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Remember Waco!
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The Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, is shown engulfed by flames
in this April 19, 1993, file photo.
Retreating from its past denials,
the FBI is acknowledging that federal agents fired one or more
incendiary tear gas canisters
during the standoff with Branch
Davidians, while maintaining its stance that it did not start the fire
that consumed the compound with
Koresh and more than 80 followers inside.
Bob on the Job, American's Bullentin
Tue May 8 08:35:25 2001
Two of the Branch Davidian village
members had been able to hack into the Pentagon/CIA/FBI Black Ops
databases, and discovered that the CIA with the utilization of
the CIA’s Buffalo Airlines, were daily transferring
laundered money, special operations agents, kidnapped children for
CIA pedophile programs, and arms at the World War Two runway that
bordered the Branch Davidian Village.
The entire village knew about the CIA’s
Buffalo Airlines activities that tied directly to
George Bush Senior and his
direct involvement with the CIA, the Mafia, Syria, Jordan, Iraq,
Colombia, Panama, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru, and other
global locations, that included the global elites intelligence
operations, banking operations,
drug transfers, arms transfers,
child pedophile kidnapping and transfers, aircraft refueling, and
global money laundering network.
In all of the Waco documentaries, all of
the documentaries reveal that parked in front of the Branch Davidian
village main building were observed several high speed go carts that
were used by the branch Davidians who were carrying out the
surveillance of
the government Buffalo Airlines activity at the
airport that bordered the Branch Davidian village, in order to
identify and to log the Buffalo Airlines schedules with the two
Branch Davidian members retrial of the CIA’s Guns for Drugs
transfers that were going on daily.
The Branch Davidian village members
surveillance of the CIA Guns for Drugs transfers were known to the
CIA due the CIA computer security having traced the hacking back to
the Branch Davidian Village.
Take note: the main incendiary
device that was used by the Special Forces attack on the Branch Davidian Village was brought about where the commanders of the
genocide were under the direct orders to take out the computer room
first and then kill all of the inhabitants, and then use this
genocide as warning to any one else who may want to tamper with the...
The whole idea as to why the
CIA/Mafia/government needed to burn the Branch Davidian Village
down, and kill all of the peaceful inhabitants was to destroy the
computer files, and kill the witnesses to the CIA/Mafia/George Bush
Senior/elite global banking drugs/arms/money/pedophile programs that
were operating at the World War Two runway by the CIA’s Buffalo
The Waco siege BATF/FBI/CIA/Military/State
Department/Pentagon/Mafia, commanders directives were to burn the
village, and murder as many of the Branch Davidian Village members
as possible, and destroy all of the evidence.
The Japanese American contract FBI
sniper (one of four of the government snipers who were used to kill
off the fleeing women and children from the burning Branch Davidian
village complex) named Lon Horiuchi was the same sniper who
had murdered Weaver’s wife at Ruby Ridge Idaho.
Lon Horiuchi like most FBI/CIA
elimination operatives had been psychological profiled by the
FBI/CIA for hating white Caucasians due to his having grown up in
World War Two internment camp.
It was noted that the very first day of
the Waco siege that David Koresh, and two of the other
members had appealed to the attacking special military operation
that they had the computer discs and they would turn them over to
the BATF Special Forces commander and surrender, if the attacking
force would cease fire.
The commanders were under orders to kill
as many of the inhabitants as possible and destroy the complex for
three reasons,
So there would be as few witnesses
as possible to the CIA/Mafia Buffalo Airlines Guns for Drugs
To let this be a warning to any one
else who may want to mess with the elites global arms, drugs,
and money laundering activities
The elites are alleged practice
Satanic type sacrifices and the murder of the Branch Davidian
village was a good opportunity to make a sacrifice.
Take note: Part of this warning
was to warn any one else who may be have considered hacking into the
government databases, whereas, the two Branch Davidian members had
been continually entering into the pentagon/CIA Black Ops databases,
and they were able to keep track of the drugs/laundered money/arms/kidnaped
children/agents/ transfer that was going on.
