Part 3
The Lost Treasure Of
King Solomon
The Ark Of The Covenant And The Holy Grail
Godart1004 Website
Located in France is the country town of Rennes-le-Chateau. Legends
are deep in the
history of this French community.
The town is in the heart of the
old Knights of the Templars and Cathar communities of southern France. One of the
famous legends
surrounding this town is of a buried treasure, possibly the fabled
lost treasure of King
Solomon including the Ark of the Covenant or the Holy Grail,
believed to have been removed by the Templars at the time of the
As the legend goes, the Knights hid the treasure
after the Inquisitions in which De-Molay, their leader, was burned
at the stake by the King of France.
In 1892 a 33 year old priest, Francois-Berenger-Suniere of the
church of Sainte-Madeleine in
Rennes-le-Chateau, discovered
manuscripts believed to lead to a hidden treasure while restoring
the church. He took these manuscripts to Paris in January 1893,
where they were sold. There
is some speculation by historians that the Vatican was the
purchaser. Copies of these
documents have survived.
They appear to be nothing more than New
Testament passages,
written in Latin script. The first parchment is (John 12:1-12) and
the second is the story of
the disciples plucking ears of corn on the Sabbath, as described
from Matthew (12:1-8), Mark
(2:23-28), and Luke (6:1-5). But, a cryptic message appears to have
been placed in the
documents. Monograms, additional letters, letters marked with dots,
and displaced letters have yielded to a decipherment by
It is known that the Knight Templars worshiped a mysterious head,
believed to be the goat
head Baphomet (or Asmodeus guardian of the Treasure of King Solomon)
based around the pentagram design. In deciphering the manuscripts,
clues for finding a statue of Asmodeus at the Rennes-le-Cheateau
church was uncovered. Below the statue is written, “Par ce signe tu
levaincra.” The words translate to “In this sign shalt thou
Treasure hunters in this area of France have even established a
pentagram laid out between key landmarks in the countryside near
Rennes-le-Chateau - the “Pentagram of Rennes-le-Chateau.”
The landmarks were found by deciphering the cryptic text
in the manuscripts
discovered by Berenger-Suniere. In the near center of this pentagram
was a stone marker, the Coume-Sourde stone, with what appears to be
an engraved map and a cryptic clue to the
possible location of this legendary treasure of the Knights Templar.
The Latin phrase on the
stone translates “In the middle of the line where M cuts the lesser
Trying to decode this map, when applied to the countryside of Rennes-le-Chateau,
has proven fruitless, with no treasure being found.

“In the middle of the line where M cuts the lesser line”
“Sion: noun: same as Zion: noune
1 A hill in Jerusalem, the site of
the royal residence of David
and his successors; also the site of the temple, center of Hebrew
national culture, government, andreligion.
2 Hence, the Israelites.
3 The ancient Hebrew theocracy or the modem Church of Christ.
4 The heavenly Jerusalem; heaven.” 3
The interesting thing about this treasure story surrounding Rennes-le-Chateau
is the stone marker of Coume-Sourde in the center of the pentagram.
One clue on the stone is the “P-S” which is believed to stand for
the Masonic Order of “le Prieure de Sion” originating from this
region of France.
The triangle shape or spear point on the stone is
often called the “Sign of the Prieure de Sion.” One common
translation of the word “prieure” is rock, another is prayer, since
“priere” in French means prayer. So, this stone may be the legendary
“Rock of Sion” or the “Prayer of Sion.” With Sion being translated
as meaning heaven, the meaning of Prieure de Sion could be “Prayer
from Heaven” or “Voice from Heaven.”
Did this Masonic Order possibly take charge of a treasure from the
Templars, the Rosicrucians, or the Freemasons? Could the “M” spoken
of in the cryptic clue, lead to the possible location of a hidden
treasure? Treasure hunters of Rennes-le-Chateau believed it possibly
means the location of Marie Negri d’Ables’s grave marker. The
missing marker, in addition to the hard to follow terrain of this
region of France, has yielded no treasure.
But, this “M” might mean
something else, if applied to three other large pentagrams located
nearly 2000 miles away in the streets of Washington, D.C.
The streets running in the north-south and east-west direction in
Washington, D.C. are numbered and lettered respectfully, based on
the designs of L’Enfant. There are two streets named after each
letter of the alphabet, except J and B. Were these two letters left
out to position other letters to certain street locations?
There is a North M Street and a South M Street in Washington, D. C.
North M Street passes through the Small Pentagram associated with
the White House.
It also intersects an apparent non-important angled
street line at its center near Ward Place. Not to far from this
location is Sumter Inn. This is where L’Enfant, Washington, and
Jefferson met to discuss the plans for Washington, D.C. two nights
out of the week.
“In the middle of the line where M cuts the lesser

