



 -  2012 - El Año En Que Se Acaba Internet



 -  5G - Gli Effetti Dannosi della Nuova Tecnologia


 -  5G - Harmful Effects of a New Technology


 -  5G is an International Health Crisis in the Making


 - "5G Technology" will be the Backbone of Smart Cities - says The Trilateral Commission


 -  5G Telecomm Radiation is the Perfect Tool to Mass Modify Human Brain Waves


 -  A Free And Open Internet Under Threat



 -  Alemania Denuncia a Windows 8


 - "All Your Data Belongs to Us" - FBI Wiretapping of Internet Users - A Seamless Global Surveillance Web


 -  America's Police State Mentality in The Electronic Age - Big Brother


 -  A New Era of Online Communication?


 -  Anonymous - Detrás de la Máscara


 -  An Unknown State may be Running Drills for Taking Down the Entire Internet


 -  Atemorizantes Nuevas Formas como la Internet lo Perfila a Usted


 -  Attacking Tor - How the NSA Targets Users' Online Anonymity


 -  Beware of New Plan to Censor Health Websites


 -  Big Brother - Obama Demands Access to Internet Records, in Secret, and Without Court Review


 -  Big Tech Companies agree to Work together in 'Internet Freedom Crackdown'


 -  Big Tech Giants want to Prove they are 'American Gods' - Anyone watching 'the Watchers'...?


 -  Bloqueo de Sitios Web Para "Dejar Libre Ancho de Banda al Departamento de Seguridad Nacional"


 -  Brainwashed by The 1% - Are We Merely Puppets? - Hypernormalisation, a Documentary of 'A Fake World'


 -  British Police Sell Web Enforcement



 -  Can Dweb Save the Internet?


 -  Censura Global y Militarización de Internet - Una Historia que se Repite


 -  Columnist Calls for Internet "Quality Control" to Quash Dissent


 -  Come Poter Gestire il Flusso Travolgente delle Informazioni nel 21º Secolo


 -  Cómo Lidiar con la Cantidad Abrumadora de Información en el Siglo XXI


 -  Congress Declares 'Offensive' War on The Internet in NDAA


 -  Corporate Congress Critters Kill Internet Neutrality



 -  Creative Commons Torpedoes Copyright Industry Lies


 -  Crypto Wars! - Obama Wants New Law to Wiretap The Internet


 -  Cuando las Banderas Falsas se vuelven Virales


 -  Cuando las Banderas Falsas se vuelven Virtuales


 -  Cuando la Tecnología te Conoce Mejor de lo que te Conoces a ti Mismo


 -  Death of The Internet - Censorship Bills in UK, Australia, U.S. Aim to Block "Undesirable" Websites


 -  Deep Packet Inspection - Telecoms Aided Iran Government to Censor Internet, Technology Widely Used...


 -  De la Libertad de Expresión y la Actual Censura de Internet


 -  Desconectados - La Nueva Tribu Urbana que Abandona Internet para Abrazar la Vida Real


 -  Despotismo Tecnificado - El Fin de la Revolución Digital...


 -  Doomsday for The Internet as We Know It?



 -  Eleven Governments are Meeting in Peru to Figure Out How They Can Control The Internet


 -  El Covid-19 ha Envalentonado a nuestros 'Censores' Modernos


 -  Elon Musk y Twitter-'X' - Main File


 -  Elite Panicking? - Independent Media has More Power than Mainstream Media


 -  El Nuevo Control Mental - La Internet


 -  El Nuevo Orden Mundial Prepara un "9/11″ Digital, y Después


 -  El Plan de la ONU para Controlar la Libertad de Expresión en Internet


 -  El Presidente Xi invita al Mundo a Unirse a China en la Construcción de una Nueva Internet


 -  El Secreto de Chile para tener la Internet más Rápida del Mundo


 -  El Triunfo del Gran Hermano


 -  El Vertiginoso Crecimiento de la Tecnología LTE en América Latina


 - ¿Estás Preparado para la "Infodemia"?


 -  Father of World Wide Web launches Platform which Aims to Radically Decentralize the Internet


 -  FCC to Allow Tech Corporations to Run the Internet - WARNING


 -  Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Poised to Kill Internet Neutrality Rules


 -  Federally Funded Boffins Want to Scrap The Internet - Seeking Further Funding From Congress For...


 -  Feds Order YouTube To Remove Video For Containing "Government Criticism"


 -  Feds Used Aaron Swartz's Political Manifesto Against Him


 -  First 100 Pages of Aaron Swartz's Secret Service File Released

 -  Freedom on The Net 2016


 -  Full Text of The PROTECT IP Act Released - The Good, The Bad And The Horribly Ugly


 -  Gigantes Informáticos piden a Washington que Garantice un "Internet Democrático"


 -  Globalists Seek to Sanitize Internet


 -  Google and The Internet - Main File


 -  Google Seeks Internet Surveillance of the Smart Grid


 -  Governments, Corporations, and Criminals Work to Censor The Internet


 -  How Access to Information can Make or Break the Elite Stranglehold


 -  How a NeoCon-Backed "Fact Checker" plans to Wage War on Independent Media


 -  How 'Big Tech' is Becoming the Government


 -  How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations


 -  How Google, Facebook, Skype, Yahoo and AOL are All Blatantly Lying to Their Own Users in Denying NSA...


 -  How Long After The Election Will Obama Sign Executive Order to Control The Internet?


 -  How Over 5,000 Websites Quietly Track Your Online Behavior


 -  How the NSA Plans to Infect 'Millions' of Computers with Malware


 -  How the NSA Spies on Your Google and Yahoo Accounts


 -  How the Pentagon's Skynet Would Automate War


 -  How to Deal with Information Overwhelm in the 21st Century


 -  Hyperlinking is Not Copyright Infringement - EU Court Rules


 -  Information Control in The Digital Age - The Journey From Internet Piracy to Full Spectrum Tyranny


 -  Information Overload is a Weapon of Control


 - "Internet A Very Large-Scale Spying Machine" - Info Leaking Site Co-Founder


 -  Internet Blackout Highlights Failure of American Politics


 -  Internet Censorship 2022 - A Global Map of Internet Restrictions


 -  Internet Censorship - Australia to Implement Mandatory Internet Censorship


 -  Internet Crashes Will Be Hard to Stop After Obamas Internet Giveaway


 -  Internet Doomsday Creeps Closer - Big Government Pushes For Total Taxation and Restriction on The...


 -  Internet Freedom is Fading in the 'New Era of Social Control'...!


 -  Internet Takeover - New legislation Would Allow State to Arbitrarily Shut Down and Seize Websites


 -  Internet Undergoes 'Biggest Change in a Generation' that You Never Heard About


 -  In the 'Age of Misinformation,' who holds the Power to Categorize the 'Truth'?


 -  Is Big Tech merging with Big Brother?


 -  Italia Da Marcha Atrás en Su Polémica Ley de Control a Los 'Bloggers'


 -  Julian Assange on TPP - 'Mostly Not About Trade, Regulates Internet'


 -  La Arbitrariedad y la Censura han regresado a Occidente


 -  La Batalla de los Censores


 -  La Conspiración de la Teoría de Conspiración


 -  La Crociata dei Mass Media Contro Internet


 -  La Cruzada de los Mass Media Contra Internet


 -  La Dicotomía de los Principales Medios de Comunicación versus los Medios de Comunicación Alternativos


 - ¿La Élite en Pánico? - Los Medios de Comunicación Independientes tienen Más Poder que los Medios de...


