsibility for the
9/11 attacks and said he did so because he “hates our freedom.”
This fake
Osama is still alive and well hiding in the caves of sheeple’s minds
“Now President Bush is seeking to restrict Capitol Hill probes. He had Dick
Cheney call six separate congressional committees and threaten them, telling
them not to investigate September 11 (Washington Post, January 30, 2002,
“Bush Seeks to Restrict Hill Probes of Sept. 11”).”
Alex Jones, “911 Descent
into Tyranny”
It took 9 days until an investigation was ordered into the Pearl Harbor
attack. It took 7 days until an investigation was ordered into the Kennedy
It took 7 days until an investigation was ordered into the Challenger
disaster. It took 6 days until an investigation was ordered into the sinking
of the Titanic. It took 411 days until an investigation was ordered into the
9/11 attacks.
$75 million was allocated for the 1986 Challenger disaster investigation.
$50 million was allocated for the 2004 Columbia disaster investigation. $40
million was allocated for Clinton-Lewinsky investigation. Only $14 million
was allocated for the 9/11 Commission.
Is this the kind of effort shown by a government in support of a thorough
investigation into these attacks? Once the government finally agreed to an
“investigation,” Bush originally appointed war criminal Henry Kissinger of
all people to lead the commission! This alone should have been a red flag as
to how “investigative” the commission whitewash would be. Kissinger quickly
stepped down due to public pressure and CFR member Thomas Kean took his
In June 2002, Lt. Col. Steve Butler, the Dean of the Defense Language School
in Monterey, California, claiming he was forced to train lead hijacker
Mohammad Atta, wrote a letter to the editor of the “Monterey Herald.”
also wrote regarding Bush’s prior knowledge and motive for the attack,
"Of course Bush knew about the impending attacks on America. He did
nothing to warn the American people because he needed this war on terrorism.
His daddy had Saddam and he needed Osama.”
He said that the 9/11 events were
engineered to work the American people into a frenzy which would in turn
allow the Bush administration to further its political goals.

After making
that statement he was suspended from duty and motions were made to court
marshal him under Article 88.
“Why would the globalists in control of our intelligence community
orchestrate such terror? Right after the attacks, Bush’s approval rating
went from forty-five percent to ninety plus percent.
The U.S.A. Patriot Act,
which effectively eviscerated the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, was
passed, radically expanding the scope of the already colossal police state
complex. Their cashless society, compact city, control grid is accelerating
into place as Americans scramble for ‘security.”
Alex Jones, “911 Descent
into Tyranny”
“Indeed, it almost seems to be a requirement or admission into public
discourse to announce that one rejects conspiracy theories. What is the
logic behind this thinking? It cannot be that we literally reject the very
idea that conspiracies occur. We all accept conspiracy theories of all
sorts. We accept a conspiracy theory whenever we believe that two or more
people have conspired in secret to achieve some goal, such as to rob a bank,
defraud customers, or fix prices …
It is false to suggest that those who
allege that the attacks occurred because of official complicity are
theorists’ while those who accept the official account are not. People
differ on this issue merely in terms of which conspiracy theory they hold to
be true, or at least most probable. According to the official account, the
attacks of 9/11 occurred because of a conspiracy among Muslims, with Osama
bin Laden being the chief conspirator.
Revisionists reject that theory, at
least as a sufficient account of what happened, maintaining that the attacks
cannot be satisfactorily explained without postulating conspiracy by
officials of the US government, at least in allowing the attacks to succeed.
The choice, accordingly, is simply between (some version of) the received
conspiracy theory and (some version of) the revisionist conspiracy theory.”
David Icke, Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center
They are beyond the scope of this book, but suffice to say the “official”
versions of many recent events have been far from the reality.
Ruby Ridge,
the 1993 Trade Center bombings, the Waco massacre, the Madrid train
bombings, the London underground bombings, and most other recent “terrorist”
bombings are not as the mainstream media would have you think.
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