by Ryan Cummings
05 May 2012
FawkesFilter Website
A newly uncovered Army document details
U.S. internment camps on American soil. |

Fawkes Filter
The topic of civilian internment camps in the United States has been largely
dismissed as a paranoid “conspiracy theory” by the mainstream media.
Recent legislation and newly uncovered
government documents, however, reveal the sad truth:
The United States is quickly descending into
a full-blown authoritarian police state.
NDAA 2012 - Patriot
Act Part Two
On December 31, 2011, while the majority of Americans were busy watching
balls drop and drinking themselves into oblivion, President
Obama quietly
signed into law the
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012.
This unprecedented legislation effectively
codified the executive branch’s authority to indefinitely detain American
citizens without trial, stripping them of their Constitutional right to due
process and habeas corpus.
Under this legislation, if you are simply “suspected” of providing support
to a group the government classifies as a terrorist organization - or an
affiliate or associated force of said organization - you can be rounded up
and detained until the end of the “War on Terror” - a war, according to
policy makers, that has no end.
Over the course of this endless and prefabricated war, the government’s
definition of “terrorist” has slowly shifted post 9/11 from Al Qaeda, a
group of dubious power initially funded and supported by
the CIA and the
Pakistani ISI, to such “domestic terrorists” as Occupy Wall Street
protestors, pro-life advocates and
Ron Paul supporters.
When the FBI set-up
a band of dimwitted “anarchist” patsies to plant a fake bomb on a bridge, it
became blatantly clear who the government now sees as the true enemy of the
This has been the FBI’s modus operandi for quite
some time:
The default argument against the existence of internment camps designed for
Americans has always been that the United States government would never put
its own citizens in prison camps - couldn’t happen. It’s unfortunate how
quickly some people are willing to forget that our government has already
done exactly that; during World War II, citizens of Japanese descent were
rounded up and locked away, just for being of a certain ancestry.
Now the
question becomes: Would they do it again? Unfortunately, the answer seems to
be “yes.”
A U.S. Army field manual, FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations,
has been leaked to
Public Intelligence that outlines in vivid detail exactly
how these civilian internment camps are to be run.
Martial Law In America
This disturbing 326 page document is intended to provide guidance for
commanders and staffs on internment and resettlement (I/R) operations in
order to effectively deal with I/R populations, including U.S. military
prisoners, civilian internees, retained personnel and enemy combatants.
the event of a “military or civil conflict” or “natural or man-made
disaster,” the U.S. Army is to partner with both international and domestic
agencies, including the United Nations, the Department of Defense, the
Department of Homeland Security and FEMA to support these I/R operations.
This field manual comes to light, coincidentally, just a few weeks after it
was revealed that DHS and ICE are stocking up on
several hundred million
rounds of hollow point ammunition.
While the military undoubtedly has contingency plans for numerous war-time
scenarios with and in foreign nations, this document reveals that these I/R
facilities can be established within the United States.
In section 2-40 of
the manual, it states,
“The I/R tasks performed in support of civil support
operations are similar to those during combat operations, but the techniques
and procedures are modified based on the special OE associated with
operating within U.S. territory and according to the categories of
individuals (primarily DCs) to be housed in I/R facilities.”
Currently, U.S. citizens are protected from the military enforcing civilian
laws within the United States or its territories thanks to the
Posse Comitatus Act.
However, given Obama’s willingness to usurp Constitutional
protections at the drop of a helmet, I’m not holding my breath that a second
Obama term or another puppet administration won’t attempt to overturn Posse Comitatus in the future. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time.
While the passing of the National Defense Authorization Act 2012 was a dark
day in American history, the methods of human control, discipline and
degradation outlined in this official field manual go beyond the pale.
touch on a few of the more egregious examples of the unconstitutional,
liberty-stripping language contained within FM 3-39.40, but we encourage you
read the document for yourself here to get a full picture.

Inside the Camps
Complete with razor wire, guard towers, maximum security areas with
individual cells and patrol roads, it is clear these civilian internment
camps are not designed to merely protect displaced citizens from “natural or
man-made disaster[s]”.
Once captured, soldiers
working at the camps are to,
“process detainees using the ‘search,
silence, segregate, speed, safeguard and tag (5 Ss and T)’ technique.”
The most concerning of these is “silence.”
Soldiers manning the camps must,
“prevent detainees from communicating with
one another or making audible clamor such as chanting, singing or praying.”
The soldiers are also to,
“silence uncooperative detainees by muffling them
with a soft, clean cloth tied around their mouths and fastened at the back
of their heads.”
It goes even further:
“6-16 Military police must not speak to detainees except to give orders or
directions. Do not let detainees talk to or signal each other during the
processing phase at any echelon.
This prevents them from plotting ways to
counter security, planning escapes, or orchestrating other undesirable
Detainees who refuse to be silent may require a muffle (an item
used to prevent speech or outcry without causing injury to the detainee,
such as cloth) in certain tactical situations.”
If it is suggested that this document is merely a contingency plan to deal
effectively with a natural disaster, these barbarous tactics of control
surely indicate otherwise.
To make matters even more sinister, you will be
outfitted with your very own “Detainee Identification Band” and issued an
“Internment Serial Number.”
Civilian Internees essentially have zero rights once in military detention,
and since the government is now in the business of classifying activists and
protestors as potential national security threats, it only makes sense for
them to attempt to not only silence dissidents, but re-educate them as well.
It goes like this:
PSYOP officers,
“assist the military police force in
controlling detainees and DCs” as well as “introduce detainees or DCs to
U.S. and multinational policy.”
These “PSYOP officers” are also trained to,
“develop PSYOP products that are designed to pacify and acclimate detainees
or DCs to accept U.S. I/R facility authority and regulations”, “identify
political activists”, and “plan and execute a PSYOP program that produces an
understanding and appreciation of U.S. policies and actions.”
So, if you are forced into one of these camps with the belief that
extrajudicial wars against sovereign nations without congressional approval
is illegal and morally reprehensible, the PSYOP team at
Camp FEMA will be
happy to instruct you otherwise.
Furthermore, given the military’s vast
creativity in developing so-called
non violent weapons, the mind boggles at
what “PSYOP products” they have in store for these I/R camps.
You will also be subject to state sponsored strip searches, forced
immunizations, food rationing, and labor requirements. Step out of line?
Section 6-99 informs us that:
“If necessary, the military police commander
or appointed officer can initiate general court-martial proceedings against
Basically, once detained, you can expect to have nearly every facet of your
existence controlled and dictated by military forces. From food, clothing
and money to recreation, labor, and health care, you are effectively a slave
of the new American police state.
The following quote from section 6-10, sums up the entirety of American
foreign policy:
“Detainees are treated humanely and as EPWs
until their status is determined according to DOD policy.”