Antarctica Rediscovered
- Main File
Español |
El Superpoder Germánico Que Viene
Galactic War III
German Disc Aircrafts
- 1922-1945 and Beyond
- Main File
German Wonder Weapons
Is the 4th Reich's Dark Fleet
abandoning Antarctica?
Español |
Sociedad Thule y la Sociedad Vril
Español |
Los Alemanes en La Antártica
Manipulative Extraterrestrials
Influenced Adolf Hitler
- Scholars Suggest
Obscure 1943 Book Reveals German Plan for World
Government |
Project Paperclip
- Main File
Documents Proving "US-Alien-Hitler" Link Stun Russia
The Aldebaran Mystery…?
The Black Order
The Bushes and The New World Order
- Main File
The Coming German Superpower
The Fourth Reich
(or continuation of the third)
- from 'Tales From Time Loop'
The New World Order
- Novus Ordo Mundi
- Main File
The Omega File
The Thousand-Year Conspiracy - Secret Germany Behind The
Mask -
Foreword by Dave Emory
The Thule Society
- Main File
The Vril Society
- Main File
Thule Gesellschaft and The Vril Society
Uncovering the Truth through
'Remote Viewing' - Nazis and Reptilians in Antarctica
Español |
Wilhelm Landig y la SS Esotérica
- El Sol Negro
Additional Information |
About Carol Rosin and The Late
Werner Von Braun
A Different View of 'The Holocaust'
- Una Vision Diferente del 'Holocausto'
- Main File
Español |
Aleister Crowley vs.
Adolf Hitler - La Guerra Mágica más Épica de la Historia
Español |
Alemania Acaba de Realizar un
Avance Gigantesco en una Máquina de Fusión Nuclear
Español |
Alemania hace Llamado a
un Referéndum ya que 'la Gente Quiere ser Libre de la UE'
- La Peor Pesadilla...
Español |
Alemania - Una Bomba
Social a Punto de Estallar
An Octopus Named Wackenhut
- Main File
Baron Otto Von Bolschwing - SS Veteran of Eichmann's
"Jewish Affairs"
Bilderberg 1955
- Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, September 1955
Bormann Ran Hitler for The Illuminati
Brotherhood of The Bell
Buddhism and The Kalachakra System
- Main File
Bush Like Hitler Is Vatican's Best
Dark Mission - Project Camelot
Interviews Richard Hoagland
- The Secret History of NASA
Español |
De Hitler a Bush - Una Brillante Reflexión de Historia y
Depopulation of Planet Earth
- Main File
Did Extraterrestrials from Venus
Make Contact in 1952?
Eight Years after U.S.
Banking Collapse, Implosion of Megabank Poised to
Decimate the Global Economy
Español |
Continente de Mu o Lemuria
- Main File
Español |
El Nuevo Orden Mundial Comenzará con Alemania y China |
Español |
El Pacto Secreto entre Rusia y
Español |
El Papa de Hitler
- Un Polemico Libro Revela
Documentos del Vaticano Sobre el Antisemitismo de Pio
Español |
El Reseteo Global - El Gran Reinicio
- Main File |
Español |
- ¿Esperan
un Desastre Nuclear en Bélgica y Alemania?
Español |
- ¿Extraterrestres
de Venus hicieron Contacto en 1952?
First Release of Fully Translated
Russian Antarctic Documentary
Italiano |
Germania - Una Bomba
Sociale sul Punto di Scoppiare
Germany and The Holy Roman Empire
Germany Calls for
Referendum as 'People Want to Be Free of EU'
- Merkel's Worst Nightmare
Germany Just Made a Giant
Breakthrough on a Nuclear Fusion Machine
Germany Secretly Planning to Join BRICS - Analyst |
Global Reset -
Great Reset
- Main File |
Español |
- ¿Ha
Financiado Alemania las Armas Nucleares de Israel?
