5G and GMO - Electromagnetic Waves
and Genetic Engineering: Profit Driven Destruction
About the Danger of GMOs - You
will Probably Never Want to Eat Genetically-Modified
Food Again...
After GMO Labeling Shot Down,
Citizens Start Labeling Themselves
- Grassroots Movement
All GMO Approvals in Brazil are
- Says Whistleblowing Regulator
- "Altered
Genes, Twisted Truths" - A Challenge to Monsanto
Altered Genes, Twisted Truth - How
GMOs Took Over the Food Supply
A Moratorium On Genetically
Manipulated (GMO) Foods
Español |
Análisis de 'Semillas de Destrucción
- La Agenda Oculta de Manipulación Genética'
Coca-Cola and Pepsi Lobbying the FDA for a GMO Labeling
Español |
Argentina es el Primer País del
Mundo en Autorizar Trigo Transgénico
Argentina's Soybeans Help
Feed the World but Might Be Making Locals Sick
to Integrate Vaccines, Pharmaceuticals into GMO
'Biopharmaceutical' Crops
Biotech admits Bill Gate's 'GMO
Factory Food' is a Gene Therapy
Biotech Ambassadors - How the U.S. State
Department Promotes the Seed Industry's Global Agenda
Biotech Industry Pushing 'GM 2.0'
Across Europe - Not Science Fiction |
Biotech's Dirty Tricks Exposed in
New Documentary 'Scientists Under Attack'
Brand New GMO Food Can Rewire Your Body - More
Evil Coming
Brazilian Commission Speed Up
Approval of GM Crops and Hasten The Release of GMO Beans
Poised to Legalize GMO "Suicide Seeds"
Can Science Give us The Tools for
Recognizing Possible Health Risks of GM Food?
Chemical Company Lobbyists
'Weaving Their Webs' as Coke, Pepsi, Kraft and General
Mills Pony Up...
Español |
China Planea Convertirse en un Gigante de los Transgénicos
Español |
Científicos Exigen Poner Fin al
"Experimento" Global GMO
Civil Disobedience or Death by
Codex Alimentarius and GM Food
Español |
Comemos Transgénicos y No Lo
Sabemos - ASPEC Perú
Español |
Como hemos sido Engañados con
estos Alimentos 'Saludables'
Companies Using GMOs in Baby Formula
Complete Genes May Pass from Food
to Human Blood
Comprehensive List of GMO Products
Connecting The Dots - Parallels
Between GMOs and Vaccines
Corporate Giant Comes Out Against GMOs
Español |
- ¿Cuál
es el Futuro de los Alimentos?
Español |
Cuando el Diseño Transgénico Roza
lo Inhumano
Español |
Cuestionado el Modelo Agrícola
Argentino - Se Pregunta cómo Seguir
DARPA developing GMO Insects that
Genetically Modify Crops
GM Food
Español |
Desplazamientos, Desolación y
Muerte - Verdades de Los Transgénicos en Latinoamérica
Deutsch |
Die schmutzigen Tricks der Biotechnologie aufgedeckt im
neuen Dokumentarfilm "Gekaufte Wahrheit"
Disbelief as "Green King Charles"
gives 'Royal Assent' to New Gene Breeding Technology
Says Modern Wheat a "Perfect, Chronic Poison"
Español |
Efecto de Las Dietas Que Contienen
Papas Genéticamente Modificadas Expresando Galanthus
Effect of Diets Containing Genetically Modified Potatoes
Expressing Galanthus Nivalis Lectin on Rat...
Effect of Genetically Modified Corn on the
Jejunal Mucosa of Adult Male Albino Rat
Español |
El 5G y los OMG - Ondas
Electromagnéticas e Ingeniería Genética: Destrucción con
Fines de Lucro
Español |
El Peligro de Las Semillas
Emails Show White House Promotes
Genetically Engineered Crops in Wildlife Refuges
Releases All Data on GM Corn Linked to Cancer
Italiano |
Evitate Gli Alimenti Modificati
Geneticamente - Effetti Negativi Provati
Español |
Evite Los Alimentos Modificados
Genéticamente - Efectos Negativos Comprobados
Fears Grow as Study Shows
Genetically Modified Crops Can Cause Liver and Kidney
Finally World's Largest GMO Safety
Study Launched
- Let the World Truly Discover GMO Toxicity
Five Steps for Avoiding and
Detoxing the Bt-Toxin Found in GMO Crops
Foods Derived From Modern Biotechnology
- Good for Big Business, Bad for The Rest of Us
Frankenstein on The Farm
- How The Feds Set Frankenstein Free on The Farm
Terrorizing Farmers...
Gates Unhinged - Dystopian Vision
for the Future of Food
Deutsch |
Gekaufte Wahrheit - Gentechnik im Magnetfeld des Geldes
- Filmbesprechung
Español |
Genes "Climáticos"
- Monopolios Favorecidos por El Cambio Climático
Genetically Engineered Viruses are
Next Generation of Warfare
Genetically Manipulated Crops -
The GMO Catastrophe in The USA
- A Lesson for The World
Genetically Modified Apples Newest
GMO Creation to Be Pushed on Consumers
Genetically Modified Chocolate?
