"At present, intelligent people do not have their children vaccinated, nor does the law now compel them to. The result is not, as the Jennerians prophesied, the extermination of the human race by smallpox; on the contrary more people are now killed

by vaccination than by smallpox."
- George Bernard Shaw

(August 9, 1944, the Irish Times)





 -  Addiction Vaccines - Scientists Use Human Experimentation to Advance Transhumanist Agenda


 -  A deleted 'Bill Gates Documentary' has been Revived


 -  'ADN H5N1' en La Vacuna Intranasal De La Gripe


 -  Adverse Effects of Vaccines - Evidence and Causality



 -  Aldous Huxley foresaw our Despots - Fauci, Gates, and their Vaccine Crusaders


 -  Alerta a la Humanidad - Las Vacunas Covid-19 son Armas de Destrucción Masiva y podrían Acabar con la Raza...


 -  Altering Human Genetics through Vaccination


 -  Amenaza de Una Epidemia de Efectos Secundarios Por La Vacuna de La Gripe Porcina en Todo El Mundo


 -  America's "Medical Deep State" - The Role of the CDC


 -  A New Giant Vaccine Scandal Exposes Government Lies and Psyops


 -  Anti-Vaccination - Pro-Science - Pro-Health - Anti-Industry


 -  Artificial Spike Proteins and the End of Human Health


 -  Atacándonos a Nosotros - Médicos revelan que Vacunas hacen que Sistema Inmunológico se vuelva en Contra


 -  Attacking Ourselves - Top Doctors Reveal Vaccines Turn Our Immune System Against Us


 -  A Vaxxing Question


 -  A War is Against Your Immune System


 -  Baxter Files Swine Flu Vaccine Patent 'AHEAD of Outbreak'

 -  Baxter Vaccine Patent Application US 2009/0060950 A1



 -  Bedrock of Vaccination Theory Crumbles as Science Reveals Antibodies Not Necessary to Fight Viruses


 -  Beware of Covid PCR Testing and the Relentless "Vaccinate Vaccinate Vaccinate" Campaign...


 -  Beware The Walgreens Travel Vaccination Scam



 -  Big Pharma and Corporate Media Team Up for Pro-Vaccine Propaganda


 -  Big Pharma Concocts First Swine Flu Vaccine



 -  Big Pharma Criminality in Vaccines No Longer a 'Conspiracy Theory' - Bribery, Fraud, Price Fixing Now...


 -  Big Pharma to Market its Vaccines with Contrived Emotional Appeal that Utterly Ignores Facts


 -  Bill Gates Admits Vaccines Are Used for Human Depopulation


 -  Bill Gates Dice Que Las Vacunas Pueden Ayudar a Reducir La Población Mundial


 -  Bill Gates 'DTP Vaccine' killed 10 Times more African Girls than the Disease Itself - Study


 -  Bill Gates funded Bioweapons Experiments to spread Bird Flu to Humans


 -  Bill Gates Funding MIT Development of Micro Implants to Automatically Give Babies Vaccines


 -  Bill Gates In Global Push to Vaccinate Every Child On The Planet


 -  Bill Gates Pushing for 7 Billion Mandatory Experimental RNA Injections that Re-program Human Cells


 -  Bill Gates Says Vaccines Can Help Reduce World Population


 -  Bill Gates' Vaccine Crime Record - 496,000 Paralyzed Children in India and More...


  - 'Biofarms' to Integrate Vaccines, Pharmaceuticals into GMO 'Biopharmaceutical' Crops


 -  Chief Executive of GAVI Wants to 'Immunize Every Kid on Earth'


 -  'Código Rojo' Alerta de Vacunas - Otro Engaño Mortal



 -  Cómo Falsificarán el Éxito de la Vacuna - Jon Rappoport


 -  Conejillos de Indias Humanos - España


 -  Could Swine Flu Vaccine Cause Narcolepsy? - Scientists Probe Link Between Drug and Increase in Cases


 -  COVID-19 - La 'Punta de Lanza' para inaugurar una "Nueva Era" de Vacunas de Alto Riesgo y Diseñadas...


 -  COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Assault possible through Food Supply

 -  Cry of The Heart - Stop Hurting The Children - The Medical Terror of Vaccinations


 -  Dangers In The Shots - Components of H1N1 Vaccines - They Are Considered a Biodefense Agents


 -  Daños Por Vacunas y Otros - Crimen Contra la Humanidad


 -  Dear Anti-Vaxxers: Ask yourselves this... Why-oh-why would Bill Gates and Big Government want to Monitor...


 -  Death by Lethal Vaccine Infection



 -  Depopulation and the mRNA Vaccine


 -  Desarrolladores de la 'Vacuna Oxford-AstraZeneca' vinculados al Movimiento Eugenésico del Reino Unido


 -  Despoblación y Vacunas de ARNm


 -  Developers of 'Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine' tied to UK Eugenics Movement


 -  Didn't Vaccines Wipe Out Diseases? - An Untold Truth About Vaccines

 -  Disease vs. Vaccination - Where Does the Risk Really Lie?


 -  Disipando los Mitos de la Vacunación - Una Introducción a las Contradicciones entre la Ciencia Méd...


 -  Dispelling Vaccination Myths - An Introduction to the Contradictions Between Medical Science and...


 -  Doctors around the World issue a 'Dire Warning' - Do NOT Get the Covid Vaccine!


 -  Doctors Express Serious Reservations About Vaccine Safety - HI Legislators Question H1N1 Vaccines


 -  Doctor with Bioweapons Expertise calls Covid-19 Vaccines "Weaponized Medicine"


 -  Does The Vaccine Matter?


 -  Dottore Specialista in Armi Biologiche definisce i Vaccini per il Covid-19 "Medicina Armata"


 -  Dr. Anthony Fauci plotted 'Global Vaccine Action Plan' with Bill Gates before pushing 'COVID Panic Treatments'


 -  Early Hepatitis B Vaccines and the “Man-Made” Origin of HIV/AIDS


 -  El "Estado Médico Profundo" Estadounidense - El Papel del 'Centro de Control de Enfermedades' CDC


 -  El Fraude de la Inyección - No es una Vacuna


 -  El Futuro de las Vacunas


 -  El Mayor Peligro No Es La Gripe... Es La Vacuna


 -  El Mito de las Vacunas - Sus Peligros y Consecuencias


 -  El Plan de Bill Gates para Vacunar al Mundo


 -  Ending Vaccination Humanicide - Medicine Corrupted


 -  Escándalo en la Salud Mundial - ¿Partículas Metálicas en las Vacunas que son Atraídas por el Imán?


 -  Especialistas Médicos Cuestionan La Seguridad De Las Vacunas


 -  Estas Vacunas que Agravan la Enfermedad...


 -  Evidence-Based Vaccinations - A Scientific Look at The Missing Science Behind Flu Season Vaccines


 -  Experimental Covid-19 "Vaccines" and Genocide - UK Medical Doctor


 -  Exposed Secret Vaccine Industry Ties and Military Involvement With Institute of Medicine - Reveals Fatal...