The high speed go carts with radio
communication were able to stay under the runway radio, and the
Branch Davidian village was observing and keeping track of the
George Bush CIA/Mafia/elite’s global money laundering operation
that was going on. Bob on the Job, Robert E. Lee
Lewis served the best interests of the American people for more
the twenty seven years as Organized Crime Investigator.
Bob on the Job served on the U.S. Senate
JFK Assassination Committee. Bob on the Job is currently interned
for life in a government detention facility having been set up by
government informant named Vance Beaudreau, and Joe Izen
who are alleged run a special CIA/Mafia operation that is disguised
as a law firm in Houston Texas.
Bob on the Job is interned for life for
having only done his job of trying to warn the American people of
the take over of the American people’s United States government by
the global forces of tyranny who will eventually be bringing the
consequences of the peaceful Branch Davidian Village to a
neighborhood near every law abiding American Citizen soon.
Waco Cracker of ‘Cosmic Code’ David Koresh’s Mother Murdered
by Sorcha Faal
a.k.a. David Booth
as reported to her Western Subscribers
January 27, 2009
Ed. Note:
The United States government
actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the
United States except those coming from authorized government and/or
affiliated sources, of which we are not one. No interviews are
granted and very little personal information is given about our
contributors, or their sources, to protect their safety. |
News reports from the United States are stating that the mother of David Koresh, the leader of the controversial religious sect named the Branch
Davidians, of whom 80 men, women and children were murdered, and burned
beyond all recognition, by US Government Black Operations Forces after their
1993, 51-day-siege of the sects Waco, Texas compound, was herself murdered
after having written a book about her son and the ‘discoveries’ he had made
which led to his death, and as we can read as reported by the BBC News
“The mother of the notorious Waco sect leader David Koresh has been found
stabbed to death at the house of a sister in Texas, police say. Bonnie Clark
Halderman, who was in her sixties, was found dead at the home of Beverly
Clark who has been taken into custody pending a court appearance.
Ms Clark Halderman was found on Friday afternoon at the home of Ms Clark, in
a rural area near Chandler, about 175 miles (280km) north of Houston. She
had recently written a book about her son, who led 80 people to violent
death in the 1993 Waco siege.”
As we had previously reported on in our January 11, 1995 report “Waco Deaths
Linked To Breaking Of US Ultra Secret 'Cosmic Code'”,
FSB reports on the
murders of David Koresh and his followers were ordered by then US President
William Clinton after Branch Davidian hackers were reported to have cracked
the American Black Operations Establishment most ‘ultra secret’ code named
Of the information gathered on US Intelligence Agencies by David Koresh and
the Branch Davidians we can read as reported
above by the AFPN News Service:
“Two of the Branch Davidian village members had been able to hack into the
Pentagon/CIA/FBI Black Ops databases, and discovered that the CIA with the
utilization of the CIA's Buffalo Airlines, were daily transferring Cocaine,
laundered money, special operations agents, kidnapped children for CIA
pedophile programs, and arms at the World War Two runway that bordered the
Branch Davidian Village.
The entire village knew about the CIA's Buffalo Airlines activities that
tied directly to George Bush Senior and his direct involvement with the CIA,
the Mafia, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Colombia, Panama, Nicaragua, Costa Rica,
Mexico, Peru, and other global locations, that included the global elites
intelligence operations, banking operations, drug transfers, arms transfers,
child pedophile kidnapping and transfers, aircraft refueling, and global
money laundering network.”
Current FSB reports on the murder of David Koresh’s mother state that her
death was ‘most likely’ due to the Bush-Clinton Drug Empire’s ongoing
efforts in eliminating all persons having knowledge of their efforts to
topple the United States Government through the destruction of their banking
and economic systems utilizing the vast International power base that has
long backed their regimes called the
Federal Reserve System long owned by
the interests of European
Rothschild banking family.