 -  La Futura Pesadilla que El Pentágono Está Creando para La Humanidad


 -  La Inquisición de La Era de La Información - Sustein y Kagan


 -  La Internet está Muerta - Larga vida a la Internet


 -  La Internet Tal y Como la Conocemos Está en Su Lecho de Muerte


 -  La Pérdida de la Neutralidad en la Red y el Peligro que puede Significar


 -  La Revolución Tecnológica que llega a América Latina y tiene a Uruguay como Líder Mundial


 -  L'Ascesa di Internet 2.0


 -  Las Naciones Unidas Publica Plan para Llevar Adelante la Censura de la Internet Globalmente


 -  La Sobrecarga de Información es un Arma de Control


 -  La UE considera un Nuevo Enfoque para Hacer Frente a la Desinformación en Línea


 -  La Visión desde las Trincheras de los Medios Alternativos


 -  Le Nazioni Unite Pubblicano il Piano per Continuare la Censura di Internet a Livello Globale


 -  L'Internet come la Conosciamo Oggi è Sul Letto di Morte


 -  Live With The WikiLeakable World or Shut Down The Net - It's Your Choice


 -  Los Filtros en la Web y la Espiritualidad Alternativa - Censura Selectiva de 'Creencias Alternativas'


 -  Los Grandes Medios de Comunicación Empezarán a Intimidar a Bloggers por El "Uso Equitativo"


 -  Los Medios de Comunicación versus la Era de la Información


 -  Los Secretos de Silicon Valley - Lo que el Big Tech No Quiere que Sepas


 -  Mafias Digitales Amenazan Campañas Políticas Latinoamericanas


 -  Mainstream Media to Bully Bloggers Out of 'Fair Use'



 -  Mainstream Media vs. the Age of Information


 -  Malware Aimed at Unmasking 'Tor' Users Sent Data to IP Address Belonging to NSA or FBI


 -  Medios de Comunicación en Línea - La Promesa y el Peligro


 -  Meet the Internet Gatekeepers



 -  Meet the Robin Hood of Science



 -  More Hack Attacks Coming as Microsoft Slams Government Secrecy


 -  Net Neutrality - The FCC, Wikileaks and The Future of Internet Freedom


 -  'News' Spreads Faster and more Widely when It's False...


 - ¡No Dejes Que el Parlamento de La Union Europea Privatice Internet!


 -  No lo Sabes, pero Vives en una Prisión en la que Te Vigilas a Ti Mismo


 -  NSA Director Defends Plan to Maintain 'Backdoors' Into Technology Companies


 -  NSA Prism Program Taps into User Data of Apple, Google and Others


 -  NSA Secretly Exploited Devastating Heartbleed Bug for Years - Report


 -  Obama Can Shut Down The Internet For 4 Months Under New Emergency Powers


 -  Obedece, Vacúnate y Muere como Ingenuo... - Obedece a la 'Autoridad


 -  Online Media - The Promise and the Peril


 -  Opresión en Red - El Nuevo Modelo de Tiranía



 -  Pentagon Secretly Goes to War With The Internet



 -  Porqué Todo el Mundo debe Alzarse en Armas sobre la Catástrofe en Internet que se Avecina en la UE


 -  President Obama's Executive Order to Control The Internet


 - "Privacy" Search Engine DuckDuckGo smoked over Hidden Tracking Agreement with Microsoft


 -  Promis


 - "Protect IP Act" Gives Government Power to Seize Websites On a Whim


 -  Remote Amazon Tribe gets Internet Access - You already Know what happens Next...!


 -  Researchers Explore Scrapping Internet



 -  Revelan una de las Bases para la Tiranía que Pronto Afectará a Todos


 -  Russia is Being Hacked at an Unprecedented Scale


 -  Russia to launch 'Independent Internet' for BRICS Nations - Report


 -  Salvemos La Internet del Ataque de Los EE.UU.



 -  Save The Internet From The U.S.



 -  Scary New Ways the Internet Profiles You


 -  Secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership  Talks Re-Commence in Lima, Peru - They Can Shut Us Out, But...


 -  Secret Plan To Kill Internet by 2012 Leaked?


 -  Secrets of Silicon Valley - What Big Tech Doesn't Want You to Know


 -  Secret United Nations Document Lays Out Plan to Seize Control of Internet


 -  'Servidores Sirena' como La Matrix



 -  Several Top Websites Use Device Fingerprinting to Secretly Track Users


 -  'Shadow Banning' is Just the Tip of the Iceberg - We're All Digital Ghosts Now


 -  Silicon Valley está Construyendo un Sistema de Crédito Social al estilo de China


 -  'Siren Servers' as The Matrix



 -  'Snooper's Charter' Web Spying Bill - The Queen's Announced Internet Surveillance Plan


 -  Snowden Revelations Led to 'Chilling Effect' on Pursuit of Knowledge - Says Study


 -  Speculations on A Probable Future Destruction of The Internet


 - ¿Te Atreves a Navegar la Cara Oculta de Internet?


 -  Technology Companies Concede to Government Surveillance Program


 -  Ten Reasons Why Nothing You Do on The Internet Will EVER Be Private Again


 -  Terror Laws Clear Senate, Enabling Entire Australian Web to Be Monitored and Whistleblowers to Be Jailed


 -  The Battle for Power on The Internet


 -  The "Blue Screen of Death" could throw the Global Economy into a State of Chaos for Weeks


 -  The Brave New World of Surveillance Capitalism


 -  The BRICS "Independent Internet" Cable - In Defiance of the "US-Centric Internet"


 -  The Coming Age of Internet Censorship


 -  The Conspiracy Theory Conspiracy


 -  'The Creepy Line' - A New Documentary on the Power of Tech Giants


 -  The Dichotomy of Mainstream Media vs. the Alternative Media


 -  The End of All That is Good and Pure about the Internet


 -  The End of The Internet?


 -  The End of The Internet as We Know It - Google-Verizon Deal


 -  The EU Considers a New Approach to Confront Disinformation Online


 -  The "Hi-Tech" Corporate Police State - "Reengineering" The Internet... for Persistent Surveillance


 -  The Importance of RSS Feeds - Break Free from Censorship and Propaganda


 -  The Internet - 10 Terrible Tech Laws That Have You in Their Bull's-Eye


 -  The Internet as We Know it Is on Its Deathbed


 -  The Internet - Dangers and Questions of the 'Zuckerberg Era'


 -  The Internet is a Surveillance State


 -  The Internet is Killing your Brain and Creativity - Will we Succumb to the Mindless Tech-Matrix?


 -  The Internet is Splitting in Two as Dispute with China Emerges


 -  The Internet War


 -  The Internet Was Just Taken Over by a Global Monopoly - And No One Even Noticed


 -  The New Mind Control - The Internet


 -  The Next Phase of Internet Censorship Has Begun - Man The Battle Stations!


 -  The Online Copyright War - The Day The Internet Hit Back at Big Media


 -  The Pursuance Project - Goodbye Censorship - Digital Rights Activist creating Open Source Internet, Free...


 -  The Race to Dominate Satellite Internet heats up...


 -  The Real Reason Why the United Nations Wants Control Over the Internet - Technocracy


 -  There's No Net Neutrality and we Made Dystopia a Reality - Welcome to 2018


 -  The Rise of Internet 2.0


 -  These Countries have an Internet Kill Switch - And they Admit It...