 -  Fake Pandemic Re-Run - Similarities between '1976 Swine Flu' and '2020 COVID'


 -  First Genetically Engineered Flu Vaccine Now on The Market

 -  Five Horrifying Facts about the FDA Vaccine Approval Process


 -  Flu is Not The Biggest Danger... It's The Vaccine!


 -  Flu Vaccination Ban Goes National After Fever, Convulsions in Children


 -  Flu Vaccines Revealed as The Greatest Quackery Ever Pushed in The History of Medicine


 -  Fraude de La Gripe Porcina + Vacuna = Asesinato


 -  Gates Foundation/CFR Propaganda Against 'Anti-Vaccine' Movement Backfires


 -  Gates Foundation Partner Forces Vaccines on Malawian Children at Gunpoint and Arrests Parents


 -  Gates, GAVI, and WHO Administered Fake Malaria Vaccines to Asia, India and Africa


 -  Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Vaccinate a Human


 -  GlaxoSmithKline Lab Fined Over Vaccine Tests That Killed 14 Babies


 -  Global Threat - Gates Foundation gets 'Diplomatic Immunity' in Kenya - 'Big Red Flag'


 -  Governments Attack The Babies


 -  Great Danger Lurking In Flu Shots - Health Risks Far Outweigh Benefits!


 -  HIV Vaccines Cause 50 Percent False Positive Rate in HIV Tests


 -  How 'Covid-19 Vaccine' can Destroy your Immune System


 -  How the Mainstream Media Openly Promotes Chemical Violence against Children


 -  How to Prevent and Treat COVID Jab Injuries


 -  Hydrogel Biosensor - Implantable Nanotech to be used in 'COVID Vaccines'?


 -  I Bambini Vaccinati Hanno da 2 a 5 Malattie in più di Quelli Non Vaccinati


 -  Il Dr. Anthony Fauci ha tracciato il Piano per il Vaccino Globale con Bill Gates prima di spingere "I trattamenti...


 -  Il Vaccino contro il Covid-19 di Astrazeneca cambia Nome


 -  Il Vaccino per il Virus Cinese - Il Pianeta è la Cavia per un vasto Esperimento


 -  'Immuno-Sterilization' In Humans - A 2009 Vaccination Odyssey


 -  Influenza - Comercialización de La Vacuna por Mercadotecnia de La Enfermedad


 -  Influenza - Marketing Vaccine by Marketing Disease - British Medical Journal

 -  Influenza Vaccine Demand - The Chicken and The Egg


 -  Inmunidad Legal Para Los Fabricantes de La Vacuna de La Gripe A


 -  Inoculations - The True Weapons Of Mass Destruction


 -  Introducción a las Vacunas de mRNA - Cómo Funcionan, por qué son "Más Limpias" que las tradicionales y...

 -  Introduction of Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis and Oral Polio Vaccine among Young Infants in an Urban African...


 -  Invisible Microparticles in Food can Deliver Vaccines, Drugs and More...


 -  Is the Epidemic of Sudden Infant Deaths a Medically Induced 'Syndrome'?


 -  I Trucchi che stanno inventando per "Farti Vaccinare"


 -  It's Flu Shot Propaganda Season! - Beware the Big Lies about the Vaccine


 -  It's 'Gene Therapy' Not a Vaccine - With Dr. David Martin


 -  It's Time to Launch an Investigation into the 'Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation' for 'Crimes Against Humanity'


 -  La Agenda de Vacunación - Transhumanismo Implícito


 -  La Epidemia de La Gripe "Española" la Causaron Las Vacunas


 -  La Esterilización con Vacunas de Niños Escolares Mexicanos en 1974 - Elites Quieren Eliminar a los...


 -  La Insistencia de Bill Gates Para Vacunar a Cada Niño en El Planeta


 -  La Investigación de Las Vacunas Está Creando Cepas Virulentas


 -  La Olvidada Historia de las Vacunas de la que Necesita Ser Consciente


 -  Las Alarmantes Tasas de Mortalidad de las Vacunas de ARNm justifican una Acción Urgente


 -  Las Inyecciones Covid-19 mRNA legalmente 'No Son Vacunas'


 -  Las "Vacunas" contra el COVID son 'Experimentos Médicos sobre la Humanidad'


 -  Las "Vacunas" Experimentales de Covid-19 y el Genocidio - Habla Médico del Reino Unido


 -  La Triste Verdad Sobre la Vacuna del Ébola



 -  La Vacuna contra el Covid-19 de AstraZeneca cambia de Nombre


 -  Lessons Vaccinators Refuse to Learn - History Repeats Itself


 -  Look "WHO's" Talking! - Vaccine Scientists confirm Major Safety Problems


 -  Lo que los Medios de Comunicación se Niegan a decir sobre las Vacunas contra el COVID


 -  Los 11 Ingredientes Más Tóxicos en Las Vacunas y Sus Efectos Secundarios


 -  Los Acuerdos de Pfizer Divulgados - 'Buena Razón por la que Pfizer lidió por Ocultar Detalles de Contratos'


 -  Los CCE No Están Legalmente Obligados a Decir la Verdad Acerca de Nada, Incluyendo las Vacunas


 -  Los Gobiernos Occidentales están Esclavizando a la Humanidad a Través de las Vacunas - Putin


 -  Los Niños Vacunados Tienen de 2 a 5 Veces Más Enfermedades que Los No-Vacunados


 -  Mainstream Admits That Vaccines Are Dangerous


 -  Merck Vaccine Fraud Exposed by Two Merck Virologists


 -  Merck Vaccine Scientist Dr. Maurice Hilleman Admitted Presence of SV40, AIDS and Cancer Viruses in...


 -  Mesmerized by Sociopaths - The Subversion of Our Consciences


 -  Mortality Rate of Children 50% Higher With More Vaccine Doses


 -  Most Children Who Catch Measles Were Already Vaccinated - What They Won't Admit About Measles...


 -  mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines are really 'Gene Therapy' and Not Vaccines - Ethicist


 -  mRNA Jabs are an 'Operating System' designed to Program Humans - Moderna Admits


 -  Muerte por Infección Letal de Vacuna


 -  Murdoch and Vaccines - Exposure of Crimes Reveals a Much Larger Story


 -  New Pro-Vaccination 'Study' is Rehash of Pharma Propaganda


 -  No Creerás lo que Planean Hacer con las "Vacunas" para el Covid-19


  - ¿No es que las Vacunas Eliminaron las Enfermedades? - Una Verdad no Contada Acerca de las Vacunas


 -  No Vaccine has Ever Worked as Promised


 -  No Value in Any Influenza Vaccine - Cochrane Collaboration Study


 -  Now Legal Immunity for Swine Flu Vaccine Makers


 -  OCR Frontline Workers Testimonies - Covid-19 Vaccine - VAERS April 2021


 -  Official Transcripts Prove Vaccine Schedules in U.S. and U.K. are Based on Government Lies - 30 Years...