It is possible that the cryptic message on the Coume-Sourde stone is
referring to the location of the “M” marked on the stone. This “M”
intersects one of the shorter lines on the stone Coume-Sourde map.
But, this map line is not intersected by any other lines or divided
in the middle in any way on the stone. The “M” may mark a point on
the stone map where another line intersects at that real location.
The same point can be found on the Capital Pentagram (also the
Asmodeus Pentagram or Baphomet Pentagram). Note the actual streets
of Washington that creates the Capital Pentagram, looks exactly like
the drawing on the Coume-Sourde stone - the Sign of Prieure de Sion.
These lines form the Spear Point or Shield of Christ, as previously
There is a point where South Carolina Street passes over
the same short line as the “M” on the Coume-Sourde stone, this being
Kentucky Avenue. South Carolina Street appears as another
non-important line, but when divided into, it locates a Park at the
“In the middle of the line where M cuts the lesser line.”

Then there is the Giant Pentagram with the Capital at its center.
South M Street crosses this pentagram and cuts Potomac Ave into two
equal parts. This is similar to the way the North M street divides
New Hampshire Avenue near the White House.
This places the point we
are looking for near the Navy Shipyard. At the end of the recent
popular movie “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” the Ark of the Covenant (a
part of King Solomon's treasure and believed to be part of the
Knights Templars treasure) is secretly stored in an Army warehouse
in Washington, D.C. Consequence?
Using South Carolina Avenue as the non-important line and applying
it to the Giant Pentagram finds another possible mid-point. If you
divide South Carolina Avenue into between Delaware Avenue and
Kentucky Avenue, you will locate the middle of Marion Park.
“In the
middle of the line where M cuts the lesser line.”

If we go back to the White House Pentagram, and apply the M on the
marker stone to the opposite lesser line (Massachusetts Avenue), we
find it intersecting near an interesting location.
At 2118
Massachusetts Avenue N.W. is the Lars Anderson House, the museum for
the Society of Cincinnati. It is located in the middle of
Massachusetts Avenue between Dupont Circle and Sheridan Circle, next
to one of the lesser lines of the spear point.
A church is located
in the middle between Scott Circle and Lincoln Square. “In the
middle of the line where M cuts the lesser line.”

