by Brandon Turbeville
November 19, 2015
BrandonTurbeville Website

While Bernie Sanders may be tired of
about Hillary
Clinton's "damn emails," the recent scandals that
have resulted from her Capitol Hill hearings, combined with the
virtually non-existent investigation into the State Department
funding of terrorist organizations have gone only a short distance
in demonstrating the lengths to which Hillary Clinton has acted as
the supporter and executioner of warfare since the first day she
assumed any national position in government.
In addition to her history regarding
the Syrian and
Libyan crises,
it should never be forgotten that Hillary Clinton has supported
virtually every military conflict launched during and since her
husband's own disastrous tenure as President.
Remember, in 2002-2003, Hillary Clinton not only supported the push
war in Iraq, she voted for the invasion.
In fact, she was fervent in her support
for the war, delivering impassioned speeches on the Senate floor in
order to convince members of Congress who might have been on the
fence, as well as the general American population and a handful of
Democrats and liberals who valued her opinion on the topic, that war
was the right choice.
Indeed, Hillary's speech promoting war
in Iraq rivaled only
George W. Bush who was
campaigning night and day on American television.
Hillary stated on the floor of the Senate:
I believe the facts that have
brought us to this fateful vote are not in doubt. Saddam Hussein
is a tyrant who has tortured and killed his own people, even his
own family members, to maintain his iron grip on power.
He used
chemical weapons on Iraqi Kurds and on Iranians, killing over
20,000 people. [1]
Clinton then began to detail not only
why she believed the United States should begin its invasion, but
also insinuated that the operation, if the first Gulf war was
anything to go by, would not result in a long drawn out conflict but
a war more like the first.
Although Clinton did not state this
directly, the implication was that it was time go in and finish the
It was also insinuated that much of the work was already done.
"In 1991, Saddam Hussein invaded and
occupied Kuwait, losing the support of the United States. The
first President Bush assembled a global coalition, including
many Arab states, and threw Saddam out after 43 days of bombing
and a hundred hours of ground operations," she said. [3]
Clinton stated that, after the first
Gulf war,
"the United Nations imposed a number
of requirements on Iraq, among them disarmament of all weapons
of mass destruction, stocks used to make such weapons, and
laboratories necessary to do the work." [4]
She then rushed to point out that
international community ("everyone") knew that Saddam did have
weapons of mass destruction.
She stated that,
"The [U.N.] inspectors found and
destroyed far more weapons of mass destruction capability than
were destroyed in the Gulf War, including thousands of chemical
weapons, large volumes of chemical and biological stocks, a
number of missiles and warheads, a major lab equipped to produce
anthrax and other bioweapons, as well as substantial nuclear
facilities." [5]
As the Washington Times stated,
"She expressed support for her
husband's decision in 1998 to push for 'regime change,' and
ripped the U.N. for putting limits on its inspections.
And she
went on and on about Saddam's WMD stockpile, saying he held so
many secret sites that 'were huge compounds well-suited to hold
weapons labs, stocks'." [6]
Clinton then went for broke by declaring
that Hussein was on his way to developing a nuclear weapon that he
would then use to destroy the Middle East and even the United
She stated that Saddam,
"left unchecked… will continue to
increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare,
and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons.
Should he
succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and
security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too
well affects American security." [7]
Although Clinton now attempts to brush
off her treasonous assistance to drum up an illegal and immoral war
in Iraq as a mistake, the truth is that anyone with any political
judgment knew that the war itself was the mistake.
While she also attempts to blame the
"faulty intelligence" of the Bush administration, it was Hillary
Clinton herself who once referred to the intelligence as
"undisputed." [8]
Clinton was also an
avid supporter of an Afghanistan "surge" that was conducted by
Obama during his first year in office.
In fact she argued for an
even greater surge and suggested that leaving too early,
"would signal we were abandoning
Afghanistan." [9]
Interestingly enough,
Clinton opposed the Bush surge in Iraq in 2007, voting against
the plan during her tenure in the Senate. [10]
This vote marks virtually the only
Clinton vote that was opposed to greater use of the US military.