 -  On the Crime of Heresy Against the Vaccine Religion


  - 'Operation Coronavirus' is working Hand-in-Hand with the 'Nanotech Agenda'


 -  Over 500 Deaths Now following mRNA Experimental Injections - The CDC


 -  Over Forty Children Paralyzed by Vaccines in One Village


 -  Pandemic Vaccination - Why You Should Be Concerned


 -  Peligros de las Vacunas e Intereses Encubiertos


 -  Pfizer and Moderna Investors Run for the Exits


 -  Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine - The 'Life-Saving' Drug that Seems to be Killing People


 -  PfizerGate - Official Government Reports thousands of People Dying every Week due to COVID-19 Vaccination


 -  Pharmaceutical Terrorism


 -  Piensa en Esto la Próxima Vez Que te Ofrezcan Una Vacuna


  -¿Porqué Continúan Las Vacunaciones?


 -  Porqué Usted Debe Evitar las Vacunas



 -  Professor Reveals Shocking Report on Flu Vaccinations


 -  Propuesta de Modelo para la Cura del Cáncer y el SIDA


 -  Quadruple-Dose Seasonal Flu "Super" Vaccine Now Being Aggressively Pushed Onto Senior Citizens


  - ¿Qué son los Micro- y Nano-Contaminantes en las Vacunas y porqué hay Dióxido de Titanio en los...

 -  Relative Trends in Hospitalizations and Mortality Among Infants by The Number of Vaccine Doses and Age


 -  Replicon - Big Pharma is preparing the Next Bioweapon


 -  Researchers Develop Vaccine Jab for Newborn Babies Right Out of The Womb


 -  RNA Viruses are Being Exposed as 'Man-Made' and Vaccines are the Carriers Spreading Disease without...


 -  Scientists Attempting to Design 'Self-Spreading' Vaccines that Jump from Vaccinated to Unvaccinated Populations


 -  Scientists Hyping 'Universal' Flu Shot to Perpetuate Vaccine Scam


 -  Se aproxima una Campaña de Miedo para la 'Tripledemia' - Advertencia


 -  Seasonal Flu Vaccines Increase Risk of Pandemic H1N1 Flu - Stunned Scientists Discover


 -  Self-Spreading Vaccines would Deliver All of Humanity into the Hands of Transhumans


 -  Shaken Baby Syndrome - The Vaccination Link



 -  Shaken Baby Syndrome or Adverse Vaccine Reaction?


 -  Shock Vaccine Study Reveals Influenza Vaccines Only Prevent The Flu in 1.5 Out of 100 Adults - Not 60%...


 -  Should You Vaccinate? - The Top 10 Reasons to Never Take a Vaccine


 -  Si Tu Doctor Recomienda Que Vacunes a Tus Hijos, Ofrécele Este Documento Para Su Firma


 -  Sobre las Nuevas "Vacunas" de mRNA


 -  Squalene - The Swine Flu Vaccine's Dirty Little Secret Exposed


 -  Stay Away from Doctors and Their Flu Vaccines - Avoiding Serious Complications from Viral Infections


 -  Studies Demonstrate The More Educated You Are, The Less Chance You Will Vaccinate


 -  Study Verifies That There Is No Value In Any Flu Vaccine - Myths and Facts


 -  Superviruses, Contaminated Vaccines and The Current and Coming Plagues


 -  Swine Flu Vaccine Linked to 900 Percent Increased Risk of Developing Narcolepsy


 -  Swine Flu Vaccine 'Linked to' Sleeping Disorder


 -  Swine Flu Vaccine of 2009 - Unlicensed and Untested


 -  Technocrat Scientists are Working on 'Self-Spreading Vaccines'


  - ¿Tenemos Motivos para Pensar que las Vacunas de Bill Gates podrían tener Agentes Anti-fertilidad?


 -  Te pueden Vacunar con una Prueba de PCR incluso Sin Saberlo - Confirma la Universidad Johns Hopkins


 -  The 11 Most Toxic Vaccine Ingredients and Their Side Effects - Health Basics


 -  The Case Against Immunizations


 -  The CDC Made these Two Radical Changes and 30,000 Diagnoses of Polio Instantly Disappeared


 -  The Complete Failure of HHS to Conduct the Proper Science Required to Demonstrate Vaccine Safety


 -  The Covid-19 Vaccine - Is the Goal Immunity or Depopulation?


 -  The Deadly COVID-19 Vaccine Cover-up


 -  The Flu Vaccine Returns... And It Should Get The Same 'Treatment'


 -  The Forgotten History of Vaccinations You Need to Be Aware Of


 -  The Horrifying Secret Agenda of the UN and WHO - Total Enslavement of Humanity Through a "Global Health...


 -  The Killer H1N1 Vaccine - Canada



 -  The Law Begins to Hammer on Vaccinationists


 -  The Monoclonal Antibody Strategy


 -  The Most Damning Vaccination Study Not Publically Disclosed to Date

 -  The Terror of Pediatric Medicine



 -  The Top Six Reasons why Parents are Choosing Not to Vaccinate their Kids


 -  The Tricks they're playing to 'Get You Vaccinated'

 -  The Truth About Vaccination and Immunization



 -  The United Nations forced to admit 'Gates-funded Vaccine' is causing 'Polio Outbreak' in Africa


 -  The Vaccination Agenda - Implicit Transhumanism


 -  The Vaccination Policy and The Code of Practice of The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization


 -  The Vaccine Experiment - In The Service of Good


 -  The Vaccine Hoax is Over - Secret Documents Reveal Shocking Truth


 -  The Vaccine Industry's Biggest Threat? - The Science of Wild Oregano Oil and the Diseases it Can Kill


 -  The Vaccines, The Plunder and the Arrival of 'The Great Reset'


 -  The WHO's trumpeting of 'Cancer Vaccines' is a Smokescreen...!


 -  Thousands of Americans Died From H1N1 Even After Receiving Vaccine Shots


 -  Tortugas hasta el Fondo - Ciencia y Mitos de las Vacunas


 -  Transverse Myelitis - Mysterious Illness caused during 'COVID-19 Vaccine Trials' may lead to Paralysis


 -  UK Health Officials Probe Possible Flu Jab Link to Narcolepsy in Children


 -  Un Médico con Experiencia en Armas Biológicas dice que las Vacunas Covid-19 son "Medicina Armamentizada"


 -  Un Nuevo Informe arroja luz sobre el Culto Apocalíptico de las Vacunas


 -  Un Nuevo y Gigantesco Escándalo de Vacunas Expone las Mentiras y las Operaciones Psicológicas del...

 -  Unvaccinated Children are Healthier

 -  Unvaccinated Children are the 'Healthiest Children I Have Ever Seen' - Dr. Lawrence Palevsky Testimony


 -  Unvaccinated Children Far Less Prone to Allergies and Disease Than Vaccinated Children - Study


 -  U.S. Government Panel Now Pushing "Vaccinations For All!" - No Exceptions


 -  Vaccinated Children "Significantly Less Healthy" than Unvaccinated Children - Study


 -  Vaccinated Kids Have 2 to 5 Times More Diseases Than Unvaccinated Ones


 -  Vaccination Quackery Appears in Plain Sight


 -  Vaccinations - Adverse Reactions Cover-Up? - from 'Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries'


 -  Vaccinations Inevitably Cause Autoimmune Diseases - PLoS Study


 -  Vaccination - The Silent Genocide


 -  Vaccination - Vatican's Medical Inquisition Revealed at Last! - Vaccination Came From the Vatican via...

