by Amitakh Stanford
20 August 2007
XeeATwelve Website
The share market is heading towards a total
collapse. When it falls, it will be an unprecedented crash.
In the past, certain financial analysts were able to reasonably predict the
movements of the markets. But, soon, their diagnostic skills will fail them.
When this happens, most investors will no longer respond to market stimuli
like they used to – they will no longer trust in “expert” advice or
Darkness controls what goes on in the
Virtual Reality that I have called the
Universal Dodecahedron. The entire Virtual Reality is fracturing and the
Universal Dodecahedron is also fracturing. Darkness is losing control of all
of Its systems in the Virtual Reality, including Its monetary system, which
up to now has been maintained by the money entities.
Money entities perform many tasks, including the construction and
maintenance of money systems, financial markets, societal wealth or poverty,
control of distribution of worldly goods and services, power and other
things. The money entities are enslaved by Darkness and are forced to labour
under the direction of
the Financial Being that has been appointed by
Dark Hierarchy.
Whilst things are fracturing in the Virtual Reality, the money entities are
also affected by the changing times. The money entities have had a taste of
worldly power at the same time they have been subjected to absolute abuse
and slavery in the Artificial Reality run by Darkness. As the
Financial Being begins to fracture and lose control of its minions, the
money entities will no longer be regimented like they used to be.
The share market will collapse because the Financial Being can no longer
wave its magic wand and have the financial markets do its bidding. Its power
is waning, and it can no longer completely subdue others and subject them to
its will. Up until very recently, the
ruling elite on Earth could appeal to
the Financial Being for direction and assistance.
Recently, central bankers of the world have
injected vast sums in an effort to prop up the ailing share markets around
the world. This is not a real solution, but, in fact, will cause more
problems to world economies than the bankers attempted to fix. The
programming in the money entities is breaking down, and soon, they will no
longer obey their master – the Financial Being.
In fact, the money entities are about to revolt against their master. Some
will fight amongst themselves, which will cause uncertainty and destabilize
money systems. The money entities are being given a chance for freedom from
Darkness. Some will choose a new life, whilst others will reject the Light
and flounder in Darkness because they have been corrupted by worldly power.
Thus, even though the money entities are slaves
to Darkness and have been subjected to Its abuse, many will prefer to stay
in the system and continue being abused and to abuse others.
It is only
those who wish to break out of this cycle of slavery who will seek the True
The current volatility of the share market has been compared to that of
1987, which is sometimes referred to as the crash of 1987. The recent
volatility sends jitters through many financial analysts. The situation
today is more akin to the 1929 crash than the 1987 crash. However, 1929 will
pale in comparison to what is soon to come.
The financial analysts lack esoteric understanding of how the monetary
system works. They rely upon historical data to try to predict what the
markets will do. The data will not be of much help in predicting market
movements because things are about to change so radically that there will
soon be little data available that can be relied upon for determining which
way the markets will move.
As mentioned earlier, the central banks have stepped into the picture and
injected vast sums in an effort to prop up the failing markets. The central
bankers do not have any answers to the situation, as will be seen as events
unfold, showing that the central banks have not actually rescued the
markets, but have further complicated the situation. Stocks, bonds, notes,
bills, commercial paper and other financial instruments will become
exceedingly risky investments to undertake. The experts will have no
confidence in assessing which way any of the markets are heading.
On the micro scale, Matter is fracturing. As Matter fractures, so too will
all the atoms. As the atoms weaken, they will begin to express
unpredictably. On the macro scale, the Universal Dodecahedron is fracturing,
and all things contained therein are also breaking down.
The fracturing will cause all life forms to generally deteriorate, change
their behaviors and go awry. This will not only affect “living” things, but
inert things and even principles, such as: gravity, laws of attraction and
bonding etc. Thus, some of the laws of physics as we know them will be
Physical bodies and biological systems will be greatly affected by the
breakdown of Matter. Health problems will be exacerbated and increase in new
and diverse ways at unprecedented rates. Almost everyone will be affected by
experiencing a degree of ill health or vulnerability to disease, trauma and
adverse reactions to many things that never affected them before. These
could include extreme reactions to food, water, air, and the energies of
In short, atoms will be reacting to one another
in new and unpredictable ways, resulting in health, mental, physical,
emotional, spiritual and other problems.
What I am explaining here is that Darkness is fracturing, and all of Its
systems are entering a state of radical change for the worse. Darkness has
kept a tight lid on Its prison up until now, but It is losing control. Its
prison walls are falling down. The order of things will break down. This
will include order in human affairs along with order of celestial bodies,
among many other things that are subjected to the dictates of Darkness.
As mentioned before, Darkness’ Financial Being is fracturing, and can no
longer hold its schemes together in a cohesive fashion. Among its schemes
are means of exchange, money, currencies, stocks and bonds, futures, banks,
and wealth. All of these lead to disproportionate distribution of wealth,
causing class distinction, social hierarchies, abuse, manipulation,
corruption, conflicts, and, ultimately, slavery of various kinds.
can include physical captivity and forced work, but it can also encompass
physical addictions to things such as: wealth, luxury, sex, drugs, alcohol,
pornography, status, violence, power etc.
As the Virtual Reality collapses, money will cease to be a source of power.
Chaos will result from the shift of power away from money. People will
become tremendously disillusioned with money and its effects on human life
and other worldly matters. Most people will be confounded by the crisis,
which will include the social/financial/ecological/medical/mental-health
chaos that is about to engulf the globe. They will have no direction or
Presently, the ruling elite are attempting to program everyone to accept the
greenhouse effect as the major cause of
global warming. Like most things
here that are sponsored by the ruling elite, there is an ulterior motive
behind the programming people are being bombarded with regarding the
greenhouse effect.