The term “illumination” refers to the process of receiving hidden
information, often of a religious significance, from symbols and
clues presented in paintings, portraits, stain glass, sculptures,
and architecture.
This researcher has used the principles of
illumination in finding many of the clues for the interpretation of
the symbols in the streets of Washington, D.C. Illumination was
commonly used to transfer information to the masses before the wide
spread use of printing, since most people before 1800 were not
formally educated to read or write. It also makes use of pictures as
a universal means of communicating an idea to people of different
languages and cultures.
This researcher has uncovered as many as 277 paintings, sculptures,
buildings, and other city plans from around the world that
illuminate the importance of the Washington symbols. The modern day
approach of illumination is through film. It appears the secret of
Washington, D.C. is not a secret to certain individuals in the
motion picture industry. It also appears that these individuals are
willing to let the public in on it, if they are illuminated.
A few
dozen motion pictures released in the past two decades illuminates
clues to the mystery behind the streets of Washington, D.C. Using
the slow motion control on your VCR while viewing such films as
“Raiders of the Lost Ark” and “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”
is an excellent first exercise in illumination that will produce
some surprising results related to Washington, D.C. The James Bond (JB)
films produce similar results - try “Casino Royale.”
To get you started, the following is a start to finish reference
list for “Indian Jones and the Last Crusade” and “Raiders of the
Lost Ark.” There are more clues in these films than those listed.
Every scene is full of clues. You need a good four head slow motion
VCR to catch them all.
- Paramount, Spear Point, 1936, Map, Cave, Steps,
Sun Shield, Strap & Buckle, No Buckle on Strap, George Washington’s
Face, Statue, Ass, Air Pirates, Tower, Neolithic, Globe, Winking
Eye, Map on Blackboard, Two lights, Wine Glasses, Globe, LIFE,
Golden Gate, Land of Rising Sun, Marion, Lattice Door, Palm, Monkey,
One Eye, Black Knight, Dome, Maze, Golden Door, Eye in Star,
Telescope, Jasper Cup, Carnation/Rose, Red-White-Blue, Caduceus,
Dome, Words on Tomb, Model of City of Washington, D.C, Broken in the
Middle, Cross, Sight- Dome-Rock-Ark, Palm, Sunset, Mirror, Ark,
Rising Sun, Egyptian God, Two Mirrors, Palm, Star, Mask, 26,
Compass, Ladder, Two Lights, Greece, Two Lights, Cross, Sight,
Angles-Demons, Washington, D.C, Seal of U.S.A., Old Man, Dome,
Marion, Coat of Arms, Stair Steps, Lock & Key, Man Reading
Newspaper, Telephone Number. ----------
Paramount, 13 Horses, Arch, Cave, Utah, Dome. Star - World’s
Tallest, Red-White-Blue, Circus, Eye in Triangle, Horn, David in the
Lion’s Den, Empty Coffer, Ram’s Head on Purple Box, Illuminated,
Carnation, Aries & Triangulum, Window in the triangle, Coranodo
Spelled Backwards, Tower, Palms, Spy Glass, Carnation, Wine Glass,
Lotus Position, Stone Map - Writing is not what he says, Two Lights,
One Dollar Bill, Black Knight, Crucifixion, Postage Stamp, Tower,
Church, Spiral Stairs, 3 Knocks, Cave, Ark, Italy, Tiber, Rose in
the Boat, Carnation, Three Bullet Holes, Mask, Lattice Door, Scot,
Back Madonna, Map Room, Aries & Triangulum, Helmet, Cross Wires,
1478, Shield, ISKENDERUN, Tower, Dome, Palm, Skull & Cross Bones,
Lucky Charm, Caduceus, Coat of Arms, Spiral Stairs, Two Lights,
Cross, Prayer Station at Cross Roads, Two Letters & Numbers,
Telephone Number, Man of the Mountain Lion, Auskunft, Globe, Dummy
Reading Newspaper & Pointing, Ticket, Letters, Dome, Tower, King’s
Hands, Wheel, Number & Letters, Lattice, Crescent Moon, Petra, Mary,
Seal, Eye in Triangle, Palm, Illumination, Setting Sun.
The National Galley of Art at Constitution Avenue and Sixth Street
N.W. in Washington,
D.C. was founded by Andrew Mellon.
Mellon donated five paintings
from his personal collection to the National Gallery he had started.
He paid the Soviet Government $3,247,695 for the five pieces of art,
“Annunciation” by Jan van Eyck, “Adoration of the Magi” by
Botticelli, “Alba Madonna” by Raphael, “Venus with a Mirror” by
Titian, and “Crucifixion”
by Perugino.
In relation to what we already know about the Washington Street
is it possible
Mellon chose these paintings for another reason, besides being fine
works of art?
illumination of this art may offer further clues to the mystery
behind the Washington Line Complex?
Does the stone slab discovered at Coume-Sourde in 1928 describe a
map to a hidden
Is it possible that a treasure is hidden near Ward Place,
in Marion Park southeast of
the Capital, or in a warehouse at the Navy Shipyard in Washington, D.C?
Is it possible
that this treasure was secretly carried to the United States by a
French secret society with ties to the Prieure de Sion, the
Rosicrucians, the Knights Templars, or the Freemasons?
Is it
that this treasure is the lost treasure of King Solomon, including
the Ark of the Covenant or the fabled Holy Grail?
Is something found
at one of these locations that may
offer further clues to an alternate location of the treasure?
Or is
it possible that the slab at Coume-Sourde is the treasure, with the real value being what could
be accomplished through
rituals based on the motif on the stone?
“In this sign shalt thou
Discussed earlier were the Golden Triangle, compasses, and pentagram
shape associated with the streets of Rome and the Vatican. As might
be expected, the “Shield of Christ” is also laid out in the streets
of Rome. An understanding of this symbol in Rome, may shed some
light on the same shapes in Washington, D.C.
Starting at St. Peters Basilica and moving out from the Vatican City
due east to S. M. deli Angeli, then turning southeast down Via
Merulana to S, Giovanni, sighting down Via S. Eidvanni back to the
center of St. Peters — draws a symbol that represents half of the
“Shield of Christ.” Sighting from the obelisk at the Piazza Tecnine,
down Via Merulana (Moon St.), locates the starting position of the
18 year cycle of the moon. Sighting from the center of St. Peter’s
Basilica to S. Giovanni establishes a view of the rising sun on the
day of the winter solstice for Rome.
The mysterious “M” position can
be found at S. Maria Maggiore for producing a line of sight across
the city. This line of sight intersects the other moon line
branching out from Plaza Risorgimento to the Musa Torlonia. Halfway
between S. Marie Maggiore and S. Manain Trastey is a point just
behind the Monumento Vitt. Eman. II.
These sight lines of Rome are
situated exactly the same as the Spear Point symbol near the Capital
Building in Washington, D.C. “In the middle of the line where M cuts
the lesser line.”

