by Benjamin Fulford
November 1, 2011
Kauilapele Website
The situation in Europe is making it clear to
all but the most brainwashed that something historical is taking place.
What is happening is that the criminal
element at the very top of the Western power structure, especially at
the very top of
the financial system, has been cut off from
their money printing machine.
As a result, the IMF and the major European and
US money center banks are insolvent. No amount of lying or paper shuffling
or propaganda is going to hide this fundamental truth.
The governments of,
Italy etc.
...know that the debts they supposedly owe to
bankers were created through fraudulent book entries and thus do not have to
be repaid.
That is why the banks suddenly announced that
Greece only had to pay back 50% of their debt even though such a write off
would destroy them. They are hoping for a tax payer bail-out that is just
not going to happen.
It is
over. The Rothschild banking nightmare is ending.
Even the highly brainwashed priesthood known as Western financial gurus and
journalists are starting to realize that something is not right. The big
announcement by European governments of a “solution” to the Greek and Euro
crises is a case in point. If you analyze the announcement you realize that
essentially the banks and governments are saying the banks will pay for 50%
of the Greek debt with money they do not have.
The governments say they will pay for it by
“leveraging” the money they already have. They do not say who is going to be
dumb enough to finance a bankrupt gambler who wants to quadruple his risk.
Please note that as soon as the “solution” to the crisis was announced, high
level begging missions were sent to Asia, including French President
Sarkozy. Why would they need to go to Asia to ask for money if they had
come up with a solution?
The IMF, supposedly the world’s “lender of last resort” is also continuing
to admit they have no money. The reason is that the IMF itself cannot prove
that its money comes from legitimate sources.
The fact of the matter is that the criminal part of the world’s financial
system is falling apart.
In fact,
the entire Rothschild banking
monopoly is in deep trouble.
The freeze of “trading platforms” remains in place, meaning that the
controllers of the fiat system can no longer pump new money into the system.
The best they can do is reshuffle money that is already in the system.
New money will only start entering the global
financial system once the new asset-backed system is in place.
“The IMF and the World Bank existed to force
the Rothschild banking system on the countries of the world,” is how an
extremely senior Chinese official explained the situation.
“Our goal is to reboot the system, to start
over and set all the parameters in a fair way so that all countries
benefit from the pooled assets of the people of the world and not just
Europe and North America,” he continued.
The original system was meant to have been run
by the Swiss and protected by the Americans, he continued.
“The basic failure was that the system of
checks and balances failed and the people who were supposed to protect
the system ended up abusing it,” he added.
What is now going to happen is that the 100
countries that have so far joined the new system started in Monaco in
August, are going to implement the new system in four stages, according to a
White Dragon Society source.
The US military and agencies will be involved in
this process right from the beginning, he added. Efforts to intimidate
generals by using corrupt institutions like
the IRS to try to repossess their homes
will backfire and lead to criminal prosecutions.
The first step will be a lawsuit that will be filed before November 15th
against the individuals and groups who abused the Federal Reserve Board
system. This will lead to liens being placed against many of the largest
financial institutions in the world, according to the filers.
There will also be mass arrests. The other steps
have yet to be disclosed.
However, some basic truths are already known.
First of all, all honest businessmen and
bankers worldwide will have nothing to worry about.
Second of all, the money created through
derivatives fraud will be eliminated from the books, even if that
means bankrupting many of the big Western financial institutions.
Third, major historical financial
injustices will be addressed and stolen monies and assets will be
returned to their rightful owners.
This will be good news for the vast majority of
Western citizens as well as the inhabitants of long exploited regions like
The international banking and payment settlements systems will remain in
place after the reboot. This will mean the minimum possible disruption to
legitimate business.
However, as mentioned earlier, the international institutions set up and
controlled by a small group of Western oligarchs after World War 2 will be
totally revamped.