by Christopher Story
7 January 2010
ICR Website
We are a private intelligence publishing house and have no connections to
any outside parties including intelligence agencies.
The word 'intelligence'
on this website and in all our marketing material is used for
marketing/sales purposes only and has no other connotations whatsoever: see
'About Us' on the red panels under the Notes on the Editor,
Christopher Story
FRSA, who has been solely and exclusively engaged as an investigative
journalist, Editor, Author and private financial and current affairs
Publisher since 1963 and is not and never has been an agent for a foreign
power, suggestions to the contrary being actionable for libel in the English
We are now in a position to tear part of the veil away from the secret stage
on which saboteurs operating from WITHIN US Government structures have been
systematically, over a prolonged period of years, seeking to do nothing less
than seize the assets of the entire United States and its people, in a mad
revolutionary offensive to convert the country into a fiefdom controlled by
a small clique of arrogant maniacs.
This will require patience on the part of the reader, as historical
references will be necessary in order to bring this scandalous state of
affairs to life, and to expose what has been going on.
The last time an attempt was made by the Fifth Column buried inside the
Intelligence Power and scattered around other structures was in 1984, with
the previous Dollar Refunding Operation.
In essence and in outline, the secret offensive against the United States
and its people directed from within by subversives headed by George Bush Sr.
and his
Henry 'Heinz'
Kissinger, and micromanaged by Bush Sr.'s
criminal financier Dr Alan Greenspan, with embedded participation of
Leo/Lee Wanta (Emil
Leonard Wanta - image right),
involved the following intended stages:
Stage 1:
Developing myriad Ponzi schemes
and giga-thefts, of infinite variety, and BY ANY MEANS, in order to
procure 'base money' for open-ended unreported, off-balance sheet,
untaxed leveraging and hypothecation operations.
Stage 2:
Maximizing the potential for the
accumulation of trillions of fiat dollars by means of such financial
sorcery, both for personal self-enrichment purposes and in order to
accumulate a colossal fund of fiat 'money' from Fraudulent Finance
operations, ready for Stage 3.
Stage 3:
Deliberately inducing the
collapse of the US financial system and economy to facilitate Stage
Stage 4:
Mobilizing the colossal
accumulated portfolio of Fraudulent Funds, stashed offshore and
untaxed, with a view to buying up collapsed US assets across the
board, so that the entire economy wound up in the hands of the
controlling saboteurs.
Stage 5:
The ELIMINATION of commercial
banking and its replacement by the US Treasury's Direct Account.
The codename for this operation, directed from
within the deeply compromised and penetrated US Government structures, was,
and remains to this day, OPERATION STILLPOINT.
This offensive against the United States directed from WITHIN the US
official structures, despite setbacks, including the recovery (for which we
were partly responsible) of the British Monarchical Power's gold diverted
with inside connivance at the Bank of England on 29th-30th March 2007, was
STILL on course for completion but was knocked decisively off-course
following the 'lockdown' of the $14.0+ trillion of sovereign funds,
including the $6.2 trillion of funding provided on LOAN for the G-7-approved
on-balance sheet Dollar Refunding Program on 10th-12th September 2008.
These funds were simply regarded by the
criminal Paulson Treasury as candidates for diversion and exploitation, rather than
for application for the purposes intended by the owners of the funds.
OPERATION STILLPOINT was finally DEFEATED with the confirmation, application
and decisive consequences of the sovereign lenders' Writ of Execution,
followed by imposition of the massive Lien against the US Treasury for $47
trillion which the defrauded parties, the Chinese authorities and the
British Monarchical Power, had to execute on or about 6th December 2009.
However, notwithstanding that OPERATION STILLPOINT has been destabilized,
degraded, collapsed and is in the process of being dismantled - and the
Republic therefore prospectively rescued at the last moment from what was
intended by its sworn enemies - certain operatives, including,
Leon Panetta
Timothy Geithner
Mrs Hillary Clinton
former Vice President Richard B.
and, at the bottom of the pile of snakes, Wanta,
...have had a problem
getting used to the NEW PARADIGM, whereby the subversives engaged in the
systematic sabotage of the ongoing US financial restitution operations (in
order to 'rescue' OPERATION STILLPOINT), have now been placed not only
firmly on the defensive, but in a bind from which they cannot extricate
themselves (even though their arrogance remains such that they imagine that
they can).
OPERATION STILLPOINT, re-invoked in sterile fashion by Wanta in November
2007 to trigger the domino effect, was put together by the traitors
Bush Sr. and Dr Alan Greenspan.
When the exposures and the September 2008
'lockdown' stymied the Paulson Treasury, strenuous efforts were made to
saddle (intended) President
Obama with a team of colleague-snakes who could
be relied upon to revive, perpetuate and conclude OPERATION STILLPOINT
beyond Stage 2.
This team of traitors is now under intense pressure, as
indeed are ALL personnel within and beyond the US official structures who
have participated in these unending criminal operations, serving the
interests of enemy foreign powers, to bring the United States and its people
to their knees
As indicated, patience on the part of the reader is necessary because we
first have to address the present situation, which is explosive and
historically unprecedented.
For the purposes of surmounting this crisis, and FOR NO OTHER PURPOSE,
contrary to the ignorant knee-jerk chatter on many websites, President
Barack Obama promulgated
Executive Order 13524 on 16th December 2009, which
amended Executive Order 12425 dated 16th June 1983 (amended by the Executive
Order 12971 dated 15th September 1995) so as 'to extend the appropriate
privileges, exemptions, and immunities of the International Criminal Police
Organization (INTERPOL)'.
The effect of President Obama's Executive Order of 16th December 2009 is
to grant INTERPOL full immunity from search and arrest or seizure of all
INTERPOL properties including the agency's own personnel, thereby providing
INTERPOL with de facto diplomatic immunity.
This is a truly historic development, because it means that for the purposes
of resolving this crisis HABEAS CORPUS IS SUSPENDED. The last time this
happened was under President Lincoln.
The US Government has surrendered its authority to an international
organization charged with investigating corruption inside the US
Government's own structures. The United States has not been sovereign since
the Lien Holders had to proceed with executing their Lien on or about 6th
December 2009, but will of course resume its sovereign status on
satisfaction of the Lien.
With Habeas Corpus suspended for the purposes strictly of procuring
compliance with the Writ of Enforcement and the huge Lien against the US
Treasury and thus the (legitimate) Settlements, the heavily armed status of
INTERPOL and other foreign enforcement personnel that are operating under
diplomatic cover to bring this crisis to resolution on behalf of the injured
parties, the myriad Ponzi victims of the Syndicate's schemes, the United
States, the American people and the Rest of the World, can be more readily
As revealed in our 28th December report, on the basis of information
divulged to us on 26th December 2009, the US Department of Justice within
the Executive Branch has implemented a fundamental POLICY CHANGE, having
determined in December, against the background of the execution of the Lien
for $47 trillion against the US Treasury, that:
ALL individuals and entities within the US jurisdiction that have
participated in the stealing, diversion and conversion of funds belonging to
others, INCLUDING past and present officials within the US Government and
perpetrated against the United States and the American people (and the Rest
of the World). Specifically:
ANYONE, whether officials in, or formerly in Government, whether CEOs of
financial institutions or lower-ranking bankers, partners in 'involved' US
law firms, all intermediaries and intelligence operatives and others who
have been engaged in obstructing the Settlements process by ANY MEANS AND AT
ANY TIME IN THE PAST, and who have, by their actions, contributed to the
DELAY, are being treated forthwith as ECONOMIC TERRORISTS - by the US
justice system itself.
Perpetrating ECONOMIC TERRORISM will be, and is, to be treated as TREASON
by virtue of the fact that it entails DECLARING ECONOMIC WARFARE AGAINST THE
The penalty for TREASON IN TIME OF WAR is summary execution.
This decision PRECISELY REFLECTS what we have been proclaiming in this
column for the past three years. We are informed that the US Justice
Department has at long last understood what we have been saying, and has
been galvanized by the horrendous implications for the $47 trillion Lien on
the US Treasury and its decisive ramifications, into adopting the foregoing
as RIGID OFFICIAL POLICY from which no deviation will be permitted.
It follows that the US Attorney General and all the State Attorneys
General are obliged to act vigorously on the basis of the POLICY CHANGE, or
they themselves can and will be arrested for obstruction of justice by
INTERPOL personnel and then extradited to a jurisdiction such as the British
jurisdiction for defying obligations imposed on them by International Law.
It should NOT be assumed that this POLICY CHANGE arises because of a
change of heart at the US Department of Justice (resulting for instance from
reading our reports). On the contrary:
This POLICY CHANGE is a direct consequence of the situation arising from
the implementation of the Lien and the drastic enforcement measures that are
being taken inside the United States by the international cadres and 'men in
suits' referenced in recent reports. President Obama's Executive Order
Amending Executive Order 12425 dated 16th December and publicized by the
Office of the Press Secretary, White House, on 17th December 2009 [see
above], to 'extend the appropriate privileges, exemptions, and immunities to
the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL)' is associated
with this POLICY CHANGE at the US Department of Justice.
Finally, since this is, as reiterated, an official POLICY CHANGE, its full
implementation is NOT dependent upon finalization of the Settlements. This
reality should quickly lodge itself inside the brains of the official and
financial sector criminal financiers and thieves, who face investigation and
prosecution ANYWAY.
Obviously, if they persist with their obstruction,
thefts and diversionary operations, they will be increasing their chances of
being summarily executed for treason.
Although this fact is confirmed above, it was REITERATED with further
emphasis to this service on 3rd January that EVERYBODY,
without exception,
who has been involved and remains involved in defrauding the United States
and the American people is going to be investigated.
This development has almost immediately resulted in a previously unheard-of
'sudden amendment' of the 'attitudes' and visibility of certain parties that
are known to this service and to its advisers.
People inside the structures
are stunned and are scurrying for whatever shelter they think may protect
them from the consequences of their corrupt activities. Furthermore, the
same applies to certain collaborating parties outside the United States.
Members of the US Congress and officials at the Departments of State,
Justice and in the White House, as well as within the vast Intelligence
Power's structures, the Pentagon and elsewhere, and in foreign governments
and their structures, are reported to be quote 'falling over themselves' to
avoid the axes that are falling from the sky, taking aim at their necks.
Never have so many officials in the United States and other countries been
so scared of what lies in store - for them personally.
Stony silence on these developments:
No doubt alert readers will have observed that no substantive notice of the
above, after we had reported it all on 28th December 2009, was taken by
certain websites which purport to exist to enlighten the US public but which
in reality specialize in maximizing the potential for confusion in order to
sustain the orchestrated but collapsing smoke-screen behind which these
abominations, and OPERATION STILLPOINT, were being perpetrated.
This silence provides prima facie evidence that the US websites in question
have indeed been involved, as we have suggested in the past, in the massive
orchestrated agitprop and cover-up operation that has had to be mounted by
the compartmentalized sleaze cadres to obfuscate the systematic treachery
against the United States, which is without historical precedent in terms of
the scale of this operation.
President Obama's private hell:
Faced with this unprecedented state of affairs, President Barack Obama's
backbone appears to have been stiffened, given the extremes of treachery
seen within his own Cabinet and among his colleagues.
In a revealing caption
on 2nd January 2010, The Daily Telegraph noted:
'President Obama looked
weary after repeated interruptions to deal with the aftermath of the syringe
bomber plot' [sic, as incorrectly assumed by the caption writer].
'An aide
insisted that the 48-year-old found his holiday “rejuvenating”, but his
graying hair and drawn look seemed to tell another story'.
Some of the factors causing Mr Obama's hair to turn white
- which can happen
to people wracked by anxiety and stress - are summarized below.
But first...
