Matthias Chang
December 26, 2008
GlobalResearch Website
Global Central Banks Acting In
Concert-Disinformation In Financial Dailies To Confuse The People
When The Truth Dawns On Hapless People,
There Will Be Blood On The
This Is The Warning By IMF! |
The disinformation by the global financial dailies in the last twelve
months as to the cause of the global financial tsunami, serve the same
purpose as the global mass media when they perpetuated the lies that lulled
the people to support the war criminals Bush, Blair and
Howard to launch the barbaric war against Iraq and Afghanistan which
resulted in the genocide of millions, the mutilation of hundreds of
thousands, physically and psychologically, and the devastation of an entire
The wars unleashed thus far, specifically the “War
on Terror” were launched to preserve the shadow money-lenders’
political and military power.
This War on Terror is the greatest military sideshow that distracted
the American people from the financial rape and plunder of their economy and
the destruction of their Constitution.
Since the Summer of 2007, we have witnessed a concerted effort by the
world’s central banks and global commercial and investment banks to preserve
the shadow money-lenders’ financial power, one that is founded on fraud and
structured in every detail as in the infamous
Ponzi scheme.
In the last seven years, the Ponzi scheme was globalized by the Shadow
Money-Lenders, siphoning hundreds of billions from so-called
sophisticated investors and sovereign wealth funds. At its peak, the Ponzi
scheme was estimated to be worth over $500 Trillion, with the Credit
Default Swap (CDS)
portion just under $60 Trillion!
Hidden behind the headlines of the financial destruction that is sweeping
across the globe, lies another story – a dark tale of men who orchestrated
the crisis and have amassed enormous wealth and power at the expense of the
millions who are now unemployed and whose homes have been foreclosed.
This select group of men is in absolute control
of the unfolding events.
Who are they?
hidden power is almost indestructible
because throughout the ages, any attempt to unveil their hidden agenda and
to expose the men behind the screen has been labeled “a Conspiracy Theory”
and those who risk their wealth and reputation to expose this power are
accused of being “Conspiracy Theorists”.
This is notwithstanding the fact that many insiders who were previously
seduced by the power and recanted, have written about such men and their
global agendas.
Some “do-gooders” who have visited my website have pleaded with me not to
make any reference to the hidden power as “I would be condemned as a
conspiracy theorist and lose my credibility.” It is these do-gooders who are
unconsciously, the allies and propaganda tools of the hidden power. They are
the foot soldiers of the Hidden Power and the first to be
They never learn and if they persist, must be
considered collaborators.
I have made detail references to the hidden power in my books. I shall recap
herein what the insiders have been saying for years. For those who are aware
of these writings, it would serve them well to revisit these writings again
so as to strengthen their resolve to expose the hidden power until total
In essence, the hidden power is the Global Shadow Money-Lenders - the
men and women who control and manage the Shadow Money-Lending System.
And they also control all political leaders, directly and indirectly in
every part of the world, in every country, Malaysia included!
Anyone who denies this is a fool from our perspective but an indispensable
ally from the shadow money-lenders’ point of view.
Please consider the following exposé by renowned insiders:
Napoleon Bonaparte
“When a government is dependent upon
bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control
the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes.
Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without
decency; their sole object is gain.”
Niccolo Machiavelli
“For the great majority of mankind
are satisfied with appearances as though they were realities, and are
often more influenced by the things that seem than by those that are.”
President James Madison
“History records that the money
changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent
means possible to maintain their control of governments by controlling
money and its issuance.”
President Abraham Lincoln
“The money power preys upon the
nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity.
It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more
selfish than bureaucracy.”
President James A Garfield
“Whoever controls the volume of money
in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce.”
The Rt. Hon. Reginald McKenna – Chancellor of
the Exchequer
“I am afraid that the ordinary
citizen will not like to be told that the banks can, and do,
create money. The amount of money in existence varies only with
the action of the banks in increasing and decreasing deposits and bank
purchases. Every loan, overdraft, or bank purchase creates a deposit and
every repayment of a loan, overdraft or bank sale destroys a deposit.
