by The Earl of Stirling
I have served as a consultant to three very high
tech aerospace firms. My specialty is conceptualizing advanced warfare
especially as it relates to new cutting edge advanced weapon systems. What I
see unfolding with a war on Iran is the most frightening set of
circumstances I have ever seen; and I have been involved in advanced
theoretical weaponry strategy and design for over 20 years.
Sometime in the weeks to months ahead, there will be a war launched against
Iran. The war may be started by Israel, or by the United States, or by a
NATO/EU/US embargo, or by some 'false flag' attack. What matters is that it
will begin; and where it will take the world.
Regardless if the war begins with a limited number of air strikes against
Iranian military and nuclear targets, or if an all-out several thousand
target attack begins from day one the probabilities of the war becoming a
major regional war within 48 hours are 90% or higher.
The Iranians will simply not allow Israeli and/or American military forces
to attack its territory without a major response. Any significant
counter-attack on Israel and/or American regional bases will trigger a much
greater counter-response.
The Iranians have equipped and paid for, and trained, a massive unguided
rocket and guided missile force in Lebanon (the largest such force in human
history). These missiles are in-place as a MAD force (a MAD ~
mutually assured destruction ~ force is one that is a doomsday force;
established to prevent the use of overwhelming military force by allowing a
return "punch" of overwhelming military destructive force upon one's enemy).
The total number of missiles and rockets in
Lebanon are variously estimated at between 40,000 and 110,000. While many
are unguided Katyusha rockets, many are longer ranged guided missiles. All
are operated by Hezbollah Special Forces launch teams.
The Hezbollah Special Forces are in-effect a highly trained and
well-equipped Iranian commando force of at least a Brigade in size. They man
and protect a large number of mostly unguided and rather crude rockets,
generally Katyusha 122mm artillery rockets with a 19 mile/30km range and
capable of delivering approximately 66 pounds/30kg of warheads.
Additionally, Hezbollah are known to possess a
considerable number of more advanced and longer range missiles.
During the 2006 war Hezbollah fired
approximately 4,000 rockets (95% of which were Katyushas) all utilizing only
"dumb" high explosive warheads. Some Iranian build and supplied Fajr-3 and
Ra'ad 1 liquid-fueled missiles were also fired. It is believed that the
larger and longer range missiles are directly under the control of Syrian
and Iranian officers.
The combination of short to medium range rockets and guided missiles in
Lebanon, and the longer range guided missiles in Syria, the smaller number
of rockets and missiles in the West Bank and Gaza, and the longer range
guided missiles in Iran present a massive throw weight of warheads aimed at
The 2006 Israeli-Hezbollah War (called the Second Lebanon War
in Israel) was an attempt by Israel at eliminating the MAD counter-force in
Lebanon. It was an attempt that failed. The Syrians had purchased (and
supplied to Hezbollah) a large number of very nasty, relatively low cost
Russian AT-14 Kornet solid fuel anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM)
and the Iranian trained Hezbollah commandos dug in massive numbers of
concrete bunkers and firing positions.
After over 50 Merkava main battle tanks were
hit, and the high tech American made warplanes and pinpoint weapons proved
ineffective, the handwriting was on the wall. Either use neutron bombs or
lose a large number of Israeli solders to remove the Hezbollah threat;
or declare peace and walk away for the time being ~ the Israelis chose the
It now appears that Israel has given up on the idea of a ground assault to
remove the many rocket and missile launchers in Lebanon.
A senior Israeli general has resigned with the
complaint that the Army is not training sufficiently to fight in Lebanon.
The alternative is the use of FAE (fuel air explosive)
technology weapons and neutron bombs (a type of nuclear weapon that produces
a higher short term radiological output and less blast output than normal
nuclear weapons).
Any use of such WMD by the Israeli Army on the Hezbollah forces in Lebanon
will likely automatically trigger the use of WMD warheads on whatever
rockets/missiles remain operational (if their use has not already been
authorized due to the nature and scope of Israeli and/or American attacks on
The bottom line of this is that Israel will face a truly massive number of
rockets and missiles from Lebanon with radiological, chemical, biological
and FAE weapons of mass destruction warheads. Additionally, a sizable number
of such weapons/warheads will be fired from Gaza and the West Bank. The
Syrians will be using larger more accurate guided missiles to shower WMD
upon Israel as will the Iranians. To counter this, the Israelis will be
using their Green Pine Radar system and a combination of Israeli and
American anti-missile missiles.
They will have good success in knocking down
many incoming missiles but the sheer number of incoming weapons will totally
overload all defensive measures.
Large parts of Israel will be contaminated with radiation with extremely
long half-lives (many tens of thousands of years in some cases), with a mix
of chemical, FAE, and biological nightmares thrown in for good measure.
Total deaths will amount to one-third to one-half of the Israeli population
with a large additional number being injured.
The Israeli response will be the nuclear annihilation of Syria, Iran, and
parts of Lebanon with many tens of millions killed. Expect to see every city
of any size destroyed. There will be insufficient people left in Syria,
Iran, and large parts of Lebanon to even bury the dead. Radiation will
spread around the world from the nuclear bombs.
Iranian sleeper teams in North America and western Europe will begin to
"seed" the populations of these areas with a number (perhaps in the several
dozens) of different man made killer viruses. People in movie theaters,
churches, synagogues, shopping malls, subway stations, airports, etc., will
be exposed without anyone knowing it at the time, to these advanced biowar
About nine to ten days later the computer
reporting systems in the western countries will begin to report back strange
illnesses. That will trigger a host of measures to contain the advanced
biowar viruses but it will simply be too late to prevent a massive outbreak
of horrific illnesses. International travel and trade will effectively stop.
People will be ordered to stay home from work and school with only critical
job holders being allowed on the streets. Hospitals will be overcome with
sick and dying people of all ages.
The medical community will be among the first to
die off. Where temporary hospitals are established in school gyms and other
areas, the cross infection of several different genetically engineered
viruses will ensure 100% morality of everyone in the temporary hospitals.
In the event that the neo-con nations have sought to expand the Georgia war
by new attacks on Russian forces or by creating some naval incident in the
Black Sea the probabilities of an quick expansion into a all-out Third
World War involving Russian and NATO nuclear weapons will be at
approximately 50%. Even without a global total war being initiated, Russia
is apt to "sweep" the Black Sea of NATO ships with considerable loss of life
on both sides.
The world will be in the worst economic depression in history as global
trade will be halted for at least several months due to fears of the spread
of the various advanced biowar viruses.
If Israel releases the Arab specific designer
advanced biowar viruses, that many claim she has, the Saudis are apt to
fire their Chinese IRBMs (intermediate range ballistic missiles) and send
their very well equipped air force against Israel with the small number of
nuclear weapons that they possess (they have funded the Pakistani nuclear
weapon program and have several Pakistani made nuclear devices).
Of course, what is left of the Israeli forces
will respond with additional nuclear attacks, this time on Saudi Arabia and
other Arab nations for good measure.
In North America and western Europe the total number of civilians, after two
months of advanced biowar illnesses, is apt to be at least a third of
the population ~ a total death count of well over 200 million persons.
Despite the best efforts of all nations, the man engineered super killer
mutant viruses will spread throughout the world causing total numbers of
perhaps a billion or more to die.
The after effect of all of this may well lead to even more war as the
non-neo-con nations will be so incensed at the massive lost of life of their
citizens that total global war may be unstoppable.