by Brian Preston
September 2014
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With his stand against
an attack on Syria,
Vladimir Putin has emerged
as the moral leader of the free
It may be just the latest global chess
move to further push the world's population into war but I've
the mainstream media's coverage of
Vladimir Putin has taken an undeserved bad turn.
Back in 2013 Putin single handedly defused an impending invasion of
Syria and a confrontation with Russia when he suggested that the
Assad regime give up their chemical weapons to a team of
international inspectors. This ingenious and successful solution
probably saved us all from a nuclear confrontation and was
recognized by giving credit (and the Nobel Peace Prize) to the
international inspectors - totally ignoring Putin's role.
Lately, Vladimir Putin has been portrayed in the propaganda style of
the Cold War era. Despite over 75% popularity in Russia, the West
seems bent on making him look bad and downplaying any peace efforts
he attempts.
And, as I write this report, Mr. Putin has just brokered a ceasefire
between the pro-Moscow militants and the Ukraine government, ending
months of conflict and thousands of lives just as NATO was about to
send 10,000 troops to the battle lines with Russia.
Whew! Thank you again, Mr. Putin.
As you will read below, Putin has demonstrated morality and the
drive towards peace in his post-Soviet leadership career. In reading
the truth about Vladimir Putin, you will hopefully see the real
enemy of civilization. The enemy that wants a global war.
Just recently, August 29, Russian President Vladimir Putin called on
pro-Moscow separatists in Ukraine to open a "humanitarian corridor"
to allow and estimated 700 Ukrainian troops to escape from their
positions where they are surrounded in the eastern town of
"I call on the rebel forces to open
a humanitarian corridor for the Ukrainian troops who are
surrounded, so as to avoid unnecessary casualties and to give
them the opportunity to withdraw from the zone of operations,"
Putin said in a statement.
This was agreed upon by the rebel leader
and the troops are moving home.
You didn't read about this
on CNN or Fox. You also likely don't know
that the US now believes that Ukraine jets
downed the Malaysian
airline - not the pro-separatists militia.
The state sponsored news media were too
busy telling us that Russia had "invaded" Ukraine and justifying
this report to muster 10,000 NATO troops to confront the 20,000
Russian troops that will face off at the border.
And so the game begins... a dangerous game.
* * *
In a scene even more vile than The Godfather,
Saudi Prince
Bandar, in a face-to-face meeting with Vladimir Putin
in July (2013), secretly recorded and leaked to a British newspaper,
tried to emulate the Temptation of 'Christ' by offering
Russia a partnership in the OPEC oil cartel.
"All this I will give you, if you
will let the Assad regime fall."
But Mr. Putin had more integrity and
morality than the Saudi.
Even more than the bankers and investors
salivating to use Syria for their
natural gas pipeline from Qatar to Turkey
and on to the European market. Even more than the Zionists bent on
moving LNG (liquid natural gas) from the huge off-shore
Laviathan gas field, (claimed by
Lebanon) through Syria over Assad's objections. (Yes. It's really
all about gas this time.)
Frustrated by his integrity and motivated by psychopathic greed and
money lust, the threats were next.
"I can give you a guarantee to
protect the Winter Olympics next year. The Chechen groups that
threaten the security of the games are controlled by us."
Speaking of the Chechen rebels, a kin to
al Qaeda, the Saudi Prince added,
"These groups do not scare us. We
use them in the face of the Syrian regime but they will have no
role in Syria's political future."
These are the same people, remember, who
did 9-11 [see
new evidence implicating the Saudis:
Syrian Parliament Letter to the U.S. House of
Representatives - The Main Factor of 9/11 Attacks was the Hatred
Wahhabi Jihadist Ideology adopted and financed by Saudis].
Vladimir Putin, the 60 year old leader of Russia, was unmoved.
"Our stance on Assad will never
change. We believe that the Syrian regime is the best speaker on
behalf of the Syrian people, and not those liver eaters."
He made reference to YouTube footage
showing the barbaric act of a Jihadist rebel cutting open the body of
a Syrian soldier and eating his heart and liver.
After all the insanity, false-flag propaganda and scripted speeches
about morality by leaders guilty of the same atrocities, Russia's
Vladimir Putin has emerged without being diminished. By being
himself he has risen to the role of a global peacemaker and all eyes
are upon him now for sanity and moral direction.
He stands alone.
Recently, September 4th, 2013, Vladimir Putin
stated his strong condemnation of the use of sarin gas against
civilians of Syria, no matter who is to blame. He let it be known
that, if strong evidence indicates the Assad regime was indeed
responsible for this, he would throttle back his support for the
leader and might support a UN sanctioned attack to prevent further
But he wants to see the proof.