 -  The Secret State's Mad Scheme to Control The Internet - Through The Wormhole

 -  The Spread of True and False News Online



 -  The State of Internet Censorship in Europe


 -  The Strategic Significance of the Internet Commons

 -  The Taking of The Internet


 -  The United Nations International Telecommunications Union Next Danger to Internet Freedom


 -  The UN Releases Plan to Push for Worldwide Internet Censorship


 -  The U.S. Air Force Wants to Monitor, Track and Analyze Everything Done on The Internet Around The Globe


 -  The View from the Trenches of the Alternative Media


 -  The War Is On! - List of 'Fake News' Sites including, Breitbart, Infowars, Zerohedge...


 -  The Weaponization of Information - The Need for Cognitive Security

 -  The Web Never Forgets - Persistent Tracking Mechanisms in the Wild


 -  The Worrying Trend of Internet Shutdowns


 -  Thirty-Two Tips for Navigating a Society that is Full of Propaganda and Manipulation


 -  Time to Ditch DuckDuckGo? - Popular Alternative Internet Search Site censoring "Russian Disinformation"


 -  Top Sites (and maybe The NSA) Track Users with "Device Fingerprinting"


 -  Treinta y dos Consejos para Navegar en una Sociedad llena de Propaganda y Manipulación


 -  Tu Guía para la 'Guerra de Quinta Generación'


 -  Tus Datos Personales que WhatsApp comparte con EE.UU. - ¿Estabas al tanto?


 -  Two-thirds of the World's Internet Users Live Under Government Censorship - Report


 -  UKIP 'Saves the Internet' - EU's Attack on Memes Voted Down, Delayed


 -  Una Libertad Bajo Vigilancia Electrónica - Extraído de "EUROPOL"


 -  Una Nuova Era della Comunicazione Online?


 -  Understanding the Origins of Internet Censorship


 -  United Nations already Moving In to Take Control Over Internet


 -  United Nations approves 'New Internet Convention' backed by Russia and China


 -  United Nations may Tax and Censor Post-U.S. Internet - Experts Warn


 -  United Nations Mulls Internet Regulation Options


 -  United Nations Talks on Internet Regulation Labeled "Offensive"


 -  United Nations (UN) digital World Brain seeks to 'Track Everything and Everyone'


 -  U.S. Government Issues More Takedown Requests Than China, Including One for "Government Criticism"


 -  U.S. Leaves ICANN - Opens Door for Global Internet Governance


 -  U.S. Plans to 'Fight The Net' Revealed


 - "Vivimos Hiperconectados y eso permite que Controlen nuestra Mente"


 -  Web Filters and Alternative Spirituality - The Selective Censorship of 'Alternative Beliefs'


 -  Welcome to The Programmable World


 -  We Need Wiretap-Ready Web Sites Now - Says The FBI


 -  What is the Revenue Generation Model for DuckDuckGo?


 -  What is the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)?


 -  White House Seizes Control of Internet by Executive Order


 -  Who Spreads Fake News? - Overwhelmingly, Old White Men


 -  Who Will Control Your Internet?



 -  Why MIT Scientists are Building a New Search Engine "Google 2.0"


 -  Why the United Nation's Push to Control The Internet Isn't Over


 -  Why the Whole World Should Be Up in Arms about the EU's Looming Internet Catastrophe


 -  Wikileaks - International New Media Non-Profit Organization - Main File


 -  Yahoo, Acusado de Espionaje y Violación de La Privacidad


 -  Yahoo a Sus Usuarios: "Permítanos Leer Sus Emails o Cerraremos Su Cuenta"


 -  Yes, The FBI and CIA Can Read Your Email - Here's How


Additional Information


 -  7 Tips to Optimize Identity Protection


 -  20YY - Preparing for War in the Robotic Age


 -  300 Years to Index The World's Info - Google ETA?


 -  After Six years in Exile, Edward Snowden explains Himself


 -  Alexa Ranking - Is that a Reliable Traffic Measurement Tool?


 -  Alternative Media is Defeating The New World Order


 -  Anonymous Threatens Exposure of Government Secrets to Avenge Aaron Swartz's Death


 -  Apple Has Installed Security Backdoors on 600 Million iPhones and iPads - Claims Security Researcher


 -  Are My "Friends" Even Real People? - Revealed That Air Force Ordered Software to Manage Army of...


 -  ARM's Latest Processors Aim to Stretch Internet's Reach


 -  Assange Warns U.S. Communications Dominance Threatens Latin America's Sovereignty


 -  As We Become Cameras, Wearable Cameras will be Ubiquitous - We'll Barely Notice


 -  A Tipping Point Against the Copyright Monopoly Regime Is a Lot Closer Than You Think


 -  A Wake-Up Call - Why we can No Longer Assume Wireless Technology is Safe


 -  Big Brother Is Watching You Shop


 -  Big Brother Obama - U.S. to Spy on Internet Messaging - Regulations to Target Skype, Facebook...


 -  Big Brother Pays Off as Predictive Behavior Technology Targets Shoppers


 -  Canadian Court Slaps Restrictions on Copyright Trolling


 - #CancelCulture - Lessons from the Ancient World


 - #CancellaCultura - Lezioni dal Mondo Antico


 -  Can Spirituality Survive in A Hyper-Connected Society?

 -  Certified Lies - Detecting and Defeating Government Interception Attacks Against SSL


 -  China Spending as Much on Calming Civil Unrest as U.S. on War Effort - Chinese Netizen Speaks Out


 -  Combined Video Analytics and Image Fusion are Ushering in A New Era in Surveillance


 -  Connecting The Many Undersea Cut Cable Dots...


 -  Consciencia en la Era del Streaming - 'Spotifica' Tu Mente

 -  Content and Popularity Analysis of Tor Hidden Services


 -  DARPA Set to Drop Computer "F-Bombs" to Spy on Public


 -  Data, Data Everywhere... But Not One Ounce of Wisdom


 -  Despite U.S. Opposition, U.N. Pushes Forward Surveillance Bill of Rights


 -  Detect Computer and Email Monitoring



 -  Digital Life


 -  Disaster Looms when AI Runs the Economy - Says Inventor of the Internet


 -  Do You Trust the Government With Your Computer?


 -  Edward Snowden explains Blockchain to his Lawyer and the Rest of Us


 -  El Logos de Marshall McLuhan - Profeta del Internet y Místico de la Comunicación


 -  Entendiendo la Interferencia de La Energía - Navegando por las Corrientes de Energía Invisible nos Rodean


 -  Eternamente Conectado - Cómo la Tecnología te Desconecta de Ti Mismo


 -  Eternally Connected - How Technology Disconnects You from Yourself


 -  E.U. Body Calls for U.S. to Give Up Internet Control and Pushes for International Governance


 -  Every Click You Make, They'll Be Watching


 -  Everything You Need to Know about Blockchain but were Too Embarrassed to Ask


 -  Farsas Sistémicas - ¿La "Voz" de Quién? - O Por Qué Me Di de Baja en Avaaz


 -  Fewer Papers, More Web


 -  First Deepfake Address from the 'Queen' of England makes its Debut on British TV


 -  Former White House Official Says U.S. Already at War with Russia and China

 -  Full Text of "The PROTECT-IP Act"


 -  Gauss Virus Targets Banking System May Cause U.S. Financial Collapse

 -  Going for The Throat - 'Carnivore' in an Echelon World - Surveillance Systems


 -  Google Devising Method to Rank Websites by Truthfulness


 -  Global Gridlock - How the US Military-Industrial Complex Seeks to Contain and Control the Earth and Its...