Hitler and The Banksters
- The Abolition of Interest-Servitude
Español |
Hitler, Buda, Krishna - Una Alianza Impía Desde
el Tercer Reich Hasta el Día Presente - Reseña
Español |
Hitler - El Monstruo Creado por La
Banca Internacional
Hitler's Antarctic Base - The Myth
and the Reality
Hitler's Pope - The Secret History
of Pius XII
I.G. Farben - The International
Farben Cartel
- Main File
- Order of the Illumined Wise Men
- Main File
Kennedy’s Last Stand - Roots of JFK Assassination Lie in What He
Saw in 1945
Italiano |
La Germania chiede un
Referendum poiché "La Gente Vuole Essere Libera
dall'Unione Europea"
- Il...
Italiano |
Germania sta Pianificando Segretamente di Unirsi ai
Español |
La Teoria de La Tierra Hueca
- Main File
Español |
La Tierra Hueca - Misterios Sin Resolver
- Marielalero
Manipulative Extraterrestrials
Appear to Use Religion and Capitalism to Control
Español |
Mucho Mas que Nuclear - DVD, la Peligrosa y Misteriosa
Organización de la que Nadie ha Oído Hablar
Operation High-Jump
- Main File
Español |
Partidos de la Oposición
Alemanes Advierten que el Gobierno Merkel se Prepara
para "Disturbios Civiles"
Español |
- ¿Planea
Alemania Unirse Secretamente a Los BRICS?
Italiano |
Preparativi in Germania -
Aspettano una Guerra o un Disastro?
Español |
Preparativos en Alemania
- ¿Esperan una Guerra o un Desastre?
Researchers Suggest Iraq War Was
Centrally Motivated From an Extraterrestrial-Inspired
Scalar Weapons - Read It and Weep
Español |
Ocultos del Dalai Lama
Secret Societies That Threaten to
Take Over America
- Rise of 4th Reich |
- Main File
Sinister Forces
- Audio Interview With Peter Levenda
So Much More Than Nuclear - DVD, the Dangerous and
Mysterious Organization Nobody is Aware Of
for Accountability in The Aftermath of The Holocaust
- The Office of Special Investigations
Tavistock Institute
- Main File
Tetragrammaton, Lauburu, Crux
Gammata - YHWH, Yahweh, Adonai
The Carlyle Group
- Main File
Continent of Mu or Lemuria
- Main File
The Cosmic Conspiracy - Secrets of The Universe
Dark History of The Vatican
- Main File
The Elkhorn Manifesto - Shadow of
The Swastika
- The Real Reason the Government Won't Debate...
The Global Elite
- Main File
The Great Antarctic Expedition
- Operation Highjump
The Hollow Earth Theory
- Main File
The New World Order will Begin with Germany and China
The Pentagon Papers Case
Germany and The EU |
Español |
Alemán Fundador del Euro Hace
Llamado para que La 'Catastrófica' Moneda sea Sacada de
Angela Merkel's Benign
Español |
- "Berlín
ha Decidido Seguir los Pasos de la Administración
Saliente de EE.UU."
- María
France, Germany and Holland Are
Planning New Currency to Follow The Demise of The Euro
German Euro Founder Calls for 'Catastrophic' Currency to
Be Broken Up
Germans Leaving Germany
'In Droves'
Germany and The Vatican Are Moving Toward a Financial
New World Order
- The Vatican Exploits the...
to Bring Home Gold Stored in U.S. and France
Weighs Up Federal Europe Plan to End Debt Crisis
Español |
Grecia es una Nación Bajo
- Culpando a La Víctima
Greece is a Nation Under
Occupation - Blaming the Victim
Hyper Mario and Germany on Verge
of All Out Warfare
Italiano |
Il Tedesco Fondatore dell’Euro
Lancia un Appello per Far Sì che La Catastrofica Moneta
SiaTolta dalla...
Español |
Los Alemanes Están
Abandonando Alemania "En Tropel"
Español |
- ¿Para
qué Guerra se Está Preparando Alemania?