What's Left?
Genetically Modified Crops Safety
- Present Limits and Possible Improvements
Genetically Modified DNA Transfers from Food to Human
Genetically Modified Food Rapped
Genetically Modified (GM) Foods
and Dr. Arpad Pusztai
Genetically Modified Medicinal
Plants on The Horizon to Create More Dangerous Drugs
Genetically Modified Processed and
Whole Foods List
Español |
Genéticamente Modificados por Monsanto
- ¿Por Qué No?
- 'Genetic
Fingerprint' reveals Synthetic Origin of SARS-CoV-2
Genetic Modified (GM) Corn Scandal
Forces Kellogg To Close Plant
Genetic Modified Soy Destroying
Genetic Modified Wheat May
Permanently Alter Human Genome and Spark Early Death
Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of
Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of
GM Companies Aim To Own Entire
Global Food System
GM Crops are Nothing Short of a
Bio-War on Our Food
- Over 800 World Scientists Agree
GM Crops Promote Superweeds, Food
Insecurity and Pesticides
- Say NGOs
GMO Alert - Top 10 Genetically
Modified Foods to Avoid Eating
GMO and Monsanto Roundup - Glyphosate Weedkiller in our
Food and Water?
GMO Myths and Truths
- An Evidence-Based Examination of The Claims Made for
The Safety and Efficacy...
Myths and Truths' - Report Released by Genetic Engineers
GMO Potato Creator now Fears its
Impact on Human Health
GMO Pushers Horrified at Idea of
Being Held Responsible for Their Role in Farmer
Suicides, Crop Failures...
GMOs - A Toxic Plume to Rival Your
Worst Fears
GMOs Failing Across America
- "Farmer to Farmer" Film Reveals Disastrous Failure
- The Ultimate Solution
Got MilQ? - Fake Milk to Replace
Dairy and Breast Milk
Harvest of Fear
Español |
- ¿Hay
Una Conexión Entre los Transgénicos y los Chemtrails?
Health Hazards of Genetically
Engineered Foods
Health Risks of Genetically Modified Foods
Herbicide Used on Genetically
Modified Soy in Argentina Could Cause Birth Defects
Consumer Preferences for Nanotechnology and Genetic-modification
Technology in Food...
of the World's Food System
- Seeds of Destruction
Holy Crop! Vatican Blesses GMOs ...Though 'Unofficially'
How The Feds Set Frankenstein Free
on The Farm - Terrorizing Farmers,
Making us Sick
If The Biotech Industry is So
Proud of GMOs, Why Don't They Tout GMOs on Food
Packaging Labels?
Improved Non-GMO Corn Performing Better than GMO Crops
Italiano |
Incredulità su come "Il Verde Re
Carlo" dà 'l'Assenso Reale' a Nuova Tecnologia di
Allevamento Genetico
Infant Formula Manufacturers
Refuse to Remove GMO and New Research Now Links Formula
to Chronic...
Is There a GMO-Chemtrail
Español |
La Amenaza de Los Transgénicos
Español |
La Cosecha Biofarmacéutica
Español |
La Fusión Bayer-Monsanto -
Empoderando un Cártel Destructor de la Vida
Español |
La Naturaleza Contraataca -
Amaranto Inca Devora Transgénicos de Monsanto
Italiano |
La Pianta Sacra degli Inca che
Combatte i Prodotti Transgenici
Español |
La Planta Sagrada de los Incas que
Combate a los Transgénicos
Español |
La Soja de Argentina
Ayuda a Alimentar al Mundo pero Podría estar Enfermando
a los Pobladores Locales
Out Monsanto! - Campaigns to Label Genetically
Engineered Foods Are Heating Up
Español |
Los Diez Mitos Acerca de Los Alimentos Transgénicos que
Monsanto Quiere que Usted Crea
Español |
Los Experimentos Agrícolas
promovidos por Bill Gates se han Hundido en África
Español |
Los Sucios Trucos de la
Biotecnología expuestos en el nuevo Documental 'Científicos
Bajo Ataque'
Español |
Los Transgénicos Nunca
Fueron Pensados para 'Acabar' con el Hambre
Major Junk Food Company Grocery
Manufacturers Association (GMA) Collapses
Many Reasons Why Soy Should be
Major Setback for the Biotech Industry - Insects Rapidly
Developing Resistance to GM Crops
Glue - Transglutaminase and Franken Vittles
Medical Patients Who Follow Strict
GMO-Free Diets Experience Dramatic Health Recovery
- A Film about GMOs and the Corruption of "Food Supply
for Profit
Monsanto - A Multinational Factory of Death
- Main File
Monsanto/Bayer's GM Plants
Contaminate Europe Despite Ban
Español |
Monsanto Intentando Ocultar
Alimentos Genéticamente Modificados bajo el Término
Italiano |
Monsanto sta Cercando di
Nascondere Alimenti Geneticamente Modificati sotto il
Termine "Bio Fortificati
Monsanto, Syngenta and Bayer CropScience
- The GMO Biotech Sector can't win the Scientific Debate...
