by Tony Cartalucci
January 31, 2012
LandDestroyer Website
"...it would be far more preferable if the United States could
cite an Iranian provocation as justification for the airstrikes
before launching them. Clearly, the more outrageous, the more
deadly, and the more unprovoked the Iranian action, the better
off the United States would be.
Of course, it would be very
difficult for the United States to goad Iran into such a
provocation without the rest of the world recognizing this game,
which would then undermine it.
(One method that would have some
possibility of success would be to ratchet up covert regime
change efforts in the hope that Tehran would retaliate overtly,
or even semi-overtly, which could then be portrayed as an
unprovoked act of Iranian aggression.) "
- US foreign policy makers
in the Fortune 500 funded Brookings Institution's "Which Path to Persia?"
report, pages 84-85.
Considering that the
Gulf of Tonkin incident was a deliberate
fabrication to escalate the Vietnam War, one many members in Congress
are shown
to have acknowledged and debated even at
the time, or the more recent
Iraqi WMD hoax, there is certainly a
historical precedence to create such provocations when targeted nations
refuse to provide them.
With this in mind, and noting an overt,
ongoing series of bold acts of war carried
out by the US and Israel inside of Iran, along with sanctions and planned
blockades, also acts of war, the corporate-financier oligarchs have been
confounded by what seems to be infinite Iranian patience to endure such

US foreign policy makers have noted for years
now that Iran in actuality poses no threat to US or Israeli national
security and their acquiring of nuclear weapons serves more of a deterrence
against future military incursions against the Islamic Republic by the West,
than a means to launch unprovoked attacks against nations that each possess
nuclear deterrents of apocalyptic scale.
While Iran endures an increasing torrent of unprovoked attacks, they
steadily advance their defensive capabilities to ward off what seems like an
inevitable invasion by the West, who has already invaded and occupied for
years nations to its east and west on false pretenses, and have for the past
fueled foreign-funded revolutions across
the Middle East and North Africa.
Time is on the Iranians' side, as Western
attempts to destabilize and destroy Syria drag on, and an increasing number
of people around the world begin to understand the true source of
instability behind the so-called "Arab Spring."
While behind closed doors US policy makers admit Iran is driven by
self-preservation and protecting the influence it is steadily gaining
throughout the Middle Eastern region it borders, the message they
desperately seek to relate to the public is one of an irrational apocalyptic
theocracy eager to usher in Armageddon.
reports out of the RAND corporation note
that Iran has had chemical weapons in its inventory for decades, and
other reports from RAND describe the strict
control elite military units exercise over these weapons, making it unlikely
they would end up in the hands of "terrorists."
The fact that Iran's extensive chemical weapon
stockpile has yet to be disseminated into the hands of non-state actors,
along with the fact that these same elite units would in turn handle any
Iranian nuclear weapons, lends further evidence to the conclusion that Iran
is indeed driven by self-preservation.
Brookings notes on pages 24 and 25 of their "Which Path to Persia?"
report, that the real threat is not the deployment of these weapons, but
rather the deterrence they present, allowing Iran to counter US influence in
the region without the fear of an American invasion.
Latest "Warning" of
"Impending Iranian Terrorist Attack"
Despite this documented evidence, the Director of National Intelligence
James R. Clapper Jr. made a
startling statement recently, citing
already discredited alleged "Iranian plot"
involving an assassination attempt of a Saudi ambassador on US soil, that
Iran is,
"now more willing to conduct an attack in
the United States in response to real or perceived U.S. actions that
threaten the regime."
What Clapper describes is not in fact an
impending Iranian attack, but
false flag event to be blamed on Iran to fit the criteria for a
suitable justification for war, clearly defined by the Brookings
Institution's report.
What is more troubling is that the Washington Post, which reported Clapper's
comments, acknowledges that,
"a covert campaign is already underway to
thwart Iran’s alleged ambition to develop a nuclear weapon."
And while the US has officially denied carrying
out any act of violence inside of Iran, it is a matter of
public record that the US State Department
in conjunction with
the United Nations is harboring a US
State Department listed "foreign
terrorist organization," the
Mujahedeen e-Khalq (MEK) in Iraq, who has for decades carried out such
violent attacks within Iran.
In fact, the same Brookings Institution report
cited above, also proposed the use of MEK as a suitable US proxy in
provoking Iran. It would turn out that the alleged "Iranian-Saudi
assassination plot" cited by Clapper, was more plausibly
the work of MEK, than the Iranian
Revolutionary Guard.
And as Al Qaeda is re-purposed for overthrowing America's enemies in
Libya and
Syria, with LIFG terrorist leader
Abdul Belhaj (aka Abdul Hasadi)
literally leading NATO-armed legionaries into battle in now two nations,
the "terrorists threat" has been shifted onto Iran - the sort of
conveniently timed plot twist to be expected for a "War
on Terror" that is a verifiable fraud.
The Bottom Line
Iran has nothing to gain and everything to lose by attacking the United
US policy makers have expressed a documented
desire to provoke the Iranians into a war the Islamic Republic is clearly
trying to avoid. The United States government is on record funding, arming,
and training terrorist organizations (LIFG & MEK) on it's own "foreign
terrorist organization" list, a
violation of their own anti-terrorism laws.
They have failed categorically to provide
convincing evidence regarding the alleged "Iranian-Saudi assassination
plot," more over, the evidence suggests it is instead, the latest in a long
string of contrived federal entrapment cases.
If an attack occurs on US soil or against US
allies in the near future under these circumstances, it is most likely,
...that will be to blame.
As was the case in Vietnam, and more recently the fraudulent casus belli
against Iraq, the West is being led into another infinitely destructive war,
jeopardizing the lives of millions, and further bankrupting already
destitute nations reeling from 10 years of unending war.
It is essential to raise awareness of US policy
makers and their desire to provoke war with an unwilling adversary and the
documented history the United States government has in manufacturing
provocations when none can be goaded.
It is also important to remember that no matter how detestable our political
leaders may be, there is a corporate-financier oligarchy above them pulling
the strings.
It is important to vote warmongers out of
office, but just as
important to identify the strength of the
corporate-financier oligarchs that drive them and undermine them at all