- "7
Countries in 5 Years" - Regime Change in Iran Coming
of War
Brookings' "Which Path to Persia?"
Agrees To War On Iran
Bush 'Plans Iran Air Strike by August' (2008)
China Backs Iran Against The Great Satan
Español |
China abre Nueva Línea de Crédito a Irán de 10 Mil
Millones... en Euros y Yuanes
Español |
China Respalda a Irán Contra El Gran Satán
Italiano |
Come lavoreranno Israele e Iran
con l'Unione Economica Euroasiatica (UEEA) capitanata
dalla Russia
Español |
Cómo Encaja Teherán en la
Estrategia Rusia-China
Español |
Funciona el "Golpe de La CIA" en Irán
- La Guerra Por Otra Vías - Caballo de Troya
Español |
Cómo trabajará Israel e Irán con
la Unión Económica Euroasiática (UEEA) liderada por
Considering A War With Iran - A
Discussion Paper on WMD in the Middle East
Italiano |
Significa Aver Tolto le Sanzioni contro l'Iran? |
Español |
- ¿Cuándo
Empieza La Guerra?
- Las Tres Razones del Desenlace Militar
- “Divine
Strake” vs. ‘Divine Strike’
– Did Extraterrestrials Deter the Pentagon from a
Preemptive Nuclear...
Español |
EE.UU. y Teherán Se Posicionan Para La Guerra
- Plan de Ataque
EU, Russia, Iran, and China unveil
New Global Payment System Independent of U.S.
Exopolitical Implications of a
Preemptive Nuclear War in Iran
Feds Foil Own Saudi Assassination Plot - Pin It On Iran
Former U.S. Policymakers Promote War on Iran
Has the US-Israeli-UK War with
Iran Officially Started?
House Passes HR 4133 Binding The U.S. to Israel and
Their War Agenda
Italiano |
Patto Iran - Cina' il Turbocompressore delle Nuove Vie
della Seta
In Unanimous Vote U.S. House Says
No Legal Right to Attack Iran
Español |
Irán, al Unísono con Corea del Norte en Las Promesas de
Una Guerra Mundial
- A Quickly Evolving Geopolitical Imbroglio
Attack Postponed Until Spring 2013
- Report
Pact' Turbocharges the New Silk Roads
Iranian Nukes Might Be Good for Peace!
- CFR Shifting Position
Iran is China's Secret Weapon for
Killing off the U.S. Dollar's Global Reserve Status
Español |
Irán se Suma al Mundo Multipolar y
Participará Plenamente en el Proyecto Chino de la Nueva
Ruta de la Seda
Target of 'False Flag' Strategy?
Iran - Time For A New Approach
- Independent Task Force Report Sponsored by the Council
on Foreign...
- World War III?
Israel Has Destroyed Iran’s Nuclear Program
- According to Stratfor Emails
Israeli President Says Attack on Iran Is Increasingly
Israel's Preemptive Nuclear Strike
Against Iran - An Exopolitical Perspective
Israel Seeks Preemptive Nuclear
Strike Against Iran
- An
Exopolitical Perspective on Peace in the Middle East
Time Running Out for Iran?
- In an Impotent World Even the Bankrupt Can Prevail
Español |
Amenaza Nuclear de Irán y La "Segunda Crisis de los
Italiano |
L'Iran si aggrega al Mondo
Multipolare e Parteciperà pienamente al Progetto Cinese
della Nuova Via della Seta
Español |
Los Beneficios Chinos tras el
Alivio de las Tensiones entre EE.UU. e Irán
Manufactured Crisis - The Untold Story of the Iran
Nuclear Scare
- Book Review
Drilling for Nuclear Attack on Iran and Syria?
Deutsch |
in Vorbereitung für Nuklearer Angriff auf Iran und
NATO’s Role in The Military
Encirclement of Iran
NeoCon at Globalist Think-Tank says Use False Flag to
Start War With Iran
Netanyahu's Secret War Plan
- Leaked Document Outlines Israel's "Shock and Awe" Plan
to Attack Iran
Español |
Nubes de Tormenta Sobre Irán
Obama is Preparing to Bomb Iran
Obama Threatens Iran With Nuclear War
Men in Iran?
