by Madison Ruppert
EndTheLie Website
Part I
January 05, 2012
As the days go by, the situation with Iran just
gets increasingly complex and worrisome given the egregious saber rattling
coming from both the West and Iran alike.
As I outlined in my article entitled “Positioning
for war with Iran?”, it has become
clear that the West is either arming surrounding neighbors as a deterrent,
preparation for an unprovoked strike, or perhaps even to goad Iran into
attacking Western interest first, thus justifying brutal retaliation.
My fledgling series about the global growth of NATO and the Western empire
also covers aspects of this greater trend and how these issues constantly
evolve and how so many seemingly disconnected events are in fact inseparably

While these issues may seem disconnected for some, I think it is quite
important to point out that in fact they couldn’t be more closely related in
that they are both symptoms of the cancerous
war profiteering industry that
is not only robbing the American people blind in the name of freedom but
also eliminating our civil liberties and slaughtering innocent people around
the globe.
The situation surrounding Iran is just a microcosmic example of this greater
trend to isolate and eliminate anyone who bucks the status quo and attempts
to throw a wrench into the works of the global geopolitical-financial
Recently, Iran closed their 10-day-long naval exercise in the Persian Gulf
by testing multiple missiles, a move which clearly enraged the Western
powers which believe that only they are allowed to wield any military power.
Three missiles were tested, including the shore-to-sea Qader missile,
shorter range Nasr and surface-to-air Nour missile.
These tests come on the heels of a medium-range surface-to-air missile was
successfully launched just days earlier.
The timing of these missile tests are very unlikely to be pure coincidence
given the heated rhetoric coming from both sides, not to mention the
presence of American vessels in the region.
Part of the large-scale exercises being conducted in the Gulf by the Iranian
navy included “mock” exercises focusing on closing the Strait of Hormuz.
What exactly a mock exercise could be is not clear to me given that an
exercise, by definition, is mocking a real event.
Despite the implications of such an exercise, Iran claimed to have no real
intention to close the strait, a move which the American Fifth Fleet out of
spoke out against.
“No order was give[n] for the closure of the
Strait of Hormuz. But we are prepared for various scenarios,” the chief
of the Iranian navy, Habibollah Sayyari, said to Iranian state
The French government quickly spoke out against
the testing and exercises, although France is hardly capable of claiming
moral authority given their
involvement in the Ivory Coast.
The French called the Iranian missile testing a “very bad signal sent to the
international community,” since, once again, only Western nations who do
what they’re told are allowed to defend themselves or develop weaponry of
any kind.
Bernard Valero, the spokesman for the French Foreign Ministry, said that the
Iranian government should remind themselves of the,
“freedom of navigation in straits and the
need to maintain a favorable climate in respect to this freedom.”
Of course Valero is taking the typical double
standard approach which has become all too common because I am sure Valero
would have no problem with restricting Iranian movement if they decided it
was necessary,
“to maintain a favorable climate.”
I find it interesting that the Iranian commander
Commodore Mahmoud Mousavi told Iranian state media that the newly tested
Qader missile was “built by Iranian experts,” given that one of their most
key ballistic missile experts was killed in a
mysterious explosion back in
Mousavi also stated that the Qader missile is,
“ultra-modern… with an integrated,
ultra-precise radar whose range and intelligent anti-detection system
have been improved over previous generations.”
The emphasis on the anti-detection system is
quite interesting given the build-up of anti-missile defense systems in the
region, including the nonsensical
American funding of Israeli systems.
That being said, the Qader is an anti-ship missile, leading me to speculate
that it might be attempting to send a message to the U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet
which has been operating in the region.
This is the same fleet that warned Iran against any attempt at closing the
Strait of Hormuz recently.
The Nour missile is reportedly based on a Chinese design, something which
would likely result in China getting a great deal of flak if it was ever
used against Western interests.
Despite the growing international opposition to just about everything Iran
does, the powers that be in Iran remain defiant and even boastful.
This is evidenced by the Iranian Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei,
saying that there has been “eye-catching successes” in the Iranian
confrontation of Western powers in spite of sanctions.
Khamenei stated that the trend will not end and that,
“The enemy is repeatedly suffering defeats
and setbacks, despite its all-out security and political measures
against the Islamic Republic.”
Iran has also just commissioned their
wholly owned oil drilling rig in the Persian Gulf, according to a statement
from the North Drilling Company’s managing director to the Tehran Times.
Since all of the rigs which have been installed over the past 29 years have
been rented, this is a considerable step forward for Iran and involved an
investment of $153 million.
This development is also interesting due to the fact that the oil field
where the new Sahar-e 1 will be deployed is shared with nearby Qatar, a
nation which is totally aligned with Western interests as evidenced by them
admitting that they were running operations on the ground during the sham
Libyan revolution.
There is also the matter of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran
announcing that they successfully produced and tested their first
domestically produced nuclear fuel rod made out of natural uranium.
Despite the fact that Iran repeatedly insists that their program is a purely
peaceful one, individuals in the West have seen this latest development as a
significant threat, despite all the indicators that Iran has no interest in
preemptively striking Western interests or allies.
Olli Heinonen, former deputy director general of the United Nations
International Atomic Energy Agency and head of the safeguards department
claimed in the British Guardian
“this show of ostensibly civilian nuclear
progress could end up further stoking international tensions.”
Heinonen’s analysis appears to be the typically
politicized, highly biased information coming out of all UN agencies.
Even James Acton, a senior associate in the Nuclear Policy Program at the
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
told Bloomberg,
“This has some diplomatic significance and
virtually no military significance.”
Furthermore, Iranian news agencies have stated
that the fuel rod will be used in the core of Tehran’s research reactor in
order to make isotopes for cancer treatments.
Recently Iran also stated that Iran would not tolerate another instance of
an American carrier entering the Persian Gulf as the John C. Stennis did
“Iran will not repeat its warning… the
enemy’s carrier has been moved to the Sea of Oman because of our drill.
I recommend and emphasize to the American carrier not to return to the
Persian Gulf,” Iranian army chief Ataollah Salehi said according to IRNA,
the Iranian state news agency.
While Salehi did not pinpoint which vessel he
was talking about nor what actions they would take if any returned, it is
clear he was talking about the John C. Stennis and associated vessels which
entered the region during supposedly routine operations.
The situation in the Strait of Hormuz is complicated greatly by some new
developments including the United States Navy announcing the development of
new long-range drones, some of which will be assigned to the Fifth Fleet - the same fleet which has been countering Iranian threats to close the
Others will be deployed to the Sixth Fleet out of the Mediterranean,
specifically operating out of Sigonella, Sicily and the Seventh Fleet in the
Pacific, specifically operating out of Guam.
There are also four of the currently unnamed Broad Area Maritime
Surveillance (BAMS) systems to be deployed to a “secret location in the
Middle East.”
This is pertinent because one naval expert cited by Stars and Stripes
claimed that BAMS could be used to track,
“Iranian threats to shipping in the Persian
No specifics on the missions these drones will
carry out have been released, although the crafts are able to fly
24-hour-long missions every three days and can reportedly track hundreds of
suspicious vessels at one time.