However, it was later revealed that her opposition vote was nothing
more than political grandstanding due to the fact that the
Democratic Primaries were right around the corner.
In fact, this much was revealed by
Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates
who wrote that he witnessed
Clinton tell Barack Obama that,
"she had opposed George W. Bush's
last-ditch effort to salvage the Iraq war, the 2007 troop
'surge,' because the politics of the 2008 Democratic primaries
demanded it." [11]
This cynical political maneuvering
reveals two things:
That Clinton truly supported
increasing the number of US forces in Iraq
Clinton was willing to sacrifice
the lives of American service men and women, the financial
future of the country, and the countless lives of innocent
people on the line for even a minor political strategic
Still, Clinton was a staunch supporter
of the war in Afghanistan, yet another in a long list of
Clinton-supported wars based on lies, half-truths, and deceit.
After all, despite the numerous facts
and inconsistencies disproving the official story of 9/11, U.S.
intelligence and military connections to al-Qaeda (which Clinton was
well aware of), and the known pre-concert to go to war with
Afghanistan prior to 9/11, Clinton was an avid supporter of the
authorization to use military force in Afghanistan.
Clinton even went so far as to bring in the gender issue - a tactic
which she is famous for.
Clinton argued that an invasion would not only be a way to fight
terrorism, but it would be a way to improve the lives and condition
of women who suffered under Taliban leadership. [12]
Thus, when it came time for an even more brazen war campaign based
on lies and machinations of the ruling administration and its media
mouthpieces, Clinton was on board again.
Voting for the 2002 Iraq War Resolution,
Clinton vociferously promoted the cause for war and, once that war
had taken place, she
argued against leaving "too soon." [13]
Even on the question of Iran, Clinton has not only pushed the
nonsensical line that Iran was developing nuclear weapons and
presents a major threat to the world (meaning the United States and
Israel) but she also
suggested military action against the Persian nation.
As Steve Chapman for Reason.com
Anyone who thinks the only
thing worse than a nuclear-armed Iran is a war with Iran will
find no friend in Clinton.
Going back to 2007, she has stressed
the option of launching airstrikes to keep Tehran from getting
the bomb.
Like most in her camp, she acts as
though a pre-emptive attack would be quick and easy - instead of
being the opening round of a war that would not stick to her
script any more than Iraq stuck to Bush's.
Michael Crowley of TIME
Clinton brought a hard-line
background to the topic of Iran.
In April 2008 she warned that
the U.S. could 'totally
Iran in retaliation for a nuclear attack on Israel - prompting
Obama to chastise her for using "language that's reflective of
George Bush."
In Obama administration debates about Tehran's nuclear program,
Clinton opposed talk of 'containment,' a policy option that
plans for a world in which Iran possesses a nuclear weapon.
Preparing for containment implies a
decision not to use military force to prevent an Iranian bomb in
the event that diplomacy fails.
Indeed, Clinton's statements would (and
probably did) make war-obsessed psychopaths like Lindsey Graham
gleam with pride.
In 2008, she
stated to Good Morning America,
I want the Iranians to know that if
I'm the president, we will attack Iran (if it attacks Israel). In the next 10 years, during which
they might foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel, we
would be able to totally obliterate them.
That's a terrible thing to say
but those people who run Iran need to understand that because
that perhaps will deter them from doing something that would be
reckless, foolish and tragic.
In an interview with Jeffrey Goldberg
of The Atlantic,
she stated brashly,
I've always been in the camp
that held that they did not have a right to enrichment (uranium).
Contrary to their claim, there is no
such thing as a right to enrich. This is absolutely unfounded.
There is no such right.
I am well aware that I am not at the
negotiating table anymore, but I think it's important to send a
signal to everybody who is there that there cannot be a deal
unless there is a clear set of restrictions on Iran.
The preference would be no
enrichment. The potential fallback position would be such little
enrichment that they could not break out."
Of course,
there is a 'right to enrich'. [20]
There is a right to enrich up to the
levels that would indeed allow for the capability to create a
nuclear weapon but stopping short of actually doing so. In other
words, since Iran is a signatory to the Nuclear Nonproliferation
Treaty, it is entitled all avenues of nuclear technology for
peaceful purposes, including uranium enrichment.