 -  Vaccine Adverse Reactions Incidence - EMEA Document Reveals That Were Very Common in...


 -  Vaccine Billionaires and Human Guinea Pigs


 -  Vaccine Companies Investigated for Manslaughter



 -  Vaccine Damages Are No One's Illusion



 -  Vaccine Dangers and Vested Interests



 -  Vaccine for the China Virus - The Planet is the Guinea Pig for a Vast Experiment


 -  Vaccine-Induced Disease now a Top Global Health Threat for 2019 and Beyond


 -  Vaccine Ingredients - Formaldehyde, Aspartame, Mercury, etc...


 -  Vaccine Magic - The Grand Finale


 -  Vaccine Passports - One Passport to Rule Them All



 -  Vaccine Research Creating Virulent Strains


   -  Vaccines and Covid-19 - Gene Therapy - Main File

 -  Vaccines and Production of Negative Genetic Changes in Humans


 -  Vaccines - An Ideal Covert-Operation to Genetically Re-Engineer Humans


 -  Vaccines Are One Big Experiment Causing Hundreds of Diseases in The Modern World


 -  Vaccines Did Not Save Us - 2 Centuries of Official Statistics


 -  Vaccines for Deadly Malaria Create Even More Virulent Malaria - PLoS Study

 -  Vaccines - Get The Full Story - Doctors, Nurses and Scientists on Protecting Your Child and Yourself


 -  Vaccines Linked to Childhood Cancers


 -  Vaccines Lower Immunity


 -  Vaccines Not Responsible for Halting Infectious Diseases of 20th Century - A Real History


 -  Vaccines Reduce Natural Immunity


 -  Vaccini - Continua La Storia Completa - Medici, Infermieri e Scienziati Che Proteggono Vostro Figlio e Voi...


 -  Vacunación - El Genocidio Silencioso


 - ¿Vacunación Forzada Inconsciente a través de la Comida?


 -  Vacunación - La Verdad Oculta


 -  Vacuna contra el Covid-19 desarrollada por un Laboratorio Peruano aún No se ha Probado en Humanos


 -  Vacunas de La Gripe Estacional Incrementan el Riesgo de La Gripe Pandémica H1N1 - Asombrados...


 -  Vacunas - La Historia Completa - Médicos, Enfermeras y Científicos Protegiendo a Su Hijo y a Ud. Misma


 -  Vacunas - Una Operación-Encubierta Ideal para Manipular Humanos Genéticamente


 -  Vacunas y Covid-19 - Terapia Genética - Main File


 -  Vacunas y la Producción de Cambios Genéticos Negativos en Humanos


 -  Video Emerges where 'Fauci and Others' planned for a "Universal mRNA Flu Vaccine"


 -  Western Governments are Enslaving Humanity through Vaccines - Putin


 -  What are Micro- and Nanocontaminants Doing in Vaccines and Why is Titanium Dioxide in Food?


 -  What Caused More Suffering and Deaths Than any Other Human Activity in The History of Medical...


 -  What happens if 'Something Goes Wrong' after You receive a COVID Vaccine?


 -  What makes All Vaccines so Dangerous?


 -  What the Media Refuses to Tell You About COVID Vaccines


 -  What's in a Vaccine?


 -  What's Really in Vaccines? - Proof of MSG, Formaldehyde, Aluminum and Mercury


 -  Why Big Pharma wants 'Human Vaccine Factories'


 -  Why Vaccination Continues



 -  Why You Should Avoid Taking Vaccines



 -  Will new COVID Vaccine make You 'Transhuman'?


 -  You can be Vaccinated with a PCR Test even Without Knowing - Johns Hopkins University confirms

 -  You'll Be Transhuman Whether You Like It Or Not


Additional Information



 -  1,200 Who Had Anthrax Vaccine Now 'Seriously' Ill



 -  3,964 Dead and 162,610 Injuries - European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 "Vaccines"


 -  3.964 Morti e 162.610 Danneggiati - Database Europeo delle Reazioni Avverse di Medicine per i 'Vaccini' COVID


 -  Acusan a La OMS y a Obama de Bioterrorismo Por La Gripe Porcina


 -  Aerial Spraying Effectively Reduces Incidence of West Nile Virus in Humans


 -  AIDS Vaccines Stop Working After a Few Months - Shocked Researchers Discover


 -  All About Chelation



 -  An Unauthorized History of the 'WHO' - Ignored Warnings...


 -  Are Populations Being Primed For Nano-Microchips Inside Vaccines?


 -  Australia Determined to Forcibly Vaccinate by Intentional and Controlled Release of Aerosolized GMO...


 -  Autovacuna Para Curar El Cáncer - La Vacuna Contra El Cáncer de Seno, Colon y Estómago


 -  Baylor College Of Medicine Smallpox Vaccine Test Results


 -  Bill Deagle About Influenza H1N1



 -  Bill Gates advances 'Plan to Vaccinate Public without Consent'


 -  Bill Gates Awards Researchers for Development of Electrically Spun Cloth Whose Fibers Deliver...


 -  Bill Gates Buys Positive Press Spin on Vaccines and GMOs


 -  Bill Gates Funds Covert Vaccine Nanotechnology



 -  Bill Gates Says Global Vaccination Program is "God's Work"


 -  Bioterrorism - WHO and What is The Threat?


 -  Confidential to Regulatory Authorities - Combined Diphtheria, Tetanus and Acellular Pertussis...

 -  Conflicts of Interest in Vaccine Safety Research

 -  Connecting The Dots - Parallels Between GMOs and Vaccines


 -  Coronavirus 'Disappearing' so Fast that Oxford Vaccine has 'only 50% Chance of Working'


 -  Coronavirus has Mutated into at least 30 Strains


 -  Criminal Charges to Be Filed Against Dr M. Chan and WHO for Mass Murder


 -  Cuando un Gobierno Miente - Nuevo Reporte Revela que los Datos de Seguridad sobre Vacunas es...


 -  DARPA Blue Angel Project to Develop a Vaccine Surge Capacity for Flu Viruses


 -  DARPA's Blue Angel - Pentagon Prepares Millions of Vaccines Against Future Global Flu‏

 -  Dendrimer-RNA Nanoparticles Generate Protective Immunity Against Lethal Ebola, H1N1 influenza, and...


 -  Denuncia Penal Contra 'Ayudantes' de La OMS - Vacunación Forzada


 -  Desaparecido Activista Ruso Que Denuncia Programa de Eugenesia en Vacunas


 -  Doctors Split on Vaccine Strategy to Shield Babies



 -  Does Virus Vaccine Increase The Risk of Cancer? - German Health Expert's Swine Flu Warning


 -  El Cártel Médico Actúa al Servicio del Nuevo Orden Mundial - Obedece a La Nueva Religión


 -  El Fin de La Pandemia de Gripe A


 -  El Silencio de los Genes


 -  Endogenous Viruses


 -  Engineered Viruses Created in Government Labs Validate Mass Vaccinations


 -  Engineers Design Programmable RNA Vaccines - Tests in Mice Show they Work Against Ebola, Influenza...


