A "Humanitarian War" on Syria? -
Military Escalation - Towards a Broader
Middle East-Central Asian War?
New Push for Peace in Syria?
Español |
Arabia Saudita Dispuesta a
Negociar - Aceptaría que Bachar
al-Assad se Mantenga en El Poder
BBC Caught in Syria Massacre
Propaganda Hoax
Brookings Announces Next Move in
Syria - War
Case Against Syria's Assad Falls Apart
Español |
Cazas Rusos Destruyen
Base Militar Secreta de EE.UU. y el Reino Unido en Siria
Chemical Attack Accusations 'Fake'
- Assad tells Kathimerini in Exclusive Interview
Cheney, Rothschild, and Fox News’ Murdoch to Drill for
Oil in Syria, Violating International Law
Civil War Declared in Syria -
Globalist's Formula for WW III Begins
Español |
Cómo Salir de la Guerra contra
CONFIRMED: U.S. Claims Against
Syria - There is No Evidence
Debunking the Western
Media's Coverage in Peru of the War on Syria
Declassified CIA Documents reveals Plan to Destroy Syria
for Oil Pipeline
- Predicts Current Crisis
Español |
De cómo Putin y Trump están
Poniendo Fin a la Guerra contra Siria
Defeated NATO Dangerously Desperate in Syria
Español |
De Militar a Militar - Rebelión de
los Generales del Estado Mayor Conjunto de EE.UU.
Did Turkey Just Declare War on
Doing a 'Libya' in Syria - The Big
Lie About a "Peoples' Revolution"
Español |
EE.UU. y Rusia podrían
Entregar los Ricos Altos del Golán a Siria - Duro Golpe a Israel
Español |
'Ataque Químico' en Siria fue una Falsa Bandera y Habrá
- Dice Putin
Español |
El Pentágono Está Dispuesto a Cooperar con Rusia en Siria
Español |
El Pueblo Sirio Apoya a Assad -
Pero la BBC lo Acalla, dice Baronesa Británica
Español |
En Exclusiva RT Obtiene
Documentos que Explican cómo Funciona la 'Corporación'
Petrolera del Estado...
Español |
Experto Denuncia la Sucia Estrategia de EE.UU. para
Destruir los Éxitos de Rusia en Siria
Father of Famous "Aleppo Boy" just
Exposed how the U.S. and White Helmets Lied to the World
Fighting Al Qaeda by Supporting Al
Qaeda in Syria - The Obama
Administration is a "State Sponsor of...
Español |
François Hollande Visitará Moscú
la Próxima Semana
- Noviembre 2015
French Say Assad Must Go - Assad Responds "No Thanks,
Get Serious"
Here is the Assad Interview "CNN" will Never Show You
- "EU is
Supporting Terrorists in Syria from the Very...
U.S.-Israeli Military Agenda - "Break Syria into Pieces"
Houla, Syria Stunt Proves - Old
Tricks are The Best Tricks
- NATO Learned From The Best
How Close Were We to a Third World
War? -
What Really Happened When Israel Attacked Syria on...
Assad Defends Against U.S. Attack, U.S. Will Attack
- says Obama
If The U.S. Loses Syria, The US
Loses Its Empire
- U.S. Threatens Russia, China for Not Supporting...
Italiano |
Il Popolo siriano Appoggia Assad -
Pero la BBC lo Zittisce, lo dice la Baronessa Britannica
- "It's
Going to Take Years" - US Air Force Calls for Ground
Troops to "Occupy and Govern" Iraq and Syria
It's Time to Start Getting Enraged
at what Western Imperialists have done to Syria
Julian Assange Reveals Another
2006 Western Plan to Destroy Syria
Español |
La Alianza Occidental está
Derrumbándose - La UE está Abandonando a
Estados Unidos sobre Derrocar...
Español |
Continuidad de La Agenda - La Catástrofe Siria, Diseñada
bajo Bush y Ejecutada al Pie de la Letra...
