Español |
2012 - El Año En Que Se Acaba Internet
Italiano |
5G - Gli Effetti Dannosi della
Nuova Tecnologia
5G - Harmful Effects of a New
5G is an International Health Crisis in the Making
- "5G
Technology" will be the Backbone of Smart Cities - says
The Trilateral Commission
5G Telecomm Radiation is
the Perfect Tool to Mass Modify Human Brain Waves
A Free And Open Internet Under Threat
Español |
Alemania Denuncia a Windows 8
- "All
Your Data Belongs to Us" - FBI Wiretapping of Internet
Users -
A Seamless Global Surveillance Web
America's Police State Mentality
in The Electronic Age - Big Brother
A New Era of Online Communication?
Español |
Anonymous - Detrás de la Máscara
An Unknown State may be
Running Drills for Taking Down the Entire Internet
Español |
Atemorizantes Nuevas
Formas como la Internet lo Perfila a Usted
Attacking Tor - How the NSA
Targets Users' Online Anonymity
Beware of New Plan to Censor
Health Websites
Big Brother - Obama Demands Access
to Internet Records, in Secret, and Without Court Review
Big Tech Companies agree to Work
together in 'Internet Freedom Crackdown'
Big Tech Giants want to Prove they
are 'American Gods' - Anyone watching 'the Watchers'...?
Español |
Bloqueo de Sitios Web Para "Dejar Libre Ancho de Banda
al Departamento de Seguridad Nacional"
Brainwashed by The 1% - Are We
Merely Puppets? - Hypernormalisation, a Documentary of
'A Fake World'
British Police Sell Web
Can Dweb Save the Internet?
Español |
Censura Global y Militarización de
Internet - Una Historia que se Repite
Columnist Calls for Internet
"Quality Control" to Quash Dissent
Italiano |
Come Poter Gestire il Flusso
Travolgente delle Informazioni nel 21º Secolo
Español |
Cómo Lidiar con la Cantidad
Abrumadora de Información en el Siglo XXI
Congress Declares 'Offensive' War on The Internet in
Corporate Congress Critters Kill Internet Neutrality
Creative Commons Torpedoes
Copyright Industry Lies
Crypto Wars! - Obama Wants New Law to Wiretap The
Español |
Cuando las Banderas Falsas se
vuelven Virales
Español |
Cuando las Banderas Falsas se
vuelven Virtuales
Español |
Cuando la Tecnología te Conoce
Mejor de lo que te Conoces a ti Mismo
Death of The Internet
- Censorship Bills in UK, Australia, U.S. Aim to Block "Undesirable"
Deep Packet Inspection
- Telecoms Aided Iran Government to Censor Internet,
Technology Widely Used...
Español |
De la Libertad de Expresión y la
Actual Censura de Internet
Español |
Desconectados - La Nueva
Tribu Urbana que Abandona Internet para Abrazar la Vida
Español |
Despotismo Tecnificado - El Fin de
la Revolución Digital...
Doomsday for The Internet as We Know It?
Eleven Governments are Meeting in
Peru to Figure Out How They Can Control The Internet |
Español |
El Covid-19 ha Envalentonado a
nuestros 'Censores' Modernos
Elon Musk y Twitter-'X'
- Main File
Elite Panicking? -
Independent Media has More Power than Mainstream Media
Español |
Nuevo Control Mental - La Internet |
Español |
El Nuevo Orden Mundial Prepara un
"9/11″ Digital, y
Español |
El Plan de la ONU para Controlar
la Libertad de Expresión en Internet
Español |
El Presidente Xi invita al Mundo a
Unirse a China en la Construcción de una Nueva Internet
Español |
El Secreto de Chile para tener la
Internet más Rápida del Mundo
Español |
El Triunfo del Gran Hermano
Español |
El Vertiginoso Crecimiento de la Tecnología LTE en América
Español |
- ¿Estás
Preparado para la "Infodemia"?
Father of World Wide Web launches
Platform which Aims to Radically Decentralize the
FCC to Allow Tech Corporations to Run the Internet - WARNING
Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) Poised to Kill Internet
Neutrality Rules
Federally Funded Boffins Want to Scrap The Internet
- Seeking Further Funding From Congress For...
Feds Order YouTube To Remove Video For Containing
"Government Criticism"
Feds Used Aaron Swartz's Political
Manifesto Against Him
First 100 Pages of Aaron Swartz's
Secret Service File Released
on The Net 2016
Full Text of The PROTECT IP Act
- The Good, The Bad And The Horribly Ugly
Español |
Gigantes Informáticos piden a
Washington que Garantice un "Internet Democrático"
Globalists Seek to Sanitize Internet
Google and The Internet
- Main File
Google Seeks Internet Surveillance
of the Smart Grid
Governments, Corporations, and Criminals Work to Censor
The Internet
How Access to Information can Make
or Break the Elite Stranglehold
How a NeoCon-Backed "Fact Checker"
plans to Wage War on Independent Media
How 'Big Tech' is Becoming the
Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate,
Deceive, and Destroy Reputations
Google, Facebook, Skype, Yahoo and AOL are All Blatantly
Lying to Their Own Users in Denying NSA...
How Long After The Election Will
Obama Sign Executive Order to Control The Internet?
How Over 5,000 Websites Quietly
Track Your Online Behavior
the NSA Plans to Infect 'Millions' of Computers with
How the NSA Spies on Your Google and Yahoo Accounts
How the
Pentagon's Skynet Would Automate War
How to Deal with Information
Overwhelm in the 21st Century
Hyperlinking is Not Copyright
Infringement - EU Court Rules
Information Control in The Digital
Age -
The Journey From Internet Piracy to Full Spectrum
Information Overload is a Weapon
of Control
- "Internet
A Very Large-Scale Spying Machine" - Info Leaking Site
Internet Blackout Highlights Failure of American
Internet Censorship 2022 - A
Global Map of Internet Restrictions
Internet Censorship
- Australia to Implement Mandatory Internet Censorship
Internet Crashes Will Be Hard to
Stop After Obamas Internet Giveaway
Internet Doomsday Creeps Closer
- Big Government Pushes For Total Taxation and
Restriction on The...
Internet Freedom is Fading in the
'New Era of Social Control'...!
Internet Takeover - New
legislation Would Allow State to Arbitrarily Shut Down
and Seize Websites
Internet Undergoes 'Biggest Change
in a Generation' that You Never Heard About
In the 'Age of Misinformation,'
who holds the Power to Categorize the 'Truth'?
Is Big Tech merging with Big
Español |
Italia Da Marcha Atrás en Su Polémica Ley de Control a
Los 'Bloggers'
Julian Assange on TPP - 'Mostly Not About Trade,
Regulates Internet' |
Español |
La Arbitrariedad y la Censura han
regresado a Occidente |
Español |
La Batalla de los Censores |
Español |
La Conspiración de la Teoría de
Conspiración |
Italiano |
La Crociata dei Mass Media Contro
Español |
La Cruzada de los Mass Media
Contra Internet
Español |
La Dicotomía de los Principales
Medios de Comunicación versus los Medios de Comunicación
Español |
- ¿La
Élite en Pánico? - Los Medios de Comunicación
Independientes tienen Más Poder que los Medios de...