Español |
Evitar Una Guerra Nuclear Con Irán
- Discurso de Fidel Castro en Parlamento Cubano - Agosto
- “Pearl
Harbor” Style Attack Will Be Pretext for War on Iran
- Ex-Israeli Intelligence Officer Says...
Español |
Preparando La III Guerra Mundial - Objetivo Irán
Preparations For a Hit Against Iran
- Stopping Israel’s Next War
Preparing for World War III in 1925!
Preparing for World War III - Targeting Iran
Preparing the Battlefield
- The Bush Administration Steps Up Its Secret Moves
Against Iran
Preparing to Attack Iran With Nuclear Weapons
- "No Option Can Be Taken Off The Table"
QAnon on How Ending Iran Peace
Deal thwarts Deep State Plans for Nuclear False Flag
Attack |
Español |
QAnon sobre cómo Finalizando el
Acuerdo de Paz con Irán se frustran los Planes del
Estado Profundo de... |
Español |
- ¿Qué
Significa el Levantamiento de las Sanciones contra Irán?
Español |
Rohaní Aprueba incluir al
Pentágono en la Lista Iraní de Organizaciones
Español |
Sanciones de Mayo 2018 de Estados
Unidos contra Irán - CIJ Ordena Medidas Provisionales a
Italiano |
Sanzioni di Maggio 2018 degli
Stati Uniti contro l’Iran - CIG Ordina Misure Preventive
per gli Stati Uniti
Español |
Barajan Los Naipes Para El Bombardeo de Irán
- Nodo Crucial en El "Arco de Inestabilidad"
Should Israel
Attack Iran?
Study on a Possible Israeli Strike
on Iran’s Nuclear Development Facilities
Targeting Iran - Is The US Administration
Planning a Nuclear Holocaust?
Tensions Grow as China, Russia and
Iran Lead the Way Towards a New Multipolar World Order
The Coming Shakedown of the US and
Iranian "Smoke and Mirrors Threat" and Washington’s
"Human Rights Card"
The Iran-Qaeda Scandal
- Cheney’s Covert Plan
The Iran Nuclear Situation Will Come to A Head in The
'Very Foreseeable Future'
- Kissinger Says
The Iran Plans
- by Seymour M. Hersh
- The New Yorker 2006-04-17
Iran War - How It Will Begin
The Military’s Problem With The
President’s Iran Policy
The Path to Persia and the Ongoing
Plot to Destroy Iran
The 'Proxy War' - UK Troops Are
Sent to Iranian Border
Real Reason Why The U.S. and Israel Do Not Want a
Nuclear Iran - Beyond The Propaganda
Road to Disaster - US War on Iran
- The Worst Mistake in American History
Western Assault on Iran Has Begun
To Avoid a Nuclear War With Iran
- Speech at Cuban Parliament by Fidel Castro - August
"Green Light" for a Pre-emptive US-Israel Attack on Iran?
Security Council Resolution Transforms Iran...
Policy Toward Iran One-Way Ticket to War
U.S. Preparing 'Massive' Military
Attack Against Iran
Sends 11 Warships to Confront Iran
- Showdown in The Red Sea
War on Iran Takes Bizarre Turn
Clouds Amassing Over Iran
On Iran - The Perfect Storm From Hell
- "War
on Iran Will Trigger World War III”
Warning - Nuclear Deal with Iran Prelude to War, Not
War with Iran was Planned Decades
Was a Covert Attempt to Bomb Iran
with Nuclear Weapons foiled by a Military Leak?
- An Exopolitical...
Which Path to Persia?
Will the U.S. Attack Iran Before
September 21 - 2007?
- Are CIA Front Comp. Investing $4.5 Billion to
Additional Information |
A Clean Break - A New Strategy for Securing
The Realm
A Forceful Message Calling for
World Peace and The Survival of Humankind
- Fidel’s Message Against...