All the clues for finding the Roman locations can be illuminated
from the following
pictorials related to Rome. The same clues can be found from the
Coume-Sourde Stone and
the streets of Washington, D.C.
The fifteenth century city map drawing shows St. Peter holding a set
of Keys in the shape of a Cross. This is the “key” to decoding the
picture map. Look for the crosses.
There are crosses on the tops of
obelisks and near certain buildings in the picture map. Connecting
the obelisks yields the lines of sight for the moon and sun
positions and the celestial observation of the constellation Aries.
Connecting the Xs near the buildings yields the Shield of Christ, or
Spear Point, with the “M” position located. Connecting key buildings
and landmarks draws out the giant Pentagram of Rome.
Figures in the
picture also offer clues to decoding the hidden meaning. St. Peter
holds the key. Jesus is near the winter solstice position of the
The Virgin and Child are near of S. Maria Maggiore, the
position for a possible rising moon or some other astronomical

A portrait of Pope Leo’s meeting with the Huns by
Raphael Loggias
also illustrates the location of the “Shield of Christ.” The sword
held by St. Peter points to the winter solstice.
St. Paul’s sword points to the St. Paul Memorial south of Rome. The
spears held by the solders are pointing on the axis of the winter
solstice observance, and the sight line to S Maria Maggiore.
The staff points on the axis of the line of sight
for the 18 year cycle of the rising moon.

The location of St. Paul’s memorial, to the previously discussed
Shield of Christ, produces
the “Vatican Pentagram” as seen on the following map.
Note that
these triangulations are
well over 2000 years old in respect to Rome and the Vatican.
Continuing the line passing through S. Marie Maggli to the country
side of Rome will intersect a due east line that
connects to the Vatican, which finds Novatiani.
Novatiani means the
city of Novatians. The Novations, defined by any standard dictionary,
are the Cathars, a early third century Christian
sect claiming purity of life and doctrine. Nova in Latin means bride
or pure - virgin.

The significance of these sight lines related to Rome and the
Vatican is earth shattering for
traditional Roman Catholic theology.
It appears the Roman Catholic
Church holds certain
secret astronomical information related to the positions of the sun
and moon of great religious
importance. So important is this astronomical information, that it
has been laid out on a
grand scale in the city streets of Rome. Surprisingly, the
traditional past enemies of the
Roman Catholic Church, the practicers of magic, the occult arts, the
Cathars, the Kabbalist,
the Knights Templars, the Esseans, the Rosicrucians, the Freemasons,
and Wicca also hold the exact same astronomical information in great
In relation to the doctrine of the Catholic Church, there is the
strong implication that the
Roman Catholic tradition is based, in part, on the principles of
astronomy and astrology used by the early Romans.
The Vatican was
built on the location of the ancient Circus, an already existing
astronomical observation sight that predates any gospel accounts of
St. Peter and
even Jesus.
Is this information related to the Vatican, the secret Berenger
Sauniere discovered at Rennes-le-Chateau?
Did the Vatican pay him off not to reveal it to the
world because of the
implications for the Catholic Church and modern day Christianity?
the Cathars, which the Catholics put to death during the
Inquisitions, the founding fathers of modern day Catholicism?
modern day Christianity, a branch of the Catholic Church, really
only a form of ancient Roman sun and moon worship?
Or is someone in
the Vatican carrying out an ancient religious ritual adopted from the
Is this ritual the treasure found by the Templars during the
crusades and possibly pasted to Freemasonry?
Six thousand years ago the constellation Taurus had the sun rising
in its center on the veronal equinox. Almost four thousand years ago
the precession of the equinox changed the rising sun to the center
of Aries. It is now in the constellation Pisces.
The Romans
understood this change in positions of the constellations, as shown
in the following frieze from an early Roman building.

