from UhuruNews Website
AGRA, an organization that was set up by the Gates Foundation in 2006, was developed under the pretext of ensuring that small farmers get the funding needed that will enable them to feed themselves and their communities. On the surface this looks like a great initiative because, finally, Africa is getting the help it needed for so long.
However, as with anything that involves purveyors of capitalism and imperialism, there is an underlying agenda.
Gates has reportedly doled out 1.4 billion dollars in grants to help get poor developing nations on track in the avenues of agriculture and sustainability. Gates, along with the,
...and the government of Norway, is one of the financial backers of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, located in the icy mountains of Norway.
The project to build this massive underground vault was completed in February 2008.
Agriculturalist from around the world have participated in this project by sending every possible specimen of non-GMO seeds to this bank to ensure its survival and reconstitution pending an environmental melt down which could leave human beings scrambling to get what is behind this vault’s walls.
One could argue that if the GMO seeds that
Syngenta produces, were so good why not just manufacture them and put them
in the vault.
These chemical insecticides are manufactured
through one of the largest purveyors of chemical farming and genetic
Why Africa is so important
The Grab for Africa is now coming in the form of a manufactured Green Revolution cloaked behind environmentalism but seeks to secure the survival of Imperialism while deepening the exploitation of African people.
Gates is another weapon of colonialism and domination in the ongoing war against African people.
He, being one of the world’s richest men, can use his financial clout to inject these GMO seeds into our communities. Although no independent scientific research has been conducted on GMO seeds, the nutritional benefits are arguably extremely deficient than seeds that come from the earth.
Let the technological whiz kids of the bio-tech
labs tell it and they’ll say that these seeds will be the saving grace of
This situation can only be exacerbated by the introduction of these nutrient robbing seeds that work to:
In every way that we can, Africans must say no to the bio-tech field’s advances to deposit their lab experiments within our communities.
The survival of African People and the world depends on Africans alignment with nature and our historic ability to farm. Africans were targeted during the slave trade and colonialism, in many cases, for our ability to produce abundant crops.
Ancient irrigation and farming techniques were
used to provide sustenance for our colonizers (read
Black Rice by Judith Carney).
Say no to GMO and AGRA and say yes to All African People’s Development and Empowerment Project (AAPDEP) to help African people the world over take control of their food source and ensure the best for coming generations.
AAPDEP is on the ground in places Like Sierra Leone, Florida and California promoting self determination in our hands. Instituting programs like community health workers training, rainwater harvestings systems, community gardening and farming, and Birth Centers.
AAPDEP’s primary objective is to ensure that
we can not only maintain ourselves but to sustain ourselves through
initiatives that will secure our own survival and empowerment.