- "Accountability
for War Crimes is Imperative"
- An Interview With Cindy Sheehan
A Decisive Shift in the Power
Balance has Occurred
Depressed President Hooked on Google "Vanity Searches"
Español |
Algo de Proporciones Históricas
Está Sucediendo
The President's Women - Hillary Clinton
- 'America
Must Surrender Sovereignty and Embrace One World
Government' - Said Obama
America Stands Upon
the Precipice of Brutal Martial Law
America, Welcome to The Fourth
Reich |
And Now, Ladies an' Gentlemen: Obama's 'War on Ebola'… |
Aliens Guarding President Obama? |
U.N. Obama Offers a Defense of a Liberal World Order
Under Siege
Barack Hussein Obama - Additional
Important Features
- 'Barack
Obama Advocates World Government' - Suggests The Renowned
Financial Times
Barack Obama 'Approved Tapping Angela Merkel's Phone 3
Years Ago
Barack Obama - As Bad as Bush
Español |
- "Barack
Obama dio el Paso más Agresivo Contra Venezuela en la Historia
de Estados Unidos"
- dice Maduro
Barack Obama Elected President
- An Analysis by The Global Consciousness Project
Español |
Barack Obama - El Primer Presidente Judío de Estados
Barack Obama - The Naked Emperor
Big Brother - Obama Calls for The
Integration of State and Federal Military Forces
Big Brother - Obama Demands Access
to Internet Records, in Secret, and Without Court Review
Brother Obama - U.S. to Spy on Internet Messaging
- Regulations to Target Skype, Facebook, Blackberry
Bilderberger Praises Medicare Rationing Advocate
Español |
- ¿Borrón
y Cuenta Nueva...? - Obama a America Latina
 |
Candidate Obama - The Change We
Need in Washington
Español |
Carta Abierta al Presidente Barack Hussein Obama
China Warns the U.S. to Stop its
Ukrainian Proxy War Against Russia
Español |
Cierra la Administración Obama
- Los Republicanos Fuerzan el Primer Cierre del Gobierno
desde 1995
Español |
el TPP, Obama Expande el Moderno Comercio de Esclavos |
Italiano |
il TPP, Obama espande il Moderno Commercio degli Schiavi |
Crypto Wars! - Obama Wants New Law to Wiretap The
Español |
- ¿Cuán
Fascistas son Los Estados Unidos?
- Diez Indicadores del Fascismo
Department of Homeland Security Prepares for Civil
Unrest as Obama Poised to Destroy 2nd Amendment
Do You Trust the Government With
Your Computer?
Español |
El Hermano Obama - Artículo de Fidel
Español |
El Problema No Es Trump - Somos
Español |
El Senado de EE.UU. y Obama Reclaman el Derecho a Matar y
Encarcelar Americanos Sin Juicio Previo...
Español |
Verdadero Poder Que Está Detrás de Obama
Español |
Estados Unidos Ya No Asusta a Nadie
Español |
Feroz Caída en Las Encuestas
- Entre Las Masacres y La Crisis Global, Obama se
Fighting Al Qaeda by Supporting Al
Qaeda in Syria - The Obama
Administration is a "State Sponsor of...
Financial Polarization and Corruption - Obama's Politics
of Deception
- Don't Let Him Get Away With It...
Five Reasons Obama is A Proven Stooge of The Elite
Español |
Ha Ocurrido un Cambio Decisivo en
el Equilibrio del Poder Mundial
Español |
- ¿Hasta
Cuándo, Obama, Abusas de La Paciencia Nuestra?
Español |
- ¿Hay
Alienígenas Cuidando al Presidente Obama?
Hidden Story Behind Jesse Ventura and Piers Morgan's CNN
Clash Over Obama CIA Ties
Hillary and Obama In Secret Bilderberg Rendezvous
How Long After The Election Will
Obama Sign Executive Order to Control The Internet?
How Obama Surrendered Sovereignty to The Criminal
Banking Cartel
Iceland Interior Minister
Reveals Plot by Obama Administration "to Frame Julian
Assange" |
- "Identify
The Perpetrator"
- How 'The Obama' Fulfills the "Deceiver" Archetype and
Why it Is Important to... |
Assad Defends Against U.S. Attack, U.S. Will Attack
- says Obama
Español |
Imperio Reciclado - Porqué Obama Hace Lo Mismo Que Bush
- Las Líneas Matrices
Internet Crashes Will Be Hard to
Stop After Obamas Internet Giveaway
Internet 'Kill Switch' Dropped
From Cybersecurity Bill
- But White House Still Claims Power to Intervene...
In the Foreign Policy Shadow of
Dr. Brzezinski - Obama, Islamic Fundamentalism and
Barack Obama The Messiah?
it Wise for Obama to Send Thousands of U.S. Troops into
The Ebola Death Zone?
It Time to Pack Your Bags America?
 |
Islamic Extremism
and Sex Slaves - Report Reveals Obama's Relatives Run Charities of Deceit
the Obama Administration... Fully Operational?
