by Deanna Spingola
May 11, 2010
VeracityVoice Website
Deanna Spingola has been a
quilt designer and is the author of two books. She has traveled
extensively teaching and lecturing on her unique methods. She has
always been an avid reader of non-fiction works designed to educate
rather than entertain. She is active in family history research and
lectures on that topic. Currently she is the director of the local
Family History Center. She has a great interest in politics and the
direction of current government policies, particularly as they
relate to the Constitution. Her website is at: www.spingola.com
email: deanna@spingola.com
Deanna Spingola is a regular columnist for Novakeo.com |
The Crisis Route to
the New World Order…
David Rockefeller said,
“All we need is the right major crisis and
the nations will accept the New World Order.”
Rahm Emanuel said,
“You never want a serious crisis to go to
waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think
you could not do before.”
In the
Project for a New American Century
document Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a
New Century we find the following:
“Further, the process of transformation,
even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent
some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor.” [1]
False Flag (choreographed catastrophes) operations have been used for
generations for various motives:
the seizure of additional land and/or
natural/mineral resources (domestic or foreign)
the acquisition of cheap
economic destabilization
the military depopulation of indigenous
the destruction of religious or political ideologies
establishment of political tyranny or a coup d'état (as experienced after
9/11with the establishment of the PATRIOT Act and the Department of Homeland
to assist an allegedly threatened ally
to protect U.S.
citizens living in a foreign country
The foundational factor in the
majority of all false flag operations is the imposition of greater
restrictions on worldwide residential populations in order to implement
internationalism or globalism, formerly known as the utopian New World Order
under the direction of an elite hierarchy.
False flag catastrophes include,
terrorist attacks
assassinations of political leaders
“natural” disasters
industrial “accidents”
armed assaults against citizens (Waco, Ruby Ridge,
Kent State)
economic assaults in the form of economic crashes like 1929 or
more recently the banker bailouts, both massive redistribution scams
prevailing feature in all of these circumstances, whether manmade or
“natural,” is the transference of culpability followed by the government’s
predictable exploitation of any and all circumstances.
False flag operations manipulate individuals, either dupes or well-paid,
skilled operatives - who masquerade as purported enemy aggressors. Aircraft
or ships are either camouflaged to conceal their identity or marked in such
a way as to confuse witnesses. The operation is compartmentally constructed
in such a way that individuals participate in a small part of the venture
without knowing the entire scope of the operation.
After the fact, their
willing but unwary participation might insure their silence.
False flag
operations accelerated after the formation of government intelligence
agencies, like the CIA, again at the behest of private interests with the
ready assistance of the media who introduce false leads to sustain the
preconceived cover story.
A false flag operation where innocent people are
murdered invariably supplies the pretext for a military invasion where even
more killing occurs including unwary U.S. soldiers who believe they are
fighting for their country.
Ambrose Pierce, the satirist, and creator of The Devil’s Dictionary defined
politics as,
“A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles,
the conduct of public affairs for private advantage.” [2]
On January 24, 1898, during a Cuban
insurrection against Spain, the USS Maine arrived at Havana, where
it had been sent to allegedly protect some U.S. citizens living
In reality, U.S. corporations, with about $50
million invested in the production and distribution of Cuban sugar and
tobacco, had concerns about their investments. On February 15, 1898, while
it was docked in Havana Harbor, a devastating explosion sank the ship. The
incident killed 260 Americans. We now know that is was an internal
explosion, not the result of an attack.
However, the citizens were fueled by
warmongers in the print media who pushed the slogan, “Remember the Maine!
hell with Spain.”
Outraged citizens agreed to retaliate and go to war
against Spain because of the incident. Congress, which was wholly controlled
by private interests, declared war on April 25, 1898. Two days later, the
U.S. sent 11,000 occupational troops to the resource-rich Philippines, a
Spanish colony and the real target.
The Filipinos resisted America’s
“liberation” efforts for three years during which several thousand civilians
were slaughtered.