Español |
Que el Mundo lo Sepa -
Alemania Se Está Hundiendo
Spain and Italy are Toast Unless
Germany Allows the ECB to Print Trillions of Euros
Real Reasons that Germany Is Demanding that The U.S.
Return Its Gold
Germany Today and The
Nazis |
Antarctica - A Nazi Base?
- An Excerpt From 'Alien Agenda'
Español |
- ¿Argentina
fue Refugio de los Nazis? ¿Dónde está Hitler? - Hablamos
con un Historiador
Buddhist 'Iron Man' Found by Nazis is Confirmed to Be
Did U.S. Navy Battle UFOs Protecting Nazi Antarctic Sanctuary in
Dulce New Mexico and The Nazi
Español |
El Reino Fantasma - La Conexión Nazi-Tíbet
Eugenics and The Nazis - The
California Connection
Foundations for Globally Managing
Extraterrestrial Affairs - The Legacy of The Nazi
German Library Claims
Copyright on "Nazi Anthem" Censors Documentary on
Kennedy and The Nazis
Klaus Schwab 'Family Values'
Klaus Schwab - His Nazi Family
History explains the 'Reset Agenda'
Español |
Conexión Nazi con Shambala y Tibet
Español |
La Cruz Malta y La Sociedad
Secreta Neonazi, CIA y Vaticano
Español |
La Familia Bush y La Alemania Nazi
Español |
La Historia del 'Refugio Nazi' en la Selva del Norte de
Español |
- "Las
Fotos de Hitler después de la Guerra" - Por qué Afirman que
el Líder Nazi no se suicidó
Español |
Las Raíces Nazis de la Unión
Español |
Los "Ovnis del Reich” - Nazis
en La Luna - La Prodigiosa Tecnología del Tercer Reich
Español |
Los Vínculos Nazis del Grupo Bilderberg
May 1945 - "Operation Sunrise" - Nazi Germany
Surrenders, but… on May 7, 8, or 9?
Nazi International - Dr. Joseph Farrell
Nazi Mind Control
Nazis Were Given ‘Safe Haven’ in U.S.
- Report Says
Schwab Family Values
Secrets of The Nazi-Bell
- Uncovering The Mystery With Joseph P. Farrell
The Bilderberg Group - Founded by a Nazi and Continuing the
Agenda of the Nazis
CIA Created 'Safe Haven' for Nazis and Jews
The Crooked Cross and The Cross
- Nazism and Christianity
The Hidden Nazi
Background of Walter Hallstein - Founding President of
The Brussels EU Commission
The "Impending Legal Case
Against the USAF" - Were the Nazi's being spied on
by Aliens?
The Nazi Code - from "The Forbidden
Knowledge of Secret Societies"
The Nazi Connection With Shambhala and Tibet
The "Nazi-ET Connection"
- The War for Planet Earth
The Nazi Origins of Renewable
Energy and Global Warming
The Nazi Roots of The House of
The Phantom Kingdom - The Nazi-Tibet Connection
The Rise of The Fourth Reich in America
- Project Camelot Interviews Jim Marrs
The Scientific Background of The
Nazi "Race Purification" Program
- US & German Eugenics Ethnic...