Just How Fascist is The U.S.? - Ten
Indicators of Fascism
Español |
Biografía Oculta de Los Obama
- Una Familia al Servicio de La CIA
Español |
Cara Oculta de la Administración Obama
Español |
Casa Blanca 'acusa' a Trump de Mantener Vínculos Financieros
con Rusia y RT
Español |
Continuidad de La Agenda - La Catástrofe Siria, Diseñada
bajo Bush y Ejecutada al Pie de la Letra bajo...
Español |
Falsa Guerra de Obama contra El Estado Islámico (ISIS)
Español |
Geopolítica de Obama del "Pivote" Chino - China en La
Mira del Pentágono
Leaked Debate Agreement Shows Both Obama and Romney are
Sniveling Cowards
Start A War' - An Alternative View
Like Bush Before him Obama is Transforming the
Presidency into A Dictatorship
List of Obama's Czars
Many Nations Recognize a
Palestinian State - Only Obama Stands in the Way of Full
Global Recognition
New Obama 'Executive Order' Hints
at Devastating Space Event
New Report Explains Obama's Crusade to Censor the Press
Español |
No Puedo Con Obama...
NSA Refuses to Declassify Obama's Cybersecurity
- Exceptionally Grave Damage
Obama Administration Claims Right to "Lawfully"
Assassinate Citizens Within The U.S.
Obama and The Bilderberg
Obama and The Hero's Journey
Obama and The Media are Stirring
the Pot in Ferguson - But Real Leaders are Trying to
Bring us Together
Obama Asks Military Leaders If They Will "Fire On US
Citizens" - Nobel
Peace Prize Nominee Says
Obama Asserts Executive Privilege to Hide Involvement in
'Fast and Furious'
Obama Can Shut Down The Internet For 4 Months Under New
Emergency Powers
Obama Capitulates to Federal Reserve Masters
Obamacare - Healthcare's "New World Order"
Español |
Obama Continúa Ejerciendo Una Política Neoconservadora
- Proyecto Censurado 2010
Español |
Obama Crea una Ley para "Controlar
Mentalmente a la Población"
Obama Criminalize Free Speech?
Obama Declares Venezuela "A Threat to National Security"
- Seeks Regime-Change
Obama Doctrine - The New International Order
Español |
Obama es Humillado en
Español |
Obama es Una Marioneta de Zbigniew Brzezinski
Obama Imposes Martial Law With New
Executive Order
Español |
Impulsa una Serie de Tratados Secretos que Cambiarán el
Mundo |
Obama is a Liar - Fake NATO
- OSCE Confirms that No Russian Troops, No Tanks, have...
Obama is Bullish on War -
No Matter How You Spin It
Obama is Preparing to Bomb Iran
 |
Obama - Manufacturing a Savior
- Case Study in Social
Obama Misinforming Public About U.S. Dollar and Yuan
Obama Moves to Make The 'War on Terror' Permanent
Español |
Obama Ordena "Limpiar la
Casa" Borrando los Vínculos con al-Nusra en Siria
Español |
Obama Ordena Preparar
Planes ante Posible Erupción Solar Peligrosa
Obama Presses "North American Union" with Mexico and
Español |
Obama Rechaza 'Cooperación' con Putin sobre Siria
- La Guerra de Washington contra el Terrorismo...
Obama Rejects "Cooperation" with Putin on Syria
- Washington's War on Terror is A Fabrication, Zero...
Italiano |
Obama Rifiuta di "Cooperare" con Putin per la Siria
- La Guerra di Washington contro il Terrorismo è...
Obama Says He Is 'Improving' the World
Obama's Bizarre Threats Indicate
U.S. Desperation in Syria
Obama's Corporate Agenda Delayed
as TPP Misses Deadline
Español |
Obama se Enfurruña con Putin
Obama's Endgame
Obama's "Fake War" Against the Islamic State (ISIS) - The Islamic State is
Protected by the U.S. and its...
Obama's Geopolitical China 'Pivot'
- The Pentagon's "New Enemy" Image
Obama's Gun-Running Operation - Weapons and Support for
"Islamic Terrorists" in Syria and Iraq...
Obama's Humanitarianism as
Window-Dressing for the US "Deep State" Agenda - The
Case of Syria
Obama Signals He Isn't Interested In 'Truth Commission'
to Investigate Bush Abuses
Obama Signs Law Giving Himself, 'Bush' Lifetime Secret
Service Guard
Obama's Legacy - Human
Cost of Eight Years of War
Obama's Letter to Lula Exposes White House Forked Tongue
on Iran
Obama's "National Emergency" Violates The Constitution
Obama's Oil Man
- George Soros
Obama's Pacific Trade Deal TPP
'Worst Ever' Attack on Public Health - Leaked Draft Shows
Obama's "Pathological Legacy"
Obama's Secret Assassins - JSoc - Joint
Special Operations Command
Obama's U.S. Assassination Program?