The strategic location of the Philippines would provide
easier access to the riches of Asia, a highly populated area replete with
abundant resources and almost numberless people who had been hoarding and
passing down their gold and treasures for centuries.
With the deceptive establishment of the
privately owned Federal Reserve
printing press by a compromised Congress, large-scale, debt-based warfare
became even more feasible, its costs being shifted to U.S. citizens and
their children and grandchildren.
World War I in Europe was initially
provoked by the assassination of an Austrian Archduke. But that was hardly
an interest to Americans who had to feel some sense of personal outrage in
order to justify U.S. military participation in a foreign war where American
soldiers were likely to be killed. The Lusitania, an armed British passenger
vessel deceptively flew the American flag and carried ammunition from U.S.
companies bound for belligerent Britain.
The ship, described as “live bait”
by Winston Churchill, a Rothschild minion, was deliberately sent into harm’s
way. Her military escort inexplicably withdrew and the ship dramatically
slowed down and abandoned the defensive zigzag pattern of travel. In early
February 1915, the British Admiralty, under the direction of Churchill, had
ordered British merchant ships, like the Lusitania, to ram German submarines
on sight.
The Lusitania, borrowed by the British government and reclassified
as an auxiliary cruiser, was equipped with bases for mounting guns. [3]
Germany was aware of Churchill’s orders by February 15. On April 22,
1915, Germany, through its U.S. Embassy warned Americans not to travel on
British ships in the war zone. They also paid to advertise the warning in
The New York Times on that same day. [4]
The warning was not
printed in the Times until the day of departure. The Germans predictably
attacked on May 7, 1915 and 785 people, including 128 Americans perished,
but it ultimately got the U.S. into World War I.
Lenin said,
“The first World War gave us Russia, while the Second World War
will hand Europe to us.” [5]
For Lenin, a true Marxist, world
revolution was the goal.
World War I followed immediately by the Bolshevik
Revolution subjugated only one country under communist rule, Russia. Lenin’s
Bolshevik party was financed wholly by some of the same international
bankers who instigated the Federal Reserve.
In 1916, Lenin recognized that
war was simply a revolution on a massive scale and professed that the world
would need another war, as one was insufficient. [6]
Before the
Czar’s assassination and the usurpation of Russia’s government, Lenin said,
“After Russia we will take Eastern Europe, then the masses of Asia, then we
will encircle the United States which will be the last bastion of
capitalism. We will not have to attack. It will fall like an overripe fruit
into our hands.” [7]
This would be accomplished through
infiltration, all the while using the Hegelian dialectic of controlled
opposition - as used by Lenin. Control the opposition, the proverbial
right-left cultural division, in order to assure the desired result - total
takeover and communization of the U.S.
Stalin (Iosef Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili), nicknamed Soso, was an agitator,
terrorist and a murderer, along with his Bolshevik comrades. Beginning in
1902, he worked at the Rothschild oil refinery in Batumi.
He probably still
worked for the Rothschilds when he moved to the Baku area in 1907. [8]
“Oil tycoons” made contributions to the Bolsheviks. Berta Nussimbaum, wife
of oil baron, financed Stalin’s communist press. Rothschild’s managing
director, David Landau, personally made regular contributions to Stalin.
David Sagirashvili, a Menshevik, knew Stalin in Baku and claimed he engaged
in routine kidnappings after which he demanded ransom. [9]
Mensheviks, a less violent faction of the Russian revolutionary movement,
emerged in 1904. The word Bolshevism was Russian and would have to be
appropriately changed for each country.
Stalin always favored the more violent approach and ultimately killed
millions, even during peacetime - in the gulags (slave labor camps), and in
the Ukraine where five to ten million were deliberately starved to death
during Stalin’s imposed famine during the winter of 1932-1933.
knowledge of Stalin’s horrific genocidal crimes against humanity, Franklin
D. Roosevelt, a like-minded individual, officially recognized the legitimacy
of the government of the Soviet Union, without Congressional approval.
later enabled the Soviet Union to fully participate in the banker-supported
United Nations, situated on land donated by banker John D. Rockefeller Jr.
whose illustrious family made their millions via Rothschild support.