Español |
La Futura Pesadilla que El
Pentágono Está Creando para La Humanidad
Español |
La Inquisición de La Era de La Información
- Sustein y Kagan
Español |
La Internet está Muerta - Larga
vida a la Internet
Español |
La Internet Tal y Como la
Conocemos Está en Su Lecho de Muerte
Español |
La Pérdida de la Neutralidad en la
Red y el Peligro que puede Significar
Español |
La Revolución Tecnológica que
llega a América Latina y tiene a Uruguay como Líder
Italiano |
L'Ascesa di Internet 2.0
Español |
Las Naciones Unidas Publica Plan para Llevar Adelante la
Censura de la Internet Globalmente
Español |
La Sobrecarga de Información es un
Arma de Control
Español |
La UE considera un Nuevo Enfoque
para Hacer Frente a la Desinformación en Línea
Español |
La Visión desde las Trincheras de
los Medios Alternativos
Italiano |
Nazioni Unite Pubblicano il Piano per Continuare la
Censura di Internet a Livello Globale
Italiano |
L'Internet come la Conosciamo Oggi
è Sul Letto di Morte
Live With The WikiLeakable World
or Shut Down The Net
- It's Your Choice
Español |
Los Filtros en la Web y la
Espiritualidad Alternativa - Censura Selectiva de 'Creencias
Español |
Los Grandes Medios de Comunicación Empezarán a Intimidar
a Bloggers por El "Uso Equitativo"
Español |
Los Medios de Comunicación versus
la Era de la Información
Español |
Los Secretos de Silicon Valley -
Lo que el Big Tech No Quiere que Sepas
Español |
Mafias Digitales Amenazan Campañas
Políticas Latinoamericanas
Mainstream Media to Bully Bloggers Out of 'Fair Use'
Mainstream Media vs. the Age of
Malware Aimed at Unmasking 'Tor'
Users Sent Data to IP Address Belonging to NSA or FBI
Español |
Medios de Comunicación en Línea - La Promesa y el Peligro
the Internet Gatekeepers
Meet the Robin Hood of Science
More Hack Attacks Coming as
Microsoft Slams Government Secrecy
Net Neutrality
- The FCC, Wikileaks and The Future of Internet Freedom
Spreads Faster and more Widely when It's False...
Español |
- ¡No
Dejes Que el Parlamento de La Union Europea Privatice
Español |
No lo Sabes, pero Vives
en una Prisión en la que Te Vigilas a Ti Mismo
Director Defends Plan to Maintain 'Backdoors' Into
Technology Companies
Prism Program Taps into User Data of Apple, Google and
Secretly Exploited Devastating Heartbleed Bug for Years - Report
Obama Can Shut Down The Internet For 4 Months Under New
Emergency Powers
Español |
Obedece, Vacúnate y Muere como
Ingenuo... - Obedece a la 'Autoridad
Online Media - The Promise and the
Español |
Opresión en Red - El Nuevo Modelo
de Tiranía
Pentagon Secretly Goes to War With The Internet
Español |
Porqué Todo el Mundo debe Alzarse
en Armas sobre la Catástrofe en Internet que se Avecina
en la UE
President Obama's Executive Order to Control The
- "Privacy"
Search Engine DuckDuckGo smoked over Hidden Tracking
Agreement with Microsoft
- "Protect
IP Act" Gives Government Power to Seize Websites On a
Remote Amazon Tribe gets Internet
Access - You already Know what happens Next...!
Researchers Explore Scrapping Internet
Español |
Revelan una de las Bases para la Tiranía que Pronto
Afectará a Todos
Russia is Being Hacked at an
Unprecedented Scale
Russia to launch 'Independent
Internet' for BRICS Nations - Report
Español |
Salvemos La Internet del Ataque de
Los EE.UU.
Save The Internet From The U.S.
Scary New Ways the Internet
Profiles You |
Secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership Talks
Re-Commence in Lima, Peru
- They Can Shut Us Out, But... |
Secret Plan To Kill Internet by 2012 Leaked?
Secrets of Silicon Valley - What
Big Tech Doesn't Want You to Know
United Nations Document Lays Out Plan to Seize Control
of Internet
Español |
Sirena' como La Matrix
Several Top Websites Use Device
Fingerprinting to Secretly Track Users
Banning' is Just the Tip of the Iceberg - We're All
Digital Ghosts Now
Español |
Silicon Valley está Construyendo
un Sistema de Crédito Social al estilo de China
- 'Siren
Servers' as The Matrix
Charter' Web Spying Bill
- The Queen's Announced Internet Surveillance Plan
Snowden Revelations Led
to 'Chilling Effect' on Pursuit of Knowledge
- Says Study
Speculations on A Probable Future
Destruction of The Internet
Español |
- ¿Te
Atreves a Navegar la Cara Oculta de Internet?
Technology Companies Concede to Government Surveillance
Ten Reasons Why Nothing You Do on
The Internet Will EVER Be Private Again
Terror Laws Clear Senate, Enabling
Entire Australian Web to Be Monitored and Whistleblowers
to Be Jailed
The Battle for Power on The Internet
"Blue Screen of Death" could throw the Global Economy into a
State of Chaos for Weeks
The Brave New World of
Surveillance Capitalism
The BRICS "Independent Internet"
Cable - In Defiance of the "US-Centric Internet"
The Coming Age of Internet Censorship
The Conspiracy Theory Conspiracy
Creepy Line' - A New Documentary on the Power of Tech
The Dichotomy of Mainstream Media vs. the Alternative
The End of All That is Good and
Pure about the Internet
The End of The Internet?
The End of The Internet as We Know It
- Google-Verizon Deal
The EU Considers a New Approach to
Confront Disinformation Online
The "Hi-Tech" Corporate Police State
- "Reengineering" The Internet... for Persistent
The Importance of RSS Feeds -
Break Free from Censorship and Propaganda
The Internet - 10 Terrible Tech
Laws That Have You in Their Bull's-Eye
The Internet as We Know it Is on
Its Deathbed
The Internet - Dangers and Questions of the 'Zuckerberg
The Internet is
a Surveillance
The Internet is Killing your Brain
and Creativity - Will we Succumb to the Mindless
The Internet is Splitting in Two
as Dispute with China Emerges
The Internet War
The Internet Was Just Taken Over by a Global Monopoly - And
No One Even Noticed
The New Mind Control -
The Internet
The Next Phase of Internet Censorship Has Begun
- Man The Battle Stations!
The Online Copyright War
- The Day The Internet Hit Back at Big Media
The Pursuance Project - Goodbye
Censorship - Digital Rights Activist creating Open
Source Internet, Free...
The Race to Dominate Satellite
Internet heats up...
Real Reason Why the United Nations Wants Control Over the
Internet - Technocracy
There's No Net Neutrality and we
Made Dystopia a Reality - Welcome to 2018
The Rise of Internet 2.0
These Countries have an Internet
Kill Switch - And they Admit It...