Lawyers acting for
CMKM (CMKX) investors have prepared an immense class
action lawsuit against the Securities and Exchange Commission and its
Commissioners individually and severally claiming compensation in respect of
3.5 billion legitimate shares, seeking release of all the funds that have
been collected (DTCC) for the sole benefit of CMKM/CMKX shareholders.
All this, for
damages in excess of $3.87 trillion, based on allegations that the S.E.C.
invented 2.25 trillion of PHANTOM SHARES in CMKM/CMKX stock, which were
exploited and traded illegally given that the phantom shares were of course
fraudulent and that stock did not, therefore, exist legally - scooping vast
illicit scamming profits which were stashed off-balance sheet - in a
colossal Ponzi operation perpetrated by the S.E.C. itself in collaboration
When filed, this lawsuit will almost certainly be the development that will
crack the immense edifice of systemic and deliberately subversive official
corruption wide open and force it into the public domain once and for all - because the so-called
'mainstream' media will surely be obliged, given the
unprecedented size of this lawsuit, to pay attention to this one.
Of course, they will probably immediately get the wrong end of the stick,
assuming ('under advice') that this was 'just another giga-scam' - rather
than in reality a further component (albeit a scam without any historical
precedent) of the orchestrated offensive perpetrated FROM WITHIN THE U.S.
OFFICIAL STRUCTURES against US capitalism and the financial system
masterminded by
George H.W. Bush and his crime associates and financial
And who features among the 'partners' of George Bush Sr. within the former
Barrington Investment Group, now Deutsche AG, under the control of the DVD's
(East German
Stasi DVD) primary banker, Dr Joseph Ackermann, CEO of Deutsche Bank?
Why, the former
Leninist President of the Soviet Union, M.S. Gorbachëv.
Are you beginning to get the picture?
Recall that German long-range 'Black' counterintelligence, the heirs of
the Abwehr (DVD), and Soviet 'Black' intelligence (fronted these days by
Soviet Military Intelligence, GRU, for which 'Prime Minister' Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is the public face), work together at high levels
against 'the Main Enemy' - and have always done so. In this connection, the
'successors' to the KGB (FSB) are in charge of the Russian Federation's
outward-facing stance for international public consumption.
The FSB operates
a presentational policy which is the dialectical (Leninist) opposite of the
secret ongoing responsibility and commitment of the GRU to preserve the
integrity of the Leninist Party-State and its structures, which went
'underground' with the 'changes' of 1989-92.
US authorities were reported to us on 3rd January 2010 to be so worried
about this huge pending CMKM/CMKX lawsuit, which had been submitted in
outline as a 'proffer' to them in advance, that frantic efforts were
allegedly being made as this report was being prepared, to locate the $3.87
trillion 'needed' to 'shut the CMKX people up'.
CMKM/CMKX was originally set up from within the CIA as yet another Bush
Crime Syndicate-related Ponzi scheme, to finance OPERATION STILLPOINT (like
everything else).
Under the original criminal scheme, the Securities and Exchange Commission
was to serve (and did serve) as another trading platform for the Bush
subversion operation.
Originally, the intention had been to conduct this
illicit phantom trading op. through the Federal Financing Bank (FFB), a
special entity within the US Treasury which has been used over the years for
'smoke and mirrors' financial obfuscation purposes, and also to provide the
Secretary of the Treasury with up to $15 billion of prospective 'borrowing
space' (as allowed to the FFB by Statute) when Congress delays the raising
of the Statutory Debt Limit, as it does every few years or so in order to
remind the US Executive Branch that the Congress is supposed to control the
purse strings; but that plan was abandoned when it was found that the FFB
was subject to 'too many restrictions' which would be inconsistent with the
underlying criminal intent.
Ironically, Congress won't need to raise the Statutory Debt Limit - which is
essentially now the sole remaining substantive whip that it can wield to
force the Executive to recognize that it controls expenditure - with the
start-up of the Dollar Refunding Program, given that the tax accruals due
to the US Treasury arising from the eight weekly trades will in due course
obviate the necessity for the Statutory Debt Limit to be raised at all.
So the S.E.C. - which is responsible for monitoring the honesty and
integrity of securities trades - was itself used as cover to establish and
operate an off-balance sheet trading platform which was to be employed to
clean up vast accruals by illicit means.
This mechanism followed the
standard intelligence deception principle that the most effective cover to
operate from is from within the entity that is charged with monitoring and
exposing the criminal activity to be perpetrated. It's called a form of 'sib' operation.
Under George W. Bush, between June 2004 and 28th October 2005, it is alleged
that no less than 2.25 trillion of phantom CMKM/CMKX stock were sold into
the stock market under this S.E.C. cover - which has to rank as by far the
most brazen Ponzi scam in world history: and one, furthermore, that was set
up and perpetrated by and from within the US official structures with the
specific intention of 'screwing' the investing public, notably the investors
in CMKM/CMKX shares.
Of course, the S.E.C. has no right or legitimate power to allow or approve
phantom trades to be conducted by its own personnel or on its behalf on an
illicit trading platform - an obscenity which calls into question the
validity of all its current and former lawsuits against myriad lesser market
perpetrators since this unprecedented official Bush-developed financial
aberration started.
On the contrary, we would expect market defendants convicted of dodgy
dealing to be instructing their lawyers on the basis of this staggering
emerging evidence that the Securities and Exchange Commission is itself a
criminal enterprise.
Eventually, the illicit CMKM/CMKX proceeds from the PHANTOM SHARE trades
were brought back into the Bush-CIA Crime Syndicate's orbit via Tyler, Texas
(Bush territory).
The reason that the CMKM/CMKX investors have legitimacy and standing is
that, following an earlier lawsuit, the investors' case as Ponzi victims,
was upheld - so that they are now in the driving seat, even though the
original scheme was a CIA front operation.
This state of affairs TERRIFIES multiple perpetrators across the board, and
needs to be considered in the context of the CHANGE OF POLICY at the US
Department of Justice and INTERPOL's de facto diplomatic immunity and the
consequent implications for Habeas Corpus.
Not surprisingly, it has become evident, and we are specifically informed,
that civil war has broken out within the main flank of the corrupted
Intelligence Power.
This was to be expected, given that OPERATION STILLPOINT has been disrupted
and that the Bush Syndicate is in the process of being 'taken down' - although, unbelievably, Bush Sr. and Barbara were still NOT in custody as of
5th January 2010.
Tensions have erupted between the discredited Bush-DVD Syndicate penetration
cadres and elements within the CIA who range from professionals disgusted at
the behavior of their agency (begging the question: they went along with
it, so they haven't a leg to stand on), and operatives who find their noses
out of joint for whatever reason (such as non-fulfillment of Pay Orders,
which cannot now be fulfilled because they involved financial corruption)
may apply.
The tensions duly erupted into bloodshed during the holidays.
Specifically, the 'Black Ops' specialists, probably directed inter alia by
senior CIA operative Mrs Hillary Clinton who disappeared into Afghanistan
and the region during the Christmas and New Year period, have been working
overtime to develop new terror 'false flag' operations, of which the
Northwest Airlines Flight 253 near abomination was one example
- in time to
try, against the odds, to abort the derailing and closedown of OPERATION STILLPOINT
- which the stupid 'Black Ops.' people don't appear to have
realized is HISTORY.
As previously mentioned these liars, deceivers and
dealers in murder and the 'Black arts' are exceedingly stupid at all times.
On New Year's Day, The Times (London) and other 'mainstream' media reported
the furious response of Afghani security chiefs to the cold-blooded murders
of at least eight children and teachers during a night raid in Eastern
Afghanistan - an outrage that triggered justified mass protests across
Afghanistan at the barbarity of these assassinations.
The high Afghani
officials demanded that the United States must hand over the gunmen who
perpetrated these atrocities.
The Afghan National Security Council (modeled along US and Soviet lines),
chaired by President Karzai, demanded that,
'those responsible for the deaths
of those innocent youths must be handed over to the Afghan Government'.
Karzai's office elaborated:
'International forces entered the area and
killed ten youths, eight of them school students inside two rooms in a
house, without encountering any armed resistance'.
The local headmaster, Rahman Jan Ehsas, told The Times that,
'seven of the
children were handcuffed before they were shot. A local farm laborer and a
shepherd boy were also killed'.
Although (inevitably) a Western official commented that,
'there's no doubt
that there were insurgents in there, and there may well have been an
insurgent leader in the house', he added. 'But that doesn't justify executing eight children who were all enrolled in
local schools'.
All reports on this incident have so far missed the point, which is
illuminated by the sequel - namely that following this massacre, a 'suicide
attacker' killed eight US civilian operatives.
[Although we are informed that no less than 13 CIA operatives were present
at the same time in the remote location - an unbelievable breach of basic
security standards].
These killings took place at a CIA base, Camp Chapman, in Khost, on the
Afghan-Pakistani border. Those killed were the CIA 'Black Ops' personnel who
perpetrated the murders of the children and teachers - to escalate Afghani
and Islamic tension generally, in pursuit of an emergency agenda intended to
smother inter alia the takedown of OPERATION STILLPOINT.
You don't believe this?
Then let us share some special intelligence with you
- obtained, indeed, from intelligence sources.
These eight 'Black
Operations' murderers were themselves liquidated on orders from Washington
(probably approved at the highest level, certainly the National Security
Council), not as retribution for what they did of course, but because the
Afghani authorities were calling (see above) for these US demoniacs to be
handed over to the Afghani authorities so that they would appear in Court - unleashing further appalling publicity for the Americans and the CIA, to be
splashed around the world's 'mainstream' media.
The Afghans wanted these US bandits under their authority; so the order was
placed by US officials for these men to be executed.
In other words, yet
another CIA-sponsored 'Black Ops.' abomination ended in failure and the
murder of Americans by the US Government's own structures - illustrating
both the extreme desperation of the Intelligence Power as it is split apart
by its internal rivalries and the ongoing but incomplete purge of the Fifth
Column saboteurs, and the mental retardation of the out-of-control Fifth
Column fools inside the Agency and its subsidiaries and 'privatised' cadres
who are recklessly plotting these sabotage outrages.
On 4th January 2010, Bruce Riedel, a so-called 'former' CIA office and now a,
'White House adviser, suddenly surfaced to promulgate, for public
consumption, an obfuscation 'line' to the effect that the 'suicide attacker'
who made certain that the eight (CIA) operatives were duly horizontalised
was a Jordanian double agent sent to 'hunt down top Al-Qaeda leaders',
according to The London Times [5th January 2010].
Mr Riedel even obliged the
media with the wholly unnecessary detail of the full-blown name of this now
dead attacker: Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi. His intelligence 'handler',
Ali bin Zeid, was said to have been killed, along with seven (not eight) CIA
Riedel elaborated with unnecessary and contradictory detail:
'The officer was also a member of the Hashemite Royal Family, which is part
of the reason the King and Queen [of Jordan] attended his funeral, and why
he is now being remembered [in Jordan] as a national hero'. (This has indeed
been separately confirmed to us).
Spin-doctor Riedel added:
'The bomber allegedly [sic] was sent by
[al-Qaeda's supposed 'Number Two'] Ayman al-Zawahiri himself, to conduct the
No sir. These executions of CIA operatives were ordered from Washington to
cover up the latest mad attempt by the stupid demoniacs in the Fifth Column
to try to sabotage the de facto takedown of OPERATION STILLPOINT which is
happening in 'real time' - threatening the continued unhealthy hegemony of
the corrupt and evil US Intelligence Power in the process.
On 5th January, Webster G. Tarpley, a respected veteran reporter, published
an analysis in which he supported our KNOWLEDGE (which is based on
intelligence obtained prior to his report) that operations are being and
have been run FROM WITHIN THE US OFFICIAL STRUCTURES to try to destabilize
President Obama at this critical stage.