On September 9th, 2013, Putin approached Syrian leader
Assad with a
Surrender all your chemical weapons to an international group
and avoid the start of WW3.
Assad agreed and, later on, Obama also
agreed that this was a good solution.
Bravo, Mr. Putin! This is
truly worthy of a Peace Prize.
As Americans, we know little about this man. Decades of hatred and
propaganda against the Soviet Union have tainted our view of all
Russian leaders, save maybe Mikhail Gorbachev. They have become the
mental equivalent of Stalin. But Mr. Putin is different.
Here, he shares stories about his
birthplace and early years (something we cannot say for
current 'leader') and gives us an opportunity to see the moral
development of this remarkable leader, whose time is ripe.
childhood - An ordinary family
Russia is a sparsely populated country with only 8 people for every
20 square miles. Most of its 160 plus ethnicities are unassuming
people who value their own culture and have learned to accept
diversity and focus on the practical things of life.
Vladimir Putin was born in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) on October
7, 1952.
"I come from an ordinary family, and
this is how I lived for a long time, nearly my whole life. I
lived as an average, normal person and I have always maintained
that connection."

Putin's mother was known to be a kind
person who cooked the ethnic Russian food that Vladimir still enjoys
"We lived simply - cabbage soup,
cutlets, pancakes, but on Sundays and holidays my Mom would bake
very delicious stuffed buns [pirozhki] with cabbage, meat and
rice, and curd tarts [vatrushki]."
His mom was a bit over-protective of him
as a child.
When young Vladimir took up Judo at school, she let her
disapproval be known until the school's coach made a personal visit
to tell her that her son was an "exceptional athlete". Then her
attitude changed to pride.
His Dad, also named Vladimir, struggled to keep his family alive in
the 1950s and moved them out of the impoverished city of St.
Petersburg (Leningrad) to a country town and a more simple life in
the Tiver Region where his grandmother lived.
Mr. Putin likes to admit that he still
owns that small house where they all lived, and his family often
vacations there.

As a teen, Vladimir was bored and became a troublemaker but this was
attributed to his intelligence combined with a lack of stimulation.
His 6th grade teacher,
Vera Gurevich, recalls,
"In the fifth grade, he still hadn't
found himself yet, but I could feel the potential, the energy
and the character in him. I saw that he had a great deal of
interest in language; he picked it up easily. He had a very good
memory and an agile mind."
In an interview, Gurevich said,
"I thought, something good will come
of this boy, so I decided to give him more attention, to
distract him from the boys on the streets."
It was at this point in his life that
Putin decided to take control of his destiny, to become serious
about his studies, and made goals for himself.
"It became clear that street smarts
were not enough, so I began doing sports. But even that was not
enough for maintaining my status, so to speak, for very long.
I realized that I also needed to study well."
State University and KGB school
"Even before I finished high school,
I wanted to work in intelligence. Granted, soon after, I decided
I wanted to be a sailor, but then I wanted to do intelligence
again. In the very beginning, I wanted to be a pilot."
Putin went to a public reception office
of the KGB Directorate to find out how to become an intelligence
There, he was told that first, he would have to either
serve in the army or complete college, preferably with a degree in
In 1970, Vladimir Putin became a student of the law department at
Leningrad State University, earning his Law degree in 1975.
In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Mr.
Putin studied at KGB School No.1 in Moscow - quite an honor.
"We had a class of 100 people, and
only 10 of them entered immediately after high school, the rest
had already completed military service.
So for us, the high-school
graduates, only one out of 40 was admitted. I got four out of
five for the essay, but top marks for everything else, so I
"When I began studying at the university, new goals and new
values emerged. I mainly focused on studies, and began seeing
sports as secondary.
But, of course, I trained on a
regular basis and participated in nation-wide competitions,
almost out of habit."
After graduating from Leningrad State
University, Putin was assigned to work in the state security
He was first appointed to the
Directorate secretariat, then the counter-intelligence division,
where he worked for about five months. Half a year later, he was
sent to operations personnel retraining courses.
He spent another six months working in
the counterintelligence division.
intellect and integrity caught the attention of his superiors
"Fairly quickly, I left for special
training in Moscow, where I spent a year. Then I returned again
to Leningrad, worked there in the First Main Directorate - the
intelligence service.
That directorate had branches in major
cities of the Soviet Union, including Leningrad. I worked there
for about four and a half years."
Then Mr. Putin returned again to Moscow
to study at the Andropov Red Banner Institute, where he was trained
prior to his assignment in Germany.