Obama's War on Whistleblowers Finds Another Target
Obama's White House Scandals Conveniently Drowned Out by
Hurricane Sandy Media Coverage
Obama's Zionist Jew at Treasury
Obama Threatens Iran With Nuclear War
Obama to attend TPP
Summit, hold Talks with Xi and Turnbull during next APEC
in Lima, Peru |
to Expand Modern-Day Slave Trade with TPP |
Obama Trades Threats of War With Netanyahu in Secret
White House Meeting
- A Deliberately Dysfunctional Mind
Obama - Trilateral Commission
Obama Uses CIA Funded al-Qaeda Attacks in Yemen to
Declare National Emergency
Obama Wants to Make Sure The Government Can Lock You Up
Without Trial
- The National Defense...
Obama Warns Netanyahu - Don't
Surprise Me With Iran Strike
Obama Wins a Second Term - Now What?
- ¿Obama
y Putin Van a Repartirse El Medio Oriente?
30% of Americans Trust The Government
- Obama's Government
Orwellian Justice System
- The Securitization and Militarization of Daily Life -
Spying on Americans...
Paraguay - Obama's Second Latin American Coup
Español |
Porqué Obama tiene Tanta
Prisa por Firmar el TTIP
Presidential 2012 Candidates
Debate While Rome Burns
Presidential Meeting Signals Catastrophic Event
- "There Is a Crisis Unfolding Somewhere in The...
Memo on Insider Threats - Why Now?
Presidential Rule by Deception - Obama, The Master
President Obama's Executive Order to Control The
President Obama's Promise - Global War on Terror to
Continue, with Fresh Makeup
- Assassinating...
Putin Exposes Obama's
Lame Duck Attempt to Start a New Cold War by Refusing to
Putin Lashes Out at Obama
- "Show Some Proof or Shut Up"
Español |
Putin vs. Obama - Mundo Real vs. Ilusa Fantasía
Putin vs. Obama - Real World vs. Deluded Fantasy
Jumping Ship - High Profile Gangsters Leaving Obama
Rhetoric of Change
- Among Politicians, Actors, and Preachers
Russia Protecting The American Public from Obama's War
on Truth?
Secret 'Kill List' Proves a Test of Obama's Principles
and Will
Secret Panel Can Put Americans on "Kill List"
Secret Service Removes Rahm Emanuel from Oval Office
Should Obama Control The Internet?
Societal Apocalypse
Something Is Happening of Historic Proportions
Swinderls List
- Obama's Vicious Band of Zionist Criminals Are Stealing
America Blind and Now Threaten...
Ten Ways That the Iron Grip of The
Big Brother Prison Grid is Tightening on All of Our
0% Doctrine
- Obama Breaks New Ground
When It Comes to War With Iran
 |
The 2012 Debates - Memorandum of
Understanding Between the Obama and Romney Campaigns
The Benghazi Scandal is Obama's Watergate but Worse
Bottom End of Obama
Brzezinski/Obama Axis
The Bureau of Counterterrorism
- Obama Administration Gives Birth to New Agents of
The Clintons - America Politics
- Main File
The End of Hypocrisy - American Foreign Policy in the
Age of Leaks |
The Forbidden Truth
- The U.S. is Channeling Chemical Weapons to Al Qaeda in
Syria, Obama is a Liar...
The Killing of Osama bin Laden
The Last American President
The Many Points that Prove that
Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are Essentially the Same
Morning After Obama Was Elected The New US President
- A 15 Minute Phone Conversation With...
The Movement to Impeach Obama - Calling Out The
Hypocritical, War-Loving Left
Murder of Americans
- Existence of Secret Kill Lists Now Admitted by Lawless
White House
The Obama Administration's
Cover-up of The Flight 253 Affair
- "New Smoking Gun" Disclosures
 |
The Obama Deception
- Information About a New Documentary Regarding The
Current Looting of America
"Obama Doctrine"
- Eternal War For Imperfect Mankind
The Obama False Flag Attack That Would Suspend 2012
Obama Killing Machine in Afghanistan
- The "Under-Reporting" of Civilians Killed by Foreign
The Obama Regime's Fabricated "Terror Conspiracy" in
Defense of The Police State
The Obama's 'Dead Pool' - Deaths Connected to The
Obama White House
Obamathon Has Begun
- How Long Will The Honeymoon Last?
The President's Lies are Finally Catching Up with Him |
The REAL Reason U.S. Targets Whistleblowers |
Real Reason Why the United Nations Wants Control Over the
Internet - Technocracy
Red Line and The Rat Line - Obama, Erdoğan and the
Syrian Rebels
The Ruthless State of The Union - The Current Crime Boss
Secret Kill List - Is the U.S. President a Bloody
The Shutdown of The U.S. Government and "Debt Default"
- A Dress Rehearsal for the Privatization of...
 |
The Story of Obama - All in The Company
The Top 9 Real Reasons to Go to
War in Syria
Top 10 Things Black America Will Have to Show for 8
Years of President Obama - None of Them Are...
