AIG and The Linkage to The Drug
Trade -
from "Black 9/11 - A Walk on The Dark Side"
Americans and Northern Alliance “Friends”…
- False Flag Terror, Drugs, Staged “Taliban” Attacks
America’s Drug-Corrupted War
- Obama and Afghanistan
Sen. John McCain's Fundraiser Caught Operating Meth Lab - Plus Dealing Heroin and
Approved HSBC Settlement for Drug
Money Laundering
are "Where The Money Is" in The Drug War
Biden backs Revival of 'His
Brainchild' Plan Colombia 2.0 set to begin April 2021 -
The Drug War
Italiano |
Biden sostiene la Rinascita della
'Sua Idea' piano Colombia 2.0 impostato per iniziare ad
Aprile 2021
Big Pharma's Big Connections -
Congress Exposed as Protecting Drug Companies while
Opioid Problem...
Big U.S. Banks Confirmed As
Criminal Enterprises
- Wachovia Wanted To Sue Us For Labeling It 'A...
Bolivia Ended its Drug
War by Kicking Out the DEA and Legalizing Coca
The US Triumph in The Drug-Addicted War in Afghanistan?
- Opium, The CIA and The Karzai...
and The Drug Business
CIA Has Resumed Drug Smuggling Ops
in Afghanistan
- Evidence Mounts
"Manages" Drug Trade
- Mexican Official Says
Cocaine One Bust Lifts Veil on Global Narcotics Cartel
Español |
Porqué Usted No Puede Fumar Hierba
- Porque Los Lobbies se
Están Enriqueciendo de La 'Guerra...
Español |
Denuncian Que Europa y EE.UU. Lavan el Dinero del
Español |
Después de Acusarla de Narcoterrorismo durante Varias
Décadas, Estados Unidos negoció con Cuba
Drugs For Guns Connection - Arkansas Governor Bill
Clinton, President George Bush and CIA Involvement
Drug War Hypocrisy
- Drug Trafficking's Big Money Benefits Big Brother and
Corrupt Banksters
Español |
EE.UU. anuncia Acción sin
Precedentes para Terminar Guerra contra las Drogas - Silencio de los Medios...
Expendable - Sacrificing Humanity for Corruption in
Five Countries The U.S. Is Royally
Screwing Over
HSBC Let Drug Gangs Launder Millions
- First Barclays, now Britain's Biggest Bank is Shamed
and Faces...
Kyrgyzstan, America and The Global Drug Trade
- Deep Forces, Coups d'Etat, Narcotics and Terror
Español |
Guerra Contra la Conciencia... y la Guerra Contra las Drogas
Español |
La Guerra Contra la Hierba
Español |
Drogas y la Máquina de Guerra de Estados Unidos - Entrevista con Peter
Dale Scott
History of HSBC Money Laundering
Media Silent as the U.S.
Announces Unprecedented Move to End Drug War
Español |
México - La "Huerta" de Amapola de
Estados Unidos
MI-6 are the Lords of the Global Drug Trade
Laundering and The Drug Trade - The Role of The Banks
Money Laundering and The Global Drug Trade are Fueled by
The Capitalist Elites
NATO’s “Operation Gladio” - Sibel
Edmonds on NATO, Terrorism, 9/11 and Drug Running
Study highlights Devastating Global Effects of War on Drugs
Opium Production in Afghanistan - Strong and Corrupt as
Remember what Happened right
before 9/11? - Taliban's Anti-poppy Campaign it's
Happening Again...!
The Bush-Cheney Drug Empire
The DEA's Own Website
Proves the War on Drugs Is an Epic Failure
Democratic Party’s Presidential Drug Money Pipeline
The Double Standard of The U.S. Criminal Justice System - A
flowchart - The Cases of HSBC and Wachovia |
The Drug Catastrophe in
The English Royal Family And The
Opium Trade In The 18th Century
- from 'Secret Societies' by Jan Van...
Global Drug War - Ten Critical Developments in 2014
The History Channel is finally Telling the Stunning Secret
Story of the War on Drugs
New American Drug Lords
- Meet the New Boss... Same as The Old Boss
Opium Wars in Afghanistan
- Can Anyone Pacify The World's Number One Narco-State?
Pegasus File
Phony War On Drugs - from
'George Bush - The Unauthorized Biography'
Problem is Drug Law, Not Drugs
War on Consciousness... and The War on Drugs
The War on Drugs Is a War on
The War on Weed
to End The 'War' on Drugs
UK Queen Accused of Drug
Español |
Agente de la DEA Revela como la Agencia Protege el
Narcotráfico para La Elite
Under The Influence
- from "The Biggest Secret"
War on Drugs in Afghanistan
Revealed As Total Hoax
- U.S. Military Admits to Guarding, Assisting Lucrat...
Were Opium Heads Responsible for
The Downfall of China?
