by Benjamin Fulford
September 26, 2011
ReenaGagneja Website
There are many signs available in both the corporate propaganda media and
the people based independent media that some sort of
end-game crisis is approaching for the criminal cabal in charge
the G7 countries and their shrinking
coterie of slave states.
With the Pentagon and the Russian military
aligned against the cabal, their downfall is close. For that very reason the
cabalists are attempting to stage some sort of game changing atrocity,
probably in either the US or Europe.
One of the main battlegrounds is now the French banking system.
French banks are the biggest lenders to Greece
so a Greek default would also bring down the French banking system and hence
the Euro. It is no wonder French banks are under speculative attack.
We are also witnessing, again available in the propaganda media, the
spectacle of the IMF asking for and being denied, financing. Remember,
the IMF was supposed to be the lender of
last resort in the post-war financial system. There was supposed to be
nothing above the IMF and yet here they are begging for money they will not
The fact of the matter is that the Khazarian cabal that attempted to start
World War 3, kill 90% of humanity and then set up a totalitarian world
government, is being increasingly isolated.
The world is no longer accepting dollars or
Euros printed by banks under the control of the genocidal cabal.
The battle over control of the financial system has become such that I can
witness it first hand. Two personal acquaintances have gone to Japanese
banks with US dollars in cash. One is a freemason, the other a legitimate
The freemason had the serial numbers on his
dollars checked and rejected while the businessman was able to exchange his
dollars for yen after they checked the numbers.
Then there is the bank card for the White Dragon foundation. It is
not accepted at Mitsubishi or Citibank ATMs but it is accepted at Mizuho or
Sumitomo Bank ATMS. In theory all of these banks should accept it.
There has also been increased harassment directed at this writer. Last week
he got a call from Paypal saying I could not access my account because two
readers could not see the newsletter. Then the company in charge of IT for
my Japanese language subscription blog refused to put up the blog or pass on
subscription payments.
Also, once again, several of my associates report being approached by Cabal
members with requests to make false testimony against me.
They have also set up a system at the US airbase
in Misawa, Japan, that automatically alerts monitors any time my voice, or
that of a few White Dragon members known to the bad guys, are detected on a
phone or on Skype.
Anybody using an internet café in my
neighborhood now has to be fingerprinted as well. Too bad for them the White
Dragon operates mostly on an analogue and not digital basis.
In Japan, meanwhile, the top agent for
George Bush Senior and his genocidal cabal is now Deputy
Finance Minister Eijiro Katsu. He is now the top cabal power broker
in Japan and Prime Minister Noda is his slave, according to Japanese
military intelligence. Katsu is allied with Japanese power broker Ichiro
Ozawa and his fellow traitors in an attempt to loot the vast funds
controlled by the
Sokka Gakkai Budhist lay-group.
Sokka head Daisaku Ikeda is in a coma and
as a result there is a huge battle for control of his empire. Ikeda was a
charismatic and powerful figure and all potential rivals for leadership have
long since left his organization.
The result is that now that he has become
incapacitated, there is a battle for a headless but rich and powerful
entity. The
Nichiren Buddhist Temples will be
contacting Sokka Gakkai leadership in an attempt to persuade them to return
to the Nichiren fold following a schism in 1995.
The Nichiren Buddhists support the White Dragon
Also, the leaders of the Japanese Yakuza groups have, in exchange for a
promise of immunity, agreed to provide testimony against
George Bush Senior,
J. Rockefeller and their flunkies about
a series of political murders carried out at their behest both in Japan and
overseas Bush flunky
Richard Armitage has also privately
approached a White Dragon Society member with an offer to testify against
Bush and his CIA faction in exchange for immunity.
Michael Green
Kurt Campbell
Gerald Curtis,
...take note, you will go to jail soon unless
you agree to testify as well.
There are also several senior members of the
Bilderberger group who have now promised to
work with the
White Dragon Society in exchange for
promises of immunity.
These include,
Bilderberger head D’Avignon
media mogul Rupert Murdoch
former “black pope”
Peter Hans-Kolvenbach
Baron Thyssen,
...and others.
Dick Cheney has also put out feelers
offering testimony in exchange for immunity.
This week promises to be eventful as the September 30 accounting deadline
arrives and senior cabalists scramble to make payments. As always, we warn
people not to under-estimate these snakes.
They will do all they can to destroy the world
rather than set humanity free.