Español |
2000 Millones sin Acceso al Agua
Potable Limpia - ¿Es el 'Desarrollo' la única Causa? -
Informa la ONU
A 280,000% Mark Up for... Water?
- A Look Inside the Bottled Water Industry
Español |
Aguas Turbulentas - Conflicto y
Cooperación sobre Ríos Compartidos
Claim 'Global Drought' While Water Privatization Gains
Control of Resources
Are Oil and Water Shortages
Manufactured in Order to Control the Economy and Human
Español |
Bill Gates y Blackrock invierten
en la Tecnología de Hidropaneles que fabrican Agua de la
- "Blue
Gold" - T. Boone Pickens and The Privatization of Water
Cash-Strapped Brazil Moves to
Privatize Basic Services with a High Cost
China is Weaponizing Water
Coca-Cola Sucks Wells Dry in
Chiapas - Forcing Residents to Buy Water
Español |
El Banco Mundial y Las
Corporaciones Multinacionales Quieren Privatizar el Agua
Español |
- ¿Es
la Escasez de Petróleo y de Agua una Fabricación para
Controlar la Economía y las Poblaciones...
- "FLOW"
- The Film That Will Change The Way You Think About
Italiano |
Gli Affari Contro Natura Della
Transnazionale Astaldi
How Much is That Bottle of Water?
How Water Is Being Used to Enslave The People
- "Human
Beings Have No Right to Water" and Other Words of Wisdom
from Your 'Friendly' Neighborhood...
Español |
La Conspiración del Agua
Español |
La Élite Bancaria Está
Comprando Todo el Agua del Mundo
Español |
La Industria de Las Bebidas
- Sodas, Agua Embotellada y
- Main File
Italiano |
L'Amministratore Delegato di
Nestlé cerca di Controllare la Fornitura Mondiale
Italiano |
L'Amministratore Delegato di
Nestle ha Affermato L'Acqua Non è un Diritto Umano
Italiano |
L'Élite Bancaria sta
Comprando Tutta l'Acqua del Mondo
Español |
Los Grandes Bancos se Apoderan del
Agua de Todo el Planeta - Alarma Mundial
Facts About The Coming Water Crisis that Will Change The
Lives of Every Person on The Planet
Meet The Billionaire Couple Who
Took Over California's Water Supply
Nestle CEO Says Water Isn't A
Human Right
Nestle CEO Seeks to Control The
World's Water Supply
New "Water Barons" - Wall Street
Mega-Banks and the Tycoons are Buying Up Water at
Español |
Oro Azul - El Control del Agua
Español |
Por Un Trago de Agua
Privatization of Water as an Owned
Commodity Rather Than a Universal Human Right
Rainwater Crimes - Man Gets Jail
and Fines for Collecting on His Own Land
Suez Water Sues Documentary "FLOW"
for 'Defamation' and 'Loses'...
The Beverages Industry
- Bottled Water, Sodas and
- Main File
The Global Water Crisis Should Be
a Top Priority Issue
Will Be Water
The United Nations Is Aiding a Corporate Takeover of
Drinking Water
The WEF and the United Nations
join forces to initiate the Next Global Crisis: Water
The World Bank Is Quietly Funding
a Massive Corporate Water Grab
- Watch Out!
They Are Coming for Our Water
Top Reasons to Support Groundwater
Troubled Waters - Conflict and
Cooperation Over Shared Rivers
Turning Off the Tap -
Site C Dam and Water Privatization in Canada
Two Thirds of The World's
Population Will Face Water Shortages by 2025
Español |
Un Día Funesto para la Humanidad -
El Agua comienza a Cotizar en el Mercado Financiero
U.N.'s World Water Forum closes
with Calls to Action on 'Justice', Human Rights and
Water Privatization Conflicts
Securitization, Agenda 21 and The Right to Life
Water Security - Water Refuges
Why The Right to Water Is Under
World Bank and Multinational
Corporations Seek to Privatize Water
- Top 25 Censored Stories for 2001
World Bank Seeks Global
Water Dominance by Privatization of Municipal Systems
Additional Information |
Advance Water Storage - The Facts
An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario
and Its Implications for United States National Security
Are Chemicals in Drinking Water
Giving People Cancer?
