by Mark Sircus
IMVA Website
Part One
The Financial Debasing
November 8, 2010

The medical elite have resumed their offensives
against natural medicine.
At the same time the most elite private bank in
the world just decided to print 600 billion odd dollars, creating a lot more
counterfeit legal tender funny money for the American government to misspend
and be cruel with. It is all about money and power, after all, and about
abuse by the modern day kings and queens, emperors, pharaohs, dukes, princes
and princesses ending up on top as they usually do.
The rich have never been richer and the middle
class is being crushed in order to sustain them at the pinnacle of power and
Things are finally getting into the open though and there are just certain
kinds of people who cannot stand up to the light of day preferring the
darkness as they do - in their domains of manipulation and deceit.
In the medical area, for instance,
rates are going down, meaning that more and more well informed (via the
Internet) parents are seriously doubting the official pharmaceutical story,
enough to keep four percent more kids away from those sharp needles loaded
with nasty substances.
In its annual
State of Health Care Quality
report, the
National Committee for Quality Assurance revealed that
vaccine rates are falling sharply among high-education families.
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger,
puts it right,
“This trend infuriates the vaccine industry
and all the shills who push vaccines, of course.
Despite all their high-dollar propaganda,
expensive advertising, and vaccine booths in airports, Walmarts, and
grocery stores, more and more people are coming to realize that many
vaccines are dangerous for children, and the seasonal flu vaccines in
particular offer absolutely no scientifically-validated benefit
They are pure quackery and nothing more. The
really interesting thing about this trend is that parents with a higher
education are consciously choosing to protect their children from
Remarkably, the vaccine industry insists
that “they’re the stupid ones” because they don’t believe the vaccine
Beginning of Economic
Today we hear that international leaders and countries are
finally fingering the United States government and the
Federal Reserve Bank (there is nothing
federal about it!) for pumping more cash into the struggling U.S. economy.
From global economic powerhouses around the
world, officials doubted, in chorus, its usefulness and warned it would
probably spark a fresh crisis.
China, Germany, Brazil, and France all voiced reservations about the move,
in which the Fed plans to inject another 600 billion dollars (422.5 billion
euros) into the economy.
Through a process known as
quantitative easing, the
Fed will buy up U.S. Treasury securities in a bid to get more cash into the
hands of companies and consumers by making long-term borrowing cheaper.
That’s what they say at least, but obviously if
they wanted to get the cash into the hands of consumers they would give the
money directly to them and that’s the last thing our modern day banking
goons (very nice word to describe very nasty people) want and will do.
What the U.S. is doing might make sense for the United States but for other
countries there is a price to be paid as the dollar slumps, hitting their
The Fed hopes its action will boost demand and
so get the U.S. economy back on track, reducing the worst unemployment in
years, but that’s a lot of hay being thrown out onto the airwaves.
What the
money is really intended to do is prevent the collapse of demand and the
collapse of the American government and its military along with it.
Brazil, which has already warned of the dangers posed by a “currency war,”
was blunt.
“Everyone wants the U.S. economy to recover
but it does no good to inject massive amounts of money into the economy
because that will not get growth moving again,” Brazilian Finance
Minister Guido Mantega said.
“The only result is a devaluation of the
dollar so that the United States becomes more competitive in
international trade,” he added.
German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble
warned that the Fed measures would not work and would only create more
James Richard writes,
“Here’s the bottom line on money printing,
or QE [quantitative easing] if you prefer. If nothing happens, the whole
thing was a waste of time. If inflation takes off, the Fed will have to
choose between holding bonds and letting inflation get worse or selling
bonds and
going bankrupt in the process.
Since no entity goes down
without a fight, the Fed will naturally hold the bonds and let inflation
take off.
Do not ask about the exit strategy from QE;
there is no exit.
Disasters sometimes sneak up in small steps,
each of which appears unthreatening at the time but which cumulatively
spell collapse. The Fed is leading the United States to ruin in ways
that are claimed to be well intentioned and benign when viewed in
isolation but which take us finally into a locked room reminiscent of
the Sartre play ‘No Exit.’”
“The trend is clear: we are headed toward a monetary disaster that has a
good potential of leading to a hyperinflationary crisis. The ‘when’ is
more difficult to predict. Timing a market is much more difficult and
risky than predicting and investing in a trend.
Therefore, while the end
scenario appears more and more certain, the how and when we get there
remains to be seen,” writes Frank R. Suess.
According to Harry Schultz,
“Deflation is the biggest worry now but it
will turn into hyperinflation soon.”
How soon? I believe even Uncle Harry will not be
able to predict.
But, as he explains further,
“We are posed at a heart-stopping moment in
economic times. Hyperinflation seems impossible when there is not much
inflation in most economies. But hyperinflation is a monetary event, not
an economic one, and it will happen overnight, not via a general uptrend
in inflation data.”

Suess continues,
“America has, against all odds, decided to
push yet a little harder on that monetary accelerator in hopes of
escaping the debt trap, another housing disaster, another financial
system collapse, the public’s wrath and loss of power.