However no-one reporting on these matters has yet understood that the
underlying rationale for these treasonous operations has to do with the
preservation of the Intelligence Power's collapsing control hegemony, and
the stunted mentality of corrupted cadres and their handlers who have not
yet wrapped their minds round the reality that OPERATION STILLPOINT is being
Of course the problem here is that hardly anyone, even within the
compartmentalized elements engaged in these futile and desperate late
terrorism operations perpetrated against their own nation, Government and
people (not to mention 'collateral damage' abroad, which none of them care
about), know or have known of the existence of the OPERATION STILLPOINT
Which also, incidentally, illuminates the folly of those who persist in
fomenting the fallout from the orchestrated, partisan campaign against
President Barack Obama, which in fact masks the SAME underlying intent - to
rescue the desperate American Intelligence Power from its fate, along with
OPERATION STILLPOINT, a FOREIGN-inspired long-range deception offensive
targeting the US component of the 'Main Enemy'.
So, in persisting with this behavior, these people are actually, or have been, participating,
consciously or unwittingly, in the massive Fifth Column program to destroy
and 'take down' the United States.
Which is the reverse of what most of
these people want.
'Those whose clothing is made of esparto grass shouldn't
stand too close to the fire'.
For, make no mistake: President Obama has been 'kicking butt' ever since his
return from Hawaii.
He has realized, not least, that he has no alternative,
if he himself wishes to avoid abrupt arrest by INTERPOL for OBSTRUCTION OF
JUSTICE (which is what he was told on 4th January 2010).
At the same time,
in any case, his first year in office has been completely wasted due to the
subversive activities of the high-level saboteurs in his Cabinet and
entourage, who were largely foisted upon him - by the recalcitrant,
penetrated Intelligence Power.
He needs the money for his programs (of which one can hardly approve BUT
THAT'S NOT THE POINT at this juncture); and he needs the money for the
bankrupt US States, and because THIS IS A MID-TERM ELECTION YEAR.
Most of all, he needs resolution so that the poisonous venom of this crisis
is finally squeezed out of the system - and so that the axes that are
cascading from the sky on numerous brazen, corrupt necks, fall where they
are now destined to fall. He's had enough.
Mr Tarpley cited the report by Richard Wolffe on a cable network program,
and we'll let the author speak for himself - correcting him, or elaborating
briefly, at the end of these excerpts:
'Washington, DC
5th January 2010:
Officials in the Obama White House are
now considering the possibility that the Christmas Day attempt by Nigerian
terrorist Umar Farouk Mutallab to blow up an airliner about to land in
Detroit was deliberately and intentionally facilitated by unnamed networks
inside the US intelligence community. This was the gist of a report by
Richard Wolffe delivered in this evening's edition of cable network's MSNBC's
Countdown program, hosted by Keith Olbermann…
Wolffe attributed his account to top officials in the Obama White House.
intentional sabotage of US antiterrorist screening procedures would explain
why Mutallab had been able to use his US visa, escape interrogation and
special searches, and board the flight, even though he was clearly festooned
with every red flag in the annals of airport security.
If Wolffe's report is accurate [of course it is, as far as it goes: Ed.],
these Obama officials may well be pulling on a thread which could begin to
unravel the entire secret structure of illegitimate power which has
afflicted this country - in this case, the apparatus which manufactures
terrorist incidents for political purposes of mass manipulation,
dictatorship, and war.
'Wolffe offered two possible explanations cited by his White House sources
[sic] for the intentional sabotage of security procedures. The first was a
“turf war” inside the intelligence community, with one agency seeking to
hoard information and deny it to others'.
'The second was the intention to 'embarrass some leading figures',
presumably referring to partisan animus or other resentments against Obama
and his top appointees'.
Unfortunately, Mr Tarpley, has not been reading our reports
- or he would
have grasped by now the real reasons for these various grievous intelligence
But at least we now have a respected US journalist who
understands extremely well that the United States' and the world's problems
leap forward which, as he puts it, suggests,
'that all the naïve cover
stories are about to collapse in a shock of recognition that networks
infesting the US Government do indeed actively create and produce terrorist
events for their own evil purposes. We need more mole detectors at the NSC,
CIA, State Department, and Pentagon - not more harassment of the traveling
Surely one of the most perceptive, incisive, and deadly accurate
that we have ever had the honor to report.
The scandalous state of affairs which has surfaced following the arrival at
a White House State Dinner for the Indian Prime Minister of an uninvited
couple, Tareq and Michaele Salahi, has been further aroused with the latest
revelation - noted inter alia by Sally Quinn in a Washington Post report on
6th January 2010 - that a third uninvited individual, Carlos Allen, also
gate-crashed the State Dinner, passing himself off as a member of the Indian
Ms. Quinn demanded that the White House Social Secretary,
Desirée Rogers, a socialite from Chicago, should be made to resign over
these incidents.
Once again we have a correspondent who appears to have got the wrong end of
the stick. Quinn links the continued presence at the White House of Ms.
Rogers to indications that Rahm Emanuel has finally seen the writing on his
own wall, and is believed to be considering running for the post of Mayor of
Chicago in the current year's upcoming mid-term elections.
She bases this on indications that Emanuel is said to have told unnamed
personnel that the role of White House Chief-of-Staff is 'an 18-month job'
and that he is now considering running for Mayor of Chicago. Since Rogers is
reported to be 'a major social and political player in the Windy City', Ms.
Quinn 'thinks laterally in the wrong direction' and wonders whether Rogers
hasn't been sacked because of Mr Emanuel's political ambitions.
It's interesting how these American journalists just get it plain wrong
because they don't educate themselves in the affairs of the 'Black'
Intelligence Community.
So, since we ourselves are somewhat educated in this discipline, let us
reinterpret the meaning of these three White House intrusions. Knowing the
perverted and otiose mentality of these stupid operatives, it is clear to us
that the purpose of the White House intrusions was to impress upon Mr Obama
that he isn't safe ANYWHERE - even inside the White House itself.
In other words, the intrusions were intended to send a message to the
President of the United States, from the angered criminalized Intelligence
Power, along the familiar lines of:
'Do what we want or we'll make sure that
you'll cease to be vertical'.
On 3rd January, we were informed that George Bush Sr. and
Barbara Bush have
been prevented from touching any money and interfering with banking codes.
Furthermore, a very knowledgeable source elaborated:
'All the money
accumulated by (CHENEY'S) Halliburton has been removed, and Bush 41 and Bush
43 have been deprived of all their stolen money as well.'
It also transpired that
the Bushes were running two additional sets of phony
books through false groups - one of which was called 'Halleluiah Trail', and
another, run out of Europe, containing the name 'Horizon'.
The operators of
these fraudulent Ponzi schemes were ordered to reveal and then to disgorge
funds held in custody; and when they demurred or stalled, or denied that
they held the funds, the operatives concerned were arrested (between New
Year's Day and Sunday 3rd January).
Of critical importance, too, is the fact that the Chinese authorities and
the Swiss are refusing point blank to pay ANYTHING at all to the Bushes and
their criminal associates.
That of course means that, as has been plain for months, Wanta, who has
'worked for' Bush all along [see below], gets nothing either.
In summary, the Bush-CIA-DVD's (East German
Stasi DVD) 'Black Ops.'
Intelligence grabitization
OPERATION STILLPOINT Syndicate is being DISMANTLED in 'real-time'. It began
with the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) 'sib' operation,
financing wars and destabilization operations all over the place, creating
maximal confusion - from which money was always to be made.
Though lubricated by the Bush-CIA's criminal drug-trafficking operations and
CIA 'Black' money derived from innumerable Ponzi schemes and arms
manufacturing, as well as by CIA corporations specializing in fraud such as
Cheney's Halliburton with its scamming departments run from within the CIA
and the Pentagon simultaneously, the entire edifice of the Octopus is in
free-fall - a reality that its personnel cannot accept, so that they are
being arrested, horizontalized or all of the above.
Indeed, rearguard resistance continued right through the preparation of this
Therefore, the next segment of this report addresses miscellaneous interim
developments since we last reported, of which the most important are the
The ongoing audit by foreign personnel ('men in suits') of the
Reserve, led by Chinese, British and Swiss auditors, continued, we
understand, throughout the holiday period. Enforcement personnel remained in
place at the Fed to ensure that Settlement funds were/are not diverted in
accordance with the Federal Reserve's normal corrupt procedures.
During the review period, this service made repeated enquiries as to
whether all avenues enabling corrupt diversions of funds into the hands of
Bush-DVD Crime Nexus had been closed. These enquiries were repeatedly
answered in the affirmative: in other words, as stated elsewhere, scope for
the Bush Syndicate to steal funds appears indeed to have been completely
sealed off - indicating that the takedown of OPERATION STILLPOINT is
International Monetary Fund:
Under the direction of the former French Finance Minister, M.
Strauss-Kahn, corrupt operations appear to have been brought under control.
It is now clear that his predecessor, the Spaniard, De Rato, left after two
years in charge, under a cloud.
Given George Bush Sr.'s extensive use of
Spain as a receiving platform for drug-trafficking proceeds and other exotic
illicit funds - and the fact, which we alone publicized, that the Bank of
Spain ordered the Bush operatives out of their jurisdiction in 2007, giving
them two days' notice (whereupon the corrupt Bush funds were reported to us
to have wound up with the Vatican Bank, controlled by the
Pope, Dr Ratzinger, and Dr Tietmeyer, the former president of the Bundesbank)
- it is rather clear now that De Rato had to be kicked out of the Fund
because of alleged engagement with the Bush Crime Syndicate in connection
28th December: The Editor was reliably informed that
'a lot of people got
busted' during the past couple of days. As this information came from a
figure with rather unsavory contacts, and similar unconfirmed suggestions
to the same effect were received from other sources, we believe this
statement to have been accurate.
29th December: Between 12 and 14 corrupt bankers were reported to us to
have been arrested in London on this date. In Paris, the top Trustee
attended at Banque Paribas for the funds release procedure as planned but
was subsequently reported to have encountered resistance from Paribas
bankers and ended up, as reported to us, 'shouting and screaming' at the
We were also told that the Paris Trustee's fees were to be paid directly
inter alia by President Sarkozy. A key Dallas-based Trustee was reported to
be sick in bed with a fever temperature of 102 degrees and was reported to
us to have been replaced, having also been identified as 'dragging his
Although one source denied the above, we ourselves established that
INTERPOL had indeed intervened in Paris to replace a senior Trustee, while a
key Trustee was detained at a US operations centre and replaced, after he
had been engaged in alleged delaying tactics.
30th December: Informed sources told us that they were
'expecting a lot
more arrests'.
30th December: The funds were 'dropped down', i.e., made available gross,
at midnight. Funds payable to top Trustees will have been taxed at the
Treasury, with the gross amounts payable to Trustee recipients and
distributors paid without tax being deducted.
NOTE: This is a complex area which cannot be fully explained at this
stage. On the one hand, it was IMPERATIVE for the gross funds to be made
available within 2009 - so that taxes could be taken off the top for
crediting within the calendar year 2009 and therefore available for use by
the Government on the books within Fiscal Year 2010 - which we know from
three sources took place.
Indeed, as indicated, a key broker/Trustee confirmed to us in writing on 1st
January at 20:24 pm UK time that he was advised on 30 December by sources in
both Europe and the United Kingdom that his taxes had already been deducted.
On the other hand, double taxation is illegal, so the amounts that Trustees
were to distribute had to be paid out gross - preventing the Obama
Government from receiving the sizeable taxation accruals required on-balance
sheet IMMEDIATELY, as the US Government is 'skint' due to the year that has
been wasted in further attempts to revitalize the dying Fraudulent Finance
carousel and to rescue OPERATION STILLPOINT pending the decisive action that
had to be taken by the defrauded sovereign powers that became the Lien
Overall, however, the position is that the refusal of Banque Paribas to
honor the top Trustee's instructions in respect of funds that we know have
been taxed, represented a MAJOR BANK FRAUD under international banking and
criminal law, for which the French bankers in question could have suffered
literally ANY fate at the hands of INTERPOL - from summary execution, to
their immediate incarceration or extradition to appropriate jurisdictions
for judicial processing.
