May 1996
recovered through
WayBackMachine Website
"...the Soviet Union
is not 'on the verge of collapse'. Western defense, on the other hand, is."
Since British General Sir Walter
Walker penned that warning, some four-and-a-half years ago, Olivia Ward, the TORONTO STAR's extremely able Moscow bureau
chief revealed last year that an unnamed reformist member of the
Russian government, worried about the future prospects for a
free-market democracy in his country, had confided in her that his
government was now spending 60 per cent of its GNP on Russia's
military buildup!
General Walker also warned:
The West is so ignorant of Gorbachev
and the intentions of this evil man. The real story of the last
ten years goes something like this: the rise of Gorbachev is the
result of a KGB "coup" which took place in the early 1980's
during the dotage of Leonid Brezhnev.
This coup was executed by Yuri Andropov
- the chairman of the KGB. The helter-skelter of perestroika is an
attempt by the clever men in the KGB to parlay the country's
weakness into a winning position, vis-a-vis the West.
With our
attention focused on the Soviet Union's current weaknesses and Third
World economic status, we will lower our guard and let the Russian
wolf into the European home.
Have the Western democracies been listening?
suicidally, the British
have chopped troop strengths and merged or laid up the colors of old
and experienced line Regiments
beset by the financial strains of
merging East and West Germany, the German government has cut back
its Army size and expenditures, also
the Canadian Armed Forces are
slated to total a paltry 60,000, after all current and projected
cuts take effect - few of whom will actually be at the "sharp end",
as combat personnel
the Pentagon recently announced a massive cut
in the number of U.S. military reservists - and this on top of the
previous sweeping cuts and base closings mandated by President Bush
Throughout NATO, politicians have fallen for the Russian ruse and
pressed on with disarmament, urged on by a public hungry to share
the benefits of the non- materializing promised "peace dividend."
The Russians, on the other hand, have been wiser than to listen to
their own propaganda. Prior to the signing of the 1990 Treaty on
Conventional Forces in Europe, the Soviets moved some 20,000 of
their most modern main battle tanks east of the Ural Mountains, out
of Europe, and thus beyond the slashing effects of the Treaty.
Railway rolling stock throughout Eastern Europe was commandeered for
the move, which took approximately two weeks - all it will take to
bring them back into Europe again, if necessary!
Meanwhile, the Western Alliance was converting its tanks wholesale
for "peaceful uses", selling them to Third World nations, or
scrapping huge numbers, leaving a vastly shrunken armored component
to NATO. It takes months to build a modern battle tank - it would be
impossible to rapidly replace the numbers thus scrapped under the
Treaty were circumstances to rapidly change.
Even worse, and equally little-known, is the fact that the Soviets
kept their most advanced armored fighting vehicles in huge reserve
depots in the U.S.S.R. itself - the most modern ones in Eastern
Europe, subsequently withdrawn as described above, were actually
second-level equipment.
So, since the Russians never threw military
equipment away, but always passed it down, the tanks that they ended
up scrapping in Europe were actually largely third level, obsolete
armored vehicles!
NATO, of course, cut deeply into its most current, modern armor to
meet the terms of the Treaty.
The best advice, long ignored, comes to us from an unlikely source:
There is only one way to deal with a
power like Russia, and that is the fearless way. - Karl Marx
The coup and counter-coup, which took
place a few years ago involving Rutskoi, the Parliament, Yeltsin and
a Gorbachev "held hostage" at his Black Sea villa were all superb
political "theatre" designed to alarm the Western masses, persuade
them that "democracy" was in danger in Russia, and to permit Western
politicians a free hand in loaning or giving billions more in
credits and food to prop up Yeltsin, the "reformer".
From the Russian perspective, that freed up more of their domestic
capital and resources for their massive arms build-up - one which
you, as a Western taxpayer, have thus been helping to finance!
Refresh your memory for a moment.
You'll recollect the vivid 24-hour
TV coverage from Moscow - the defiant Parliament, the columns of
rumbling tanks, the sound of gunfire all over the city. And you'll
remember the thrill of excitement and hope when nine or so
"democratic" tanks broke away from their column to present
themselves at the Parliament Building, which their crews swore - on
worldwide TV - to defend "with their lives."
