by Mark Sircus
November 27, 2010
IMVA Website
Push Back, Refuse,
If you care about your children listen to this
If you care about human dignity listen to this video.
“Even as millions of out-of-work and
otherwise struggling Americans are tightening their belts for the
holidays, the nation’s elite are lacing up their dancing shoes and
partying like royalty as the millions and billions keep rolling in,”
writes Bob Herbert in the
New York Times this holiday weekend.
What is actually required from us at this time
is a broad based peaceful revolution of the most aggressive non-violent
It’s time to get tough especially on the front lines, which is in
Ireland. Up with the Irish!
Jim Corr, in the above video, sounds like he is
a direct descendent of Gandhi. His peaceful expression of revolutionary
ideas and his call to political action is compelling.
Whenever you hear about investors getting a haircut or bank bailouts you
should know what this really means. The process of trying to save our debt
based financial system is the process of not only keeping the elite filthy
rich it’s also the process of enriching them even further at our expense.
Bottom line, it’s time for investors to get a crew cut, it’s time to storm
the walls of the Bastille for after all the elite, like Marie Antoinette,
have been eating too much cake.
While forcing losses on foreign banks would be the much-preferred option for
the Irish public, some analysts warn it would generate unintended shock
waves that would make it more expensive and difficult for banks and
governments worldwide to refinance their debts.
That difficulty is coming
down like an avalanche no matter what anyone does so it’s clear that the
best thing for the world’s populations and certainly for the future for our
children is to cut the dead wood and let the banks and central governments
History records that the money changers have used every form
of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain
their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.
President James Madison
All Governments Are Criminal Enterprises At Heart
The real terrorists and criminals are the elites that control the
politicians and governments around the world.
Bob Carver
nation on planet Earth is ruled by a small number of powerful elites who
control most of the wealth of their nations and, in some cases, of other
nations. The mechanism of control they use is a concept called "government".
Some call themselves communists, some are democratic, but all are as
described generally: states ruled by elites who control most of the wealth
of their nations through government.”
“Initially, the elites cut social spending and raise taxes on their
populations. In other words, the elites who were guilty of poor investment
decisions shift as much of their financial burden from themselves onto
ordinary, innocent citizens who never made those poor decisions nor stood to
profit from them had they been successful.

The elites are, to a very great
extent, bondholders in their countries’ banks. When critical masses of trade
barriers have been erected, world trade collapses and political changes
cause the elites’ holdings to be nationalized.
Some lose all of their
wealth; some even lose their lives as the population finally realizes they
have been played for fools and revolts against the corrupt elites,”
continued Carver.
Do we want to wait until financial and economic doomsday before we do
Rebel now. Buy gold and silver. Buying gold and silver is a vote
against your government; it’s a vote against the rich for it makes you
richer. They want you to lose your wealth, and everyone who has paper wealth
and the promises of their government in terms of social and medical support
are going to be very sorry, frustrated and mad in the end.
Pensions are under attack already and we can
see in Eastern Europe how
governments can and will swoop in to control even peoples private pension
funds. When a government goes bankrupt who is going to pay Social Security,
Medicare and Medicaid payments?
If the Irish don’t buckle and refuse the IMF and EU loans they will ignite
the beginning of the end for the
one world order and the impoverishment and
enslavement of humanity by the most ugly beasts that have ever walked the
Evil has achieved a new level of sophistication in modern times
- though its cruelty has been what it has been since the beginning of time.
America’s Challenge is Now
I would love to say “up with the Americans” too but they seem to be cowered
literally by the abusive hands of the government’s security personal who are
turning security screenings into sexual abuse.
There is uproar to be sure,
but between now and Christmas the battle will be won or completely lost and
the American way of life buried for good.