 -  Global Smart Grid - Technocracy Endgame



 -  Governments are Beginning to Censor Much More Than Just What Makes Us Healthy


 -  Governing by Networks - Chart


 -  History of ARPANET - Behind The Net


 -  Homeland Security and Intelligence: Next Steps in Evolving the Mission


 -  How does Alexa Track Traffic - Do they Really Have a Grasp of Your Traffic?


 -  How Government Masks the Plight of Spain's Lost Generation


 -  How Governments and Telecom Companies Work Together on Surveillance Laws


 -  How Ideas Become Contagious Online


 -  How to Protect Yourself from The Largest Pandemic of All Time - 4G/LTE Mobile Internet and WiFi


 -  IBM Betting Carbon Nanotubes can Restore Moore's Law by 2020


 -  Il Più Potente Supercomputer del Mondo è Assolutamente un Mostro


 -  Influential Beats - The Cultural Impact of Music


 -  Information Operation Roadmap


 -  Inside The NSA's Largest and Most Expansive Secret Domestic Spy Center in Bluffdale, Utah - Exposed


 -  Inteligencia Artificial que puede Escribir Textos Falsos es considerada Demasiado Peligrosa

 -  International Code of Conduct for Information Security - China, Russia and Other Countries Submit to...


 -  Internet Alien Presence



 -  Internet Is The Primary News Source For Those More Educated As Well As People Under 30


 -  INTERPOL Taps KGB Tech Wizard Kaspersky for Internet Security


 -  Is The Crackdown on Wikileaks and Threats of Julian Assange's Arrest Exactly What He Was Planning?


 -  Is The Internet 9/11 Under Way?


 -  Korea's High-Tech Utopia, Where Everything Is Observed


 -  La Caída de los Medios de Comunicación Dominantes - Cuando Falla la Propaganda, la Humanidad...


 -  La Caja Idiota - Cómo te Hipnotiza la Televisión


 -  La Comunicación en La Red De Redes Seriamente Afectada De Nuevo


 -  La Diferencia entre Información, Conocimiento y Sabiduría - O porqué más Información nos ha hecho Menos Sabios


 -  La Guerra contra Rusia y China ya ha Empezado - Declara Ex-funcionaria de la Casa Blanca


 -  La Guerra contro Russia e Cina è Già Iniziata - Così Dichiara ex-Funzionaria della Casa Bianca


 -  La Infantilización de la Cultura Occidental


 -  La Lentitud y la Belleza - Un Argumento Contra la Automatización de la Vida


 -  La Perniciosa Ignorancia de Pensar que la Tecnología es Neutral


 -  La Telepresencia Amenaza el 'Orden Establecido'


 -  La "Teoría del Bosque Oscuro" de la Internet


 -  La Verdad que Nadie quiere Oír sobre los Medios Alternativos de Internet


 -  Lessons from the Roman Empire about the Danger of Luxury


 -  Lezioni dall'Impero Romano sul Pericolo del Lusso


 -  Life in The Electronic Concentration Camp - The Many Ways that You're Being Tracked, Catalogued and...


 -  LightSaver Max - Cargador Solar Portátil Ultraligero para Viajeros

 -  Living in A Wireless World


 -  Manifiesto de Internet - Como Funciona el Periodismo Hoy - Diecisiete Declaraciones

 -  Mediterranean Council for Intelligence Studies - Yearbook 2012


 -  Mujeres Latinoamericanas programan su Mundo contra Brecha Digital


 -  New Report Explains Obama's Crusade to Censor the Press


 -  No Escape from our Techno-Feudal World



 -  NSA Boss Wants More Control Over The Internet



 -  NSA Malware Infected over 50,000 Computer Networks Worldwide


 -  NSA Refuses to Declassify Obama's Cybersecurity Directive - Exceptionally Grave Damage


 -  NSA Wants "EZ Pass" Control for Internet



 -  Orwell 2011 - Towards a Pervasive "Surveillance State" in America - Biometrics, Facial Mapping...

 -  Persona Management Software


 - ¿Podría una Tormenta Solar dejar a la Tierra sin Conexión a Internet?

 -  Policy Challenges of Accelerating Technological Change - Security Policy and Strategy Implications...


 -  Porqué debemos Pensar en la Tecnología como una Droga

 -  Professors' Letter in Opposition to "PROTECT-IP Act of 2011, S. 968"

 -  Project 12 - Improving Protection of Privately Owned Critical Network Infrastructure Through Public-Private...


 -  Proton is trying to Become Google - Without Your Data...!


 - ¿Puede la Espiritualidad Sobrevivir en una Sociedad Hiper-Conectada?


 -  Realidades Falsas crearán Humanos Falsos


 -  Rent-to-Own PCs Surreptitiously Captured Users' Most Intimate Moments


 -  Rusia Desarrolla una Internet Propia para Propósitos Militares Aislado de la Red Global

 -  Russian Researchers Expose Breakthrough U.S. Spying Program


 -  Should Obama Control The Internet?



 -  Sites Feed Personal Details to New Tracking Industry


 -  Sitios Web con las Verdades Más Reveladoras - Información Importante


 -  Siti Web con le Verità Più Rivelatrici - Informazione Importante

 -  Strategic Plan For The U.S. Integrated Earth Observation System

 -  Team Themis - Corporate Information Reconnaissance Cell - November 3, 2010


 -  Technocrats turn to Ethicists to 'Save their Soul'


 -  Teilhard de Chardin and Transhumanism



 -  The Beginner's Guide to your Internet Speed


 -  The Dark Forest Theory of the Internet

 -  The Electronic Police State - 2010 National Rankings



 -  The Fall of Mainstream Media - When Propaganda Fails, Humanity Awakens

 -  The Implementation of The Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act


 -  The Man Behind The World's Most Dangerous Website - Secrets and Lies


 -  The Misinformation Virus


 -  The NSA is Building The Country's Biggest Spy Center - Watch What You Say - Big Brother Goes Live...


 -  The Objective, Non-Academic Publication

 -  The Protect IP Act - Draft


 -  The Prove-it Initiative - Immediate Moratorium on All New Public Wireless Technologies - External Link


 -  There Is a Tipping Point for The Spread of Ideas and It Has Finally Arrived


 -  The Skynet Conspiracy


 -  The Spyfiles - WikiLeaks


 -  The Starlink Incident - Revisited


 -  The War Is Over... And We Won


 -  The Web's Longest Nightmare Ends - Eolas' Patents Are Dead on Appeal


 -  The Web's New Gold Mine - Your Secrets


 -  The World's Most Powerful Supercomputer is an Absolute Beast


 -  The World Wide Web - from "The Evolutionary Mind - Trialogues at The Edge of The Unthinkable"


 -  Think You're Not Being Tracked? - Now Websites Turn to Audio Fingerprinting to Follow You


 -  Three Disruptive Technologies that will Transform the World into Technocracy within 10 Years


 -  To 'Protect the Press' Spain Tries to Muffle the Internet

 -  Total Data Domination - 5G, IoT, AI Surveillance and the Smart City


 -  Trading Away Our Digital Rights - More Nations Join TPP as The Next Round of Negotiations Approach


 -  Truths, Half-Truths, Lies and Cowards



 -  UK Filter to Block 'Esoteric Content' - Worldwide Implications


 -  Una Nueva Herramienta Democratiza la Ciencia de Datos


 -  Un 'Apocalipsis de Internet' podría llegar a la Tierra con la Próxima Tormenta Solar - Advierte una Nueva...