Western Banks 'Reaping Billions from Colombian Cocaine
Why Can’t You Smoke Pot? - Because
Lobbyists Are Getting Rich Off of The 'War on Drugs'
- Exclusive
Additional Information |
Español |
Opio y Heroína - La producción de Colombia y México
Español |
Acepta la Droga más Mortal del Mundo y Continúa con la
Prohibición de la Planta más Beneficiosa
Embraces World's Deadliest Drug as Prohibition of
World's Most Beneficial Plant Continues
Español |
Asesinan a La Madre de David
Koresh, el Decodificador de Waco del 'Código Cósmico'
Big Pharma's "Adderall" is
Basically Crystal Meth
- Says Dr. Carl Hart
Allegedly Using Drug Money to Overthrow Ecuador
President Rafael Correa
Coca-Cola, The CIA and The Courts
Costa Rica - The Lowest Form of
Military Aggression
Dealing in Death - The CIA and The Drugs Trade - How the Agency Created
America's Heroin and Cocaine...
Español |
- Droga,
Petróleo y Guerra - Afganistán
Español |
- El Fármaco 'Adderall' de las Grandes Farmacéuticas es
Básicamente Cristal de Metanfetamina
- Flying
on Drugs
Español |
- Geopolítica
Tras La Falsa Guerra de Estados Unidos en Afganistán
Español |
Doble Moral de WADA - La Agencia Mundial Antidoping
Español |
La 'Mano Negra' de los Rothschild
está Destruyendo la Investigación y Desarrollo del
Cannabis en los...
Italiano |
La "Mano Nera" dei Rothschild sta
Distruggendo la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo della Cannabis
negli Stati Uniti
Drug Report Envisions Growing Legalization In Western
Obama Asserts Executive Privilege to Hide Involvement in
'Fast and Furious'
Pentagon Continues Contracting
U.S. Companies in Latin America
Italiano |
Perché è Illegale la
Marihuana? - Le Vere Ragioni Sono Peggiori di Quanto
Italiano |
Perché L'Unico Ricercatore sulla
Cannabis degli Stati Uniti Improvvisamente è Stato
Español |
- ¿Porqué
el Único Investigador de Cannabis de los Estados Unidos
fue Repentinamente Despedido?
Español |
- ¿Porqué
es Ilegal la Marihuana? - Las Verdaderas Razones son
Peores de lo que Usted Piensa
Español |
Porqué los Animales Comen Plantas
'Black Hand' Crushing Cannabis Research and Development
in U.S |
Banking Elite Are Not Only Stealing Our Wealth, but They
Are Also Stealing Our Minds
The Doomsday Project, Deep Events,
and The Shrinking of American Democracy
- The Drug Trust
- History of The Pharmaceutical Drug Business
The Elites Had to Have The Branch
Davidian Village Eliminated Because...
The Elkhorn Manifesto - Shadow of
The Swastika
- The Real Reason the Government Won't Debate...
The Imperial Anatomy of Al-Qaeda
The Science of Drugs Use
- from "The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable
Total Mind Control..."
To This Day, Coca-Cola Still
Imports Coca Leaves Which Are Used to Manufacture
Cocaine in The United...
U.S. Expands Military Reach in Latin America
Waco Cracker of ‘Cosmic Code’
David Koresh’s Mother Murdered
Why Animals Eat Psychoactive
is Marijuana Outlawed? - The Real Reasons are Worse than
You Think
World Drug Report 2012
World Drug Report 2018
- External Link
Books-Treatises |
Andean Cocaine - The Making of A
Global Drug
- by Paul Gootenberg
Dope, Inc. - Britain's Opium War Against The U.S.
- by a U.S. Labor Party Investigating Team
Murder by Injection
- The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America -
by Eustace Mullins
Red Cocaine
- The Drugging of
America and the West -
by Joseph D. Douglass
The Politics of Heroin in
Southeast Asia -
by Alfred McCoy
Multimedia |
American Drug War
- The Last White Hope
The Taboo - The United Nations Sanctioned War on Drugs
- The Movie
Is This What We're Fighting For?
(This Video May Be Blocked
In Some Countries)
NARCO S.A. - El Grupo Bilderberg
Narcos - La Ruta De La Impunidad
Mena Connection
- Clinton, Bush and the CIA Drug Smuggling
Royalty's Drug Running Kingpins
- from 'The
Secret Rulers of The World'
Shocking Truth - How Institutional
Education and Psychotropic Drugs Have Created Generation
Related Reports |
Big-Pharma Industry
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Cannabinoids - The Secret Cure to
Help Heal Many Chronic Diseases
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CIA - The Central Intelligence
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Global Militarism
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The Black Nobility
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The Bushes and The New World Order
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The Clintons - America Politics
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The Deadly Industry of Psychiatry
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The United Kingdom and Brexit
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