TPP - Obama's Secret Treaty Would Be the Most Important
Step Toward a One World... |
The Two Contending Visions of World Government
- The Origin and Broader Context of Obama's "Trade"... |
U.S. Dictatorship and Its White House Servant
The U.S. Government Stands Revealed to The World as a
Collection of War Criminals and Liars
The U.S. Senate and Obama Claiming The Right to Murder
and Imprison Americans Without Trial Was...
The White House Has Been Covering Up the Presidency's
Role in Torture for Years
Things Could Get Ugly Fast
Trump = Obama = Bush = Clinton on
4 Core Issues
UBS Whistleblower Exposes
'Political Prostitution' All the Way Up to President
Español |
Una Presentadora de Fox
News 'Destroza' a Obama en Vivo...
 |
Unclassified Report on The
President's Surveillance Program
- Obama Administration
Uncovered Muslim Brotherhood Documents Could Put Obama
in Prison
United Nations and Obama, Flog
Global-warming Alarmism
- As More Scientists Defect
Español |
Un Presidente Depresivo Adicto a Las
Búsquedas en Google Sobre Sí Mismo
Italiano |
Presidente Depresso Schiavo Della Ricerca su Google su
Se Stesso
U.S. Admits No Imminent Threat from Syria - No Clear
Evidence Assad Ordered Chemical Weapons Attack
U.S. Designates Wikileaks "Enemy
of The State"
Español |
Washington se Rebela contra Obama
The Obama Administration Involved in The Planning of The
Israeli Attack on The Gaza Freedom...
Just Don't Trust You - Note to President Obama
Almost There Now
- No Speech Zones - HR347
What Happened to the "Global War
on Terrorism"? - The U.S. is "Fighting
for Al Qaeda" in Syria
What The Obama Administration Really Represents
White House Lies to E.U. about U.S. Gas Supply
White House Seizes Control of
Internet by Executive Order
White House Threatens to Blacklist Paper for Covering
- Obama, Bradley Manning and WikiLeaks
White House Unleashes New
Terrorism Propaganda Campaign
Who Was Osama? - Who Is Obama?
Why Are Obama and Kerry So Desperate to Start a New War? - The Rule of Zombies
I Like Barack Hussein Obama
Why is Obama Hiding 6,000-Page Report on Bush-Era
Torture and Why is Torture Still Allowed?
Why the Nobel Peace Prize
is A Complete Joke |
Was President Obama Gifted The Nobel Peace Prize?
- The Answer to The Burning Question Du Jour
Will a Sitting President Finally Be Held Accountable for
High Crimes and Misdemeanors?
Will Our U.S. Dictator-in-Chief Abdicate in 2016?
Winners and Losers in Snowden Fiasco
TPP 'At Heart' of Obama Agenda, Critics Debunk Trade
Talking Points
World Sees The U.S. as Bankrupt Politically and
You Don't Deserve to Be Free - Said Obama to Americans
Birth Certificate
Issue |
First-Ever Law-Enforcement
Investigation Concludes Obama Birth Certificate
"Computer Generated Forgery"
Hawaii Official Who Signed Off on Obama's Birth
Certificate Dies in Plane Crash
Newly Released Obama Birth Certificate Forensic Forgery
- Washington Times Report
Obama Birth Certificate Maybe Forged
- Sheriff Joe Arpaio Says
Obama's Birth Certificate - Not The Issue
CIA-DARPA-Mars-Time Travel Issues |
Cosby/Obama Censored by CIA -
Journalists to Launch "Inside-Out" News Agency with
Mainstream Access
Italiano |
La Casa Bianca Nega Che La CIA ha
Teletrasportato Obama su Marte
Español |
La Casa Blanca Niega Que La CIA
Teletransportó a Obama a Marte
Mars Visitors Basiago and
Stillings Confirm Barack Obama Traveled to Mars
Obama Pre-Identified as President by Secret DARPA-CIA
Time Travel Program
Español |
Obama - Presidencia de USA 2012 Capturada por Tecnología
Para Viajes en El Tiempo
Obama Response to White House ET
Disclosure Petition Continues Mars Cover-Up
Español |
Tercer Alertador Confirma La
Participación de Obama en Programa de 'La Sala de Salto'
de La CIA a...
The Obama/Mars Cover-Up - Examiner.com Shuts Down Column
of Alfred Lambremont Webre |
Third Whistle Blower Confirms
Obama's Participation in CIA Jump Room Program of Early
Visitantes a Marte Basiago y Stillings, Confirman Que Barack
Obama Viajó a Marte
White House Denies CIA Teleported Obama to
Multimedia: |
 |
Basiago, Stillings and Eisenhower - Barack
Obama Visited Mars
- Coast to Coast
 |
Third Whistleblower Publicly
Confirms CIA Jump Room Program - Teleportation
Obama and Monsanto |
Former Monsanto VP Attaining Top
Position at The FDA
- Sign The Petition to Stop It
Meet Monsanto's Number One
Lobbyist - Barack Obama
Monsanto Protection Act Proves Corporations More Powerful Than U.S.