The relevance to the unfolding Iran imbroglio was highlighted by retired
Navy Captain and senior follow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary
Assessments in Washington D.C., Jan Van Tol, who said,
“This is obviously an important mission,
especially in view of current tensions.”
The new drones will supposedly help prevent
Iranian vessels packed with explosives from swarming American vessels, a
threat which appears to have been pulled out of thin air just as most
justifications for absurd military spending and intervention are.
The initial contract for just two drones is worth a shocking $1.6 billion
and Northrup Grumman expects to manufacture 68 more, but the price is still
being negotiated.
How can we continue to justify this massive expenditure when there is no
real threat to our national security, nor is there any money to be spending
in the first place?
Apparently our so-called leaders have no problem putting the American people
on the hook for decades to come in order to keep the money flowing into
their cronies’ coffers.
Raytheon also
just announced that they have delivered the first upgraded
Patriot missile radar to Kuwait, a nation which borders Iraq and Saudi
Arabia, while also sharing the Persian Gulf and thus obviously quite close
to Iran.
This dovetails with the Western moves to arm other nearby countries like the
United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia which I covered in my
The upgrading of Kuwaiti systems is being done under a U.S. Army Aviation
and Missile Command contract and the phony justification that it is being
done to protect against missiles, while once again I must point out that
Iran have never shown any intention to strike first as they clearly realize
it would be a death sentence for the entire country.
This delivery is just the first of six radar modernization deliveries to
Kuwait to supposedly “counter evolving regional threats,” a statement which
clearly is pointing to Iran.
The Patriot systems defend against both manned and unmanned aircraft,
tactical ballistic missiles and cruise missiles all of which seems
unjustified given that Iran really is not a threat.
There is also an upcoming missile defense exercise between the United States
and Israel, which is billed as the largest ever exercise, which
according to
the Jerusalem Post is,
“expected to see the deployment of several
thousand American soldiers in Israel.”
The timing of this drill, coming up in spring,
is quite interesting indeed given the greater developments in the region,
all of which seem to be tied together.
Back in September of 2011, the
Jerusalem Post revealed that the Israel
Defense Force (IDF) and United States European Command (EUCOM) would be
conducting the Juniper Cobra missile defense exercise followed by the
massive Austere Challenge exercise this year.
Austere Challenge will include establishing American command posts in Israel
and IDF command posts at the EUCOM headquarters in Germany, which the
Jerusalem Post says has,
“the ultimate goal of establishing joint
task forces for the event of a future large-scale conflict in the
Middle East.”
This looks even more likely in recent months and
the timing of these two operations, along with these other developments
covered in this article, must be either purposeful or ludicrously
It appears that the United States and allied forces are attempting to do
whatever it takes to provoke Iran and get them to do something which will
justify an all-out, overt assault with the approval of the oft-invoked and
laughably vague “international community.”
Once again, I must state that above all I just hope that I am completely
wrong and that nothing will happen and these tensions will slowly fade and
any and all threats from both sides will become a distant memory.
Unfortunately, that does not look like it is the case, at least at this
Part II
January 10, 2012
The situation with Iran seems to be getting
worse by the day with tensions rising due to the actions of both Western
nations like the United States, Israel, and allied states in the region and
sadly Iran as well.
As I recently outlined in part one above of “Iran: a quickly evolving
geopolitical imbroglio”, this issue is a multifaceted and convoluted one
with serious consequences, just as is the case with NATO.

It is quite unfortunate that this escalation is
continuing - if not accelerating - as there is nothing good that could come
from yet another bloody conflict.
Coming on the heels of a large-scale, 10-day-long naval exercise carried out
by Iran in the Persian Gulf, which included several test missile launches,
Iranian officials have announced yet another drill.
According to Russia’s
RIA Novosti, the Iranian Fars news agency
has reported that Iran is going to conduct a new “massive” naval exercise,
which will unsurprisingly be held near the Strait of Hormuz.
Not only is the Strait of Hormuz an area through which an estimated 40
percent of the world’s oil supply flows, but also one which has been
sparking heated rhetoric from Iran and the United States Fifth Fleet out of
The Iranian Defense Minister, Ahmad Vahidi, said that the Islamic
Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) would be conducting the “greatest
naval war games” near the strait.
The drill is codenamed “The Great Prophet” and will likely coincide with, or
at least be quite close to, the immense joint naval exercises to be carried
out by the United States and Israel in the near future, which I covered in
part one of this series.
Recently, the
Associated Press reported on this
“largest-ever joint drill” codenamed “Austere Challenge 12” while citing an
unnamed senior military official who stated that the exercise would be held
in the next few weeks.
The Associated Press makes sure to point to the Israeli military’s claim
that the drill was planned a long time ago and thus not tied to recent
events, although this buildup is far from something that has just occurred
The announcement of “The Great Prophet” comes soon after the United States
passed new sanctions which target Iranian oil experts and European Union
Foreign Ministers are planning to meet and discuss banning Iranian oil
imports in late January.
The sanctions are aimed at forcing Iran to drop their alleged secret nuclear
weapons program, but since Iran denies these claims entirely, this can only
mean that the West expects Iran to stop pursuing peaceful nuclear technology
as well.
This leads one to wonder why it is only Western nations and those aligned
with Western interests that are allowed to pursue civilian nuclear
This is especially questionable given the non-existent moral authority the
West can claim, especially when it comes to the usage of nuclear weaponry.
A great example of this is the situation with India and Australia, where the
latter nation is furnishing natural uranium to the former which is not a
signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).
Unsurprisingly, the West stays silent since India is a key player in the
United States and NATO’s move to dominate the Asia-Pacific region with a
multilateral alliance between,
Despite the West’s constant pressure and new
sanctions, Iran
just announced that their
Bushehr nuclear power plant is only weeks
away from operating at full capacity.
The state-run IRNA stated that the plant will be able to create 1,000
megawatts of energy by February 1, while the head of Iran’s Atomic Energy
Organization, Feireidoun Abbasi, stated that they have already shown
the new domestically produced centrifuges to an International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA) representative.
The naval commander of the IRGC Ali Fadavi stated that exercises
coming up in February would focus directly on the Strait of Hormuz.
It is hard to argue that the Iranian military is attempting to display
dominance over the region, as Iranian officials recently threatened to close
the strait if more sanctions are brought against the nation.
As I mentioned in my previous above writing, Iran has also made an ambiguous
threat to the United States if another aircraft carrier were to sail through
the strait.
the Vancouver Sun states that the
Bahrain-based United States Fifth Fleet “is far more powerful than Iran’s
naval force,” while pointing out to the counter-threats made by the American
military and an equally opaque threat from the British who stated that any
attempt made at closing the strait would not only be illegal but
One might assume that they are implying that the West would make sure it was
unsuccessful, obviously employing force of some kind or another.
The upcoming “Great Prophet” exercise, which is actually Great Prophet-7,
part of a series of exercises, is in fact not the only drill to be or being
conducted by Iran.
Today a senior military commander reported that the IRGC has in fact already
started military drills, codenamed “Martyrs of Unity.”