And they who control the credit of a nation direct the policy of
governments, and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the
Sir Josiah Stamp – Bank of England
“Banking was conceived in inequity
and was born in sin. The bankers own the earth. Take it away from them,
but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of the
pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take
it away from them, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear
and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better
world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and
pay the costs of your own salary, let them continue to create deposits.”
President Woodrow Wilson
“A great Industrial nation is
controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated
in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled,
one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the
world – no longer a government of free opinion, no longer a government
by conviction and vote of majority, but a government by the opinion and
duress of small groups of dominant men.
“I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country.”
(President regretted signing into
law the Federal Reserve Act)
Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter
“The real rulers in Washington are
invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes.”
Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of Banking &
Currency Committee
In 1932: “The truth is the Federal
Reserve Board has usurped the Government of the United States. It
controls everything here and it controls all our foreign relations. It
makes and breaks government at will …”
In 1933: “Roosevelt has brought with him from Wall Street James P.
Warburg, son of Paul M. Warburg, Organizer and first Chairman of the
Board of the Federal Reserve System…”
In 1950: “This same Warburg had the audacity and arrogance to proclaim
before the U.S. Senate: ‘We shall have World Government whether or not
we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be
achieved by Conquest or Consent’.”
Senator Barry Goldwater
“Most Americans have no real
understanding of the operation of the international money-lenders. The
accounts of the Federal Reserve System have never been audited. It
operates outside the control of Congress and manipulates the credit of
the United States.”
Henry Ford
“It is well enough that people of the
nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they
did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”
The above is the truth laid bare before your
eyes and which the shadow money-lenders have spent billions over the years
for the control of the global mass media, and paid handsomely specially
cultivated economists, historians and politicians to disseminate lies,
divert attention and to cover up their hidden agenda.
The next quotation will shock most of you and will change your perspective
of many global issues.
It is written by a courageous Jew to another
courageous Jew.
Benjamin H. Friedman
Letter to Dr. David Goldstein dated
October 10, 1954
“The history of the world for the past several centuries and current
events at home and abroad confirm the existence of such a conspiracy (to
destroy christianity and obtain global power). The world-wide net-work
of diabolical conspirators implements this plot against the christian
faith while christians appear to be sound asleep. The christian clergy
appear to be more ignorant or more indifferent about this conspiracy
than other christians… It seems so sad.”
To secure their global agenda, the shadow money-lenders needed a national
base to first consolidate their power and to legislate laws that would
secure their monopoly to issue money and credit.
The target country was England and that is why
the first central bank was the Bank of England. Almost all the laws that
secured the money-lenders their unbridled economic and political power can
be traced back to the legal basis for the establishment of the Bank of
England as a central bank and their unfettered right to create “credits”.
The £ (pound
sterling) was the currency of choice for world conquest and the
result was the mighty British Empire, where the sun never sets! It was an
empire based on debt. When the £ Ponzi scheme unraveled, Britain
outlived its usefulness and the shadow money-lenders relocated to structure
another Ponzi scheme.
The next target country was the United States and the vehicle was the
Federal Reserve System. It was a long struggle, but the shadow money-lenders
finally prevailed. Thereafter, they established the greatest financial
empire in history, but they are still short of their ultimate hidden agenda,
as arrogantly proclaimed by James P. Warburg – the establishment
of a World Government by conquest or by consent!
Today, the shadow money-lenders have achieved unrivalled military power, but
in the process they have put at risk the fiat money system. This is because
so much money was required to maintain and sustain the military might of the
US and its military bases in client states all over the world and the
occupation of Germany and Japan since their defeat in 1945.
What is important to understand is that the shadow money-lenders are
parasitic in nature and they have to feed on a continuous diet of
debts. The financing of military adventures ensures a continuous stream of
debts and compound interests. Debts beget more debts!