 -  Essentials of Natural Chelation


 -  Evidence Emerges that Measles Outbreaks are Deliberately Encouraged by Big Pharma to Ignite Vaccine...


 -  Fear Mongering on Bird Flu - Deaths Overstated More Than 238,866 Times The Reality

 -  Fertility Impairing Vaccine and Method of Use


 -  First Results of Phase 3 Trial of RTS, S/AS01 Malaria Vaccine in African Children


 -  Flu 'Epidemic' Numbers Don't Add Up - Vaccine Scare Tactics Strike Again


  - 'Flying Syringe' Mosquitoes Get Bill Gates Funding



 -  Four Different Approaches for Preventing and Healing Vaccine Injuries


 -  From Armageddon to 'Pharmageddon'


 -  Gates Foundation Funds Surveillance of Anti-Vaccine Groups


 -  Good News for Children - Vaccination Opt-Outs on The Rise


 -  Governments launch Cyber Warfare against Citizenry to overcome 'Vaccine Hesitancy'


 -  Guess Who Owns BioPort - The Only US Anthrax Vaccine Producer?


 -  H1N1 Swine Flu "National Emergency" Warning!


 -  H1N1 Vaccine Linked to 700 Percent Increase in Miscarriages


 -  H1N1 Vaccine Liquidation Sale Now On - Hurry While Supplies Last!

 -  HHS Vaccine Safety Responsibilities and Notice Pursuant to 42 U.S.C.


 -  Historical Data Shows Vaccines Are Not What Saved Us


 -  Historical Facts Exposing The Dangers and Ineffectiveness of Vaccines


 -  HIV Vaccine - Experiment to Re-engineer The Human Immune System


 -  How Bill Gates monopolized Global Health


 -  Incremento de Prevalencia de ETS en medio de Preocupaciones sobre Creciente Resistencia a Antibióticos


 -  Interview With a Former Vaccine Manufacturing Employee


 -  Investigation Panel Concludes U.S. government Conspired With Doctors to Commit Murderous Medical...

 -  Is HIV a Virus-Like Form of Acid-Fast Tuberculosis-Yype Bacteria?


 -  Johnson & Johnson to have 1 Million Experimental Ebola Vaccines Ready in 2015


 -  Journalist Files Charges Against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder


 -  Journalistin erstattet Anzeige gegen WHO und UN wegen Bioterrorismus und der Absicht des...


 -  La Gripe H1N1 - Una Fabulosa Estafa Planetaria



 -  La Nueva Era en Inoculación Es a Través de Vacunas Aéreas y Sistemas de Nano-Tecnologia


 -  La OMS Re-escribe la definición de "Inmunidad de Rebaño" para impulsar la "Vacuna-Covid"


 -  Las Vacunas Prevendrán La Inclinación Hacia La 'Espiritualidad' - ¿El Futuro?


 -  La Vacuna Cubana contra el Cáncer Pulmonar que Cuesta $1


 -  Leaked United Nations Report Claims Swine Flu Could "Kill Millions" and Cause "Anarchy" in Poor Nations


 -  Legal Action You Can Take Against Forced Vaccinations - Opinion


 -  Los Enfrentamientos con La Locura Médica del Mercurio


 -  Martial Law and The Militarization of Public Health - The Worldwide H1N1 Flu Vaccination Program


 -  Martial Law Shakes Hands With The U.S. Vaccine Program


 -  Mas de 98 Millones de Personas Fueron Vacunadas por Error con Un Virus que Produce Cáncer


 -  Media Pushes 'Success' of Experimental GSK Malaria Vaccine While Ignoring Deadly Side Effects


 -  Microsoft Buys Eugenics Technology From Merck - Becomes Drug Development Partner With Top Global...


 -  Mosquitos Usados Como "Jeringas Voladoras" Reciben Financiación de Bill Gates

 -  New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines - Micro- and Nanocontamination


 -  Non Abbiamo Bisogno di "Nessun Vaccino Disgustoso" per il Covid 19


 -  No Necesitamos 'Ningún Tipo de Vacuna' contra el Covid-19


 -  Obama Administration Launches Deceptive Swine Flu Propaganda Blitz - To Counter Growing Criticism...


 -  Pandemic and Erosion of Freedoms' have been Decades in the Making - A Timeline


 -  Panic Propaganda - It's what Government and Mainstream Media Do Best


 -  Patopráctica de Confrontación Contra La Vacunación Forzosa de La 'Doctadura'


 -  Peaceful Revolution - Push Back, Refuse, Non-Cooperation


 - ¿Porqué 'Médicos Sin Fronteras' ha Rechazado 1 Millón de Vacunas Gratuitas contra la Neumonía?

 -  Predicting Post-Vaccination Autoimmunity - Who Might Be at risk?


 -  Prevention and Treatment of Vaccine Damages



 -  Profitable Depopulation Plot Links JP Morgan-Chase and Goldman Sachs To Vaccination Contaminations...

 -  Probable 2009 A-H1N1 Flu Shot Related Fetal Losses


 -  Proyecto Mechnikov - Laboratorio Latinoamericano de Biotecnología - Una Oportunidad para America Latina


 -  Revealing Interview with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Author of "Saying No to Vaccines"


 -  SARS - A Great Global SCAM



 -  Se Ha Probado Que La Vitamina D es Mucho Mejor Para La Prevención de Infecciones de Gripe

 -  Self-Organized Criticality Theory of Autoimmunity


 -  Shameless Flu Shot Pushers Use Strip Clubs to Entice People Into Medically Useless Vaccinations


 -  Silver Hydrosol "Nanotechnology" Attacked - NanoScam Earns Mega-Profits - Environmental Groups...


 -  Squalene - The Swine Flu Vaccine's Dirty Little Secret Exposed


 -  Startling New Evidence That The 'Swine Flu' Pandemic Is Man-Made - Novartis Patent Detailed And Mass...


 -  STD Prevalence Skyrockets amid Concerns over Growing Antibiotic-Resistance


 -  Supreme Court and Pharmaceutical Terrorism


 -  Swine Flu Latest - The Legal Moves - A Summary


 -  Swine Flu Pandemic Was a Hoax - Investigation Chief Says


 -  Swine Flu Peaks Out Before Vaccines Even Make It Into Widespread Distribution


 -  Ten Swine Flu Lies Told by The Mainstream Media


 -  The CIA and The West Nile Virus



 -  The CIA's Role in The Anthrax Mailings - Could Our Spies be Agents for Military-Industrial Sabotage...