The Commander of IRGC Ground Forces Brigadier General Mohammad Pakpour
stated that phase one of the drills began today near Khaf city in the
Khorasan province of Iran.
Pakpour added that the main phase will begin this coming Monday, according
Iran’s Press TV and
China’s Xinhua.
Despite the Pentagon’s warnings in late December against interfering with
maritime transportation through the Strait of Hormuz, the Deputy Commander
of the IRGC, Brigadier General Hossein Salami stated that Tehran
need not seek Washington’s permission to implement its defense strategies in
the Persian Gulf.
A bit of a different impression was given by Iranian Foreign Ministry
Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast who stated that the Persian Gulf is
critical for the global energy supply and as such Iran is not intentionally
creating tension.
“But if the atmosphere changes into a war
spirit and the situation in the region changes, all the decisions (of
Iranians) would be made on the basis of new condition,” Ramin
Mehmanparast told China’s Xinhua.
This gets in to the ambiguous territory of the
other threats issued by Iranian officials as well as those so-called
warnings the United States has given.
When asked about the possible sanctions by EU member states, which will be
debated on January 30, Mehmanparast said that the Iranian oil supply cannot
be replaced in the global crude oil trade and thus the market cannot easily
cut the nation with the fourth largest oil reserves in the world out of the
This is quite accurate as it would not only hurt the Iranian people, it
would also create stratospheric gas prices here in America.
The Vancouver Sun reports that the people of Iran are already being
negatively impacted by the Western sanctions, writing,
“The sanctions are already hurting ordinary
Iranians, faced with rising prices and a falling rial currency. They
have been lining up at banks to convert their savings into dollars.”
This is precisely what so many individuals,
myself included, in the alternative news community have been saying since
these sanctions were first being pushed.
It is inevitable that the only people who are hurt by sanctions are those at
the bottom of the food chain; the everyday people who do not have the
ability to combat the crippled economic climate.
Of course this is never what is highlighted by the government and
establishment media outlets when covering the successes of non-violent
intervention via sanctions, but it is the ugly truth as we
have seen in the past with Iraq.
The most concerning aspect of these latest developments is the possibility
that both the joint American-Israeli exercises and the Iranian drills could
occur simultaneously and some conflict could ensue.
Hopefully it is just more saber rattling on both sides, but the timing of
these maneuvers couldn’t be worse in terms of the possible implications.
If the IRGC decides to temporarily close the Strait of Hormuz as part of one
of their exercises, one can only imagine the brutal response that would
follow at the hands of not only the United States Fifth Fleet but also the
other forces that will be participating in the operations with Israel.
Part III
January 11, 2012
Before you proceed with the third part in this fast-moving series, I highly
recommend that you familiarize yourself with previous events by reading
parts one and two (above reports).

The Strait of Hormuz and the
Persian Gulf,
seen here pictured from the
International Space Station (ISS)
on September 30, 2003
(Photo credit: NASA)
In the past two days the situation with Iran
became increasingly more volatile, all while the American establishment
media wastes time distracting the people of the United States with the dog
and pony show that is the Republican primaries.
Thankfully, there are plenty of people - outside the limelight of broadcast
news - who are covering these dire developments in detail.
However, as I always point out, this is often done in bits and pieces
without presenting the whole picture to give readers a true sense of what is
going on in the world.
Creating a more complete understanding is exactly what I’m attempting to do
in this series although I cannot possibly cover it all on my own, so if I
miss something, please feel free to send me an email at Admin@EndtheLie.com
to correct my error.
Despite the constant pressure being put on Iran from the West due to their
alleged nuclear weapons program, which the Iranians repeatedly insist is
purely peaceful, Iran has announced a new uranium enrichment site.
This site is strategically located underground and has been said to be
protected from airstrikes as well as getting the somewhat dubious title of
The Atlantic Wire claimed that this new,
supposedly “bomb-proof facility” (which is highly doubtful given that
nothing on Earth is truly completely bomb-proof, just as nothing is truly
bullet-proof) can not only be used to create enriched uranium for nuclear
power generation,
“but also as a potential fuel for nuclear
This new facility is reportedly called Fordo,
near the holy city of Qom and two conflicting reports have already emerged
regarding the operational status of the site.
Kayhan daily, the manager of which is reportedly a representative of Iran’s
Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, reported,
“Iran has begun uranium enrichment at the
Fordo facility amid heightened foreign enemy threats.”
However, the Iranian nuclear chief Fereidoun
Abbasi stated that Iran will “soon” begin to enrich uranium at the Fordo
facility, completely contradicting the report published by Kayhan in a
front-page article.
The Associated Press
“It was impossible to immediately reconcile
the two reports.”
While Iran had begun enriching uranium at the
Natanz facility in April of 2006, the centrifuges at Fordo are reportedly
more efficient and the plant is better shielded form an aerial assault like
that which was
launched by Israel against Syria in 2007.
In the face of growing threats from the West as the European Union’s Foreign
Ministers plan on meeting on January 30 to discuss possibly increasing
sanctions against Iranian oil exports, the Iranian government has renewed
its threat to close the Strait of Hormuz.
The Iranian Khorasan daily cited a senior commander in the Iranian
Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)
who said that the Iranian leadership has already made the decision to order
the closure of the strait if Iranian oil exports are blocked.
The commander, Ali Ashraf Nouri, stated that the decision has been
made by the top authorities in Iran, and it is not the first time Iran has
threatened to do so.
However, as the Associated Press
pointed out,
“this is the strongest statement yet that a
closure of the strait is official policy.”
While I believe it is highly unlikely that the
Strait will be closed by Iran, the United States seems to be taking it quite
Today the United States Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta stated that
a move to close the Strait of Hormuz would cross a “red line” adding,
“We made very clear that the United States
will not tolerate the blocking of the Strait of Hormuz.”
On the CBS show “Face the Nation” chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey backed up Panetta’s
statement in saying,
“we would take action and reopen the
Strait,” obviously implying military intervention.
To make matters even worse, the British have
deployed the HMS Daring, a Type 45
Destroyer which is obviously intended to send a not-so-subtle message to
Iran due to their threats to close the strait, not to mention their
large-scale naval exercises and announcement of even more drills focusing on
the Strait of Hormuz to come in the near future.
Just like his American counterpart, the British Defense Secretary Philip
Hammond has warned Iran not to block the strait.
The HMS Daring is reportedly equipped with new missile interception
technology allowing it to intercept any Iranian missile along with what
Haaretz calls,
“the world’s most sophisticated naval
Emphasizing the missile interception capability
is likely being done because of the recent Iranian ballistic missile tests
which occurred in the final stages of their recent 10-day-long naval
There is also the matter of the increasingly tight relationship between
Russia and Iran, which recently became even closer than it was previously.
The Iranian Fars News Agency (FNA)
reported that the Iranian Ambassador to
Moscow Seyed Reza Sajjadi stated that during a meeting between Russian
President Dmitry Medvedev and Iranian President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
summit, Medvedev proposed replacing the US dollar with the ruble and rial in
their trade.
It appears that this is already being implemented with Sajjadi stating that,
“we have acted on this basis and a part of
our interactions is done in Ruble now.”