The Secret State's Mad Scheme to Control The Internet
- Through The Wormhole
The Spread of True and False News
The State of Internet Censorship
in Europe
The Strategic Significance of the
Internet Commons
The Taking of The Internet
The United Nations International
Telecommunications Union Next Danger to Internet Freedom
The UN Releases Plan to Push for Worldwide Internet
The U.S. Air Force Wants to Monitor, Track and Analyze
Everything Done on The Internet Around The Globe
The View from the Trenches of the
Alternative Media
The War Is On! - List of
'Fake News' Sites including Disclose.tv, Breitbart,
Infowars, Zerohedge...
The Weaponization of Information -
The Need for Cognitive Security
The Web Never Forgets - Persistent
Tracking Mechanisms in the Wild
Worrying Trend of Internet Shutdowns
Thirty-Two Tips for Navigating a
Society that is Full of Propaganda and Manipulation
to Ditch DuckDuckGo? - Popular Alternative Internet Search
Site censoring "Russian Disinformation"
Top Sites (and maybe The NSA)
Track Users with "Device Fingerprinting"
Español |
Treinta y dos Consejos para
Navegar en una Sociedad llena de Propaganda y
Español |
Tu Guía para la 'Guerra de Quinta
Español |
Tus Datos Personales que WhatsApp
comparte con EE.UU. - ¿Estabas al tanto?
Two-thirds of the World's
Internet Users Live Under Government Censorship - Report
UKIP 'Saves the Internet' - EU's
Attack on Memes Voted Down, Delayed |
Español |
Una Libertad Bajo Vigilancia
- Extraído de "EUROPOL"
Italiano |
Una Nuova Era della Comunicazione
Understanding the Origins of
Internet Censorship
United Nations already Moving In
to Take Control Over Internet
United Nations approves 'New
Internet Convention' backed by Russia and China
United Nations may Tax and Censor Post-U.S. Internet
- Experts Warn
United Nations Mulls Internet Regulation Options
United Nations Talks on Internet
Regulation Labeled "Offensive"
United Nations (UN) digital World
Brain seeks to 'Track Everything and Everyone'
U.S. Government Issues More Takedown Requests Than
China, Including One for "Government Criticism"
U.S. Leaves ICANN - Opens Door for
Global Internet Governance
U.S. Plans to 'Fight The Net' Revealed
Español |
- "Vivimos
Hiperconectados y eso permite que Controlen nuestra
Web Filters and Alternative
Spirituality - The Selective Censorship of 'Alternative
to The Programmable World
We Need Wiretap-Ready Web Sites
Now - Says The FBI
What is the Revenue Generation
Model for DuckDuckGo? |
What is the Trans-Pacific
Partnership Agreement (TPP)? |
White House Seizes Control of
Internet by Executive Order
Who Spreads Fake News? -
Overwhelmingly, Old White Men
Who Will Control Your Internet?
Why MIT Scientists are Building a
New Search Engine "Google 2.0"
Why the United Nation's Push to Control The Internet
Isn't Over
Why the Whole World Should Be Up
in Arms about the EU's Looming Internet Catastrophe
- International New Media Non-Profit Organization
- Main File
Español |
Yahoo, Acusado de Espionaje y
Violación de La Privacidad
Español |
Yahoo a Sus Usuarios: "Permítanos
Leer Sus Emails o Cerraremos Su Cuenta"
Yes, The FBI and CIA Can Read Your Email - Here's
Additional Information |
7 Tips to Optimize Identity
20YY - Preparing for War in the Robotic Age
300 Years to Index The World's Info
- Google ETA?
After Six years in Exile, Edward
Snowden explains Himself
Alexa Ranking - Is that a
Reliable Traffic Measurement Tool?
Alternative Media is Defeating The
New World Order
Anonymous Threatens Exposure of
Government Secrets to Avenge Aaron Swartz's Death
Has Installed Security Backdoors on 600 Million iPhones
and iPads - Claims Security
Are My "Friends" Even Real People?
- Revealed That Air Force Ordered Software to Manage
Army of...
ARM's Latest Processors Aim to
Stretch Internet's Reach
Assange Warns U.S. Communications
Dominance Threatens Latin America's Sovereignty
As We Become Cameras,
Wearable Cameras will be Ubiquitous - We'll Barely
A Tipping Point Against the
Copyright Monopoly Regime Is a Lot Closer Than You Think
A Wake-Up Call - Why we
can No Longer Assume Wireless Technology is Safe
Big Brother Is Watching You Shop
Brother Obama - U.S. to Spy on Internet Messaging
- Regulations to Target Skype, Facebook...
Brother Pays Off as Predictive Behavior Technology
Targets Shoppers
Court Slaps Restrictions on Copyright Trolling
#CancelCulture - Lessons from the
Ancient World
Italiano |
#CancellaCultura - Lezioni dal
Mondo Antico
Can Spirituality Survive in A Hyper-Connected Society?
Certified Lies - Detecting and
Defeating Government Interception Attacks Against SSL
China Spending as Much on Calming
Civil Unrest as U.S. on War Effort
- Chinese Netizen Speaks Out
Combined Video Analytics and Image
Fusion are Ushering in A New Era in Surveillance
Connecting The Many Undersea Cut
Cable Dots...
Español |
Consciencia en la Era del
Streaming - 'Spotifica' Tu Mente
Content and Popularity Analysis of
Tor Hidden Services
DARPA Set to Drop Computer "F-Bombs" to Spy on Public
Data, Data Everywhere... But Not
One Ounce of Wisdom
Despite U.S. Opposition, U.N.
Pushes Forward Surveillance Bill of Rights
Detect Computer and Email Monitoring
Digital Life
Disaster Looms when AI Runs the
Economy - Says Inventor of the Internet
Do You Trust the Government With
Your Computer?
Edward Snowden explains Blockchain
to his Lawyer and the Rest of Us
Español |
El Logos de Marshall McLuhan -
Profeta del Internet y Místico de la Comunicación
Español |
Entendiendo la Interferencia de La
Energía -
Navegando por las Corrientes de Energía Invisible nos
Español |
Eternamente Conectado - Cómo la
Tecnología te Desconecta de Ti Mismo
Eternally Connected - How
Technology Disconnects You from Yourself
E.U. Body Calls for U.S. to Give
Up Internet Control and Pushes for International
Every Click You Make, They'll Be
Everything You Need to Know about
Blockchain but were Too Embarrassed to Ask
Español |
Farsas Sistémicas - ¿La "Voz" de
- O Por Qué Me Di de Baja en
Fewer Papers, More Web
First Deepfake Address from the
'Queen' of England makes its Debut on British TV
Former White House Official Says
U.S. Already at War with Russia and China
Full Text of "The PROTECT-IP Act"
Gauss Virus Targets Banking System
May Cause U.S. Financial Collapse
Going for The Throat - 'Carnivore'
in an Echelon World
- Surveillance Systems
Google Devising Method to Rank
Websites by Truthfulness
Global Gridlock
- How the US Military-Industrial Complex Seeks to
Contain and Control the Earth and Its...