The key Paris-based Trustee was also required to
pay four countries which had floated certain bonds.
1st January 2010: It was reported to us that, focusing in part on
preventing corrupt bankers and operatives diverting funds back to the Bush
'Black Ops.' Syndicate, INTERPOL had placed teams at both ends of certain
Settlements transactions - especially given the endemic corruption within
the Federal Reserve, where the Chairman, Dr Bernanke, features among the
highest-level operatives within the US official structures who is vulnerable
to being targeted under the POLICY CHANGE implemented at the US Department
of Justice and in light of the necessary freedom of operation afforded
INTERPOL following President Obama's Executive Order dated 16th December
The main portions of taxes on the Settlement money were reported to us to
have been taken out of the gross amount on 30th- 31st December 2009, so that
they are applicable for tax purposes in calendar 2009, meaning that the
proceeds are available to the Government now. At 8: 24pm on New Year's Day,
we also received, in response to an earlier enquiry to a senior Settlements
recipient, confirmation from both US and European sources that 'my taxes
were taken off the top on or before 31st December in order for them to be
credited to Fiscal 2009. I got that word Wednesday 12/30/09'.
Note: However given that 'Line-Item' payments were not implemented within
calendar 2009, as should have occurred (indeed, had been promised for before
Christmas), taxes cannot legally be removed from such gross payments in that
context, since they are not payable until 15th April 2011; and payment is
therefore expected by certain parties in full.
Prior deduction of taxes in
the current fiscal and calendar years from such payees' amounts would indeed
represent major BANK FRAUD and would be eligible for legal action under RICO
(three times damages).
Put another way, taxes cannot be charged on the basis
of constructive receipt: only on the basis of economic receipt.
1st January 2010: The Texas firm of lawyers, Troutman Sanders
- used in the
past by the George Bush Syndicate - was reported to be engaged in breaking
down the funds for delivery and distribution. As previously noted, when we
were originally informed about this law firm's involvement with the
distributions, we couldn't believe what we were being told. However for
reasons not yet explained, we were told 'that's the way it's got to be'.
We pointed out that under the new dispensations [see above], any partner
within that firm who may be dumb enough to continue functioning as though no
fundamental discontinuity from the 'Black Operations' norm had taken place,
would be extremely foolish in view of the fact that the penalty for treason
in time of war is summary execution.
Finally, we were advised that Troutman
Sanders was being closely monitored and watched.
1st January: About 30 arrests of bankers and
organized corruption
participants were reported from both Europe and the United States (no
further details). It is believed that INTERPOL had made preplanned
arrangements to 'set arrestees up' in order to have them arrested 'in flagranti'.
Certainly INTERPOL has been monitoring ALL PHONE CALLS. Nothing at all can
be discussed by any relevant party that is not monitored and recorded.
Furthermore, INTERPOL personnel were working non-stop to ensure that the
funds are secure and performing constant unexpected spot checks at all
institutions involved in the transfers.
1st January: It was reported to us at 5:20pm UK time that Leon Panetta,
the Director of Central Intelligence (CIA), who had been doing his best as
late as 3rd January to block the Settlements, is now the target of an
investigation and was quote 'physically cornered' unquote on this date not
least because it was (correctly) suspected that he was intending to
interfere with the Settlements process.
We were later advised that Leon
Panetta is indeed in severe trouble (as reported on 28th December 2009) and
is among a number of highest-level Government figures who are candidates for
being 'taken down'. At press date, Panetta was still in place, but 'on
4th January 2010: An arrest list was issued by INTERPOL for a large number
of people 'standing in the way' of resolution to be taken into custody.
we made further enquiries, we established that Bench Warrants were issued on
this date for service on 137 individuals in the United States. These people
will be or are being arrested and taken into custody by US Marshals. Their
passports, IDs and driving licenses, etc, will have been removed in the
Self-evidently, these arrests implied that those concerned had continued to
be associated with OPERATION STILLPOINT sabotage activity designed to
disrupt the Settlements payouts.
However given that ALL WHO STAND IN THE
WAY, from the highest to the lowest, will be investigated and prosecuted
[see above], it could also have been the case that these people were on the
arrest list anyway, and that with their return to their offices and desks,
and the with reopening of the Courts following the long weekend, matters
proceeded as had been planned by INTERPOL earlier.
4th January: Michael C. Cottrell received a death threat from telephone
number 717-294 3687. The FEMALE voice said: 'Is this roadkill?' When they do
stupid things like this, they simply advertise that we have trodden on their
nerves. [Join the club, Michael].
4th January: The senior Trustee in Paris was required to attend at Banque
Paribas (allegedly one of the most corrupt banks in the world, reported to
have held or to hold about 3,000 Bush Sr.-linked accounts) between 2:00am
and 4:00am European time [8:00am and 10:00am EST], from which (given the
huge accumulation of Bush accounts) the distribution must begin.
Bankers at the institution refused to release the funds, and shortly
afterwards were arrested by INTERPOL personnel.
The refusal of the French
bankers to fulfill their obligations represented MAJOR BANK FRAUD [see above]
under international banking and criminal law, given that taxes have been
taken off the top (which we know from THREE sources, one of which came, as
noted, from a Trustee to us IN WRITING).
Moreover this state of affairs represented an IMMENSE CRISIS for President
Sarkozy if he or any of his colleagues were involved - as the President of
France, like the President of the United States [see below] can be arrested,
just like any other participant in the sabotage operations, for blocking the
Settlements under the wide powers wielded both in the United States and of
course abroad by INTERPOL under the jurisdiction of the World Court.
Before Christmas, we learned that French official sources had finally
acknowledged that 'what has to be done has to be done' - which, being
translated, meant that Paris had at long last realized and accepted that the
Dollar Refunding Program WILL be run out of London, as we have stated, and
that they have to drop their typically sterile French envy of the fact that
(as they see it) the British have 'got the better of them'.
In reality, all that has happened is that the British Monarchical Power has
had to assert its power and right to obtain restitution for the grotesque
violations perpetrated by the American criminal financiers against the
sovereign LOAN money - for which the former US Treasury Secretary, Henry M.
Paulson, has been reported by us to have been physically removed to British
jurisdiction in Bermuda, where he will face the consequences of his serially
corrupt behavior.
Following the arrests of the French bankers in Paris, we understand that
Banque Paribas suddenly started to cooperate - the reasoning, presumably, of
bank officers remaining in situ being that it would be rather stupid to
repeat the mistake of their arrested colleagues.
For this reason alone, we
gathered after midnight UK time in the early morning of 5th January 2010
that payment may have proceeded to the United States, with a senior Trustee
operating out of Dallas able to carry out his distribution responsibilities
at last. [See later information].
4th January: At 21:37pm UK time we learned that the US news media had
confirmed that the President had returned to Washington from his vacation
and that he had at once summoned (the recalcitrant) Director of Central
Intelligence, Mr Panetta to the Oval Office.
With President Obama having
returned to the White House from his fraught vacation in Hawaii, it was
reported to us that the President was 'kicking butt' - an activity that he
had no choice but to undertake, given that if he demurred, he would be
considered a co-conspirator and would be arrested himself.
Specifically, we were advised on
'special' authority that Mr Obama was
explicitly confronted and informed that if he was found to have been
involved with the sabotage operations that continued up to Christmas and
throughout the holiday period, he himself would be arrested like those for
which Bench Warrants were issued on the same date [see above].
The President
responded that he had had nothing to do with the delays that occurred over
the holidays.
4th January: Whether that was true or not (and it
'needed' to be accurate
because if it wasn't, Mr
Barack Obama would cease to be President of the
United States), we were informed on this date that Timothy Geithner - despite his previous arrest, the removal of his passport and his driving
license and the monitor attached to him, and despite severe earlier
humiliations [see below] - had remained right in the thick of sabotage
operations during the holidays and afterwards.
The same reportedly applied to the Comptroller of the Currency,
John C.
Dugan. One informant suggested to us that Mr Geithner was 'sick in the
head', but our hypothesis was that he is the subject of multiple
blackmailing operations.
We were advised that Geithner had been re-arrested and that the Comptroller
of the Currency, John C. Dugan, said also to have been involved in money
sabotage, was also reported to us to have been arrested, although this had
not been confirmed to us by late on 6th January UK time.
4th January: Some of those arrested on 4th January were reported to us to
have been cuffed and shipped to Europe (as happened late in 2007), to face
justice in appropriate jurisdictions or under the jurisdiction of the World
5th January: It was pointed out to us that prominent Republicans have or
had been standing in the way of the Settlements. We knew that this must have
been the case because of the anti-Obama barrage orchestrated by parties
connected with the GOP for the past 13 months, to the exclusion of all else.
This has been a major ongoing agitprop operation
- the underlying purpose
being hidden from view.
On the surface, the objective has been to paint Obama as a crypto-Communist with mafia associations and all sorts of other
dark failings and skeletons in his cupboard - as though his mass-murderer
Republican predecessor (who is reported by monitoring sources to have been
reduced to walking his dog at Crawford, TX, with a pooper-scooper, his wife
Laura now living apart from him and only appearing for public consumption
when her presence is considered 'essential'), had no blemishes and skeletons
at all.
But in reality, the underlying purpose of this ongoing orchestrated
anti-Obama offensive has been to try to wrench the CIA's destructive
Fraudulent Finance paradigm from oblivion in general, and to rehabilitate
It is unclear what these Republicans, who haven't understood this crisis,
think they are doing continuing with their antagonistic sabotage stance,
given the advent of the NEW PARADIGM summarized above.
Perhaps these corrupt
operatives imagine that they really are above the law, and have - like Geithner up to 4th January
- simply not woken up to the reality that the
ground has shifted so violently under their feet that they are wandering in
a wilderness without life support.
5th January: It was confirmed [and reconfirmed by several further sources]
that the 'lead Trustee' in Paris was finally paid out at midnight Paris time
4th/5th January, as a consequence of which the 160 country payees were
finally also paid out.
Given multiple high quality confirmations, this information is considered
reliable. However these developments did not occur until others standing in
the way had been arrested or 'taken out'.
6th January: 'Downstream' resistance persisted, at least during the
morning in the United States. Those still attempting sabotage are either so
compartmentalized and spaced out that they haven't grasped what has
happened, or else they STILL thought that they could 'get away with it'.
were emphatically assured that 'THEY CAN NOT'.
We were also tipped off that the legal firm
Troutman Sanders, which is or
was required to make distributions, had been put on notice that if a single
deviation from Pay Orders and instructions were to take place within their
the structures failing to pay out payee funds lodged with the Federal
Reserve Bank of Atlanta, in particular, would suffer the same fate without
further warning.
The following instances of reality catching up with people who should have
known better, and officials 'coming late to the party', have been greeted
with a mixture of astonishment, mirth and quiet cynicism in this office.
The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) was reported on 30th
December by The Times, London, to have 'STARTED [sic] an investigation into
synthetic Collateralized Debt Obligations [CDOs]' and has 'several
investigations into so-called 'authentic CDOs' - begging the obvious
question: so, there are unauthentic CDOs?
The report continued:
'The Securities and Exchange Commission'
- the
self-same regulator which is exposed above as having illegally traded
PHANTOM SHARES on an illicit secret platform in the market, and is
ITSELF, at the very least - 'is also thought to be looking into the complex
instruments created by the banks and sold to investors, such as pension
Our first predictable comment is: on what planet have these officials been
vegetating for the past decade and more?