 -  The Cuban Lung Cancer Vaccine that Cost $1

 -  The Evolution of Adaptive Immune Systems


 -  The Grand Merger of 'Big Tech' and 'Big Pharma' - It's About the Data


 -  The Hadwen Documents - A Case Against Vaccination


 -  The Ingredients of Traditional Vaccines

 -  The Jordan Report - Accelerated Development of Vaccines 2012


 -  The Martial Flu - U.S. Pandemic Laws Align with International Health Regulations


 -  The Medical Cartel is "A Compliance Arm" of the New World Order - Australia, Mandatory Vaccines and...


 -  The New Age of Inoculation Is Aerial Vaccines and Nano Delivery Systems


 -  The Pandemic Virus is Not Only Lab-Created... it Is PATENTED! - VERITY And ORACLE - The PROMIS...

 -  The Present Status of Polio Vaccines - The Ratner Report


 -  The Strange Case of Joseph Moshe - The Swine Flu Global Eugenics Program


 -  The WHO and Big Pharma - Building a Permanent Pandemic Market


 -  The WHO is Pursuing Aggressive Vaccine Production


 -  Total Health Tyranny - The Year's Biggest Story No One is Talking About


 -  Three Vaccines at Once - U.K Government Proposes a "Super Vaccination" Day For Babies


 -  Una Reflexión y Una Propuesta en Relación a La Gripe H1N1


 -  Understand The Reason Why Aluminum Is in Our Vaccines


 -  UNICEF Using African Refugee Crisis to Target 300,000 Kenyan Children for Vaccination


 -  Urgent Lawsuit Filed Against FDA to Halt Swine Flu Vaccines - FDA Violated Federal Law


 -  Vaccination Agenda - An Implicit Transhumanism/Dehumanism


 -  Vaccinations Will Prevent The Inclination Towards Spirituality - The Future?


 -  Vaccine Inventor and Genetic Engineer Jokes About Depopulation and Biological Warfare


 -  Vaccine Philosophical Exemptions - A Moral and Ethical Imperative


 -  Vaccine Revolt! - Swine Flu Vaccine Support Crumbles as Flimsy Rationale for H1N1 Shots Becomes...


 -  Vaccines are Pushing Pathogens to Evolve


 -  Vacunas y Nanoides


 -  Vitamin D Proven Far Better Than Vaccines at Preventing Influenza Infections


 -  Want to Keep Your Baby Healthy? - Stay Away From Pediatricians...


 -  We Don't Need 'No Stinking Vaccine' for Covid-19


 -  When a Government Lies - New Report Reveals Vaccine Safety Data Deliberately Suppressed


 -  WHO Changes definition of "Herd Immunity" to eliminate Pre-COVID Consensus


 -  WHO List Reveals Flu Advisors With Financial Ties to Pharma, Vaccine Manufacturers


 -  WHO Murdered Africa? - The Creation of the AIDS Virus by the World Health Organization


 -  Why Vaccines Aren't Paleo



 -  Why We May Need Viruses More than Vaccines



 -  World Health Organization Scandal Exposed - Advisors Received Kickbacks From H1N1 Vaccine...


 -  World Health Organization to Tax Your Internet Usage to Fund Vaccines in Third-World Countries





 -  Adverse Effects of Adjuvants in Vaccines



 -  A Glimpse Into The Scary World of Vaccine Adjuvants


 -  Changing TH1/TH2 Balance in Split Influenza Vaccines With Adjuvants - Novartis US Patent 20090047353A1

 -  Do Aluminum Vaccine Adjuvants contribute to the Rising Prevalence of Autism?


 -  Oil from Petroleum Used as Vaccine Adjuvant


 -  Mechanisms of Aluminum Adjuvant Toxicity and Autoimmunity in Pediatric Populations

 -  Microglia Emerge as Central Players in Brain Disease


 -  Scientists Discover Huge Amounts of Aluminum in the Brains of Deceased Autistic People


CDC and Vaccines


 -  80,000 Flu Deaths Last Season? - Why the CDC's Claim is Not Credible


 -  Assessore del Panello CDC Dichiara che I Bambini Piccoli Devono Essere Vaccinati Contro l'VPH...


 -  CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Received Polio Vaccine Contaminated With Cancer Virus


 -  CDC Advisory Panel Declares That Young Boys Should Be Vaccinated Against HPV, Cervical Cancer


 -  CDC and CIA - A Close and Sick Relationship


 -  CDC and Doctors Push Unproven Vaccine 'Cocooning' Scheme Hatched From Pseudoscientific Quackery


 -  CDC Autism/Vaccine Cover-Up Extends to Media and Journals


 -  CDC Buried Data Showing Vaccines Increase Risk of Autism by 340% - Whistleblower Goes Public


 -  CDC Deliberately Manipulated, Covered-Up Scientific Data Showing Link Between Vaccines With Mercury...


 -  CDC Not Legally Required to Tell the Truth About Anything, Including Vaccines


 -  CDC Now Calling U.S. Households and Demanding Child Immunization Records as Part of Vaccine...


 -  CDC Researchers Say Mothers Should Stop Breastfeeding to Boost 'Efficacy' of Vaccines


 -  CDC Vaccine Scientist Who Downplayed Links to Autism Indicted by DOJ in Alleged Fraud Scheme


 -  How the CDC Uses Fear Marketing to Increase Demand for Flu Vaccines


 -  In Latest Vaccine Marketing Fraud, CDC says Gardasil Shots Should Be 'Routine' for Boys

 -  Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccination Timing and Autism Among Young African American Boys


 -  Scientific Journal Censors Brian Hooker's Analysis of CDC Vaccine Data - The Church of Science...


 -  The CDC Has Known All Along How Dangerous Vaccines Are - And Has Covered It Up...


 -  The CDC Votes in Favor of A Flu Vaccination Assault on Americans' Health


 -  Ultima Frode di Mercato per i Vaccini - La CDC Dice Che I Vaccini Gardasil Dovrebbero Essere di...


 -  Ultimo Fraude de Mercadeo de Vacunas - La CDC Dice Que Las Vacunas Gardasil Deberían Ser...


 -  Vaccination Rates Fall Among Better Educated Families Even While CDC Keeps Pushing Vaccine Quack...


Dr. Andrew Wakefield


 -  British Medical Journal Admits That Fraud Claim Against Dr. Andrew Wakefield Has No Basis In Fact


 -  International Medical Council on Vaccination Refutes Vaccine Propaganda With Myth-Busting Report


 -  Murdoch Tabloids Strike Dr. Wakefield to Market Deadly Vaccinations


 -  The Tyranny of Government "Protection"


 -  Dr Andrew Wakefield Answers Critics in Video Interview

 -  Dr Andrew Wakefield Speaks on The Structure of Scientific Revolutions


Gardasil - HPV Vaccine


 -  Aluminum Adjuvants and the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine Gardasil - Behavioral Abnormalities in...


 -  Assessore del Panello CDC Dichiara che I Bambini Piccoli Devono Essere Vaccinati Contro l'VPH, Cancro...

 -  Betrayal of Public Trust and Institutional Corruption - Vaccine Safety Ratings and Vaccine Science Falsified


 -  CDC Advisory Panel Declares That Young Boys Should Be Vaccinated Against HPV, Cervical Cancer

 -  Current status of Human Papillomavirus Vaccination in India's Cervical Cancer Prevention Efforts


 -  Deadly Vaccines - Perry Lies Again About Texas Gardasil Scandal - Claims Woman He Met After Signing...