Roosevelt, whose administration was knowingly filled with Communist
agitators and Soviet spies, did as much to promote communism, even in this
country, as any revolutionary Communist.
Churchill’s estate mortgage was paid off by the “Jewish European
financiers,” known as the Focus Group. Churchill then arranged a meeting
with these bankers and Franklin D. Roosevelt in order to get the U.S. into
war through the back door. [10]
Churchill and Roosevelt monitored
the entire progress of the Japanese as they approached Pearl Harbor. After
months of illegally blockading Japan which totally depended on imports to
survive, the Japanese predictably attacked - all according to Henry L.
Stimson’s strategy. He was a Standard Oil attorney and a member of
Skull and
Bones (appropriately known as the Brotherhood of Death).
The attack on Pearl
Harbor got America into a two-front war - with Japan and her European ally,
Germany. Japan’s assault on Pearl Harbor killed 2,345 U.S. military men and
injured another 1,100 people.
Fortuitously, the U.S. government had already
withdrawn their newer ships and planes to save them from destruction.
Obligatory commissions, some by independent entities, were convened to
investigate. Foreknowledge of the event, if not actual participation, was
verified, but the compromised media deliberately concealed all conclusions
that divulged U.S. government participation.
On April 27, 1961, in an address to newspaper publishers, President
said the following regarding Freemasonry,
“The very word ‘secrecy’ is
repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and
historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret
proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and
unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which
are cited to justify it.”
Kennedy, by his rhetoric and his actions did not
support the nefarious schemes of those who covertly arrange all wars through
their secret society associations and false flag operations.
On June 28,
1961, Kennedy fired CIA Director Allen Dulles, former Wall Street lawyer and
attempted to strip the CIA of all power with NSAM 55 and NSAM 57. [11]
Kennedy was also against Israel’s development of a nuclear weapon. On
October 9, 1997, the Washington Jewish Week reported,
“Israel need not
apologize for the assassination or destruction of those who seek to destroy
it. The first order of business for any country is the protection of its
people.” [12]
That last sentence is a bit duplicitous and
disingenuous, given the support and billions of dollars that the
economically-stressed U.S. has given to Israel at the expense of our own
economic security.
Apparently our politicians have other loyalties. Almost
300 members of Congress signed a declaration reaffirming their commitment to
“the unbreakable bond that exists” between the U.S. and the State of Israel
in a letter to Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton. [13]
Washington warned us,
“Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence… the
jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and
experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of
republican government…
Excessive partiality for one foreign nation and
excessive dislike of another cause those whom they actuate to see danger
only on one side… The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign
nations is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as
little political connection as possible.” [14]
Allen Dulles would later participate on the Warren Commission which
concealed the facts regarding John F. Kennedy’s assassination, a combined
CIA/Mossad operation blamed on a lone gunman who was immediately killed.
astute allegations of Michael Collins Piper in Final Judgment, the Missing
Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy were verified in the Jerusalem Post
on July 25, 2004 by Mordechai Vanunu, a former Israeli nuclear technician
[15] and shift manager at the Negev Nuclear Research Center from
1976 to 1985.
He was troubled by Israel’s nuclear weapons program and their
war strategies. Probably because of his views and activism, he was laid off
from Dimona in 1985 and soon left the country for Sydney, Australia where he
converted to Christianity. In Australia, he revealed Israel’s covert nuclear
program to Peter Hounam of the British press.
On October 5, 1986, a
front-page story appeared in The Sunday Times, “Revealed: the secrets of
Israel’s nuclear arsenal.”