Monsanto trying to Hide GMO Foods
under the Term "Biofortified"
Mounting Opposition to GMO Crops
- The World's People Reject Genetic Pollution of Food
and The...
Move Over, Round-up - USDA Approves 2nd Generation GMOs
that Can Withstand Even Deadlier Herbicide
Mutated Pests Are Quickly Adapting
to Biotech Crops in Unpredicted and Disturbing Ways
Nanotechnology in Food &
- Out of The Laboratory And
On To Our Plates
New GMO Wheat May 'Silence' Vital
Human Genes
- Scientists Say
New Paper on dsRNA Risks -
Briefing for Non-Specialists
New Study Finds a "Very Strong"
Correlation between GMOs and Two Dozen Diseases
Español |
No Existe Consenso Sobre la
Seguridad de Los Organismos Modificados Genéticamente
Shopping Guide
No Scientific Consensus on Safety
of Genetically Modified Organisms
Español |
Nuestros Malévolos Benefactores y
su Plan Maestro para la Humanidad |
Español |
Estudio Aporta Indicios de Daños al Intestino provocados
por Maíz Transgénico Bt
Español |
OGM - Violación de La Soberanía
Open Seeds - Biopiracy and The
Patenting of Life
False Claim - Frankenscientists Say Purple Medicinal 'GMO'
Tomatoes Can Beat Cancer
Political and Corporate Elite Shun GM Food on Their Own
Español |
Por qué los Alimentos Sintéticos
son Muy Peligrosos
Español |
Por qué los Transgénicos
No Son el Futuro de la Alimentación
Possible Consequences of The
Overlap Between The CaMV 35S and The Viral Gene VI in
Presidential Candidate Hillary
Clinton Supports Monsanto
Proofs that We Don't Need GMOs to
Feed the World
Español |
- ¿Quién
está detrás del 'Gran Reinicio de Alimentos'?
Español |
Reacción en la Cadena Alimentaria
- Otra "Simulación" Globalista se hace Realidad
Español |
- ¿Realmente
Necesitamos Arroz Con Genes Humanos?
Regulators Discover a Hidden Viral
Gene in Commercial GMO Crops
Español |
Riesgos en La Salud por Alimentos
Genéticamente Modificados
Español |
Riesgos, Implicancias y la
Situación Actual de Los Organismos Genéticamente
Modificados (OGM)
Rodent Feeding Study With
Glyphosate Formulations and GM Maize NK603
- Séralini et al.
Español |
Roundup, la Toxina-Bt,
los OMG y la Intolerancia al Gluten
Safety Group Blows Lid on 'Secret
Virus' Hidden in GMO Crops
Report accuses the Pentagon of Developing an Agricultural
Scientists are Making THC and CBD
without Marijuana
Scientists Under Attack - Genetic Engineering in
The Magnetic Field of Money - Film Review
Scientists Warn "Supercharged"
GMOs Could be Used as Bio-weapons
Scientist That Discovered GMO
Health Hazards Immediately Fired and Team Dismantled
Seeds of Death - Understanding The
Deception Behind GMOs
Seeds of Destruction
- A Review of 'Seeds of Destruction - The Hidden Agenda
of Genetic...' by F.W.Engdahl
Semantically Engineered Crops
Seven New Toxic Genetically Modified Crops Up for
Government Approval
Some Tips on How to Avoid GMO
Foods in The Grocery Store
Spermicidal Breakfast Cereal
Stealth GMOs Rapidly Consuming
Global Food Supply
Stunning Corn Comparison - GMO
versus NON GMO
Syngenta Charged for Covering-Up
Livestock Deaths from GM Corn
Teaching Children About GMO
Agriculture is "A Fun Activity" for The Whole Family
- At Disney World's...
The Bayer-Monsanto Merger -
Empowering a Life-Destroying Cartel
The False Claims of GMOs
The Globalization of GMOs - How Genetic Engineering is
Destroying The Developing World
The GMO Agenda takes a Menacing
Leap Forward with EPA's Silent Approval of
Monsanto/Dow's RNAi Corn
The GMO Lie Threatens Life on Earth Yet Some Resist
The GMO Population Cull… Getting Away With Murder
The Hidden Dangers of Soy
The Long Term Effects of
Genetically Modified Food on Humans
- GMO Scandal
The Many Reasons to Avoid
Genetically Modified Foods
The Politics of Genetic Modified
Alfalfa Explained - What The Heck Happened?
The Post-GMO Economy
- One Mainstream Farmer is Returning to Conventional
Seed - and He's Not Alone
The Race Heats-Up for More
Genetically Modified Seed Technologies
The Runaway Transgenic Frankenfood
The Seed Barons
- How Big Ag, Big Oil & Big Government Are Hijacking the
World's Food Supply
Threats to Your Water Supply Abound - The
Devastating Impact of Fertilizers, Fracking, and
Top Scientists Speak Out On
Genetically Modified Crops And Food
Toxicology Expert Speaks Out About
Roundup and GMOs
Español |
En Mi Nevera!
