Al Gore and Venus Envy
Al Gore confuses TIDES with Global
Warming Ocean Rise "Apocalypse"
Al Gore Forecasted "Ice-Free"
Arctic by 2013 - Ice Cover Expands 50%
Al Gore just Can't Escape his
Loopy Scientific Ignorance
Al Gore Makes Embarrassing Mistake
by Severely Misstating Sea Ice Loss Prediction
Gore's Climate Calculations Prove Wrong - AGAIN...!
Al Gore's Global Warming
deliberate Fraud to increase Governmental Power
Al Gore's Green Genocide
- The New Environmentalist Eugenics
George Soros paid Al Gore
Millions to Push 'Aggressive U.S. Action' on Global
Who's Afraid of The Big, Bad
Climate Monster? - Australia Responds to Al Gore's Visit
Additional Information |
Al Gore's Science Fiction - A
Skeptic's Guide to An Inconvenient Truth
Climate Madness
Climategate Meets The Law
- Senator Inhofe to Ask for Department of Justice
- "Climate
Policy is Redistributing The World's Wealth" says IPCC
Evangelizing Warming - Climatologists Trade Tips
on Destroying Evidence
Global Warming and The Ideology of
Anthropogenic (Human Caused) Climate Change
Global Warming Zealots At It Again!
- The More They Lie, The More The Science Community
If Carbon Dioxide is So Bad for
The Planet, Why do Greenhouse Growers buy CO2 Generators
to Double...
IPCC Economist's Statement That
‘Climate Change' Is Really About Wealth Redistribution - Not News
On the Coldest Day in America in
20 Years, here are Al Gore's Stupidest Global Warming
Our Glaciers Are Growing, Not
- More Falsehoods From Al Gore
Planetary Warming Uncertain
- Says The Royal Society
Post-Gore and The Coming Carbon
The Human-Induced Global Warming
Times Atlas Publishers Apologize for 'Incorrect'
Greenland Ice Statement
Waits for No One It Seems - "The
Times" Comprehensive Atlas of The World 13th Edition
Why Environmentalists are
Celebrating Rising CO² Levels - Al Gore Backlash
Books-Treatises |
35 Inconvenient Truths
- The Errors in Al Gore's Movie - by Christopher
Monckton of Brenchley
Gore's Science Fiction - A Skeptic's Guide to An
Inconvenient Truth - by Mario Lewis, Jr.
Skeptic's Primer on Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth
- by Mario Lewis, Jr.
Earth in the Balance
- by Al Gore
Inconvenient Facts - The Science
that Al Gore doesn't want You to Know
- by Gregory Wrightstone
Some Convenient Distortions
- by Marlo Lewis, Jr.
Multimedia |
Al Gore
Debates Global Warming
Al Gore Lying At COP15 Copenhagen
Climate Conference
Al Gore Sued by Over 30.000
Scientists for Fraud
- John Coleman
An Inconvenient Truth
An Inconvenient Truth... or
Convenient Fiction?
David de Rothschild y El Fraude
del Calentamiento Global
Debunking David de Rothschild and
The Global Warming Hoax
Global Warming - A Pseudoscience...
- Lord Christopher Monckton Speaking in St. Paul
Jesse Ventura on Global Warming
- Conspiracy Theory
Lewis Critiques Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth"
Not Evil, Just Wrong
Science According to Al Gore
- Earth Interior "Millions of Degrees"
The Global Warming Scam
- David Icke |
The Global Warming Scam - Roger
Revelle and Al Gore
Español |
Una Verdad Incómoda
- Una Vision casi Apocalíptica del Planeta - Al Gore