When the debts reach saturation point, the Ponzi scheme will collapse and
hence, the need to revive and or re-establish another Ponzi scheme, failing
which the shadow money-lenders’ financial empire cannot be sustained.
At the end of the Second World War, the United States was the indisputable
super-power and largest creditor.
The shadow money-lenders created various covers for massive lending such as
the Marshall Plan, supposedly to revive the devastated economies of Europe
and Asia. Under the cover of the aforesaid altruistic economic plan
of post war recovery, was the hidden agenda for the establishment of the US
dollar as the one and only supreme currency to replace the £.
The shadow money-lenders had under their control the following sovereign
debtors post World War II:
The countries of the South American
The countries of Europe, west of the
then “Iron Curtain”
The countries of the African continent
The countries of the Middle East
The countries of Asia, west of the then
“Bamboo Curtain”
Australia and New Zealand
To secure the sovereign debtors’ consent to the
use of the dollar as reserve currency, it was agreed that the dollar was
redeemable in gold at US$35 per oz of gold.
The shadow money-lenders never had it so good. Then they got greedy.
Like the goldsmiths of yester-years, the shadow money-lenders created more
credits than there was gold to sustain the dollar reserve currency. There
were also the numerous wars that needed to be financed, principally the
Vietnam War and the proxy wars in Africa and Latin America. There was a huge
drain in the gold holdings at Fort Knox.
This gave rise to a crisis of confidence in the
Bretton Woods (I) dollar system.
To resolve the crisis and to maintain the unrivalled position of the US
dollar, the shadow money-lenders devise a brilliant scheme – a variation
of Bretton Woods (I).
The dollar would no longer be redeemable in gold as decreed by President
There were two parts to the overall scheme to secure full compliance.
Part 1 was the use of the simple bully tactic. The Cold War was engineered
and intensified to create the myth that the Soviet Union would unleash a
nuclear war against the “free countries” and therefore there was a need for
collective security in which only the United States could provide the
necessary defense, as it was the most powerful nation in the world.
The quid pro quo for the protection under the umbrella of the US led
collective security was that countries must continue to use the US dollar in
all international trades.
Notwithstanding the fact that the client states agreed to the new
arrangement, there was still the fear by the shadow money-lenders that
sooner or later the debtors will wise up to the fact that they were holding
mere toilet papers. Should this happen, the dollar would be dumped as toxic
waste and that would spell the end of the shadow money-lending system.
Part 2 was therefore initiated and the man
chosen to implement the con-game was none other than Henry Kissinger.
He secured an agreement with the corrupt Saudi monarch and lesser tyrants in
the region that the oil price would be manipulated to hit the roof and in
return for their untold wealth and financial power, all future crude oil
trades must be denominated in dollars, and the petro-dollars must be
repatriated to the United States, to be invested in dollar assets.
In a warped sense, dollar was now backed by crude oil instead of gold, as
without dollars, no nation could purchase crude oil.
The dollar toilet paper over-night regained its stature and value as the
global reserve currency.
Yet, and once again the shadow money-lenders got greedy. They came to the
insane conclusion that they could create limitless credits (debts) out of
thin air and none would be wiser!
By the late eighties, it was apparent to the shadow money-lenders that the
demand and use of crude oil would not be able to sustain the level of dollar
credits needed to support the debt pyramid.
Plan B, the
Yen Carry Trade was put into action –
borrowing yen at zero interest rate to invest in dollar assets, bearing
higher interest rates. The Japanese could not complain, being a conquered
race and still under military occupation, and so for over a decade, they
suffered in silence. The dollar as the global reserve currency was saved,
but, not for long.
The instability in the Middle East became a major concern. Saddam Hussein
had grandeur ideas. He aspired to be the regional power but Desert Storm
scuttled his grand designs. Iran having recovered from the devastation of
the eight-year war with Iraq, began to assert itself and their growing
strength was perceived as a threat to the security interests of the shadow
money-lenders and their partners-in-crime, the big oil companies.
