by Paul Joseph Watson
July 6, 2011
PrisonPlanet Website
Law professors warn that new legislation
allows state to seize websites merely for linking to other websites
that host copyrighted material. |
New legislation that would give the US government the power to seize website
domains on a whim with no oversight merely for linking to sites that host
copyrighted material has been labeled a hallmark of, “repressive regimes” by a group of law
professors who warn that the bill allows the state to “break the
Internet addressing system”.

Protect IP Act Gives
Government Power
to Seize Websites On a Whim
The Protect IP bill, currently stalled in the
Senate, represents a death blow to Internet freedom of speech.
It would turn the entire web into a clone of the
YouTube model, which
routinely censors and deletes material when requested
to by governments or corporations and shuts down user channels without
The legislation merely codifies what Homeland Security is
practicing, seizing and shutting down websites without any form of legal
proceedings and in many cases not even notifying the owner.
In an open letter penned by Professor Mark Lemley of Stanford University,
David S. Levine of Elon University and David G. Post of Temple University,
they warn that the bill would require Internet hosting companies and search
engines to de-list entire websites on the basis of a mere copyright claim by
a copyright holder, with no independent or legal process undertaken.
Even linking to a website that copyright holders claim is in violation of
intellectual property laws would be grounds for the feds to seize your
domain and impose criminal penalties.
“At a time when many foreign governments
have dramatically stepped up their efforts to censor Internet
communications, the [Protect IP Act] would incorporate into U.S. law -
for the first time - a principle more closely associated with those
repressive regimes: a right to insist on the removal of content from the
global Internet, regardless of where it may have originated or be
located, in service of the exigencies of domestic law,” states the
Suggesting that removing websites with no
oversight whatsoever is a clear violation of constitutional law as
interpreted by the Supreme Court, the professors add that the bill would
hand government the power to,
“break the Internet addressing system.”
“It requires Internet service providers, and
operators of Internet name servers, to refuse to recognize Internet
domains that a court considers “dedicated to infringing activities.”
But rather than wait until a Web site is
actually judged infringing before imposing the equivalent of an Internet
death penalty, the Act would allow courts to order any Internet service
provider to stop recognizing the site even on a temporary restraining
order or preliminary injunction issued the same day the complaint is
Courts could issue such an order even if the
owner of that domain name was never given notice that a case against it
had been filed at all.”
Search engines, credit card companies and even
advertisers would then be mandated to refuse to deal with the owners of the
site under the proposed law, making it,
“extraordinarily difficult for advertisers
and credit card companies to do business on the Internet.”
As we have exhaustively documented, proponents
of web regulation like Senator Joe Lieberman have openly stated their
intention to create a Communist Chinese-style system of Internet policing,
handing Obama the power to
block entire areas of the web with a figurative
kill switch.
Indeed, Amazon’s Cloud network notoriously deleted the entire
website from its servers following a phone call made by Senator Joe
Lieberman’s Senate Homeland Security Committee demanding the website be
Lieberman spilled the beans on the true reasons behind the move towards web
during a CNN interview when he stated,
“Right now China, the government, can
disconnect parts of its Internet in case of war and we need to have that
here too.”
During a
more recent interview with the network, Lieberman labeled
claims that he was working to create an,
“Internet kill switch” as
“misinformation,” yet went on to repeat the same statement that the US
government needs the power to “disconnect parts of its Internet in a
case of war.”
Of course as
we have proven, China doesn’t
disconnect the Internet “in case of war,” it only ever does so to censor and
intimidate people who express dissent against government atrocities or
This is precisely the kind of online environment
western governments are trying to replicate as they attempt to put a
stranglehold on the last bastion of true free speech - the world wide web.
Read the
full letter
Internet Takeover
New legislation Would Allow State to Arbitrarily Shut
Down and Seize Websites
by Ethan A. Huff
staff writer
July 26, 2011
NaturalNews Website
Freedom of speech is under attack once again as the bloated US federal
government continues its quest to destroy the last bastion of free and open
communication - the internet.
