by Katherine Smith, PhD
November 30, 2010
MiddleEasternStudies Website
Katherine Smith, PhD
Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience
Posted by Ronald Swenson, PhD
(University of Jordan in Amman) is a senior fellow at the University
of Southern California, College of Letters, Arts & Sciences,
Department of Middle East Studies,
www.middleeasternstudies.wordpress |
The long-hidden report "CIA
created ‘safe haven’ for Nazis in US" obtained by the New York
Times November 13, 2010, may be the most concrete account yet of the role
that prominent members of Germany’s Nazi party played in the early,
formative years of the CIA, following World War II.
It alleges the CIA created a “safe haven” for
Nazis believed to be of use to the US’ Cold War efforts. [1]

Notice the words alleges and believed, to be of use to the US’
Cold War efforts. What if there was another reason the CIA created a “safe
haven” for Nazis?
In Search of J. D. Salinger, by Ian
Hamilton, recounts Salinger’s experience during and after World War II,
serving with the Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC).
Salinger’s reclusive behavior may have been the result of knowledge he
gained while in the employ of the United States Defense Intelligence
Department during and after World War II.
He took part in the creation of the mind control
MK-Ultra and
Project Artichoke and in the interrogation
of captured Nazis (denazification of Germany) [2]
Project Artichoke was developed under the
influence of the former Nazis who worked with CIC and
The House of Rothschild to make sure
the end of the Diaspora and the Jews arrival in Palestine happened in
exactly 1260 years from the “abomination of desolation.”
The Cassandra Prophecy by Ian Gurney
Salinger, it is reasonable to assume, had
access to the secret memorandum written on June 21, 1933, from the German
Zionist Federation to the Nazis,
“All German Jewish organizations, it was
declared, should be dominated by the Zionist spirit”.
In 1941, the “Stern Gang,” among them Yitzhak
Shamir, later Prime Minister of Israel, presented the Nazis with the
Fundamental Features of the Proposal of the National Military Organization
(NMO) in Palestine:
The NMO, which is well-acquainted with the
goodwill of the German Reich government and its authorities towards
Zionism activity… is of the opinion that: the NMO in Palestine… offers
to actively take part in the war on Germany’s side.
The Iron Wall, London 1984, pp.195-197
The Wall Street Journal December 2, 1976
Concentration camps weren’t the only camps set
up by Hitler and the Gestapo.
During the 1930s, in cooperation with the German
authorities, Zionist groups organized a network of some 40 camps where
prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine.
The Transfer Agreement between Hitler’s Germany
and international Zionism, implemented in 1933 and abandoned at the
beginning of WWII, allowed German Jews to immigrate to Palestine. [3]
Therefore, we can logically deduce that Salinger may have uncovered the
Story behind the Story of Adolph Hitler and the Modern State of
Israel, aka
The Key to the Secret of the Universe.
‘For Esmé - With Love
and Squalor’
In his celebrated story
For Esmé - With Love and Squalor,
Salinger, trying to get a grip on life, most probably is talking about
himself when he starts a correspondence with a thirteen year-old British
A Perfect Day for Bananafish is another
story about his struggle with suicide because he was tormented by:
The knowledge he learned as a
counterintelligence officer that millions of deaths and an untold amount
of suffering caused by two World Wars and the Holocaust had only one
purpose: to create the Modern State of Israel and end the Diaspora, in
1948. The Key...
Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that
Salinger connected WW I, WW II, Adolph Hitler and
'Holocaust' to
Modern State of Israel.
Salinger was living with both the memory of the horrors of war and with the
knowledge that millions of deaths and untold suffering caused by World War
II had nothing to do with an incompetent fanatical dictator,
Adolph Hitler, financed by George H.W. Bush’s father,
Prescott, trying to take over the world. [4]
In one of the rare moments when he did speak to the media, he said,
“I love to write. But I write just for
myself and my own pleasure.”
He displayed the mental anguish of a misanthrope
involved in one of the bloodiest episodes of
the war in Hürtgenwald, a useless battle,
where he witnessed the horrors of war, and has to confront the reality that
70 million people died in order to create the Modern State of Israel.
Salinger himself was hospitalized for stress, according to his biographer,
Ian Hamilton, and later retreated into his private world and Zen Buddhism.
Alleging a conspiracy about the story behind the story of two World Wars and
the Holocaust in 1950 would be hazardous to your mental and physical health.
It was a choice between getting killed or ridiculed; he kept silent and
waited for death.
[1] A report the Justice Department has been
trying to hide for the past four years offers the most detailed account
yet of the CIA’s efforts to protect known Nazi war criminals in the
United States. Eric Lichtblau,
[2] The project’s intentionally oblique CIA cryptonym is made up of the
digraph MK, meaning that the project was sponsored by the agency’s
Technical Services Division, followed by the word ULTRA (which had
previously been used to designate the most secret classification of
World War II intelligence). Other related cryptonyms include MK-NAOMI
A precursor of the MK-ULTRA program began in 1945 when the Joint
Intelligence Objectives Agency was established and given direct
responsibility for
Operation Paperclip.
Operation Paperclip was a program to recruit
former Nazi scientists. Some of these scientists studied torture and
brainwashing, and several had just been identified and prosecuted as war
criminals during the Nuremberg Trials.
Several secret U.S. government projects grew out of Operation Paperclip.
These projects included Project CHATTER (established 1947), and Project
BLUEBIRD (established 1950), which was later renamed to Project
ARTICHOKE in 1951. Their purpose was to study mind-control,
interrogation, behavior modification and related topics.
[3] When Lenni Brenner’s, 51 Documents: Zionism Collaboration with the
Nazis was published the Pro-Zionist British Jewish central organization
wanted Amazon to issue a warning to their customers,
“We have urged Amazon to acknowledge on
the site that this book is of a dangerous and controversial nature.”
Brenner’s introduction:
The Nazi era is the most discussed
period in history, yet most Jews and others are unaware of the
interaction between Zionism, Hitler and Mussolini.
What happened to the Jews is constantly
utilized in Zionist propaganda as justification for the creation of the
Israeli state, the silver lining around the dark cloud of desolation.
Part 1:
The Modern State of Israel - Providence,
Miracle, or What Really Happened
Part 2: World
War I, II - Providence, Miracle, or What Really Happened
Part 3:
Adolph Hitler - Providence, Miracle, or What
Really Happened
Part 4:
How did Hitler lose the war - Providence,
Miracle, or What Really Happened
Part 5:
The War to End All Wars - Providence,
Pointless Tragedy or What Really Happened