Pharma Putting Pharmaceuticals in Water
- Toxic Consumption
Español |
Científico Chileno Inventó Cómo Dar Agua Potable a 1.100
Millones de Personas...
Climate Change Roulette and Water
Deep Fracture Fluids Isolated in The
Crust since the Precambrian Era
Melting at the Top of the Lower Mantle
Earth's Groundwater Basins are
Running Out of Water
Español |
El Hombre que Construye Glaciares
Artificiales para Luchar contra la Falta de Agua en el
Español |
El Oro Azul
- La crisis mundial del agua y la reificación de los
recursos hídricos del planeta
EU Bans Claim That 'Water Can
Prevent Dehydration'
Europe Begins to Run Short of
Water Supplies Keeps Us Dumb, Docile, and Sick - Let's
End It
Global Water Security - Intelligence Community
Graphene May Be the Key to
Drinkable Ocean Water
Israel's Water Genocide
Is Water The New Oil?
- "Water Matters" Explains The Crisis and Solutions
Español |
La Máquina Española que Fabrica
Agua Potable en el Desierto
Español |
Los Minerales en El Agua de Mar y La Próxima Revolución
Español |
Más de la Mitad de las Grandes
Ciudades se quedarán Sin Agua en 30 Años
Italiano |
Meta' Acque in Italia Contaminata
da Pesticidi - Lo Afferma l'Ispra nel
Rapporto Nazionale 2013 su Settore
Italiano |
Nelle Acque in Italia Ci Sono 166
Drinking Water in Venezuela Until Bankers Get Paid Back
North American Water and Power Alliance
of Magnitude Increase in Subducted H²O due to Hydrated Normal Faults
within the Wadati-Benioff Zone
'Ancient Water Systems' can help Protect Communities from
Shortages caused by Climate Change
Italiano |
Più della Metà delle Grandi Città
rimarranno Senza Acqua fra 30 Anni
Extermination Project
Pure Water - The Quality of The
Water Determines The Quality of The Life it Gives
Quantifying Renewable Groundwater
Stress with GRACE
Researchers Discover Plastic
Fibres found in Tap Water Around the World
Seawater Minerals and The Coming
Agricultural Revolution
Español |
Antiguos de Agua' del Perú protegerían a Comunidades de
escasez causada por Cambio Climático
The Age of Commodity - Water
Privatization in Southern Africa
The Global Environment Outlook
Report - GEO-4
- Large File
The Globe's Not Only Getting
Hotter - It's More Unjust and Unstable Too
The World's Rivers are in a State
of Crisis of Ominous Proportions
Threats to Your Water Supply Abound - The
Devastating Impact of Fertilizers, Fracking, and
Toxic Rocket Fuel Chemical In
Drinking Water Can Stay Says Government
- White House and Pentagon...
Español |
Una Máquina Israelita produce 900
Litros Diarios de Agua a partir del Aire
Uncertainty in Global Groundwater
Storage Estimates in a Total Groundwater Stress Framework
as A Weapon
Water Competition between Cities
and Agriculture driven by Climate Change and Urban
Español |
WaterSeer consigue Agua Potable 24
horas al día con Energía Eólica
Español |
Yakka - El Atrapanieblas capaz de
Capturar 10 Litros de Agua al Día
Aquifers - Acuíferos |
and Nestlé to Privatize the Largest Reserve of Water in
South America
Earth Has a Secret Reservoir of Water - SayScientists
Español |
EE.UU. en
Busca del Tesoro Perdido - El Acuífero Guaraní
Español |
El Acuífero Guaraní y La Patraña
del Peligro Terrorista en La Triple Frontera
of Meltwater Retention within the Greenland Ice Sheet
Greenland Ice Stores Liquid Water
Guarani Aquifer System -
Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development of
the Guarani Aquifer...