Taurus the bull, Aries the ram, and the Boar replaces Pieces on the
Roman Zodiac
The Vatican compass legs are made up of two streets pointing to the
equinox position of true east.
These streets are called Borgo Nuovo
or Borgo New and Borgo Vecchio or Borgo Cow — New Cow. Four thousand
years ago Taurus was due east, but the alignment changed about 3666
years ago making Aries the “New Cow.” The constellation’s position
had changed signaling the start of the second 2166 year period based
on Aries.
There appears to be some astronomical event that possibly comes out
of Aries that has an implication to the age of Pisces that can be
viewed or triangulated from the sight line passing through S. Maria
Maggiore to Novatiani.
This might be an astronomical observance such
as a bright star, a comet, a planetary alignment, or a nova, seen in
the east at the beginning of the age of Aries or from the northeast
at the beginning of the age of Pisces. It might signify the fabled
bright star in the east that lead the magi to Bethlehem. Or it might
represent the normal location of the sun at the center of the
celestial equator on the day of the equinox.
This same astronomical observance, what ever it may be, can be
sighted from Washington,
D.C. by looking to the northeast down South Carolina Avenue. But,
then there may be something else we are looking for, besides an
astronomical observance.
Back to The Dark History
of The Vatican
or, continue...

Hermes, Zeus, and Aphrodite are depicted in the center. Notice that
Hermes is pointing to a position across from Pisces and stepping on

The Temple of Denderah has a zodiac of the constellations with
slightly different symbols than the Latin or Greek. Notice the
Monkey, behind Aries, that connects the Eye to the center of the

Some scholars believed the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant
may be the same thing.
The Ark is the Holy Relic used by the Israelites to communicate with
God. It was carried
before their armies in battle as a talisman for defeating their
enemies. It was believed to be
stored in a hidden room beneath the Temple of Solomon and was stolen
by the Romans in AD 70, when Titus ransacked Jerusalem. The rough
dimensions of the Ark is 45 inches long
and 27 inches in width and height. It is a box lined with gold,
covered with a gold mercy
seat, and surrounded by two Cherubim. It may be a heavy object,
since it must be carried
by two men.
According to the Bible, the Ark contained the broken
tablets of the laws given
to Moses. But, religious tradition indicates the Ark contains the
presence of
Yahweh, the Hebrew God. It has been held that it stores
the bones of Joseph, as well as stone fetishes
(meteoric stones from heaven) from Yahweh’s abode on Horeb or Sinai.
Somehow the
Templars may have gained control of the Ark during the Crusades, and
it might have been a
part of their treasure.
One possible location of the Ark is Ethiopia. It is the tradition of
the Ethiopian church that
the Ark was moved from Jerusalem before the destruction of the
Temple. Menelik the child
of Solomon and Sheba took the Ark and carried it to modern day
Ethiopia. It is believed to be hidden in the cathedral at Aksum and
remains a central part of religious practices today.
Known as the Tobat (from Arabic tabut ‘al ‘ahdi, the Ark of the
Covenant). A copy of it is carried in procession through the streets
at the festival of Epiphany. Copies of the Tabot are
also kept in every church in Ethiopia.
According to the book The Ultimate Frontier by Kieninger,
the Ark
was originally stored in the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid. The
Ark is a real object that symbolizes the salvation through Christ. It
is currently held in the possession of one of the secret
The most wildly held historical account of the Ark and the treasure
of King Solomon is that it was taken to Rome in AD 70. Benjenajim of
Tudela believed that Titus “kept the Ark in a cave near the Church of
St. Sebastian.” Most Roman historians believe it was kept at
the Temple of Peace, in the part called the Temple Vespasian.
According to one account, the Menorah (the Jewish candelabra) was dropped into the Tiber from the Milvian Bridge while Maxentius was fleeing from the invasion of
Constantine in AD 312.
If the Ark of the Covenant and the Treasure of Solomon were stored
in the Temple Vespasian at Rome, then we have a clue to what was at
the center of that non-important line in Rome. Laying out the Shield
of Christ over the ancient Forum of Rome, locates the Temple
Vespasian at the center of that non-important line.
“In the
middle of the line where
M cuts the lesser line.”

