by Alfred Lambremont Webre
January 23, 2015
NewsInsideOut Website
UK Queen + 7/7 state terrorism + Sir Richard Branson + BBC + ITV + Virgin-TV;
ABC-TV; Courts;
MainStreamMedia in 120 countries and the
Dancing With
Stars/Strictly coming Dancing sold and screened
illegally 40 countries.
In her exclusive NewsInsideOut.com
interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, and in two subsequent
evidentiary videos of her own demonstrating an ongoing SevenGate
Psyops outside her home in London, UK, Seven (Charles
Seven) reveals for us an in-depth analysis of the January
7, 2015
Charlie Hebdo event in Paris as
a SevenGate false flag to start WWIII.
Seven also updates on next steps awakening humans can take to
deconstruct the world-wide SevenGate psyops so as to stop WWIII and
prosecute a global war crimes racketeering syndicate behind these.
Seven, a musician and concepts innovator for TV/Film/Media, has
singlehandedly won one of the U.K.'s largest Intellectual Property
theft cases against a psyops theft racketeering syndicate operating
within major corporate law firms and media giants, including,
Virgin Media
Channel 4
Scottish TV
and notorious syndicate London
UK law firms,
Russels, Bindman and
Ronald Fletcher and Co,
...as well as major networks in 26
nations around the world showing programs that were stolen by the
syndicate from Seven including the blockbuster and profit center
"Dancing with Stars" on ABC-TV in the USA and CTV in Canada.
The Charlie Hebdo
false flag was an unsuccessful
attempt by
the Matrix powers to spark WWIII
the SevenGate Psyops and its world
wide syndicate of compromised heads of state, government officials,
main stream media news & entertainment networks, court officials,
police, intelligence agencies involved in SevenGate.
At other levels of the "Charlie Hebdo" false flag, the UK and US
clandestine forces false flagged France and the French President for
his Jan. 6, 2015 overture to Putin and the BRICS nations using
SevenGate memes.[1]
SevenGate &
the Rothschild global syndicate
Seven's name is Charlie Seven.
Not surprisingly,
the Rothschild family bought the
"Charlie Hebdo" office building in Paris France where the January 7,
2015 false flag was staged in December 2014, in order to facilitate
staging of the event.[2]
Charlie Hebdo means Charlie Seven, which is Seven's name and
is part of SevenGate, one meme the Matrix is using to run its
false flag prison planet.
The French False Flag = Charlie
Hebdo = Charlie Seven = It's part of SevenGate.
Definition of
Hebdomad Heb"do*mad, n. [L. hebdomas, -adis, Gr. "ebdoma's the
number seven days, fr. ? seventh, ? seven. See Seven.] A week; a
period of seven days. [R.] – Sir T. Browne.
Hebdomadal Heb*dom"a*dal, Hebdomadary Heb*dom"a*da*ry, a. [L.
hebdomadalis, LL. hebdomadarius: cf. F. hebdomadaire.]
Consisting of seven days, or occurring at intervals of seven
days; weekly.
Hebdomadally Heb*dom"a*dal*ly, adv. In periods of seven days;
weekly. –Lowell.
Hebdomadal Heb*dom"a*dal, Hebdomadary Heb*dom"a*da*ry, a. [L.
hebdomadalis, LL. hebdomadarius: cf. F. hebdomadaire.]
Consisting of seven days, or occurring at intervals of seven
days; weekly.
Hebdomadary Heb*dom"a*da*ry, n. [LL. hebdomadarius: cf. F.
hebdomadier.] (R. C. Ch.) A member of a chapter or convent,
whose week it is to officiate in the choir, and perform other
services, which, on extraordinary occasions, are performed by
the superiors.
Hebdomatical Heb'do*mat"ic*al, a. [L. hebdomaticus, Gr. ?.]
Weekly; hebdomadal. [Obs.]" [3]
SevenGate Worldwide
The goals of the NewsInsideOut.com interview series with Seven are:
Public awareness
To make the public aware of the
scale of organized criminal syndicates systematically
stealing creative properties from creators (writers, etc.),
selling these stolen to syndicate contacts within major
television networks in 26 countries worldwide, making huge
profits, targeting the creative talent with diabolical
psyops, making a profit center out of all aspects of their
life and private proprietary persona, and channeling a
portion of the surplus profits into domestic terrorism
worldwide, such as the 7/7 London bombings false flag.