Our second predictable observation
is this: OF COURSE! Given the double-mindedness norm underlying all this
wall-to-wall duplicity, it was NO PROBLEM for the S.E.C. to be 'regulating'
with its left hand (or going through the motions of doing so) while
illegally trading the phantom stock and scamming the market with its right
[This brings to mind the old adage: 'Here is my right hand to begin with,
and here is my left hand opposite. If I lose my right hand, my left hand is
right, because the only hand left is my right'].
THEREFORE, neither is it a problem here for FINRA and the Securities and
Exchange Commission suddenly to embark upon 'investigations' into the
Fraudulent Finance gimmicks developed by the criminal financial enterprises
they were quote 'regulating' unquote.
Why not? When everyone is
double-minded, what's the problem?
An 'Authority' IS NOT AN ENFORCEMENT AGENCY: it is just a toothless
'watchdog' which does little watching.
It was deliberately established as a
toothless entity relating to the state of affairs in the United Kingdom,
where the marketing of securities is NOT PROPERLY REGULATED, as is supposed
to be the case in the United States under the 1933 and 1934 Securities Acts.
It 'replaced' NASD Inc. (the National Association of Securities Dealers,
Inc.) which wielded drastic enforcement powers under the Malone Act [see the
Legal Notes, below]. When 'NASD became FINRA', so that discipline was
deliberately relaxed, FINRA became its own trading platform, furthering the
hidden destructive intent underlying OPERATION STILLPOINT.
The SUDDEN initiation of an investigation into synthetic
Collateralized Debt
Obligations (CDOs) at this late stage has everything to do with a belated
attempt by FINRA officials to protect themselves from the axes falling out
of the sky given the CHANGE OF POLICY at the US Department of Justice,
rather than with an intention to do its job properly. In any case, we have
long since exposed these fraudulent transactions: all FINRA needs to do is
Christine Selb, writing for The Times from New York, elaborated:
'To create a synthetic CDO, banks acted as the buyers of the underlying CDSs
(Credit Default Swaps). This meant that the banks were betting that insured
debts would default and the CDSs would pay out, while their clients,
confident at the time in the exponential rise of the housing market, were
betting that they would not have to pay out'.
'The banks have argued that taking the short side of the deal was a
legitimate way of hedging against other exposure they had in the housing
'However, an article in The New York Times last week intimated that Goldman
Sachs had stuffed synthetic CDOs with toxic CDSs and sold the instruments to
unwitting institutional investors, while knowing that their short bets would
swiftly pay out'.
'The paper said that some synthetic CDOs created by Goldman Sachs went bad
within five months of being created by the institution. On its website,
Goldman Sachs published a lengthy rebuttal to the allegations published in
the New York Times'.
'The bank said that it had lost $1.7 billion on residential mortgages in
2008 and asserted that it had created the synthetic CDOs to meet demand from
clients, who were told that Goldman Sachs would take a short position
against them'.
"The buyers of synthetic mortgage CDOs were large, sophisticated
investors”, the bank said. “They did not rely on the issuing banks in making
their investment decisions”'.
In other words, they believed that the name Goldman Sachs stands for
integrity and probity (having of course failed to pay attention and to read
on this website all about the serial criminal finance activities, thefts and
diversions perpetrated by that arch-crook, Henry M. Paulson, Goldman Sachs'
former CEO); so if they boobed, that was their problem, not Goldman's.
We now reveal that it was a Goldman Sachs compliance officer who told the
Editor that the price of a synthetic 'structured product' is 'what somebody
is prepared to pay for it'.
In The New York Times' article, former Goldman employees and debt experts
claimed that the bank knew that the CDOs it was designing and selling were
highly risky.
The Daily Telegraph [dated 30th December 2009] was more
'The sources claimed that rather than warning clients of the dangers,
Goldman spent millions of dollars “short-selling” the instruments, reaping
vast rewards when they imploded'.
'Sylvain Raynes, an expert in structured finance at R & R Consulting, told
The New York Times:
“The simultaneous selling of securities to customers and
shorting them is the most cynical use of credit information that I have ever
'When you buy protection against an event that you have a hand in causing,
you are buying fire insurance on someone else's house, and then committing
FACT: In other words, it is being stated here that the securities in
question were marketed with criminal intent. Given the CHANGE OF POLICY at
the US Department of Justice, it should follow that certain Goldman Sachs
executives (and at other institutions involved in this obviously nefarious
scamming activity) may be having sleepless nights: except that these people
are so arrogant that they NEVER imagine that they can be caught out.
This may no longer be a reliable assumption on their part.
FACT: We exposed the corruption and fraud embedded in
'structured finance'
back in 2008, both on this website and in International Currency Review - subscribers to which journal include large multinational financial
institutions all over the world. Yet only now - long after a thousand horses
have bolted out of the stable - has this started, belatedly, to become an
Maybe these people are suffering pain at last.
This state of affairs conforms to another Story's Law:
'Investigative journalists are hated when they investigate but are proved
right years later when the timely nature and fact of their investigations,
ignored at the time, has been forgotten'.
A state-owned Chinese thermal power generator is refusing to pay $80 million
lost on two hedging contracts in a long-running dispute with Goldman Sachs,
claiming that Western investment banks developed 'extremely complicated'
derivative 'products' that were manifestly,
'impossible to understand'
(on purpose of course).
On New year's Day, the Chinese entity revealed that
J. Aron and Company, the
commodities arm of Goldman Sachs, had threatened to sue it for more than $80
million compensation for termination of the contracts in October 2008 - shortly after the financial sector imploded due to the
'lockdown' of the
$14.0+ sovereign 'real' money on 10th-12th September 2008.
The Chinese
thermal generating firm said, in a statement to its local stock exchange:
'We will not accept the demand by J. Aron for all the losses and related
In the face of the prospect of very large losses in October 2008, the
Chinese securities regulator ordered the state-owned Shenzhen to cancel its
agreement with J. Aron, which the regulator said that the thermal power firm
had not been authorized to enter into. The regulator, China's Assets
Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC), is supporting Shenzhen in
this dispute.
Specifically, Le Wei, SASAC's Vice-Chairman, said that foreign investment
banks had 'maliciously' sold derivatives contracts that were 'intentionally
complex and highly leveraged' to Chinese state-owned corporations. The banks
had 'fraudulently peddled' the contracts with 'evil intentions'.
Accurate. See OPERATION STILLPOINT below, and our prior exposures of the
Fraudulent Finance offensive. Interestingly, no foreign bank has yet dared
to bring a legal action to pursue payments due under such Fraudulent Finance
contracts. They can't - unless they are anxious to face public humiliation
and terminal reputational damage.
Which means that the criminal financial
enterprises know perfectly well that they have been engaged in Fraudulent
On Christmas Eve, Morgan Stanley was at the receiving end of a lawsuit filed
by a Virgin Islands-based pension fund over a $1.2 billion 'authentic CDO'
(a package of debts, such as mortgages, sorted into tranches of varying
levels of risk and sold to investors seeking the income stream from the debt
repayments, according to the misleading prospectus).
The pension fund, which filed its suit in Federal Court, has accused the
bank of stuffing the CDO with low-quality 'assets' which Morgan Stanley
(like Goldman Sachs: see above) was simultaneously shorting. It is quite
difficult to imagine anything more duplicitous than this formula.
Philip Falcone, mentioned in an earlier report in this series, who made vast
sums shorting sub-prime mortgages as head of Harbinger Capital, was ordered
by a Delaware Judge at the end of last year to answer accusations of fraud
and civil conspiracy. The allegations relate to a takeover battle dating
back to 2006. Falcone also bet heavily against HBOS in 2009.
In fact, both Falcone brothers are caught up in this.
Rather than reiterate the work of others, we append as an Addendum at the
foot of this report, the text of a Bloomberg report dated 30th December 2009
by David Reilly.
Essentially, it reveals that the US House of
Representatives is a corrupt sham, making a mockery of representative
government and willfully adding, in spades, to America's problems. Rather
like our House of Common Idiots.
As stated at the top of this report, we will now expose and deconstruct
OPERATION STILLPOINT - the five-phase criminal offensive against the United
States and the American people which these reports have been leading up to,
and which it has proved possible by using the methodology we have employed
as these investigations have developed, to reveal.
The Editor started work on this investigation after attending a meeting in
Washington DC in June 2002 convened by a controlled entity ostensibly
concerned with 'managing' the plight of the 9/11 bereaved.
During that
event, an agent handed out about 30 portfolios containing copies of Federal
Reserve print-outs and other banking documents detailing corrupt financial
payments of immense proportions, including illicit transfers to George H. W.
Bush when he was President of the United States, which is of course illegal
- together with authorizations by Dr Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the Federal
Reserve Board, and who turns out to have served as George H. W. Bush Sr.'s
master criminal finance technician.
All the portfolios handed out by the US agent were immediately placed into
the hands of CIA operatives who had packed the meeting at the last moment
for the precise purpose of blocking distribution of the documents - with the
exception of one portfolio that was handed over to a representative from
Vanity Fair (which never touched the information, thus missing the biggest
story in modern world history), while another portfolio containing the
'smoking gun' documents were later obtained by the Editor of this service.
To cut an extremely long story (which will be recounted elsewhere) short,
the Editor became aware that Leo/Lee Wanta, subject of coverage in the late
Claire Sterling's book 'Thieves' World' [Simon & Schuster, New York, ISBN
0-671-74997-8, 1994], might well provide answers to questions raised as a
consequence of the Editor's fieldwork.
The Editor therefore targeted Wanta
and, on a certain date in May 2004, arrived at his doorstep in a remote
Wisconsin location. Mr Wanta opened the door and granted the Editor an
interview lasting three hours.
Thereafter, the Editor made his developing website platform available to
Wanta, who has a reputation for being the most proficient deception artist
in existence - on the 'open' principle (admittedly fraught with risks) that
if 'trust' was placed in Wanta, it might be reciprocated (an assessment that
flew in the face of the odds: but that was part of the risk).
Starting in the spring of 2006, we therefore began to highlight the curious
arrangement (since established to have been a White House/US Treasury ruse)
whereby $4.5 trillion of funds were repatriated from safekeeping at the
People's Bank of China (originally facilitated by the Chinese intelligence
operative Howie Kwong Kok) to finance the intended Dollar Refunding
Program - not to compensate Wanta for his earlier intelligence 'work' in
helping to ransack the Soviet Union with the assistance of Soviet insiders
and other crooks, and for his periodic imprisonment under the Clinton
(President Clinton procured, by devious conspiratorial means
involving the Governor of Wisconsin, to have Wanta arrested on largely
trumped-up charges, as we later exposed, and incarcerated: whereupon Clinton
stole the United Nations' contract Number 5, which had been awarded to Wanta:
see below).
To summarize the key point here, it is now deduced that the $4.5 trillion
was made available by the Chinese authorities TO FINANCE THE REFUNDING - but
that when it was realized that Wanta didn't know what he was doing (and
would, if left to handle the Refunding, abuse his responsibility so that the
world would have experienced an even more catastrophic blow-up than actually
occurred in 2007-09) - the Bush/Paulson Treasury (spearheaded by the
operative Henry M. Paulson) revamped OPERATION STILLPOINT, as described
below, instead of Wanta handling the Refunding (not least because of immense
opportunities for private illicit, untaxed profit in the process).
In other
words, they realized after the funds were transferred, that Wanta would mess
everything up.
And how right they were - judging by the confused twists and
turns in the virtual projects that he told the Editor (in a Staten Island
Hotel in November 2007) that he was intending to finance.
The Editor's calculation all along was that if he followed the Wanta trail,
a degree of truth would eventually emerge. We then found ourselves caught up
in his campaign to procure economic receipt of the $4.5 trillion, running a
campaign of exposure via this website which Wanta more or less commandeered
- sending the Editor faxed instructions, which are held in our files - while
we generally provided him with a publicity platform that he otherwise
Moreover, on the same principle, the Editor rashly LENT Wanta $35,000 of his
own private funds (obtained from the successful sale of a central London
private house) for a period of two years at 7% arms' length interest - at
the suggestion of Wanta through Steven Goodwin, a CIA-approved Wanta
Attorney based in Richmond, VA.