Thereafter, Vanunu was drugged and kidnapped with
the help of Israeli Mossad agent Cheryl Bentov who deceptively befriended
him. He was taken to Israel, tried behind closed doors and sentenced on
February 27, 1988. Vanunu spent eighteen years in prison, eleven of which
were in solitary confinement. He was released on April 21, 2004. [16]
According to satellite images, by February 1991, during the Gulf War, Israel
had fired six to eight rounds of low-yield, miniaturized nuclear weapons
from the Negev desert on Baghdad, 600 miles away. [17]
Following World War II, according to the Rhode Island Freemason Newsletter,
“Lyman Lemnitzer was a military planner,” as was his good friend, Dwight D.
Eisenhower. [18] During Kennedy’s administration, Lemnitzer, a
33rd Degree Freemason and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and others
proffered a document entitled Justification for U.S. Military Intervention
in Cuba, [19] dated March 13, 1962, which recommended a false
flag attack against the U.S. with the blame to be put on Cuba, which would
then justify a retaliatory strike against that country.
Their plan, called
Operation Northwoods, may have originated with President Eisenhower and
might even involve the killing of American citizens, the hijacking of planes
and false arrests. [20]
Per the document,
“We could develop a
Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities
and even in Washington.”
They could target a specific ethnic group who would
be incorrectly vilified as terrorists. [21]
Or, Lemnitzer said,
“We could blow up a U.S. ship in Guantánamo Bay and blame Cuba.”
Further, he
suggested that they could create “casualty lists in U.S. newspapers” to
provoke “national indignation.” [22]
They could paint a CIA plane
to look like a commercial plane and then swap the real plane with a drone.
Lemnitzer wasn’t intending to free the Cuban people who supported Castro,
but rather,
“Forces would assure rapid essential military control of Cuba”
where “continued police action would be required.”
The details of Operation Northwoods, under Operation Mongoose, were concealed for over forty years.
Lemnitzer thought that all of the copies were destroyed.
Kennedy absolutely opposed Operation Northwoods, planned to withdraw troops
from Vietnam, was determined to prevent Israel from becoming a nuclear state
per Kennedy’s “harsh” letter of July 5, 1963 to Prime Minister Levi Eshkol,
[24] and threatened to break up the CIA, an organization wholly
devoted to protecting Wall Street interests.
Elizabeth Forsling Harris, a
public relations executive with CIA connections was in charge of planning
Kennedy’s Dallas motorcade route. [25]
On that fateful day in
Dallas Kennedy, like the Lusitania, was deliberately sent into harm’s way,
security policies were altered and Kennedy’s protective forces were
inexplicably withdrawn and he was brutally assassinated on November 22,
1963, an event which essentially functioned as another political coup. [26]
Operation Northwoods, or other false-flag attacks perpetrated
against America, could now be implemented as regular policy with the able
assistance of the CIA, still intact.
On November 29, 1963, the newly installed President
Lyndon B. Johnson, a
Freemason, [27] convened the Commission on the Assassination of
President Kennedy, known as the Warren Commission from its chairman, Chief
Justice Earl Warren. On September 24, 1964, the Commission presented its
888-page final report which claimed that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.
Commission member, Gerald Ford, also a Freemason, according to declassified
files, admitted that he persuaded the Commission to state that Kennedy’s
back wound was several inches higher than it really was.
Ford and Arlen
Specter, another commission member, promoted the implausible single bullet
theory. [28]
Ford, perhaps as a reward, would be installed as Vice President on December
6, 1973 when Spiro Agnew was ousted over tax issues.
Rockefeller agent,
Henry Kissinger orchestrated Watergate, a media circus that got rid of Nixon
and ultimately politically benefited Kissinger, Ford and Rockefeller. [29]
Hillary Rodham, along with Fred Thompson, Trent Lott,
and Howard Baker,[30] were on the legal staff of the House
Judiciary Committee during the Watergate fiasco to help prepare articles of
impeachment against Nixon. Rodham landed this job right out of law school,
thanks to Ted Kennedy and Burke Marshall. Allegedly, her legal procedures
were ethically flawed. [31] [32]
On August 9, 1974, Ford became
president of the U.S. after Nixon’s resignation. Ford, the unelected
president, unconditionally pardoned Nixon and carried out the banker’s
agenda as every president has done since Johnson took office after Kennedy’s
The USS Maddox was allegedly assaulted by three North Vietnamese torpedo
boats in the Gulf of Tonkin on August 2, 1964, followed by an incident on
August 4, 1964. There were no U.S. casualties in either incident.
