by ViolatoR
February 19, 2007
AboveTopSecret Website

The Origin of Columbia
Today I would like to discuss the Goddess and how it is associated with the
capitol of America - the District of Columbia (Washington,
There will be plenty of
background information, but I will try to maintain emphasis on the most
recent aspect of the goddess as Columbia.
To begin...
Wikipedia: "Though he never set foot in what
became the United States, Columbus is often viewed as a hero because of
his pivotal role in U.S. history."
Columbus was fortunate enough to have a very
symbolic name.
It would later be used to a great extent in
America for it's many meanings and aspects, and slight historical
significance. In fact Columbia would become the name of a new Goddess for
a New World (NWO?).
Almost from the moment the New
World was discovered, it was seen in mythological terms as an exotic
goddess, an Indian Queen dressed in feathers and furs ridding an exotic
beast like an armadillo and armed with a tomahawk.
The Catholic south adapted the idea of the
Goddess of the New World into the ever-expanding hagiology of the
Catholic Church.
The Virgin of Guadalupe allowed the
archetype to become personal, a connection to the land and its
ancestors, while joining a larger universalist vision inside the Church.
In the largely Protestant north, things went quite differently.
The 17th century's Indian Goddess became a tamer Indian Princess,
modeled on the archetypal story of Pocahontas...
As the 18th century passed, and America grew
more developed and its people more educated, the Indian princess gained
a touch of Greek elegance.
"By the late 1790s," folk-art historian
Nancy Jo Fox comments, "it was not clear whether a feathered Indian
Princess had changed into a Greek goddess or whether a Greek goddess
had placed feathers or plumes in her hair."
Her Many Other Names
Most Female/Virgin/Goddess symbolism comes from the constellation Virgo.
The Virgin, Virgo was impregnated by God on the
Spring Equinox as the Sun passed into Virgo on March 21st. Nine months later
the Son of God is born on the Winter Solstice.
God's sun/son is born or rather re-born every
year after the Sun stops on the Tropic of Capricorn for 2 days and on the
third day rises from death and is re-incarnated into the world.
It then
proceeds to come back towards the Northern Hemisphere as the "light of the

The New World Virgin Goddess Columbia was just a
new manifestation of the ancient consort and virgin mother of god.
Depicted in Christianity as the Virgin Mary,
Columbia was created out of Virginia and Maryland. To the Masons, the Square
is the female aspect.
Washington's original plan for D.C. was a large
square with the future Washington Monument (male symbol, compass) at the
In Egypt the trinity consists of Isis, Osiris,
and Horus the son. Isis can be seen as the ultimate female deity.
Isis may be the oldest deity
in Egypt, and certainly the oldest to survive the ages in much the same
form. She may also be the most important, for although the other gods
were worshipped widely, Isis was worshipped almost universally by all
The major goddess of the Egyptian pantheon, she had many of
the same attributes of other mother-goddesses found all over the world.
Isis was as powerful, if not more powerful, than
Osiris and Ra.
Isis was also known as Sopdet, consort of Sah.
Sopdet (Spdt, Sepedet) is Sothis in greek. In 'The Lamentations of Isis and
Nephthys for Osiris', Isis calls herself Sopdet. Sopdet was also connected
to the goddess Satet at Abu (Elephantine).
Besides these names, the same aspects of any Goddess can be found in:
Aphrodite, Ishtar, Black Madonna,
Mary/Maya, Goddess Athena, Goddess Astarte, Anunit, Astarte and
She was the light-giver at this season
of the year and was called Khut
As the mighty earth-goddess her name was
As the Great Goddess of the Underworld
she was Thenenet
As the power which shot forth the Nile
flood, she was Sati, and Sept
As the embracer of the land and producer
of fertility by her waters she was Anqet
As the producer and giver of life she
was Ankhet
As the goddess of cultivated lands and
fields she was Sekhet
As the goddess of the harvest she was
As the goddess of food which was offered
to the gods, she was Tcheft, and lived in the Temple of Tchefau
As the great lady of the Underworld, who
assisted in transforming the bodies of the blessed dead into those
wherein they were to live in the realm of Osiris, she was Ament -
the "hidden" goddess. As Ament she was declared to be the mother of
To the Greeks she was known as Demeter
and to the Romans as Ceres
To the Chinese protestors of Red Square
as the goddess of Democracy

And of course the Goddess of the New
World - Lady Liberty - Columbia
Attributes of the
The Goddess can be represented in many different ways.
As Venus she is depicted as, or on a clam shell.
She is often depicted as a 5 pointed star, or wearing a pentacle as a crown.
There's the Triple Goddess of the 3 phases of the moon. The flag of the
District of Columbia has 3 five-pointed stars on it.
As the star Sirius she
is the Blazing Star and represents water and the color blue, the Spirit of
Wisdom and the Brightly Radiating One or Shinning One.
The sycamore specifically was regarded as a manifestation of the goddesses
Nut, Isis and Hathor, who was even given the title, "Lady of the Sycamore."
Also as the virgin Columbian Flower with it's 5-Petals.
As Innana, Isis, Athena and Minerva she is often depicted with an Owl.