The purpose of this loan was to provide the
restitution funds, plus other fees, demanded by the Wisconsin Court as the
price for the ending of Wanta's extended probation (which was scheduled to
end on 28th November 2010).
After a delay lasting for more than 4 months, while authorities debated what
on earth to do given this 'unanticipated wildcard development' (as lending Mr Wanta money for this purpose, we later discovered, had been forbidden to
Agency and other personnel; and in any case Wanta did not repay the loan on
the due date (11th June 2007 or at any time since, so has stolen the loan
funds - which he has also done, we have subsequently learned, with certain
other monies), the Wisconsin State Department of Corrections was finally
left with no alternative but to award Wanta an Absolute Discharge from his
Wisconsin Court-ordered probation, effective 14th November 2005.
After the $4.5 trillion was brought over from Beijing in May 2006 and the
money was not deposited for Wanta's account(s), we started the de facto
exposure campaign on behalf of Leo Wanta, which continued until it had to be
abruptly terminated in March 2008.
This happened because Wanta had been consorting and deliberating behind our
backs with the Bushes, Cheney, et al., contrary to the stance he had
maintained in dealings with us - and because we received warnings from
others that we were being used. In fact this came as no surprise to the
Editor, who had understood from the outset that he might be riding the
beast, and that the beast would in all probably shake him off his back.
Which is what happened.
Now in the course of this operation, and for two years prior to meeting
Wanta in person, the Editor obtained a large portfolio from the public
domain of documents, and learned an immense amount about corrupt
intelligence operations which could not have been obtained other than by the
use of methodology such as is summarized above.
In other words, this represented nothing less than an unwitting de facto
penetration of criminal intelligence for international investigative
journalism purposes, guided by the Editor's instinctive understanding that
the investigations would eventually hit pay-dirt.
What we didn't know was the exact nature of the beast that the Editor was
riding. It will now be exposed. We were actually inadvertently, from June
2006 to March 2008, assisting the progress of OPERATION STILLPOINT, without
realizing it.
But in conformity with the Editor's perception that the truth
would be more than likely to emerge, Wanta made a number of serious mistakes
in the second half of 2007 and the first quarter of 2008, which saved the
situation: and indeed, looking back, the Editor has a strong sense of having
been guided throughout.
We begin with a communication from Wanta to President Barack Obama dated
25th December 2009. We will then proceed on the same basis as in the report
dated 26th November 2009.
That report carried the following introductory
observations which have to be replicated here for clarity:
We publish herewith detailed intelligence the implications of which will
surely be clear to 'the interested' and to close students of the prevailing
unprecedented global criminal finance crisis, and on which we will make no
further comment and will answer no questions.
This is the SECOND 'delivery' of such intelligence. It is based on a sworn
and signed Affirmation document dated 3rd January 2010, obtained by this
service at 10:02pm UK time on that date.
The documented NUMBERED FACTS given below are referenced thus: (7), (18),
etc, by the Notes and References at the foot of the report above the
With the exception of the Wanta letter to the President, all the
data presented hereafter are sourced from the signed Affirmation document
provenanced from impeccable sources.
Insertions by the Editor in the NUMBERED FACTS sequences are shown between
square brackets.
Leo Wanta sent a communication to The Office of the President, The Hon.
Barack Obama, The White House, West Wing, from Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta,
dated 25 December 2009 -
the very day when a terrorist attempted to blow up
the Northwest Airlines aircraft - requesting 'Urgent Confirmation' under
'Security Code: 'STILLPOINT', carrying the following messages:
'Partial proof of funds to lawfully [sic] pay my Civil Repatriation Income
Taxes of US Dollar 1.565 Trillion NOW' [referencing further pages of
historical material also sent with the communication];
'Merry Christmas to our Great Nation'. [Reiteration of Wanta's overdone
'patriotic card', identified in our exposures of the Principality of Snake
Hill fraud: see the report dates immediately below]
Mr Obama was of course in Hawaii with his family at the time.
This communication, which was also disseminated via the Internet, was
delivered on a letterhead of The Principality of Snake Hill - a
fraudulent virtual entity that does not exist, as of course we have long
since proved [see our reports dated
20th September,
22nd October, and
17th November 2009].
It seems to us that communicating with the Head of State on a
fraudulent letter-heading is fraud or considerably worse: after all, the Head
of State is entitled to receive only the truth.
If the Head of State is lied to and deceived, to whom should he or she
appeal in order to be told the truth, the Man in the Moon?
Could this communication have had ANYTHING at all to do with possible
precautionary obfuscation of the allegation, already publicized by this
service, that the Wanta corporation named Marvelous Investments Limited
financed al-Qaeda?
Such an hypothesis might 'explain' the hasty, reckless,
self-defeating use of the discredited Principality of Snake Hill letter-heading, and Mr Leo Wanta's invocation of the defunct 'Security code:
STILLPOINT', as well as the reality that President Obama was vacationing in
Hawaii, a fact that was in the public domain and that Wanta would have known
- so that, therefore, sending the communication to the President on a
fraudulent letterhead at the wrong address on Christmas Day was manifestly
At the risk of tedious repetition, we repeat herewith the statement from the
Australian Embassy, Dublin, informing our Irish colleague.
Richard Sharpe,
of the self-evident fact of the non-existence of the Principality of Snake
Hill [the use of 'snake', i.e., serpent, in the name and virtual image for
this fabrication being, we presume, NOT ACCIDENTAL. It is extraordinary how
these people openly advertise their allegiance to the Evil One, isn't it?].
Ms. Brenda Farrell, of the Australian Embassy in Dublin, confirmed on 23rd
September 2009 to one of the Editor's private associates (Richard Sharpe)
that there is no Principality in Australia:
"Austremb Dublin" <Austremb.Dublin@dfat.gov.au> wrote:
Dear Mr Sharpe,
Thank you for your email.
There is no principality in Australia.
Kind regards
Australian Embassy
Tel: +353 (0) 1 664 5300
Fax: +353 (0) 1 678 5185
Secondly, OPERATION STILLPOINT is being dismantled, and is dead, as
explained in this report.
Leo Wanta chooses not to recognize either of these realities.
represents a clear example of the blindness induced by arrogance: about
which more could be said, but won't be, because we must proceed with the
exposure of OPERATION STILLPOINT - the five-phase criminal project to take
down the United States and seize the assets of the nation and its people.
Recall former Soviet President Gorbachëv's involvement with the Bush Crime
Syndicate inter alia via his participation in Deutsche AG (the former
Barrington Investment Group).
Finally, bear in mind that it has transpired
that Wanta has been 'working for' George H. W. Bush Sr. all along,
facilitating his financial activities - even while still languishing on
probation and confined within the State of Wisconsin up until the Editor's
private (stolen) LOAN funds procured his release from such Court confinement
effective 14th November 2005, and subsequently
And before we begin the exposure, recall also the following:
ALL involved in this financial corruption are to be investigated and
prosecuted, there being no exceptions
The enhanced powers of INTERPOL and the de facto suspension of Habeas
in the context of THIS CRISIS and for no other reason.
The exposure begins with information provided by Leo/Lee Wanta in September
2006 [passages and words in square brackets that have been inserted here by
the Editor for clarification do not appear in the underlying signed and
sworn Affirmation document]:
On 28th September, between approximately 12:05pm EDT and 12:13 EDT,
Affirmation source placed a phone call to Leo/Lee E. Wanta, [then] Chairman
and sole owner of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., in the course of which Wanta
advised source of the following:
That the US Treasury system is going to be reorganized, by changing
'debt to legal tender', and that this 'debt' will be paid off using
'securitized debt as legal tender'.
That the US Dollar used internationally will cease to be issued by
the Federal Reserve, but will instead be issued by the US Treasury under
Henry M. Paulson Jr. [the former CEO of Goldman Sachs, who was summoned by
George Bush Jr. from Wall Street to replace John Snow as Treasury Secretary
shortly after the $4.5 trillion was received from the People's Bank of
That the US Treasury will monetize all Federal Reserve and Federal
Government debt and will eliminate Personal Income Tax.
That interest earned on the bonds (debt) will remain with the US
Treasury at 6% per annum, and will not be earned via the commercial banks
and the Federal Reserve [see below].
That the US Congress will issue US Dollar [bills], and that [the
monetary aggregate] M-3 will not reflect any Federal Reserve Notes.
That there will be no [official or other] borrowing from banks, since all lending will be initiated from within the US Treasury.
That the US Treasury will reclaim power to create the US Dollar and ELIMINATE THE BANKING SYSTEM.
That “refunding” of the US Dollar/US banks and the Federal Reserve
Banks will no longer be necessary. [On the contrary] the US Treasury becomes
the only Central Bank for the United States of America, with Hank Paulson
the ONLY Central Banker for the United States of America.
That all debt will reside in US Treasury Direct Accounts and US Treasury Depository Accounts.
That [accordingly] the US Dollar will be weak [on the foreign
exchange markets] and on a short-term basis [so that] Chinese products will
increase in price.
That “everybody” (meaning inter alia, the French and the Iraqi
authorities) agrees that there will be no “terrorists”, and that the 'old
Federal Reserve Notes' will become the new US Dollar with NO TREASURY BONDS:
And that: This program is codenamed: OPERATION STILLPOINT.
[End of the first batch of special intelligence].
This is/was the underlying long-range subversion program. The
NESARA fictions are/were CIA disinformation ploys to deflect any attention
from OPERATION STILLPOINT and to ensure that if it leaked, it would be
swamped by NESARA-type confusion, stirred up to fever pitch if 'necessary'
by websites specializing in the maximizing of the fog of confusion.
Wanta 'worked/works with' the Bush-CIA-DVD control and criminal finance
syndicate, which is how he, as a key latent player in this massive takedown
operation - which was to follow the takedown of the Soviet Union - obtained
this information.
As noted, his Christmas 2009 communication to President Obama, a copy of
which we hold, and which is written in Wanta's own handwriting, is labeled:
'Security Code: STILLPOINT'.
Other signed/unsigned Wanta documents obtained from and in the public
domain, and from Wanta himself, and held in our own archive, are likewise
labeled OPERATION STILLPOINT, stretching back many years - which PROVES
that OPERATION STILLPOINT has been 'live' under the control of Bush Sr.
since the Reagan era (1983-84), although it was 'activated' in earnest in
We can now go further: it is almost certain that the intended
of the United States and the 'takedown' of the Soviet Union represented two
(dialectical) components of one gigantic DVD-linked operation, quite
possibly a revolutionary Metabridge (CIA-DVD-Mossad and MI-6) offensive to
'remodel the whole world' to conform with a 'New (Non-Cold War) Paradigm'
dreamed up by the cack-handed but irredeemably arrogant financial
manipulators served by these agencies.
We will now proceed to demonstrate that OPERATION STILLPOINT was still
'live' as late as 6th December 2009, when the Chinese parties and the
British Monarchical Power (namely, the Lien Holders) executed their Lien for
$47 trillion on the US Treasury, which finally killed OPERATION STILLPOINT
- which the Geithner Treasury, in some turmoil, had been making every effort
to resuscitate - stone cold dead.
And as current and recent data [see above] demonstrate, it is clear now that
compartmentalized cadres in the key countries (France, Britain, even
Germany, even China to some extent, and the United States), and the equally
de facto compartmentalized bankers and intermediaries, have not been kept up
to speed by their cowed handlers with the fact that the ground had shifted
violently beneath their feet - so that they have continued behaving as
though OPERATION STILLPOINT was still 'live' (even though few of them would
have had knowledge of it or of the overall picture).