President Johnson obtained the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution which was
co-authored by brothers McGeorge and William P. Bundy (both members of
& Bones).
William P. Bundy was the chief architect of the Vietnam War.
[33] At the request of CFR Chairman, David Rockefeller, William Bundy
served as editor or the CFR magazine Foreign Affairs from 1972 to 1984.
Those who arrange all wars propelled the U.S. and her citizens
into an expensive, bloody, devastating, lengthy war against a country that
hadn’t actually attacked us, a fact that was revealed by declassified
documents in 2005.
Author James Bamford states that Lemnitzer advocated
nuclear war in Vietnam. In terms of lives, the war cost the lives of almost
60,000 U.S. citizens and four million Vietnamese and Cambodian (secret
bombing) residents.
The U.S. has found it more expedient and less expensive to train and arm
“local cannon fodder” or “indigenous ethnic or religious groups” to
slaughter each other. The U.S. did this in Vietnam. Green Berets trained the
Montagnards, the people in the southern highlands.
The CIA’s Air America
flew arms and other supplies into the remote
Hmong villages and flew opium
out - “to supply American troops fighting in Vietnam” and the vast
international market. [35]
False flags, including,
the 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty with blame
to be placed on Egypt
the first attack at the World Trade Center
9/11 followed by two U.S. invasions - Afghanistan and Iraq, the
anthrax scare (origin - Fort Detrick),
...the numerous threats and allegedly
failed terrorist attacks,
the Christmas bomber
the Times Square bomb
incident perpetrated by accused bomber Faisal Shahzad, an alleged member of
a British MI6 and the CIA-controlled terrorist organization who, [36]
apparently after extensive training from the Pakistani Taliban, created a
dud bomb incapable of exploding
Consequently, Senators Joe Lieberman and
Scott Brown, along with Representatives Jason Altmire and Charlie Dent want
to pass legislation that would eliminate, without due process, the
citizenship of anyone even suspected of affiliating with a “foreign
terrorist organization” with the exception of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).
The Jewish Defense League (JDL), according to the FBI in
2001, is “a right-wing terrorist group.” Also, according to the FBI, the JDL
has plotted numerous terrorist attacks within the U.S.
The organization,
founded by Rabbi Meir Kahane, is no longer categorized as a terrorist
organization. So, apparently, U.S. citizens, some with duel citizenship,
involved with either the IDF or the JDL will not have to forfeit their U.S.
Another person who purportedly went off the deep end and perpetrated a
massacre at Fort Hood, Texas on November 6, 2009 similar to Columbine (April
20, 1999).
Other questionable catastrophes, not currently categorized as
false flag events, still provide the exploitive circumstances for the
imposition of tyrannical legislation and regulations.
For as Rahm Emanuel
“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by
that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”
These catastrophes include:
The US Airways Flight 1549 being ditched in the
Hudson River adjacent Manhattan, New York City, on January 15, 2009.
President Lech Kaczynski, along with numerous other opposition party
officials, died in a mysterious plane crash in Smolensk, Russia on April 10,
This “accident” probably had more to do with Kaczynski’s opposition to
a $100 billion dollar contract with Russia’s Gazprom Gas deal than with
problematic weather.
It would have made Poland 100% dependent on Russian gas
for the next 28 years. [38] See the remarkable digital
enhancement of the amateur plane crash site footage:
There was the 9.0 earthquake that struck the Indian Ocean region on December
26, 2004 with the resultant tsunami which killed approximately a quarter of
a million people.
