by Lance Schuttler
November-December 2016
TheMindUnleashed Website
Spanish version
Part I
November 16, 2016

The cabal is
being flipped upside down.
Times are continuing to shift in a big way and humanity's rise over
the darkness that has plagued our planet for a very long time is
gathering momentum by the day.
the elite's modus operandi is
to crush any form of hope or belief that things can or will get
better. Truth prevails though and we are seeing the old world order
2017 is sure to be an exciting year.
Continue to dream big...
June 23, 2016:
Britain votes to leave the European Union.
While some are choosing to see
this as an extremist act whose focus was on securing the
border from immigrants, there is a much bigger picture to
that event.
While it must be said that the
immigration issue is in the minds of some who were pro-BREXIT
(and thus needs to be humanely and compassionately
addressed), the bigger issue was that Britain reclaimed it's
sovereignty back from the imperialistic banking and
political cabal.
As it has been reported in The
Telegraph, a mainstream media outlet in the UK, the CIA and
the U.S. State Department have been heavily involved in the
creation of the European Union from the very beginning.
Professor Alan Sked
said in the article: Voters in
Britain's referendum need to understand that the European
Union was about building a federal superstate from day one.
July 22, 2016:
Wikileaks releases over 20,000 emails from the
Democratic National Convention and shows the deep collusion
between the Clinton Campaign and the DNC itself.
These revelations ultimately
helped force the resignations of the top 4 positions within
the DNC.
October 08, 2016:
Shortly after Wikileaks began
dumping the PodestaFiles, emails were revealed that John Podesta,
the Clinton campaign chairman, was receiving
emails about
UFO/ET disclosure as well as free energy
technology, whose emails came from former NASA astronaut
Edgar Mitchell.
These are highly significant in
the fact that it is admitted by Mitchell that such
technologies do exist and that even the Vatican knows of
Once these technologies are
known about on an even wider scale, the lies and corruption
of the oil industry will fall apart and humanity can then
reclaim it's freedom.
October 10, 2016:
Turkey defies the banking cabal and signs the Turkish
Stream gas pipeline deal with Russia. Because Russia is in
opposition to the cabal, or NWO, as some would prefer, this
is a massive financial and geopolitical game-changer.
October 20, 2016:
The Philippines president
Rodrigo Duterte
visits China with 200 Filipino
businessmen to mend ties with China.
He also announces his separation
from the U.S. (which is a blow to the cabal) and seeks an
alliance with not only China, but Russia too.
Alliance continues to grow.
October 30, 2016:
Iceland's Prime Minister,
steps down
as the activist,
anti-establishment party, known as
The Pirate Party, comes
in second in national elections and jumps it's number of
parliament seats from 3 to 10.
As more people around the world
herald the call for true freedom, political parties
reflecting such ideals will continue to prevail. The Pirate
Party is in over 40 countries around the world currently,
and the movement continues to grow.
November 04, 2016:
Wikileaks emails
reveal the Podesta brothers were
invited to a "spirit cooking dinner" and involved eating
sperm and menstrual blood.
While some surely laughed this
off, keep in mind that former FBI special agent Ted
Gunderson spent several years investigating and exposing
this information to the public, before being murdered.
We must also keep in mind that
former BBC star
Jimmy Savile
was revealed to being involved in a
massive, elite-ridden pedophile ring. The pedophilia and
ritualistic claims against many of the elites is well known
around the world and is a very serious issue.
The fact that even a small bit
of this came out in the Wikileaks revelations is significant
and a sign of the times. So much more is coming.
November 08, 2016:
It was
revealed by Neil Keenan
that several globalists/cabalists, including,
Mark Carney of
the Bank of England
Janet Yellen of the Federal Reserve
the Rothschilds
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak,
others were involved in a deal to steal 1 million metric
tons of Gold from the
collateral accounts.
As of this writing, the deal has
been stopped and it very beneficial to humanity. While this
story might not make much sense to many readers, understand
that the global collateral accounts are the cabal's biggest
financial secret on this planet.
It is
reason JFK was killed and it also relates to 9/11.
November 13, 2016:
The European
countries of Moldova and Bulgaria elect new presidents,
both of whom are pro-Russia. This is yet another major
setback for the globalists plans of creating a superstate
out of Europe.
Watch for even more countries to
begin aligning with Russia.
November 15, 2016:
More than 200 rallies around the U.S. take place to
protest the North Dakota pipeline that is being attempted to
form. The world is continuing to awaken and sees the lunacy
of oil and gas for energy.
Clean solutions already exist.
Part II
December 10, 2016

"Desperation is a stinky odor..."
What we are seeing is a very desperate
banking and political cabal on the run. They are no longer jogging,
but are now in a full out sprint in attempt to flee from the truth.
But the truth has caught up and the
world is awakening quicker each day.