But perhaps the most attributes come when in the
form of Columbia.
She is most often shown with an eagle, broken chains and pottery, a
cornucopia, images of George Washington, a laurel wreath, a liberty pole
and cap, a liberty tree, an olive branch, a rattlesnake, a shield and a
stone tablet.
The statue of Columbia that used to stand
behind the speaker's chair in the House of Representatives is a fine
example. In this one we see the Eagle, and on the other side a snake
coiled around a Greek column.

Mother Earth, Primeval
Waters, Constellations and Aliens?
[1] In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
[2] And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the
face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the

Early in Egyptian history, Isis had absorbed the
attributes of all the great primitive goddesses, and of all the local
goddesses such as
Bast, Hathor, etc.,
...and she was
even identified as the female counterpart of the primeval abyss of water
from which sprang all life.
Virgin Mary
The name Mary could have some significance to it's connection
with the sea, the Abyss, or the water of life which brings fertility to the
land in the form of rain or annual floods.
Usual English form of Maria, which was the
Latin form of the New Testament Greek names Μαριαμ (Mariam) or Μαρια
(Maria) (the spellings are interchangeable), which were from the Hebrew
name מִרְיָם (Miryam).
The meaning is not known for certain, but there
are several theories including "sea of bitterness."
marine (adj.) Look up marine at Dictionary.com
c.1420, from M.Fr. marin (fem. marine), from O.Fr. marin, from L.
marinus (fem. marina) "of the sea," from mare (gen. maris) "sea," from
PIE *mori-/*mari- "body of water, lake." Cognate with O.E. mere "sea,
lake, pool, pond,"
Isis = Sirius, Osiris
= Orion

(The goddess star Sirius) In
the ancient Vedas this star was known as the Chieftain's star; in other
Hindu writings, it is referred to as Sukra, the Rain God, or Rain Star.
The Dog is also described as "he who awakens the gods of the air, and
summons them to their office of bringing the rain."
This star was the most important of the stars to
the ancient Egyptians, and the heliacal rising of this star came at the time
of inundation and the start of the Egyptian New Year.
She marked the Summer solstice
As a goddess of
the inundation, Sothis was a goddess of fertility.
She also was linked to
the pharaoh and his journey in the afterlife.
It is interesting to note that
Sirius is associated with the flood season.
Located just below the Dog Star there exists a constellation called Argo,
the Ship.
Near the Cannis Major constellation is the
Columb or Dove constellation, depicted with a twig in it's mouth.

Canis Major and Columba can
be seen on the left
The Dogon and Sirius
The Dogon are an ethnic group located
mainly in the administrative districts of Bandiagara and Douentza in Mali,
West Africa. Dogon religion is defined primarily through the worship of the
ancestors and the spirits...
They were called the 'Nommo.'
The Dogon are famous for their astronomical
knowledge taught through oral tradition... referencing the star system,
As the story goes... in the late 1930s, four Dogon priests shared their
most important secret tradition with two French anthropologists, Marcel
Griaule and Germain Dieterlen after they had spent an
apprenticeship of fifteen years living with the tribe. These were secret
myths about the star Sirius, which is 8.6 light years from the Earth.
The Dogon priests said that
Sirius had a companion star that was invisible
to the human eye.
They also stated that the star moved in a 50-year
elliptical orbit around Sirius, that it was small and incredibly heavy, and
that it rotated on its axis. The Dogons calendar is quite non-traditional in
that its fifty year cycle is based neither on the Earth's rotation around
the Sun (as is our Julian calendar) nor the cycles of the Moon (a lunar
Instead, the Dogon culture centers around the
rotation cycle Sirius B which encircles the primary star Sirius A every 49.9
- or 50 years...
Since 1844, astronomers had suspected that Sirius A had a
companion star. This was in part determined when it was observed that the
path of the star wobbled. In 1862 Alvan Clark discovered the second star
making Sirius a binary star system (two stars).
The Dogon also claimed that a third star Emme Ya
- sorghum female - exists in the Sirius system.
It is described by the Dogan as,
"the seat of the
female souls of living or future beings."

The Nommo
Author Robert Temple describes the Nommo as amphibious beings sent to Earth
from the Sirius star system for the benefit of humankind.
They look like Merfolk; Mermaids and Mermen.
They called the Nommo 'Masters of the Water', 'The Monitors', 'The Teachers
or Instructors', 'Saviors', and 'Spiritual Guardians'.
The Dogon elder, Ogotemelli, describes Nommo as
having the upper part as a man and the lower portion as snake; or as having
a ram's head with serpent body.