Americans and their European allies were immediately aware
of this earthquake due to location of various seismic stations and
satellites. The officials, including those at one of those bases, Diego
Garcia failed to notify the predominantly Muslim countries in the path of
tsunami. [39]
Diego Garcia, the U.S. military base in the Indian
Ocean, from which the U.S. stages bombing assaults in the Middle East, which
was directly in the path of the tsunami experienced no apparent damage. [40]
Then there was the cataclysmic earthquake on just half of an
island-oil-rich Haiti, followed by militarized aid. In other words,
selective assistance to the survivors based on their obedience.
Rhetoric about the Times Square bomber has preempted the more devastating
news about Deepwater Horizon, owned by Transocean Limited, the world’s
largest offshore drilling contractor, and leased to BP, which caught fire on
April 20, and exploded killing 11 people. It was insured for $560 million.
This crisis resulted in the worst oil spill in history
- 5,000
barrels of oil spilling into the sea each day. [42]
The Rothschilds own a
controlling share of the BP stock. BP, despite an egregious safety record,
got an exemption and a cap on damages from the National Environmental Policy
Act rules on April 6, 2009 and then lobbied to expand those exemptions just
eleven days before the explosion. [43]
BP, according to a law
passed after the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill limits cleanup costs liability to
no more than $75 million although legislation is being introduced to
increase liability to $10 billion, retroactively. [44]
BP is also
responsible for the biggest oil spill ever to occur on Alaska’s North Slope.
The Rothschilds, by lending money for Halliburton’s clean-up
operations will make profits. The failed cement casing had been installed by
Halliburton and this is the second time within a year that a Halliburton
casing has catastrophically failed on an oilrig.
As if Katrina, which hit the Gulf Coast the end of August 2005, didn’t do
enough economic damage and forced relocation of residents in the gulf coast
states, this oil spill only furthers the devastation. Louisiana’s fishing
industry, according to Business Week, has a retail value of $1.8 billion
while others claim it is even higher.
Louisiana supplies a third of the
nation’s oysters and a quarter of all its seafood. The industry employs some
90,000 people in Louisiana. Unfortunately, the “accident” coincides with the
opening of the shrimp season, May 16. Mississippi and Alabama are also very
dependent on the fishing industry. [46]
On April 30, 2010, the press reported that President Obama has reversed his
decision to lift the moratorium on certain offshore drilling. No new oil
drilling will be authorized until authorities discover the causes of
explosion of the Deepwater Horizon rig. Deepwater received a safety award in
Lindsey Williams claims that the Gulf incident was sabotage and states
that the technology was too advanced for such explosions to occur.
Former Colorado Senator Ken Salazar, a globalist pawn for the
Conservancy, thought nothing of seizing land from Colorado ranchers in the
purported interest of conservation; he was confirmed as Interior Secretary
on January 20, 2009.
Since April 2009, hundreds of farmers in the San
Joaquin valley in Central California have been targeted by U.S. government
domestic terrorists who turned off the water in the formerly fertile Fresno
area which is about to be turned into a desert. This created forty percent
unemployment in the valley. Farmers in the San Joaquin valley grow about 25
% of the Nation’s food supply.
These decisions caused hundreds of millions
of dollars in crop losses.
On May 2, 2010, U.S. Interior Secretary Salazar said,
“Our job basically is
to keep the boot on the neck of BP.”
Interestingly, the Bureau of Land
Management, under the direction of the Department of the Interior, conducted
a surprise inspection on the oilrig two hours before it exploded:
In 1969, Dr. Richard Day, an admitted “insider” delivered an invitation-only
lecture about the “new world system” in which he defined the changes,
according to an actual timetable, that would be accomplished by the year
2000 which included the following:
Travel restrictions will occur. It will be considered a privilege! People
will need permission and a good reason to travel. An under-the-skin
implantation device will be developed, coded specifically to identify each
individual to accommodate government surveillance through radio signals.
More airplane and auto accidents will occur contributing to a general
feeling of insecurity. This will also initiate more government regulations.