Monsanto's Man in The Obama Administration
- The Return of Michael Taylor
Monsanto's 'Partnership' With The Actual U.S. Presidential
New 'Monsanto Protection Act'
Gives Monsanto Power Over US Government
Obama Signs Monsanto Protection
Act Into Law After Promising GMO Labeling in 2007
Senator Apologizes for 'Monsanto Protection Act'
U.S. to Start 'Trade Wars' With
Nations Opposed to Monsanto, GMO Crops
- Leaked Information
White House Refuses to Release
Email From Monsanto-Linked Lobbyist
White House Refuses to Reveal Ties
With Monsanto
Additional Information |
Adverse Health Effects From The
Operation of Digital Broadcast Television Stations
Español |
Algunas Revelaciones de Los
Documentos de WikiLeaks
- "Alien
Transformers" Descend On America
Air Force Sidelines 17 Nuclear Missile Officers -
Commander Cites 'Rot' in System
Map to Disclosure for President Obama
- 7 Steps to Real Change
America's Drug-Corrupted War
- Obama and Afghanistan
A New Giant Vaccine Scandal
Exposes Government Lies and Psyops
 |
An Examination of Obama's Use of
Hidden Hypnosis Techniques in His Speeches
An Exopolitics Christmas Message
- President-Elect Obama and Change We Can Believe In!
- "A
Pair of Testicles Fell Off The President After Election
Day" - Former Guantanamo Chief
Prosecutor Says
Español |
Así es como la Aristocracia de
EE.UU. Extiende su Control Mundial
- La Verdad sobre Obama
Tale of Two Countries
- New Zealand Apologizes for Illegal Domestic Spying,
While U.S. Still Refuses... |
Barack Obama Not Disclosing
Extraterrestrial Presence is Top ET/UFO Story of 2009
Barack Obama to Make UFO
Announcement in Coming Weeks
Español |
Barack Obama y John McCain
- La Misma Cosa Pero Con Diferente Calzón...
Brain Dead Obama
 |
Breach of Duty - Hillary Clinton and
Catastrophic Failure in Benghazi
Briefing Obama on UFOs and
Extraterrestrial Life
Bullets, False Flags and Biological Warfare
- What Is The U.S. Government Planning?
Bypassing The Organized Dysfunction
Capitalist Terrorism
Case Against Syria's Assad Falls Apart
China's Crucial Role as America's
- Strained US-China Relations
Chinese National TV Reporting
Impending UFO/ET Disclosure by Obama Government
Clinton Sends Lackey to House Committee to Cover Her
Involvement in Benghazi Attack
Español |
Cómo John McCain ha Paralizado la
Guerra de Obama contra ISIS
Contact - Learning From Outer
- Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 2011
Global Competitiveness Forum and UFOs
Copenhagen Is On
- Obama Proposes a Treaty And Leads U.S. Delegation
- Coast Guard and Obama Administration Betrays The
People and Country It Is Sworn to Protect
Español |
Dejar el Mundo Atrás - ¿Programación Predictiva o Advertencia
sobre un Ciberataque Inminente?
Did China's Hu Order Obama to
Resign or Was Hu Blackmailed?
Voting Machines Can Be Hacked by Remote Control
Dollar Collapse Update
- "Obama Demands Pay in Euros!"
Don't Riot - It's Just What They
Drugmakers' Deal With Obama Said to Be Probed by House
Español |
EE.UU. y Teherán Se Posicionan Para La Guerra
- Plan de Ataque
Español |
El Jaque Mate
- Informaciones Para Materializar Un Mundo Nuevo
Español |
Estados Unidos es Un Títere de La
Banca Privada
- Entrevista de Anastasia Churkina al Cineasta Alex
Everything Is A Lie
- The Deliberate Intent To Deceive People Is At An All
Time High
Español |
Evitando La Disfunción Organizada
Expediting The Grand Jihad
- The Muslim Brotherhood
First Amendment Suspended in The
Gulf of Mexico As Spill Cover-Up Goes Orwellian
Forced Abortions and Mass
Sterilization Needed to 'Save' the Planet - says John Holdren,
Forget ISIS, America Is the Real
Threat to the World - Says Oliver Stone
From Democracy to Plutocracy
- The United States of Corporate America
Germany's Merkel Now Comes Out as
Basically a U.S. Agent
GOP Debate Evades ET Disclosure
Issue -
Now on Obama White House Website
Government Proposes Massive Shift In Online Privacy
Government Protects Criminals by Attacking
Gulf Spill - Disaster? Or a Well
Organized Plan...
Español |
Hacia Un Mundo Sin Estados Unidos
Come The Toxic Psychiatrists -
Hey, Hey, Ha, Ha, Ha... They Think It's All Happening by
Accident... Hey, Hey, Hey, Ha, Ha, Ha...