American Naifs Bringing Ruin to
Other Lands
A Message from the Galactic
Federation of Worlds on the Israel-Iran Conflict
Unfolding Saga of Villains, Scape
- The B-52 Incident
Español |
Now..., NO! - Construcción del 'Armagedón'
Por Fanáticos Religiosos...
Precursor to War? - As Washington Renews
Military Threats Against Iran, Cyber Attacks Escalate
B-52 Nukes Headed for Iran
- Air Force Refused to Fly Weapons to Middle East
Brzezinski's Ghost shapes
Washington Eurasia Geopolitics
Cheney's Ouster May Be Last Chance
to Stop World War III
China Calls for New Security Pact with Russia and Iran
Civil War Declared in Syria -
Globalist’s Formula for WW III Begins
Español |
Cómo los Houthis dieron Vuelta al
Tablero de Ajedrez - Ataque a las Instalaciones
Petroleras de Abqaiq
Crisis Over Teheran's Alleged Nuclear Plans Nearing
- What are the Real Targets of The E.U.? Oil Embargo
Against Iran?
Español |
Síndrome de La Mano Oculta
- La Demonización de Irán
Español |
- “En
Una Guerra Nuclear El Daño Colateral Sería La Vida de La
Humanidad” - Mensaje de Fidel |
- "Evidence"
of Iran Nuclear Weapons Program May Be Fraudulent
- The Mysterious Laptop Documents
Español |
Guerra de Monedas
- ¿Cuales son los Blancos Reales de la Unión Europea?
¿Embargo Petrolero contra Irán?
High-Level Assassination - The Staged Event To
Bring About War With Iran?
How "BRICS Plus" clashes with the
U.S. Economic War on Iran
How the Houthis Overturned the
Chessboard - Attack on Abqaiq Oil Installations
Español |
- ¿Increible?...
No Tanto...
- Administracion Bush Financia Programa Nuclear de Iran
Inside Iran's Sex Slave Industry
The Religion of 100% Americanism, Ignorance is Strength
Accountable for BP Oil Spill
Iran and Honduras in The
Propaganda System
- Media Disinformation - Washington's "Regime Change Hit...
Finalizes Bill to Ban EU Oil Exports
Iran, Gold and Oil - The Next
Banksters War
Deutsch |
Iran, Gold und Öl - Der nächste
Krieg der Großbanken
Iran - Nuclear Intentions and
- National Intelligence Estimate
Off The table? Israel Falling From Grace?
Says U.S. "Will Be Taught The Mother of All Lessons" - Editorial Warns of
Pending Cyber Attack on...
Iran’s Natural Gas Riches
- US Knife to the Heart of World Future Energy
to Execute 4 Bankers on Fraud Charges
Turns to Bitcoins to Thwart Sanctions
Italiano |
Rapporti Russo-Iraniani si Rafforzano con le Sanzioni
Is Israel Assassinating Iran
Nuclear Scientists?
Español |
Israel fue Denunciada con Contundencia en La Conferencia
de La ONU Contra El Racismo
Israeli False Flag Setting The
Stage for Bombing at 2012 Olympic Games
Español |
Israel quiere Extender la Guerra a todo Oriente Medio
Israel's Insane War on Iran Must Be Prevented
Israel’s Pillars of Samson
- Not Quite Armageddon, But…
Israel Stations Nuclear Missile Submarines Off Iran
Israel to Use Iranian and
Pakistani Dupes in Dirty Nuke Ploy
Español |
Israel Usará a Los Iraníes y Pakistaníes Como Chivo
Expiatorio en Un Sucio Complot Nuclear
Kucinich - Bush Close to Igniting WWIII
Español |
CIA y El Laboratorio Iraní
- De Mossadegh a Ahmadinejad
Español |
La Guerra Secreta del Petróleo ha
Italiano |
La Guerra Segreta per il Petrolio
è Iniziata
Panetta Admits Iran Is Not Developing a Nuclear Weapon
Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW-3?