Global Smart Grid - Technocracy
Governments are Beginning to
Censor Much More Than Just What Makes Us Healthy
Governing by Networks
- Chart
History of ARPANET - Behind The Net
Homeland Security and
Intelligence: Next Steps in Evolving the Mission
How does Alexa Track
Traffic - Do they Really Have a Grasp of Your Traffic?
Government Masks the Plight of Spain's Lost Generation
How Governments and Telecom
Companies Work Together on Surveillance Laws
How Ideas Become Contagious Online
to Protect Yourself from The Largest Pandemic of All
Time - 4G/LTE Mobile Internet and WiFi
IBM Betting Carbon Nanotubes can
Restore Moore's Law by 2020
Italiano |
Il Più Potente Supercomputer del
Mondo è Assolutamente un Mostro
Influential Beats - The Cultural
Impact of Music
Information Operation Roadmap
Inside The NSA's Largest and Most Expansive Secret
Domestic Spy Center in Bluffdale, Utah
- Exposed
Español |
Inteligencia Artificial que puede
Escribir Textos Falsos es considerada Demasiado
International Code of Conduct for
Information Security
- China, Russia and Other Countries
Internet Alien Presence
Internet Is The Primary News Source For Those More
Educated As Well As People Under 30
INTERPOL Taps KGB Tech Wizard
Kaspersky for Internet Security
Is The Crackdown on Wikileaks and Threats of Julian Assange's Arrest Exactly What He Was Planning?
Is The Internet 9/11 Under Way?
Korea's High-Tech Utopia, Where
Everything Is Observed
Español |
La Caída de los Medios de
Comunicación Dominantes - Cuando Falla la
Propaganda, la Humanidad...
Español |
La Caja Idiota - Cómo te Hipnotiza
la Televisión
Español |
La Comunicación en La Red De Redes Seriamente Afectada
De Nuevo
Español |
La Diferencia entre Información, Conocimiento y Sabiduría
- O porqué más Información nos ha hecho Menos Sabios
Español |
La Guerra contra Rusia y China ya
ha Empezado - Declara Ex-funcionaria
de la Casa Blanca
Italiano |
La Guerra contro Russia e Cina è
Già Iniziata - Così Dichiara ex-Funzionaria
della Casa Bianca
Español |
La Infantilización de la Cultura Occidental
Español |
La Lentitud y la Belleza - Un
Argumento Contra la Automatización de la Vida
Español |
La Perniciosa Ignorancia de Pensar
que la Tecnología es Neutral
Español |
La Telepresencia Amenaza el 'Orden
Español |
La "Teoría del Bosque Oscuro" de
la Internet
Español |
La Verdad que Nadie
quiere Oír sobre los Medios Alternativos de Internet
Lessons from the Roman Empire about the
Danger of Luxury
Italiano |
Lezioni dall'Impero Romano sul
Pericolo del Lusso
Life in The Electronic
Concentration Camp - The Many Ways that
You're Being Tracked, Catalogued and...
Español |
LightSaver Max - Cargador Solar
Portátil Ultraligero para Viajeros
Living in A Wireless World
Español |
Manifiesto de Internet
- Como Funciona el Periodismo Hoy - Diecisiete
Mediterranean Council for
Intelligence Studies
- Yearbook 2012
Español |
Mujeres Latinoamericanas programan
su Mundo contra Brecha Digital
New Report Explains Obama's Crusade to Censor the Press
No Escape from our Techno-Feudal
Boss Wants More Control Over The Internet
NSA Malware Infected over 50,000 Computer Networks
NSA Refuses to Declassify Obama's Cybersecurity
- Exceptionally Grave Damage
NSA Wants "EZ Pass" Control for
Orwell 2011 - Towards a Pervasive
"Surveillance State" in America
- Biometrics, Facial Mapping...
Persona Management Software
Español |
- ¿Podría
una Tormenta Solar dejar a la Tierra sin Conexión a
Policy Challenges of Accelerating
Technological Change -
Security Policy and Strategy
Español |
Porqué debemos Pensar en la
Tecnología como una Droga
Professors' Letter in Opposition
to "PROTECT-IP Act of 2011, S. 968"
Project 12
- Improving Protection of Privately Owned Critical
Network Infrastructure Through Public-Private...
Proton is trying to Become Google
- Without Your Data...!
Español |
- ¿Puede
la Espiritualidad Sobrevivir en una Sociedad
Español |
Realidades Falsas crearán Humanos
Rent-to-Own PCs Surreptitiously Captured Users' Most
Intimate Moments
Español |
Rusia Desarrolla una
Internet Propia para Propósitos Militares Aislado de la
Red Global |
Researchers Expose Breakthrough U.S. Spying Program
Scientists linked two Quantum
Computers with "Quantum Teleportation" for the first
time and it changes Everything
Should Obama Control The Internet?
Sites Feed Personal Details to New Tracking Industry
Español |
Sitios Web con las Verdades Más
Reveladoras - Información Importante
Italiano |
Siti Web con le Verità Più
Rivelatrici - Informazione Importante
Strategic Plan For The U.S.
Integrated Earth Observation System
Team Themis
- Corporate Information Reconnaissance Cell - November
3, 2010
Technocrats turn to Ethicists to
'Save their Soul'
Teilhard de Chardin and
The Beginner's Guide to your
Internet Speed
The Dark Forest Theory of the
The Electronic Police State - 2010 National Rankings
Fall of Mainstream Media - When Propaganda Fails,
Humanity Awakens
The Implementation of The
Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act
The Man Behind The World's Most
Dangerous Website
- Secrets and Lies
The Misinformation Virus
NSA is Building The Country's Biggest Spy Center
- Watch What You Say - Big Brother Goes Live...
The Objective, Non-Academic
The Protect IP Act
- Draft
The Prove-it Initiative -
Immediate Moratorium on All New Public Wireless
- External Link
There Is a Tipping Point for The Spread of
Ideas and It Has Finally Arrived
Skynet Conspiracy
The Spyfiles - WikiLeaks
The Starlink Incident - Revisited
The War Is Over... And We Won
The Web's Longest Nightmare Ends - Eolas' Patents Are Dead on Appeal
The Web's New Gold Mine - Your Secrets
The World's Most Powerful
Supercomputer is an Absolute Beast
The World Wide
Web - from
"The Evolutionary Mind - Trialogues at The Edge of The
Think You're Not Being Tracked? -
Now Websites Turn to Audio Fingerprinting to Follow You
Three Disruptive Technologies that
will Transform the World into Technocracy within 10
Years |
To 'Protect the Press' Spain Tries
to Muffle the Internet
Total Data Domination - 5G, IoT,
AI Surveillance and the Smart City
Trading Away Our Digital Rights - More Nations Join TPP
as The Next Round of Negotiations Approach |
Truths, Half-Truths, Lies and
Filter to Block 'Esoteric Content' -
Worldwide Implications
Español |
Una Nueva Herramienta Democratiza
la Ciencia de Datos
Español |
Un 'Apocalipsis de Internet'
podría llegar a la Tierra con la Próxima Tormenta Solar
- Advierte una Nueva...
