April 20, 2011
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In this exclusive 80 minute video interview, legendary conspiracy
author G. Edward Griffin explains how his research, which spans no
less than 5 decades, has revealed a banking elite obsessed with enforcing a
world government under a collectivist model that will crush individualism
and eventually institute martial law as a response to the inevitable
backlash that will be generated as a result of a fundamental re-shaping of
Griffin discusses the similarities between the extreme left and the extreme
right in the false political paradigm and how this highlights a recurring
theme - collectivism.
Collectivism is the opposite of individualism
and believes that the interests of the individual must be sacrificed for the
greater good of the greater number, explains Griffin, uniting the doctrines
of communism and fascism.
Both the Republican and Democrat parties in the
United States are committed to advancing collectivism and this is why the
same policies are followed no matter who is voted in to the White House.
"All collectivist systems eventually
deteriorate into a police state because that's the only way you can hold
it together," warns Griffin.
Carroll Quigley, Georgetown University
Professor and mentor to former president
Clinton, explained in his books
Tragedy And
The Anglo-American Establishment,
how the elite maintained a silent dictatorship while fooling people into
thinking they had political freedom, by creating squabbles between the two
parties in terms of slogans and leadership, while all the time controlling
both from the top down and pursuing the same agenda.
Griffin documents how
the Tea Party, after its beginnings as a
grass roots movement, was later hijacked by the Republicans through the
likes of Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck.
Pointing out how Republicans and Democrats agree on the most important
topics, such as,
...Griffin lays out how the left-right hoax is
used to steer the destiny of America.
Griffin also talks at length on a myriad of other important subjects, such
the move towards a Chinese-style
censored Internet
the demonization of the John Birch
Society as a racist extremist group
the Hegelian dialectic
the power of tax-exempt foundations and
Council on Foreign Relations
the movement towards
world government
the question of whether
the elite are really worried about
the growing awareness of their agenda amongst Americans
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