Español |
Transgénicos Que Matan De Hambre
Under Wraps - Are
the crop industry's strong-arm tactics and close-fisted attitude
to sharing seeds holding back...
- "Unscientific"
is Secret Code for Anyone Who Opposes GMOs or Pesticides
USDA Was Storing Monsanto's
Unapproved GM Wheat in Seed Vault
U.S. Farmers Going Out of Business
Due to GM Crop Contamination
Español |
Virus Genéticamente Diseñados son
Armas de Guerra de Próxima Generación
We Can Win The Fight Against GMOs,
But Grassroots Support is Needed to Achieve Victory
- J.Smith Says
We Need to Ban Brands from The 8
Biggest Food Companies in The World who Use GMO
What is GMO and Agricultural Crops
that Have a Risk of Being GMO
What Will It Take to Get You to
Swallow GMO and Nanotech Foods?
Who is Behind the Great Food Reset?
Why 80 Percent of People Worldwide
Will Soon Stop Eating Wheat
Why do Governments Recommend this
Toxic Food Today when They Didn't a Decade Ago?
Why GMOs are NOT the
Future of Food
Why Monsanto Always Wins
- The 'Politics' of The U.S. Department of Agriculture
Why Synthetic Food is Very
Widespread GMO Contamination
- Did Monsanto Plant GMOs Before USDA Approval?
WikiLeaks - New Chargé d'Affaires
Christopher Sandrolini Lobbied Vatican on Biotech Foods
You Won't Believe How Much
Pesticide You're Eating Every Day
- So How can GM Crops be Deemed 'Safe'?
Additional Information |
Abiogenesis of Acari Insects
A Comparative Evaluation of The
Regulation of GM Crops or Products Containing dsRNA and
Africa's Frankenfoods - Why Is the Gates Foundation
Helping Monsanto Push Genetically Modified Food?
Against Nature
- The Television Program
Español |
- ¿Agricultura
Industrial para Alimentar al Mundo?
Research, or a New Bioweapon System?
Agrobacterium and Morgellons
- A GM Connection?
Español |
A La Caza de Genes "Climáticos"
Gardens - Mysterious Origins of Crop Plants
Español |
Alteración de las Especies - ¿Están los OMG Re-cableando
Nuestro ADN?
As Food Prices Sky Rocket, Biotech
Shills Claim Genetically Modified Foods Are 'The Answer'
Asymmetrical Cross-Resistance
Between Bacillus Thuringiensis Toxins Cry1Ac and Cry2Ab
in Pink...
Español |
- “Banco
Semillero del Día del Juicio Final” en El Ártico
- Bill Gates, Rockefeller y Los Gigantes de La...
Bayer's Modified Soil Microbes
could Trigger a Genetically Engineered Doomsday
Big Pharma-Big Agra
Mergers - Furthering the Synthetic Agenda
Bill Gates Buys Positive Press
Spin on Vaccines and GMOs
Gates secretly Dictates 'Global Food Policy' too...!
British Government Squanders
Millions Conducting Secret Genetic Modified Potato
- While Non-GM...
Canada Endorses GMO Foods for
Export Despite Rejections by Their Biggest Market
Cap The Gene Spill
- New Video Says GMO Contamination of World Is Far Worse
Than Gulf of Mexico...
Español |
Carne Cultivada - Una 'startup
argentina' realizó la Primera Degustación en América
Cereal Crimes - A Report by The Cornucopia Institute
Chemists Genetically Modifying
Plants to Produce More Pharmaceuticals
Coca-Cola, McDonalds and Monsanto
Pay for Propaganda - Is it Working?
Colony Collapse Disorder and
Genetically Modified Crops
Complete Biosynthesis of
Cannabinoids and their Unnatural Analogues in Yeast
Consolidation of Seed Companies Leading to Corporate
Domination of World Food Supply
Everywhere But Nothing Else... Not Even A Bee
Corporate Crimes in The Cereal
Aisle - How Companies Are
Fooling You Into Thinking Their Products...
Death of the Bees - GMO Crops
and the Decline of Bee Colonies in North America
Español |
Del Laboratorio a la Mesa - Qué es
la Carne Sintética
Determination of Glyphosate in
Groundwater Samples
Deutsch |
Die magischen Kräfte Fermentierter
Distinguishing Between Yield
Advances and Yield Plateaus in Historical Crop
Production Trends
- "Doomsday
Seed Vault" in The Arctic
- Bill Gates, Rockefeller and The GMO Giants Know
Español |
El Envenenamiento de La Humanidad - Tipos de Sangre,
Deficiencia de Cobre, Teoría de la Evolución y...