 -  Dr. Russell Blaylock Exposes Criminal Fraud of Gardasil, HPV Vaccinations


 -  El Virus del Papiloma Humano es Herencia del Cruce con Neandertales y Denisovanos - Según un Estudio


 -  Fragmentos de ADN Extraño y Otras Sustancias de Las Vacunaciones en Niños Enfermos, Discap...


 -  Fragments of Foreign DNA and Other Substances From Vaccinations Found in Sick, Disabled and Dying...


 -  Gardasil - Don't Cry for Me Argentina - I Have Come to Kill Thousands of Your Girls


 -  Gardasil HPV Vaccines Found Contaminated With Recombinant DNA That Persists in Human Blood


 -  Global Mercury-Ban Misses Numerous Mercury-Containing Products


 -  Gran Escándalo en Dinamarca por la Vacuna HPV Gardasil


 -  How Bill Gates and Big Pharma used Children as "Guinea Pigs"... and Got Away with It


 -  HPV Vaccine Blamed for Teen's Paralysis


 -  HPV Vaccine Gardasil Firestorm in Denmark


 -  In Latest Vaccine Marketing Fraud, CDC says Gardasil Shots Should Be 'Routine' for Boys


 -  Japan Leading the World in Exposing Fraud with 'Gardasil HPV Vaccine' Injuries and Deaths


 -  Jerry Brown Legalizes 12-Year-Old Children Giving 'Consent' to Gardasil Vaccine Injections - But Bans...


 -  Leslie Carol Botha Exposes HPV Vaccines' Fraudulent Claims



 -  Merck's Former Doctor Predicts Gardasil to Become the Greatest Medical Scandal of All Time

 -  On the Relationship Between Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine and Autoimmune Disease


 -  The Five Things You Really Need to Know About HPV Vaccines


 -  The Great HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) Vaccine Hoax Exposed


 -  The Many Stunning Facts They Don't Want You to Know About Gardasil and HPV Vaccines


 -  Ultima Frode di Mercato per i Vaccini - La CDC Dice Che I Vaccini Gardasil Dovrebbero Essere di Routine...


 -  United Nations and Bill Gates Foundation Push Deadly HPV Shots on Poor Nations Under 'GAVI Alliance'


 -  Unveiling The Culprit - Is Foreign DNA Contamination The Autistic Villain Behind Biologic Vaccine Injuries?


Polio Vaccine



 -  Después de Todo, Las Vacunas No Curaron la Poliomielitis


 -  Humo, Espejos y la 'Desaparición' de La Poliomelitis


 -  La OMS Utilizará Vacunas Contra La Polio Para Despoblar Naciones Subdesarrolladas


 -  Polio Vaccines and the Origin of AIDS - from 'Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries'


 -  Seven Trivia Facts About Polio - The Myth that Vaccines Are Responsible for Eradicating Disease


 -  Smoke, Mirrors, and The 'Disappearance' of Polio



 -  Sobre El Dalai Lama y Las Vacunas


 -  Untested Vaccines Causing New Wave of Polio-Like Paralysis Across India - The Bill and Melinda Gates...


 -  Vaccines Didn't Cure Polio After All?



 -  WHO Will Use Polio Vaccines to Depopulate Underdeveloped Nations

  Vaccines and Autism  

MMR Vaccines:



 -  Autism Epidemic - Is Foreign DNA in MMR II Vaccine Responsible?


 -  Brote de Parotiditis en Harvard… El 99% de los Afectados estaban Vacunados


 -  Bush Asks Court To Seal MMR Vaccine Records



 -  CDC and CIA - A Close and Sick Relationship


 -  CDC Buried Data Showing Vaccines Increase Risk of Autism by 340% - Whistleblower Goes Public


 -  First Study on 'Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Children' Pulled from Web


 -  Informe de Reacciones Adversas del Instituto de Medicina Admite Que Las Vacunas SPR Causan...


 -  Institute of Medicine Adverse Reactions Report Admits MMR Vaccines Cause Health Problems - Measles...


 -  Is The Autism Epidemic Linked to Foreign DNA Particles in The MMR II Vaccine?


 -  JCVI Knew MMR Vaccine Was Capable of Causing Brain Damage

 -  Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccination Timing and Autism Among Young African American Boys


 -  New Study Claims Autistic Boys' Brain Size Clears MMR It Actually Implicates All Vaccines


 -  Prestigioso Medico Denuncia la Relación entre la Vacuna Triple Vírica y el Autismo


 -  Rise in Autism Rates go Hand-in-Hand with Increased Vaccinations


 -  VAXXED - ¿Como Amenazó la Mafia Farmacéutica a Robert De Niro?


 -  Are MMR Vaccines Dangerous for Children? - Dr Suzanne Humphries Urges Parents to Get Informed

 -  Do Vaccines Cause Autism?


 -  Vaxxed - Del Encubrimiento a la Catástrofe - Nueva Película sobre las Vacunas a Estrenarse por Tribeca

 -  Vaxxed - From Cover-up to Catastrophe - New Vaccines Film to Premiere at the Tribeca Film

 -  Vaxxed II - The People's Truth


The Autism-Mercury-Thimerosal Saga:


 -  4,250% Increase in Fetal Deaths Reported to VAERS After Flu Shot Given to Pregnant Women


 -  American Academy of Pediatrics and Big Pharma Agree - Toxic Mercury in Vaccines Is... 'OK'


 -  Autism and Big Pharma


 -  CDC Deliberately Manipulated, Covered-Up Scientific Data Showing Link Between Vaccines With Mercury...


 -  CDC Vaccine Scientist Who Downplayed Links to Autism Indicted by DOJ in Alleged Fraud Scheme


 -  El Gran Encubrimiento del Mercurio (Thimerosal) en Las Vacunas


 -  Global Mercury-Ban Misses Numerous Mercury-Containing Products

 -  Integrating Experimental Neurotoxicity Studies of Low-dose Thimerosal Relevant to Vaccines


 -  Mercury Contamination and The Flu


 -  Mercury Exposure Makes People Go Nuts


 -  Mercury in The Environment - Implications for Pediatricians - Technical Report


 -  Pediatricians Want to Keep Thimerosal in Vaccines Despite Health Risks


 -  Pediatrics Association Fights Against Thimerosal Mercury Vaccine Ban


 -  Scandal Exposed in Mercury-Autism Study


 -  String The Bastards Up - Thimerosal in Vaccines


 -  Swine Flu Madness


 -  Swine Flu Vaccine Causes Chronic Nervous System Disorders - Conclusive Link Now Admitted


 -  The Great Thimerosal (Mercury) Vaccine Cover-Up


 -  Thimerosal and The Occurrence of Autism - Negative Ecological Evidence from Danish Population-Based...


