America - The New Saudi Arabia?
Español |
Análisis Inquietante - ¿Porque los
Países Aumentan sus Reservas Estratégicas de Petróleo?
Are Oil and Water Shortages
Manufactured in Order to Control the Economy and Human
Astonishing Amount of Oil and Gas
Off Louisiana
- It's Raining Hydrocarbons In The Gulf
BP = 'Beyond Petrolium' or 'Beyond
BP Blown Out Well Should Not Be
Pressure Tested
- Geologist Chris Landau
BP-British Petroleum - The
Unfinished Crimes and Plunder of Anglo-American
BP Buys Google-Yahoo Search Words
to Keep People Away From Real News on Gulf Oil Spill
BP Quietly Preparing A Nuclear
- Making Methane Ignition A Reality In The Gulf
BP's "Cloak of Silence" - Geology
is "Fractured", Relief Wells May Fail
BP's Secret Deepwater Blowout
Cheney, Rothschild, and Fox News’
Murdoch to Drill for Oil in Syria, Violating
International Law
Company Loses Latest Stage of
Amazon Pollution Battle
- More Trouble for Chevron
Español |
Compañía Petrolera se Retira de
Tierra Amazónica habitada por Tribus No Contactadas
Español |
Con o sin actas Estados Unidos
quiere "el Petróleo de Venezuela" - Entrevista a Claudio
- Coast Guard and Obama Administration Betrays The
People and Country It Is Sworn to Protect
Deepwater Horizon Interim Incident
Investigation BP's Washington Briefing
Did BP Permanently Rip Open The
Gulf Sea Floor Around The Macondo Well?
Earth is an Oil-Producing Machine
- We're Not Running Out...
Español |
El Abandono de los Combustibles
'Fósiles' es una Fantasía - Dice la OPEP
Español |
El Petróleo Podría Seguir Saliendo
Durante Años
- Golfo de México
Español |
El Petróleo, La Sangre de La Tierra
- Los U'wa y Su Lucha Contra Las Petroleras -
Cosmovisión Chamánica
Español |
El Presente - Dominio a Través de
Dólares y Petróleo |
Español |
El Reacomodo Tectónico que vive el
Mercado Energético Mundial - Al detalle... |
Emergency Evacuations Plans Have
Been Drawn Up for Entire Gulf of Mexico Region as Secret
Español |
- ¿Es
la Escasez de Petróleo y de Agua una Fabricación para
Controlar la Economía y las Poblaciones...
'Energy Armageddon' from Berlin and Brussels, Not Moscow
Evidence Refutes BP's and Fed's
Fed Up with Inaction Peruvian
Tribe takes Hostages following Amazon Oil Spills
First Amendment Suspended in The
Gulf of Mexico As Spill Cover-Up Goes Orwellian
Fishermen Report Louisiana Bays
Filled With Oil
- BP's Environmental Disaster
Flu Like Symptoms
- The BP Oil Spill
Gulf Loop Current Destroyed
- May Lead To Shut Down of Atlantic Thermoregulation,
Rapid Cooling
Gulf Loop Current Stalls From BP
Oil Disaster
Español |
Habrá Caos y Una Tormenta Perfecta
- Los Precios del Petróleo No se Recuperarán hasta el
How BP Gulf Disaster May Have
Triggered a 'World-Killing' Event
Hutchison-Lazaryan Frequency
Generator Clears Polluted Gulf Waters
It Is About to Get Ugly - Oil is
Crashing and So is Greece
Español |
La "Agenda Verde" de Davos contra
la Geopolítica del Petróleo
Italiano |
- "L'Agenda
Verde" di Davos contro la Geopolitica del Petrolio
Español |
La Guerra
Secreta del Petróleo ha Comenzado
Italiano |
La Guerra Segreta per il Petrolio
è Iniziata
Español |
La Energía "Verde" es una Estafa -
No está destinada a Funcionar
Español |
Las Grandes Reservas de Gas en el
Español |
La Última Mentira en El Golfo
- "El Petróleo Vertido Se Disuelve Por Sí Solo"
Italiano |
Le Grandi Riserve di Gas nel Mondo
Español |
Lo Que Los Científicos Americanos
Tienen Prohibido Decir a La Opinión Pública Sobre el
Español |
Los Barones del Petróleo de la
Siria Ocupada - Rupert Murdoch y Lord Rothschild
Español |
Los Hidrocarburos ¿Son tan Sucios
y Despreciables como Nos Cuentan
Español |
Maduro asegura que Venezuela está
preparada para Abastecer de Petróleo al Mundo
Mass Exodus of Oil Companies from the Arctic
Massive Underwater Oil Cloud May
Destroy Life in Gulf of Mexico
U.S. Oil Field Burning Off Enough Gas to Power Chicago
and Washington
Nuke That Slick
- The BP Disaster
Oil Company Loses Latest Stage of
Amazon Pollution Battle
- More Trouble For Chevron
Oil Company Pulls Out of Amazonian
Land Inhabited by Uncontacted Tribes
Oil Spill Aftermath? It’s Only The
Over 28,000 Abandoned Wells in The
Gulf of Mexico
Italiano |
Perché gli Stati Uniti vogliono il
Petrolio Venezuelano se Comprano già il 41% delle loro
esportazioni Totali?