Español |
El Mágico Poder de Los Alimentos
Español |
El Vaticano Respalda Los Alimentos
Endogenous small RNAs in Grain -
Semi-quantification and Sequence Homology to Human and
Animal Gen
Español |
Estamos Salvados
- Semillas Transgénicas
European Union Food Safety Chief
Forced to Quit
- Genetic Modified Lobby Role
Failure to Yield - Evaluating The
Performance of Genetically Engineered Crops
Farmers Sue Again USDA Over
Monsanto Alfalfa
Former Monsanto VP Attaining Top Position at The FDA
- Sign The Petition to Stop It
Genetically Modified Democracy
Modified Organons - mRNA Vaccines
Genetic Engineering, Eugenics and The Ideology of The
Rich - Social
Control in The 21st Century
Genetic Modification Gone Wild
- 10 Signs That Our World May Be Destined To Resemble A
Really Bad...
Español |
Guía Roja y Verde de Alimentos
How Biotech Corporations and GMO
Crops Are Threatening The Environment and Humankind
How The Bill Gates Foundation is
Genetically Manipulating Nature and Devastating Our
How To Avoid Brands Made With
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
Italiano |
- "Il
Caveau Semi per il Giorno del Giudizio nell'Artico" -
Gates, Rockefeller e i Giganti OGM Sanno Qualcosa...
of Gluten Sensitivity Skyrocketing in The U.S. - Are
GMOs to Blame?
Iraq - Order 81
- Re-engineering the
Country's Traditional Farming Systems
Journal Retraction of Séralini
Study is Illicit, Unscientific, and Unethical
Labels for GMO Foods Are a Bad
Español |
Modificación Genética Fuera de Control
Español |
Las Asombrosas Propiedades
Curativas de Los Alimentos Fermentados
Español |
- "Las
Políticas que Favorecen los Productos Orgánicos
Leaked Memo Sheds Light on Mysterious Bee Die-Offs and
Who's to Blame
Long Term Toxicity of a Roundup
Herbicide and a Roundup-Tolerant Genetically Modified
Long-Term Toxicity of a Roundup
Herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant Genetically Modified
Marine Animals are going to Be
Genetically Modified and Work for the U.S. Military
Español |
Mercados Alimentarios - Arma de
Destrucción Masiva
Plotting to Wipe Out Genetic Diversity of Corn in Mexico
with GMO Corn
Monsanto's 5 Most Dubious Contributions to The Planet
Monsanto's Roundup Triggers Over 40 Plant Diseases and
Endangers Human and Animal Health
Monsanto - The World's Poster Child for Corporate
Manipulation and Deceit
Monsanto Wants to Start Testing GM Wheat
U.S. Patents Could Signal the End of Pesticides and GMOs
Occupy The Food System
- The World Can Feed Itself, Without Corporate America's
Opposition to GMOs is Neither
Unscientific Nor Immoral
Poisoning of Mankind
- Blood Types, Copper Deficiency, Evolution Theory &
America - GMO Manmade Biological Threats, Plant
Diseases, Germ Warfare
Español |
- ¿'Quien'
o 'Que Cosa' Está Matando a Las Abejas?
- Main File
Research Raises Concerns about
Future Global Crop Yield Projections
Scientific American Discredits Itself by Insisting that
Consumers Be Kept in The Dark about GMOs
Shoppers Wary of GM Foods Find
They're Everywhere
Some Quick Reasons to Dislike
DuPont as Much as Monsanto and Most other Biotech Giants
Sorry Gates - GMO Crops Proven to
Be Ineffective at Fighting World Hunger
Species Alteration - Is GMO Rewiring our DNA
Stop the Toxic TPP - Trans-Pacific
Partnership Supports GMOs, Denies Your Right to Know |
Surge in Insect Resistance to
Transgenic Crops and Prospects for Sustainability
Español |
Tener Una Semilla es Un Delito - La Nueva Dictadura
Alimentaria ahora en Colombia
The Action of Fertilizers
- Use of Chemical Fertilizers Accelerate the Domination
of The World's Grain...
The Amazing Healing Properties of
Fermented Foods
The Deliberate Trashing of Earth's EcoSystem - GMOs
Are Killing the Bees, Butterflies, Birds and...?
Global Bee Death
The Magical Power of Fermented
The Mass Poisoning of Humanity -
An Exploration of Human Stupidity
The Shocking Ingredients In Beer
Top 10 Breakfast Cereals Most Likely to Contain
Monsanto's GMO Corn
The Trans-Pacific Partnership
Means GMOs in Your Food |
Threats to Your Water Supply Abound - The
Devastating Impact of Fertilizers, Fracking, and
Town in England Transforms
Landscape into Giant Food-Producing Edible Garden
Trans Pacific Partnership Might
Include International Ban on GMO Labeling |
U.S. Attempting Global Censorship
of GMO Food Labeling
- GMO Alert
Vatican Secretly OKs GMOs
- "Divinity" Divided No More
Video shows Bill Gates admitting
"Clean Energy" solving Climate Change is a SCAM
War Over Monsanto Gets Ugly
- Birth Defects, Superweeds and The Science of
We Don't Need Genetically
Engineered Food, Just Biodiverse Farms
- Don't Buy The False Promise of...
