America Stands Upon The Precipice of Brutal Martial Law
Baltimore Riots and A Vision of
Things to Come
Español |
Cómo el Pentágono se Prepara para
Reprimir Disturbios Masivos
- La Iniciativa de Investigación Minerva
Deliberately Engineered Economic
Collapse in USA Leading to Martial Law
Español |
El AMERO, La Declaración de Fuerza Mayor y El Pánico
Español |
El Pentágono Abre La Puerta al
Golpe de Estado Militar en EE.UU.
FEMA Sources Confirm Coming Martial Law
Glorious Martial Law?
Español |
Golpistas en Estados Unidos a la
Sombra del Coronavirus
Government Silently Positions for
Martial Law as Financial Collapse Arrives in America
How Martial Law in America Will
Affect You
IMF Warns of Economic Riots
- Police Ready for Civil Unrest - Martial Law
Español |
Ley Marcial y La Economía - ¿Se
Prepara la Seguridad Nacional de EE.UU. para El Próximo
Español |
Los Disturbios de Baltimore y una
Visión de las Cosas por Venir
Law and The Economy - Is
Homeland Security Preparing for the Next Wall Street
Martial Law and The Militarization
of Public Health
- The Worldwide H1N1 Flu Vaccination Program
- "Martial
Law" being seen in U.S. and Europe over COVID-19 is the
Bigger Threat
Martial Law in One City - The Case of Paragould,
Martial Law Shakes Hands With The
U.S. Vaccine Program
Martial Law, The Financial Bailout, and War
Medical Martial Law - Is this How
they Plan to Lock Down planet Earth?
Militarized Drills Continue - Stadiums Prepped to Be
Used as Martial Law Staging Centers
Obama Imposes Martial Law With New
Executive Order
Italiano |
Perché l'Esercito degli Stati
Uniti si Allena per Combattere nei Grandi Centri Urbani?
Español |
- ¿Porqué
el Ejército de Estados Unidos se Entrena para Combatir
en Grandes Centros Urbanos?
Russian Expert Predicts Obama Will
Declare Martial Law in America by End of 2012
Secret Bush Administration Plan to
Suspend US Constitution - "Continuity of Government"
Several Types of Americans that
are Considered "Potential Terrorists" in Official
Government Documents
The "Democratic" Developing Process of A Martial Law in
The End State - Five
Triggering Events that Would Place the U.S. Under
Martial Law
The Last Roundup
- Is The Government Compiling a Secret List of Citizens
to Detain Under Martial Law?
The Pentagon's Preparation for
"Mass Civil Breakdown" - Meet the "Minerva
Research Initiative"
U.S. Military ‘Power Grab’ Goes
Into Effect
- "We
Are Preparing for Massive Civil War" - Says DHS Informant
What Would Happen if Martial Law
was Declared in America?
Why North America's Revolution
Won't Be Televised
Additional Information |
Español |
Analista Advierte que
EE.UU. está al Borde de una Insurrección
Anti-Washington "Rebellion"
Brewing Across Country
Army Continuity of Operations
(COOP) Program
- Emergency Employment of Army And Other Resources
Chinese Police Units Begin Entering U.S. to Protect
Español |
Cómo un Colapso en Sud
América podría Desencadenar la Ley Marcial en los
Estados Unidos
or How Disaster Movies "Educate" The Masses
Defense Department Seeks Legal
Authority to Deploy Reservists onto American Streets
Español |
Descubren un Extraño Anuncio con
Un Mensaje Subliminal en las Televisiones de EE.UU.
Equal Opportunity and Treatment
- Defense Department
Teaching Document
Español |
- ¿Es
un Golpe Militar Estadounidense la Última, la Mejor y la
Única Esperanza del Mundo?
False Flag - Boston Marathon Bombing is Staged Terror
Español |
Hay que Prepararse para el Caos
sin importar Quién termine en la Casa Blanca
How a Collapse in South
America Could Trigger Martial Law in the U.S.
Is An American Military Coup The World’s Last, Best and
Only Hope?