Plastic People - New documentaries
Expose 'Horror Movie' Reality of Plastic Pollution
Español |
- ¿Porqué
quiere Estados Unidos el Petróleo Venezolano si ya
Compra el 41% de sus Exportaciones Totales?
Psychopaths in The Gulf
Español |
Qué Año Éste - 45 Desastres de
Combustibles Fósiles que la Industria No Quiere que
Usted Sepa
Español |
Quiénes son los Mayores Productores de Petróleo y qué Papel
juega cada uno en el Rompecabezas Mundial
Reuters admits Net Zero has Failed as Fossil Fuels
remain Dominant Energy Choice
Risk of Global Climate Change by
BP Oil Spill
Español |
Rusia está Derrotando a EE.UU. en
el 'Juego del Petrolero en Oriente Medio'
Russia is Defeating the U.S. in
the 'Middle East Oil Game'
Russia Overtakes Saudi Arabia as
World's Top Crude Producer
Scenes From The Gulf of Mexico Oil
Español |
Severa Contaminación de Petróleo
Encontrada en la Reserva Nacional Más Grande en Perú
Severe Oil Contamination Found in
the Largest National Reserve in Peru
Shell Pushes Forward To Drill Well
In Arctic
Español |
- "Si
las Cosas no Mejoran estamos Dispuestos a Ofrecer la
Vida" - Indígenas del Norte de Perú y Petrolera
South America's Offshore Oil
buries 'Net Zero' Agenda - Crude Reality
Ten Things You Need (But Don't
Want) to Know About The BP Oil Spill
Terracide and The Terrarists -
Destroying The Planet for Record Profits
The Climate Scam revealed by COP28
The Climate Time Bomb that Will
Cost Us $60 Trillion
The Crashing Price of Oil is Going
to Rip the Global Economy to Shreds
The Crime of The Century - What BP and The US
Government Don't Want You to Know
The Gulf Oil Fire and NY Times
Square Occult Important Dates of April 19-May 1
The Horrific Consequences of BP's
- Eyeless Shrimp and Fish
With Tumors
The Oil-igarchs - How and Why Big
Oil Conquered the World
The Oil Leak in The Gulf of Mexico Can Be Stopped With a
Nuclear Explosion
The Oil Pricequake - Political
Turmoil in a Time of Low Energy Prices
The Ongoing Great Gulf Coast Holocaust
The Pentagon and Big Oil -
Militarism and Capital Accumulation
Two Deepwater Horizon Developments
to Expect in The Coming Days
Español |
Una Protesta Indígena Bloquea
Pozos Petrolíferos en Perú |
Español |
- ¿Va
Estados Unidos a Ir a La Guerra con Siria por Causa de
un Gasoducto? |
Valuing Venezuela's Orinoco Oil
Español |
Venezuela y OPEP coinciden en
Mantener Estable el Precio del Crudo
War and Petroleum Reserves
What a Year - 45 Fossil Fuel
Disasters the Industry Doesn't Want You to Know About
What The U.S. Scientists Are
Forbidden to Tell The Masses as To The Oil Gulf Disaster
Why Are There Suddenly So Many Oil
Spills Across The World?