“There is a similar interest in the Russian side,” Sajjadi added,
pointing out that the Russians oppose unilateral sanctions on Iran made
outside the United Nations Security Council.
He emphasized their distaste with sanctions
focused on the Iranian Central Bank (CBI) which is what the latest round of
American sanctions targeted.
“The move (imposing sanction on the CBI) is
unacceptable. Russians have clearly announced that they will not accept
these sanctions and Iran’s nuclear issue is resolvable just through
negotiations,” Sajjadi said.
Ahmadinejad has been similarly defiant, stating
that the central bank would respond with “force” to new American sanctions,
adding that the bank was strong enough to defeat “enemy plans.”
This is part of a larger move to separate Iran from the dollar as much as
possible, including eliminating the dollar entirely from Iranian oil trade
with China, India and Japan.
The latter two countries are quite surprising when one considers the
increasingly close relationship between
Japan, India and the United States in the West’s quest to
extend hegemony over the entirety of the
Asia-Pacific region.
One must wonder if the United States would speak out against Japan and
India’s trade ties with Iran or if they will hypocritically remain silent
because they are critical allies in the region.
I tend to believe that it would likely be the latter as the United States
has a long history of hypocrisy when it comes to foreign policy (and
domestic policy for that matter).
We must also consider the fact that Iran is reaching out to form new
alliances across the globe, apparently focusing on Latin America and Africa.
Yesterday Ahmadinejad
arrived in Venezuela and is now embarking
on a tour of four nations during which he will reportedly be pushing for
investment projects like a hydro-electric plant in Ecuador, according to
Bloomberg characterizes this as “taking
shots at the U.S. in its own backyard, defying attempts to isolate Iran over
its nuclear activities” and the friends he is making are not on the
friendliest of terms with the American government.
Of course this includes Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and Raul Castro
of Cuba and this will be his fifth trip to the region since 2005.
However, the moves towards Africa will likely make an even greater stir as
Iranian nuclear chief stated that Iran is
prepared to assist “friendly” African nations that possess uranium reserves
to establish facilities which can process natural uranium into material for
nuclear programs.
Fereidoun Abbasi highlighted Iran’s ability to carry out the entire
nuclear fuel cycle from extraction of uranium to fuel production and thus is
willing and able to share the technology.
Given that the West is pushing incredibly hard for Iran to shut down any and
all nuclear programs, it is unlikely to make anyone happy to know that Iran
will be expanding their reach into Africa and providing allied nations with
the means to produce nuclear fuel.
With the increasingly rapid buildup in the region and the move to
arm Western allies that surround Iran,
along with the American-Israeli drills which very well might coincide with
the upcoming Iranian drills, it all seems like this situation is making an
unfortunate turn.
Again, all we can hope is that those in power aren’t insane enough to
engage in a conflict they know full well could - and likely would - spark
World War III.
Part IV
January 12, 2012
Last night James Corbett and I discussed
the situation with Iran and the Persian Gulf which is progressing at a
blinding pace on his show, Corbett Report Radio.

The USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70)
Today a significant step forward (or backward, depending on your point of
view) with a NATO Parliamentary Assembly member made some heated statements
regarding Iran, Kuwait, and the region in general.
The first jab at Iran in the piece published by Kuwait News Agency (KUNA)
comes in the opening sentence in calling the Persian Gulf “the Arabian
The Deputy Chairman of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Defense and Security
Committee Francesco Buzzi addressed the Iranian threats to close the
critical Strait of Hormuz, which Corbett rightly characterized as a
flashpoint, while telling Tehran,
“to observe international treaties and laws
and to respect the sovereignty, territorial integrity and borders of its
Gulf neighbors, ‘mainly the friendly State of Kuwait.’”
The following choice of words should be noted:
“The veteran NATO MP voiced total solidarity
with the State of Kuwait versus the Iranian move.”
This shows they are already creating the
alliances and regional infrastructure required to wage war with Iran.
Furthermore, it clearly shows which side Kuwait is on while highlihgting the
fact that these individuals believe Iranian aggression is not only
inevitable but already occurring.
Buzzi also pushed for a more aggressive political and diplomatic approach on
the part of the European Union, in which the Italian government would take a
more active role.
This shows just how divorced from reality these NATO bureaucrats are. With
Italy’s immense domestic woes weighing heavily upon the Italian people,
Buzzi actually thinks the government should be focusing on the non-threat
that is Iran.
Buzzi is also apparently an advocate of European economic sanctions against
Iran, which will likely be discussed in the meeting of European Union
Foreign Ministers at the end of the month.
This - of course - is Iran’s red line which they said would force them to
close the Strait of Hormuz.
As I said on Corbett Report Radio, I find this prospect quite unrealistic,
due to the fact that the Iranian government is well aware of the fact that
they would be leaving themselves open to a massive attack from the United
When they first threatened to close the strait the United States Fifth
Fleet, based out of nearby Bahrain, countered with threats of their own.
I do not believe the Iranian leadership is foolish enough to believe that
the United States military would not make good on their threats, especially
when it comes to a resource like oil.
Another Italian, Pieradrea Vanni, president of the Kuwaiti-Italian
Friendship Society, expressed a similar sentiment to that of Buzzi in
“on the Italian government to support an EU
initiative for a decisive action against Iran, which he said is seeking
to destabilize the Gulf region.”
I would counter Vanni’s claim that it is Iran
destabilizing the region by asking him why the United States is moving even
more naval forces into the region, making a concerted and public push to arm
neighboring states and holding the largest joint Israeli-American drill in
history at a time like this.
Is it really Iran that is seeking to destabilize the region which is so
critical to their infrastructure, or perhaps could it be that it is the
United States, NATO and the West in general that is destabilizing the region
in order to firm up their grip on the Gulf and exploit the unmatched oil
An event which just served to reinforce the assertion that the United States
is in fact the nation destabilizing the Gulf was the announcement of
additional warship movement in the region.
Of course the United States is not alone, indeed as I previously mentioned,
the British are moving their most advanced warship into the region as well,
far from what this tense situation needs.
Unsurprisingly, like in the previous instances of American naval vessels
entering the region, United States officials deny this has anything to do
with tensions over the Strait of Hormuz.
Speaking of the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier, Pentagon spokesman John
Kirby said,
“Her deployment in that area is routine,
long-planned - there’s nothing unusual about that.”
According to RT, the USS Carl Vinson has yet to
go through the Strait of Hormuz and has a capacity of up to 80 planes and
helicopters and is accompanied by a cruiser and destroyer.
The Pentagon says that the ships are “not in the Gulf,” but instead in the
Area of Responsibility of the United States Fifth Fleet.
Other than the Persian Gulf, this includes the Gulf of Oman, the Red Sea and
some of the Indian Ocean.
The United States is now claiming that the USS John C. Stennis aircraft
carrier is not expected to return to the Gulf after it recently passed
through the Strait of Hormuz - a move which infuriated Iran.
However, the American Navy has indeed stated that the USS Carl Vinson will
be joined by the USS Abraham Lincoln, yet another aircraft carrier which is
currently in transit from the Indian Ocean.