Media Misquotes Threat From Iran’s
- from 'Top 25 Censored Stories of 2007'
Netanyahu Shape-Shifts Iran
Nevada "Mushroom Cloud"
Delayed Indefinitely - Reuters May 26, 2006
Nothing Depleted, About Depleted
Obama's Letter to Lula Exposes White House Forked Tongue
on Iran
Obama Warns Netanyahu - Don't
Surprise Me With Iran Strike
Operation Cassandra
Pentagon to Test a Huge
Conventional Bomb
- Washington Post March 31, 2006
Español |
Presidente Obama, ¡Hágalo! - Emplazamiento al
Presidente de Estados Unidos
Return of Cheney's One Percent
Russian-Iranian Relations Strengthen Amidst
International Sanctions
Arabia Closer than Iran to Acquiring Nukes - BBC
Saudi Nuclear Weapons 'On Order'
from Pakistan
Seven Steps to Dissolve The Matrix
and Stop World War Three
Español |
Siete Pasos Para Disolver La
Matrix y Detener La Tercera Guerra Mundial
Significance of Iranian Flying Saucer Reports for The US
Military Occupation in Iraq
Some Signs that Global War is
Rapidly Approaching
of War
- The Secret History of The CIA and The Bush
Stupid USA - How Iran Would Retaliate
Syria - The New Tripwire For WWIII
Test Blast in Nevada - A Nuclear
Rehearsal - The Salt Lake Tribune
April 18, 2006
0% Doctrine - Obama Breaks New Ground
When It Comes to War With Iran
B-52 Incident - An Unfolding Saga of Villains,
Scapegoats and Heroes
The Blueprint for WWIII
The "Day of Destiny" & the
Indefinite Delay of 'Divine Strake'
The Iranian Threat - Who Is the
Gravest Danger to World Peace?
The March to War - Iran and The Strategic
Encirclement of Syria and Lebanon
Neoconservative Agenda to Sacrifice the Fifth Fleet
– The New Pearl Harbor
The Saga of a Bent Spear
- Missteps In The Bunker
The U.S. and Israeli-Sponsored Destruction of Syria and
Iran Continues
U.S.' Main Allies abandon Trump over his Dangerous Military
Escalation with Iran |
The Western Alliance is Falling
Español |
Trump cae en la Trampa de Aramco
Trump Falls Into the Aramco Trap
Tulsi Gabbard Slams Trump - Being
"Saudi Arabia's Bitch is Not America First" |
Español |
Una Lección Histórica sobre cómo
EE.UU. y Reino Unido 'Traen Democracia'
U.S. Foreign Policy in Shambles -
NATO and the Middle East - How do You Wage War without
U.S. Intel Director Prepares
Public for False Flag Event
- Desperate for War, U.S. Prepares to Blame Iran...
Intelligence Agencies Agree - No Evidence of Iranian
Nuclear Weapons Program
Español |
- ¿Va
Israel a Provocar un Cataclismo?
War of The Words - The Holocaust
Was September 11 2001 The Start of
World War III? - The March to War
Waxman, Waters and Iran - Connect The Dots
Web Bot - 1.2 Billion Dead in BP
Oil Spill - Nov. 2010 Nuclear War -
Accurate? Will ETs Intervene?
Why Trump now Wants Talks with
Iran |
Will a Missing Nuke be used in a
Simulated Terrorist Attack?
- Dick Cheney & Vigilant Shield
World War 3 Is Here - A Prediction
Multimedia |
AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) Is
Pushing Us To War With Iran for Israel
Bilderberg Group Gives Green Light
for War With Iran |
Español |
El Volcán de Islandia y La OTAN - Dra. Rauni Kilde |
Nuclear Threat is From Israel NOT Iran
Español |
Objetivo - Iran - Proyecto Matriz
Lies, Iran, Israel And WikiLeaks
Should Israel Attack Iran?
- AEI Event
U.S. Helping Fund Iran Nukes
- Lou Dobbs
Fallon's Resignation is Frightening
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The Making of World Wars
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