- 'Coincidence' or Sabotage?
Why BP is Readying a 'Super
Weapon' to Avert Escalating Gulf Nightmare
Why Did The U.S. Refuse
International Help on The Gulf Oil Spill?
Additional Information |
Español |
AFRICOM - La Invasión de Los Ejércitos Corporativos OTAN
Algae to Crude Oil - Million-Year
Natural Process Takes Minutes in The Lab
An Important Message From The
Dolphins and Whales
- The Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill
Español |
Arabia Saudita NO renovó el
Acuerdo de "Petrodólar" con Estados Unidos
Asphalt Volcanism
Assessment and Risk Analysis of
Casing and Cement Impairment in Oil and Gas Wells in
Biofuel Caused Food Crisis
- Secret Report: Internal World Bank Study Delivers Blow
to Plant Energy Drive
Biofuels Fallacy
- Why Burning Plants Instead of Fossil Fuels Won't Save
the Climate
Español |
Bolivia y Rusia firman Seis
Acuerdos Gasíferos
BP ditches 'Net Zero' Push - Halts all 'Renewable'
Broader Psychological Impact of
Corexit and 2010 BP Oil Spill
Bush Sr., James Baker Instrumental
in Getting Nigeria to Drop Bribery Charges Against
Español |
Cambio Climático - A la Larga,
todos Muertos
Español |
- ¿Cambio
Drástico de Planes? - EE.UU. efectúa la Compra del
Primer Cargamento de Gas Ruso
Can We Escape our Predicament?
Challenging the Dollar - China and
Russia's Plan from Petroyuan to Gold
Chikyu-Maru - aka The Offshore
Ocean Monster Ship "Godzilla-Maru"
Español |
China rechaza el Petróleo
Estadounidense a pesar de la "Tregua Comercial"
Cold Fusion Devices Produce Far More Energy Than They
Use - Quickly Approaching
Commercial Viability
Could Millennial History Repeat in
The Gulf of Mexico?
- from "The Lost Continent of MU - Chapter 13"
Declassified CIA Documents reveals
Plan to Destroy Syria for Oil Pipeline
- Predicts Current Crisis
Español |
De Cómo La Estafa del Pico del Petróleo encaja con Las Supremas Verdades
Dengue Fever Outbreak Leads Back to CIA & Army
Español |
Dinamarca Autoriza la Construcción
deL Nord Stream 2 en sus Aguas Territoriales
Disturbing a Giant for Greed
- Drilling of Gas Companies Need to Stop
Español |
- Droga,
Petróleo y Guerra - Afganistán
Eastern Mediterranean Gas Fields
Discovery Leading to Battle for Wealth in Volatile
Middle East
Italiano |
Ecco il "Nuovo Boss" - Putin
reindirizza gli Idrocarburi importanti verso Est
lasciando l'Europa "Senza Risorse"
Español |
El Apocalipsis del Petróleo que
nos Ocultan
Español |
El Consumo Mundial de Carbón
alcanza su Máximo Registro Histórico
Español |
El Dominio Energético
Estadounidense y el Ascenso del Petroyuan
Elevated Levels of Toxins Found in
Athabasca River
Español |
El G20 ya No Promete reducir las
Emisiones de Carbono - CO2
Español |
Inesperado Aliado Europeo de Rusia en la Construcción del
"Nord Stream 2"
Español |
El Miedo
de los Grandes Bancos por el Bajo Precio del Petróleo
Español |
Elon Musk en Épico Discurso expone
el Control de la Oligarquía de los Medios de
Elon Musk just Exposed the Oil
Oligarchy's Control over Mainstream Media in Epic Rant
Español |
El Secreto Gobierno Mundial y la
Venezuela de 2014
Epic Renewable Energy Fail as
Solar Crashes and Wind Refuses to Blow
Español |
Estados Unidos Planea Apoderarse
del Petróleo de Venezuela
Carbon Emission Trading Market Price Crashes to Record
Everything Is A Lie
- The Deliberate Intent To Deceive People Is At An All
Time High
Everything Petroleum Does, Hemp Does Better
Federal Research Confirms Oil-Sands Contamination
- Researchers Discouraged from Speaking to...
Four Corners - The Largest U.S.