The United States is also stepping up the sanctions war against Iran, with
Japan agreeing to adopt harsh sanctions against importing Iranian oil today.
“We plan to start reducing this 10 per cent
share [of Iranian oil imports that make up the Japanese energy market]
as soon as possible in a planned manner,” Japanese Finance Minister Jun
Azume said.
One interesting piece in this international
jigsaw puzzle I discussed with Corbett last night is the duality of India’s
approach to Iran.
As I have been outlining in my series, “U.S. and NATO are on the march
worldwide,” India is becoming increasingly close with the United States in
the Western bid to control the Asia-Pacific region.
While India is growing closer to the United States and NATO by the day, they
still have a considerably tight relationship with Iran.
According to RT, Reuters reports via sources in the Indian cabinet that
their government is not looking “to waver” from the American approach to
India currently pours a whopping $12 billion per year into Iranian oil and
is the largest purchaser of Iran’s oil after China.
However, India has chosen to deal with Iranian oil outside of the United
States dollar, a move which the US has oddly left unaddressed.
Oddly enough, it is not just India that is now dealing with Iran outside of
the dollar, indeed Russia, China and surprisingly even Japan have decided to
make the same move, according to Iranian Fars News Agency.
It’s quite interesting that Japan would get on board with the Western oil
sanctions against Iran seeing as they have opted to deal with the supposedly
dangerous nation outside of the dollar completely.
There is also the matter of the Fujairah pipeline, the construction of which
has been accelerated and is now slated for testing in May.
This pipeline is set to be able to move 1.4 million barrels per day of oil,
bypassing the Strait of Hormuz bottleneck.
Interestingly, RT points to a possible spark which could ignite the flames
of World War III as being the killing of an American citizen convicted of
espionage in Iran.
They link this to the infamous assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in
1914 which many argue sparked World War I.
They also posit that the Strait of Hormuz might be the spark; something
which I think is more likely, especially given the upcoming massive
Israeli-American drills which might coincide with Iranian military exercises
in the region as well.
They rightly point out,
“Right now it is a war of words,”
...and I do not think that Iran will take the
first step unless they are forced to do so or backed into a corner and truly
feel threatened.
I believe that it is not Israel that should be speaking of an “existential
threat,” instead it should be Iran which is becoming increasingly encircled,
isolated and threatened by a massive navy and powerful group of allied
Part V
January 14, 2012
Events continue to progress at blinding speed
and only seem to be getting increasingly dangerous.
While the United States has been building up a considerable military
presence in the Persian Gulf region for years, in recent weeks and months
this effort seems to have accelerated.

The Ticonderoga-class
guided-missile cruiser USS Cape St. George (CG 71)
is guided out of port by a
(Photo credit: U.S. Navy
photo by
Mass Communication Specialist
3rd Class Adam Randolph)
The Pentagon is now shifting a great deal of
military assets into the vicinity of the Persian Gulf under the guise of a
contingency plan, while continuing to deny that it means a buildup to war.
These deployments are, in fact, nothing new and have been in the works some
time now.
Marine Corps General James Mattis - head of United States Central
Command - gained the White House’s approval for the deployment of troops to
the region last year in response to the talks between the U.S. and Iraqi
governments regarding extended American troop presence broke down.
Stars and Stripes aptly points out,
“the extent of the Pentagon moves is only
now becoming clear,” and the timing of this can hardly be dismissed as
pure coincidence.
Stars and Stripes cites unnamed United States
officials who claim,
“the deployments are not meant to suggest a
buildup to war, but rather are intended as a quick reaction and
contingency force in case a military crisis erupts in the standoff with
Tehran over its suspected nuclear weapons program.”
The glaring problem here is that
there is
no Iranian nuclear weapons program. This is so clear that even
the United States Defense Secretary Leon Panetta had to admit as much
on national television just days ago.
With Iran not actually developing nuclear weapons and with the United States
continually insisting that they abandon an imaginary nuclear weapons
program, the only conclusion to be drawn is that the West will not relent
until Iran abandons all nuclear technology and research, be it civilian or
There has already been a small force of American troops present in Kuwait,
along with weapons deals with the small Gulf nation, which I have mentioned
in a previous part of this series.
However, this small amount of troops is now
going to be augmented by a much larger
group which includes 15,000 new troops.
These new units in Kuwait - which is located dangerously close to Iran -
include two infantry brigades from the United States Army along with a
helicopter unit. In addition, these troops include the United States Army’s
1st Calvary Division’s 1st Brigade which boasts tanks,
artillery and over 4,500 troops.
The 1st Brigade has been dubbed a “mobile response force” for the
region according to Colonel Scott L. Efflandt, commander of the
There is also a National Guard brigade form Minnesota which has been present
in Kuwait since August and in December a combat aviation brigade arrived as
well. Apparently there is yet another unit which will be heading to Kuwait
in the near future but details on the unit’s size, composition and mission
have not been provided by officials.
Whereas Kuwait has primarily been used as a staging area for troops and
equipment to be moved into Iraq in the past, it is now clearly becoming yet
another American military outpost and launching point in the region.
Just days ago
it was reported that in addition to all of
these buildups, a marine expeditionary unit along with a group of landing
warships were being deployed to the Persian Gulf.
This is to include the Makin Island groups accompanied by the USS New
Orleans and the Pearl Harbor amphibious transport dock ships. The personnel
on these ships, which will include sailors, marines and airmen, will be
backed up by a general support battalion along with attack helicopters.
This is being explained as a move to replace Navy troops who have been
patrolling the area for the last 10 months, but the presence of amphibious
transport dock ships is quite interesting indeed.
This might indicate that a plan involving movements of land-based forces is
in the works or is already being implemented in order to augment the naval
presence, air superiority via aircraft carriers, and overwhelming regional
The Pentagon has also made the highly questionable decision of ordering two
aircraft carriers - along with their sizable and powerful strike groups and
associated troops - to remain in the region, a move which will likely upset
Previously Iran has made
ambiguous threats to the United States
regarding the presence of carriers in the Persian Gulf and Strait of Hormuz
and the latest decision to keep them in the general region is not going to
reassure the Iranian government as to the United States’ noble intentions.
As I reported in part four above of this series, the American
aircraft carrier the USS Carl Vinson joined the USS John C. Stennis (which
previously sailed through the strait eliciting protest from Iran) in the
region in order to sustain the naval presence and threat.
There are also reports of another aircraft carrier, the USS Abraham Lincoln,
moving to the region, again something which will not serve to comfort the
Iranian government in this time of record-level saber rattling.
Indeed the
official website for the Commander of the
U.S. 7th Fleet announced that the USS Abraham Lincoln along with
guided missile cruiser Cape St. George left Thailand and are now,
“en route to support coalition efforts in
the 5th Fleet AOR.”
The AOR, or Area of Responsibility, for the
Fifth Fleet includes the Persian Gulf region as the Fifth Fleet is based out
of nearby Bahrain.
The USS John C. Stennis is slated to return home to the United States in the
near future but according to Stars and Stripes, officials have stated that
the Stennis will be replaced by the USS Enterprise so two carriers are still
present in the region.