A Plan C was needed. The China card had to be played!
Deng Xiaoping in the 1980s announced to the world that China would
practice socialism with Chinese characteristics. Being Red was not critical,
for the color of the cat was not important so long as the cat catches mice!
China wanted to modernize and catch up with the West. It had abundant cheap
labour and a disciplined workforce. But development was slow and foreign
investments were confined to certain regions.
Back home in the US, manufacturing concerns were being clobbered by the
Japanese and the Koreans. Industry after industry became less competitive
and costs were rising. A solution had to be found.
The shadow money-lenders have their share of worries – How to
accelerate the momentum of credit creation in an economy that is slowing
down? Less debts mean less compound interests and therefore less profits.
The shadow money-lenders realized soon enough that if debt-driven
consumption is the solution, then there must be a manufacturing base that
can produce the massive quantities of goods that would meet the demands for
China loomed large in the overall scheme of things.
The shadow money-lenders entered into an agreement with the Chinese along
the lines of the petro-dollar agreement. There will be massive relocation of
industries to China, massive investments in plants and equipment to produce
goods for the US and European markets in exchange for dollar denominated
And more importantly, it was agreed that the
dollar trade surplus would be re-invested in dollar assets.
It was an offer that China found hard to refuse. It was the fast track to
economic development and the rapid modernization of China. China agreed and
the rest is history!
Debt exploded in the US and in Europe. Consumers were borrowing as never
before to purchase the goodies from China. The recycled dollars from China
funded the consumer bubble from home ownership to motorcars, electronic
goods, toys, clothing etc. China became the world’s factory and her economy
surged. Within a decade, China accumulated dollar reserves amounting to $2
Trillion. Other Asian countries jumped on the bandwagon, and accumulated
huge dollar reserves.
These huge reserves must be invested and the US
lured them to the exotic investments created by Nobel Laureates and
rocket scientists.
Financial engineering by the shadow money-lenders accelerated further credit
creation. The United States led the way. During the past ten years, while
income stagnated, consumer spending rose to a record $8.34 trillion fueled
by cheap consumer loans – home mortgage, credit-card loans, car loans,
holiday loans etc.
The securitization of the growing stream of compound interests from the wide
range of consumers’ debts was the natural and logical step in the next round
of credit creation for the derivative casino. These debts were sliced and
diced into tranches to form
CDOs, synthetic CDOs, CLOs, MBS and CDS
etc. and marketed worldwide. The demand for securitization was so great that
banks and mortgage brokers were even willing to lend to borrowers on the
barest of credit information.
They were aptly called “Liars’ Loans”!
In 2004, $157 billion CDOs were issued but rocketed to an amazing $557
billion in 2006. And when there were insufficient mortgages to be
securitized into CDOs, Wall Street created the “synthetic CDOs” – bonds
which have no underlying loans and or security but allegedly have an income
stream based on a parallel contract and on contingencies which may or may
not result in any interest payments. Investment is risk, stupid! Higher
risks, higher payouts!
In the first quarter of 2007, the creation of CDOs surged further, led by,
Merrill Lynch which sold nearly $29
billion in February and March, sixty per cent more than the
preceding two-month period
Goldman Sachs pushed $10 billion in
March which more than double the value in February
Citigroup sold $9 billion in March, one
third more than the previous month.
CDOs were the rave and the ticket to glorious
The US, specifically Wall Street became the “Mecca of debts”.
The rest of the world jumped on the bandwagon. So much CDOs were packaged
and sold so quickly that no one even had the time to determine which and
what securities were being securitized in the CDOs. “Just do the trade, just
do the trade” was the chorus line for the traders.
The following table says it all – the Sub-Prime Fiasco.

The Shadow Money-lenders also came up
with a scheme to protect investors and which brought another massive
stream of revenue. The scheme was called “Credit Default Swaps” (CDS).