Methane Anomaly Viewed from Space
Frozen Methane
- From The Gulf Oil Spill to Climate Change
Español |
Gazprom Prevé Cerrar el Tránsito
de Gas Ruso a Europa a través de Ucrania
Germany hits Wall of Energy Reality -
Reconnects First Coal Power Plant to Grid
Getting Real about Green Energy -
An honest Analysis of what it CAN'T Promise
Greece Is Not Poor - It Actually
Has Massive Untapped Reserves of Gold, Oil and Natural
Gulf Oil Spill and
- MCBs Linked to Crisis
High-Resolution Records of The
Late Paleocene Thermal Maximum and Circum-Caribbean
How Big Oil Benefits From Global
Warming Alarmism
How The Peak Oil Scam
Fits In With Ultimate Truths
Español |
India reanudará las Importaciones de Petróleo de Venezuela
desafiando las 'Sanciones'
Iran Accountable for BP Oil Spill
Italiano |
I Rapporti Russo-Iraniani si
Rafforzano con le Sanzioni Internazionali
Kissinger Speaks - Ukraine must
give Russia Territory
Italiano |
La NATO di Fronte 'L’Ingratitudine'
Dei Libici
- Il Neocolonialismo per il Petrolio
Español |
La Ocupación U.S.A. de Venezuela
ya Empezó - Es Energética y la Dirige ExxonMobil
Español |
La OTAN Ante La 'Ingratitud' de
Los Libios
- Neocolonialismo por El Petróleo
Español |
La Poco Conocida Tubería-Bomba de
Nueva Madrid
Español |
Libia - ¿Petróleo o Bancos
Lies of Silence
- The Controlled Global Media
Italiano |
L'inesperato Alleato Europeo per
la costruzione del "Nord Sream 2"
Local Protesters are Killing Big Oil and Mining Projects
Español |
Los intereses de EE.UU. y Elon
Musk en Venezuela
That Converts Plastic to Oil Fuels Bernie Karl's Big
Español |
Manual de Transición
- De la Dependencia del Petróleo a La Resiliencia Local
Mass Dolphin Death Mystery in Peru
- Authorities Blame It on Viral Infection
Meet the 'New Boss' - Putin
reroutes Critical Hydrocarbons Eastward leaving Europe
Español |
Metano Congelado - ¿Nueva Fuente De Energía?
More Than Half World's Oxygen May
Be at Risk Due to Oil Pollution of Ocean's Benthic Zone
Moscow's High Stakes Energy
NASA Confirms a 2,500-Square-Mile
Cloud of Methane Floating over U.S. Southwest
Study Suggests EU Biofuels Are as Carbon Intensive as
Nuking Oil Leak ‘Only Thing We Can Do’
- Energy Expert
Español |
Numerosas Interceptaciones
Telefonicas a Politicos y Autoridades Peruanas
- WikiLeaks - Más del Caso...
Obama's Oil Man
- George Soros
Oil, Alternatives and Nuclear
- An Interview With Marc Faber
Oil and Gas Faces a Decision -
Vicar of Bray or Sunset Ride...
Oil CEO at COP28 says blaming the Energy
Industry for the Climate 'Crisis' like 'Blaming Farmers for
from Petroleum Used as Vaccine Adjuvant
Oil Sands Development Contributes
Elements Toxic at Low Concentrations to The Athabasca
River and...
Oil Sands Development Contributes
Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds to The Athabasca River and
Oil Slick Seen From Burning Rig in
Gulf of Mexico
- All 13 Workers Escaped Into The Water, But The Rig...
- "Operation
Español |
Origen Abiótico Del Petróleo
Italiano |
Parole di Kissinger - L'Ucraina
deve cedere il territorio alla Russia
Oil and the Low-carbon Energy Ttransition - A Net-energy perspective
- by Delannoy et al.
Español |
Permacultura - Proceso de Diseño
Holístico Para Crear Hábitats Humanos Sostenibles
- Pueblos en...
Personalized Energy - Could This Be The Future to A
World Without Oil?
Español |
- ¿Porqué
Venezuela y EE.UU. siguen Siendo Importantes Socios
Comerciales pese a las Tensiones?