House Passes HR 4133 Binding The U.S. to Israel and
Their War Agenda
How America’s Aristocracy Extends
Its Global Control - The Truth about Obama
Google, Facebook, Skype, Yahoo and AOL are All Blatantly
Lying to Their Own Users in Denying NSA...
How John McCain Crippled Obama's
War on ISIS
How The U.S. Government and U.S.
Military Became Murder, Inc.
How The U.S. Government Strikes
Fear in Its Own Citizens and People Around The World
Huge Fines for Refusing to Buy
Health Insurance
- Americans Threatened With Jail Time
- "Hunt
For Bin Laden" A National Shame
- Bin Laden Never Mentioned
in McChrystal Report or Obama...
Hurricane Sandy as Environmental
War -
Internet Blackout Highlights Failure of American
Israel Attacks Gaza Aid Fleet
Israel's Pillars of Samson
- Not Quite Armageddon, But…
John Brennan Sworn in as CIA Director Using
Constitution Lacking Bill of Rights
Brennan Takes Oath on Draft Constitution… Without The
Bill of Rights
Español |
La Administración Obama Prohíbe el
Testimonio del FBI Sobre el 11 de Septiembre
Español |
La Era de La Señora Muerte
- Belicismo en Auge en El Mundo |
Español |
La Esterilización de La Población
Mediante el Agua Ya Está Sucediendo
the World Behind - Predictive Programming or Cautionary Tale
of Looming Cyberattack?
- "Let
the Plunder Begin"
- The Return of Robert Rubin
Lilith, Inanna and Hillary
Español |
Hijos Secretos de Saul Alinsky
Español |
Los Pasos Para Llegar al Totalitarismo Según Naomi Wolf - Un
Informe de la Situación
Español |
Los Políticos Como Empleados
Corruptos del Poder Económico
Mainstream Media Takes Money from
Foreign Dictators to Run Flattering Propaganda
- CNN Exposed!
Maitreya Rising?
Martial Law, The Financial Bailout, and War
Memo to A More Conscious American
- From a Fellow Achiever Who Is Gravely Concerned...
More War Lies
Mr. Smiley, Smiley, Hope and
- Obama - Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak Not of Evil
Naomi Wolf's Steps to Fascism - A
Progress Report
Neuroscience, Obama's BRAIN Project, and Military Mind
Freedom - Something For Everyone
Obama Executive Order Pushes Us Closer to A North
American Union and A One World Economic...
New World Order Blueprint Leaked
- The Trans-Pacific Partnership |
Nobel de La Guerra Para Los
Señores del "Nobel de La Paz"
- "Nobel
Peace Prize Winner Barack Obama, is Preparing for War in
South America"
- Interview With Eva...
Español |
Nubes de Tormenta Sobre Irán
NSA Security Running Amok to Plug
Leaks About 9/11
Obama Administration Fingerprints on Ecuador Coup
Obama Administration Launches Deceptive Swine Flu
Propaganda Blitz
- To Counter Growing Criticism...
Obama Administration Pushing a Secretive Trade Agreement
- Leaked Trade Doc Shows
Obama Wants...
Obama Administration Shuts Down Investigations Into
Bush-Era Torture
Obama Administration to Clash With
Corporations Over UFO Files
Obama and Congress ARE Wall Street, Geithner IS the
Federal Reserve - Now What?
Obama Authorizes Stationing of Japanese Troops on U.S.
Obama Blocks Making TTIP
Trade-Deal Terms Public
Obama Gives Israel All-Out Support
Obama Is 'A Muslim President Who Hates Farming, Hates
The Military, Hates The U.S. And We Hate Him'
Español |
Obama, La Guerra Financiera y La
Eliminación de DSK
- Escándalo del Patrón del FMI
Italiano |
Obama, La Guerra Finanziaria e
l'Eliminazione di DSK
- Lo Scandalo del Patron del FMI
Release of UFO Files Will Prepare Humanity For 2012
Solar Waves
Obama Returns Empty Handed While Papa Bush Sends
Trillions of Dollars to Singapore
Obama's Black Budget And Federal Deficit Problems
Obama's Choice of CIA Director Signals Renewed Effort to
Disclose CIA X-Files
Obama Science Advisor Called for
"Planetary Regime" to Enforce Totalitarian Population
Control Measures
Obama's H1N1 National Emergency
Declaration Could Invoke FEMA Response to Pandemic
Obama’s TTIP Trade Deal with
Europe Would Be Disastrous for Europe
- Says the First Independent Study
 |
Obama's Use of Hidden Hypnosis
Techniques in His Speeches
Obama's War
- Why is The Largest Military Machine on The Planet
Unable to Defeat The Resistance in...