Just think about that. Those tanks came from an elite division of
heavily indoctrinated troops whose permanent mission it is to guard
the Kremlin. The chances of nine such tank crews conspiring with
their officer in the privacy of their tank to disobey military
orders and make a mad dash for the Parliament building to "defend
democracy", and of those tanks just happening to be the last nine in
that rumbling column are astronomical!
Just in case you doubt that, recollect the way they were positioned
once they arrived at the Parliament.
CNN kept a camera trained over
two of them, as it peered across a long, broad empty bridge, looking
for the "assault column" that never came. You'll remember those two
tanks. They were parked facing each other at the end of the bridge.
Parked right alongside and in front of each of them, between them
and the bridge, was a bus - parked so close that it would have been
impossible for either tank crew to traverse their gun turret and
engage any armored vehicle coming across the bridge!
No chances were being taken with the script - its authors didn't
want a real shooting war to break out inadvertently and
accidentally! But it looked realistic to Western TV observers, most
of who - lacking any kind of military experience - would never have
noticed such a small but crucial and telling point.
Those gunshots in the city, by the way, were later reported by
Moscow residents to have been fired by uniformed KGB officers,
emptying their magazines into the air out of sight of Western TV
But it worked - we panicked, and our politicians sent them our money
and food.
Those who have read Professor Carroll Quigley's and Professor
Anthony Sutton's books on the topic, outstanding examples of
a myriad of similar but not widely-known works, already know of the
strange connections between London, Geneva and Wall Street [the
international banking centers] and their financing of the Bolshevik
Revolution, and subsequent extension of vast amounts of credit to
the Communist regime for over 70 years.
Less well known is the concealed but steady transfer of military and
other technology and information via the highest levels of the U.S.
and other governments, as well as of food and equipment, in order to
enable the huge and inefficient U.S.S.R. to continue to present the
Cold War threat which - under the ominous and ever-present shadow of
nuclear war - would finally make some form of World Government
Gorbachev, in his constant references to the building of "a common
European home" - which, of course, will include Russia - may have
given the game away.
A "democratized" collection of "ex-Soviet" and
"independent" states, each complete with its own "political parties"
and "Parliament", would be far less threatening to a Europe whose
vigilance had relaxed than the hulking menace projected by the
monolithic Soviet Union.
If such an illusion could be temporarily
created, therefore, the disarmament of Western Europe, its military
uncoupling from North America, its absorption - neutralized - into
"a common European home" dominated by Russia, could then be realized
all the more readily.
And the final merger of such a federated union into the ultimate
collectivist World State would thereafter require only one
further short step. It is to this socialist
Global Neighborhood,
New World Order, World Federation,
or whatever descriptive tag is the current fashion, that Western
politicians and those who finance them are - by their own admission
- eagerly shepherding us also.
The following amazing revelations are abstracted from William T.
Still's remarkable and detailed book,
SOCIETIES. It's well worth buying and reading!
Still was
a skeptical former newspaper editor and publisher when he first
began, because of an interest sparked by some incredible confidences
shared with him by his father [a senior U.S. Air Force officer], to
seriously research this book.
For those who are unaware of the
importance of the two men introduced below, Mazzini and
Pike were, respectively, the most influential men of their time
in European and world Masonry:
Although they had finally united Italy, Mazzini and Pike
realized that the unification of all Europe under the banner of
Illuminism would be extremely difficult, if not impossible.
Nationalism runs strongly in the human spirit and is very
difficult to erase, especially on a continent divided by warfare
for many centuries.
Therefore, they set to work on their greatest plan, a plan so
vast in scope that only a reader familiar with the great power
wielded by
the secret societies could begin to believe it.
In 1871, Mazzini issued a letter in which he outlined the final
three-part plan of the Illuminati: their grand design for
ridding not just Europe, but the entire world of Christianity,
and bringing it under the "Illuminated" dictatorship of
Luciferianism. This remarkable letter was for many years on
display in the British Museum Library in London.