November 20, 2016:
Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte
continues to defy
the cabal by aligning with Eastern nations like China and
Russia and moving away from U.S. relations, which have
resulted primarily in control over the Philippines by the
U.S. cabal.
November 20, 2016:
A growing movement in the UK is calling for
the Royal
Monarchy to be abolished. We are all equal and no longer
need rulers.
November 20, 2016:
Norwegian police arrest over 20 and are investigating
even more in the nation's largest crackdown on pedophilia.
Included in those arrested were well known politicians and
The worldwide pedophile ring is being dismantled
and exposed.
November 23, 2016:
Dutch politician, and favorite
to become the next Prime Minister of The Netherlands in
March 2017, Geert Wilders
issued an incredibly powerful statement, calling out the
global elite/cabal.
"A worldwide movement is
emerging that puts an end to the
politically correct doctrines of the elites and the media that are
subordinate to them.
That has been proven by
BREXIT. That has been proven by the US elections. That
is about to be proven in Austria and Italy. That will be
proven next year in France, Germany, and The
The course of things is
about to take a different turn. Citizens no longer
tolerate it. And I tell
you, the battle of the elite against the people will be
won by the people.
Here, too, you will not be able to stop
this, but rather accelerate it. We will win, the Dutch
people will win, and it will be remembered well who was
on the right side of history.
Common sense will prevail
over politically correct arrogance.
The voice of freedom cannot be
imprisoned; it rings like a bell. Everywhere, ever more
people are saying what they think. They demand
politicians who take them seriously, who listen to them,
who speak on their behalf.
is a genuine democratic revolt.
The wind
of change and renewal blows everywhere."
November 29, 2016:
Egypt defies the U.S. cabal and backs Syria and Russia
to eliminate ISIL from Syria, Iraq and Libya. The ISIL lies
spread by the cabal are quickly fading.
December 04, 2016:
Russian President Vladimir Putin
calls out the new world order by issuing a statement
that took many by surprise.
"I believe that it is not a secret,
everyone can see, that many of our partners prefer to
refer to the principles of international law,
because the balance of
power is gradually being restored in our world.
But this
is inevitable. Attempts to create a unipolar world have
not succeeded. We are living in a different dimension."
In other words, the unipolar
world attempts (one world order, new world order) have
December 04, 2016:
The Army Corps of Engineers have
officially denied the route for the Dakota Access
Thought it has since been
reported that Dakota Access will continue it's drilling and
it's attempt to put pipe under the river, it is a positive
step forward. In addition to this, over two thousand
military veterans came to support the water protectors
offered an apology to the Sioux leaders for what the U.S.
Military has done over the years.
Deep healing is taking place
December 05, 2016:
twenty UK footballers have come forward alleging sexual
abuse by high profile coaches and businessmen in the past
three weeks.
A special hotline setup in the
UK dedicated specifically for sexual abuse of footballers
received over 860 calls in the first week. Additionally,
the Madeleine McCann case has been reopened due to an
"important new lead" discovered by Scotland Yard police.
Again, the worldwide pedophile
ring ran
by the elite is being uncovered and exposed. So
much more is yet to come regarding this topic.
Perhaps there is something more
to the "Pizzagate" story than just a conspiracy "theory," as
labeled by
the mainstream media. Whatever the truth is, it
will be known.
December 09, 2016:
The situation in Aleppo, Syria is
coming to a close as
ISIL fighters are now enclosed by Syrian and Russian forces.
Russia has stated that the fighting there could be over by
the end of 2016, just a few weeks ago.
Civilians are now being
evacuated and humanitarian relief is taking place in parts
of Aleppo that have formerly been in control of ISIL since
2012. Again, ISIL is being defeated by Assad and Putin, much
to the dismay of the cabal who backed the creation of ISIL.
With surrender as an option, one
can only wonder if certain ISIL fighters will begin talking
and revealing certain information that the U.S., Israel and
Saudi Arabia specifically, do not want publicly known.
Massive revelations could be
coming. Intend and pray for surrender and truth-telling to
come from ISIL fighters.
December 10, 2016:
The U.S. House and Senate both pass the bill known as
H.R. 6393, Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
2017. Or simply, the "fake news, Russian propaganda bill."
Though this is not something
positive for free speech and freedom in general for our
world, it is perhaps the most obvious sign of
desperation by the political and banking cabal.
When over 200 websites have been
targeted for questioning the narrative put out by the
"Establishment," then you know that truth telling is
winning. The cabal knows they are losing the information
They know the truth is spreading.
Regardless of how this plays out
in the days ahead, remember, that it will backfire.
As stated in several other
articles before, continue to dream big my friends. We are seeing the
downfall of the Elite that have controlled this planet for a very,
very long time.
Continue to spread truth and light.
True freedom is upon us...