Virtually unknown to the American people about the
current Global economic
crisis, but vitally important to note, is that its beginning started in the
summer of 2008, with the combined Scotland Yard-FSB and Interpol
investigation into the horrific sexual abuse, torture and murder of children
at what was known as the Haut de la Garenne on the
Isle of Jersey in the
English Channel, and which hundreds of former child residents have testified
was used for the purpose of providing to US-Israeli and European powerful
elite families, children to be used in demonic ritual sex acts and ritual
FSB and
Interpol investigators were brought into this investigation by
Scotland Yard in August, 2008, after the lead British investigator reported
the obstructions being placed against him in brining the perpetrators of
these horrific crimes to justice, and as we can read as reported by
Britain’s Telegraph News Service:
“An 'old boy network' of officials is deliberately obstructing police
investigating decades of alleged abuse at care homes in Jersey, according to
the police officer who spearheaded the inquiry.
Deputy Chief Officer Lenny Harper angrily hit out at the figures who he says
have engaged in a 'day by day attack' on the inquiry team and the alleged
victims of abuse at Haut de la Garenne and other island institutions.
In his most outspoken criticism of the Jersey authorities, Mr Harper told
the Telegraph:
'I can quite clearly say that the investigation is being held
up. There are people on the island who just don't want us going down the
route of this inquiry'.”
To the importance of the Isle of Jersey to the vast American,
Israeli and
European Drug and Banking Empires, and its long use as a location long
protected from International law, we can further read for our understanding:
“The Bailiwick of Jersey is a British Crown dependency off the coast of
Normandy, France. As well as the island of Jersey itself, the bailiwick
includes the nearly uninhabited islands of the Minquiers, Écréhous, the
Pierres de Lecq and other rocks and reefs. Together with the bailiwick of
Guernsey it forms the grouping known as the Channel Islands.
The defence of
all these islands is the responsibility of the United Kingdom. However,
Jersey is part of neither the UK nor the European Union; rather, like the
Isle of Man, it is a separate possession of the Crown. Jersey belongs to the
Common Travel Area.”
However, once the initial FSB and Interpol reports began circulating among
the West’s Intelligence services, especially the US Military, ‘immediate
plans’ were put into place to destroy these powerful monsters ‘once and for
all’, and which meant an ‘all out’ attack upon their source of power, the
American and European private banks that for nearly three centuries have
controlled virtually all the governments of the Western World and have been
directly responsible for two World Wars in just the past 100 years alone.
To the consequences of this Global battle currently being waged, it is well
known that in their fight to keep power, these monsters are systematically
looting the reserves of nearly every Western Nation and using their vast
intelligence networks to instigate Total World War in what they are calling
their ‘Masada Option’, and which is based upon the ancient Judean fortress
that while under siege by the Roman Army
choose mass suicide over surrender.
Unfortunately for the American people, and who are currently in the center
of this Global firestorm, the knowledge needed to either understand these
complex battles, and the factions behind them, or to protect themselves and
their families from the worst catastrophes to come, is not just lacking, it
is nearly nonexistent.
For decades these peoples have been so lied to, and deluded, that as hard as
it is to image, they are even now, at this very moment, still paying
billions of dollars each week in fraudulent mortgage and credit card
payments to the very enemies of their own government and new President, and
not even realizing that the so called ‘credit ratings’ they are trying to
protect have nothing at all to do with what their true worth is, but is
rather a means by these monsters to measure their worth as slaves.
One can only wonder when these poor peoples will ever awaken to the
monstrous fraud that has been perpetrated upon them and being protecting
themselves, and their families, instead of continuing to serve the demonic
slave masters still intent upon destroying them all.
Additional Information
Asesinan a La Madre de David Koresh, el Decodificador de Waco del 'Código
por Sorcha Faal
a.k.a. David Booth
como lo informa a sus suscriptores Occidentales
traducción por Sister Maru Barraza, Mazatlán, Mexico
27 Enero 2009
del Sitio Web
Reportes noticiosos provenientes de los Estados Unidos están señalando que
la madre de David Koresh, el líder de la controvertida secta religiosa
llamada Rama de los Davidianos, de los que 80 hombres, mujeres y niños
fueron asesinados y quemados sin poderse reconocer sus restos, por parte de
las Fuerzas de Operaciones Negras del Gobierno de los Estados unidos en el
año de 1993 después de haber impuesto un sitio de 51 días al complejo de la
secta en Waco, Texas.