Clinton's warmongering does not end with the Middle East, however.
Although not (at least officially) a policy maker herself during her
husband's administration, it is no secret that Hillary was fully
supportive of both Bill Clinton's tragic bombing of Iraq as well as
war in Yugoslavia and
Kosovo. [21] [22]
As Gary Leupp wrote in his article "The
Warmongering Rhetoric of Hillary Clinton" published by
Counterpunch in February, 2015,
She has always been a warmonger.
As First Lady from January 1993, she
encouraged her husband Bill and his secretary of state Madeleine
Albright to attack Serbian forces in the disintegrating
Yugoslavia - in Bosnia in 1994 and Serbia in 1999. She's stated
that in 1999 she phoned her husband from Africa.
"I urged him to
bomb," she boasts.
These Serbs were (as usual) forces
that did not threaten the U.S. in any way.
The complex conflicts
and tussles over territory between ethnic groups in the Balkans,
and the collapse of the Russian economy following the
dissolution of the Soviet Union, gave Bill Clinton an excuse to
posture as the world's savior and to use NATO to impose order.
Only the United States, he asserted,
could restore order in Yugoslavia, which had been a proudly
neutral country outside NATO and the Warsaw Pact throughout the
Cold War.
President Clinton and Albright also
claimed that only NATO - designed in 1949 to counter a supposed
Soviet threat to Western Europe, but never yet deployed in
battle - should deal with the Balkan crises.
The Bosnian intervention
resulted in the imposition of the "Dayton Accord" on the parties
involved and the creation of the dysfunctional state of
The Kosovo intervention five years
later (justified by the scaremongering, subsequently disproven
reports of a Serbian genocidal campaign against Kosovars)
involved the NATO bombing of Belgrade and resulted in the
dismemberment of Serbia.
Kosovo, now recognized by the U.S. and
many of its allies as an independent state, is the center of
Europe's heroin trafficking and the host of the U.S.'s largest
army base abroad.
The Kosovo war, lacking UN support
and following Albright's outrageous demand for Serbian
acquiescence - designed, as she gleefully conceded, "to set the
bar too high" for Belgrade and Moscow's acceptance - of NATO
occupation of all of Serbia, was an extraordinary provocation to
Serbia's traditional ally Russia.
"They need some bombing, and
that's what they are going to get," Albright said at the
time, as NATO prepared to bomb a European capital for the
first time since 1945.
Leupp also wrote about Clinton's support
for the horrific sanctions that resulted in the deaths of untold
numbers of innocent Iraqis during her husband's tenure as President.
He wrote,
Initially applied to force
Iraqi forces out of Kuwait, the sanctions were sustained at U.S.
insistence (and over the protests of other Security Council
members) up to and even beyond the U.S. invasion in 2003.
Bill Clinton demanded their
continuance, insisting that Saddam Hussein's (non-existent)
secret WMD programs justified them.
In 1996, three years into the
Clinton presidency, Albright was asked whether the death of half
a million Iraq children as a result of the sanctions was
justified, and famously replied in a television interview,
"We think it was worth it."
Surely Hillary agreed with her
friend and predecessor as the first woman secretary of state.
She also endorsed the 1998
"Operation Desert Fox" (based on lies, most notably the charge
that Iraq had expelled UN inspectors) designed to further
destroy Iraq's military infrastructure and make future attacks
even easier. [24]
Webster Griffin Tarpley sums up Hillary's war record
succinctly in his article "Hillary
Clinton - The International Neocon Warmonger," when he writes,
As the National Journal reported in
2014, even the pathetically weak anti-war left is not ready to
reconcile with Hillary given her warmongering as Secretary of
State. And with good reason.
just lightly beneath the surface of Hillary Clinton's career
reveals the empirical evidence of her historic support for
aggressive interventions around the globe.
Beginning with Africa, Hillary
defended the 1998 cruise missile strike on the El Shifa
pharmaceutical plant in the Sudanese capital of Khartoum,
destroying the largest producer of cheap medications for
treating malaria and tuberculosis and provided over 60% of
available medicine in Sudan.