This is being done while claiming that it is just going to give,
“commanders major naval and air assets in
case Iran carriers out its recent threats to close the Strait of
Hormuz,” according to Stars and Stripes.
However, those who are aware of American
military history, especially in the past few decades, know that these
buildups inevitably occur before a conflict breaks out which is oft billed
as an unplanned, unexpected event.
Obviously this is far from reality, and the case with Iran is no different.
As a recent
Russia Today article outlined in detail,
this buildup has been going on since 2003 - if not earlier - and the plans
for war have been drawn up long ago.
It is only that in recent months the United Nations’ International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA) released what Russia called a “politicized” report
which claimed that Iran was pursuing a nuclear weapons program, giving
newfound impetus to the long-term campaign against Iran.
However, since the evidence of this program is hardly as concrete as they
make it out to be (as highlighted by Panetta’s own statements) there needs
to be another reason to justify a full-on offense against Iran.
An incident with the Strait of Hormuz would be the perfect excuse for the
United States, given that they have previously issued warnings to Iran over
closing the strait.
Iran continues to threaten closure and the upcoming Iranian Revolutionary
Guard Corps (IRGC) exercises in the region are unlikely to ease
If Iran even conducts a mock closing of the Strait of Hormuz, this might in
fact be enough of a justification for a Western strike which would likely
involve the United States, Britain, Israel and the regional Western allies.
The massive joint Israeli-American drills in the region, which very well
might coincide with the new Iranian exercises, could also provide a
situation where a conflict could spark up.
There is also the very real possibility of a
Gulf of Tonkin-style false flag incident
being manufactured to give the justification for an attack.
The possibility of such an event was reinforced by a
recent article in the Jerusalem Post
which read,
“Iran, just like Nazi Germany in the 1940s,
will take the initiative and ‘help’ the US president and the American
public make up their mind by making the first move, by attacking a US
aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf.”
Of course there is the very real possibility
that such “help” would be a purely contrived false flag attack, which the
United States would create if Iran refused to actually take that first step.
As one reader pointed out via email, it seems likely that this might occur
as an attack on an aging United States Coast Guards (USCG) vessel.
This would be preferable because the USCG is often treated as a
semi-civilian humanitarian organization, not a purely military force like
the United States Navy.
However, I think that most Americans know that any attack on any American -
or perhaps even allied - interests in the region would be more than enough
justification for a strike on Iran.
If it was a USCG vessel over a Navy one, it would only be icing on the cake
and serve to help put the favor of the international community on the side
of the United States in this conflict.
This would be completely ignorant of the fact that the United States has
been behind the military buildup in the region and as I have repeatedly
posited, this very well might be intended to goad Iran into doing something
to justify an American assault.
Stars and Stripes points out that United States Navy officials have stated
that while Iran might be able to temporarily close the Strait of Hormuz
using anti-ship missiles and other weapons - something which Iran said would
be as easy as drinking water - American commanders claim that they would be
able to quickly reverse such a closure if needed.
The establishment media is continuously stating - without much in the way of
evidence or explanation - that the United States Fifth Fleet out of Bahrain
on its own could dominate the entire Iranian navy.
On the other hand, individuals only heard in the alternative media have
repeatedly pointed out that this very well might not be the case and indeed
Iran might have an advantage in the Strait of Hormuz and Persian Gulf.
In a recent RT article, this possibility was highlighted, something which
completely conflicts with the unsourced, blanket statements repeatedly made
by such establishment media powerhouses as Reuters.
There is also the diplomatic aspect to this conflict which became even more
significant with the Obama administration placing sanctions on three
corporations which provide gasoline to Iran.
While Iran exports so much oil that they claim the top 3 position in world
oil exports, their domestic refinement facilities are not sufficient to meet
demand so they are forced to import the majority of their refined gasoline.
These sanctions will be imposed on,
China-based Zhuhai Zhenrong Corp.
Singaporean Kuo Oil Pte Ltd.
United Arab Emirates-based FAL Oil Co.
This will result in the barring of all American
export licenses along with most financing for these corporations, including
Zhuhai Zhenrong Corp., which is the largest seller of gasoline to Iran.
This will likely hurt Iran a great deal and raise the price of their
gasoline imports while also having some serious consequences for China.
This move elicited a quite negative response from China, including an
unusually heated editorial on the issue published in China’s Global Times
which can be
read here.
It is quite clear that the Chinese are not going to sit by silently while
the United States hurts their economy by cutting off their business with
Honestly, I find their reaction to be totally reasonable. After all, what
right does the United States have to tell other nations who they can and
cannot trade with? This seems especially ludicrous when the nation they’re
trading with does not in fact have nuclear weapons and is not in the process
of developing them.
As the editorial quite aptly pointed out, the United States cannot afford to
get into a trade war with China right now and these increasing sanctions and
global domineering are pushing China towards exhausting that option.
Another matter of significant concern for analysts like me is
the statement from Russia’s ambassador to
NATO, Dmitry Rogozin.
“Iran is our neighbor,” he said. “And if
Iran is involved in any military action, it’s a direct threat to our
This is arguably the strongest pro-Iranian
statement coming from a Russian government official since the tensions have
risen to these record levels, although they have been making
similarly significant remarks about the
international pressures on Syria.
A somewhat similar statement was made by Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister
Gennady Gatilov in saying that the international community would
interpret new sanctions and/or a military strike on Iran as an attempt at
regime change.
“Additional sanctions against Iran, as well
as a probable military attack on Iran, will be doubtlessly taken in the
international community as those pursuing the goal of power change in
Tehran,” Gatilov said according to
ITAR-TASS News Agency (note the article
has some less-than flawless translation as it is primarily a
Russian-language publication).
Nikolai Patrushev, head of the Kremlin
Security Council, who has also been making some of the most notable
statements about Syria, has stated that Russia is concerned that Israel is
pushing the United States into military conflict with Iran.
Patrushev, who is reportedly a close friend of Russian Prime Minister
Vladimir Putin, also highlighted the total lack of evidence supporting
the claims made by Western countries regarding the alleged Iranian nuclear
weapons program.
“Talk about Iran creating an atomic bomb by
next week we have heard for many years,” he said.
Indeed those of us who have been following this
issue closely for years are beginning to get weary of the alarmist rhetoric
which never seems to materialize in the dramatic fashion pundits and
government officials are always talking about.
Another important piece in this puzzle is
the report coming from Foreign Policy,
a publication of the Slate Group, which is a division of the Washington Post
I find the providence of this report quite interesting given that it goes
over reports which allegedly,
“detail CIA field reports saying that
Israel’s recruiting activities occurred under the nose of U.S.
intelligence officers, most notably in London, the capital of one of
Israel’s ostensible allies, where Mossad officers posing as CIA
operatives met with Jundallah officials.”
Jundallah, a Sunni terrorist organization
based out of Pakistan, is allegedly responsible for the assassination of
Iranian governmental figures and also for the murder of Iranian women and
It’s interesting that such a thing could be going on while Israel,
“apparently didn’t give a damn what we [the
CIA/United States] thought,” one anonymous intelligence officer said.