Obama Will Bring "Peace" and ET
False Flag Attack Followed by An "Armageddon" Against
Positive ETs
October Surprise? - Shocking Rumors that Could Change
The Outcome of The U.S. Election
Official Disclosure of
Extraterrestrial Life is Imminent
Open Letter to Barack Obama President Elect of the
United States November 21, 2008
- "Operation
Justified Vengeance"
- Israeli Strike on Freedom Flotilla to Gaza is Part of
A Broader Military...
Operation StillPoint to 'Take Down' The United States
Osama bin Laden Has Been Dead For Years
Español |
Evitar Una Guerra Nuclear Con Irán
- Discurso de Fidel Castro en Parlamento Cubano - Agosto
Political and Corporate Elite Shun GM Food on Their Own
Popular Culture Promotes The Police State
Español |
Premio Nóbel de La Paz 2009, Entre Bastidores
Español |
Presidente Obama, ¡Hágalo! - Emplazamiento al
Presidente de Estados Unidos
Presidential Directive Opens Door
For Release of Antigravity Technology
Presidential Executive Orders -
The Fourth and Stealth "Branch" of Governance
Proposed White House
'Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission' Puts Denver UFO
Examiner's on Hold
- The Perfect Academic Word for U.S. Political, Economic
Español |
- ¿Qué
Podrá Depararnos El Futuro?
- Línea de Tiempo 1, Variante 83
Radiation Scientists Agree TSA
Naked Body Scanners Could Cause Breast Cancer and Sperm
China Successfully Blackmails The Obama Administration
- Federal Reserve Will Be Broke by...
Rothschild & Obama Demands Pay in
Russian Expert Predicts Obama Will
Declare Martial Law in America by End of 2012
Russia Reports Over 2 Million Dead
in US as Mysterious Die-Off Accelerates
- Genetically Modified...
Sarkozy Booted in France in Favor of Socialist Leader
- What is Socialism and What Does It Mean for... |
Scientists Respond to the Obama
Administration's 2014 National Climate Assessment
Secret Trade Agreements Threaten to Undo Our Last Shreds
of Food Safety - The TPP
Sen. Harry Reid Key Player in Big
Pharma's Control Over Washington
Seymour Hersh on Obama, NSA and The 'Pathetic' American
Six Whistleblowers Charged Under
The Espionage Act
Skull & Bones John Kerry 'Fails'
to Provide Key Evidence in Syria
Español |
Snowden, Siria, Obama y Mas... - Versión Completa de La
Entrevista a Vladimir Putin
Something Funny Is Going On
- Our Government Is Not What It Appears to Be
Special Army Unit Ready to Be Deployed on American Soil
Just Before November Elections
of The Union? It's Behind Him... |
Systemic Change, New Technology
and Conscious Governance - Where Do We Begin?
Español |
Televisión Nacional China Informa
Inminente Revelación del Gobierno de Obama Sobre
Extraterrestres y...
The Age of The Reaper
- War-Mongering on An
International Scale
The Bank of The FED is Closed… Forever
CIA, The KKK and The USA
The Climate Time Bomb that Will
Cost Us $60 Trillion
Condition of Human Rights at The International Setting
The Conspiracy against Trump - The
Deep State plot to Undermine the President
 |
The Critical Unraveling of U.S. Society
The Drums of War are Beating in
Syria - Killing Civilians to Protect Civilians
Ecuadorian Coup - Its Larger Meaning
The Elephant in The Living Room at
War With The World
The Financial Press - A Disinformation Machine
Game That Goes On and On
- A Swiss Bank, A President and The Permanent Government
The Hillary Clinton Dead Pool
Iranian "Smoke and Mirrors Threat" and Washington's
"Human Rights Card"
The NATO/UN Army - Perpetual War…
and Bankruptcy for U.S.
Nobel, The Brand & The President
The Obama Administration Bars the
FBI From Testifying on The 9/11 Attacks
The Octopus Is Dying
- 5 Kissinger Associates Killed - Kissinger
Missing-Presumed Dead
The Real Consequences of
Corporatism, "Smart" Grid and Corrupt Government
The Science of Physical Economy
- Economics as History
The Speculative Endgame - The Government "Shutdown" and
"Debt Default", a Multibillion Bonanza for...
The Subterfuge of Syrian Chemical Weapons
The Trade Deal Scam - TPP and EU-US Free Trade Agreement |
The U.S. Airstrikes in Northern
Iraq are All About Oil
The U.S. Feds Invasion of Haiti Was Aimed at Taking Over
The Haitian Central Bank
The 'War on Terror' - by Design - Can Never End
Timing Extraterrestrial Disclosure
To Avoid a Nuclear War With Iran
- Speech at Cuban Parliament by Fidel Castro - August
Español |
Todo Es Una Mentira
- El Intento Deliberado Para Engañar a Las Personas Está
en Su Punto Más Alto
Trilateral Geithner - Corrupted
Two Faces of The Same Coin
- Obama-McCain Candidates of The Global
UFOs Crash Obama's Party and Open
Door for 'X-Files' Disclosure
Español |
Una Búsqueda Sobre El Gobierno de
Los Estados Unidos
Italiano |
Una Oligarchia Detiene Il Potere
Politico Negli Stati Uniti
- La Commissione Trilaterale Domina il Governo...