Sen. Patrick Leahy's (D-Vt.) "Preventing Real Online Threats to
Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property" bill, also known as
Protect IP Act, is more oppressive and restrictive to free speech
than even communist China's internet censorship protocols, and a group of
law professors recently wrote an open letter warning that the bill would
allow the government to freely pull websites without any proper legal
Last November, we reported that the US Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) had already
begun seizing website domains and ordering
that they be shut down permanently for supposed copyright infringement - and
the agency did this apart from due process or a proper trial .
No law or legal precedent permitted this rogue agency - which is a
tyrannical spawn of post-9/11 hysteria that is not even constitutionally
legitimate to begin with, by the way - to undergo its website seizing
operation. The agency simply decided to break the law and do as it pleased.
Now, certain members of Congress are pushing to turn this oppressive,
illegal tyranny into law through the Protect IP Act, which by all
appearances is even more severe than Senate Bill (SB) 3804, the "Combating
Online Infringement and Counterfeit Act," or
Though it is currently stalled in the Senate,
according to a recent (above) report, the Protect IP Act may eventually get
passed under the radar, and eventually turn the internet into a
government-run propaganda tool similar to network and cable news.
"At a time when many foreign governments
have dramatically stepped up their efforts to censor Internet
communications, the [Protect IP Act] would incorporate into US law - for
the first time - a principle more closely associated with those
repressive regimes: a right to insist on the removal of content from the
global Internet, regardless of where it may have originated or be
located, in service of the exigencies of domestic law," says a portion
of the open letter.
You can view a
a leaked draft of the Protect IP Act.
Protect IP Act a Trojan Horse
bill to hijack control over the internet
Like most other pieces of legislation that infringe upon freedom, liberty,
and the US Constitution, the Protect IP Act is dressed in language that may
initially appear to benefit society.
After all, protecting intellectual property from theft will help ensure that
private enterprise flourishes, right? Indeed it will, but the provisions of
the Protect IP Act completely bypass due process, and do not even allow
website owners a fair trial - the bill basically gives the federal
government arbitrary power to shut down websites that it feels are an
In much the same way, the "Patriot Act," which is dressed in nice-sounding
language about protecting Americans from terrorism, is another Trojan Horse
bill that was designed to completely thwart the rule of law.
Ironically, its provisions desecrate the very constitutional protections
that were put in place to protect Americans from things like the Patriot
A cursory glance at the language in the Protect IP Act reveals that
"Internet site[s] dedicated to infringing activities," which are the
subjects of government targeting, is very broadly defined. And because of
this broad language, third-parties like ad networks, payment processors,
search engines, and even internet service providers (ISPs) are pulled into
the crosshairs of government censorship as well.
And since the bill would require no independent investigation or proper
trial prior to enforcement to verify that any laws had actually been broken,
the US government would thus have the perceived authority to target
practically any website, or party connected to that website, that it chooses
to, without any checks and balances or restraint.
When taken to its logical end, DHS would have the power to censor search
engine results, for instance, on the basis that sites with "infringing
activities" may show up in the query results.
Worse, the bill contains language that gives private copyright holders,
"additional, extraordinary and unnecessary
powers to stifle new technologies and innovation,"
according to techdirt.com
This means that the Recording Industry
Association of America (RIAA), for instance, the music recording
industry group that targeted and essentially destroyed the infamous Napster
music service years ago, could take advantage of the bills provisions and
use the government as its personal enforcement agency to restrict whatever
websites it deems a threat to its interests.
Do not be fooled by misguided rhetoric or even the bill's creative title.
The Protect IP Act is ultimately not about protecting intellectual
property, but is instead about legitimizing control and censorship
of the internet by an
overbearing central government.
You can contact your representatives and urge them to oppose the Protect IP
Act by visiting:
Full Text Of The PROTECT IP Act Released
The Good, The Bad And The Horribly Ugly
Mike Masnick
May 11, 2011
TechDirt Website
Yesterday, we got our hands on
a leaked copy of
the "summary" document put together by those writing the new version of
COICA, now renamed the much more media friendly PROTECT IP Act.