Unclassified Report On The
President's Surveillance Program
- Obama Administration
Understanding Energy Interference
- Navigating Unseen Currents of Energy that Surround Us
U.S. Underwrites Internet Detour Around Censors
Español |
Verdades, Medias-Verdades,
Mentiras y Cobardes
Español |
Viviendo En Un Mundo Inalámbrico
Websites with Most Revealing
Truths - Important Information
What the Internet Sales Tax in the
U.S. is All About
White House Targets Conspiracy Theorists As Terrorist
- 'Strategy for Winning The War on...
Why Banks and U.S. Treasury Warn
Virus will Wipeout Customer Accounts
Why You Should Consider Ham Radio
for Communications - Resistance 101
WikiLeaks - A Big Dangerous U.S.
Government Con Job
Windows-Microsoft-Bill Gates
- Main File
Humans Could Form Backbone of New Mobile Networks
Wireless Internet Makes Trees Sick
in the Age of Information and the Importance of Storytelling
in Making Sense of the World
ACTA 2.0 - The Trans-Pacific
ACTA Is Dead After European
Parliament Vote
ACTA is Worse Than SOPA - Here's
What You Need to Know
ACTA - The Corporate Usurpation of The Internet
At Least 7,000 Websites Black Out Their Homepages in
Protest of SOPA and PIPA Internet Censorship Bills
Comes to The Internet - Introducing CISPA
Google, Facebook, Amazon Planning Internet Blackout to
Protest "Big Brother" SOPA Bill
Google-Twitter Cave to
International Censorship Pressure
SOPA and PIPA Fully Alive
- And a New Bill Joins Them
The SOPA/PIPA Blackout Protest
- Anonymous Goes Nuclear - Everybody Loses?
Top Web Firms Set to Impose a
Blackout in Protest Against 'Big Brother' Online Piracy
What is ACTA?
Algorithms - Algoritmos |
Big Tech's Authoritarian Practices
are Accelerating - Will You Submit?
Español |
Capitalismo de Vigilancia -
Algoritmos para Manipular la Opinión Pública y la Caída
de Facebook
Español |
Confiamos más en los Ordenadores
que en los Humanos
Developing Algorithms that Might
One Day be used Against You
Español |
El Lenguaje Perdido del Cuerpo -
Algoritmos, Ocultismo y los Límites del Conocimiento
and the "Algorithmic Economy" - Using AI and Algorithms to
Return to Feudal Economic Models
God's Algorithm
Algorithms Rule The World
How Can we Stop Algorithms Telling
Humans rely more on Algorithms
than Social Influence as a task becomes More Difficult
Español |
Investigación Muestra que ya No
Son los Humanos los que Toman las Decisiones - Son los
Español |
La Algo-Matrix y los ETs - La
Tierra Como una Iniciativa Extraterrestre
New Google Algorithm Restricts
Access to Left-wing and Progressive Web Sites
Raging Against the Algorithm -
Google and Persuasive Technology
Silicon Valley Algorithm
Manipulation is the 'Only Thing Keeping Mainstream Media
Español |
- ¿Son
los Algoritmos los 'Demonios' de nuestra Época?
Algo-Matrix and the ETs
- Earth as an Alien Enterprise
The New Gatekeepers - How
proprietary Algorithms increasingly Determine the News
We See
Cybercrimes and
Cyberattacks |
Precursor to War? - As Washington Renews
Military Threats Against Iran, Cyber Attacks Escalate
Hackers Suspected in Cyber Attack on Council on Foreign
- Cyberattack
Drills Going Live?
- Cyber
Polygon - Will the 'Next Globalist War Game' lead to
another Convenient Catastrophe?
- 'Cybersecurity
Act' Would Give President Power to 'Shut Down' Internet
- Hi-Tech/Top Secret Military Weapons - Main
Department of Defense Strategy for
Operating in Cyberspace
Draft Order Would Give Companies
Cyberthreat Info
Español |
EE.UU. y Rusia - De la Guerra Fría
a la Guerra Cibernética |
Español |
Ciberespacio - Nuevo Escenario de Confrontaciones
Español |
El Contra-Imperio - Mundialización
y Cibernética
Español |
El Mundo está a punto de ver una
Ola de Delitos Cibernéticos - Dicen funcionarios de
Ciberseguridad Alemanes
Español |
El Pentágono da Nuevo Paso en La Ciberguerra
- Puede Intervenir Cualquier Red Dentro de EE.UU.
Finding The 'Cure' for The 'Cyber Epidemic'
From "Event 201" to "Cyber
Polygon" - The WEF's Simulation of a Coming "Cyber
Globalists Using London Cyberspace Summit to Push for
Global Internet Treaty
Globalist War Against
Humanity Shifts into High Gear - Cars, Cash, Literature and
Independent News all...
Governments launch Cyber Warfare
against Citizenry to overcome 'Vaccine Hesitancy'
How Cybercrime has Evolved since
the Pandemic Hit
Internet 'Kill Switch' Dropped
From Cybersecurity Bill
- But White House Still Claims Power to Intervene in...
- 'Lack
of Cybersecurity has become a Clear and Immediate Danger to
our Society' - K.Schwab, Cyber Polygon 21 |
Microsoft, FBI and DHS Team Up to
Fight Cybercrime
New CISPA Cybersecurity Bill Will
Censor The Web
- Even Worse Than SOPA
Offensive Cyberspace Operations,
The NDAA, and The Title 10-Title 50 Debate
Pandora's Vox - On Community in
Pentagon Will Help Homeland
Security Department Fight Domestic Cyberattacks
Security Grifters Partner-Up on
Sinister Cyber-Surveillance Project
Shadows in The Cloud
- Investigating Cyber Espionage
The Global Elite's Digital Agenda
Played Out as Censorship and Cyber Warfare |
The Internet is Rotting...! |
Tracking GhostNet -
Investigating a Cyber Espionage Network
Español |
- Estados Unidos Oficializa Su Interés en La Guerra
Cibernética de Cara a Las Próximas... |
U.S. Cyber
Command - Documents Reveal Pentagon Launching Covert
Cyber Attacks
U.S. Cyber Command - Waging War In World's
Fifth Battlespace |
Español |
Virus Sauron - Un Nuevo
'Proyecto de Estado' para el Ciberespionaje Mundial
What's the 'End Game' for
Cybercrimes and Ransomware Attacks?
When Solar Flares meet
Cyberattacks at the Confluence of Global Mayhem
Body is the Next Frontier in Cybercrime
Español |
- ¿Y
si el Próximo Gran Ciberataque tuviera como Objetivo la
Deep Dark Web |
Español |
Cómo Funciona la Internet Profunda
Italiano |
Deep Web - La Rete oltre Google
Español |
Deep Web - Las Oscuras
Profundidades de Internet que Ya Preocupan a Gobiernos
Deep Web - What is it and How to
Access it? - The Ultimate Guide
Digital Life in 2025
- Experts Predict the Internet will Become 'Like
Electricity' - Less Visible, more Deeply...
the Deep Web Works
Español |
La Web Profunda - Qué es y cómo
Acceder a ella - La Guía Definitiva
Español |
Los Servicios Secretos Rusos
Quieren Cerrar el Acceso al 'Lado Oscuro' de Internet
Study suggests most "Dark Web"
Users are Not Engaging in Illicit Activities
Español |
Qué es la 'Red Tor' y cómo puedes
What's the Dark Web and how to
Access it in 3 Easy Steps
Internet Privacy - Privacidad |
Bill Gates "defends" Free Speech -
Unless it hurts His Investments...!