Mazzini proposed a series of world wars.
These wars were to
embroil every nation in a conflict so bloody and chaotic that
eventually every nation would surrender its national sovereignty
to an international government, like the League of Nations, or
the second attempt - current
United Nations - in order to
prevent subsequent global bloodletting.
One Masonic scholar
wrote in 1987:
The true birth of World
Democracy from its prenatal national confinement is even now
in progress. A war-torn, bleeding World is in the midst of
labour-pains, preceding the ordeal of birth. Labor-pains in
the birth of a New Age!
However, knowing that national
sovereignty would certainly die hard, three of these world wars
were proposed by Mazzini and Pike in their original plan.
first of these world wars, they hoped, would topple the Czarist
government of Russia and establish an Illuminized dictatorship -
a new level in the game of control of populations. This would
give the Illuminists a secure base from which to operate, with a
large population and vast natural resources to fuel the new
engine of Illuminism.
The second World War would allow the new Soviet Russia to
capture Europe - or as it turned out, half of it.
The third
World War would be in the Middle East between the Moslems and
the Jews, and would bring about the Biblical Armageddon.
Certainly by the end of the Third World War, the battle-wearied
nations would be ready to accept any proposal as long as it
promised peace, uniting the entire world under the fatal banner
the Luciferian New World Order.
Pike wrote to Mazzini about the
consequences of the Third World War in 1871:
It will provoke a formidable
social cataclysm... and the most bloody turmoil. Then
everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves
against the world minority of revolutionaries, will
exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the
disillusioned with Christianity,... will be
without a compass, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing
where to render its adoration will receive the true light
through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of
Lucifer, brought finally into public view, a manifestation
which will result from the general reactionary movement
which will follow the destruction of Christianity and
atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.
Mazzini and Pike may have planned
three World Wars in 1871, but the two authors of the Communist
Manifesto, Marx and Engels, both spoke of the First World War
twenty-three years before that.
Karl Marx wrote in 1848 that the
"Slavic riffraff," referring to the Russian people, as well as
the Czechs, and Croats, were "retrograde" races whose only
function in the world history of the future was to be cannon
Marx said:
"The coming world war will cause
not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but entire
reactionary peoples, to disappear from the face of the
earth. And that will be progress."
As though merely repeating Marx's
lead, co-author Friedrich Engels wrote in the same year:
"The next world war will make
whole reactionary peoples disappear from the face of the
earth. This, too, is progress. Obviously, this cannot be
fulfilled without crushing some delicate national flower.
But without violence and without pitilessness nothing can be
obtained in history."
How can this be misconstrued? What
"next world war" ? At this point in history, there had never
been a "world war."
In his riveting 1994 book
best-selling author Hal Lindsay quotes an then-recent edition
of the respected INTELLIGENCE DIGEST as revealing evidence of a
startling secret 1993 agreement between Russia and Germany.
As the
U.S. disengages militarily from that continent, the Russians are
already secretly being given a free hand by the Germans, the
dominant European power, in exchange for a share of the spoils.
Lindsey cites this agreement's
There would be no opposition to a
split of Czechoslovakia. The Czech Republic will become part of
the German sphere of influence with the eventual aim being its
regional political incorporation into Germany in 12 to 15 years.
Germany will compensate Russia for
the economic damage suffered in its loss of influence in Eastern
Hungary will be allowed to pursue
its aim of regaining territory it lost after World War I. In a
1920 treaty, Transylvania was incorporated into Rumania, part of
the Ukraine and the Danube went to Czechoslovakia and other
former Hungarian lands went to Yugoslavia.
Germany would increase economic aid
to Hungary so that living standards would be higher than in
Czechoslovakia, thus making negotiations for a greater Hungary
more attractive.
Russia agreed not to object to the
division of Yugoslavia, with Croatia and Slovenia entering
Germany's sphere of influence.
Germany agreed not to get involved
in entanglements with the Ukraine and the Baltic States.