 -  Unclassified Report On The President's Surveillance Program - Obama Administration


 -  Understanding Energy Interference - Navigating Unseen Currents of Energy that Surround Us


 -  U.S. Underwrites Internet Detour Around Censors


 -  Verdades, Medias-Verdades, Mentiras y Cobardes


 -  Viviendo En Un Mundo Inalámbrico


 -  Websites with Most Revealing Truths - Important Information


 -  What the Internet Sales Tax in the U.S. is All About


 -  White House Targets Conspiracy Theorists As Terrorist Recruiters - 'Strategy for Winning The War on...


 -  Why Banks and U.S. Treasury Warn Virus will Wipeout Customer Accounts


 -  Why You Should Consider Ham Radio for Communications - Resistance 101


 -  WikiLeaks - A Big Dangerous U.S. Government Con Job



 -  Windows-Microsoft-Bill Gates - Main File


 -  'Wireless' Humans Could Form Backbone of New Mobile Networks


 -  Wireless Internet Makes Trees Sick


 -  Wisdom in the Age of Information and the Importance of Storytelling in Making Sense of the World





 -  ACTA 2.0 - The Trans-Pacific Partnership



 -  ACTA Is Dead After European Parliament Vote



 -  ACTA is Worse Than SOPA - Here's What You Need to Know


 -  ACTA - The Corporate Usurpation of The Internet



 -  At Least 7,000 Websites Black Out Their Homepages in Protest of SOPA and PIPA Internet Censorship Bills


 -  Fascism Comes to The Internet - Introducing CISPA


 -  Google, Facebook, Amazon Planning Internet Blackout to Protest "Big Brother" SOPA Bill

 -  Google-Twitter Cave to International Censorship Pressure


 -  SOPA and PIPA Fully Alive - And a New Bill Joins Them



 -  The SOPA/PIPA Blackout Protest - Anonymous Goes Nuclear - Everybody Loses?


 -  Top Web Firms Set to Impose a Blackout in Protest Against 'Big Brother' Online Piracy Bill




 -  What is ACTA?



Algorithms - Algoritmos


 -  Big Tech's Authoritarian Practices are Accelerating - Will You Submit?


 -  Capitalismo de Vigilancia - Algoritmos para Manipular la Opinión Pública y la Caída de Facebook


 -  Confiamos más en los Ordenadores que en los Humanos


 -  Developing Algorithms that Might One Day be used Against You


 -  El Lenguaje Perdido del Cuerpo - Algoritmos, Ocultismo y los Límites del Conocimiento


 -  Feudalism and the "Algorithmic Economy" - Using AI and Algorithms to Return to Feudal Economic Models


 -  God's Algorithm


 -  How Algorithms Rule The World


 -  How Can we Stop Algorithms Telling Lies?

 -  Humans rely more on Algorithms than Social Influence as a task becomes More Difficult


 -  Investigación Muestra que ya No Son los Humanos los que Toman las Decisiones - Son los Algoritmos


 -  La Algo-Matrix y los ETs - La Tierra Como una Iniciativa Extraterrestre


 -  New Google Algorithm Restricts Access to Left-wing and Progressive Web Sites


 -  Raging Against the Algorithm - Google and Persuasive Technology


 -  Silicon Valley Algorithm Manipulation is the 'Only Thing Keeping Mainstream Media Alive'


 - ¿Son los Algoritmos los 'Demonios' de nuestra Época?


 -  The Algo-Matrix and the ETs - Earth as an Alien Enterprise


 -  The New Gatekeepers - How proprietary Algorithms increasingly Determine the News We See


Cybercrimes and Cyberattacks


 -  A Precursor to War? - As Washington Renews Military Threats Against Iran, Cyber Attacks Escalate


 -  Chinese Hackers Suspected in Cyber Attack on Council on Foreign Relations


 -  Cyberattack Drills Going Live?


 -  Cyber Polygon - Will the 'Next Globalist War Game' lead to another Convenient Catastrophe?


 -  'Cybersecurity Act' Would Give President Power to 'Shut Down' Internet


 -  Cyberwarfare - Hi-Tech/Top Secret Military Weapons - Main File

 -  Department of Defense Strategy for Operating in Cyberspace


 -  Draft Order Would Give Companies Cyberthreat Info


 -  EE.UU. y Rusia - De la Guerra Fría a la Guerra Cibernética


 -  El Ciberespacio - Nuevo Escenario de Confrontaciones


 -  El Contra-Imperio - Mundialización y Cibernética


 -  El Mundo está a punto de ver una Ola de Delitos Cibernéticos - Dicen funcionarios de Ciberseguridad Alemanes


 -  El Pentágono da Nuevo Paso en La Ciberguerra - Puede Intervenir Cualquier Red Dentro de EE.UU.


 -  Finding The 'Cure' for The 'Cyber Epidemic'



 -  From "Event 201" to "Cyber Polygon" - The WEF's Simulation of a Coming "Cyber Pandemic"


 -  Globalists Using London Cyberspace Summit to Push for Global Internet Treaty


 -  Globalist War Against Humanity Shifts into High Gear - Cars, Cash, Literature and Independent News all...


 -  Governments launch Cyber Warfare against Citizenry to overcome 'Vaccine Hesitancy'


 -  How Cybercrime has Evolved since the Pandemic Hit


 -  Internet 'Kill Switch' Dropped From Cybersecurity Bill - But White House Still Claims Power to Intervene in...


 - 'Lack of Cybersecurity has become a Clear and Immediate Danger to our Society' - K.Schwab, Cyber Polygon 21


 -  Microsoft, FBI and DHS Team Up to Fight Cybercrime


 -  New CISPA Cybersecurity Bill Will Censor The Web - Even Worse Than SOPA


 -  Offensive Cyberspace Operations, The NDAA, and The Title 10-Title 50 Debate

 -  Pandora's Vox - On Community in Cyberspace


 -  Pentagon Will Help Homeland Security Department Fight Domestic Cyberattacks


 -  Security Grifters Partner-Up on Sinister Cyber-Surveillance Project

 -  Shadows in The Cloud - Investigating Cyber Espionage


 -  The Global Elite's Digital Agenda Played Out as Censorship and Cyber Warfare


 -  The Internet is Rotting...!

 -  Tracking GhostNet - Investigating a Cyber Espionage Network



 -  USCYBERCOM - Estados Unidos Oficializa Su Interés en La Guerra Cibernética de Cara a Las Próximas...


 -  U.S. Cyber Command - Documents Reveal Pentagon Launching Covert Cyber Attacks


 -  U.S. Cyber Command - Waging War In World's Fifth Battlespace


 -  Virus Sauron - Un Nuevo 'Proyecto de Estado' para el Ciberespionaje Mundial


 -  What's the 'End Game' for Cybercrimes and Ransomware Attacks?


 -  When Solar Flares meet Cyberattacks at the Confluence of Global Mayhem


 -  Your Body is the Next Frontier in Cybercrime


 - ¿Y si el Próximo Gran Ciberataque tuviera como Objetivo la Internet?


Deep Dark Web



 -  Cómo Funciona la Internet Profunda



 -  Deep Web - La Rete oltre Google


 -  Deep Web - Las Oscuras Profundidades de Internet que Ya Preocupan a Gobiernos


 -  Deep Web - What is it and How to Access it? - The Ultimate Guide

 -  Digital Life in 2025 - Experts Predict the Internet will Become 'Like Electricity' - Less Visible, more Deeply...