This, then, explains the continued resistance and sabotage AFTER THE
EXECUTION OF THE LIEN, why INTERPOL had to be given its de facto diplomatic
immunity in the United States, why the US Department of Justice was
compelled at long last to CHANGE ITS POLICY (i.e., to start doing its job),
why Bench Warrants had to be served, for instance, on 137 individuals on 4th
January 2010 - and all the other atrocious developments that we have had to
try to report as this massive crisis has juddered towards resolution or
The following sequence contains information obtained in November 2009.
considered in the context of what we now know about OPERATION STILLPOINT and
that the execution of the Lien by the injured sovereign plaintiffs on or
about the 6th December 2009 threw the continued de facto hegemony of the
Bush-directed sabotage operations designed to sustain OPERATION STILLPOINT
into disarray, we can see how very close we came to the implementation by
default of OPERATION STILLPOINT - which, having been torpedoed on 10th-12th
September 2008, the Paulson Treasury sought, on behalf of the Intelligence
Power under Bush Sr.'s hegemony, to restart under President Obama, with
Hillary Clinton in the driving seat at the State Department (given that the
Bushes and Clintons 'work together' on behalf of the Fifth Column element of
the Intelligence Power).
Moreover this documented evidence DIRECTLY IMPLICATES, in addition to Wanta,
the following operatives frequently mentioned in these reports, who must now
be concerned, if they have not been arrested, that they will face the
consequences of their sabotage behavior under the NEW POLICY at the
Department of Justice - and given the supremacy, with its diplomatic
immunity, of INTERPOL:
former President Bush Sr.
Henry M. Paulson Jr. (held
in Bermuda, according to our own published information)
former President
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
the US Treasury Secretary,
Timothy Geithner
Leon Panetta (CIA DCI)
the former Fed Chairman Dr Alan
Rahm Emanuel (Obama's Chief of Staff, who hopes to
'escape' as
prospective Mayor of Chicago)
DVD's leading banker, Dr Joseph
On 2nd November 2009, between approximately 6:05pm EST and 6:18 pm
EST, Affirmation source placed a telephone call to a special contact, who
advised source of the following:
That [as previously reported by this service] former President
G. W.
Bush ordered Henry M. Paulson, the former US Treasury Secretary, to contact
BOTH former President Bill Clinton and the current Secretary of State, Mrs.
Hillary Clinton, [instructing them] to get in touch with the current
Secretary of the Treasury, Timothy Geithner [this job was allocated to
former President Clinton] and the Director of Central Intelligence [CIA],
Leon Panetta [this was to be Mrs. Clinton's task] to order them to STOP
RELEASE of the 'Settlement funds'.
[The purpose of this maneuver, which of course replicated innumerable
earlier sabotage operations - but the main difference here is that we have
That President Obama [is sick of this nonsense which is
his Presidency and] definitely wants the Settlements 'done now'.
That [as the matter is expressed in the Affirmation document]
Chinese officially have “had it with 41” [George Bush Sr.] now'.
On 3rd November 2009, between approximately 7:14pm EST and 7:16pm
EST, Affirmation source placed a telephone call to a special contact, who
advised as follows:
Secretary of the Treasury Geithner was visited by enforcement people
at 11:30am EST, and at 1:03pm he 'O.K'd' the release.
[As you will have seen, we now know that Geithner, despite the severe
pressures and humiliations that have been visited upon him] was STILL
interfering as late as 4th January 2010].
That the Chinese wanted their 'obligations fulfilled' [sic].
INSERTED NOTE: cf. a belated French official
'acceptance' that 'what has
to be done has to be done', in the context of the British Monarchical Power
obtaining restitution and the US Dollar Refunding proceeding from London - something the French are believed to have resisted but which they cannot
So they appear to have finally had to adopt a sensible, pragmatic
attitude here, realizing that the German 'case', being tied hand and foot to
the Bush criminal CIA Syndicate 'Black Ops' dimension, is severely degraded
by association with the Bush OPERATION STILLPOINT (to take down the United
States component of the 'Main Enemy') - which the French were assisting
through their links to Germany under the 1963 Treaty of the Elysée, of
indefinite duration, which provides that both countries must reach an
analogous position in respect of all matters relating to external affairs.
In other words, the French appear suddenly or belatedly to have
following the execution of the Lien, that they were in danger of 'going down
with Bush and Germany'. If they continued their obstructive behavior, that
is what would happen.
On 4th November 2009, between approximately 2:45pm EST and 2:47pm
EST, Affirmation source placed a phone call to a special source, who advised
as follows:
That two critical arrests were about to be made.
That another confrontation with Treasury Secretary Geithner is
That Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton has instructed the State
Department personnel NOT to transfer any money/funds to ANYONE. [However, as
you may well recall from our report dated 28th December 2009, four of Mrs.
Clinton's senior State Department personal aides were arrested on 17th
December accused of wire fraud, a felony which, on conviction, entitles the
recipient to 20 years in jail.
These operatives had been surreptitiously
moving money, on the instructions of Mrs. Clinton, who, as Secretary of
State, is in charge of 'international economic development'.
The arrest of these four operatives resulted in the immediate collapse of
the Copenhagen false-flag 'Climate Change' summit, because the funds were to
have been illegally transferred to kick-start remittances to country
participants under cover of the 'Climate Change' gobbledygook, to finance
hidden leveraged financial trading operations under the domestic and
international radar, invigorating the fake, criminalized 'Climate Change'
compartment of Fraudulent Finance.
So, when Mrs. Clinton intervened to block transfers as revealed to source on
4th November, she was being selective. She intended, on behalf of the
Syndicate etc, to have the funds diverted for the foregoing purpose.
On 5th November 2009, between approximately 6:50pm EST and 6:51pm
EST, Affirmation source received a telephone call from a special contact,
who advised as follows:
That both Leon Panetta, the CIA's Director of Central Intelligence,
and Treasury Secretary Geithner, had again been confronted after they
delayed and/pr stopped release of the Settlements.
That Treasury Secretary Geithner was now
'so shaken' that he was on 'suicide watch', supervised by members of enforcement teams.
That Former Treasury Secretary Paulson, the former Chairman of the
Federal Reserve Greenspan and President Obama's [White House] Chief of
Staff, Rahm Emanuel, had been ordered to STAND DOWN - that is to say, to
cause no further delays or interference.
That despite all of the above, the CEO of Deutsche Bank, Dr
Ackermann [the DVD's chief banker] and George H. W. Bush, have both stated
that the Settlement funds will be kept by them UNTIL JANUARY 2010. WHICH IS
Therefore, OPERATION STILLPOINT was STILL functioning into December 2009.
It is thought that the reason that the funds only started being released on
5th January (despite Bench Warrants, arrests, horizontalizations,
confrontations and other forms of necessary pressure) MAY (but we don't know
whether this is true or not) reflect the possibility that Settlements funds
were placed out of reach in some manner.
ANOTHER possibility, which might
begin to explain the mystery of why the Bushes and Clintons and their
associates haven't been jailed in front of the TV cameras, is that ALL these
parties routinely play dialectical double games, to confuse onlookers.
But this is just speculation on our part at this point.
[End of the special documented information].
From the above, which is based on sworn and affirmed documentation from
impeccable sources of course, it can be seen that while OPERATION STILLPOINT
has again been frustrated - this time as a consequence of the Lien on the US
Treasury in the sum of $47 trillion, the de facto suspension of Habeas
Corpus in the context of INTERPOL's new US diplomatic status, and the
drastic associated CHANGE OF POLICY at the US Department of Justice - the
saboteurs successfully delayed, as was revealed to sources in November,
release of the funds until January 2010.
Moreover notwithstanding that all funds held by the Bushsnakes, and all
access to codes, have been/were removed from their control, and
notwithstanding the waves of arrests, which assumed dramatic proportions
early in this New Year, these Fifth Column criminals nevertheless succeeded
in holding the Obama Government, the United States, the American people, and
the whole world to ransom up to the time of posting.
And here we need to report a further dimension.
This is such a HUGE
SUBVERSION OPERATION, which has been ongoing for so long (since early
Reagan) that it has been suppressed on several past occasions, only to
resurface again later in a different format. The first wave of the offensive
occurred in the first Reagan term, with the previous Dollar Refunding
operation [not discussed here], in 1984.
initiatives, based on exploiting the consequences of the orchestrated
Savings and Loan scams handled with the underworld (which was the second
wave), were closed down in 1989.
In 1992, money raised from international banks, as revealed from the
original 'FINs' documents obtained by the Editor of this service following
that conference in Washington, DC, in June 2002, was then diverted to Bush
Sr. and many of his outlets, under Dr A. Greenspan's say-so (and we
published all this data in International Currency Review, with comprehensive
facsimiles of the documents in question).
Those proceeds - on which interest of 7.5% per annum has been chargeable for
a 20-year period (therefore ending in 2012), when the 200+ banks from which
the funds were raised will require their principal back - was stolen and
used for yet more leveraging, hypothecation and illicit, off-balance sheet,
untaxed Ponzi operations, the proceeds of which were stashed offshore.
After President Clinton had procured the arrest in Switzerland of Wanta, and
his incarceration, he stole Mr Wanta's United Nations contract Number Five,
mandating the issuance of unsubordinated senior Medium-Term Notes, the
proceeds of which were likewise used to further the objectives of OPERATION
STILLPOINT and for bribery, corruption and self-enrichment purposes.
Meanwhile myriad
Ponzi schemes were systematically proliferated involving
the ransacking of investors - the most gigantic, revealed for the first time
in this report, being the illicit floating of 2.25 trillion of PHANTOM CMKM/CMKX
STOCK, for which the fleeced investors now require the corrupt Securities
and Exchange Commission to cough up $3.87++ trillion.
This of course makes
the Madoff and Stanford operations look like petty crimes by comparison.
are advised directly by the lawyers concerned that the filing of this class
action lawsuit against the S.E.C. is held pending satisfaction of the
Settlements in general, and immediate payment out of Court of the $3.87++
trillion due to the fleeced and scammed CMKX/CMKX private investors in
Each time that one of the tentacles of the Octopus (= OPERATION STILLPOINT)
has been wrenched from the putrid creature, it either sprouts another
tentacle, or else maximizes the potential for a different tentacle to
achieve the outcomes that have been aborted or frustrated elsewhere.
instance, in order to achieve the total corruption of the
Federal Reserve
System, given the 'need' to develop 'other products' such as the synthetic
'structured' products and sub-prime operations developed in the 1990s, the
US Federal Reserve 'needed' to become both the regulator and the purchaser - on the same
'sib' model, essentially, as the illicit trading operations of
the Securities and Exchange Commission revealed in this report.
But when this nexus of criminal finance operations was finally faced up to,
and challenged by the exasperated international community, spearheaded by
the 160 countries (which were finally paid out on 5th January 2010) and by
the primary aggrieved sovereign owners of the loan funds stolen and diverted
by the OPERATION STILLPOINT criminals holding high office, past and present,
the entire edifice of corruption started to collapse - bringing the
Crime Family down, sending the CIA, the State Department and other US
Government structures into internal strife and turmoil, and sharply
truncating the survival prospects of the Bush Crime Family's Clinton-CIA
As Wanta's communication sent to President Obama on Christmas Day makes
clear, he still thinks he has authority under STILLPOINT.
In fact he asserts
this categorically in communications, also supposedly provenanced from the
Principality of Snake Hill, to others (for instance, in a
communication to a third party on 6th January 2010).
In reality he's gone
through the
Looking Glass and is walking upside down on the ceiling,
imagining things.
Like Cheney, he may be going nuts - which is what
eventually happens to people whose lives revolve around deceiving others.
He is probably in a bound situation which precludes him from switching his
Certainly it would have been a catastrophic error to have entrusted him with
ANY new financial responsibility: after all, he can't even be bothered to
explain politely, by letter, to a stranger who bailed him out of his
probation at a cost of $35,000, why he has taken no steps to repay what he
should have paid back on 11th June 2007, with interest.