Roger Cohen, writing an editorial in the
New York Times says,
unfettered growth of the Department of Homeland Security and the T.S.A.
represent a greater long-term threat to the prosperity, character and
wellbeing of the United States than a few madmen in the valleys of
Waziristan or the voids of Yemen. To keep (our freedom and republic), push
back against enhanced patting, naked-screening and the sinister drumbeat of
Every American should read
Police State USA - TSA Gestapo Empire by Dr. Paul
Craig Roberts.
“The final proof that there are no terrorists (that threaten
the American people) is that not a single neoconservative or government
official responsible for the Bush regime’s invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan
and the
Obama regime’s slaughters of Pakistanis, Yemenis, and Somalians has
been assassinated.
None of these Americans who are responsible for lies,
deceptions, and invasions that have destroyed the lives of countless numbers
of Muslims have any security protection.
If Muslims were capable of pulling
off 9/11, they are certainly capable of assassinating Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz,
Perle, Feith, Libby, Condi Rice, Kristol, Bolton, Goldberg, and scores of
others during the same hour of the same day.”
Roberts continues saying,
“If Al Qaeda was anything like the organization
that the US government claims, it would not be focused on trivial targets
such as passenger airliners. The organization, if it exists, would be
focused on its real enemies.
Try to imagine the propaganda value of
terrorists wiping out the neoconservatives in one fell swoop, followed by an
announcement that every member of the federal government down to the lowest
GS, every member of the House and Senate, and every governor was next in
line to be bumped off.
This would be real terrorism instead of the
make-belief stuff associated with shoe bombs that don’t work, underwear
bombs that independent experts say could not work, and bottled water and
shampoo bombs that experts say cannot possibly be put together in airliner
Will the Real Terrorists Please Stand Up
“The recently-escalated battle between the American people and the TSA is
far more important than it first appears.
The final outcome of this argument
will determine whether we still live in a nation "of the people, by the
people, for the people", or whether we have become a soft tyranny where our
democratic forms of elections and representatives have been reduced to a
meaningless veneer as in the old Soviet Union or Red China,”
writes Hobbes.
“If Americans will permit their wives, children, and themselves, to be
sexually molested and openly humiliated in full view of the public by
uniformed government operatives - in what still purports to be a
representative democracy - then, indeed, they will tolerate anything, and
there is little hope for the future.
This battle must be won, for to lose it
means losing everything,” continues Hobbes.
The experience can be extremely re-traumatizing
to someone who has already experienced an
invasion of their privacy and their body.
Professor Amy Menna
University of South Florida
Nationwide, an estimated 1 in 6 women and 1 in 33 men have been the victims
of an attempted or completed rape, according to a consensus of figures
compiled by the Department of Justice, FBI, and Centers for Disease control.
About a quarter of a million people each year report a sexual assault.
Whoever decided on these new search procedures is a sexual terrorist of the
first and highest order.
Someday soon the world will wake up to a day like this video portrays.
built into the cake and the masses will be taken by surprise just as this
video demonstrates.
What Ireland represents is exactly this.
Someday what is portrayed in the
above video is going to happen. If it does not happen now it means more bad
news for the average person and good news for the elite. They will continue
to unload on the 99 percent below them stealing their money and wealth by
saddling their governments and countries with more debt. They have already
done their evil on the world and this is the end game.
If the Irish lose we
all lose.
I am hoping and would bet that the soul of Ireland will arise for they have
been toughened greatly by having to deal with the bullies next door in
They certainly turned out on the streets this past weekend. The
Royal Crown began its rape of the world in Ireland and in Scotland many
centuries ago. It continues this tradition in banking and in uranium
production, which I believe controls it
more than any other family.
Royal Crown of England owes the world many apologies, many many of them.
Special Note
If you want to understand what is really going on behind the scenes in the
world of banking, money creation and human slavery listen to the documentary
Money Masters - How International Bankers Gained Control of America".
Even if you give the first 10 of this more than
300 minutes video a listen,
you will pierce the veil and expose the cancer that has been eating out the
heart of modern civilization thrusting it to its doom.