by Lance Devon
April 22, 2013
from NaturalNews Website

Italian version





Gun control may be a hot topic, but what about water control?


Recent comments from Nestle CEO Peter Brabeck imply that the world's water will soon come under the control of corporations like his. Brabeck makes the astonishing claim that water is not a human right, but should be managed by business people and governing bodies.


He wants water controlled, privatized, and delegated in a way that sustains the planet.


View the astonishing interview:








Water control hitting the United States

All of this means that Brabeck's future plans include monitoring and controlling the amount of water people use.


One day, cities and towns may be forced by international law to limit each household to a set amount of water. People may have to obtain permits to dig wells or pay fines for collecting rainwater. Laws like these are already in motion in the United States.


Learn more at "Collecting rainwater now illegal in many states as Big Government claims ownership over our water".



Nestle's CEO thinks all water should have a price

In the interview, Brabeck touts that his company is the largest foodstuff corporation in the world with over $65 billion in profit each year. He proudly claims that millions of people are dependent on him and his company.


Does this guy think he is a god?

He calls water a "foodstuff" that needs an assigned value. Who controls the price of water? Brabeck bases his sustainability projects on the fact that a third of the world's population may face water shortages within 15-20 years.


By price controlling water, Brabeck believes he may save the planet from food and water shortages in the coming years.

  • With the threat of future water shortages, is it necessary to strip all humans of their natural liberty to water, as Brabeck suggests?

  • What might happen if international controls are placed on water sources as a select few corporate dictators rule over the water supply?

  • Can a free and thriving people find better ways to conserve and respect water with their own liberty, rather than allow global corporations to control it?


Nestle CEO applauds GMO farming and criticizes organic practices

Putting a person like Brabeck in control of water would create a tyrannical monopoly on something that was meant to be free.


If influential corporations put a lock on the water tap, then they could dictate which farms received water. Nestle could protect GMO farming. In fact, in the interview, Brabeck said organic food is "not the best" and he went on to say that genetically modified food is perfectly safe and causes no disease.


With this philosophy, a Brabeck economy would cut off organic farming from the water supply and allow genetically modified food to reign over the people.



Working together to preserve our right to water

Free people everywhere must work together to preserve their natural right to water.


If one wants to dig their own well and tap the ground water, so be it. They are responsible for their keep. If one wants to collect their own rain water to sustain their own garden, then so be it. If one wants to purify their own water trough charcoal gravity fed filters and ditch bottled water companies altogether, then they will be better off for doing so.


Is it time to reject a bottled water industry that is brainwashing people to submit to price controlled water?


Humans can self sustain and work together, managing their own water. Greedy corporate CEOs are not the answer. No one is dependent on them. Water should remain unadulterated, free and available as a right to all.

Sign a petition to stop Nestle from dominating the world's water supply at

















Nestle CEO Says...

Water Isn't A Human Right

by k4t434sis
February 26, 2013
from kat5dotpostfix Website

Italian version






Water Theft

In a candid interview for the documentary We Feed the World, Nestle CEO Peter Brabeck makes the astonishing claim that water isn't a human right.


He attacks the idea that nature is good, and says it is a great achievement that humans are now able to resist nature's dominance. He attacks organic agriculture and says genetic modification is better.

Nestle is the world's biggest bottler of water. Brabeck claims - correctly - that water is the most important raw material in the world. However he then goes on to say that privatization is the best way to ensure fair distribution. He claims that the idea that water is a human right comes from “extremist” NGOs. Water is a foodstuff like any other, and should have a market value.

He believes that the ultimate social responsibility of any CEO is to make as much profit as possible, so that people will have jobs.

And just to underline what a lovely man he is, he also thinks we should all be working longer and harder.



Consequences of water privatization

The consequences of water privatization have been devastating on poor communities around the world.


In South Africa, where the municipal workers' union SAMWU fought a long battle against privatization, there has been substantial research about the effects (see "The Age of Commodity - Water Privatization in Southern Africa").


Water privatization lead to a massive cholera outbreak in Durban in the year 2000.



The Nestle boycott

Nestle already has a very bad reputation among activists.


There has been a boycott call since 1977. This is due to Nestlé's aggressive lobbying to get women to stop breastfeeding - which is free and healthy - and use infant formula (sold by Nestle) instead. Nestle has lobbied governments to tell their health departments to promote formula.


In poor countries, this has resulted in the deaths of babies, as women have mixed formula with contaminated water instead of breastfeeding.



Tell Nestle they are wrong - water is a human right

There is Europe-wide campaign to tell the European Commission that water is a human right, and to ask them to enact legislation to ensure this is protected.


If you live in Europe, please Sign the Petition here.