 -  Too Many Shots - from "Profit Driven Swine Flu Propaganda"


 -  U.S. Free Press Freezes about Italian Court Ruling that Vaccines Cause Autism


 -  Vaccination Rates Drop in Wealthier Kids - The Autism Rumors Take a Toll


 -  Vaccine Bombshell - Baby Monkeys Develop Autism Symptoms After Obtaining Doses of Popular Vaccines


 -  Vaccines - from "The Atlantean Conspiracy - Exposing the Illuminati from Atlantis to 2012"


 -  Autism Made in The USA


 -  Mercury, Autism and the Global Vaccine Agenda


 -  Vaccines and Childhood Illnesses - Beyond Thimerosal





 -  Compendio de Estudios de Expertos para Eximir a sus Hijos de las Vacunas


 -  Emerging Viruses - AIDS and Ebola - Nature Accident or Intentional? - by Leonard G. Horowitz

 -  Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated - by Chas.M. Higgins (1920)

 -  Jabbed - How the Vaccine Industry, Medical Establishment, and Government stick it to You... - by Brett Wilcox


 -  Las Vacunas, sus Peligros y Consecuencias - por Andreas Moritz


 -  Marca Roja - Mentiras, Vacunas y Fármacos - por Andrea Santander

 -  Murder by Injection - The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America - by Eustace Mullins

 -  The Medical Mafia - How to Get Out of It and Take Back Our Health and Wealth - by Guylaine Lanctot

 -  The Medical Terror of Vaccinations - Cry of The Heart - Stop Hurting The Children - by Mark Sircus

 -  The Poisoned Needle - Suppressed Facts About Vaccination - by Eleanor McBean - 1957

 -  The Terror of Pediatric Medicine - by the International Medical Veritas Association (IMVA)

 -  Turtles All The Way Down - Vaccine Science and Myth - by Anonymous Aauthor

 -  Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality - by Harris L. Coulter

 -  Vaccine Immunology - by Stanley A. Plotkin, Walter A. Orenstein and Paul A. Offit

 -  Vaccine-Nation - Poisoning the Population One Shot at a Time - by Andreas Moritz

 -  What Really Makes You Ill? - Why Everything you thought... - by Dawn Lester and David Parker




  1976 Swine Flu Propaganda


 -  Advertencia a Toda la Gente a Nivel Mundial sobre la Vacuna para el Coronavirus

 -  Bayer Exposed (Bayer Sells AIDS-Infected Drug)


 -  Big Pharma Assassinations - Humanity vs. Insanity

 -  Bill Gates Admits Vaccines Are Used for Human Depopulation


 -  BioWar - Project Blue Angel - Elite Develop Genetically Engineered Weapons to Eliminate Ethnic and...


 -  Campanas por La Gripe A



 -  Científicos de la OMS Cuestionan la Seguridad de las Vacunas

 -  David and Goliath - Influenza, H1N1 and Jane Bürgermeister


 -  Dra. Carrie Madej - Vacuna COVID-19, Transhumanismo y el Ser Humano Versión 2.0

 -  Dr. Carrie Madej - COVID-19 Vaccine, Transhumanism and Human Ver. 2.0


 -  Entrevista a Rashid Buttar - Covid-19 y el Engaño a Nivel Mundial

 -  Fact Checking the 'Fact Checkers' - Bill Gates, ID2020 and Vaccine Microchips

 -  Flu Vaccine Use to Modify Human Behavior - Leaked Pentagon Video

 -  Forced Vaccinations - A Whistleblower's Clear Warning

 -  Gates, Fauci and Covid-19 - Exposure of a Fake Pandemic, Economy Collapse and Vaccines

 -  H5N1 DNA in Flu Vaccine


 -  If Bill Gates Was President...

 -  Interview with Rashid Buttar - Covid-19 and Global Deceit

 -  Interview with Sherri Tenpenny About Dangers of Vaccines


 -  Jane Burgermeister Sobre La Gripe A o H1N1 - Vacuna Mortal y Gripe Artificial

 -  Jon Rappaport from NoMoreFakeNews Airs Dirty Secrets of The Vaccine Industry

 -  Judy Mikovits - 'Plandemic' and Vaccines


 -  Judy Mikovits - 'Plandêmicos' e Vacinas


 -  Judy Mikovits - 'Plandemic' y las Vacunas


 -  Las Vacunas del Covid-19 - Entrevista a María José Albarracín en Canal 5


 -  La Vacuna - Crimen Sin Resolver



 -  La Vacuna Peruana Covid-19 - Mancomunidad Regional de Los Andes


 -  Médico Italiano Roberto Petrella advierte a la Población: Covid-19

 -  Meet Bill Gates

 -  Merk Drug Company Vaccines Admits Injecting Cancer Viruses

 -  One 'Flu' Over The Cuckoo's Nest - The Vaccine That Contains a LIVE Virus


 -  Operación Pandemia


 -  RFID Bracelet Once You Have Had The US-666 & EU-666 Vaccination

 -  Say No to The Vaccine



 -  Se Bill Gates Fosse Presidente


 -  Secret Deadly Vaccination to Military Personnel


 -  Sherri Tenpenny Warns Parents About Safety of Vaccines

 -  The Dangers of Vaccines


 -  The Greater Good - Vaccines

 -  Vaccination - The Hidden Truth


 -  Vaccine Fraud - Dr. Len Horowitz


 -  Vaccine Health Truth - Tolerance Lost - Dr. Andrew Moulden

 -  Vaccine Nation - Director's Cut - Gary Null


 -  Vaccines - The Most Censored Video on the Web


 -  Vaccines - This Video Could Save Your Life



 -  Vacunación 101, con Ghis (Ghislaine Lanctôt)



 -  Vacunas - El Video mas Censurado de la Red



 -  Vacunación - La Verdad Oculta



 -  Vacunas - El Fraude Letal



 -  Vernon Coleman - Esto no Podría posiblemente Suceder - ¿Verdad?

 -  Vernon Coleman - This Couldn't Possibly Happen - Could it?


External Links



 -  Gary Null on Vaccines



 -  La Vacunación - Una Agresión a la Especie


 -  The Investigations of Leonard G. Horowitz



 -  ThinkTwice Global Vaccine Institute



 -  Tracking Vaccinations for Answers....



 -  Vaccine Risk Awareness Network



 -  Vaccine Website - documentation and intelligent justifications for NOT getting ANY vaccine at ANYTIME


Related Reports



 -  AIDS - Man-Made / SIDA - Main File


 -  Aspartame - Un Dulce y Mortal Engaño - Main File


  Ebola - Global Pandemic or Global Hoax?  - Main File



 -  El Fluor y la Fluorificacion - Otro Asesino Disfrazado de Terapia Saludable? - Main File


 -  Genetically Engineered Organisms - Foods and Others - Main File


 -  Influenza - Virus H1N1 - Unintentional Contamination or Bioterrorism? - Main File


 -  The Coronavirus and the 'Fear Factor'...  - Main File


 -  The Investigations of Leonard G. Horowitz - Main File



 -  The WHO - World 'Health' Organization - Main File


 -  Transhumanism - Main File



 -  Viruses - An Instrument in World Depopulation - Main File


 -  Windows-Microsoft-Bill Gates - Main File