The UFOs of Nazi Germany
Books-Treatises |
Adolf Hitler - Founder of Israel
- by Kardel
Español |
Biografía No Autorizada Del
- Nazismo, Finanzas Secretas, Mafia, etc...- por Santiago Camacho
Español |
El Cordon Dorado - Hitlerismo
- por Miguel Serrano
Español |
El Ultimo Avatar
- por Miguel Serrano
Frabato The Magician - by Franz Bardon
Genesis for The New Space Age
- Secret
Development of The Round Wing Plane... - by
John B. Leith
Bush - The Unauthorized Biography
- by Webster G. Tarpley and
Anton Chaitkin
Germany's Antarctic Claim
- Secret Nazi Polar Expeditions
- by Christof
Germany's Master Plan
- The Story of an Industrial Offensive - by Joseph
Borkin and Charles A. Welsh
- The Death of Nazi Germany - by Thomas Goodrich
Español |
Hitler en Colombia
- por Abel Basti
Español |
Hitler Ganó La Guerra
- por Walter Graziano
Italiano |
Hitler Ha Vinto La Guerra
- De Globalizzazione e Bugie - da Walter Graziano
Hitler's Pope - The Secret History
of Pius XII - by John Cornwall
Hitler's Secret Backers - by Sidney Warburg
Hitler Was a British Agent
- by Greg Hallett
Eagle - The History of Nazi Occultism
- by Alan Baker
Español |
La Crónica de Akakor
- por Karl Brugger
Español |
Las fotos de Hitler después de la
- por Abel Basti
Español |
Las Raices Nazis de La "UE de
- por P. A. Taylor, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath y A. Kowalczyk
Martin Bormann - Nazi in Exile
- by Paul Manning
Mein Kampf
- by Adolf Hitler
Nazi Science - Myth, Truth, and
The German Atomic Bomb
- by Mark Walker
Nuremberg - The Last Battle
- by David Irving
Reich of The Black Sun
- Nazi Secret Weapons and The Cold War Allied Legend -
by Joseph P. Farrell
Secret Politics - The Schedule to
World Domination
- by Dieter Rüggeberg
Secret Rituals of The Men in Black
by Allen H. Greenfield
The CIA Covenant - Nazis in
- by Gregory Douglas
The Forbidden Knowledge of Secret Societies - by Philip Gardiner
The Mass Psychology of Fascism
- by Wilhelm Reich
The Nazi Roots of The "Brussels EU"
- by P. A. Taylor, A. Niedzwiecki, M. Rath and A. Kowalczyk
The Occult Roots of Nazism
- Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazi... - by
N. Goodrick-Clarke
The Shadow of The Dalai Lama
- Sexuality, Magic and Politics in Tibetan... -
by Victor and
Victoria Trimondi
The Thousand-Year Conspiracy
- Secret Germany Behind the Mask -
by Paul Winkler
Trading With The Enemy - An Expose
of The Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949 -
Charles Higham
Español |
Tras los pasos de Hitler -
por Abel Basti
Vril - The Power of The Coming
Race -
by Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Wall Street And The Rise of Hitler
- by
Antony C. Sutton
Multimedia |
A Jewish Defector Warns America
- Benjamin Freedman Speech 1961 - An Alternate Look at
America Freedom to Fascism
A UFO War in Antarctica? - An Untold Story
Cortafuego - En Defensa Del Estado Nacional
Dark Mission
- Project Camelot Interviews
Richard Hoagland |
De La Libertad Americana al
El Espacio Secreto - Secret Space
European Union Corruption
- Christopher Story
Firewall - In Defense of Nation State
Operation Paperclip - The Hunt for
Nazi Scientists
Nazi America - A Secret History
Proyecto Huemul
- El Cuarto Reich en Argentina
Secrets of The 3rd Reich
- Secret Nazi Research in Alien Technology
Secret Space Program
Secret Space Program - Subtitulado Español
The Hunt for Hitler's Scientists
The IllumiNazi
The Rise of The Fourth Reich in America
- Project Camelot Interviews Jim Marrs
Third Reich - Operation UFO
- Nazi Base In Antarctica
Wall Street, Los Nazis y La
Revolución Bolchevique
- Antony C. Sutton
You Don't Know Hitler - 2006
Related Reports |
Brotherhoods and Secret Societies
- Main File
Buddhism and The Kalachakra System
- Main File
Charles Hall and The Tall Whites
- Main File
Global Militarism
- Main File
Gravity and Antigravity
- Main File
Royal Science
- Main File |
The Bushes and The New World Order
- Main File |
The New World Order
- Main File
The Protocols of The Learned
Elders of Zion
- Main File
Vida en El Universo
- Life in The Universe
- Main File