In 2006 she supported
sending United
Nations troops to Darfur with logistical and technical support
provided by NATO forces.
Libyan leader Moammar Qaddafi was
outspoken in his condemnation of this intervention, claiming it
was not committed out of concern for Sudanese people but,
"…for oil and for the return of
colonialism to the African continent."
This is the same leader who was
murdered in the aftermath of the 2011 NATO bombing of Libya; an
attack promoted and facilitated with the eager support of Mrs.
In an infamous CBS news interview,
said regarding this international crime:
"We came, we saw, he died."
As Time magazine pointed out in
2011, the administration understood removing Qaddafi from power
would allow the terrorist cells active in Libya to run rampant
in the vacuum left behind.
Just last month the New York Times
reported that Libya has indeed become a terrorist safe haven and
failed state - conducive for exporting radicals through
"ratlines" to the conflict against Assad in Syria.
Hillary made prompt use of the
ratlines for conflicts in the Middle East.
In the summer of
2012, Clinton privately worked with then CIA director and
subversive bonapartist David Petraeus on a proposal for
providing arms and training to death squads to be used to topple
Syria just as in Libya.
This proposal was ultimately struck
down by Obama, reported the New York Times in 2013, but
constituted one of the earliest attempts at open military
support for the Syrian death squads.
Her voting record on intervening in
Afghanistan and Iraq is well known and she also has consistently
called for attacking Iran. She even told Fareed Zakaria the
State Department was involved "behind the scenes" in Iran's
failed 2009 Green Revolution.
More recently in Foreign Policy
magazine David Rothkopf wrote on the subject of the Lausanne
nuclear accord, predicting a "snap-back" in policy by the winner
of the 2016 election to the foreign policy in place since the
The title of this article? "Hillary
Clinton is the Real Iran Snap-Back."
This makes Hillary the prime suspect
for a return to the madcap Iranian policies that routinely
threaten the world with a World War 3 scenario.
Hillary Clinton is not only actively
aggressing against Africa and the Middle East. She was one of
the loudest proponents against her husband's hesitancy over the
bombing of Kosovo, telling Lucina Frank:
"I urged him to bomb," even if
it was a unilateral action.
While no Clinton spokesperson
responded to a request by the Washington Free Beacon regarding
her stance on Ukraine, in paid speeches she mentioned,
"putting more financial support
into the Ukrainian government".
When Crimea decided to choose the
Russian Federation over Poroshenko's proto-fascist rump state,
Hillary anachronistically called President Putin's actions like,
"what Hitler did in the '30s."
As a leader of the bumbled "reset"
policy towards Russia, Hillary undoubtedly harbors some animus
against Putin and will continue the destabilization project
ongoing in Ukraine.
Not content with engaging in
debacles in Eastern Europe, she has vocally argued for a more
aggressive response to what she called the,
"rollback of democratic
development and economic openness in parts of Latin
This indicates her willingness to
allow the continuation of CIA sponsored efforts
at South
American destabilization in the countries of,
It is one of the proud prerogatives
of the Tax Wall Street Party to push out into the light the Wall
Street and foundation-funded Democrats.
The final blow to Hillary's clumsy
façade comes directly from arch-neocon Robert Kagan.
worked as a foreign policy advisor to Hillary along with his
wife, Ukraine madwoman Victoria Nuland, during Hillary's term as
Secretary of State.
He claimed in the New York Times
that his view of American foreign policy is best represented in
the "mainstream" by the foreign policy of Hillary Clinton; a
foreign policy he obviously manipulated or outright crafted.
Kagan stated:
"If she pursues a policy which
we think she will pursue… it's something that might have
been called neocon, but clearly her supporters are not going
to call it that; they are going to call it something else."
What further reason could any sane
person need to refute Hillary?
A vote for Hillary is a vote for
the irrational return to war. [25]
Indeed, her support for war and military
confrontation is perhaps the only thing Hillary
Clinton is honest about...
Joseph. "Hillary Clinton Supported Iraq War - Before She
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Accessed on August 28, 2015.
Joseph. "Hillary Clinton Supported Iraq War - Before She
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