Manufacturing will be curtailed in order to give other countries a chance to
build their industries in order to compete against the United States. Our
heavy industries will be deliberately cut back while the same industries are
developed in other countries, notably Japan.
Food supplies will be centralized and come under tight control. If
population growth doesn’t slow down, food shortages can be orchestrated to
scare or starve people into accepting the theory of overpopulation. Personal
gardens and perhaps small farms will be eliminated.
Dr. Day said,
weather will be used as a
weapon of war, a weapon for influencing public policy or perhaps habitation
Terrorism, once thought unnecessary in the United States, will be used by
necessity if the United States does not move rapidly enough into accepting
the new system. [47]
[1] Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy,
Forces and Resources for a New Century, p.51, http://www.newamericancentury.org/RebuildingAmericasDefenses.pdf
[2] The Devil’s Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce, Dover Publications, 1958,
p. 101
[3] Tragedy and Hope, a History of the world in Our Time by Carroll
Quigley, The Macmillan Company, New York, 1966, pp. 250-251
[4] Winston S. Churchill, 1874-1965: A Comprehensive Historiography and
Annotated Bibliography by Eugene L. Rasor, Greenwood Press, Westport,
Connecticut, 2000, pp. 74-75
[5] The Money Manipulators by June Grem, Enterprise Publications, Inc.
Oak Park, Illinois, 1971, pp. 109-110
[6] The Chief Culprit, Stalin’s Grand Design to Start World War II by
Viktor Suvorov, Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, Maryland, 2008, p. 2
[7] Wake-Up America-It’s Later Than You Think! by Robert Preston, Hawkes
Publishing, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1979, p. 16
[8] Young Stalin by Simon Sebag Montefiore, Random House, New York,
2007, pp. 62, 186; Sir Evelyn de Rothschild gave Montefiore access to
the Rothschild archives in Britain and France where Melanie Asprey
investigated the Stalin connections to the Rothschilds p. 383
[9] Young Stalin by Simon Sebag Montefiore, Random House, New York,
2007, p. 197
[10] Barbarians Inside the Gates, the Black Book of Bolshevism, Book 1:
The Serpent’s Sting by Donn de Grand Pré, GSG & Associates, San Pedro,
California, 2000, p. 60
[11] The Secret Team, the CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United
States and the World by L. Fletcher Prouty Col., U.S. Air Force,
Skyhorse Publishing, New York, 2008, pp. 482-483
[12] Final Judgment, the Missing Link in the JFCK Assassination
Conspiracy by Michael Collins Piper, American Free Press, Washington,
DC, 2005, introduction
[13] Nearly 300 Congress Members Declare Commitment to ‘Unbreakable’
U.S.-Israel Bond, http://www.haaretz.com/news/nearly-300-congress-members-declare-commitment-to-unbreakable-u-s-israel-bond-1.266652
[14] Washington’s Farewell Address 1796, http://avalon.law.yale.edu/18th_century/washing.asp
[15] Final Judgment, the Missing Link in the JFCK Assassination
Conspiracy by Michael Collins Piper, American Free Press, Washington,
DC, 2005, introduction
[16] Israeli nuclear spy released by Walt Rodgers and Paula Hancocks,
CNN, http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/meast/04/21/israel.vanunu/
[17] The 9/11 Whistle-Blowers - Col. Donn de Grand-Pre, U.S. Army
(ret.), Transcript: Alex Jones Interviews Col. Donn de Grand-Pre, U.S.
Army (ret.): Explosive New 9/11, Revelations and Explanations, p. 3
[18] Rhode Island Freemason Newsletter, Grand Lodge of Rhode Island
Established 1791, Volume Thirty-two, Issue Six, November/December 2007,
p. 13
[19] Northwoods Documents, http://www.retakingamerica.com/northwoods_page_1.html,
March 13, 1962, 15 pp. See also: Northwoods Pentagon Files http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/news/20010430/northwoods.pdf
[20] Body of Secrets, Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security
Agency From the Cold War Through the Dawn of the New Century by James
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