This is especially ridiculous when one considers
that one of the main charges leveled against Iran is that they support
terrorist organizations. Meanwhile, the West supports terrorist
organizations at the same time and turns a blind eye to Israeli false flag
Indeed Mark Perry wrote Foreign Policy,
“the existence of the Israeli false-flag
operation was confirmed to me by four retired intelligence officers who
have served in the CIA or have monitored Israeli intelligence operations
from senior positions inside the U.S. government.”
“There is no denying that there is a covert, bloody, and ongoing
campaign aimed at stopping Iran’s nuclear program,” Perry wrote.
The covert war against Iran, which
Israel is heavily involved in, is something
which I have been covering for some time now, and with every mysterious
incident that occurs, like
the assassination of Roshan, it just
becomes that much clearer.
This latest revelation also lends support to the notion that a false flag
attack on Western interests might be conducted in order to justify an attack
on Iran or very possibly an attack on Iran could be used to push Iran into
acting first.
Either way, it seems that as every day goes by the pieces just slide closer
into place and a disturbing picture is beginning to form.
Part VI
January 18, 2012
Latest developments in this worrisome war of
which very well might be leading to a real war.
Some troubling statements were
published recently by the Iranian Fars
News Agency (FNA) coming directly from Iran’s military.
Lieutenant Commander of the Iranian Army’s Self-Sufficiency Jihad Rear
Admiral Farhad Amiri stated that one of the United States’ largest
concerns should be Iranian subsurface naval vehicles,
“since Iranian submarines are noiseless and
can easily evade detection as they are equipped with the sonar-evading
technology” and can fire missiles and torpedoes simultaneously,
according to FNA.
This statement was made even more pointed by
adding that,
“When the submarine sits on the seabed it
can easily target and hit an aircraft carrier traversing in the nearby
This is clearly a statement which is directed
towards the United States given that the US has not only been moving
aircraft carriers through the region in spite of Iran’s concerns but even
more importantly have actually been dispatching more aircraft carriers like
the USS Abraham Lincoln to the region, as I outlined in the previous above
installment of this series.
Similarly, Iranian Army Commander Major General Ataollah Salehi
called for the US to avoid sending back military vessels to the Persian Gulf
earlier this month.
This came after the massive Iranian naval drills pushed Washington into
moving an aircraft carrier out of the region, according to FNA.
Of course, the United States would insist that this was purely routine
transport and has nothing to do with Iran whatsoever, as they repeatedly
assert regarding the military movements in the region.
Salehi stated that the United States moved the carrier out of the Persian
Gulf through the Strait of Hormuz into the Sea of Oman before the Iranian
naval drills began.
“We advise, warn and recommend them [the US
Navy] not to return this carrier to its previous location in the Persian
Gulf,” Salehi said.
It is unclear what would happen if this warning
is not taken seriously, and I seriously doubt that Iran would move to attack
the United States unless provoked to do so as they are well aware of the
fact that it would mean a massive assault on Iran, Iranian forces and
Iranian interests.
It is noteworthy to point out that Salehi didn’t mention which aircraft
carrier he was actually talking about, although one can safely assume that
he was referring to one of the United States Navy’s largest vessels, the USS
John C. Stennis aircraft carrier.
“We are not in the habit of repeating the
warning and we warn only once,” Salehi said.

USS John C. Stennis
It appears that one of the United States’
greatest concerns is the possibility that Iran would close the Strait of
Hormuz in retaliation to Western aggressive movements due to the massive
amount of oil (estimated in the range of 40% of the world’s supply) that
moves through the strait.
This capability was affirmed by General Martin Dempsey, the chairman
of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, on “Face the Nation” on CBS.
“They’ve invested in capabilities that
could, in fact, for a period of time block the Strait of Hormuz,”
Dempsey said.
This is a threat Iran has repeatedly made and
the United States’ Fifth Fleet out of Bahrain said they would not let such a
thing happen.
Despite the rhetoric from the Western establishment media and the claims
made which repeatedly say that the US Fifth Fleet on its own is more
powerful than the entirety of the Iranian navy, Dempsey made it clear that
in fact they do have a strategic advantage in the region.
In late November, Iran expanded their submarine fleet with an additional
three Ghadir-class submarines (making a total of 17 according to Iran),
something which likely made the United States even more concerned about
their military dominance in the region.
Amiri said that the United States has focused on Iran’s “astonish surface
capabilities” and thus has ignored the power of their subsurface vehicles.
Business Insider
erroneously claims that Amiri said he will
move his subs onto the floor of the Persian Gulf and “fire missiles and
torpedoes simultaneously,” when in fact what he was saying is that they have
such a capability.
Like so much of the Western media, Business Insider seems to confuse a
statement of capability or a threat with a guarantee of action.
Iran is merely asserting their dominance over the Persian Gulf in order to
deter further incursions in the region on the part of the West and to
underline their threat to close the vital Strait of Hormuz.
I don’t find this to be nearly as threatening as Business Insider and others
are making it out to be.
Why wouldn’t any nation make it clear that they
can defend themselves? This is not an act of aggression in any way and
taking Amiri’s quote to mean that he “plans to… ‘fire missiles and torpedoes
simultaneously,’” instead of what he was really saying which is that they
have the capability is disingenuous and misleading.
The Naval Commander of the Iranian Army, Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari
said at the time that all parts of the submarines had not only been designed
but also manufactured by Iranian experts.
This military and nuclear self-sufficiency has become something that Iran
brings up often, likely to point out that the West’s sanctions aren’t nearly
as damaging as some may think.
Highlighting the domestic design and production of the submarines, along
with the nuclear fuel rod, is something we should take note of as such
statements will likely increase as the West continues to push for sanctions
and European Union ministers are set to discuss further sanctions at the end
of this month.
While United States Secretary of Defense
emphasized that the United States military
is fully prepared to address any threats by Iran to close the Strait of
Hormuz, he claimed that they were not taking any “special steps” to bolster
American forces in the region at this point.
This assertion is likely laughable to anyone who has been reading this
series, as I have shown a steady effort to bolster the presence of American
forces in the region along with the military capabilities of allied nations
surrounding Iran.
The most glaring fact which completely contradicts Panetta’s claim is the
deployment of
15,000 American troops to Kuwait.
How this does not constitute any “special steps” is beyond me, and likely is
beyond anyone who is remotely capable of independent critical thought.
“We are not [taking] any special steps at
this point in order to deal with the situation,” Panetta said.
“Why? Because frankly we are fully prepared to deal with that situation
now,” he added.
However, this does not explain the movement of
the USS Abraham Lincoln, nor the arming of neighboring states, or the
massive troop movements.
It appears to me that Leon Panetta is just attempting to be boastful
and nonchalant, while the statement from Dempsey reflects the fact that the
United States is indeed well aware of the superior strategic positioning of
Iran in the Persian Gulf and Strait of Hormuz.