 -  How the Deep Web Works


 -  La Web Profunda - Qué es y cómo Acceder a ella - La Guía Definitiva


 -  Los Servicios Secretos Rusos Quieren Cerrar el Acceso al 'Lado Oscuro' de Internet


 -  Study suggests most "Dark Web" Users are Not Engaging in Illicit Activities


 -  Qué es la 'Red Tor' y cómo puedes Usarla


 -  What's the Dark Web and how to Access it in 3 Easy Steps


Internet Privacy - Privacidad



 -  Bill Gates "defends" Free Speech - Unless it hurts His Investments...!


 -  CISPA - Four Viewpoints You Should Hear


 -  CISPA Passes The House - Privacy Battle Moves to Senate


 -  CREEPY Bill Gates Strikes Again with Windows 10

 -  Defending Privacy at The U.S. Border - A Guide for Travelers Carrying Digital Devices


 -  Di Quali 'Video Chiamati App' vi Potete Fidare?


 -  Edward Snowden Divulges the 5 Easiest Ways to Protect Yourself Online


 -  El Cofundador de 'Telegram' revela el "Secreto" por el que hay una Fuga de Usuarios de WhatsApp a su...


 -  El Impactante Centro de Datos Submarino de China


 -  Encryption Does Not Prevent Mass-Snooping - Snake-Oil Alert!


 -  Forget Privacy - By 2025 There Will Only Be The Watchers and The Watched


 -  Forget WhatsApp - CIA has Tools to Hack almost All Social Media Platforms


 -  Government Proposes Massive Shift in Online Privacy Policy


 -  How Cookies Track You around the Web and How to Stop Them


 -  How Privacy Became a Commodity for the Rich and Powerful


 - "I have Nothing to Hide - Why should I Care about my Privacy?"


 -  Información Personal de Visitantes de Web Anti-Trump - Departamento de Justicia de EE.UU. exige...


 -  Internet Privacy and Personal Access at Risk


 -  Invasive Cyber Technologies and Internet Privacy - Big Brother is Only a "Ping" or Mouse Click Away


 -  L'ORRIPILANTE Bill Gates colpisce Ancora con Windows 10


 -  New Internet Privacy Service Moving Offshore - Here's Why


 -  NSA and State Surveillance - 5-Part Special


 -  Permaneciendo Anónimo en 'WIRE'


 - ¿Porqué me Vigilan, si no soy Nadie?


 -  Privacy Protection and The Secret State's Surveillance Powers


 - ¿Qué es el 'Cyberbullying' y cómo Prevenirlo?


 -  Sin Cifrado Perderemos toda la Privacidad - Este es nuestro Nuevo Campo de Batalla


 -  Staying Anonymous on 'WIRE'


 -  The FTC is investigating 'Data Collection' at YouTube, Facebook, and Seven other Companies including...


 -  There is No More Encryption Debate - Backdoors Threaten the Whole World


 -  The Secret State's Surveillance Machine - Undermining the American People's Right to Privacy


 -  The Ultimate Online Privacy Guide


 -  This Internet Provider Pledges to Put Your Privacy First Always


 -  Which Video Call Apps can You Trust?


 -  Worried Your Emails Might Be Spied On? - Here's what You can Do


 -  Your Online Data is in Peril - The Blockchain Could Save It




 -  CISPA - Why You Should Care


 -  Nothing to Hide


 -  Skynet 2.0 - Unstoppable Secret Network Bypasses Internet



Internet Re-Evolution - Internet of Things - Internet of Bodies


 -  5G and 'Internet of Things' to Create Unprecedented Surveillance


 -  5G and IoT - Total Technological Control Grid being Rolled Out Fast


 -  6G - Manufactured Dystopia - Globalists Won't Stop Hacking Humans


 -  10 Ways Hackers Have Punked Corporations and Oppressive Governments


 -  Anonymous Hits the New York Stock Exchange, World Bank, FED, and Vatican - Total Media Blackout


 -  Anti-NSA "Blackphone" - Encrypted Smartphone Designed to Liberate Users from Total Surveillance


 -  Anti-Piracy Efforts are Unlikely to Beat Sci-Hub


 -  A Whole New Version of The Internet is About to Be Switched On


 -  Beyond IoT and 5G - Internet of Bodies or IoB



 -  Bienvenido al Internet Quántico


 -  Bitcoin - The New World Order's Plot for A World Currency?


 -  'Bond Villain' Schwab and his WEF are Pushing the Internet of Bodies


 -  ‘Challenging The Dollar' - Bitcoin Total Value Tops $1 Billion


 -  CIA Home Invasion - Smart TVs and The 'Internet of Things'


 -  Científicos Almacenan en ADN un Sistema Operativo, una Película y un Virus de Computadora


 -  Computer Scientists achieve 'Crown Jewel' of Cryptography


 -  DARPA launches 'Project CHARIOT' in Bid to shield Big Tech Profits

 -  Demonstration of Communication Using Neutrinos


 -  Dimenticate Internet, presto ci sarà OUTERNET - Una società pianifica linea gratis Wi-fi per ogni persona...

 -  DNA Fountain Enables a Robust and Efficient Storage Architecture


 -  Documents Reveal NSA Reads Your Internet Chats - Here's How to Avoid Being Spied On


 -  Domestic "Internet of Things" Begins to Merge With the Industrial Smart Grid


 -  El Internet de Todo - Aniquilando el Tiempo y el Espacio


 -  Elon Musk Unveils New Plan for Global Satellite Internet - While Google Invests a Billion in SpaceX


 -  El Outernet



 -  El Outernet se Une a La Carrera Espacial para la Accesibilidad al Internet


 -  Europa Apuesta Por La Revolución de La Web 3.0



 -  Evade Government Surveillance Stay Anonymous Online


 -  Fabricando La Sociedad Adicta


 -  Fighting Back Against the "Intellectual Property" Racket


 -  Five Ways to Avoid Pulling a "Petraeus" - Security for Your Email


 -  Forget the Internet - Soon there Will Be the OUTERNET - Company Plans to Beam Free Wi-fi to Every...

 -  Future Networks and The Internet - Early Challenges Regarding the "Internet of Things"


 -  Giant 5G Drones in Hawaii Skies? - Pushback is Growing


 -  How to Hide Your Digital Communications from Big Brother


 -  How to Succeed at Becoming a Digital Nomad


 -  How to Unblock Websites for Free and Why it Feels Good


 -  How will We Live in the Year 2065? - Cities, Cyborgs and Social Science


 -  Human Microchip Implants and the Internet of Bodies


 -  IBM Gets Closer to Real Quantum Computing


 -  International Internet Standards-Setting Body Pulls Away from U.S. Control, Citing Surveillance Concerns


 -  Internet Freedom - Get Free Access to Anonymous VPNs Via University Project


 -  Internet Launches Fightback Against State Snoopers



 - 'Internet of Bodies' may lead to 'Internet of Brains' by 2050 - RAND Corporation

 -  Internet of Things in 2020 - A Roadmap for the Future

 -  In the Room Where It Happens - Characterizing Local Communication and Threats in Smart Homes


 -  Kim Dotcom Wants to Encrypt Half of The Internet to End Government Surveillance


 -  Lavabit and Silent Circle Join Forces to Make all Email Surveillance-Proof


 -  New Tech Startup Predicts the Future by Decoding the Past


 -  New VPN Technology Claims to Thwart Great Firewall of China


 -  Now Everyone Wants to Sell You a Magical Anonymity Router - Choose Wisely


 -  Nuevo Inicio Tecnológico Predice el Futuro Descifrando el Pasado


 -  Olvídese del Internet, pronto Habrá el OUTERNET - Compañía Planea Irradiar desde el Espacio Wi-Fi...