Process Development for
Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Algae Feedstocks in a
Continuous-Flow Reactor
Español |
- "Puerta
al Infierno" de Turkmenistán será Extinguida
Español |
Ordena Finalizar el Comercio en Dólares USA en
Puertos Rusos
Putin Orders End to U.S. Dollar
Trade at Russian Seaports
Español |
- ¿Quién
Pierde Más con las Sanciones a Rusia que incluyen la
"Opción Petrolera"?
Español |
- ¿Quién
se Beneficia con el Acto de Terrorismo en los Oleoductos?
Resource Revolts - The Year of
Living Dangerously
- Rising Commodity Prices and Extreme Weather...
Rise of The PetroYuan
- How The Chinese Currency is Replacing The U.S. Dollar
in Global Oil Markets
Rothschild's Black Gold Empire - BP Oil Disaster Brings
Fabulous Riches to Rothschild, Israel, and China
Español |
Rusia está a Punto de Asestar un
Duro Golpe al Petrodólar
Russia is On The Verge of Dealing
a Massive Blow to The Petrodollar
- De-Dollarization
Russian-Iranian Relations
Strengthen Amidst International Sanctions
Russia, OPEC and the New World
Order Emerging
Russia Proves 'Peak Oil' Is a
Misleading Zionist Scam
Italiano |
Russia Sta per Assestare un Duro
Colpo al Petrodollaro
Saudi Arabia ends 80-Year-Old PetroDollar U.S. Agreement -
Joins China-Led Central Bank Digital Currency...
Scientists Gain New Insights Into 'Frozen' Methane
Beneath Ocean Floor
Español |
Seamos Realistas sobre las
Energías Verdes - Un Análisis Honesto de lo que NO
PUEDEN Prometer
Español |
Siria, Turquía, Israel y La Gran
Guerra de Energía en Oriente Medio
Español |
Apocalipsis Petrolero
- "Amor y Gratitud" Para Salvar Nuestros Océanos -
Técnica Masaru Emoto
Start Preparing for the
Collapse of the Saudi Kingdom
Startup Converts Plastic to Oil and Finds a Niche
Stinky Gasoline and The Alien
The 5 Most Toxic Energy Companies
and How They Control Our Politics
The Blueprint for WWIII
The Case for Young People and
- A Path to a Healthy, Natural, Prosperous Future
The "Demonization" of Muslims and
The Battle for Oil
The Gulf Oil Disaster Is War On
We, The People
- 30 Facts Evidencing The Rothschild League of Bank...
The Libyan War, American Power and
The Decline of The Petrodollar System
The Little Known New Madrid
Pipeline Bomb
The Rockefeller Way - The Family's
Covert 'Climate Change' Plan
The Soviet Program for Peaceful
Uses of Nuclear Explosions
The Spill
- BP Stock Rebounds, Media
Moves on, But Gulf Residents Are Bracing for a Mammoth
The United States Has Plenty of
- 10 Facts About
America's Energy Resources that Will Blow Your Mind
The U.S. Airstrikes in Northern
Iraq are All About Oil
The U.S. is Supporting The Most
Violent Muslim Terrorists in Order to Wage War for Oil
This is what 'They Don't Want You
to Know' about the Climate Agenda - Dr. W. Soon's
interview by T. Carlson
Español |
Todo Es Una Mentira
- El Intento Deliberado Para Engañar a Las Personas Está
en Su Punto Más Alto
Español |
Todo lo Que Hace El Petróleo, El
Cáñamo Lo Hace Mejor
Toxic Rocket Fuel Chemical In
Drinking Water Can Stay Says Government
- White House and Pentagon...
Tar Sands - Scientists Document Spread of Pollution,
Water Contamination, Effects on Fish
Español |
Un Importante Mensaje de Los
Delfines y Ballenas
- Derrame de Pétroleo en El Golfo de México
U.S. Occupation of Venezuela has
Already Begun - Is being Conducted by ExxonMobil
Vatican Official Tied To BP,
Goldman Sachs and Media Censorship In The Oil Fiasco...
- Increasing...
Venezuela Ditches the U.S. dollar
and Prices its Oil in Chinese Yuan
Ditches U.S. Dollar - Will use Euros for International Trade
Web Bot - 1.2 Billion Dead in BP
Oil Spill - November 2010 Nuclear War -
Accurate? Will ETs Intervene?