As The Dog Star
As the major star of the "Big Dog" constellation, Sirius is often called the
"Dog Star."
The name "Sirius" comes from the Latin
from Greek Seirios, "glowing" or "scorcher." The Arabic word
Al Shi'ra
resembles the Greek, Roman, and Egyptian names suggesting a common origin in
Sanskrit, in which the name Surya, the Sun God, simply means the "shining
It was thought that Sirius actually added to earth's heat because it was so
This has been used to describe the origin of the
phrase "dog days of summer."
Sirius was an object
of wonder and veneration to all ancient peoples throughout human
The association of Sirius with a celestial
dog has been consistent throughout the classical world; even in remote
China, the star was identified as a heavenly wolf. In ancient Chaldea
(present day Iraq) the star was known as the "Dog Star that Leads," or
it was called the "Star of the Dog."
In Assyria, it was said to be the "Dog of
the Sun." In still older Akkadia, it was named the "Dog Star of the
In Greek times Aratus referred to Canis Major as the guard-dog of Orion,
following on the heels of its master, and standing on its hind legs with
Sirius carried in its jaws. Manilius called it the "dog with the blazing
She was occasionally depicted as a large dog, or
in Roman times, as the goddess Isis-Sopdet, she was shown riding side-saddle
on a large dog. Sometimes she was depicted as a seated cow.
She was also given a masculine aspect, and linked with Horus as Sopdet-Horus
during the Middle Kingdom.
She was also linked with Anubis during Greek
Times as Sopdet-Anubis. (Anubis has the head of a dog or jackal.)
Sirius and Orion Over
The Congress of Isis and Osiris just so happens to happen above... Congress.
Washington D.C. and many of
it's buildings and monuments are laid out according to the cardinal
directions with the streets running due NS and EW.
In the map of Washington D.C. below, due
east is up and the star chart shows the constellation of Orion rising
due east over Washington D.C., as it has done every day for the past two
hundred years.
Orion's belt points towards Sirius, the
brightest star in the sky, and while Orion is rising and low on the
eastern horizon, Orion's belt is vertical, pointing to Sirius below.

In relation to the fixed stars, the sun
rises later each day due to the rotation of the earth around the sun.
The sun rises just after Sirius at the
latitude of Washington D.C. on August 15. This is known as the heliacal
rising of Sirius. Prior to this time of year, the sun is above or too
close to the horizon for the rising of the star to be visible.
Ancient Egyptians based their calendar on
the heliacal rising of Sirius, which signaled the onset of the annual
flooding of the Nile. Christians celebrate the Assumption of the Virgin
Mary on August 15, linking the Assumption to the first appearance of
Sirius/Isis in the sky just before dawn.
Orion has also set due west at the latitude of Washington D.C. for the
past two hundred years.
From the viewpoint of the Capitol building,
Orion sets right behind the Washington Monument. Setting in the west,
Orion's belt is horizontal, pointing to Sirius setting south of due
From the viewpoint of the Capitol building, Sirius sets over the
Potomac River, on the alignment of Maryland Avenue. The bright star
above Orion is
Aldebaran, the alpha star in the
constellation of Taurus.
From the viewpoint of the Capitol building,
Aldebaran sets over the White House, on the alignment of Pennsylvania

It has already been established that the Goddess
can be symbolized by an owl.

Columbia and the
Constellation of Virgo
District of Columbia (Washington,
D.C.) has more astrological symbols than and other city
in the world. The capitol city was built from the ground up with a specific
esoteric design.
There were many changes however, and some things
didn't go exactly to plan.
In David Ovason's book, The
Secret Architecture of our Nation's Capital... The District of Columbia
and its Federal City were arranged, according to Ovason, so that the
constellation of Virgo and its goddess symbolism dominates the
Ovason notes that the right triangle of
first magnitude stars that contains the constellation Virgo, Arcturus,
Regulus and Spica, can also be found in the plan of the Federal city
marked by the location of the Capital, the President's House and the
Washington Monument.
And he also notes that the consecration
ceremonies for these sites all include prominent astrological
connections to Virgo...

