January 18, 2007
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We must not allow anyone to push us into a war with Iran.
Wesley Clark told Arianna Huffington about the push for war on Iran,
can you talk about bombing a country when you won't even talk to them?" said
Clark. "It's outrageous. We're the United States of America; we don't do
"When we asked him what made him so sure the Bush administration was headed
in this direction, he replied: 'You just have to read what's in the Israeli
press. The Jewish community is divided but there is so much pressure being
channeled from the New York money people to the office seekers'."
"For Clark, this is the biggest foreign policy issue facing the U.S. "I'm
worried about the surge," he said. "But I'm worried about this even more.",
Huffington wrote on her blog.
In his article, Eric Alterman warns about the push for President Bush to
attack Iran. About Wesley Clark's concern that the attack is being pushed by
"New York money people," Alterman writes,
"I agree with Clark, but I agree
that he also said what he said badly, though not anti-Semitically."
Alterman warns,
"The Bush administration is clearly attempting to create a
pretext to attack Iran ... [this would result in] inciting worldwide
terrorist attacks against Americans and their properties around the world,
including inside the United States ... this being the Bush administration,
you can count on it being done incompetently and dishonestly."
"Criticize the neocons for what they are actually doing - or even use the
word "neocon" - and you're an anti-Semite. That means they get to keep
doing it even if it means they are acting on behalf of what they believe are
Israel's interests... rather than America's."
"We saw during the Lieberman primary that
The Weekly Standard actually does
care more about what's good for Israel than for America - they said
American Jews should behave that way, and so do Newsweek's embarrassingly
crazy Rabbi Gelman and Mona Charen and a few others.
If anyone on earth
thinks Marty Peretz cares more about the fate of the goyim in America than
the heroes in Israel, I've never met him or her ... if you read this
excellent New York Times Magazine piece on Abe Foxman, you'll get a small
inkling of how the system works."
Who knows the plans and why they were drawn up?
On Bloggingheads, Alterman said,
"Wesley Clark, used probably some incautious
language, when he said that New York money men, which many people
interpret to mean Jews, were pushing us to war with Iran.
However, Jews,
in New York, who have a lot of money, are in fact pushing us to war with
Iran. It was a factually true statement.
AIPAC is pushing us to war with
AIPAC is the reason that no Democrats are
coming out strongly against war with Iran. AIPAC's funding is extremely
wealthy American Jews and AIPAC is pushing for war with Iran.
So, when
people go to Democratic politicians and they say,
"listen, I don't want
you gettin' out in front and opposing war with Iran, particularly since
you have national aspirations," they don't say it in the New York
- Wesley Clark and the anti-Semitism