At this point, it appears that this approach
may allow us to escape those threats for a little longer, but at the end
of the road waits a monetary crisis. And, logic tells us that as you
push on the accelerator, you will reach the end of the road more
Automatic Earth weighs in,
“What’s 1 in 7 Americans relying on food
stamps? What does any of it mean anymore? 17% U6 U.S. unemployment? 4
million 2010 foreclosures, many of which are based on at least shaky,
and pretty likely illegal, papers?
If that doesn’t have enough meaning to move
media attention away from rallies to restore whatever it is that
apparently needs restoration, what will? 1 in 3 on food stamps? 40%
jobless? Tent cities around every major city? $25 trillion in
quantitative easing?
Yeah, the markets had a knee-jerk upward
And that is all anybody needs, or so it
seems. Hyperinflation is sure to follow, or so they say. Then again,
they said the same when QE1 occurred. Didn’t happen, though. Will it
this time? Will gold rise to the stratosphere? They’re not all that
dumb, and they’re not making the grand mistakes some folks claim they
They’re robbing you blind in plain daylight,
and, as they go along, they’re making you believe that it’s in your best
interest. It’s all nothing but a high-stakes game of pick-pocketing.”
Bill Bonner of the Daily Reckoning
“The financial world held its breath. It
waited. It watched. Ben Bernanke was hunched over… sweat on his brow…
easing on his mind. Commentators, economists, and the public wondered if
he could really create new money… new wealth… out of thin air?
If this
were true, it was a giant step forward for humanity, at least equal to
discovering fire, creating Facebook or blowing up Nagasaki.
Jesus Christ multiplied loaves and
fishes. But He had something to work with. The Federal Reserve
multiplies zeros… creating money - out of nothing at all. If it can really
do the trick, we are saved. The legislature can go home. It no longer
needs to worry about raising taxes or allocating public resources.
Government can now buy all the loaves and
fishes it wants. And give every voter a quart of whiskey on Election
Part 2
The Medical Debasing
09 November 2010

While man’s aggressiveness against his fellow
man gets expressed financially these days (with the end result it’s going to
be every country and trading block for themselves) this same river of
darkness plays out in the medical world. It’s a world whose foundation sits
on the ugliest cornerstone possible, that of greed.
The full heart of that was born in the alliance
between the Rockefeller group and the
IG Farben Group almost 100 years ago.
There were Nazis on both sides of the Atlantic. We like to forget that; and
after the war the most elite Nazis in science and industry were invited to
the United States to live and work. The Nazi fascist spirit still exists.
And what is that spirit? It’s the spirit of
death. And it’s the tools and instruments of death that captivate such
spirits as well as the money that can be made from them.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
has finally concluded that manufacturers of CT scanners should do a better
job of warning operators that a
dangerously high radiation dose is about to
be administered because dangerously high levels of radiation spells eventual
DEATH. All of those who deal in radiation, toxic chemical drugs and heavy
metal poisons in medicine are part of this club of death that exists in the
belly of contemporary orthodox medicine.
In April 2011, European legislation, which has already been passed, will
come into force. This will effectively mean that all herbal medicines will
disappear from the UK. No Ayurvedic
(Indian) herbs, no Chinese herbs, no Western herbs, no Tibetan herbs, no
herbs whatsoever. We will have access only to treatments that are totally
based on pharmaceutical drugs for treating our ailments.
With no access to the full range of herbal
treatments, all herbalists, Ayurvedic doctors, and TCM or holistic
practitioners will overnight be handicapped in their attempt to help their
Big Pharma is bringing out the big guns to
label toddlers as depressed and then
convince parents that their child’s normal behavior needs to be controlled
with drugs. Does your toddler cry? Is he bored? Why then, he must be
depressed - and there’s a drug for that. If the drug companies get their
way, this is what will happen when you take your toddler to the routine
well-child visit.
What toddler isn’t defiant? What toddler doesn’t
cry or get fussy? Those are normal behaviors, literally necessary if they’re
to grow into healthy functioning humans. What could be a better target for a
drug company than every normal child?
At medical and pharmaceutical headquarters in New York, the FDA is holding
its own inquisition and is now is cutting off the legs of the oral chelation
industry, warning everyone not to trust or use anything from anyone that
claims to remove heavy metals from their bodies and bloodstreams. [1]
All over-the-counter sales of “chelation”
treatments are
illegal, the FDA says.
“These are in fact unapproved drugs,”
Michael Levy, director of the FDA’s division of new drugs and labeling
compliance, said at a news conference. “These companies falsely claimed
that these drugs treat a variety of ailments, including autism and heart
The FDA is of course projecting its own falsity
They do not have drugs to treat autism and their
drugs for heart disease are so badly off the mark it’s pathetic.
I have been friends for a long time with people in the natural
chelation arena. Now no one is going to be
able to tell the truth about what their products do and that will cut the
public off from valuable information and essential treatments. Medical
cruelty is reaching new heights at the FDA and that’s why I consider them to
be appropriately labeled as the medical Gestapo.
