by Joe Vialls
Spanish version
22 December 2004
Vialls Website
recovered through
WayBackMachine website
Combine China's recent Iranian energy
mega-deal with Vladimir Putin's new strategic coalition, which
includes nuclear-capable Brazil, and it rapidly becomes clear that
New York's "Fortress
Americas" fallback initiative is already dead in the
water |

Twenty years ago 'The Great Satan' referred only
to a collection of murderous Zionist Jews who illegally invaded Palestine in
the 1940s, to butcher the residents and steal their land for Ben Gurion's
But as Zionists later took firm control of the
United States, and forced the use of American soldiers in the 1990 Gulf War
against Iraq, a subtle change slowly took place. In the minds of about 70
percent of the global population, America had simply become Zionist
Headquarters, and was thus itself anointed 'The Great Satan'.
Nowadays the contempt and hatred of the
civilized world is being directed against ordinary American citizens, who in
the future will pay a heavy price for failing to remove a handful of Zionist
madmen from Wall Street while they still had the chance to do so. The rest
of the world will no longer tolerate the megalomaniac 'New Zion', and is now
taking active steps to destroy it.
Back in November 1962 when President Kennedy forced the removal of
Russian missiles from Cuba, very few Americans stopped to ponder whether, at
some point in the distant future, the tiny island of Cuba would decide to
exact revenge on the United States for this very public humiliation. Forty
years ago it all seemed most unlikely, but today the wheel has turned
full circle, and a little Fidel Castro payback appears to be just
over the horizon.
Based on received intelligence, it seems likely that the Island of Cuba will
soon be used as 'point man' in a grand plan to deny American warships and
other vessels safe transit through the Gulf of Mexico.
Quite apart from thoroughly humiliating New York
and Washington, such a move will have a far more devastating effect if
tankers are denied access to the southern American oil terminals. Without
oil imported through its critical southern oil terminals, and also possibly
facing denial of access to underwater oil reserves in the Gulf of Mexico,
America will collapse in less than six months.
How this will be brought about is a long and sometimes complicated story,
but bear with me and I will try to make the multi faceted components of this
truly multinational operation as clear as I can, in a report normally
limited to a mere 3,000 words. To do this we must first circle the globe,
picking up seemingly random pieces of the operational jigsaw on the way,
until the last piece slips neatly into place less than 200 miles south of
Florida Keys.
As you may expect, there is really nothing random about the process at all -
merely the understandable caution and strategic camouflage of a
multinational coalition closing in on the most dangerous and brutal nation
on Planet Earth since early in the 20th Century.
During the last thirty years alone, America's
Zionist controllers have ordered the calculated murder of more than six
million innocents around the world, and the world is not prepared to
tolerate another six million innocents being murdered by Zion during the
next thirty years.
Much has happened during the past few months, so now we have to slip back in
time in order to discover the intriguing answers to why Middle East LNG
(Liquefied Natural Gas) is now heading east rather than west; why
Russia has forged an ironclad coalition with China, India and Brazil, and
why the Zionists really want
UN's International Atomic Energy Agency chief Mohamed
El Baradei removed from office.
Finally we will have to show the connections
between these events and future mayhem in the Gulf of Mexico.

On 10 November 2004, the India Daily
reported that,
"Russian President Putin is taking a lead
role in the most powerful coalition of regional and superpowers in the
world. The coalition consists of India, China, Russia and Brazil. This
will challenge the superpower supremacy of America." …
"He [Putin] wants to establish a long-term
Russian footprint in Latin America in order to expand Moscow's
geopolitical influence in the region. Brazil is very open to the
coalition concept where these large countries support each other in term
of trade, economics, international politics and defense."
Just this single strategic move means that the
new coalition embraces just over three quarters of the world's total
population, eighty percent of its natural resources, and a majority of
technical and scientific experts.
Nor does it end there, because the coalition
automatically includes the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO),
which is presently comprised of:
Dangerously for America, the coalition will soon
have another important member, Iran, currently due to enter
informally in a few months time through the SCO "back door" because of a
mammoth energy deal. We will return to Iran shortly.
Obviously from the Zionist perspective, the most disturbing new member of
the coalition is Brazil, because New York has long believed and insisted
that the whole of Central and South America is under its personal
"protection", which is just another way of claiming that Zionists can
pillage the place whenever they want to, proved by countless CIA atrocities
in almost every American country south of Puerto Rica. Now then, what would
happen to this cozy pillaging arrangement if Russia-friendly coalition
partner Brazil decided to develop nuclear weapons?
On 16 November 2004, just six days after Vladimir Putin formally
introduced Brazil as a member of the new coalition, IAEA inspectors from
Geneva visited Rio de Janeiro. Just eight days later on 24 November 2004,
Brazilian Energy Minister Eduardo Campos announced that the IAEA had
issued Brazil with a permit to commence the experimental stage of uranium
Paranoia immediately swept down Wall Street at the speed of light, and
within hours the White House was pathetically whining that IAEA chief
Mohamed El Baradei should be removed from office. Dark hints by the New
York Times that El Baradei had "not been doing enough in Iran", were
just a hasty smoke screen.
For many years the Zionists had a fallback plan
in case global conquest became impossible.
Code-named "Fortress
Americas", the plan relied on the USA being able to conquer
both Canada and South America, thereby building themselves an
impregnable redoubt in the Western Hemisphere, to provide cover while
rebuilding their strength.
wrote two long reports on this top-secret plan, for those who
wish to study the details.
With Brazil now a full coalition partner with Russia and China, "Fortress
Americas" was already doomed to failure, especially because Vladimir
Putin had been economical with the truth when he named the coalition
Venezuela had already signed up in secret, but
this was kept under wraps for fear of alerting the CIA to what was to
come next. As most readers know, Venezuela has massive oil reserves that
America relies on heavily, and premature exposure might have led to rash
military action against the country, in order to seize the Venezuelan
oilfields in the sacred name of "American National Security".
In its normal crude way, the CIA had already given advance warning of this
intent by planning to shoot down Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's aircraft
in late September, when he was en route to address the United Nations in New
York. Fortunately for Chavez and his country, Venezuelan Intelligence
received advance warning and blocked the President's flight.
The CIA shoot-down was to be followed 14 hours
later by "phase 2", an attack on the Presidential barracks while the country
was still in shock about President Chavez's 'accidental death', thus
capturing Venezuelan oil and handing it to America on a plate.
Of course the CIA should have cancelled "Phase 2" the minute it knew that
the Presidential aircraft had not taken off from Caracas for New York, but
sadly the CIA planners forgot, and the Presidential barracks attack force
was swiftly overwhelmed by a very alert Venezuelan military.
Needless to say, "Phase 2" proved that "Phase 1"
was very real and accurate intelligence, in turn proving that the
Zionists had yet again ordered the murder of a head of state for monetary
gain, a long standing tradition on Wall Street.