Weird Science - The Brave New World of
Genetic Engineering
- 'Who'
or 'What' is Killing The Bees?
- Colony Collapse Disorder, or CCD
- Main File
Why Do G.M.O.'s Need Protection?
Why Is Damning New Evidence About Monsanto's Most Widely
Used Herbicide Being Silenced?
WikiLeaks Cable Reveals U.S.
Conspired to Retaliate Against European Nations If They
Resisted GMOs
WikiLeaks Cables Reveal U.S.
Sought to Retaliate Against Europe Over Refusing to
Allow Monsanto GM...
WikiLeaks - U.S. Ambassador
Planned "Retaliation" Against France Over Ban on
Monsanto Corn
Worm Evolves to Eat Corn that Was
Genetically Engineered to Kill It
You Think GMO Is Scary? Nano Tech
is Here, In Your Store
YouTube Censors Video Interview
With Jeffrey Smith About GMOs
Countries Fighting
GMOs |
Español |
A Partir del 15 Noviembre 2012
Entra en Vigencia Moratoria de 10 Años al Ingreso de
Transgénicos en Perú
Argentina - Disappearing Farmers,
Disappearing Food
Study Finds Roundup Ingredient Causes Birth Defects
Canada, Australia, and Japan Issue
Warning over GMO Contamination - While the USDA says it
Colombians Successfully Revolt
Against Seed Control and Agricultural Tyranny
Connecticut Passes GMO Labeling
Connecticut Senate Passes GMO
Labeling Bill
Europe Rejects GMO Crops - 'Kinder
Gentler' America Seeks Labeling
France Takes Stand Against GMOs-Monsanto
Despite End of Ban
Genetically Modified Politicians
Hawaii's 'Big Island' Passes Bill
Forbidding Biotechnology Companies - GMOs
Here's Why more than 35 Countries
have Banned Genetically Modified Crops from their
Hungary Throws Out
Monsanto and The IMF
Español |
Hungría Se Deshace de Monsanto y
del FMI
India Says Monsanto Covertly, Illegally Conducted GM
Corn Trials Without Approval
Signs Mandatory GMO Labeling into Law
India Slams Monsanto With Unprecedented 'Biopiracy'
Is Europe About to Lose the Fight
Against GMO's?
Is There Any Hope for A
Non-Genetically Modified Future in America or Africa?
Italy and Austria join Growing
List of Countries that are Banning GMO Agriculture
American Communities Fight to Protect Heirloom Seeds
from Monsanto
Español |
- ¿Liderará
Rusia el Camino del Rechazo de los OGM?
- Viceprimer Ministro dice que los Organismos...
Español |
Más de la Mitad de Países de la UE
están Optando por Dejar los Transgénicos
Mexico Bans GMO Corn
Monsanto and Dupont/Pioneer
Continue Pulling GM Crops from EU
Español |
Monsanto Golpea en Paraguay
- Los Muertos de Curuguaty y El Juicio Político a Lugo
Over Half of EU Countries are
Opting Out of GMOs
Peru Implements Ten-Year Ban on
Poland Bans Genetically Modified
Maize and Potatoes
Poland Joins Ranks of Grassroots Anti-Monsanto Activism
Set Stage - Will Europe Now Ban
GMO Cultivation?
South Korea is Latest to Suspend U.S. Wheat Imports in
Aftermath of Monsanto Rogue Wheat Discovery
Ten Year Ban on Genetically
Modified Seeds and Foods Takes Force in Peru
Total Ban on GM Corn in France
Follows Popular Opposition
Unexpected Diversity of Feral
Genetically Modified Oilseed Rape Despite a Cultivation and Import Ban in...
Venezuela Passes National Anti-GMO
and Anti-Patent Seed Law
Russia: |
GMO Crops Totally Banned in Russia
Italiano |
La Russia Rimpiazza gli 'Alimenti
Frankenstein' dell'Occidente
Español |
Rusia Reemplaza a los 'Alimentos
Frankenstein' de Occidente
Russia Bans All Genetic
Modified Corn Imports
- EU May Also Ban Monsanto GMO in Wake of Shocking...
Russia has Decided to BAN
the Use of Genetically Modified Ingredients in All Food
Russian Government to Ban all GMO
Food Products to Protect Citizens
Russian Scientists Warn of Genetically Modified Fast
Food Link to Pandemic Flu
Russia Reports Over 2 Million Dead
in U.S. as Mysterious Die-Off Accelerates
- Genetically Modified...
Total GMO Ban to Be Considered by
Russia Within Weeks
Why Is Russia Banning GMOs While
the US Keeps Approving Them?
Will Russia Lead the Way in
- Russian Deputy Prime
Minister says GMOs Will Not Be...