It looked bad, but some people complained that
we were jumping ahead without the actual text of the bill, even if the
summary document was pretty straightforward and was put together by the same
people creating the bill.
Thankfully, the folks over at
Don't Censor the
Internet have the
full text of the PROTECT IP Act, which I've embedded
below as well.
Let's break it down into the good, the bad and
the horribly ugly.
The Good
It looks like the drafters clearly heard some of the complaints that many
have raised concerning the attacks on due process and free speech and have
scaled some of them back (though, not as much as they want you to believe -
but we'll get to that).
Officially, the bill limits the "definition" of
what constitutes a site dedicated to infringing activities.
While COICA (Combating Online
Infringement and Counterfeit Act) clearly focused on the domain names as the
party, PROTECT IP also recognizes that regular lawsuits should be
brought against those responsible, rather than just focusing on taking down
the site (in legal terms, it requires an "in personam action" - against the
person - be filed before an "in rem action" - against the property).
could, in theory, provide more due process for those running such sites.
The bill also attempts to make it clear that, officially, PROTECT IP does
not expand secondary liability.
In addition, the bill would require that the
Attorney General (or the copyright holder) send notice to those impacted
"upon commencement" of such actions. This is an improvement. Today, with
domain seizures, it takes weeks or sometimes months for site owners to be
given notice. On top of that, PROTECT IP no longer includes the ability to
go to domain registers and registrars and require them to remove domains or
hand them over to the government.
Finally, it attempts to narrow the scope of what
qualifies as being covered by the act under the phrase "dedicated to
infringing material."
The Bad
When you dig into the actual text, nearly all of these "good" changes are
either not really true, or are greatly limited by other aspects.
On the "limit" to the definition of what sites
qualify, it's still incredibly broad:
The term "Internet site dedicated to
infringing activities" means an Internet site accessed through a
specific domain name that has no [substantial/significant] use other
than, or is designed, operated, or marketed by its operator persons
operating in concert with the operator, [and is in fact,] primarily as a
means for --
enabling or facilitating the reproduction, distribution, or performance
of copyright works, in complete or substantially complete form, in a
manner that constitutes copyright infringement under section 501 of
title 17, or offering goods or services in violation of section 1201 of
title 17; or
enabling or facilitating sale, distribution, or promotion of goods,
services or materials bearing a counterfeit market, as that term is
defined in section 34(d) of the Lanham Act;
[provided that there is no objectively reasonable interpretation of an
express license between the owner or operator of such Internet site and
the copyright owner or trademark owner or an agent thereof that
authorizes the activities;]
That's somewhat narrower than COICA's terminology, which is here:
For purposes of this section, an
Internet site is 'dedicated to infringing activities' if such site-
‘‘(1) is otherwise subject to civil forfeiture to the United States
Government under section 2323; or
‘‘(2) is--
‘‘(A) primarily designed, has no
demonstrable, commercially significant purpose or use other
than, or is marketed by its operator, or by a person acting in
concert with the operator, to offer--
‘‘(i) goods or services in
violation of title 17, United States Code, or enable or
facilitate a violation of title 17, United States Code,
including by offering or providing access to, without the
authorization of the copyright owner or otherwise by
operation of law, copies of, or public performance or
display of, works protected by title 17, in complete or
substantially complete form, by any means, including by
means of download, transmission, or otherwise, including the
provision of a link or aggregated links to other sites or
Internet resources for obtaining such copies for accessing
such performance or displays; or
‘‘(ii) to sell or distribute goods, services, or materials
bearing a counterfeit mark, as that term is defined in
section 34(d) of the Act entitled ‘An Act to provide for the
registration and protection of trademarks used in commerce,
to carry out the provisions of certain international
conventions, and for other purposes’, approved July 5, 1946
(commonly referred to as the ‘Trademark Act of 1946’ or the
‘Lanham Act’; 15 U.S.C. 1116(d)); and
‘‘(B) engaged in the activities
described in subparagraph (A), and when taken together, such
activities are central to the activity of the Internet site or
sites accessed through a specific domain name.