Oceans Worth of Water Could be
Trapped Beneath the Earth's Mantle
Massive 'Ocean' Discovered Towards Earth's Core |
Melt Water Discovered Under
Greenland Ice Sheet
- Reservoir Trapped 'Like The Juice In A Snow Cone'
Scientists Find
1.5-Billion-Year-Old Pockets of Water in Canadian Mine
Scientists Map Huge Undersea
Fresh-Water Aquifer off U.S. Northeast
The Guarani Aquifer - Protecting
The Hidden Treasure
Three Times as Much Water as All
of Earth's Oceans Found Trapped Underground
U.S. Seizing Vast South American
Water Reserve
- Conspiracists Allege
Water is Life - They are Stealing
our Livelihood and We aren't Even Noticing
Water Is The Next Oil - Beautiful Paraguay
Sed - Invasión Gota a Gota -
Acuífero Guaraní
Desalination - Desalinización |
Español |
Agua Limpia para El Mundo - Un
Simple Horno Solar hace Potable el Agua Salada
A Sunlight-Responsive
Metal–Organic framework system for Sustainable Water
Español |
Científicos Convierten Agua de Mar
en Potable usando Luz Solar en 30 Minutos
Clean Water for The World - Simple
Solar Oven Makes Salt Water Drinkable
Desalination - Panacea for Our
Water Crisis or Dangerous Boondoggle?
Español |
Diseñan un Sistema para Desalar el Agua del Mar sólo
mediante Energía Solar
Español |
Nuevo Sistema de Desalinización
Solar - Cuesta 4$ y produce el Agua Potable diaria para
una Familia
Scientists Develop
'Nanopores' that Inexpensively Filter the Salt out of
Desalination with a Single-Layer MoS² Nanopore
Water Wars - Guerras del Agua |
The Water Wars Coming?
Short History of the Future - Surviving the 2030 Spike -
by Colin Mason
Bolivia's War Over Water
Español |
Dónde las Guerras por el Agua son
sólo una Amenaza Imaginada y dónde son un Verdadero
El Salvador's Water Privatization
and The Global War on Terror
- Top 25 Censored Stories for 2009
Expect Water Wars Soon
- US Intelligence Report
Español |
- 'Guerra
del Agua' - Cuando hace 22 Años Despertaron los Leones
de Cochabamba en Bolivia
Español |
Guerra del Agua - El posible
Futuro Conflicto Mundial
Español |
La Tercera Guerra Mundial
y el Control del Agua
Español |
Sequías, Siembra de Nubes y las
Próximas Guerras del Agua
Coming Water Wars
- America Forced Into Water Wars?
Coming Water Wars
- Searching for a Way Out
Water Wars
- from "The World Bank"
Where Water Wars are an Imagined
Threat and Where they are a Real Danger
Multimedia |
Agua Dulce
- La Tierra Vista Desde El Cielo
Agua Mi Sangre
Botellas de Plástico - La Batalla
del Agua
Bottled Life - The Truth About
Nestlé's Business With Water
FLOW - For The Love of Water
- How Did A Handful Of Corporations Steal Our Water?
- "Home"
- We All Have a Date With The Planet! - Todos Nosotros
Tenemos Una Cita Con El Planeta!
Oro Azul - El Control del Agua
Poisoned Waters
- New Wave of Pollutants Entering Our Water Ways
TaPPeD - La Industria del Agua
- El Film
TaPPeD - The Bottled Water
- The Movie
The Human Right to Water
- Which Countries Do Not Support That Water Is a Basic
Human Right?
External Links |
Agua Mi Sangre
- Sacred Water Project
Blue Gold - World Water Wars
Related Reports |
Agenda 21 and Earth Charter
- Main File
El Fluor y la Fluorificacion
- Otro Asesino Disfrazado de Terapia Saludable?
- Main File
Global Food Control
- El Control Global de La Comida
- Main File