by Arjun Walia
August 09,
Collective-Evolution Website
Spanish version

If you told somebody 10 years ago that there existed some sort of
secret group or "secret
government" pulling the strings behind the scenes of
government policy, international law, various global
rules/regulations, and more, they would have called you a "conspiracy
Today things have
changed, largely as a result of information leaked by
Edward Snowden,
Julian Assange, and various
other whistleblowers and activists in recent years.
All of this exists in what's become known as the "black
budget world" - a world so secretive that its operations,
known as Special Access Programs, or Unacknowledged Special Access,
remain hidden from Congress and are exempt from reporting to
The National
Security Agency (NSA)
was founded in 1952, but its existence was hidden until the mid
1960s. Even more secretive is the National Reconnaissance Office,
which was founded in 1960 but remained completely secret for 30
The United States
was built on secrecy.
According to
John F. Kennedy:
For we are
opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy
that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere
of influence - on infiltration instead of invasion, on
subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free
choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.
It is a system
which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the
building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that
combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic,
scientific and political operations.
preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are
buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised.
No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is
It conducts the
Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy
would ever hope or wish to match.
Is this the world
where the "Men In Black" (MIB) come from?
Multiple presidents and politicians have alluded to the
existence of a "secret government."
For example, the 26th
President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, stated
"behind the
ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government
owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the
The 28th
President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, stated that,
"some of the
biggest men in the United States" are "afraid of something," of
a "power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so
interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not
speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."
Another great quote
comes to mind here, from Edward Bernays' book Propaganda
The conscious and intelligent
manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses
is an important element in democratic society.
Those who manipulate this unseen
mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is
the true ruling power of our country.
We are governed, our minds are
molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men
we have never heard of.
Eisenhower, too, coined the term "military industrial complex,"
and referred to the dangerous potential for the rise of misplaced
power it had created.
Today, within the
mainstream, this subtle hand that influence the realms of politics,
finance, and more is becoming known as
the "Deep State."
The Men in Black

Just as the "Deep
State" has now become almost mainstream rhetoric, "men in dark
suits" is another one that's creeping into the picture, thanks to
Russian President Vladimir Putin, as well as Russian Prime
Minister Dmitry Medvedev.
A couple of months
ago in a live interview, Putin said:
a person is elected, he comes with his ideas. Then people with
briefcases come to visit him, well dressed, in dark suits, kind of
like mine. Except instead of a red tie it's black or navy.
And then
they explain what to do, and the whole rhetoric changes, you see?
This happens from one administration to the next."
Was Putin referring
to representatives of the Deep State?
It makes you wonder how many
decisions over the years were actually made by presidents, and how
many were dictated to them, their hands forced by other people.
is really going on within politics? Clearly, it's not what we've
been told.
One thing is for
Hillary was the favorite of this
global group of elites, which
is why they are doing everything they can to have
Donald Trump
He has caused a lot of problems by,
other things.
That being said, he
has made it very easy for mainstream media to vilify him, but
regardless of your feelings about him, he clearly isn't cooperating
with the Deep State the way Bush, Obama, and Clinton did.
have long been tools for the hand that really controls American
policy, one that continues to push forth its agenda for a
New World Order.
As for Medvedev,
when asked about the
UFO/ET issue after a television broadcast, possibly unaware that
the camera was still rolling, he stated:
I tell you the first and last
time. Together with nuclear suitcase the president bring folder
- Top Secret.
And it is entirely devoted to the
strangers who visited our planet. The report is provided by the
special service which handles the control of aliens in our
After management term - two
folders and a nuclear small suitcase are transferred to the new
president. How many of them are among us I cannot say because
panic might begin.
Who Are They? Are
There Any Pictures or Videos?
The best person to
refer to when discussing this topic is Nick Redfern, an author,
lecturer, and journalist who published a book titled The Real
Men in Black, which
provides evidence and anecdotal accounts of these mysterious men,
with a specific focus on their connection to the
UFO phenomenon.
Here's a little
excerpt from the introduction of his book:
For years - or perhaps even for
centuries, as I will later - the Men in Black have been elusive,
predatory, fear-inducing figures, hovering with disturbing
regularity upon the enigmatic fringes of the UFO subject,
nurturing their own unique brand of terror and intimidation.
Like true specters from the outer
edge, the MIB appear from the murky darkness, and roam the
country-side provoking carnage, chaos, paranoia, and fear in
their wake, before returning to that same shrouded realm from
which they originally oozed.
Very often traveling in groups of
three, the MIB are a trinity of evil that seemingly appears and
vanishes at will.
They are often seen (in the United
States) driving 1950s-style black Cadillacs and (in the British
Isles) 1960s-era black Jaguars, both of which are almost always
described as looking curiously brand-new.
The preferred mode of dress of
these sinister characters is a black suit, black fedora - or
Homburg-style hat - black sunglasses, black necktie, black socks,
black shoes, and a crisp, shining, white shirt.
Below is a picture
taken from Redferns' book of a strange figure seen by a woman named
Mary Robertson in 1968, a woman who became increasingly
afraid of this figure, which 'stalked' her for three days.