If the layout of the “Shield of Christ” is somehow associated with
the Ark taken by Titus back to Rome after he sacked Jerusalem in AD
70, then it stands to reason that the same
layout might exist in the city plan of Jerusalem for the same
astronomical observance.
What is expect appears to be true, with the
center of that non-important line locating the site where
the Ark of the Covenant was once displayed.
Jerusalem is a city of domes and towers. These are landmarks
situated in the city, as well on hill tops outside the city. The
east-west axis line runs through the Lion’s Gate (on older
maps it is called the East Gate) to hill 692 meters high, east of
the city. The moon sight line
runs from a hill 759 meters high, through the East Gate, to church
towers outside the city.
The winter solstice sight line runs from Notre Dame, through the
Holy Sepulchre, through
the Wailing Wall, through the Pinnacle of the Temple of Solomon. The
layout produces the Half-Shield of Christ.
A sight line from Dormition Abbey (the location of the Last Supper,
of the resurrection appearances - Tomb of David, Tomb of Solomon, and
the death of Mary) to a hill 746 meters
high just north on the Mount of Olives, passes through the Dome of
the Rock and the
Wailing Wall. A line drawn from the Tower of David, through the Dome
of the Rock,
through the Golden Gate, through Gethsemane, locates the Mount of
The Dome of the Rock, built on the sight of Solomon’s Temple, is in
the middle of the sight line from the Cathedral of St. George to the
Mount of Ascension. It is also in the middle of the sight line from
Dormition Abbey (Church of St Mary’s) to the peak north of the Mount
of Olives. “In the middle of the line where M cuts the lesser line.”
A sight line due east of the Holy Sepulchre will past through the
Golden Gate. It should be
noted that the Holy Sepulchre and many of the buildings of
Jerusalem, as a related points of reference, were build by
Constantine, who also built St. Peter’s in Rome. It is hard to
determine if the “Shield of Christ Layout” is coming to Jerusalem
from Rome, or visa versa.
Older maps pre-dating the time of Jesus, indicates these sight lines
were in existence, with only the names and type of landmarks
Perhaps another clue to the “Shield of Christ Layout” is the
crescent moon that sits a top of the Doom of the Rock. Another might
be the Mount of Olives (or Olivet) northeast of Jerusalem, since
Mount Olivet Cemetery is located northeast of Washington, D.C.
But, the real reference to an astronomical observation is designed
around the Holy Sepulchre
of Constantine. The building is in the shape of a giant refraction
telescope. If the building
was a tube and lens and mirrors were placed at key locations in the
building plan, a common day astronomical tool could be constructed.
Sir Norman Lockyer developed theories about
ancient temples at the compound of Karnak in Egypt. He determined
that they were aligned to the position of the rising sun and rising
stars on certain days.
The temples were designed to narrow a beam of
light penetrating along the axis to a sanctuary. The longer the
temple the
smaller the point of light, establishing a more exact measurement of
time for the rise of the
star or sun.
This same principle applies to the Holy Sepulchre. It
may also apply to the
Forum temples of Roman, and the Vatican.

By connecting lines to other landmarks around the city,
the Giant
Pentagram of Jerusalem can be established.
All of the landmarks can
be established from the Old and New Testament
scriptures, based around associated names and places throughout the
history of Jerusalem.

Since the Israelites came out of Egypt with the Ark of the Covenant,
it can be deduced that the layout might be found in Egypt. The
triangulation of key rocky outcrops near the pyramids of Giza yields
the same results.
Lines of sight can be established for the maximum
southern position of the cycle of the moon and the winter solstice.

When the three small pyramids east of the Great Pyramid are aligned
to the markers near the Granite Pyramid, all of the sight lines
intersect at the Temple of the Second Pyramid.
Combining all the lines of sight establishes a Half-Shield of
Christ, with the temple at the middle of the non-important line. To
cross check the triangulation. A line drawn from one of the rocky
outcrops through the center of the temple, intersects the angle
produced by the
moon sight line and the winter solstice sight line. Just as the same
astronomical layout
around the Circus of Rome predates the Vatican, these lines of
sight, from geological landmarks, appears to predate the building of
the three large Giza pyramids.
The three large
pyramids of Giza were built on the site of an ancient astronomical
Was the Ark of the Covenant once displayed at this site
at the Temple of the Second Pyramid?

If you extent lines out from the points of reference, so that it
intersects the middle pyramids of the two small pyramid groups, the
Pentagram of Giza can be established.