Humans - Animals -
Insects - Trees... |
Bill Gates advances 'Plan to
Vaccinate Public without Consent'
Drug to Fix Faulty DNA Gets
Go-Ahead in Landmark Move that May Alter Medicine
First Genetically Engineered Flu Vaccine Now on The
Four-foot Human with Cat's Eyes
Genetically Modified (GM) Blood
Cells to Protect Tomorrow's Soldiers from Bioweapons?
Genetic Engineering Gets Extreme
- Now Comes Synthetic Genetic Modification
Genetic Modified Genes Found in
Human Gut
GM Crops Being Mixed With Human,
Other Animal Genes
GMO's and CAFO's Drive Disease
Statistics and Destroy Communities
Italy planning to become First
Country to 'Ban Synthetic Food'
Lab-Grown "Meat" is coming to
Stores and Restaurants near You
Español |
La Ingeniería Genética Se Ha
Vuelto Extrema
- Ahora Viene La Modificación Genética Sintética
Link Between
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) Crops And
Italiano |
L'Italia Pianifica di diventare il
Primo Paese a "Bandire Alimenti Sintetici"
Oxford Professor says Genetically Altering Unborn Babies
Personalities a Moral Obligation
Stem Cell Based Lab-Grown Meat Coming Soon to Your
Dinner Plate
The Looming Future of GMO
Technology - Transhumanism, Biocrops, and More
They Are Turning Our Crops,
Animals And Even Our Babies Into Freakish Genetic
Monsters - What Could...
Birth of First Genome-edited
Babies causes Furore
CRISPR-Edited Babies born in China
may have Enhanced Brain Functions
DARPA do Genetically Engineer
Humans by Adding a 47th Chromosome
Designer Babies - An Ethical
Horror Waiting to Happen?
Editing Human Embryos - So this Happened
Español |
Escepticismo y Preocupación por
los Bebés Humanos Modificados Genéticamente
First CRISPR Babies - Six Questions that Remain
Genetically Engineering Humans
Genetically Modified Children - New Film Unveils
'Monstrous' Child Deformities by Agrochems in
Genetically Modified Humans and
the Consequence of Exploiting Nature
Genetically Modified Humans? - New Gene-Altering Drug
Paves Way for Mass Modification
Modified Micro Humans' to be 'Farmed' for Drug Testing
by 2017 - Mad Science
How to Ethically Modify the DNA of
Human-Animal Hybrids - Sick and
Twisted Chimeras are Being Created in Labs All Over The
Human Engineering and Climate
Español |
Médico Confirma el Primer
Nacimiento de Bebés Modificados Genéticamente con ADN de
Tres Adultos
New U.S. Experiments aim to Create
Gene-Edited Human Embryos
Safety and validity Evaluation of
HIV Immune Gene - CCR5 Gene Editing in Human Embryos
Scientists Install
'Memories' in DNA of Human Cells
Soldier' - Genetically Modified Humans Won't Need Food,
Synthetic Biologist
- Cloned Children, 'Handpicked Genes' Right Around the
The US Government is Bankrolling
The 'Engineering' of Humans
Transhumanism Advances With The Creation of GM Babies
Transhumanist Bankers Plan Robotic
Italiano |
Un Medico Conferma la Prima
Nascita di Neonati Modificati Geneticamente con il DNA
di Tre Adulti
U.S. Patent Granted on The Design
of Human Offspring
Vaccines - An Ideal Covert-Operation to Genetically
Re-Engineer Humans
Español |
Vacunas - Una Operación-Encubierta Ideal para Manipular
Humanos Genéticamente
Weaponization and "Human
Augmentation" - Warfare of the Immediate Future...?
World's First Genetically Modified Babies 'Created' in
- Insects:
Biotech's Bizarre World - 7
Genetically Modified Animals
Brazil to Clone Endangered
Animals, Release into Wild
CRISPR Critters and CRISPR Cracks
- 'Flying
Syringe' Mosquitoes get Bill Gates Funding
Frankenscientists Announce Mutant
GMO Cows to Produce Hormone-Induced 'Engineered' Milk
for Human...
Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes
in The U.S.
Genetically Modified Microbes
Invade North America
Genetically Modified Monkeys
Created With Cut-and-Paste DNA
Genetically Modified Mosquitoes to
Be Released in The U.S. for The First Time
Genetically Modified Mosquitoes
Vaccinate a Human
Español |
Insectos Modificados Genéticamente
- ¿Son deliberados los Riesgos?
Español |
Monstruosos Vacunos Transgénicos
Ya Son Una Realidad
Español |
Mosquitos Genéticamente
Español |
Mosquitos Usados Como "Jeringas
Voladoras" Reciben Financiación de Bill Gates
Español |
- ¿Por
qué los Científicos han estado Creando Quimeras en el
Laboratorio durante Décadas?
Scientists Create Animals that are Part-Human
- Stem Cell Experiments Leading to Genetic Mixing of...
Scientists Move to Create Genetically Modified Camels
for Pharmaceutical GM Milk
Someone will Eventually Use CRISPR
to Try to Make a Dragon or Unicorn
Tell the FDA 'NO!' to GMO Fish
Thousands of Genetically Modified
Insects Are Set for Release
Why Scientists have been Creating
Chimeras in the Lab for Decades?
