September 23, 2008
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The source of most if not all our woes, revealed
(from the present to the past):
Connecting the dots through ~3000 years of
revisionist human history, spanning from the time of the pharaohs, all the
way up to the present dynasties creating the
World Order, in a quest to perfect the enslavement of mankind.
From pirates to banksters, to
ruling elite, who run the
world's finances,
the media and cover both side of nearly
every conflict or war: the world may make more sense after watching this.
A marathon of an education, that weave a solid
quilt from history-as-we-didn't-know-it.
Learn who really controls the "Empire of the
City"; take an eye-opening journey into the life and times of Jesus and a
crash course in REAL American history.
As huge as the terrain of this
ambitious documentary is, its creator (a
Woman...!) does a breathtaking job of
bringing world history into perspective - from bloodlines to banksters to
today's billionaires.
The Producer is an experienced,
award winning documentary filmmaker who, as a child, learned that
her father was a member of the secretive cult of Freemasonry.
She recalls many arguments
between her parents over her father’s secret meetings and the
exclusion of women from the brotherhood.
The Masonic ring that her
father wore had been passed down from father to son over the
generations. When she asked her father about the meaning of the
letter ‘G’ and the compass and square on his ring, she got no
As an adult, she decided to
That investigation grew into
four years of intensive research into the identity and history of
the diabolical globalists who she calls the
Of Power’.
Their goal is one World Empire
and one world ruler. |
Part 1
That Morning of September
Only the Start
Profiting from 9/11
Hidden Empire
Vatican Hoarding
Amen & the Pharaoh
Abraham, a Pharaoh?
Oceans of Blood
The Queen
King of Kings
Part 2
The Empire
The Cult of Amen
The Committee of 300/Illuminati
The New World Order
Cheating at Monopoly - control the
Private Credit Enslavement
The Bushes & their Nazi Buddies
Part 3
Butcher Banksters
The Corporate Media
Royalty's Drug Running Kingpins
The so-called "War on Terror"
"Iraqi Dates"
The Antichrist?
The Slave Credit System
Silly Slaves - Tax Goes to Banksters
The Power is Yours to End the
Sections Related