This earth/sky alignment can be seen every
year, weather permitting, around August 10th, as the sun sets down the
Pennsylvania avenue sight line from the Capital, the great triangle
enclosing Virgo appears in the darkening sky.
It was not as obvious 200 years ago when the
plan was laid out, but now, at the moment of culmination, the alignment
is clear and unmistakable.
As Ovason insists, it is plain that from its
inception, the District of Columbia, and the Federal City,
"was intended to celebrate the mysteries
of Virgo - of the Egyptian Isis, the Grecian Ceres and the Christian
Pierre-Charles L'Enfant and
the Design of Washington
Pierre-Charles L'Enfant...
adventurous Frenchman and a contemporary of Weishaupt, who was primarily
responsible for the name and design of the District of Columbia...
Pierre was educated first as an artist,
where he studied the science of landscape design from the works of Andre
le Notre, who designed the great historical axis of Paris, and then as a
soldier, where he learned the art of fortification.
In 1776, as a lieutenant, he joined his
regimental Masonic lodge where he met the Marquis de Lafayette and many
other young Frenchmen fired up by the new ideals of liberty and
equality. In 1777, he offered his services to the new Continental Army
of General Washington, and was appointed a captain of engineers...
When he learned, in 1789, that his old
friend General Washington was planning to establish a new federal
capital down in Virginia, L'Enfant wrote directly to him, announcing
"…no nation, perhaps, had ever before
the opportunity offered them of deliberately deciding on the spot
where their capital city should be fixed.”
Arriving in Georgetown early in 1791, armed
with Washington's instructions to assist the current surveyors...
L'Enfant quickly took charge...
Andrew Ellicott, the chief surveyor was a
knowledgeable astronomer, and he undoubtedly helped fix the precise
point on the horizon marking the August11th sunset.
This angle, 22 degrees north of west, did
double duty, pointing to the sunset where, 200 years later, the triangle
containing Virgo would appear in the sky and also marking the September
18th rising of Sirius over the Capital. This one alignment, from the
Capital to the White House, graphically unites the two most prominent
astronomical goddess images, Sirius and Virgo.
L'Enfant's plan was changed through the years, and his steadfast defense
of certain points led to his being considered difficult. He wanted to
keep intact not only the precise sightlines of his alignments...
L'Enfant's idea was to preserve a direct view of the western horizon for
the mid-August time period when the Virgo triangle appeared in the
sky... the earthly reflection of the Virgo triangle.
While this view has been destroyed, the
careful angle of Pennsylvania Avenue from the Capital to the White House
still allows us to identify the crucial moment of revelation.

The Goddess of...
Revelation 12:
[1] And there appeared a great wonder in
heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet,
and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.
[2] And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained
to be delivered.
[3] And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great
red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon
his heads.
[4] And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did
cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which
was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was
[5] And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations
with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his
The moment the sages of 1177
foresaw, just after the turn of the seventh millennium of the Hebrew
calendar and the beginning of the third Christian millennium, the
alignment of eclipse cycle and the sacred calendars, occurred on October
3/4th, 2005, and two days later, on October 5/6th,
the great portent appeared in the sky.
The sun in Virgo, from a sidereal
perspective, falling on the Virgin's robed shoulder, "clothed by the
Sun,” a thin crescent moon on the cusp of Virgo/Libra, "with the Moon
under her feet,” and "pregnant” with the conjunction of Mercury, Jupiter
and the alpha star of Virgo,
Spica, at the level of her womb.
"Crowned with twelve stars,” suggests the
return of the cusp of Virgo/Leo, ancient starting point of the zodiac,
to the fall equinox.
The Red Dragon, even with all its evil
connotations, can be seen as the Head of the Dragon marking the solar
eclipse, waiting to eat the child, the Sun/Son, the moment it is born.
So, in Washington City, at noon on October 5/6th, 2005, even though the
sun was veiling the event, the Great Portent moved into alignment over
the city's monuments. The White House's south front would have been a
good place to view it, and in our computer view, that's our observation
As the Sun touched the meridian on October 5th, the
whole of the Portent spread out to the east, from meridian to eastern
The first thing we notice is that the
Washington Monument is not due south of the White House, as L'Enfant
planned. It is offset to the east just enough to align with the fixed
star Spica and the conjunction of Jupiter and Mercury. This is
apparently not accidental, as the dedication ceremony for its present
location, done in 1880, was aligned down the Mall with the rising of
Further down the Mall to the east is the new
Moon, on the Virgo/Libra cusp, under the feet of Virgo, and beyond that
in Libra is Venus.
Esoteric and Occult Goddess worship has culminated in the design and purpose
of Washington D.C.
Embodied as the Goddess Columbia, who is the new face of
an old deity. According to this website (www.goddesscolumbia.com),
the design in D.C. was meant to be fulfilled in recent time, and was not
exactly aligned until now.
The great 'wonder in heaven' of revelations
occurred in October of 2005.
According to the dates set forth in the book of
Daniel, Mt. Zion will be in the hands of unbelievers for 2,300 years.
The Greeks conquered Israel in 333BC and
2,300 years later in 1967AD the Jews re-conquered it after the 6-Day
The two other periods linked with the
abomination of the Temple are 1,290 and 1,335 years.
The Muslims turned the Dome of the Rock
into a mosque in 677, and 1,290 years later in 1967 east Jerusalem
was annexed by Israel.
The other period is 1,335 years after
the Muslims captured the Temple.
And that is 45 years after 1967, or