Español |
Una Oligarquía Tiene El Poder
Político en Los EE.UU.
- La Comisión Trilateral Domina El Gobierno de Obama
Español |
Una Revelación Publica Impactante
sobre EE.UU. y el "Terrorismo Islámico"
Español |
Un Nuevo y Gigantesco Escándalo de
Vacunas Expone las Mentiras y las Operaciones
Psicológicas del...
U.S. Leaves Space for Russia
Treasury Warns of What's to Come - "Catastrophic Effect…
Could Last for More Than a Generation"
Español |
- ¿Va
Estados Unidos a Ir a La Guerra con Siria por Causa de
un Gasoducto? |
Washington Exposed As Secretly Financing Al-Qaeda
- President-Elect Obama Demands Payment of...
What May The Future Hold?
- Timeline 1, Variant 83
Who Are The Architects of Economic Collapse?
- Will an Obama Administration Reverse The Tide?
Whose Sarin?
Why Bailing Out Banks Doesn't Work
Why Did The U.S. Refuse
International Help on The Gulf Oil Spill?
Do a Majority of Americans Oppose Fast-tracking the TPP? |
Why The Tar Sands Pipeline Will Be
Game Over for Our Planet
WikiLeaks Is Good for Democracy
Wikileaks Releases Massive Set of
Afghan War Files
Will Osama's Death Lead to New Contrived Global Threat
Like... Extraterrestrial Life?
Will Russian and Chinese Military
Forces on Syrian Soil Prevent Obama from Bombing Syria?
 |
With Liberty to Monitor All
- How Large-Scale US Surveillance is Harming Journalism,
Law, and American...
You Are The Hope
Zionists Subjugate Nations by Controlling Their
Political Parties
Books-Treatises |
 |
Barack H.Obama - The Unauthorized
- by Webster Griffin Tarpley
Multimedia |
 |
Biography Barack Obama
 |
Aventuras de Un Premio Nóbel en
 |
Barack Obama - The Wolf In Sheep's
 |
Bush and Obama - Age of Terror
- Untold History of United States - Oliver Stone
 |
Bush y Obama - La Era del Terror
- La Historia No Contada de Estados Unidos - Oliver
  |
Capitalismo - Historia de Un
- Capitalism - A Love Story
 |
CIA Officer Explains New World Order's Demise
 |
Collateral Murder
- Wikileaks |
 |
Did The U.S. Government Plan The
Earthquake in Haiti?
 |
- Jeremy Scahill and Rick Rowley's New Film Exposes
Hidden Truths of Covert U.S. Warfare
 |
Fall of The Republic
- The Presidency of Barack H. Obama
 |
Gray State 2013 - America's Last Chance for Liberty |
 |
How To Buy A Politician |
 |
Fast and Furious Obama's Watergate? |
 |
Judge Andrew Napolitano - "It's
Time to Change Our Government!!" |
 |
Kids Attack President Obama
 |
Lisa M. Harrison Interviews 1980-83 CIA Jumproom Experiencer
William Brett Stillings
 |
Los Hombres Detrás de Barack Obama
 |
Connection to 2012
 |
National Security is A Myth
- Patrick Wood Report
 |
Obama - A Legacy of Ashes
 |
Obama and The Agenda to Destroy
- David Icke
 |
Obama and The War Criminals
 |
- "Obama
- El Gran Engaño"
- de Alex Jones
 |
Obama's H1N1 National Emergency
 |
Obama - Things Are Not Always What They Seem
- Adrian Salbuchi
 |
President Obama, Do The Right Thing!
- Appointing Pro-Israeli Hawks Isn't Change We Can
Believe In
 |
Putin Checkmates Obama on New World Order WWIII
 |
Rothschild's Choice |
 |
Sen. Joe Biden - "I Am a Zionist"
 |
Hyperdimensional Election of Barack Obama and 2012
 |
The Men Behind Barack Obama
  |
The Most State Censored Citizen
Film Ever
 |
NASA-Kennedy-Obama Connection to 2012
 |
Obama Deception
 |
The Trilateral Commission
- Analysis by Patrick Wood
 |
Unintended Consequences -
 |
Unraveling The Soetoro-Obama Deception
- Unicus Radio
 |
War of The Rich
 |
What Happened to Strauss-Kahn, Was
No Accident
- New Political Shift in Progress...
 |
Who is Zbigniew Brzezinski? -
Obama's Adviser
 |
Zbigniew Brzezinski Endorse Obama
Presidential Candidacy
Related Reports |
George Soros
and The Rothschild
- Main File
Psychopaths and Psychopathy - A Ponerological
- Main File
The Actual Syrian Case
- Main File
The Protocols of The Learned
Elders of Zion
- Main File