So, if he can't be
trusted with a mere $35,000, how could he possibly have been trusted with
vastly larger sums of money?
This point, we have had confirmed to us, was taken decisively on board
some time ago.
In any case, all who 'worked for' the Bush Crime Syndicate are out in the
freezing cold. For ever.
OPERATION STILLPOINT is dead and buried...
The United States has AGAIN been saved from the ravages of the
foreign-inspired Fifth Column that has burrowed deep into the fabric of its
arrogant and criminalized Intelligence Power - now bitterly split between
the rival collapsing Bush-DVD cadres and operatives who are believed to be
slightly (but only slightly) less brain-dead - in the sense that at least
they agree that the United States should not be destroyed by a malicious
foreign penetration of enemy serpents from within.
Of course they should
have stamped on
the serpents long ago: but that's a separate issue.
The pressing reality, looking ahead, is that all who have been associated
with this sabotage and betrayal of the United States and the American people
are now officially ECONOMIC TERRORISTS.
So, finally, whatever messy developments may ensue, there is indeed now a
glimmer of hope that the corrupted Intelligence Power can be PURGED OF THE
SNAKES IN ITS MIDST - not least given that as the corrupt fiat money spigot
is progressively or immediately, as a consequence of these developments,
denied to the greedy US Intelligence Power, the purge will have to continue.
The fundamental problem, as we have previously reiterated, is that this
crisis is also bound up with the perverse intent of the arrogant
Intelligence Power to hold onto its hegemony over the entire US Government,
developed because of its access to endless supplies of 'Black' fiat money,
and thanks to its 'power of penetration'.
The behavior of Leon Panetta
right up to this end-game and beyond, confirms this assessment without a
shadow of doubt.
What these exposures and parallel developments may thus have achieved is the
decisive blow that the CIA and its subsidiaries will suffer as their
free-wheeling access to limitless illicit funds through Fraudulent Finance
is discontinued.
That would be the most far-reaching outcome of all.
Notes and References
The purposes of these references is simply to indicate that each and every
NUMBERED FACT is documented by a signed, sworn and affirmed statement of
facts provided by our sources, which is dated 3rd January 2010, and was
received by this service at 10:02pm on that date.
As with the 'first delivery' of such intelligence, the Editor is not in a
position or ready to expand or to provide any elaboration concerning these
DOCUMENTED FACTS beyond what is presented here. There are sensible reasons
for this: and we are fortunate that confidence in this service enables such
data to be publicized on this platform.
The numbers in the Notes and
References correspond to the numbers preceding the FACTS themselves:
(1): Point 1 in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 2.
(2): Point 1 (a) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 2.
(3): Point 1 (b) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 2.
(4): Point 1 (c) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 2.
(5): Point 1 (d) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 2.
(6): Point 1 (e) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 2.
(7): Point 1 (f) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 2.
(8): Point 1 (g) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 2.
(9): Point 1 (h) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 2.
(10): Point 1 (i) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 2.
(11): Point 1 (j) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 2.
(12): Point 1 (k) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 2.
(13): Point 1 (l) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 2.
(14): Point 2 in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 3.
(15): Point 2 (a) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 3.
(16): Point 2 (b) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 3.
(17): Point 2 ( ) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 3.
(18): Point 3 in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 3.
(19): Point 3 (a) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 3.
(20): Point 3 (b) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 3.
(21): Point 4 in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 3.
(22): Point 4 (a) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 3.
(23): Point 4 (b) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 3.
(24): Point 4 (c) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 3.
(25): Point 5 in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 3.
(26): Point 5 (a) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 3.
(27): Point 5 (b) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 3.
(28): Point 5 (c ) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 4.
(29): Point 5 (d) in the document dated 3rd January 2010, page 4.
by David Reilly
30th December 2009
To close out 2009, I decided to do something that I bet no member of
Congress has done - actually read from cover to cover one of the pieces of
sweeping legislation bouncing around Capitol Hill.
Hunkering down by the fire, I snuggled up with H.R. 4173, the
financial-reform legislation passed earlier this month by the House of
Representatives. The Senate has yet to pass its own reform plan. The baby of
Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank, the House bill is meant
to address everything from Too-Big-To-Fail banks to asleep-at-the-switch
credit-ratings companies to the protection of consumers from greedy lenders.
I quickly discovered why members of Congress rarely read legislation like
this. At 1,279 pages, the 'Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act'
is a real slog. And yes, I ploughed through all those pages. (Memorandum to
Chairman Frank - “ystem” at line 14, page 258 is missing the first “s”).
The reading was especially painful since this reform sausage is stuffed with
more gristle than meat. At least, that is, if you are a taxpayer hoping the
bailout train is coming to a halt.
If you're a banker, the bill is tastier. While banks opposed the
legislation, they should cheer for its passage by the full Congress in the
New Year. There are huge giveaways insuring that the Government will again
rescue banks and Wall Street if the need arises.
Here are some of the nuggets I gleaned from days spent reading Frank's
For all its enormous size, the bill doesn't once mention the words Too Big
To Fail, the main issue confronting the financial system. Admitting you have
a problem, as any schoolchild knows, is the crucial first step toward
On the contrary, the bill supports the biggest banks. It authorises
Federal Reserve Banks to provide as much as $4 trillion in emergency funding
the next time Wall Street crashes [thereby indicating that the Legislature
confidently expects this to happen: - Ed.]. So much for all that talk of 'no
more bailouts'. That is more than twice what the Fed pumped into markets
this time around. The size of the fund makes the bribes in the Senate's
health-care bill look minuscule.
Oh, hold on, the Federal Reserve and the US Treasury Secretary can't
authorize these funds unless 'there is at least a 99 percent likelihood that
all the funds and interest will be paid back'. [presupposing that such a
calculation in advance is possible - Ed.]
Too bad that the same models that were used to foresee the housing
meltdown will probably be used to predict this likelihood as well.
The bill also allows the Government, in a crisis, to back financial firms'
debts. Bondholders can therefore sleep easy: there are more bailouts to
The legislation does create a Council of Regulators to spot risks to the
financial system and the big financial firms. Unfortunately, this group is
to be made up of folks who missed the problems that led to the current
Don't worry, though: this time regulators will have
'better tools'. Six
months after being created, the Council will report to Congress on 'WHETHER
setting up an electronic database' would be a help. Maybe they'll even get
round to using that Internet thingy.
This group, among its many powers, can restrict the ability of a financial
firm to trade for its own account. Perhaps this section should be entitled,
'Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., we're looking at you'.
The bill also allows regulators to 'prohibit any incentive-based payment
arrangement'. In other words, bankers' bonuses are still in play. Maybe Bank
of America Corporation and Citigroup, Inc. shouldn't have rushed to pay back
Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) funds.
The bill kills off the Office of Thrift Supervision, a toothless watchdog.
Well, kill may be too strong a word. Because that agency and its employees
will be folded into the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency [whose
chief has allegedly been engaged in sabotaging the Settlements: see above - Ed]. Further proof that government never really disappears.
Since Congress isn't cutting jobs, why not add a few more? Accordingly,
the bill calls for more than a dozen agencies to create a new position
called 'Director of Minority and Women Inclusion'. People in these new posts
will be presidential appointees.
I thought Too Big To Fail banks were the pressing issue. Turns out it's
diversity, and patronage.
Not that the House is entirely sure of what the issues really are
- at
least, judging by the two dozen or so studies that the bill authorizes.
About a quarter of these studies relate to credit-rating companies, an area
in which the legislation falls short of meaningful change. Sadly, these
studies don't tackle tough questions like whether we should just do away
with ratings altogether. Here's a tip: Do the studies, then write the
The bill isn't all bad, though. It creates a brand new Consumer Financial
Protection Agency, the brainchild Elizabeth Warren, who is currently head of
a panel overseeing the TARP. And the first director gets the cool job of
designing a SEAL for the new agency. My suggestion: Warren riding a fiery
chariot while hurling lightning bolts at Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.
Best of all, the bill contains a provision that, in the event of another
Government request for emergency aid to prop up [its pals in] the financial
system, debate in Congress be limited to just 10 hours. Anything that can
get Congress to shut up can't be all bad.
Even better would be if legislators actually tackle the real issues stemming
from the financial crisis, end bailouts and, for the sake of my eyes, write
far, far shorter bills.
Comment by the Editor:
I like his dry, witty cynicism.
Verdict: Excellent analysis. But nothing
like rude enough.
LEGAL TUTORIAL: The Steps of Common Fraud:
Step 1: Fraud in the Inducement:
“… is intended to and which does cause one
to execute an instrument, or make an agreement… The misrepresentation
involved does not mislead one as the paper he signs but rather misleads as
to the true facts of a situation, and the false impression it causes is a
basis of a decision to sign or render a judgment”.
Source: Steven H. Gifis,
'Law Dictionary', 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron's Educational Series, Inc.,
2003, s.v.: 'Fraud'.
Step 2: Fraud in Fact by Deceit (Obfuscation and Denial) and Theft:
“ACTUAL FRAUD. Deceit. Concealing something or making a false
representation with an evil intent [scanter] when it causes injury to
another…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, 'Law Dictionary', 5th Edition, Happauge:
Barron's Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: 'Fraud'.
“THE TORT OF FRAUDULENT DECEIT… The elements of actionable deceit are: A
false representation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity,
or recklessly, or without reasonable grounds for believing its truth, and
with intent to induce reliance thereon, on which plaintiff justifiably
relies on his injury…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, 'Law Dictionary', 5th
Edition, Happauge: Barron's Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: 'Deceit'.
Step 3: Theft by Deception and Fraudulent Conveyance:
“FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT… The hiding or suppression of a material fact or
circumstance which the party is legally or morally bound to disclose…”.
“The test of whether failure to disclose material facts constitutes fraud
is the existence of a duty, legal or equitable, arising from the relation of
the parties: failure to disclose a material fact with intent to mislead or
defraud under such circumstances being equivalent to an actual 'fraudulent
To suspend running of limitations, it means the employment of artifice,
planned to prevent inquiry or escape investigation and mislead or hinder
acquirement of information disclosing a right of action, and acts relied on
must be of an affirmative character and fraudulent…”.
Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., 'Black's Law Dictionary', Revised 4th
Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. 'Fraudulent
“FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE… A conveyance or transfer of property, the object
of which is to defraud a creditor, or hinder or delay him, or to put such
property beyond his reach…”.
“Conveyance made with intent to avoid some duty or debt due by or
incumbent or person (entity) making transfer…”.
Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A.,
'Black's Law Dictionary', Revised 4th
Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. 'Fraudulent
NASD Rule 3120, et al.
NASD Rule 2330, et al
NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3040
NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-1
NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and SEC Rule 15c3-1
NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3110
SEC Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4
NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and Procedural Rule 8210
NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 2330 and IM-2330
NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-5
NASD Systems and Programme Rules 6950 through 6957
97-13 Bank Secrecy Act, Recordkeeping Rule for funds transfers and
transmittals of funds, et al.
Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act
Anti-Drug Abuse Act
Applicable international money laundering restrictions
Bank Secrecy Act
Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]
Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
Economic Espionage Act
Hobbs Act
Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]
Maloney Act
Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC] (1)
Money-Laundering Control Act
Money-Laundering Suppression Act
Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
Perpetration of repeated egregious felonies by State and Federal public
employees and their Departments and agencies, which are co-responsible with
the said employees for ONGOING illegal and criminal actions, to sustain
fraudulent operations and crimes in order to cover up criminalist activities
and High Crimes and Misdemeanours by present and former holders of high
office under the United States
Provisions pertaining to private business transactions being protected
under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]
Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [F.I.S.A.]
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]
Securities Act 1933
Securities Act 1934
Terrorism Prevention Act
Treason legislation, especially in time of war.
Note: Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review and
associated intelligence services cannot enter into email correspondence
related to this or to any of the earlier reports.