Español |
Crisis de Siria en Manos de Auténticos Locos
Español |
La Estrategia de La Hermandad
Musulmana en Siria
Español |
La Estrategia tras las Sombras -
Ucrania, Siria y los Conflictos del Mundo Multipolar
Español |
La Otra Cara de los "Cascos
Blancos" en el Conflicto Sirio
Español |
Resolución de la ONU sobre el Conflicto Sirio Demuestra
que Rusia Tenía Razón
Español |
Las Falsas Acusaciones de Ataque
Químico - Assad le cuenta a Kathimerini en Entrevista
United Nations' Syria Report on War Crimes
- Compiled by Washington Think-Tanker
Español |
La Tragedia de Siria y la Nueva
Italiano |
L'Attacco Chimico in Siria è Stata una Copertura
Fuorviante e ce ne Saranno di Più
- Afferma Putin
Leaked Memo Says U.S. Special
Operation Forces in Syria Since December
Español |
Los Barones del Petróleo de la
Siria Ocupada - Rupert Murdoch y Lord Rothschild
Español |
Los Planes que EE.UU. tenia en
Siria... y que Rusia ha Roto en Pedazos
Media Blackout over Syria
Media Head Games Exposed! - CNN
Caught Using Neuro-Linguistic Programming to Influence
Español |
Mentiras Occidentales y Elecciones Sirias
Military to Military - On US Intelligence Sharing in the
Syrian War
NATO Data - Assad Winning The War
for Syrians' Hearts and Minds
New Syrian Opposition Leader
Educated in Indianapolis
Español |
Obama Ordena "Limpiar la
Casa" Borrando los Vínculos con al-Nusra en Siria
Español |
Obama Rechaza 'Cooperación' con Putin sobre Siria
- La Guerra de Washington contra el Terrorismo...
Obama Rejects "Cooperation" with Putin on Syria
- Washington's War on Terror is A Fabrication, Zero...
Italiano |
Obama Rifiuta di "Cooperare" con Putin per la Siria
- La Guerra di Washington contro il Terrorismo è...
Obama's Bizarre Threats Indicate
U.S. Desperation in Syria
Obama's Humanitarianism as
Window-Dressing for the US "Deep State" Agenda - The
Case of Syria
Español |
OTAN Reconoce que El 70% de Los
Sirios Apoya a Bachar al-Assad
People Around the World Oppose
Arming Syrian "Rebels"
People Here Don't Like The Regime,
but They Hate The Rebels Even More
- Aleppo Activist Edward Dark
Predictive Software "Validates"
WikiLeaks Psy-Op Attack on Syria
Español |
Primeras Interpretaciones al Ataque de EE.UU. a Siria...
- ¿Todo es Puro Teatro? |
Español |
Putin Despeja Todas las Dudas
Sobre la Retirada Rusa de Siria
Español |
Putin está Derrotando a Más que a ISIS en Siria
Putin is Defeating More than ISIS in Syria
Español |
Ordena la Retirada del Ejército Ruso de Siria!
Putin's Geopolitical Chess Game
With Washington in Syria and Eurasia
Qatar - U.S. Proxy in America's
Terror War in Syria
Saving Syria - Assessing Options for Regime Change
Searching for Solutions in Syria
Español |
Siria - Conversaciones de
Paz y un Imperio Volviéndose Loco
Español |
Siria, Turquía, Israel y La Gran
Guerra de Energía en Oriente Medio
Skull & Bones John Kerry 'Fails' to Provide Key Evidence
in Syria
Español |
Snowden, Siria, Obama y Mas... - Versión Completa de La
Entrevista a Vladimir Putin
Sunni Extremists Ravaging Syria
Created by U.S. in 2007
Syria Could Become a Rallying
Point Against the Banksters
Syria - Iraq 2.0
- Another False-Flag Invasion Rated XXX
Syria "Liberated" by its own
Syria - NATO Genocide Approaches
- U.N. Syria Report Co-Authored by Director of U.S.
Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, Still a
Crucial Actor
Syria - Peace Talks and an Empire Running Amok
Syria's Assad is Coming In from
the Cold
Syria's 'Chemical Weapons' Turn Out to Be Sodium
Fluoride Used in The U.S. Water Supply and Sold...