Total Face Amount of CDS was estimated as follows:
2001 $918.9 Billion
2002 $ 2.2 Trillion
2003 $ 3.8 Trillion
2004 $ 8.4 Trillion
2005 $ 17.1 Trillion
2006 $ 34.4 Trillion
2007 $ 62.2 Trillion
2008 $ 54.6 Trillion as of June 2008
The world became addicted to debt!
Then the housing bubble busted, and with it the gigantic
Ponzi scheme.
Creditors are now faced with a dilemma, what to do with the loads and loads
of dollar toilet paper, now derisively referred to as “toxic wastes”
– stand pat, sell down, continue to be paid in dollar toilet papers or shut
down the printing press?
We are now at this juncture.
The Fed’s decision to cut the Fed Fund Rates to 0.25 percent means that the
Fed has embarked on a Zero-Interest-Rate Policy (ZIRP)
and to proceed with the policy of Quantitative Easing (QE)
– to turn on the spigot for “limitless supply of credit”.
In layman’s jargon, to encourage more debts – mortgage debts, credit-card
debts, car loans, and more importantly to revive the derivative casino,
presently on life support. This was the drug addiction that sustained the
global financial system in the last twenty years and more intensely in the
last seven years!
The announced policy (ZIRP/QE) is the last bullet in the Fed’s arsenal or as
I have stated earlier, using another analogy, the final gamble, the last
chip on the betting table. There will be no more ammunition left after this.
This huge gamble will take six months to play out but it will end in failure
as surely as the sun will rise in the East tomorrow.
But a more sinister aspect of the zero-interest-rate policy which has
not been highlighted by any economist or financial commentator is that the
United States under the present Bush regime has declared to the entire world
that the United States cannot and will not service anymore interest payments
on the nation’s outstanding debts amounting to trillions.
Bush has declared that the United States for all intent and purposes is
bankrupt and have no means to service the interest due, what more the
principal sum.
Bernanke and
Paulson have therefore collectively
agreed to give the “two-finger sign” to the world’s creditors and in no
uncertain terms are saying that:
You creditors, you a@#holes, you can jerk
off. You know, I know and the whole bloody world knows that the US of A
have no income to even service the interest which amounts to a few
hundred billion a year.
So let us stop the pretense.
We owe trillions and interest on top of that
runs to hundreds of billions, which when unpaid is capitalized. And
every year we have to borrow from you guys just to pay the interest so
as to avoid a call on default. There were so many occasions when we have
defaulted, but you guys allowed us to roll over to maintain the façade
that the US of A is still floating.
We aren't floating like a bee, but we are sinking fast! Let’s cut the
crap and be real.
So this is the offer. And you jerks better listen good because this will
be said once and once only.
You guys should be more than happy with so much interests already
accruing on the outstanding. All these years, you guys have been only
too happy to see us print the toilet papers in payment of your goods and
to service the interests. It was an incredible con and what a free ride
we had all these years. You guys were part of the con as well.
If you insist that I continue to pay you in toilet papers, why do you
insist that we issue more toilet papers as interest payments? It is just
more toilet papers. You guys are swarmed with toilet papers!
The toilet paper is worthless. So what is the point of paying “toilet
paper interest” on outstanding toilet papers?
This is it!
We are not paying anymore toilet paper
interest. We are going to print more toilet papers to pay for whatever
we want to purchase. If you want to sell to us, you will get toilet
papers but with no interest. Period!
This is the greatest irony.
Fed, the world’s biggest money-lender and its partners-in-crime
are telling their creditors to stuff it! When debtors cannot pay the
exorbitant interests and the principal, these financial predators demand
that the debtors give their pound of flesh in lieu of cash. But when they
borrow, they repay in toilet paper money and get away with it!
And now they even have the audacity to give an ultimatum:
We are the biggest buyers in town. If you
don’t want toilet papers from us, that is fine by us. You can get tissue
papers from the Europeans, bamboo papers from the Japanese and whatever
that is on offer. Who is going to argue whether tissue paper would do a
better job than plain toilet paper?