Vladimir met Lyudmila on a date. They became close friends first,
then love and marriage followed in 1983. In 1985, before their
departure for Germany, Vladimir and Lyudmila Putin welcomed their
first daughter, Maria. Their second daughter, Katerina, was
born in 1986, in Dresden.
Both girls were named in honor of their
grandmothers, Maria Putina and Yekaterina Shkrebneva.

In 1985-1990, Vladimir Putin worked in East Germany at the local
intelligence office in Dresden. Over the course, he was promoted to
the rank of lieutenant colonel and to the position of senior
assistant to the head of the department.
In 1989, he was awarded the bronze medal
issued in the German Democratic Republic, For Faithful Service to
the National People's Army.
"My work was going well. It was a
normal thing to be promoted just once while working abroad. I
was promoted twice."
After returning to Leningrad from
Germany in 1990, Vladimir Putin became assistant to the rector of
Leningrad State University in charge of international relations. In
1996, he and his family moved to Moscow, where his political career
Putin's leadership history
Following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Putin
retired from the KGB with the rank of colonel, and returned to
Leningrad as a supporter of Anatoly Sobchak (1937-2000),
a liberal politician.
After Sobchak won election as mayor
of Leningrad (1991), Putin became his head of external
relations; in 1994, Putin became Sobchak's first deputy mayor.
After Sobchak's defeat in 1996, Putin resigned his post and
moved to Moscow. In 1998, Putin was appointed deputy head of
management under Boris Yeltsin's presidential administration. In
that position, he was in charge of the Kremlin's relations with
the regional governments.
Shortly afterward, Putin was appointed head of the Federal
Security, an arm of the former KGB, as well as head of Yeltsin's
Security Council.
In 1999, recognizing his integrity, Russian president Boris
Yeltsin dismissed his prime minister and promoted former KGB
officer Vladimir Putin in his place. In December 1999, Yeltsin
resigned, appointing Putin president. He was easily re-elected
in 2004.
In April 2005, Putin made a historic visit to Israel - he first
visit there by any Kremlin leader. Putin could not run for the
presidency again in 2008, but was appointed prime minister by
his successor, Dmitry Medvedev.
In March 2012, Putin was re-elected to the presidency, where he
currently is embarking on uniting his country's people,
restoring their religion and culture, and forging "peace through
diplomacy" with the rest of the world.
His moral opposition to conflict, regime change and war - as a
means to achieve peace - became evident with the attack on
America's WTC and Pentagon by alleged al Qaeda.
In September 2001, in response to the terrorist attacks on the
United States, he announced Russia's stance as a U.S. ally.
Soon after, however, he announced
his opposition - along with the French and German governments -
to the U.S. "war on terror," which focused on ridding Iraq of
its then-leader, Saddam Hussein.
Always a Christian and family man, in December 2012 Putin signed
into a law a ban on the U.S. adoption of Russian children.
According to Putin, the legislation
- taking effect on January 1, 2013 - aims to make it easier for
Russians to adopt native orphans. Many Americans, hoping to
adopt a Russian orphan, misunderstood his good intentions.
Putin further strained relations with the United States by
granting asylum to
Edward Snowden who is
wanted by the United States for leaking classified information
from the National Security Agency on that agency's global (and
illegal) spying activities.

Vladimir Putin's Personal Life
In 1980, Putin met his future wife, Lyudmila, who was working as
a flight attendant at the time.
The couple married in 1983 and had
two daughters: Maria, born in 1985, and Yekaterina, born in
In early June 2013, after nearly 30
years of marriage, Russia's first couple announced that they
were getting a divorce, providing little explanation for the
decision, but assuring that they came to it mutually and
"There are people who just
cannot put up with it," Putin stated. "Lyudmila Alexandrovna
has stood watch for eight, almost nine years."
Providing more context to the
decision, Lyudmila added,
"Our marriage is over because we
hardly ever see each other. Vladimir Vladimirovich is
immersed in his work, our children have grown and are living
their own lives."
An Orthodox Christian, Putin is open
about his faith.
"This is a very special place
for Orthodox Christians and the whole Christian world. In
Russia, we always held the monks who lived here in great
admiration and respect."
Religious practice, which was
outlawed under the Soviet Union's regime, has been restored. The
most popular form is the Russian Orthodox Church, to which
Vladimir Putin belongs.
A life-long athlete, family man, devoted patriot and Christian,
Vladimir Putin is a man whose time has come.
While other leaders fester in
corruption, broken promises and political stench, Putin has risen
above the mire and stands tall as the world's (perhaps only) hope
for rational, sane and humanistic guidance.
He stands alone...