CISPA - Four Viewpoints You Should
CISPA Passes The House - Privacy
Battle Moves to Senate
CREEPY Bill Gates Strikes Again
with Windows 10
Defending Privacy at The U.S.
Border - A Guide for Travelers
Carrying Digital Devices
Italiano |
Quali 'Video Chiamati App' vi Potete Fidare?
Edward Snowden Divulges the 5
Easiest Ways to Protect Yourself Online
Español |
El Cofundador de 'Telegram' revela
el "Secreto" por el que hay una Fuga de Usuarios de
WhatsApp a su...
Español |
El Impactante Centro de Datos
Submarino de China
Encryption Does Not Prevent Mass-Snooping
- Snake-Oil
Privacy - By 2025 There Will Only Be The Watchers and
The Watched
Forget WhatsApp - CIA has Tools to
Hack almost All Social Media Platforms
Government Proposes Massive Shift in Online Privacy
How Cookies Track You around the
Web and How to Stop Them
How Privacy Became a Commodity for
the Rich and Powerful
- "I
have Nothing to Hide - Why should I Care about my
Español |
Información Personal de Visitantes
de Web Anti-Trump - Departamento de Justicia de EE.UU.
Internet Privacy and Personal Access at Risk
Invasive Cyber Technologies and Internet Privacy
- Big Brother is Only a "Ping" or Mouse Click Away
Italiano |
L'ORRIPILANTE Bill Gates colpisce Ancora
con Windows 10
New Internet Privacy Service
Moving Offshore
- Here's Why
NSA and State Surveillance - 5-Part Special
Español |
Permaneciendo Anónimo en 'WIRE'
Español |
- ¿Porqué
me Vigilan, si no soy Nadie?
Privacy Protection and The Secret
State's Surveillance Powers
Español |
- ¿Qué
es el 'Cyberbullying' y cómo Prevenirlo?
Español |
Sin Cifrado Perderemos toda la
Privacidad - Este es nuestro Nuevo Campo de Batalla
Staying Anonymous on 'WIRE'
The FTC is investigating 'Data
Collection' at YouTube, Facebook, and Seven other
Companies including...
There is No More Encryption Debate
- Backdoors Threaten the Whole World
The Secret State's Surveillance
- Undermining the American People's Right to Privacy
The Ultimate Online Privacy Guide
This Internet Provider Pledges to
Put Your Privacy First Always
Which Video Call Apps can You
Worried Your Emails Might
Be Spied On? - Here's what You can Do
Your Online Data is in Peril - The
Blockchain Could Save It
Multimedia: |
CISPA - Why You Should Care
Nothing to Hide
Skynet 2.0 - Unstoppable Secret
Network Bypasses Internet
Internet Re-Evolution
- Internet of Things -
Internet of Bodies |
5G and 'Internet of Things' to
Create Unprecedented Surveillance
5G and IoT - Total Technological
Control Grid being Rolled Out Fast
6G - Manufactured Dystopia - Globalists
Won't Stop Hacking Humans
10 Ways Hackers Have Punked Corporations and Oppressive
Anonymous Hits the New
York Stock Exchange, World Bank, FED, and Vatican
- Total Media Blackout
- Encrypted Smartphone
Designed to Liberate Users from Total Surveillance
Anti-Piracy Efforts are Unlikely
to Beat Sci-Hub
A Whole New Version of The
Internet is About to Be Switched On
IoT and 5G - Internet of Bodies or IoB
Español |
Bienvenido al Internet Quántico
Bitcoin - The New World Order's
Plot for A World Currency?
Villain' Schwab and his WEF are Pushing the Internet of
The Dollar' - Bitcoin Total Value Tops $1 Billion
CIA Home Invasion
- Smart TVs and The 'Internet of Things'
Español |
Científicos Almacenan en ADN un
Sistema Operativo, una Película y un Virus de
Computer Scientists achieve 'Crown
Jewel' of Cryptography
DARPA launches 'Project CHARIOT'
in Bid to shield Big Tech Profits
Demonstration of Communication
Using Neutrinos
Italiano |
Dimenticate Internet, presto ci
- Una società pianifica linea gratis Wi-fi per ogni
Fountain Enables a Robust and Efficient Storage Architecture
Documents Reveal NSA Reads Your
Internet Chats - Here's How to Avoid
Being Spied On
Domestic "Internet of Things"
Begins to Merge With the Industrial Smart Grid
Español |
El Internet de Todo - Aniquilando el
Tiempo y el Espacio
Elon Musk Unveils New Plan for
Global Satellite Internet
- While Google Invests a
Billion in SpaceX
Español |
El Outernet
Español |
El Outernet se Une a La Carrera
Espacial para la Accesibilidad al Internet
Español |
Europa Apuesta Por La Revolución de La Web 3.0
Government Surveillance Stay Anonymous Online
Español |
Fabricando La Sociedad Adicta
Fighting Back Against the
"Intellectual Property" Racket
Five Ways to Avoid Pulling a "Petraeus"
- Security for Your Email
Forget the Internet - Soon there
Will Be the OUTERNET - Company Plans to Beam
Free Wi-fi to Every...
Future Networks and The Internet
- Early Challenges Regarding the "Internet of Things"
Giant 5G Drones in Hawaii Skies? -
Pushback is Growing…
How to Hide Your Digital
Communications from Big Brother
How to Succeed at
Becoming a Digital Nomad
How to Unblock Websites for Free
and Why it Feels Good
How will We Live in the
Year 2065? - Cities, Cyborgs and Social Science
Human Microchip Implants and the
Internet of Bodies
IBM Gets Closer to Real Quantum
Internet Standards-Setting Body Pulls Away from U.S.
Control, Citing Surveillance Concerns
Internet Freedom - Get Free Access to Anonymous VPNs Via
University Project
Launches Fightback Against State Snoopers
of Bodies' may lead to 'Internet of Brains' by 2050 -
RAND Corporation
Internet of Things in 2020
- A Roadmap for the Future
In the Room Where It Happens -
Characterizing Local Communication and Threats in Smart
Kim Dotcom Wants to Encrypt Half
of The Internet to End Government Surveillance
Lavabit and Silent Circle Join Forces to Make all Email
New Tech Startup Predicts
the Future by Decoding the Past
New VPN Technology Claims to
Thwart Great Firewall of China
Now Everyone Wants to
Sell You a Magical Anonymity Router - Choose Wisely
Español |
Inicio Tecnológico Predice el Futuro Descifrando el Pasado
Español |
Olvídese del Internet, pronto
Habrá el OUTERNET - Compañía Planea
Irradiar desde el Espacio Wi-Fi...
