An Open Letter from Karl Schwarz
to Erik Prince, Blackwater USA
Behind Blackwater Inc.
Español |
Blackwater Inc. - Pionera en Privatizar Guerras
Blackwater in Iraq
- Lots of Steroids, Black Market Weapons and Ammo and
“Large Amounts of Cocaine...
Blackwater - Knights of Malta in
Mercenaries Guarding Greece Government and Overseeing
Police - Coup Feared
Blackwater's License to Kill
Blackwater Training US Police
- Wayne Madsen Report
Blackwater Troopers Replacing
Emirati Forces in Yemen
Blackwater - What If Out
Mercenaries Turn On Us?
Did Monsanto Really Buy Blackwater
(Xe)? -
Setting The Record Straight
Former CEO Reveals Blackwater Worked as 'Virtual
Extension of The CIA'
Jeremy Scahill on Blackwater's
Secret Relationship With Big Business
- Democracy Now!
Machines of War - Blackwater, Monsanto, and Bill Gates
Español |
Máquinas de Guerra - Blackwater,
Monsanto y Bill Gates
Mapping Erik Prince's Private
Mercenary Empire
Español |
Mercenarios de Las Monarquías
Déspotas Contra La Democracia
- Emiratos Árabes Unidos
Español |
Monsanto Compra 'Academi', La
Antigua Blackwater
Español |
- "No
hay Ninguna Posibilidad de que Ucrania recupere sus
Tierras" - Dice fundador de Blackwater
Privatize Me, Corporatize Me,
Blackwaterize Me...
Secret Erik Prince/Blackwater Tape
Additional Information |
America Is Going Fascist
Español |
GARDA - Otro de los
"Monstruos" del Futuro Orden Mundial
Italiano |
GARDA - Un Altro dei "Mostri"
del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale
Spies For Hire - Who's Who in
Intelligence Contactors
The Mercenary Revolution
- Flush with Profits from the Iraq War, Military
Contractors See a World of...
The Privatization of War
- Mercenaries, Private Military and Security Companies (PMSC)
- Beyond The...
The World's Foremost Terrorist -
The US Government
U.S. Company that Built Guantánamo
Wants to Run Police Services in UK
Military-Industrial Giant KBR in Bidding to Privatize
British Police Forces
Multimedia |
BlackWater Coming to A Disaster
Near You
Blackwater Murdering Innocent
Iraqis for Sport and Religion
Blackwater Owner Caught on Tape
Blackwater Road Massacre
Blackwater - The Shadow War
Iraq for Sale - The War Profiteers
Jeremy Scahill on Blackwater's
Secret Relationship With Big Business
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The Bush Impeachment Movement
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