WEF's "Net Zero" Goals could kill
4+ Billion People |
What Does the Sale of Venezuelan
Oil in Currencies Other than the U.S. Dollar Mean?
Who is Behind the Oil War, and How
Low Will the Price of Crude Go in 2015?
Why is Venezuela in the White
House's Crosshairs?
Why The Tar Sands Pipeline Will Be
Game Over for Our Planet
Why Trump now Wants Talks with
Iran |
Why You Need To Know What Methane
Hydrate Is
Fracking |
Español |
Colombia Resiste al Fracking -
Implicaciones de la Decisión adoptada por la Comisión de
Español |
El Fracking en Colombia - La Batalla Continúa
Español |
'Fracking' ha sido Usado Durante Décadas para Inyectar
Residuos Nucleares en el Subsuelo
Español |
El Gran Daño del Fracking en
Español |
- "Fracking
Responsable" y otros Disparates del Gobierno Colombiano
Used to Inject Nuclear Waste Underground for Decades -
Germany's Merkel Now Comes Out as
Basically a U.S. Agent
Español |
La Dura Pelea contra el Fracking
en Colombia
Español |
Primeros Pasos del TTIP - Aprueba
Uso del Fracking en Alemania
Italiano |
Primi Passi del TTIP -
Approvazione per l'Utilizzo del Fracking in Germania
Saudi Arabia Declares Oil War on
U.S. Fracking - Hits Railroads, Tank-Car
Makers, Canada, Russia and...
Threats to Your Water Supply
Abound - The Devastating Impact of Fertilizers, Fracking,
and Water-Hungry...
What's With All the Fracking?
Why is Fracking Controversial? -
10 Claims that Help us Understand Natural Gas Drilling
Why is One-Third of U.S. at High
Risk for Earthquakes?
GasLand - The Movie
Oil Spill False Flag?
- ¿Bandera Falsa en El Vertido de Petroleo? |
Español |
El Volcán "Chapapote"
- Si Creías Que lo Del 11-S
Fue el Mayor Engaño de La Historia, Lee Esto
Sobre el...
Evidence Points to BP Oil Spill
False Flag
Gulf Spill - Disaster? Or a Well
Organized Plan...
Oil Used as A Pretext for Corexit?
Español |
Premeditación en El "Accidente" BP?
Español |
- ¿Se
Ha Exagerado El Vertido en El Golfo?
- ¿Pretexto Para El Corexit?
Español |
Teoría de Lo Ocurrido en El Golfo
de México
- ¿Recuerdan La Gripe A?
Books - Treatises |
Crossing the Rubicon - The Decline
of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil
by M.C. Ruppert |
Español |
El Libro Negro de Las Marcas
- El Lado Oscuro de las Empresas
Globales - por Klaus Werner y H.Weiss
Multimedia |
Atomic Bomb Would Stop The Gulf Oil Leak
A Solution for Oil Spills
- Ayhan Doyuk and AyDo Water Adperfectsystems
Blood and Oil
BP Media Blackout
- Jame Fox Reporting
BP Oil Disaster
- Richard C. Hoagland Update
on Coast to Coast AM
BP Oil Volcano
- Webbot Clif High on Rense
Chevron vs. the Amazon
Chris Landau - BP Cap Will Not
Stop Leak From Ocean Floor
Collapse - A Documentary by
Michael Ruppert
Crude - The Real Price of Oil
- Subtitulos en Español
- "Home"
- We All Have a Date With The Planet! - Todos Nosotros
Tenemos Una Cita Con El Planeta!
How Big
Oil Conquered the World
Español |
Océanos de Plástico - El Basurero
de La Humanidad
Plastic People: The Hidden Crisis
of Microplastics - Clip
Plastic Planet
Poison Fire - An Environmental Oil
The Prize - The Epic Quest for Oil,
Money and Power
The Short Film BP Doesn't Want You
To See
Warnings About The BP Oil Disaster
We're All Plastic People Now
Related Reports |
CO2 - Carbon Dioxide - Dióxido de
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Global Warming - An Official
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The Middle East Exopolitical Saga
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The Theory of Gaia
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