March 26, 2015
NewsInvestor Website

Scandal... Hillary's emails may be only the tip of an iceberg
that could include
Clinton Foundation donations to
Boko Haram from being designated a
terrorist group and her brother's involvement in a Haitian gold
We doubt Team Hillary was thrilled or her critics surprised
Tuesday when the Inspector General for the Department of Homeland
Security named Mrs. Clinton's brother, Tony Rodham, in a
report about a firm that allegedly received preferential treatment
from the Obama administration.
The firm,
Gulf Coast Funds Management, with
Tony Rodham listed as its chief executive, allegedly benefited from
what the report says was "politically motivated" intervention of
then-United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Director
Alejandro Majorkas, whom president Obama promoted to be the No.
2 official at DHS even as he was under investigation.
Majorkas, according to the IG report, appeared to give "favoritism
and special access" to politically connected Democrats who
intervened in the application process for the EB-5 (Employee-Based
Fifth Preference) visa program, which grants visas to wealthy
foreigners who can invest up to $500,000 in U.S. business ventures.
Along with Hillary's brother, Gulf Coast is also linked to
now-Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, who served as chair of the
Democratic National Committee when Hillary's husband,
Bill Clinton, was president.
McAuliffe's company was working with
Gulf Coast, a firm that specialized in obtaining EB-5 visas for
So we have a high
administration official conspiring to grant visas to
wealthy investors in a firm run by Hillary's brother, Tony Rodham,
that was assisting a firm run by Hillary's political ally Terry
Now-DHS Deputy Secretary Alejandro Majorkas' intervention on behalf
of McAuliffe's
GreenTech Automotive company was
"unprecedented," according to the IG report.
Last month, the Washington Post reported on another deal
involving Rodham that could prove politically embarrassing and
damaging for his sister. It seems that he sits on the board of a
company that got a coveted gold-mining contract from the government
of Haiti after the Clinton Foundation sponsored relief work in
In interviews with the Post, both Rodham and the chief executive of
Delaware-based VCS Mining said they were introduced at a meeting of
the Clinton Global Initiative, which seems more and more to be an
unseemly mix of charitable work with the political and business
interests of Clinton Foundation donors.
And then there's Hillary's strange dealings regarding the Nigerian
terrorist group Boko Haram, which just recently pledged its
allegiance to the ever-expanding Islamic State - dubbed the "JV
team" by President Obama, who has yet to make good on his pledge to
degrade and destroy them.
Last May, we wondered why for two years on Hillary Clinton's watch
the State Department refused to designate a Nigerian Islamist group
as a terrorist organization. This group has murdered thousands as it
wages a real war on women.
As Josh Rogin at the Daily
Beast reports, the Clinton State Department,
"refused to place Boko Haram on the
list of foreign terrorist organizations in 2011" after the group
bombed the United Nations headquarters in Abuja, Nigeria.
Sen. David Vitter, R-La., sent a
letter to Secretary of State John Kerry last week asking for all of
Hillary's records relating to Boko Haram and her reluctance to
designate it a foreign terrorist organization.
Vitter also requested all of Hillary's communications with
Gilbert Chagoury, a Nigerian construction tycoon who has donated
millions to the Clinton Foundation.
Vitter noted that Chagoury had a
financial interest in the potential impact of designating Boko Haram
a terrorist group.
How many of the more than 30,000
"personal" emails that Hillary deleted from her private
account relate to these matters?
Is that why she needed a private
email server?
We need to see that server.
It might provide, er, a veritable gold
mine of information.