Green-Agenda Website
"We have an informal network at the UN,
a humanity underground. It consists of those who are
committed, aware, and striving to bring the New World to birth."
- Aquarian Age Community
As discussed
in various articles on this website the 'green philosophy' that is rapidly
permeating our society has been fostered since its inception by
the Club of Rome (CoR) and its affiliated
of the CoR triad include,
...and many
other influential leaders.
In their
various reports the CoR clearly outline their ultimate goal to,
"transform humanity into a sustainable global interdependent society,
based on respect and reverence for the Earth."
briefly recap their stated agenda in their own words:
possesses, for a small moment in his history, the most powerful
combination of knowledge, tools, and resources the world has ever known.
He has all that is physically necessary to create a totally new form of
human society - one that would be built to last for generations."
– The
Limits to Growth, a report by The Club of Rome
"Now is the time to draw up a master plan for organic sustainable growth
and world development based on global allocation of all finite resources
and a new global economic system. Ten or twenty years from today it will
probably be too late."
Mankind at the Turning Point, a report by The Club of Rome
"This proposed new global system is highly interdependent as, in the
same manner that the human body assigns different tasks to its various
organs, each region is assigned specialized and specific tasks, and is
each is dependent on the others for their common survival… The resultant
ideal sustainable population is hence more than 500 million but less
than one billion."
Goals for Mankind, a report by The Club of Rome
"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that
pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the
like would fit the bill.
All these dangers are caused by human
intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that
they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself. Democracy
is not a panacea. It cannot organize everything and it is unaware of its
own limits.
These facts must be faced squarely. Sacrilegious though this
may sound, democracy is no longer well suited for the tasks ahead."
– The First Global Revolution, a report by
The Club of Rome
Two of the
most influential members of the Club of Rome,
Maurice Strong and
Robert Muller, have both
worked for the United Nations since its inception and risen to the very top
of its bureaucracy.
Strong was
the first Secretary-General of the UN Environment
Programme, Chief Policy Advisor to Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the Rio
Earth Summit, co-author of the Earth Charter and co-author of the Kyoto
Muller was
the co-founder of UNESCO, the Director of the Budget overseeing all the UN's
32 programs, the Founder and Chancellor UN University for Peace, and
Assistant Secretary-General of the UN for 12 years.
Detailed biographies can
be read in my article on
During my research into these two men it has become clear that they have
permeated the UN with their New Age philosophies based on reverence for the
as a sentient being.
accomplish this they have worked closely with various New Age organizations
that are officially accredited to the United Nations:
The Lucis Trust
This organization was originally founded in the 1920s by the renowned
Alice Bailey under the
name of the Lucifer Publishing Company.
The Trust is
recognized by the United Nations as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)
and is represented at regular briefing sessions at the UN.
The Lucis Trust is also a member of the UN Economic and
Social Council.
Interestingly Robert Muller served as the
Secretary of this Council for
many years. Until recently the Lucis Trust was
at 666 United Nations Plaza and lists its
official sponsors
as the UN, Greenpeace and Amnesty International.
Alice Bailey claimed to be able to channel a spirit guide called 'the
Tibetan Master
Djwhal Khul.'
Muller was a disciple of Bailey and in his World Core Curriculum it is
explicitly stated that,
underlying philosophy upon which the Robert Muller School is based will
be found in the teaching set forth in the books of Alice Bailey by the
Tibetan teacher Djwhal Khul."
taught that the 'World Spiritual Teacher' would soon appear and lead the
world into the Age of Aquarius and it was the task of her disciples to,
the way for His imminent appearance."
"Today there is an increasing expectancy regarding the return of the
'World Teacher', the Coming One who will return to lead humanity into a
new age and into a heightened consciousness.
In fact,
some claim that the Christ has already reappeared in physical form and
has been 'sighted' in various parts of the world. proclaimed", either by
Himself or by any other individual or group."
claimed that this reappearance required intense meditation and the reciting
Great Invocation.
Former UN
Sec-Gen Dag Hammarskjold was also a follower of Bailey and he was
responsible for the
construction of the Meditation Room
within the UN building.