Global warming is caused by many factors. The sun is much hotter. The
Earth’s icosahedron is beginning to malfunction, and there is increased
friction as the illusion of the spheroid-shaped Earth is faltering, which
causes more heat. The oceans are being superheated by aliens who are
attempting to free spacecrafts from Antarctic ice.
There are also problems resulting from inner
Earth activities. As Matter breaks down, there is friction on the sub-atomic
level in ways never before experienced. Some people can already sense
extreme bursts of heat in their bodies that come from no apparent physical
stimuli, and are unrelated to any of their energy centers. These heat bursts
are all around, and they affect the weather, the oceanic temperatures, and
even the emotional reactions of people as seen in things like road rage,
schoolyard bullying, political in-fighting etc.
Maya (illusion) appears to be real in this Virtual Reality, and Maya is blinded by its
own illusions. Maya, too, needs to be dismantled in order to be set free.
Things on Earth will happen so fast that the whole world will plunge into
chaos – one thing after another. Nations will rise against one another.
Famines will be widespread as climatic conditions worsen. Politics will
become more and more dirty, undemocratic and unpredictably hostile towards
the people. Many voices will rise and many more will be silenced.
As I have written previously, the
New World Order will commence in
Australia. This has begun very openly now for all to observe. Martial law
has been imposed upon various aboriginal communities, particularly in the
Northern territories of Australia. The excuse for having police and military
control over the communities has been that there is widespread child
molestation going on in the communities.
This is rather like the accusations that
Janet Reno and Bill Clinton used to justify storming the
Branch Davidian complex in Waco, Texas, to murder all those children
that they were supposedly trying to protect from alleged molesters. The
martial law in the Northern territories of Australia has been imposed as a
test of how people will react to it. Sadly, there is very little that can be
done to halt the process since
the ruling elite control the media.
Military convoys of all types and sizes are now frequently seen on many of
the Australian highways. Military presence is becoming more prevalent in
certain cities, towns and rural areas. Police presence is much more obvious,
and the police are demanding more and more power over civilians. Police have
been given a virtual blank cheque to abuse and mistreat prisoners.
In the rare cases when police are charged for
homicide or other prisoner abuse, they seem to all be acquitted of their
misdeeds. The signal is now very clear – it is the cops against the
civilians. However, there are still some good police who are being engulfed
by this degenerative wave of police power. The new breed of police are being
groomed to be the ruling elites’ guards.
They will be
puppets when the transition is completed.
The recent forced amalgamations of local shires, especially in Queensland,
Australia, demonstrate that those in power are no longer concerned about
democratic principles. The politicians enforcing the consolidation of the
shires seem to be oblivious to the political fallout that could arise from
their tyrannical imposition of their will upon the people.
The politicians no longer seem to worry about
upcoming elections. In one shire, 88 percent of the people opposed forced
amalgamation with another shire, but the state government said that the
amalgamation will stand regardless of how widespread the resistance to it
is. Rallies and protests broke out everywhere to no avail.
The state
under Reptilian influence, is forcing the plan through.
Australians have lost many workers’ rights in recent federal legislation.
All of the changes are leading to loss of rights and privileges of the
people, and will lead to more government control of the population.
The control by government is getting more obvious and the voice of the
people is being suppressed more and more. When a community voted 80 percent
fluoridation of the drinking water, the premier of the state
enforced fluoridation despite the community resistance to it. This is
another effect of the
alien wars.
The Greys have located in that community
and need fluoridated water.
Drought has been artificially induced in parts of Australia by alien beings.
This has been for various reasons, including the control of people by
limiting the supplies of water. The ruling elite have impressed their
politicians to enforce draconian laws to allow house-to-house searches in a
feigned attempt to catch water wasters. Water is being wasted and siphoned
into underground facilities for the chosen ones.
The dams are drained by the ruling elite to make
the shortages seem more urgent, and to allow the enforcement of otherwise
ridiculous water-control measures.
A few months ago, it was reported that the Australian Prime Minister met
with the Canadian Prime Minister to discuss and adjust the treatment they
will give to their respective aboriginal populations. This does not bode
well for either Native Australians or Native Canadians, especially when
considering that Aborigines are dying more frequently in police custody now
than ever before. Also, martial law has been introduced into the Northern
territories to control the aboriginal people, diminish their land rights and
restrict their personal liberties.
The people in the affected communities are
helpless against the government’s show of force and bullying.
There was a very important
Olcar hiding in a seemingly unimportant and
insignificant political position in Queensland. He is a small-town
politician in a town that is infested by many types of aliens in human
bodies. The town is located near the place where I have previously written
about regarding the Reptilian’s invisible earthly headquarters. The town is
a hotbed for alien activities.
The recent exposure of this Olcar has caused him to be neutralized. One of
the main functions of this Olcar was to maintain “calmness” in the affairs
controlling the world. In other words, though he appeared to be a petty
politician, he had much control over how world politics would unfold.
that this Olcar has been neutralized, he can no longer maintain his normal
control over world events. This will ultimately lead to political chaos as
the “slaves” of the world revolt against their slave masters.
The “calmness” is broken so the world’s slaves will no longer predictably
respond to the slave masters’ commands and manipulations. This will lead to
internal and external upheavals and wars.
With the faltering of the icosahedron that generates the illusion of the
Earth being spheroid, there have been many earthquakes of major intensity
along with many mining and tunnel cave-ins. These are just a couple of
examples of what is to come as the conditions deteriorate on Earth. These
are not earth changes, as many have speculated, they are symptoms of the
fracturing of the planet Earth.
What is to come will affect everyone and everything on Earth.
No amount of
prayers or efforts to save the planet will change what is to come.