Within days Russia 'agreed' to provide Venezuela
with fifty Mig 29 fighters, because it was obvious that Wall Street would
try again later if a deterrent was not put in place, and Chavez could hardly
rely on America to send spare parts for his fleet of aging F-16s.
New York was furious of course, but could hardly
do anything about it. And besides, what harm could 50 Mig interceptors a
thousand miles away do to America? New York had made the fatal error of
assuming that the Migs in question were being delivered exclusively to
protect Venezuela against American bombers or troop transports.
In fact, all fifty aircraft are Mig 29 SMTs, the very latest in Russian
technology with enhanced attack payload capacity and a
Plasma Stealth System.
Hardly the aircraft one would choose for a Red
Baron dogfight at 15,000 feet, now is it?
All Venezuelan Mig 29 SMTs are painted dark
blue, which may be part of the stealth system, but more commonly denotes
that the aircraft will be used for low level attacks over water. When nosey
European diplomatic officials asked Venezuelan Air Force generals why they
needed such sophisticated aircraft, the generals responded "To protect the
Panama Canal". When asked against whom, the air chiefs wouldn't specify.
What absolutely no one outside Russia and Venezuela knew until two weeks
ago, is that 20 of the fifty Mig 29 SMTs are fully equipped to carry and
fire the devastating
SS-N-25 [and now SS-N-26] "Onyx",
a devastating and completely unstoppable Mach 2.9 ramjet anti-ship cruise
missile which skims the waves at twenty feet, before delivering a knock out
blow to its maritime target more than 200 kilometers away.
So great is the kinetic energy at the point of impact on the target, that
Onyx can sink an American aircraft carrier or supertanker using only a
conventional penetrating warhead. Those scientists who might doubt this
should calculate the impact energy of 5,500 pounds of missile striking a
carrier or tanker at a terminal velocity of 2,460 feet per second.
It is understood that Russia is providing
Venezuela with a stockpile of forty anti-ship Onyx missiles.