John Brennan Sworn in as CIA Director Using
Constitution Lacking Bill of Rights
Brennan Takes Oath on Draft Constitution… Without The
Bill of Rights
Español |
La Plaga Neumónica Que Asola
Main Core - A List of Millions of
Americans that Will Be Subject to Detention During
Martial Law
Martial Law
- from "The Police State
Road Map"
by Michael Nield
Obama Administration Claims Right to "Lawfully"
Assassinate Citizens Within The U.S.
Obama Asks Military Leaders If They Will "Fire On US
Citizens" - Nobel
Peace Prize Nominee Says
Obama’s "National Emergency" Violates The Constitution
Obama Uses CIA Funded al-Qaeda Attacks in Yemen to
Declare National Emergency
Preparing for Mass Civil Breakdown
Español |
Periodista Americana Advierte De
Que La Crisis Manufacturada Es La Antesala De Un Golpe
De Estado
Español |
Presuntas Maniobras
Militares en EE.UU. anticipan "Caos Civil" tras las
Elecciones |
REX 84 vs. Globalist Shutdown
Seven Key Events that are Going to
Happen by the End of September
Español |
Siete Eventos Clave que Van a
Suceder dentro Finales de Septiembre
Español |
Signos de que las Élites de EE.UU.
se Preparan para "Algo Grande"
Theories of American Politics - Elites, Interest Groups, and Average
The Big Media Lie About the U.S.
Government's Purchases of Over One Billion Rounds of
The Challenges Posed by The
Militarization of Law Enforcement
The Last American President
The Last Roundup
- Compilation of A Secret List of Citizens Who Could
Face Detention under Martial Law
The Latest from "DHS Insider" - Government Control Plans
for The Near Futures
The Martial Flu - U.S. Pandemic Laws Align with
International Health Regulations
Militarization of Law Enforcement in America - Blowback
in Ferguson
Military Occupation of Ferguson - Missouri is Just a
Preview of What is Coming to America
The Obama False Flag Attack That Would Suspend 2012
Italiano |
Un Analista Avverte che
Gli Stati Uniti sono al Limite di un'Insurrezione
Español |
Unidades Policiales Chinas
Comienzan a Entrar a Estados Unidos Para Proteger Bienes
U.S. Army Continuity of Operations
Program Policy and Planning
- Emergency Employment of Army and...
U.S. Constitutional Crisis?
Bushfraud, Martial Law, Treason From Within
Who is Really Behind the American
Militia Rebellion?
Ex-Federal Government and Wall Street Executives are Going
Into Hiding
World Bank Warns of Food Riots as Rising Food Prices
push World Populations Toward Revolt
Operation Jade Helm |
ARSOF 2022 - US Army Special
Operations Command
ARSOF Operating Concept 2022 - US Army Special
Operations Command
Artificial Intelligence Takes the
Battlefield - Who is Really Running Jade Helm 15?
Español |
La Maquina de Guerra Domestica -
Gobierno Moviliza Armamento para los Ejercicios
Militares Jade Helm
Español |
Las Maniobras "Jade Helm" y la Dictadura Global |
JADE-HELM 2015 - U.S. Terrorist Home Invasion
Joint Assistant for Development
and Execution (JADE)
Request to Conduct Realistic
Military Training (RMT) JADE HELM 15 - US Army Special
Jade Helm - Artificial
Intelligence (A.I.) Madness Unleashed
Jade Helm Decoded
The "JADE" in Jade Helm 15 is an
Multimedia |
Español |
Cómo Sobrevivir a la Ley Marcial
Gray State 2013 - America's Last Chance for Liberty |
- "It
Can't Happen Here!" - Or Can It...?
Martial Law in USA? - Video News!!!
Oath Keepers Orders - We Will NOT
U.S. Army Prepares to Invade U.S.
US Revolution Is Near
- Economist
- "Wake
Up America!" - Still Not Convinced We Are in Martial Law?
Related Reports |
Big Brother Loves You - Main
Ebola - Global Pandemic or Global
- Main File
False Flag
Operations - Main
FEMA - Federal Emergency
Management Agency
- Main File
Global Militarism
- Main File
Influenza - Virus H1N1
- Unintentional Contamination or Bioterrorism?
- Main File
The North America Union
- Main File