Meditation meetings
have been held regularly within this room for decades and they
open with a recital
of Bailey's Great Invocation:
"From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into human minds.
Let Light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into human hearts.
May the Coming One return to Earth.
From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide all little human wills -
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the centre which we call the human race
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth."
Interestingly Robert Muller's
site refers to him as an Ascended Master and has a copy of the Great
Invocation prominently displayed.
this guy was second in charge of the UN for decades and founded many of its
most important institutions. Even more interestingly many of the
organizations founded by Club of Rome members (see
in charge
of these meditation meetings within the UN!
Each year "the United Nations calls upon individual people of goodwill and
groups to observe a Global Vigil of Meditation and Prayer.
This year's Vigil, held on
September 21st,
"aims to
have individuals or groups commit themselves to spend specific 15 minute
periods in prayer or meditation for a culture of peace and goodwill.
Each 15 minute period begins and ends with a sounding of the Great
The Aquarian Age
was founded by the Lucis Trust and describes its
"preparing the way for the imminent appearance of the World Spiritual
They are an
consultative NGO
in association with the United Nations' Department of Public Information and
their website is sponsored by the UN.
On their website they state:
"We have
an informal network at the UN, a humanity underground. It consists of
those who are committed, aware, and striving to bring the New World to
birth. It consists of people in high places and in low.
patient Secretary who has been 30 years with the UN, but lives with the
vision and the spirit; of the professionals, and undersecretaries and
heads of departments who are acting out the imperatives that their own
inner vision gives them.
Some few are conscious of the sources of their inspiration; most are
not. They are the Karma Yogis of our time - those whose path of
spirituality is to achieve through doing - to grow through serving.
They are
found not only in the secretariat but also in the delegations to the UN,
among the diplomats and their staffs, and also among folks like us,
representatives of non-governmental organizations around the UN."
No doubt the
'patient Secretary' refers to Robert Muller who served as Assistant Sec-Gen
of the UN for decades, or perhaps Maurice Strong who also served in this
The AAC has
startling website
that clearly outlines their goals and influence within the UN. Even a brief
perusal leaves little doubt of their true agenda.
Articles on
their site include:
It would
take a hundred pages to analyze all the material on the ACC site so I
encourage the reader to take a look at the articles listed above for
Perhaps the
most interesting pages are the minutes from their meetings discussing how
they will,
"recognize the World Spiritual Teacher and introduce him to the world."
Top UN
officials attend these meetings!!
"We know
these are unprecedented times on our planet and millions within humanity
have the opportunity to make a major leap in consciousness.
in the process of planetary initiation is the externalization of the
Hierarchy of Masters of Wisdom and the reappearance of the Christed One
- the World Spiritual Teacher. Many of us here believe we incarnated at
just this time in order to help in the needed preparatory work that must
pave the 'Path of Light' for these wondrous event…
sparked the thought of the Earth as our Mother. We are part of the earth
mind set, drawing closer and closer to that feminine principle, possibly
drawing problems of the entire earth to ourselves."
The Baha'i and the UN
While researching for this article I have been very surprised at the extent
of the involvement of
the Baha'i religion in the United Nations.
perhaps it is not so surprising when you realize that Maurice Strong is a
devout Baha'i and was the leader of the organization in North America. The
Baha'i community has, as a duly accredited non-governmental organization,
long worked closely with the United Nations, supporting many of its goals
and programs, and taking a leadership role in several international
involvement in the United Nations dates back to the founding of the UN in
In 1947, the Baha'i communities of the United States and Canada were
recognized by the UN Department of Public Information (DPI), and the next
year, the Baha'i International Community itself was
recognized by the UN as an
international non-governmental organization.
In May 1970,
they were granted consultative status with the UN Economic and Social
Council (ECOSOC), then under the leadership of Robert Muller, allowing for a
greater degree of interaction with the Council and its subsidiary bodies.