Fue asesinada después de haber escrito un libro sobre
su hijo y los ‘descubrimientos’ que él había hecho y que lo llevaron a su
muerte, como lo podemos leer en el reporte de la BBC News:
“La madre del notorio líder de la secta de Waco, David Koresh, fue
encontrada muerta a puñaladas en la casa de una hermana en Texas, dice la
policía. Bonnie Clark Halderman, que tiene unos 60 años, fue encontrada
muerta en la casa de Beverly Clark que había sido llevada a custodia debido
a una presentación pendiente ante la corte.
La Sra. Clark Halderman fue encontrada el viernes por la tarde en la casa de
la Sra. Clark, en un área rural cerca de Chandler, unas 175 millas (280 Km.)
al norte de Houston. Hacía poco que había escrito un libro sobre su hijo,
que llevó a 80 personas a una muerte violenta en el sitio de Waco en 1993”
Como lo habíamos informado en nuestro reporte del 11 de enero de 1995, “Las
Muertes de Waco Relacionadas a la Decodificación del Ultra Secreto ‘Código
Cósmico' de los Estados Unidos”, las
(Fuerzas Rusas Especiales) reportan
que los asesinatos de David Koresh y sus seguidores fueron ordenados por el
entonces Presidente William Clinton después de que se dijo que ‘hackers’ de
la Rama de los Davidianos habían ‘roto’ el ‘super ultra secreto’ código del
Sistema de Operaciones Negras Estadounidense llamado ‘Cósmico’.
Sobre la información recolectada en las Agencias de Inteligencia de los
Estados Unidos por parte de David Koresh y la Rama de los Davidianos,
podemos informarnos por el servicio de la AFP (arriba):
“Dos de los miembros de la aldea de la Rama Davidiana ha podido ‘hackear’ e
introducirse a los bancos de datos de Operaciones Negras del Pentágono/CIA/FBI
y descubrieron que la CIA con la utilización de Buffalo Airlines propiedad
de la CIA, estaban transportando Cocaína a diario, lavaban dinero, agentes
de operaciones especiales, secuestro de niños para los programas pedófilos
de la CIA y armas en la pista aérea Dos que bordeaba la Aldea de la Rama
Toda la aldea sabía de las actividades de la Buffalo Airlines de la CIA que
estaban directamente relacionadas con George Bush padre y su implicación
directa con la CIA, la Mafia, Siria, Jordania, Irak, Colombia, Panamá,
Nicaragua, Costa Rica, México, Perú y otras localidades globales, que
incluían las operaciones de inteligencia de la élite global, operaciones
bancarias, transporte de drogas, transporte de armas, secuestro y transporte
de niños con fines pedófilos, re-abastecimiento de combustible de aeronave y
una red mundial de lavado de dinero”.
Los informes actuales de las FSB sobre el asesinato de la madre de David
Koresh señalan que su muerte tuvo que ver ‘muy probablemente’ con las
acciones del Imperio de las Drogas de los Bush-Clinton para eliminar a todas
las personas que tengan conocimiento de sus esfuerzos para derrocar al
gobierno de los Estados Unidos a través de la destrucción de sus sistemas
bancarios y económicos utilizando la enorme base de poder internacional que
desde hace tiempo ha respaldado a los regímenes, llamada Sistema de la
Reserva Federal, propiedad de mucho tiempo de los intereses de la familia
banquera Europea Rothschild.
Virtualmente ignorado por el pueblo Estadounidense sobre la presente crisis
económica mundial, pero vitalmente importante de observar, es que comenzó en
el verano de 2008, con la investigación combinada entre Scotland Yard-FSB y
la INTERPOL del espantoso abuso sexual, tortura y asesinato de niños en lo
que se conoce como Haute de la Garenne en la
Isla de Jersey en el Canal
Inglés, y en la que cientos de niños ex residentes han testificado que
fueron usados con el propósito de abastecer a las poderosas familias de la
élite Estadounidense-Israelí con niños para utilizarlos en actos sexuales de
rituales demoníacos y asesinatos rituales.
