by Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
DrBoylan Website
"The Cabal" refers to a claque of
global-scale plutocratic manipulators who use their immense wealth,
prestige and power to control governments and economies to
perpetuate their stranglehold on global society.
This group is
comprised of the most selfish, megalomaniacal, and sociopathic
individuals, some of whom are bigshots in the
Bilderberg Group,
Council on Foreign Relations, and the
Trilateral Commission
global policy-making groups.
But these groups are not synonymous with
The Cabal, since BC, CFR and TLC also contain some well-intentioned
individuals. The Cabal is a kind of "parallel government" to the
official elected and appointed governments of the more developed
In the Cabal five branches may be identified. These branches are:
analysis of the overall purposes of these five branches suggests
that the overall purpose of the Cabal is to exercise covert control
collecting comprehensive
institutional and personal information
by establishing national
and international policy independently of the established
by developing high-tech
arms and equipment, and, with these, establishing small,
specialized, highly-mobile, elite military units to effect these
covert policies, when need arises, without having to rely on the
official (and "unreliable") Armed Services, (whose subservience
to the Cabal is reasonably suspect)
by developing an armed
capability to repel any threat to the status quo, (including the
uncertain ontological, social, and economic impacts of any
revelation of the reality of UFO and extraterrestrial presence)
through the development of a Star Wars/BMDO ground and
space-based surveillance and SDI weapons network
by denying information
compromising to the Cabal from all those outside "need-to-know"
policymaking levels
by exercising control on
the money supply, availability of credit, and the worth of
money, through policy decisions made outside of the official
The Cabal are also the rogue group
behind the continuation of the unauthorized UFO Cover-Up.
Unfortunately, The Cabal has its proxies on some of the seats in the
Special Studies Group of the U.S. National Security Council, which
controls official-government UFO information and access.
Since the Cabal has enormous international wealth at its disposal,
it has the funds and influence to make sure that the majority of
presentations which make it to public view are negativistic in tone.
Their thinking is that if they can’t sell you the lie that "UFOs
don’t exist", then their fall-back strategy is to convince you that
"they are evil mean invaders." Thus, the presentations they finance
and promote feature the Star Visitors as torturers, plotters and
The unauthorized UFO Cover-Up is to be distinguished from the
official-government UFO Cover-Up.
The unauthorized UFO Cover-Up is the organization that conducts
kidnappings and terrorizing of innocent civilians, camouflaged as
"alien abductions". They do wholesale "cattle mutilations", hoping
that angry ranchers and terrorized citizens will blame it on "the
It should also be noted that some of the lurid reports being palmed
off on the public as examples of “alien misbehavior” are actually
secret psychological warfare operations by human rogue
military-intelligence units. These renegade military-intelligence
units kidnap civilians without legal authorization or justification.
These units drug those they kidnap, (often experiencers).
These renegades deliberately intimidate,
interrogate, physically abuse, and even gang-rape the civilians they
kidnap. The renegade military-intelligence units then use
brainwashing techniques to make the civilians they kidnap forget
about the military kidnapping, while the renegades narco-hypnotically
implant a false memory about the horrific experience as an "alien
This is the level of evil, distortion and treachery that the Cabal
repressing UFO truth goes to to protect their monopoly of
highly-advanced extraterrestrial technology recovered from UFO
crashes: a monopoly which has brought them trillions of dollars in
profits over the last four-plus decades.
The Cabal’s operatives also terrorize some UFO researchers who get
too close, and even assassinate a few. They hijack some psychotronic
weaponry for unauthorized use on their enemies or on innocent
civilian guinea pig test subjects. In general, most of the horrific
stuff done under the UFO Cover-Up comes from
The Cabal’s
unauthorized version of the UFO Cover-Up, often using their plants
within military and intelligence organizations to further camouflage
who is at work.
The Cabal has been around for
many millennia in its various incarnations as dark-side shamanic
priestcraft organizations, and secret
societies, whose inner initiates use dark psychic arts
for power, such as psychic projection, conjured hallucinations, and
dream-insertions, etc. to intimidate and influence targeted
The human-like reptoid imagery they use sometimes has
been a favorite over the millennia, as these dark-arts "magicians"
shrewdly capitalize on a widespread natural abhorrence of reptiles.
Huge amounts of disinformation are being pumped out about Star
Visitors, and to confuse things further, the Cabal make up or
distort ancient legends and traditions about "fearsome creatures",
to create the illusion that, for example, such fake "resident evil
reptilians" have been going on for centuries.
The Cabal have increased their power by consciously choosing
to reincarnate into an Ego-focused new lifetime/persona, time and
time again in successive lifetimes, continuing to associate with
other dark-arts practitioners in groups who abuse their
psi powers to manipulate, control,
and gain more power. As they have grown in power with each
successive generation, their abilities far outstrip most persons
with incidental and occasional psychic ability.
Further, the Cabal have over the centuries "eliminated the
competition" by identifying psychically-gifted individuals (through
social-network snitches, or by remote-sensing such good psychics),
and then branding them as witches, warlocks, voodoo doctors,
heretics, "devil-worshipers", demons-in-disguise, etc., so that
either the Cabal-controlled governments or a panicked citizenry will
imprison or execute them.
Thus, the path is cleared for the Cabal dark wizards to be
the only ones left to operate as they please.
Of course, they do all this from the shadows, continuing to foster
the illusion that a group such as the Cabal "don't really exist",
and that anyone saying the contrary is a "conspiracy nut".
Books like Jim Marrs's
Rule By Secrecy, or Louis
Pauwels and Jacques Bergier's
Morning of the Magicians trace back
the intertwined history of magic, secret societies and power for
varying lengths of time. But understanding how the Cabal have been
operating is key to arriving at a revisionist and accurate
understanding and true history of how things got to be this bad,
(and is also a key to breaking their power.)
We are fortunate that
Star Nations has agreed to aid our
efforts to eradicate this evil from our society.
(By the way, there is also an official-government-authorized UFO
Denial Program which is comparatively less ruthless, yet is
still morally responsible for the global suffering that could have
been averted if the general public had access to clean non-petroleum
energy, psychotronic healing machines, Zero Point Energy-powered
hydroponic food-growing machines, gravity-shielded superfast
airliners and sea freighters, and the immense store of spiritual,
metaphysical and scientific knowledge that the Star Visitors
wish to share with the people of Earth.)
remote viewers have seen The Cabal’s power broken between 2003
and 2006.
They definitely will be left in the trash bin of history,
by the time the transition from Fourth World [current societal mess]
to Fifth World [cosmic, just, non-materialistic, peaceable,
“extended-family” society] is well established by