 -  Outernet Joins the Space Race for Internet Accessibility


 -  Outernet - La Guerra de la Información Alcanza un Nuevo Nivel


 -  Outernet - The Information War on a Whole New Level

 -  People, Places, Things - Web Presence for The Real World


 -  Potente Impulso al Internet Quántico - Consiguen la Teleportación Quántica entre dos Chips Fotónicos


 -  Quantum Teleportation Breakthrough May Pave The Way for Quantum Computing


 -  Radio.Garden - La Aplicación para Sintonizar cualquier Emisora del Planeta


 -  Recordando 'Quiénes Somos Realmente' frente a la Revolución Digital


 -  Remembering 'Who We Truly Are' in the Face of the Digital Revolution


 -  Researchers Send "Wireless" Message Using Elusive Particles


 -  Scientists Create a 5-atom Quantum Computer that Could Make today's Encryption Obsolete


 -  Scientists Store on DNA an Operating System, a Movie and a Computer Virus


 -  Set Citation Data Free..!


 -  The Internet of Everything - Annihilating Time and Space

 -  The Internet of Things - ITU Internet Reports 2005 - Executive Summary


 -  The NSA is Working on Powerful Quantum Computing Technology


 -  The Outernet


 -  The Quantum Internet


 -  The Technologies Building the Smart Cities of the Future


 -  They are Using Lab-Grown Human Brains that they have Enslaved called "Organoids" to Run Computers


 -  Turkey's Twitter Ban Collapse Fueled by VPNs and DNS Tricks


 -  Turning The Tables on Big Brother - Now Internet Users Can Watch Who Is Spying on Them in Blow...


 -  Under the Skin - The Internet of Bio-Nano Things


 -  Un Estudio revela Amenazas para la Privacidad y la Seguridad en los Hogares 'Inteligentes'


 -  Un Futuro Hecho de Lenguaje en el Que Podremos Programar Universos


 -  UN Predicts 'Internet of Things'


 -  Untangling The Web - A Guide to Internet Research - Large File


 -  U.S. Government Developing Ultimate Cyber Weapon - Prime-Factoring Quantum Computing Makes...


 -  Welcome to The Quantum Internet


 -  What is a Quantum Computer?


 -  Who Tracks the Trackers that Track You Online? - You Can, with 'Lightbeam'


 -  WiFi + USB Drive = Your Own Mini-Internet (Freedom)


 -  Wireless Neutrino Network Could Pass Through the Center of The Earth


 -  World's First Anti-Propaganda Search Engine Launching Soon - Favors Independent Media while Banning...



 -  A Glance through the VPN Looking Glass - IPv6 Leakage and DNS Hijacking in Commercial VPN clients


 -  Alien-Level Tech Required to Crack New VPN Encryption Setup - Makers Say


 -  Can You Trust Your VPN Provider…? - The Internet



 -  Edward Snowden's Revelations and Implications to VPN Use in The Internet


 -  How VPN Services Responded to Heartbleed


 -  Israel espía los Mensajes Confidenciales de 1.600 Millones de Personas


 -  Mastercard and Visa Start Banning VPN Providers


 -  Proof that Using a VPN Keeps Piracy Lawsuits and 'Strikes' Away


 -  VPN Provider Shuts Down After Lavabit Case Undermines Security


 -  VPN Providers Respond to Allegations of Data Leakage


 -  VPN Services that Take Your Internet Anonymity Seriously - 2013 Edition


 -  Which VPN Services Take Your Anonymity Seriously? - 2014 Edition




 -  Defining, Building and Governing a Metaverse for "all" - The First Research of its Kind


 -  Enter the Bizarre World of Mark Zuckerburg's 'Metaverse' - 'Blurring the Lines' of Reality with NWO Transhuman


 -  Facebook Construirá el Metaverso - Una Plataforma de Realidad Virtual Corporativa


 -  Hyperreality, Synchromysticism and Simulation


 -  Meta Facebook - Metaverso Solamente


 - 'Meta' - Il Distacco Finale dalla Realtà?


 - 'Meta' - The Final Disconnect from Reality?


 -  Metaverse - Augmented Reality Pioneer warns 'It could make Reality Disappear'


 -  Metaverse è la 'Libertà' inflitta dai Tiranni Tecnologici


 -  Metaverse is 'Freedom' Meted Out by Technological Tyrants


 -  Openness and The Metaverse Singularity



 -  Realidad Extendida (RX) - El Metaverso podría convertirse en el Nuevo Campo de Contención de la Humanidad

 -  Snow Crash - by Neal Stephenson


 -  Snow Crash - por Neal Stephenson


 -  The Great Narrative and The Metaverse


 -  The Link between Transhumanism and the Metaverse


 -  The Metaverse - Reality Occulted


 -  WEF - Living in Metaverse will be 'More Meaningful to us than our Physical Lives'




 -  Eurojust Supports Wire-Tapping of Skype Conversations


 -  EU Wants to Intercept Encrypted VOIP Communications


 -  Has Skype's VOIP Encryption Been Broken?


 -  India to Ban Skype


 -  Intelligent Traffic Manager


 -  Investigation Launched in Luxembourg over Skype's Links to NSA Surveillance Programs


 -  Lucha de Titanes - Skype se Blinda ante la Nueva Amenaza de WhatsApp


 -  Microsoft Buys Skype and a Future in Telecommunications


 -  NSA Offering 'Billions' for Skype Eavesdrop Solution - Business Model for P2P Firm at Last?


 -  NSA Leaks Hint Microsoft May Have Lied about Skype Security


 -  Skype Collaborated With NSA Long Before PRISM - The New York Times


 -  Skype Encryption Stumps German Police


 -  Skype Makes Chats and User Data More Available to Police


 -  Skype Secrecy Under Attack Again - European Law Enforcement Pushes for The Ability to Monitor Internet...


 -  Skype Security And Encryption Review Now Available

 -  Skype Security Evaluation


 -  Skype's Secret 'Project Chess' Reportedly Helped NSA Access Customers' Data


 -  Skype With Care - Microsoft is Reading Everything You Write


 -  Spooks Want Government to Block Skype


 -  Taliban Using Skype Phones to Dodge MI6


 -  Think Your Skype Messages Get End-to-End Encryption? - Think Again


 -  Web's Reach Binds NSA and Silicon Valley Leaders



Social Networks - Redes Sociales



 -  Conozca la Nueva Red Social Cifrada 'Anti-Facebook' Respaldada por Anonymous


 -  Conservative Lawyers file Major Lawsuit against Facebook, Twitter, Zuckerberg and Dorsey


 -  Depressione Digitale e Masse Solitarie

 -  Digital Addiction - Increased Loneliness, Anxiety and Depression - by Erik Peper and Richard Harvey


 -  Digital Addiction increases Loneliness, Anxiety and Depression


 -  Digital Depression and Lonely Masses


 -  EE.UU. busca obtener el Control de TikTok a cambio de su Futura Operatividad en el País - Forbes


 -  Esta Mujer Predijo en 1994 el Lado Oscuro de las Redes Sociales de forma Increíblemente Lúcida


 -  FBI Wants New App to Wiretap The Internet - 'Scraping' Social Network Postings Including Facebook and...


 -  Facebook and The Internet - Main File



 -  Facebook, Google and YouTube Censorship at an All Time High - What Ever Happened to Free Speech?