Outernet Joins the Space Race for
Internet Accessibility
Español |
Outernet - La Guerra de la
Información Alcanza un Nuevo Nivel
Outernet - The Information War on
a Whole New Level
People, Places, Things - Web Presence for The Real World
Español |
Potente Impulso al Internet Quántico - Consiguen la
Teleportación Quántica entre dos Chips Fotónicos
Quantum Teleportation Breakthrough
May Pave The Way for Quantum Computing
Español |
Radio.Garden - La Aplicación para
Sintonizar cualquier Emisora del Planeta
Español |
Recordando 'Quiénes Somos
Realmente' frente a la Revolución Digital
Remembering 'Who We Truly Are' in
the Face of the Digital Revolution
Researchers Send "Wireless"
Message Using Elusive Particles
Scientists Create a
5-atom Quantum Computer that Could Make today's
Encryption Obsolete
Scientists Store on DNA an
Operating System, a Movie and a Computer Virus
Set Citation Data Free..!
Internet of Everything - Annihilating Time and Space
The Internet of Things
- ITU Internet Reports 2005 - Executive Summary
NSA is Working on Powerful Quantum Computing Technology
The Outernet
The Quantum Internet
The Technologies Building the
Smart Cities of the Future
They are Using Lab-Grown Human
Brains that they have Enslaved called "Organoids" to Run
Turkey's Twitter Ban Collapse
Fueled by VPNs and DNS Tricks
Turning The Tables on Big Brother
- Now Internet Users Can Watch Who Is Spying on Them in
Under the Skin - The Internet of
Bio-Nano Things
Español |
Un Estudio revela Amenazas para la
Privacidad y la Seguridad en los Hogares 'Inteligentes'
Español |
Un Futuro Hecho de Lenguaje en el
Que Podremos Programar Universos
UN Predicts 'Internet of Things'
Untangling The Web - A Guide to Internet Research
- Large File
U.S. Government Developing
Ultimate Cyber Weapon
- Prime-Factoring Quantum Computing Makes...
Welcome to The Quantum Internet
What is a Quantum Computer?
Tracks the Trackers that Track You Online? - You Can,
with 'Lightbeam'
WiFi + USB Drive = Your Own Mini-Internet (Freedom)
Neutrino Network Could Pass Through the Center of The
World's First Anti-Propaganda
Search Engine Launching Soon
- Favors Independent Media while Banning...
A Glance through the VPN Looking Glass
- IPv6 Leakage and DNS
Hijacking in Commercial VPN clients
Alien-Level Tech Required to Crack
New VPN Encryption Setup - Makers Say
Can You Trust Your VPN Provider…? - The Internet
Edward Snowden's Revelations and Implications to VPN Use
in The Internet
How VPN Services Responded to
Español |
Israel espía los Mensajes
Confidenciales de 1.600 Millones de Personas
Mastercard and Visa Start Banning
VPN Providers
Proof that Using a VPN Keeps
Piracy Lawsuits and 'Strikes' Away
VPN Provider Shuts Down After
Lavabit Case Undermines Security
VPN Providers Respond to
Allegations of Data Leakage
VPN Services that Take Your
Internet Anonymity Seriously - 2013 Edition
Which VPN Services Take Your
Anonymity Seriously? - 2014 Edition
Metaverse |
Defining, Building and Governing a
Metaverse for "all" - The First Research of its Kind
Enter the Bizarre World of Mark
Zuckerburg's 'Metaverse' - 'Blurring the Lines' of
Reality with NWO Transhuman
Español |
Facebook Construirá el Metaverso
- Una Plataforma de
Realidad Virtual Corporativa
Hyperreality, Synchromysticism and
Español |
Meta Facebook - Metaverso
Italiano |
- 'Meta'
- Il Distacco Finale dalla Realtà?
- 'Meta'
- The Final Disconnect from Reality?
Metaverse - Augmented Reality
Pioneer warns 'It could make Reality Disappear'
Italiano |
Metaverse è la 'Libertà' inflitta
dai Tiranni Tecnologici
is 'Freedom' Meted Out by Technological Tyrants
Openness and The Metaverse
Español |
Realidad Extendida (RX) - El
Metaverso podría convertirse en el Nuevo Campo de
Contención de la Humanidad
Snow Crash - by Neal Stephenson
Español |
Snow Crash - por Neal Stephenson
The Great Narrative and The
Link between Transhumanism and the Metaverse
The Metaverse - Reality Occulted
- Living in Metaverse will be 'More Meaningful to us than
our Physical Lives'
Skype |
Eurojust Supports Wire-Tapping of Skype Conversations
EU Wants to Intercept Encrypted VOIP Communications
Has Skype's VOIP Encryption Been
India to Ban Skype
Intelligent Traffic Manager
Investigation Launched in Luxembourg over Skype's Links
to NSA Surveillance Programs
Lucha de Titanes - Skype
se Blinda ante la Nueva Amenaza de WhatsApp
Microsoft Buys Skype and a Future
in Telecommunications
NSA Offering 'Billions' for Skype Eavesdrop Solution
- Business Model for P2P Firm at Last?
NSA Leaks Hint Microsoft May Have
Lied about Skype Security
Skype Collaborated With NSA Long
Before PRISM
- The New York Times
Skype Encryption Stumps German Police
Skype Makes Chats and User Data
More Available to Police
Skype Secrecy Under Attack Again
- European Law Enforcement Pushes for The Ability to
Monitor Internet...
Skype Security And Encryption Review Now Available
Skype Security Evaluation
Skype's Secret 'Project Chess'
Reportedly Helped NSA Access Customers' Data
Skype With Care - Microsoft is Reading Everything You
Spooks Want Government to Block
Taliban Using Skype Phones to
Dodge MI6
Think Your Skype Messages Get
End-to-End Encryption? - Think Again
Web's Reach Binds NSA and Silicon
Valley Leaders
Social Networks - Redes
Sociales |
Español |
Conozca la Nueva Red Social
Cifrada 'Anti-Facebook' Respaldada por Anonymous
Conservative Lawyers file Major
Lawsuit against Facebook, Twitter, Zuckerberg and Dorsey
Italiano |
Depressione Digitale e Masse
Addiction - Increased Loneliness, Anxiety and Depression
- by Erik Peper and Richard Harvey
Digital Addiction increases
Loneliness, Anxiety and Depression
Digital Depression and Lonely
Español |
EE.UU. busca obtener el Control de
TikTok a cambio de su Futura Operatividad en el País -
Español |
Esta Mujer Predijo en 1994 el Lado
Oscuro de las Redes Sociales de forma Increíblemente
FBI Wants New App to Wiretap The
- 'Scraping' Social Network Postings Including Facebook
Facebook and The Internet
- Main File
Facebook, Google and YouTube
Censorship at an All Time High - What Ever Happened to
Free Speech?