Hey, this is a free market. Pick your
This is the ultimate poker game. Bush, Bernanke
and Paulson is betting that no one will call their bluff, turn away and stop
selling anymore goods to the US of A. Bush is counting that the fear of
recession and or social unrest in the creditors’ countries will force the
creditors to capitulate.
Unfortunately, this gambit will fail. The reason is simple. The US cannot
supply the goods that the American consumers want, even the most basic
stuff. The manufacturing industries are all anemic, while others are on life
support. Without imports, the United States will have to shut down within
six months.
There will be massive riots all over the US, with people killing for food
and other basic necessities. Basic raw materials, commodities for
manufacturing etc. will be unavailable. There will be no more cars on the
freeways! Millions of Americans licensed to carry arms will stalk the
streets for whatever scrap they can get their hands on.
You can bet your bottom dollar, the Shadow Money-Lenders and its
military partner will impose
martial law.
Preparation is already on the way.
On Tuesday, December 9th 2008, President Bush in fascist
speak stated that,
“I have abandoned free market principles to
save the free market system.”
If you guys out there still don’t get it, this
is what Bush is saying:
I am imposing dictatorial rule!
This is because the opposite of “free market”
according to conventional wisdom is “state-control economy”. In a word,
Socialism - Big Government.
The Fed and the Treasury, in connivance with Congress, have already approved
and financed big time, the acquisition of the major banks in Wall Street
through the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP),
the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF),
and the $700 Billion bailout plan. Several US financial commentators have
already conceded that this is outright nationalization of the financial
Soon it will be the nationalization of the big corporations like GE, GM,
Ford and Chrysler, all too big to be allowed to fail.
Too far fetched? Just look back to the events leading to World War I and
World War II and to the dictatorships in Latin America in the 1970s.
How did Franklin Roosevelt get out of the 1930s mess if not for big
government policies and engaging in the wars in Europe, against Germany and
Japan in Asia? He even decreed Americans could no longer own gold in any
form. They were all confiscated. President Roosevelt ruled with an iron
fist, and don’t you believe otherwise.
Now that the entire world knows that the Federal Reserve Note (the
dollar bill) is toilet paper and even though in law is “legal tender”
(i.e. by law the toilet paper must be accepted as full payment of any debt,
failing which the debt is deemed paid), the Shadow Money-Lenders
cannot afford the risk of an armed open rebellion and the fiat money system
to be overthrown. It is therefore necessary in these circumstances to
enforce the use of the US dollar toilet paper by military rule and
To those who are not attuned to “dictatorship speak”, there is no clearer
message to prepare the elites for the coming catastrophe that the
announcement that free market principles will no longer apply. The emphasis
is on the word “free” and not the word “market”.
We can argue till the cows come home whether my reading of events is
Time will be the final judge.
James P. Warburg, the son of Paul M. Warburg (first Chairman of
the Board of the Federal Reserve System), had proclaimed that
world government is their ultimate objective. But that objective
cannot be achieved unless and until the United States is completely subdued.
A world government can only come about if there
is created a crisis that will engulf the entire world, starting from
America. Such a crisis will not and cannot be resolved by any one country.
It will have to be a global solution. And since countries can only work
through a common mechanism, there is therefore a need for an international
institution or mechanism.
United Nations is the precedent from which a new world
government will emerge.
Henry Kissinger, since the onset of the crisis, has been calling and
cajoling world leaders to submit to such an endeavor if the world is to
avoid a global calamity.
And it will be a socialist world government. Before anyone protest
and declare that I have gone insane, let me state here once and for all, I
am in full command of my faculties. I have done my research.
Capitalism and Socialism are two sides of the same money-lender’s coin. Both
ideologies serve a common master - the global shadow money-lenders.