The identified perpetrators
carrying out the full mission of the syndicate include
high-level corporate and individual players:
Virgin Media
Channel 4
Scottish TV
Bindmans law firm
Sir Richard Branson
Elizabeth Windsor and
her consort Prince Philip (Capstone psyops open
carriage ride after the 7/7 Bombings)
To give you an idea of the scale
on which Seven has had to battle this syndicate on her own
for 11 years, Tamsin Allen, the syndicate lawyer assigned to
steal Seven's properties, was subsequently rewarded with a
Counsel position on the UK Leveson inquiry looking into
hacking by the media so that she could represent the
syndicate on the Inquiry.
Dame Helen Alexander
Helen Alexander, another lawyer
tasked with stealing Seven's Intellectual Property became
Dame Helen Alexander, Chairman of the Port of London
Authority, now charged with furthering the SevenGate false
flag syndicate.
Revive Seven's lawsuit & Collect
Damages for Benefit of Humankind
Seven was awarded costs and
damages by UK Court of Appeals Judge Sir Nicholas Pumfrey.
Seven's estimate of damages at 100 million Pounds ($156
million) considered to be too limited and was to have been
re-evaluated upon remand to the lower High Court.
NewsInsideOut.com's interviews
with Seven are intended to alert the attention of public
interest law, paralegal, forensic accounting, public support
and other resources to gather around SevenGate and
successfully collect Seven's court award.
Seven has pledged the SevenGate court award will be donated
to the public interest in taking down this crime syndicate
and to projects for a positive future.
Build a SevenGate network of
action including SevenGate concerts and public events with
participating musicians.
Providing emergency financial
support to Seven
As of the last interview
(released Dec. 28, 2014), Seven has had her access to her
bank funds cut off by the psyops syndicate and its powerful
targeting-hacking contacts in the banks, police, and
Tony Farrell,
Principal Intelligence Analyst
Tony Farrell is a former UK police Principal Intelligence Analyst
who has created The Farrell Report, an online archive of the legal
documents in Seven's case.
This is important, as the syndicate's bent barristers have worked
with Syndicate contacts inside the Court clerk's office to
"disappear" the transcripts of the proceedings awarding Seven her
court victory.
Through an extraordinary effort, Seven was awarded possession of a
copy of the tapes of the court proceedings where the Judge is heard
make her the award of costs and damages.
The Farrell Report is a rich
archive documenting the vastness of the syndicate involved in the
theft of Seven's Intellectual Property and proprietary identity and
The 240 page
final report is here.
Tony Farrell himself wrote,
"My name is Tony Farrell, I am a
former Principal Intelligence Analyst within the police service
and this website will provide an opportunity for viewers to
download utterly damning information exposing what must be one
of the most monstrous cover ups in the history of the British
Judicial system.
The case material freely on offer
here concerns corruption and racketeering within the media and
the entertainment industry extending into circles of the
judiciary and the police service.
"Beneficiaries of this decade of racketeering include the BBC,
ITV, Channel 4, Virgin Media. Scottish TV and large
international law firm such as Bindmans with its associated
linkages to Terrorism and the Leveson Inquiry into phone hacking
and the police media relationship.
This case contains an extraordinary
illustrative example of prolonged gang-stalking and a reign of
domestic terror at its most blatant.
Some of the down-loadable material
has clear relevance to the London Bombings of 7th July 2005 and
the assassination of Jean Charles De Menezes two weeks later.
"This material will shock, scare and infuriate, but it will also
enlighten and encourage. This is a truly outrageous case. It
involves MS SEVEN, MS CHARLES SEVEN - a Rosa Parks of our
The available material tells of her
battle against some of the giants of the entertainment industry
and against high profile individuals, corporations and
controlling systems.
It is a case that will strike at the
treasonous corruption within our midst."
Charlie Hebdo Shootings – Censored Video
De Rothschild's print Charlie Hebdo - 'We
doubted whether we should buy newspaper Libération'