 -  Firefox's new Privacy Feature stops Facebook Seeing what Else you Do Online


 -  Forget WhatsApp - CIA has Tools to Hack almost All Social Media Platforms


 -  Harvard Professor Exposes Google and Facebook


 -  Hegel, Filósofo de la Conciencia Absoluta, da Buena Razón para dejar de Perder Tiempo en Redes Sociales


 -  La Industria de la Desinformación es un Sector Económico en Auge


 - ¿Las Redes Sociales nos están Convirtiendo en Idiotas?


 -  Netflix, Facebook and the NSA - They're All in it Together

 -  No More FOMO - Limiting Social Media Decreases Loneliness and Depression


 -  Pereza Cognitiva - Quien No Piensa es Fácil de Engañar


 -  Pereza Cognitiva y Redes Sociales - ¿Cómo se Relacionan?


 -  Poisoned Mind - Social Media in the 21st Century


 -  Por qué las Redes Sociales son Terribles - Robert Sapolsky, el gran Experto en la Biología del Estrés


 -  Profesor de Harvard Expone a Google y Facebook


 -  Revealed About U.S. Spy Operation That Manipulates Social Media

 -  Russia to Pass Fake News Law that would Fine Social Networks $793,000


 -  Sobre el Embrutecimiento Colectivo de Nuestra Sociedad en la Era Digital


 -  Social Media is Driving a Global Epidemic of Loneliness among Millennials

 -  Social Radar for Smart Power


 -  Study Shows that Reducing Use of Social Media Can Reduce Depression and Loneliness

 -  Trapped in The Net - What They Don't Tell You About the Internet and Social Media


 -  U.S. Government Software Creates 'Fake People' on Social Networks to Promote Propaganda


 -  'Word Camouflage' to Evade Content Moderation





 -  Cómo 'Nos dejamos Manipular' por las Redes Sociales



 -  'El Dilema de las Redes Sociales' - Un Documental que nos Afecta a Todos





 -  Crean un Dispositivo para Transformar la señal Wi-Fi en Electricidad


 -  Dimenticate Internet, presto ci sarà OUTERNET - Una società pianifica linea gratis Wi-Fi per ogni persona...


 -  Do Wi-Fi Signals Kill Trees?


 -  El WiFi Bloquea El Crecimiento de Las Plantas- La Amenaza Oculta del Internet Inalámbrico


 -  Forget the Internet - Soon there Will Be the OUTERNET - Company Plans to Beam Free Wi-Fi to Every...


 -  Il WI-FI Blocca la Crescita delle Piante - La Minaccia Occulta di Internet Senza Fili


 -  Is Wi-Fi Killing American Trees?


 -  Más Personas Reportan que la Conexión Wi-Fi los Enferma


 -  More People Reporting Wi-Fi is Making them Sick


 -  Olvídese del Internet, pronto Habrá el OUTERNET - Compañía Planea Irradiar desde el Espacio Wi-Fi...


 -  Scientific Papers Showing Adverse Biological Effects and Damage to Health from Wi-Fi

 -  The Effect of a High Frequency Electromagnetic Field in the Microwave Range on Red Blood Cells

 -  The Wi-Fi Alliance coming Soon to Your Neighborhood - 5G Wireless


 -  What is Wi-Fi 7? - Everything You Need to Know


 -  Wi-Fi Block Plant's Growing - European Acclaim for Grade 9 Experiment

 -  Wi-Fi is an important Threat to Human Health


 -  Wi-Fi - The Invisible Killing Fields





 -  Scientists Make International Appeal on Dangers of Wi-Fi




 -  Chilling Effects - Online Surveillance and Wikipedia Use


 -  How Google and Wikipedia Brainwash You...!


 -  La Russia Sostituisce Wikipedia con la Grande Enciclopedia Russa


 -  Propaganda - Cofundador de Wikipedia dice que sitio Web se ha Transformado en un Patio de Recreo para...

 -  Russia to Replace Wikipedia with the 'Great Russian Encyclopedia'


 -  The Jewish Hand Behind Internet - Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo!, MySpace, eBay...

 -  The Wikipedia Revolution - How a Bunch of Nobodies Created the World's Greatest Encyclopedia - by Andrew Lih


 -  Wikipedia - A Disinformation Operation?


 -  Wikipedia creará una Red Social para Combatir la Ignorancia que Facebook Fomenta


 -  Wikipedia è divenuta "La Mente della Polizia dell'Establishment" - Larry Sanger ha Ragione


 -  Wikipedia has become the 'Establishment Thought Police' - Larry Sanger is Right


 -  Wikipedia is an Information Warfare Tool


 -  Wikipedia - The George Soros Connection


 -  Wikipedia - Un'Operazione per Disinformare?

  Book- Treatises  

 -  Conspiracy Theories - White Paper by Cass R. Sunstein

 -  Sandworm - A New Era of Cyberwar and the Hunt for the Kremlin's Most Dangerous Hackers - by A. Greenberg

 -  The Internet of Things - A critique of Ambient Technology and The All-Seeing... - by Rob van Kranenburg

 -  The Machine Stops - by E.M. Forster

 -  The People's Platform - Taking Back Power and Culture in the Digital Age - by Astra Taylor

 -  The Revolt of the Public and the Crisis of Authority in the New Millennium - by Martin Gurri

 -  The Wikipedia Revolution - How a Bunch of Nobodies Created the World's Greatest Encyclopedia - by A. Lih

 -  Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man - by Marshall McLuhan





 -  Alex Jones sobre la Censura en Internet


 -  A Glimpse Ahead


 -  Bigger Brother - Total Surveillance Comes to UK



 -¿Como Será Internet Hacia el 2015?


 -  Deep Packet Inspection - Democracy Now!



 -  El Final de Internet - ¿Pagarías Un Peso por Leer tu Sitio Web?

 -  El Mundo Según Google


 -  Fighting in The Fifth Dimension - The Cyberworld is A New Frontline

 -  Fraud Fighters - Hackers expose Illegal Call Centers and Phone Scams - Marketplace

 -  High-speed Internet from Outer Space

 -  HyperNormalisation

 -  Internet Rising


 -  Is the Internet Being Used to Shape Our Reality?

 -  Jay Rockefeller - "Internet Should Have Never Been Invented"


 -  La Teoría de Los Seis Grados - Sincronicidad y La Estructura de Redes

 -  Lawrence Lessig Predice Un i-9/11


 -  Menaces Sur l'INTERNET en 2012


 -  Our Mysterious Governance System and AI - Who and What is in Charge Here on Planet Earth?


 -  Revolución Virtual

 -  Rickard Falkvinge and The Internet - Swedish "Pirate Party" Founder - Interview by Federico Mello

 -  Stare Into the Lights My Pretties

 -  The Death of The Internet?


 -  The Future of The Internet - Lawrence Lessig, Joichi Ito and Phil Rosedale

 -  The Little Known Internet - Secret Web


 -  They're Censoring Your Reality (Alex Jones)


 -  U.S. Agenda to Censor Internet - EE.UU. = CHINA - Patriot Act For Internet Ahead?

 -  Web of Deceit - Bilderberg and UK Internet Censorship


External Links


 -  Como Evitar la Censura en Internet


 -  How to Bypass Internet Censorship



Related Reports


 -  Cell Phones - Microwave Radiation - Main File


 -  Computer Simulation - Main File


 -  Conspiracy Theories - Main File


 -  The Echelon Network - Main File


 -  The NSA - The Super Secret National Security Agency - Main File


 -  The Trans-Pacific Partnership - Main File