The human race is being
deliberately poisoned for profit and now
the heavy medical boots of repression are going to make it much more
difficult for people to do anything about it. Everyone’s bodies are loaded
with toxic chemicals and heavy metals and people desperately need to chelate
the metals out and detoxify for the rest of the chemicals present.
Now I will have to take up the cross and shout out for them.
My favorite heavy metal chelation product is
HMD (Heavy Metal Detox) and it comes
to us from Dr. George Gorgiou from Cypress in the Mediterranean. He
did his basic research at a metals foundry in Russia and concluded that the
most effective natural chelator was in fact a combination of chelators.
Specifically he found that cilantro mixed with
chlorella and chlorella extract (in scientific studies conducted at the
foundry) showed this “nutritional” combination was affective for removing 16
different heavy metals including uranium.
I would trust this doctor with my own life if
ever in need so I have no hesitation to recommend his formula to humanity in
desperate need of getting these elements of harm out of the body. Of course
always use with
clay and pure water.
Water has been on my brain lately because I am trying to finish
my book: The Waters of Life.
This work of mine will bring to fruition another
new paradigm of medicine that is anti-pharmaceutical at heart and in
practice. What we will be doing is teaching people and practitioners alike
how to create the most potent water-based medicines.
Instead of dangerous and toxic pharmaceuticals
that hurt more than they help we will first purify water to a 99.9 degree.
Then we will add one or several substances from a list of different
substances to this water to easily and inexpensively manufacture
our own medicines at home or in the office.
Say goodbye to
Big Pharma and hello to safe and effective
medicine. The Death Star has seen its best days of harm and profit and now
it really is time for it to be beaten back into oblivion.
Water is our most basic medicine and pediatricians who ignore this fact are
often sued for malpractice when their young patients die of dehydration.
Dr. F. Batmanghelidj brought to the
modern world the idea that water can be our best and most useful medicine
and he was correct, though he did not give much thought to the quality and
purity of the water and what we can add to it.
In the Waters of Life we will not only
pay strict attention to purity but also to an array of substances that can
be added to the water.
Magnesium chloride,
iodine, and
sodium bicarbonate added to water of course
turns our pure water into powerful emergency room quick-acting medicines.
There are many other healing substances like this
HMD we can and will use to treat our pure
water with.
Thus we can build an arsenal of medicinals that
can be added to water to great effect.
Spending more on pharmaceutical drugs does not translate into healthier
patients, U.S. researchers reported on the third of November. The study,
published in the New England Journal of Medicine, suggests that if
more does not do much good perhaps less is called for - much, much less.
Perhaps the best thing is not to give anything to the pharmaceutical
companies unless one wants to support their murderous and terrorist ways. Or
unless one wants to increase the rising tide of toxic pollution.
After all a vast array of pharmaceuticals -
including antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones -
have been found in the drinking water supplies of at least 41 million
Americans, an Associated Press investigation showed. (AP, 10 March 2008)
In medicine we already see the one-world government in action. We see a
terrible terrorist apparatus operating on a global scale. This is the true
measure of those that seek to rule the world. In a sense they have already
won and have seen their finest days.
Now that their antibiotics are not working and
their vaccines are being refused in increasing numbers perhaps we are lucky
enough to be witnessing the beginning of the end for these monstrous
companies with the suites of doctors, scientists, and board executives who
only barely belong to the human race.
For those who think my language is over the top - too dramatic and
accusatory - I would like to remind you that some of these people and
organizations built a concentration camp and experimented on live subjects
and actually enjoyed doing it.
I want to remind you that these are some of the
richest people in the world. And I would also like to remind you that they
make excuses for injecting mercury into babies and blame babies’ deaths on
everybody but themselves.
They profit from destroying people’s lives not
by helping them. Their paradigm is as dumb as it is wrong. So stupid is
orthodox contemporary medicine that they use
things that cause cancer to treat cancer
and even to diagnosis it. Using radiation to diagnose and treat cancer they
show clearly how inferior in every way they are to natural methods of both
diagnosis and treatment.
I am afraid and there is no terrorist or even military organization in the
world that can compete in the sheer power of pharmaceutical medicine to
hurt and kill hundreds of thousands if not millions of people each and
every year.
Just consider this one forgotten study.
Back in 2004,
a study in the Journal of the American
Medical Association (JAMA) documented a relationship between breast
cancer and antibiotic use.
“After a brief flurry, the study quietly
faded from the publics - and modern medicines - consciousness.
What makes this newsworthy is that the study
has not been contradicted. In seven years, a study that demonstrates a
severe risk from one of modern medicine’s most vaunted methods is still
the final word, yet its importance is utterly ignored,”
writes Heidi Stevenson.
Modern medicine ignores whatever is not
convenient and whatever cuts into its profits no matter how
many people get hurt.
[1] www.anh-usa.org/tell-fda-hands-off-chelation/