Syria - The Sting and The
Syria Under Attack by Globalist Death Squad Experts
Syria War Will Empower Future Global Government
Syria - Who is Behind The Protest
- Fabricating a Pretext for a US-NATO "Humanitarian...
Deutsch |
Syrien unter Beschuss von Todesschwadron-Experten der
The Drums of War are Beating in
Syria - Killing Civilians to Protect Civilians
The Forbidden Truth
- The U.S. is Channeling Chemical Weapons to Al Qaeda in
Syria, Obama is a Liar...
Hidden Forces Behind Syria's President Bashar al-Assad
Media Coverage on Syria is the Biggest Media Lie of our
Time' - Interview with Flemish Priest in Syria
The Plan to Destabilize Syria
Red Line and The Rat Line - Obama, Erdoğan and the
Syrian Rebels
The Secret History of America's
Defeat in Syria
The Subterfuge of Syrian Chemical Weapons
The Syrian Intelligence War - A
Tale of Two Security Headquarters
The Syrian 'War Games' Military
Theater of Operations in Two Charts
The Top 9 Real Reasons to Go to
War in Syria
The U.S. and Israeli-Sponsored Destruction of Syria and
Iran Continues
The War Against Syria was Planned
Two Years Before "The Arab Spring"
- Former French Foreign... |
The Western Alliance is Crumbling
- EU is Abandoning U.S. on Overthrowing Assad
The West's Greatest Fear is A
Peaceful Resolution in Syria |
West's Propaganda War on Syria Exposed Once Again
- Fake Video Footage |
to End Western Support for Terrorists in Syria -
"Opposition" is Entirely Run by Al Qaeda |
Trump Taking U.S. to War in Syria to Avert Economic
Disaster |
Turkey is the Source, Not
Solution to ISIS and the Syrian Crisis |
Español |
Una Fuerza de Contraguerrilla Pero
con Carácter Popular - Siria
United Nations Defends NATO's Premeditated Genocide in
United Nations Shenanigans on
URGENT - False Flag Involving
Israel to Implicate Syria in The Works, Says RT
U.S. Admits No Imminent Threat from Syria - No Clear
Evidence Assad Ordered Chemical Weapons Attack
Approved Israeli Bombing of Syria… and May Join The War
at Any Moment
U.S.-Led Western Scheme to Divide
and Destroy Syria - Revealed in Leaked British Cable
- 'U.S.
Secret Services' Direct Major Offensive on
Russian/Syrian Forces but Suffer Devastating Defeat
U.S. to Begin Invasion of Syria
U.S. vs. Russia in Syria
- A Battle to Control the Truth
Español |
- ¿Va
Estados Unidos a Ir a La Guerra con Siria por Causa de
un Gasoducto? |
Was Trump Missile Attack Part of a
Secret Plan to End Syria Conflict and Prevent War with
Iran? |
Are Watching The US, Israel and The United Nations
Destroy Syria
West Seeks to Perpetuate Syrian Bloodbath
When Washington Decides that
'Democracy is Dangerous' - Stoking Opposition in
Venezuela and Syria
Whose Sarin?
Why Are Obama and Kerry So Desperate to Start a New War? - The Rule of Zombies
WikiLeaks "Syrian Files" Obtained
by Flame to Set Up Assad
Will Russian and Chinese Military
Forces on Syrian Soil Prevent Obama from Bombing Syria?