For doubting Thomases, please consider the following facts:
The Russian October Revolution, led by
was financed by bankers, to be
precise, the bankers in New York and Berlin. In New York, the money
was organized by the banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co whose directors
included Mr. J. Schiff and Mr. Warburg, founder of the Federal
Reserve System. In Berlin, the German banker was the brother of the
New York Warburg.
On January 16, 1962, the Look and Life
magazine published the following statement by David Ben Gurion,
the first Prime Minister of Israel who was then still in office:
“The image of the world in 1987 as
traced in my imagination: The Cold War will be a thing of the
past. Internal pressure of the constantly growing intelligentia
in Russia for more freedom and the pressure of the masses for
raising their living standards may lead to a gradual
democratization of the Soviet Union.
On the other hand, the increasing
influence of the workers and farmers and the rising political
importance of men of science, may transform the United States
into a welfare state with a planned economy. Western and Eastern
Europe will become as federation of autonomous states having a
socialist and democratic regime… countries will become united in
a world alliance, at whose disposal will be an international
police force.
All armies will be abolished and
there will be no more wars. In Jerusalem,
the United Nations (a truly
united nation) will build a shrine of the prophets to serve the
federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the
Supreme Court of Mankind, to settle all controversies
among the federated continents, as prophesied by Isaiah.”
On the success of the Russian October
Revolution and the abdication of the Czar Nicholas II, the British
Premier David Lloyd George said in Parliament, that Britain had
achieved one of its major war aims.
The principal aim of Capitalism and
Socialism is the centralized rule of an elite political group which
owns and or controls all the means of production and the issuance of
money and credits – in the case of the former, through various forms
of monopoly and in the case of the latter, public monopoly.
To prove the point, let me use a simple analogy.
It is often reported in the headlines of newspapers that a certain gentleman
or woman had been brutally beaten up for failing to pay the debts due to a
money-lender. In Malaysia, money-lenders are often referred to as
“Ah-Longs”. This is even the case when the debt is paltry. If the
money-lender adopts the “soft method” in recovering a loan, it may encourage
defaults and non-payments. Brutality ensures full compliance!
So is the case with nations. When the very survival of a nation is at stake
because of economic and or currency warfare, do you really think that the
nation at risk would not go to war?
The US invaded Iraq not because of the threat of Saddam’s WMD but for the
crude oil and because Saddam was selling crude oil in Euros instead of the
dollar toilet paper.
The shadow money-lenders are in a desperate situation and
will start a world war to avoid the collapse of the fiat money system.
The war will be financed by the major central banks and their proxies – the
8 to 10 global commercial and investment banks. As in World War I and II,
the elites of the City of London and Wall Street will be the primary movers
of this insidious plot.
Anyone who doubts this scenario need only to ask one simple question – Do
you think the financial powers centered in the West would accept and
tolerate their loss of financial power?
I am using such graphic terms because the average Joe Six-Packs have yet to
appreciate the full import of the latest announcements by President Bush
that the US will abandon “Free market principles”, and by Bernanke
of the Fed’s Zero-Interest-Rate Policy.
Worst still, the majority of the political
leaders of the third world are equally ignorant.
This was evident in the APEC Summit in Peru.
Like the average Joe Six-Packs, these
leaders have no idea how the fiat money system works. When
Washington and London say “print”, “open the spigots”, “lower interest
rates”, and vice-versa they just follow blindly. There was just one rare
exception, when Malaysia opted out during the 1997 financial crisis. Even
then, this was temporary as the new Badawi regime has succumbed to
the old ways.
Can this war be stopped?
There is a slim chance. If American patriots, who are lawfully armed, rebel
and resist the
imposition of martial law, world war may
be averted.
The IMF has already warned that if the US
fails to resolve the crisis, there will be massive social unrest. There will
be blood flowing on the streets! Military power would be pitted against
brave militias with a proud tradition of having once defeated the mighty
British colonial power.
Dare we hope for a second American Revolution?