This is not a prescription for peace.
It's a cold-blooded, calculatingly real-politik preparation for
future dismemberment, bloodshed and strife.
And for those who find it unbelievable that senior US officials
could sell or give US military information [including nuclear
secrets and drawings, materials, supplies and parts secretly to
another, "hostile", country, we recommend that you read William
He devotes a chapter in that book to
THE DIARIES OF MAJOR JORDAN, wherein Jordan, the US officer
responsible for lend-lease air shipments to Russia, documented the
constant flow of nuclear bomb plans, parts and fissionable material,
together with maps marking key US military and industrial locations,
to Russia via his opposite number, Russian Colonel Kotikov
[whenever Kotikov wanted something or was displeased, he called
someone in Washington, and an hour later he had it or it was on its
way. Jordan identifies that "someone" as Harry Hopkins].
General Groves, the security head for
the US A-bomb project managed to stem the flow of vital thorium
shipments to Russia when he discovered them, but that was all he was
able to stop!
If any reader still doubts Major Jordan, we suggest that you consult
the chapter entitled "Super Lend-Lease" in
by Richard Rhodes [1995]. Rhodes confirms Jordan in every
We cannot plead ignorance as an excuse. Urgent warnings were voiced
as far back as 1981 that the Russians were planning their current
glasnost/perestroika strategy and that it would either lead to a
desperate war in which the West would be out-gunned, out-maneuvered,
and rapidly defeated or that it would lead to our humiliating
capitulation without a fight.
In that year, Anatoly Golitsyn, a Soviet KGB major, defected
to the United States.
In 1984 he published a book,
NEW LIES FOR OLD, which sought to
warn the U.S. public of that which he had already shared with his
skeptical U.S. intelligence debriefers - that the Soviets were about
to embark on the greatest planned deception ever, aimed at finally
bringing the Western capitalist nations to their knees by the end of
this century without a shot having been fired.
Golitsyn wrote:
..the communist strategists are now
poised to enter into the final, offensive phase of the
long-range policy, entailing a joint struggle for the complete
triumph of communism...
[They] are equipped, in pursuing their
policy, to engage in maneuvers and stratagems beyond the
imagination of Marx or the practical reach of Lenin and
unthinkable to Stalin...
Political "liberalization" and
"democratization" would follow the general lines of the
Czechoslovakian rehearsal in 1968. The "liberalization" would be
spectacular and impressive. Formal pronouncements might be made
about a reduction in the Communist Party's role; its monopoly
would be apparently curtailed. An ostensible separation of
powers between the legislative, the executive, and the judiciary
might be introduced.
The Supreme Soviet would be given
greater apparent power and the President and Deputies greater
apparent independence... The KGB would be "reformed". Dissidents
at home would be amnestied; those in exile abroad would be
allowed to return, and some would take up positions of
leadership in government ...
A Soviet-socialist European
coalition, acting in concert with the non-aligned movement in
the United Nations, would create favorable conditions for
communist strategy on disarmament. The American
military-industrial complex would come under heavy fire.
"Liberalization" in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe would
provide additional stimulus to disarmament.
A massive U.S.
defense budget might be found no longer justified..
It is more likely that these cosmetic steps will be taken as
genuine by the West and trigger a reunification and
neutralization of West Germany and further the collapse of NATO.
The pressure on the United States for concessions on disarmament
and accommodation with the Soviets will increase.
During this
period there might be an extensive display of the fictitious
struggle for power in the Soviet Union.
Those words - prophetic in their nature
- were given scant credence in 1984. Today, looking back
retrospectively, they've become recorded history!
Still, however, Western analysts and leaders persist in accepting
what, in our opinion, is the current illusion as though it were
reality. For example, the Russian military sent a Brigade of
newly-recruited, poorly-trained troops, into action in the assault
on Grozny, the capital city of Chechnya.
The Chechnyans killed
virtually all of them, and wiped out the Brigade in fierce street
Western analysts then concluded, based
on this poor performance, that this Brigade was typical of the
current training, skills and performance level of the Russian Army
as a whole.