Los investigadores de las FSB y la INTERPOL fueron atraídos a esta
investigación por Scotland Yard en agosto de 2008, después de que el jefe
investigador Británico reportó las obstrucciones que se le pusieron a él
para llevar a los perpetradores de estos espantosos crímenes ante la
justicia, y como lo informa el diario Británico The Telegraph:
“Una ‘antigua red de camaradas’ de funcionarios está obstruyendo
deliberadamente a la policia que investiga décadas de presunto abuso en
guarderías infantiles en Jersey, según un oficial de policía que encabezó la
El Oficial Jefe Delegado Lenny Harper airadamente asestó golpes a las
figuras que él dice se han enfrascado en un ‘ataque día con día’ sobre el
equipo de investigación y las presuntas víctimas de abuso en Haute de la
Garenne y otras instituciones de la isla.
En su crítica más abierta de las autoridades de Jersey, el Sr. Harper dijo
al Telegraph:
'Puedo decir con bastante claridad que la investigación está
siendo detenida. Hay gente en la isla que nomás no quiere que profundicemos
en la ruta de esta investigación'.”
Sobre la importancia de la Isla de Jersey para los enormes Imperios
Bancarios y de Narcóticos Estadounidense, Israelí y Europeo, y su uso de
largo tiempo como ubicación protegida desde hace mucho por las leyes
internacionales, podemos leer más para nuestro entendimiento:
“El Alguacilazgo (Bailiwick) de Jersey es una dependencia de la Corona
Británica cercano a la costa de Normandía en Francia. Así como la misma Isla
de Jersey, el alguacilazgo incluye las islas casi inhabitadas de las
Minquiers, Écréhous, las Pierres de Lecq y otras rocas y arrecifes. Junto
con el alguacilazgo de Guernsey forma el conjunto conocido como las Islas
del Canal.
La defensa de todas estas islas es responsabilidad del Reino
Unido. Sin embargo, Jersey es parte no del Reino Unido ni de la Unión
Europea, más bien, como de la Isla de Man, que es una posesion separada de
la Corona. Jersey pertenece al Área de Viaje Común."
Sin embargo, una vez que los reportes iniciales de la FSB y la INTERPOL
comenzaron a circular entre los servicios de Inteligencia del Occidente,
especialmente el ejército de los Estados Unidos, se pusieron en marcha los
‘planes inmediatos’ para destruir a estos poderosos monstruos ‘de una vez
por todas’ y que significaba un ataque ‘a fondo’ sobre su fuente de poder,
los bancos privados Estadounidenses y Europeos que por casi tres siglos han
controlado virtualmente a todos los gobiernos del mundo Occidental y que han
sido los responsables directos de dos Guerras Mundiales en nada más los 100
años que acaban de pasar.
En cuanto a las consecuencias de esta batalla mundial que se está librando
actualmente, es bien conocido que en su lucha por mantener el poder, estos
monstruos están saqueando sistemáticamente las reservas de casi todas las
naciones occidentales y usando sus enormes redes de inteligencia para
instigar la Tercera Guerra Mundial en lo que están llamando su ‘Operación
Massada’ y que se basa en la antigua fortaleza Judía que mientras estaba
bajo sitio por el Ejército Romano
escogió el suicidio masivo antes que
Desafortunadamente para el pueblo Estadounidense, y que actualmente están en
el centro de la tormenta global de fuego, el conocimiento requerido ya sea
para entender estas complejas batallas y las facciones detrás de ellas, o
para protegerse ellos mismos y sus familias de las peores catástrofes por
venir, no solamente carecen de él, simplemente es casi inexistente.
Por décadas estas gentes han recibido sólo mentiras, y engaños, que por
difícil que sea imaginar, están todavía hasta este momento, pagándoles
billones de dólares cada semana en hipotecas fraudulentas y pagos de tarjeta
de crédito y ni siquiera se dan cuenta de que los llamados ‘puntajes de
crédito’ que están tratando de proteger no tienen nada que ver con el
verdadero valor que tienen, sino es más bien un medio del que se valen estos
monstruos para medir su valor como esclavos.
A uno sólo le resta preguntarse cuando despertarán estas pobres gentes ante
el monstruoso fraude que les han cometido y si se protegerán ellos y a sus
familias en lugar de seguir sirviendo a los demoníacos amos esclavistas que
todavía están tratando de destruirlos.