Outbreak Epicenter in Same Area where GM Mosquitoes were
Released in 2015
Trees: |
Genetically Engineered Trees May
Be Even More Damaging to The Environment than GE Foods
Genetically Engineered Trees
Quietly Sprouting
Genetically Engineered Trees - The New Frontier of
Engineered Trees Under USDA Consideration Could Harm
Environment - Report
Español |
Porqué los Árboles
Genéticamente Diseñados pueden Dañar el Planeta y Cómo
podemos Detenerlos
Why Genetically
Engineered Trees Harm the Planet and How We Can Stop
Multimedia: |
A River of Waste - The Hazardous
Truth About Factory Farms
Español |
Futuros Humanos a la Carta en
Genetically Engineered Trees - The
Increasing Threat
Español |
La Abominable Carne Sintética
Español |
Llegan Los Humanos Transgénicos
Synthetic Forests
Organics |
Are Edible Organic Gardens the Key
to Food Sustainability?
- Victory Gardens to Save Us from GMO
Bhutan to Be First Country to Go 100% Organic
Cereal Crimes - Natural vs.
Organic Cereal
Organic Farming CAN Feed The World
- Don't Believe 'The Incapability of Producing Enough
Food for...
Organic Rice Farmer in India Yields Over 22 Tons of Crop
on Only Two Acres - Proving
The Fraud of...
Super Organics
The Impact of Dietary Organic and
Transgenic Soy on The Reproductive System of Female
Adult Rat
The Russians Prove Small Scale
Organic CAN Feed The World
Books-Treatises |
Altered Genes - Twisted Truth -
by Steven
Inside The FDA - The Business and
Politics Behind the Drugs We Take and the Food... -
by F.Hawthorne
Seeds of Deception
- Exposing Industry and
Government Lies About Safety of Genetically... - by J.M. Smith
of Destruction - The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation
Multimedia |
14 Years Old Girl Debates on GMOs
- Rachel Parent on 'The Lang and O'Leary Exchange CBC TV
Español |
Alimentos - El Secreto Más Grande
Es Expuesto -
English, Subtitulos Español
A Silent Forest - The Growing
Threat, Genetically Engineered Trees
Español |
Científicos Bajo Ataque
Español |
S.A.' - La Industria Alimentaria
Beyond Chemtrails
- Climate Researcher Dane Wigington on GeoEngineering
Don't Put That In Your Mouth
- Jeffrey Smith GMO Food
Effects of Feeding GMO Potatoes
Rats - Dr. Arpad Pusztai
Español |
El ADN y la Semilla de la Re-Civilización - La
Historia Jamás Contada
Español |
El Delito de Producir nuestras
Propias Semillas
Español |
El Futuro de Los Alimentos
Everything You HAVE TO KNOW About
Dangerous Genetically Modified Foods
Farmer to Farmer - The Truth About
GM Crops
Italiano |
Inc.' - L'Industria Alimentare
'Food Inc.'
- The Food Industry
Food - The Ultimate Secret Exposed
Modified Food - Panacea or Poison
Genetically Modified Poison Food
GMO Foods and Intellectual
- The Ultimate Food Fight
GMO - Global Alert
GMOs - The Alarming Truths
Granada Forum Lecture - Dr. Bill
Health Ranger Interviews Jeffrey
Smith About Dangers of GMO
Health Risks of Genetically
Engineered Foods
- A Genetic Roulette
Inside the Controversial Worldwide
Super-Crop Industry
Introduction to Genetic Modified
Organisms (GMOs)
- For Your Friends Who Need to Know
Los Alimentos Transgénicos
Mercados Alimentarios - Arma de
Destrucción Masiva:
Español |
OGM - Alerta Global
Scientists Under Attack
- Genetic Engineering in The Magnetic Field of Money
Seeds of Death
The 3 Minute Video that Explains
why 100 Years Ago People were Eating Food Most of Us
will Never Taste
The Dangers of Genetically
Modified Food
- Jeffery Smith Lecture
The Future of Food and Seed
- Vandana Shiva
Reasons You Want to Avoid Genetically Modified Food...
The World According to Monsanto
- A Documentary That Americans Won't Ever See
Español |
Transgénicos - Científicos Bajo
Español |
Transgénicos en el Cono Sur
Español |
Transgénicos en España
- Documental
Español |
- Entrevista del Canal 3/24 a Josep Pámies
Español |
Transgénicos - La Nueva Bioesclavitud
Transgenics - Scientists Under
Related Reports |
A Healthy
Way to Food
- Main File
Aspartame - Un Dulce y Mortal
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Fluor y la Fluorificacion - Otro Asesino Disfrazado de
Terapia Saludable?
- Main File
Killer Vaccines - Vacunas Que
- Main File
The Future and Beyond
- Parameters for A New Civilization
- Main File
The Unhealthy-Deadly Foods' Industry
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Viruses - An Instrument in World
- Main File