Narrower? Sort of... but still quite open and
Under the new definition, it seems you could
still claim that a service like YouTube (especially in its early days) could
have run afoul of this law. If this had been in effect a decade ago, we
might not have a YouTube today. Think about that for a second... It also
seems like nearly all music blogs are illegal under this definition. That
doesn't seem good.
As for requiring an in personam action, which in theory would allow
for a court hearing and the individuals or companies who operate sites
targeted by this bill to get a fair hearing before the site is taken down or
otherwise blocked or limited, there's a pretty big loophole there.
It says
that if either the Attorney General or the copyright holder "was not able to
find" the registrant or owner of the site or "no such person found has an
address within a judicial district of the United States," then they can skip
the whole in personam action and jump straight to the in rem
action, against the website itself.
That's a pretty big loophole.
As for the promise that it doesn't expand secondary liability, that's nice
to say but it's simply untrue.
By its very nature, the entire purpose of the
bill is to extend secondary liability to third parties that had previously
been almost entirely immune from such liability: ad networks, payment
processors, search engines and ISPs now face liability if they do not
disconnect service from certain websites.
That is, without a doubt, a pretty massive
expansion of secondary liability, no matter how many times the drafters of
this Act insist it's not.
The whole thing about no longer going directly after domains via registrars
and registers is a red herring. As is clearly noted in the summary, the
whole reason for this is because the drafters figure this is redundant,
since ICE has already shown with Operation In Our Sites that it can already
seize such domains. So, it can "give this up" without really giving it up at
all (though, potentially this leaves the government open to a loss in court
on this issue).
Also bad is that the bill clearly encourages service providers to take
"voluntary" action against sites that those providers deem to be infringing.
The bill provides specific liability protection,
so that if these providers cut off service to a site under the incorrect
belief that it was dedicated to infringing activities, there's no remedy for
those sites.
The Horribly Ugly
The PROTECT IP Act includes, as mentioned, a "private right of action,"
which COICA did not contain.
This lets copyright holders make use of some of
the aspects of the Act, which are completely unnecessary, considering they
already have reasonable options under existing laws. This is yet another
case of regulatory capture, in which a private industry is being granted
additional, extraordinary and unnecessary powers to stifle new technologies
and innovation, because in their estimation it infringes on their
Remember the long list of new innovations that
the entertainment industry has so deemed, including (but not limited to):
player pianos
cable TV
the photocopier
the VCR
the DVR
the MP3 player
YouTube, etc.
Haven't we learned by now that every time the
industry screams that it's being harmed by infringement, the reality is
almost always something entirely different?
Also on the "horribly ugly" side of things is the extension of this bill to
cover search engines.
That is, when the Attorney General uses the law,
one of the things that can be done is obtaining an order saying search
engines must no longer link to certain sites. This seems like a massive form
of meddling in how a search engine operates. I also can't see how it could
survive First Amendment scrutiny. It's a blatant case of the government
telling a search engine what it can and cannot link to in its index.
Similarly, remember that part in "the bad" section about voluntary actions?
In the section on such voluntary actions in the bill, not only does it
include search engines (i.e., this is the government urging search engines
to censor on the copyright industry's behalf), but it also includes domain
registers and registrars - who, you may recall, had been left out of the
other parts of the bill.
So despite most of the bill not applying to
them, domain registers and registrars are now encouraged to simply take down
sites on a voluntary basis, if they believe they're dedicated to
And if they do so, they are immune from
liability for damages caused. In other words, pretty much any domain can be
disappeared by its register or registrar with little real recourse, and, in
fact, there is encouragement for this to happen.
All in all, it's clear that the drafters of this bill sought to cut off some
of the biggest criticisms that were raised last time, in hopes of appeasing
enough critics to get this passed, but left in plenty of loopholes and added
some even worse parts to the bill as well. It's a bad bill by any measure
and should not become a law.