The legendary treasure associated with Rennes-le-Chateau is believed
to be the fabled Holy Grail.
In Christian folklore, the Grail is
considered to be a Jasper Vessel contained within a bowl of a large
Silver Chalice, which was given to Abraham by the mysterious figure
Melchizedek. Later it came into the hands of Joseph of Arimathea in
who’s Upper Room the Last Supper took place. This same chalice was
used to catch the blood of Christ at the crucifixion. But, most
scholars agree the Grail romances have something to do with the
cycles of the seasons, with the death and rebirth of the year.
Yet, Wolfram Von Eschenbach in his version of Percival, possible the
most accurate of the Grail romances, tells us the Grail is a stone.
“If he gazed at the Stone for two hundred years
His beard would not
turn gray Such force gives the stone to man
That his flesh and bones Promptly become young again
And the stone is called the Grail.”
Is this Grail stone the Coume-Sourde stone in the Rennes-le-Chateau
pentagram? During
World War II the Nazis Occult Bureau actually carried out extensive
excavations in southern
France near Rennes-le-Chateau for the Grail.
In the book Spear of Destiny, Trevor Ravenscroft offers evidence
that the stone Grail was a stone spear. It was possibly the Spear of
Longinus, used to pierce the side of Christ. This book documents the
owners of the spear and their use of it for world conquest. Hitler
may have viewed this spear to be the Grail, but probably not since
his army went digging for something else, after he had claimed
possession of the Spear of Longinus before World War II from the
Treasure House of Hofburg in Vienna.
There is a legend associated
with the fabled Spear of Longinus - that whoever claims it, and
solves its secrets, holds the destiny of the world in his hands for
good or evil. According to legend, Joseph of Arimathea’s daughter
married the son of the Roman soldier Longinus and their offspring
were the ancestry of the royal family of England.
In his book The Shroud and The Grail, Noel Currer-Briggs implies
that the Grail is a platter or shield shaped object. The lower Latin
word for Grail is “gradlla” meaning “shield.” Is the Grail possibly
a Holy Shield?
The word Grail is taken from the root word “gradual,” so the Grail
could mean a gradual,
step by step, degree by degree, movement to that most holy. Just as
the sephirot tree is a
ladder to the universal creator.
The Grail may be a path to higher
consciousness serving the
same function as the sephirot tree.
“The Sun and the Crescent Moon,
rightly oriented in the
sky, are the sign of the Grail, the Holy Symbol of Transcendental
Consciousness. The
Incarnation of Christ into the body and blood of human Jesus was the
descent of the Sun
Spirit into the Moon Chalice, the configuration which became the
symbol of the Holy Grail
in the Middle Ages.” 4
The references to the sun and moon may not be allegorical, but
rather references to the real
physical locations of the sun and moon at a time and a place- a
possible eclipse. Could such
a location be observed through the alignment from one of the street
lines of Washington,
D.C.? An observation of the crescent moon, blood red on a silver
challis, rising from Ariesin the eastern sky, might be the
The book Holy Blood, Holy Grail makes a case for a possible holy
linage. This book concludes the Grail was not a sephirot tree, but a
family tree waiting to bring forth the second coming of Christ. If
the book Holy Blood, Holy Grail is correct in its hypothesis (that
Prieure de Sion is guarding a blood line, possibly that of
Christ or the decedents of David), then we have something that ties
the Society of Cincinnati to the Prieure de Sion,
besides the White House Pentagram and White House “Shield of
Both societies are
based on the passage of a blood line. Is it possible that the
Society of Cincinnati is protecting a specific blood line, and the
passing on of membership through heredity is just a front? If so,
is this the same blood line being protected by the Prieure de Sion?
Might this be the most
valuable treasure of all?
There are other references to other objects in the Grail Romances
that bare strange resemblances to Washington, D.C. There is the Grail
Castle where the Grail is stored, which is built on the top of a
mountain. Access to the castle is by a narrow bridge. At the center
of the castle, according to the Dur Jungere Titural by
Scharffenberg, is a room with a dome with three entrances.
The dome
gives the view of a clock work made up of the sun and the
moon with a model of the structure in miniature situated on the
floor at the center of the
Within this model is kept the Grail.
Is there something hidden
in the model of the
Capital Building in the Crypt Room beneath the floor of the Capital
What is the size of the empty coffer in the Crypt tomb?
is the Grail located in the model of the
Vatican inside St. Peter’s Basilica?
Is the Coume-Sourde stone with the spear point drawing really the
Holy Grail?
Does the
spear point drawn on the Coume-Sourde stone and in the streets of
Washington, D.C. have
something to do with the legend behind the Grail and the Spear of
Are the markings on the stone, in the shape of a spear,
just a coincidence?
Is it a coincidence that
these markings on the Coume-Sourde stone universally represents the
limits of the movement for the sun and moon?
Is it a coincidence that