Deutsch |
Wir sehen zu, wie Syrien Zerstört
wird von USA, Israel und UN
Additional Information |
Español |
Cooperar con Washington en Siria, Rusia ha Caído en una
Español |
Al-Qaeda, Eterno Auxiliar de La
America's Chemical Weapons -
Hypocrisy, Conspiracy and a Forgotten History
Avaaz - The Online Pro-War
Propagandist and Color Revolution NGO
Español |
Carta Abierta al Presidente Barack Hussein Obama
Choosing Hegemony - Turkey, NATO
and The Path to War
Clinton Allowed Stevens to Die in Benghazi to Keep Saudi
Government Involvement in Syria Secret
CNN Caught Staging News Segments
on Syria With Actors
Español |
Cómo John McCain ha Paralizado la
Guerra de Obama contra ISIS
Español |
Cómo son Llevadas a Cabo hoy en
día las Operaciones de Falsa Bandera
Español |
Conozca al Hombre Que Financia
ISIS - Bilal Erdogan el Hijo del Presidente de Turquía
Español |
Crisis de Refugiados Europeos -
Anatomía de un Encubrimiento
Español |
De qué manera la Administración de
la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) Organiza la
Guerra en Siria
Español |
Comodín de Putin en Siria
Español |
El Estado Mayor Conjunto Denuncia
la Influencia de los Halcones Liberales sobre la Casa
Erdogan Blackmails NATO Allies
European Refugee Crisis - The
Anatomy of a Cover-Up
Flag Event in Syria - The Third Force and Exopolitics
Government and Media are doing
Exact Same Thing they Did to Start Iraq War - And
Americans are Buying It
Here We Go: NATO Plans to 'Defend'
Hillary Clinton Must Resign - Cites False Reports
Regarding Syria "Massacre"
Hillary's "Cowboy Diplomacy"
- There Will Be Hell to Pay
for NATO's Holy War
How False Flag Operations are
Carried Out Today
How John McCain Crippled Obama's
War on ISIS
Interlocking Agencies
that Conspire to "Create Terror" - We Do Not Need the Police
to "Create More...
Trump Disrupting the Cabal's Plan for a New World Order?
- Trump says "We're Not Going Into Syria"
It Was a NATO Mortar that Killed 5
Turkish Civilians Last Week
Español |
La Alianza Secreta de EE.UU. con
Al-Qaida y Los Fundamentalistas Islámicos |
Español |
La "Hermandad" China-EE.UU. |
Español |
Jugada Maestra de Putin sobre Israel |
Italiano |
La Nuova Alleanza in Medio Oriente
scuote i Poteri Mondiali
Leaked Sec. Kerry Audio
that CNN and NY Times Tried to Hide - Confirms U.S. Role
in Rise of ISIS
Español |
Los Emails Explosivos de
Hillary Clinton |
Meet the Man Who Funds ISIS -
Bilal Erdogan, the Son of Turkey's President
Español |
Nueva Alianza de Oriente Medio
sacude a los Poderes Mundiales
Obama's Gun-Running Operation - Weapons and Support for
"Islamic Terrorists" in Syria and Iraq...
Español |
Opciones Rusas contra un
Ataque Estadounidense en Siria
Italiano |
Perché Conosciate l’Uomo che
Finanzia ISIS Bilal Edogan, il Figlio del Presidente di
Poetic Justice Finds U.S. Enablers
of Terror
Putin's Wild
Card in Syria
Español |
Putin y Trump hablan Vía Telefónica sobre las Crisis en
Siria y Corea del Norte
Español |
Rusia Destruye el Sueño del 'Gran
Satanic Cabal Threatens to Make
San Francisco and Damascus "Uninhabitable"
The Third Force Begins its
Take-Down of Mystery Babylon
- Secret Space War X
The United Nations and The Houla
- The Information Battlefield
The U.S. Government Stands Revealed to The World as a
Collection of War Criminals and Liars
Turkey - A Criminal State, a NATO
Español |
Una Periodista Muerta y Tres más
Arrestados Después de Exponer que Turquía Arma a
Extremistas Sirios
Español |
Una Revelación Publica Impactante
sobre EE.UU. y el "Terrorismo Islámico"
U.S. 'Elects' New Syrian Leader... A Guy From Dallas! |
Washington Funded Houla-Style
Massacres - Analyst Said |
What Happened to the "Global War
on Terrorism"? - The U.S. is "Fighting
for Al Qaeda" in Syria
Multimedia |
Full Interview with Syrian
President Bashar al-Assad that You are Not Seeing on TV
Historia de Todo lo qué Está Pasando...
Washington Funded Houla-Style
Really Going On In Syria? - Ground
Being Prepared for Syria Intervention' - by Ex-U.S.
Chief of Staff
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