Firefox's new Privacy Feature
stops Facebook Seeing what Else you Do Online
Forget WhatsApp - CIA has Tools to
Hack almost All Social Media Platforms
Harvard Professor Exposes Google
and Facebook
Español |
Hegel, Filósofo de la Conciencia
Absoluta, da Buena Razón para dejar de Perder Tiempo en
Redes Sociales
Español |
La Industria de la Desinformación
es un Sector Económico en Auge
Español |
- ¿Las
Redes Sociales nos están Convirtiendo en Idiotas?
Netflix, Facebook and the NSA - They're All in it
No More FOMO - Limiting Social
Media Decreases Loneliness and Depression
Español |
Pereza Cognitiva - Quien No Piensa
es Fácil de Engañar
Español |
Pereza Cognitiva y Redes Sociales
- ¿Cómo se Relacionan?
Poisoned Mind - Social Media in
the 21st Century
Español |
Por qué las Redes Sociales son
Terribles - Robert Sapolsky, el gran Experto en la
Biología del Estrés
Español |
Profesor de Harvard Expone a
Google y Facebook
Revealed About U.S. Spy Operation
That Manipulates Social Media
Russia to Pass Fake News Law that
would Fine Social Networks $793,000
Español |
Sobre el Embrutecimiento Colectivo
de Nuestra Sociedad en la Era Digital
Social Media is Driving a Global
Epidemic of Loneliness among Millennials
Social Radar for Smart Power
Study Shows that Reducing Use of
Social Media Can Reduce Depression and Loneliness
Trapped in The Net - What
They Don't Tell You About the Internet and Social Media
U.S. Government Software Creates 'Fake People' on Social
Networks to Promote Propaganda
Camouflage' to Evade Content Moderation
Multimedia: |
Español |
Cómo 'Nos dejamos Manipular' por
las Redes Sociales
Español |
Dilema de las Redes Sociales' - Un Documental que nos
Afecta a Todos |
Wi-Fi |
Español |
Crean un Dispositivo para
Transformar la señal Wi-Fi en Electricidad
Italiano |
Dimenticate Internet, presto ci
- Una società pianifica linea gratis Wi-Fi per ogni
Do Wi-Fi Signals Kill Trees?
Español |
WiFi Bloquea El Crecimiento de Las Plantas-
La Amenaza Oculta del Internet Inalámbrico
Forget the Internet - Soon there
Will Be the OUTERNET - Company Plans to Beam
Wi-Fi to Every...
Italiano |
Il WI-FI Blocca la Crescita delle
Piante - La Minaccia Occulta di
Internet Senza Fili
Is Wi-Fi Killing American Trees?
Español |
Más Personas Reportan que la
Conexión Wi-Fi los Enferma
More People Reporting Wi-Fi is
Making them Sick
Español |
Olvídese del Internet, pronto
- Compañía Planea
Irradiar desde el Espacio Wi-Fi...
Papers Showing Adverse Biological Effects and Damage to
Health from Wi-Fi
The Effect of a High Frequency
Electromagnetic Field in the Microwave Range on Red
Blood Cells
The Wi-Fi Alliance coming Soon to
Your Neighborhood - 5G Wireless
What is Wi-Fi 7? - Everything You
Need to Know
Wi-Fi Block Plant's Growing
- European Acclaim for Grade 9 Experiment
Wi-Fi is an important Threat to
Human Health
Wi-Fi - The Invisible Killing
Multimedia: |
Scientists Make International
Appeal on Dangers of Wi-Fi
Wikipedia |
Effects - Online Surveillance and Wikipedia Use
How Google and Wikipedia Brainwash
Italiano |
La Russia Sostituisce Wikipedia
con la Grande Enciclopedia Russa
Español |
Propaganda - Cofundador de
Wikipedia dice que sitio Web se ha Transformado en un
Patio de Recreo para...
Russia to Replace Wikipedia with
the 'Great Russian Encyclopedia'
The Jewish Hand Behind Internet
- Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo!, MySpace, eBay...
Wikipedia Revolution - How a Bunch of Nobodies Created the World's
Greatest Encyclopedia -
by Andrew Lih
Wikipedia - A Disinformation
Español |
Wikipedia creará una Red Social
para Combatir la Ignorancia que Facebook Fomenta
Italiano |
Wikipedia è divenuta "La Mente
della Polizia dell'Establishment" - Larry Sanger ha
has become the 'Establishment Thought Police' - Larry Sanger
is Right
Wikipedia is an Information
Warfare Tool
Wikipedia - The George Soros
Italiano |
Wikipedia - Un'Operazione per
Book- Treatises |
Conspiracy Theories
- White Paper by Cass R. Sunstein
Sandworm -
A New Era of Cyberwar and the Hunt for the Kremlin's
Most Dangerous Hackers
- by A. Greenberg
The Internet of Things
- A
critique of Ambient Technology and The All-Seeing... -
by Rob van Kranenburg
The Machine Stops
- by E.M. Forster
The People's Platform - Taking Back Power and
Culture in the Digital Age
- by Astra Taylor
The Revolt of the Public and the
Crisis of Authority in the New Millennium -
by Martin Gurri
Wikipedia Revolution - How a Bunch of Nobodies Created the World's
Greatest Encyclopedia - by A. Lih
Understanding Media: The
Extensions of Man - by Marshall McLuhan
Multimedia |
Español |
Alex Jones sobre la Censura en Internet
A Glimpse Ahead
Bigger Brother - Total
Surveillance Comes to UK
Español |
-¿Como Será
Internet Hacia el 2015?
Deep Packet Inspection
- Democracy Now!
Español |
El Final de Internet
- ¿Pagarías Un Peso por Leer tu Sitio Web?
El Mundo Según Google
Fighting in The Fifth Dimension -
The Cyberworld is A New Frontline
Fraud Fighters - Hackers expose
Illegal Call Centers and Phone Scams - Marketplace
High-speed Internet from Outer
Internet Rising
Is the Internet Being Used to
Shape Our Reality?
Jay Rockefeller - "Internet Should
Have Never Been Invented"
Español |
La Teoría de Los Seis Grados
- Sincronicidad y La Estructura de Redes
Lawrence Lessig Predice Un i-9/11
Menaces Sur
l'INTERNET en 2012
Our Mysterious Governance System
and AI - Who and What is in Charge Here on Planet Earth?
Español |
Revolución Virtual
Rickard Falkvinge and The Internet - Swedish "Pirate Party"
Founder - Interview by Federico Mello
Stare Into the Lights My Pretties
The Death of The Internet?
The Future of The Internet
- Lawrence Lessig, Joichi Ito and Phil Rosedale
The Little Known
Internet - Secret Web
They're Censoring Your Reality (Alex Jones)
U.S. Agenda to Censor Internet
- EE.UU. = CHINA - Patriot Act For Internet Ahead?
Web of Deceit - Bilderberg and UK
Internet Censorship
External Links |
Español |
Como Evitar la Censura en Internet
How to Bypass Internet Censorship
Related Reports |
Cell Phones - Microwave Radiation
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Computer Simulation
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The NSA - The Super Secret
National Security Agency
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The Trans-Pacific Partnership
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