the Coume-Sourde stone markings also represent the Shield of Christ?
It is a coincidence that this Shield of Christ symbol locates
the Temple where Titus stored the treasure of Solomon, including the
Ark of the Covenant?
Is it a coincidence that the non-important line pierces the side of
the Shield of Christ?
It is a
coincidence that these things relate to the Pyramids of Giza,
Jerusalem, Rome, and the
Is it a coincidence that the Ark is displayed on the
Freemasonry coat of arms?
Is it
just a coincidence that all of these things relate to Washington, D.C?
May this treasure be found to all who are illuminated.
The symbols and layouts of Washington, D.C., Rome, and
appear to have
esoteric meaning. But, the fact that they relate to the actual
locations of the sun, moon, and
stars, indicates a factual reason for their existence. There appears
to be a certain astronomical
event that is being expressed by the symbols.
What is this
astronomical event that is so important that someone has laid it out,
on a grand scale, in major cities of the world and
associated it with God?
The Bible speaks of the star in the east that lead the magi to the
Messiah. The magi are
generally considered to be early astronomers. Did they keep a record
of this astronomical event to signify a possible Second Coming? Did
this record somehow pass into the hands of the Catholic Church and
the secret societies? Was this star of Bethlehem a comet, a nova, or
an alignment of the planets?
All historical astronomical records
agree, there is no known astronomical event that occurred at the
time of the birth of Jesus, as recorded in the four Gospels. This
has forced many Gospel scholars to question the historical accuracy
of the four Gospels. But, the non-important line, crossing the
Shield of Christ, does sight a constellation at the time of his
recorded birth.
David Ritchie, in his book
Comets The Swords of Heaven, uses ancient
scriptures from the
Bible and other religions to show that comets or asteroids have hit
the earth in the past 3000years which produced natural disasters.
Many of these travelers of our solar system have
orbits that are as predictable as the rise and fall of the sun and
Is there a certain comet
or asteroid that will someday intersect with the earth’s orbit?
A Russian astronomer,
Velikovsky, developed many theories about the
planets in his book
Worlds in Collisions. Most of his theories are not readily accepted
by astronomers. One theory is associated with the planet Venus. He
claims that Venus was once a comet caught by the
gravitational pull of the sun. This event happened nearly 3500 years
ago around 1500 B.C.
Its close proximity to the earth caused global destruction,
including great floods, as recorded by all ancient civilizations.
it possible that early civilizations witnessing this event,
associated it with a new born God?
According to the books
Richard Noone and
We Are The Earthquake Generation by Dr. Jeffery
Goodman, a planetary alignment with the
sun and earth will occur on May 5th, 2000, which has not happened
for nearly 6000 years.
Based on the earth’s location on the celestial equator, this event
will appear as a very bright light in the northeastern sky consisting
of the planets Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and Mercury.
The book 5/5/2000 concludes a possible world disaster when the
gravitational pull of this unusual conjunction of the planets, causes
great earthquakes, tidal waves, and possibly a shift
in the polar axis. Not mentioned in these books is the fact that the
Roman Forum has the
temples of Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and the Field of Mars all on the
same line of axis of the
winter solstice, along the Sacred Way.
It is possible that the
mystery lines of Washington, D.C. are a warning of a future global disaster?
From all the clues given to us, the “where” become apparent. The
“Jefferson Clue” is one locator of this astronomical event.
By naming
his house after one of the points on the
Golden Triangle in Rome, we know the location of the event in the
night sky. Other clues
are supplied from the locations of the Spear Point shapes and the
background information on
the secret societies.
The constellation Triangulum
(click above images) is guarded by Aries the ram or Asmodeus
(who guards the
treasure of Solomon.) The start of the Triangulum was due east on the
spring equinox around1500 BC, the date Moses lead the Israelites out
of Egypt - also the first reference of the Ark of
the Covenant, the presence of God.
In all the places where there is
a Shield of Christ laid out,
there is also that non-important line which sights the Triangulum and
the historical locations
of the Ark of the Covenant. In Israel, the Ark was displayed in the
Temple of Solomon. In Rome, it was kept at the the Temple Vespasian.
In Egypt, it might have been the Temple of the Second Pyramid.
The Egyptian zodiac indicates the Triangulum using the Ouadjit
symbol, or “all seeing eye.” Does that same “eye” in the “triangle”
on the reverse of
the Great Seal of the United States and the dollar
bill, indicate another location for the Ark? At one time, was the
Ark of the Covenant kept in Washington, D.C. and the United States?
Maybe, it still is.

“May the spirit that animated the founder of this great city
descend on the future generations.”
John Adams
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