On their
own website
the Baha'i boast that their representatives provide leadership in a number
of UN-related bodies, including the NGO/Department of Public Information
Executive Committee, the Committee of Religious NGOs, the Values Caucus, the
Millennium NGO Network for U.N. reform, the Commission on the Status of
Women and the Commission on Sustainable Development.
Since then
they have also been granted consultative status with the United Nations
Children's Fund (UNICEF), and relationships with the many UN bodies have
deepened and expanded over the years.
The Baha'i organization claims to have a close working relationship with the
World Health Organization (WHO) and with the United Nations Environment
Program. It is also involved in joint activities with UNIFEM and UNICEF as
well as many other religious, environmental and social programs within the
The Baha'i
spiritual beliefs mirror almost exactly those described by the Lucis Trust
and AAC described above.
They too are
waiting for the imminent arrival of an 'Enlightened Being' who will lead
humanity into a 'new world order':
Baha'is, the term 'new world order' has a special and clear-cut meaning.
More than 100 years ago, Baha'u'llah invoked the phrase to categorize a
future series of momentous changes in the political, social and
religious life of the world.
signs of impending convulsions and chaos can now be discerned, inasmuch
as the prevailing Order appeareth to be lamentably defective," he wrote.
will the present-day order be rolled up and a new one spread out in its
stead. Baha'is understand that the dramatic changes and transformations
we have witnessed over the last century - and which we are continuing to
see - have been initiated by the coming of a new Messenger of God and
influenced by the breaking light of a new Revelation."
The Baha'i
faith sees the United Nations as the vessel by which the unifying of the
world's religions into one faith will come to fruition.
Their plan
for the future of our world and the role of the United Nations overseeing a
regionalized world mirror almost directly the proposal outlined by Maurice'
Strong Commission on Global Governance.
writings state,
oneness of humanity implies an organic change in the structure of
present-day society, a change such as the world has not yet experienced.
It calls for no less than the reconstruction and the demilitarization of
the whole civilized world - a world organically unified in all the
essential aspects of life, its political machinery, its spiritual
aspiration, its trade and finance, its script and language."
In a
statement to the World Summit on Sustainable Development in August 2002,
Baha'i Community wrote,
significant achievements, the United Nations has yet to grasp fully both
the constructive role that religion can play in creating a peaceful and
prosperous global order, and the destructive impact that religious
fanaticism can have on the stability and progress of the world.
The UN
must work untiringly to exorcise religious bigotry and superstition from
within their faith traditions and renounce claims to religious
exclusivity and finality."
In other
Christianity, Judaism and Islam are
forms of religious bigotry that must be exorcised from the world
Reform of the United
As discussed in my article entitled
A United World
the UN is currently considering various proposals to reform the
Perhaps the
most interesting, at least to this writer, is the proposal to replace the
ten Security Council members with representatives from
ten geographical unions.
This concept
was first proposed by the Club of Rome in 1974 in their report Mankind at
the Turning Point:
of development, region-specific rather than based on narrow national
interests, must be designed to lead to a sustainable balance between the
interdependent world-regions and to global harmony.
'horizontal' restructuring of the world system is needed, i.e., a change
in relationships among nations and regions and as far as the "vertical"
structure of the world system is concerned, drastic changes in the norm
Cooperation by definition connotes interdependence. Increasing
interdependence between nations and regions must then translate as a
decrease in independence."
Strong chaired the UN's Commission on Global Governance and it's final
report clearly stated:
"Regionalism must precede globalism. We foresee a seamless system of
governance from local communities, individual states, regional unions
and up through to the United Nations itself.
concept of national sovereignty has been immutable, indeed a sacred
principle of international relations. It is a principle which will yield
only slowly and reluctantly to the new imperatives of global
environmental cooperation."
While in its
present form the United Nations may appear to be an impotent bungling
bureaucracy many organizations are anxiously anticipating a new reformed
empowered 'UN version 2.'
Club of Rome claims that at the right
moment it will "bring order out of chaos."
As I have
previously stated this reformed United Nations is likely to rise from the
ashes of a major world crisis and will no doubt be lead by a charismatic
world leader, perhaps assisted by this 'World Spiritual Teacher.'