Concurrently on the other side of the world,
more pieces of the strategic jigsaw were falling into place, and on 2
December 2004 the Asia Times published "China
Rocks the Geopolitical Boat with Iran Oil Deal", which is
probably one of the top stories of the century, but it was not repeated by
the Australian media.
Heck no, because this was utterly devastating
news for the energy-hungry west, and thus not fit for public exposure:
"A mere two months ago, the news of a
China-Kazakhstan pipeline agreement, worth US$3.5 billion, raised some
eyebrows in the world press, some hinting that China's economic foreign
policy may be on the verge of a new leap forward. A clue to the fact
that such anticipation may have totally understated the case was last
week's signing of a mega-gas deal between Beijing and Tehran worth $100
Billed as the "deal of the century" by
various commentators, this agreement is likely to increase by another
$50 to $100 billion, bringing the total close to $200 billion, when a
similar oil agreement, currently being negotiated, is inked not too far
from now.
"The gas deal entails the annual export of some 10 million tons of
Iranian liquefied natural gas (LNG) for a 25-year period, as well as the
participation, by China's state oil company, in such projects as
exploration and drilling, petrochemical and gas industries, pipelines,
services and the like.
The export of LNG requires special cargo
ships, however, and Iran is currently investing several billion dollars
adding to its small LNG-equipped fleet."
Though America officially refers to Iran as
part of the "Axis of Evil", this does not stop it importing very large
quantities of Iranian LNG through third parties.
Now all that will come to a grinding halt,
because Iran must naturally focus exclusively on filling its mammoth Chinese
commitments. Thus on 2 December 2004, the block on external energy supplies
to America started in earnest.
At the same time, Iran effectively came under China's protection,
because any American attack on Iran will impact directly on Chinese National
Security by severing its energy resources. It is but a small step for Iran
from there to full membership of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
(SCO), and overall protection by the Russian-Chinese Axis.
There is a curious oriental twist here, because the mammoth Iranian LNG
contract with China will also have a major negative impact on "Coalition of
the Willing" partner Australia. Back in 2002 there was a huge fanfare when
the Australian Government trumpeted news of an annual 3.3 million ton LNG
export deal to China, due to commence in 2006 and last for 25 years.
Does this sound familiar?
Unfortunately for Australia, the Iranian-Chinese deal was effective the day
it was signed in late November 2004, and both countries have admitted that
between them they will need to build another 87 LNG tankers just to keep up
with their initial supply from the huge Iranian Pars gas field.
In the view of this author, the Chinese will
default on the Australian deal, which is probably a suitable punishment
for the obsequious cretins in Canberra who agreed to "help" the Zionists in

America is already desperately short of energy,
and it can only get worse. Iraq is producing nothing at all as usual, and
the Republican Guard will ensure it stays that way.
OPEC will slow down production in January
because it actually has to. If the OPEC countries keep pumping at their
present outrageous rates to please America, they will eventually destroy
their own economies by terminally damaging their producing wells. This
leaves the largest single oil producer in the world, Russia, to increase or
decrease world oil production to suit its own (or its new coalition's)
global agenda.
The New Russia-China-India-Brazil coalition really means business,
and it would be wise to remember that after reforms at the United Nations,
all four will have permanent seats on the Security Council.
But that is after the likely confrontation in
the Gulf of Mexico, designed to either make America withdraw completely from
the rest of the world and become relatively poor, or face devastating and
total economic ruin. It has been suggested to me that the choice will
probably be left to the American people, if they can terminate a few dozen
Zionists fast enough.
Despite Venezuelan claims that they want to use the Mig 29 SMTs to protect
the Panama Canal (which is true to a certain extent), their most obvious use
initially appears to be that of defending Venezuela against an American
aircraft carrier strike on Caracas, or elsewhere in the country. Yes they
can do that, because any U.S. carrier getting close enough to launch its
aircraft against Venezuela, can in turn be sunk very swiftly indeed by one
or two of the lethal and unstoppable Onyx missiles.
However, this would not stop a strike by long
range ALCMs dropped by B-52 bombers, another cowardly Zionist weapon of mass
What then?
This is where the really clever bit comes in. Russia has arranged for the
Venezuelan pilots to receive their advanced Mig 29 training in Cuba, which
already has six earlier version of the aircraft. So the Cuban instructors
are well up to the job, but don't have the latest Mig 29 SMT model that the
Venezuelan Air Force has.
Well, not until next week anyway. Russia is
donating four [Onyx equipped] Mig 29 SMTs to Cuba free of charge, for use in
training the Venezuelan pilots and then to add to their own inventory.
Agreement has also been reached for joint
exercises in the future, using Cuban airspace.

All of a sudden, America will be facing the same
deadly threat it faced when arguing with China about the future of Taiwan.
Basically, China demonstrated the awesome accuracy and power of its
SS-N-22 Sunburn and SS-N-25 Onyx missiles against moving unmanned
maritime targets, and the U.S. Fleet swiftly withdrew.
So how is the U.S. Navy going to feel when every dark blue Mig 29 SMT flying
off a dirt strip in Cuba (yes, they can do that), is possibly carrying an
Onyx missile capable of sinking any American ship within a tactical radius
of 600 miles?
It seems beyond doubt that the main message will get through, i.e. that if
America dares to attack Venezuela or even little Cuba, every supertanker
approaching the American southern oil terminals through the Gulf of Mexico,
will be sunk by an invisible Mach 2.9 missile exploding in a white fireball.
Worse still, there is the possibility that some of America's offshore oil
platforms in the Gulf might also be destroyed, causing savage blowouts that
will burn for ten years or more.

There will be those who read this report with
cynicism, sneering as always that no one would dare do this to the "only
remaining superpower on earth".
You think not?
Yesterday morning Venezuelan President Hugo
Chavez flew to Beijing, where Chinese officials have said he will be on
an official visit extending until Monday 27 December, a total of five days
straight. Evidently the Chinese regard President Chavez as a very important
Head of State, which is hardly surprising when you understand the reason for
his visit.
Until the Zionists tried to murder him back in September, Chavez was
reasonably happy supplying America with 2.7 million barrels of oil per day,
which is about 80% of Venezuela's total production.
The attempt on his life was one giant step too
far though, so Chavez is now in Beijing negotiating to sell the entire 2.7
million barrels per day to China instead.