The photo was taken
by her friend, Timothy Green Beckley.
According to
I had my own
experience with a Man in Black, when me and Jim Moseley
photographed a strange individual one day back in 1968.
told me and Jim he seemed to be oddly dressed, and kind of like
a zombie - just standing there, very rigid. She had never
engaged him in dialog but he seemed to be surveying those going
in and out of the building.
You can refer to
the book for that story, as it's one of many.
The most interesting
thing, to me, is their connection to the UFO phenomenon. The book
details UFO witnesses and contactees having these strange men show
up out of nowhere after an experience.
How did they know?
What was going on there?
There is also a
distinction made between Department of Defense type of intelligence
officers, and the MIB. The MIB don't seem to be part of any known
There is something
very paranormal about these guys.
Other Strange
A few years ago,
Aerial Phenomenon investigations team in MD investigated a case
captured on hotel CCTV following a UFO report. It made its way
around the web and caused quite the stir, and multiple media outlets
picked up on it, including Buzzfeed.
These are the types
of strange encounters that seem to keep happening throughout
Another story we've
covered regarding the MIB comes from the U.S. government's Stargate
Program, which lasted more than two decades.
The program
studied various topics within parapsychology such as,
...and more.
A man named
Ingo Swann was one of the main
participants within
the program who had 'special abilities.'
Below is a picture
of Ingo (right) with
Paul Smith,
PhD., another participant in the Stargate project, and now a
retired US Army Major.

One day, a strange
man entered into the secured facility at Stanford - not an easy
thing to do.
He found Swann and persuaded him to leave with him.
The man, named 'Mr.
Axelrod,' was accompanied by two twins, who were very tall and
mysterious. They dressed in the typical 'cloak and dagger'
intelligence agency outfit.
Swann described
them as,
"two blond
haired, blue eyed, military looking assistants."
The four of them
flew to what Swann believed to be the Alaskan wilderness, although
he wasn't certain and was told that it's best he did not know. More
Richard Dolan,
one of the world's foremost authorities on the topic of UFOs,
describes the incident well in his book UFOs
and The National Security State - The Cover-Up Exposed 1973-1991, so
I will quote it from here on in, starting on page 154:
They came to a
small lake, and Axelrod said that as dawn approached, Swann
would be able to see "it" through the pines.
"We now
wait and hope we are lucky. Say nothing, do
not make any noise… they
detect heat, noise, motion like mad."
Dawn arrived,
and Swann saw a fog developing over the lake.
This went on
for five minutes, until the fog developed a luminous neon-blue
color. Then, according to Swann, the color changed to an "angry
Axelrod and one
of the twins each placed a hand firmly on Swann's shoulders
"a network
of purple, red, and yellow lightning bolts shot in all crazy
directions through the 'cloud'."
Swann said he
would have jumped if the two had not held him down.
He saw an
object, almost transparent at first, but then "solidly visible
over the lake." It was triangular or diamond-shaped, growing in
size. Swann, in terror and amazement, heard a strong wind moving
past, rustling the pine trees so much that some cones and
branches fell on them.
The object then
began to shoot out "ruby red laser-like beams" as it continued
to grow even more in size while maintaining its position on the
Very quietly,
one of the twins said,
They're enveloping the area. They're going to spot us."
As Swann later
recalled the event, some of the red laser beams from the object
were "blasting" pine trees, and he could hear low frequency
whispered to Swann that the beams were probably honing in on
deer or other forest creatures, as they sense biological body
sure to hone in on us," he told Swann.
Just then, one
of the twins literally lifted and dragged Swann away, but not
before Swann noticed the water of the lake surging upward,
"like a
waterfall going upward, as if being sucked into the
The four ran
quickly and at great length, sustaining minor cuts and bruises.
Eventually they stopped, breathing hard, and waited for more
than thirty minutes, until one of the twins said all was clear.
Axelrod then
asked Swann whether he could "sense" anything from the craft.
It's clear why
Swann was taken from his position and role at Stanford Research
Institute and into this situation.
It seems these
'government' agents believed Swann could provide some detail about
what was happening here and help the government with their research
and interest
in UFOs.
Swann burst out laughing.
"You're completely nuts, Axel!
I have to be calm, cool, collected, and in good shape to
sense anything."
But Swann offered the insight that
the craft was,
"a drone of some kind,
unmanned, controlled from somewhere else."
Axelrod asked him what it was
doing there, to which Swann replied,
"Well, for chrissakes! It was
thirsty! Taking on water, obviously. Someone, somewhere
needs water… so I suppose they just come and get it. You
don't need to be a psychic to see that."
Essentially, said Swann, "they"
treated Earth as the neighborhood supermarket.
Before taking Swann back, Axelrod
"I shouldn't tell you, but our
mission will be disbanded shortly and the work picked up by
others, because of strategic security reasons involved …"
"Others," said Swann, "who
will not mix in with psychics, I take it."
"You got it," Axelrod replied.
Swann last saw Axelrod at the San
Jose Airport, and never heard from him again.