Reuters cites unnamed analysts who say that the Iranian navy,
“does not have the size for a sustained
physical blockade of the strait, but does have mine-laying and missile
This obviously leaves out the submarine variable
in this complex equation, along with the dual missile/torpedo firing
It also seems to be ignoring the recent successful Iranian missile tests,
including the test of a shore-to-sea anti-ship missile which is likely
designed to be able to take out American vessels in the region if a conflict
were to occur.
The Reuters article marginalizes Dempsey’s affirmation that Iran could
indeed close the strait and instead highlights his expression of,
“confidence earlier this month that the U.S.
military could reopen the strait if Iran blocked it.”
To be fair, the do cite,
“speculation that additional U.S. forces
might be needed to do so, and U.S. media have been closely watching the
movements of U.S. aircraft carrier strike groups.”
Unsurprisingly they fail to point out the troop
movements and naval movements which are already occurring in order to
prepare for such an operation.
“We have continually maintained a strong
presence in the region to make very clear that we are going to do
everything possible to secure the peace in that part of the world,”
Panetta said.
However, to the independent observer it seems
quite clear that what the United States is doing in the region is not
promoting peace in any way but is instead designed to push Iran into
striking first in order to justify an all-out Western assault against the
With so many undeclared conflicts (or wars depending on how you define the
term) going on at once, the United States and the West in general cannot
afford another public relations problem.
Having Iran strike first would get much of the international community
behind the West and thus give them free license to utterly destroy Iran with
FNA also reported that Ramin
Mehman-Parast, the Iranian Foreign Ministry’s Spokesman, said that a
recent letter from the United States regarding the Strait of Hormuz does not
signal any new development in American-Iranian ties.
“No new development has happened with regard
to Iran-US ties,” Mehman-Parast told reporters in Tehran yesterday.
Iran confirmed that they had received a letter
from the US and the Iranian Foreign Ministry stated,
“A reply will be sent if Tehran finds it
“The US Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice had
handed a letter to Iran’s Ambassador to the UN Mohammad Khazayee; the
Swiss Ambassador to Tehran [Livia Leu Agosti] also conveyed the same
thing; and Iraqi President Jalal Talabani delivered the same message to
Iranian officials,” Mehman-Parast said.
In response to the American warnings to Iran
regarding closure of the Strait of Hormuz, Lieutenant Commander of the
Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Brigadier General Hossein
Salami said that Iran,
“never asks for anyone’s permission to carry
out what it desires.”
“Iran does not ask permission to implement its own defensive
strategies,” Salami told FNA in late December.
It remains to be seen if Iran will reply to the
American letter at all, and if they do, what tone the response will take.
Iran has made no effort to tone down the heated rhetoric or to counter
Western saber rattling with anything other than saber rattling of their own.
It is hard to blame them when they have such a large conglomeration of
nations itching to pull the trigger on them, especially when the group is
being lead by the United States - hardly a nation known for overwhelming
Today Russia
said that a military strike on Iran would
be what AFP called,
“a ‘catastrophe’ with the severest
consequences which risked inflaming existing tensions between Sunni and
Shiite Muslims.”
“As for the chances of this catastrophe happening you would have to ask
those constantly mentioning it as an option that remains on the table,”
Lavrov said.
Sergey Lavrov is clearly hinting at the
United States and Israel which repeatedly say that a military option has not
been taken off the table.
Although, it is worth mentioning that Ehud Barak, the Israeli Defense
Minister did say today that Israel considered a military option to be “very
far away.” Then again, Israel is not a nation known for being
straightforward and public with their plans so I think Barak’s statement is
worth very little, if anything at all.
Lavrov emphasized that such a military operation on Iran would create a
refugee crisis in the region along with inflaming sectarian tensions which
already run quite deep.
“I have no doubt in the fact that it [would]
only add fuel to the fire of the still-simmering Sunni-Shiite conflict.
And I do not know where the subsequent chain reaction will end,” Lavrov
I believe this assertion is quite accurate as
we’ve seen a great deal of sectarian violence in Syria, especially in cities
like Homs, along with constant violence along sectarian lines in Iraq.
“Additional unilateral sanctions against
Iran have nothing to do with a desire to ensure the regime’s commitment
to nuclear non-proliferation,” Lavrov added.
Again, I find Lavrov’s assessment to be entirely
accurate as it has become quite clear that the West is just using the
nuclear issue as an excuse to pressure and/or attack Iran.
This is highlighted by Leon Panetta
admitting that Iran is not developing a nuclear weapon
on national television in the United States, while still insisting that we
must be concerned.
It has become obvious to even the casual observer that the United States
cares not about the civilian nature of the Iranian nuclear program and
instead is just using it as a way to steer the opinion of the international
community against Iran.
“It is seriously aimed at suffocating the
Iranian economy and the well-being of its people, probably in the hop of
inciting discontent,” Lavrov said.
Indeed these moves seem focused upon cutting off
Iran’s economic ties (which directly affects the well-being of the Iranian
people) while reducing their self-sufficiency.
As I have previously mentioned, while Iran has a massive oil reserve, they
do not have the refining capability to keep up with domestic demand.
This leads them to have to look outside their borders for sources of refined
gasoline and the United States has been attempting to cut off these supply
lines in every way possible.
Furthermore, the pressure on their nuclear program is designed to reduce
their ability to domestically produce energy and become self-sufficient.
Lavrov also said that Russia has evidence that Iran not only was ready to
cooperate more closely with representatives of the United Nations’
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) but also were preparing for
“serious talks” with the West.
Interestingly, Lavrov hinted that the United States and Europe were
intentionally imposing new sanctions in order to kill a new round of nuclear
This seems quite plausible given that the West appears to have no interest
whatsoever in letting Iran pursue a nuclear capability be it peaceful or
“Iran is now waiting for an [IAEA]
delegation so that it can discuss serious issues. So the sanctions that
can now be adopted by the European Union can hardly improve the
atmosphere or make the talks productive,” Lavrov said.
“All possible sanctions that could impact
Iran’s behavior in the nuclear sphere or its cooperation with the IAEA
have been exhausted,” he added.
Lavrov is emphasizing the point that I have been
attempting to drive home with a vengeance: the West has no interest in
stopping the Iranian nuclear program or working towards peace in the region.
It is becoming increasingly clear that all the United States and the West in
general wants is regime change and/or war.
It is also being reported that European Union diplomats have set a July date
for a full embargo on Iranian oil imports, something which Iran has
repeatedly said would lead them to close the Strait of Hormuz.
It remains to be seen if Iran will follow through with this threat, and if
they do how the United States and the West will react or retaliate.
If the rhetoric is any indicator, I think the United States very well might
take some sort of action against Iran for closing the strait.
This is due to the fact that it appears that the United States believes that
such an action constitutes an act of war or at least an aggressive enough
maneuver to justify an attack.
Of course, the United States has been incredibly ambiguous with the threats
issued in response to the Iranian statements, so it is unclear what would
happen at this point.
To speculate a bit, I think the United States might make aggressive
maneuvers in the region in an attempt to goad Iran into striking first.
This would give the West the green light to go all-out on Iran and “wipe
them off the map,” as the constantly cited (and incorrectly translated)
statement from Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad goes.
At this point I just hope that the saber rattling will fail to lead to any
real conflict and this will all become a distant memory.
However, the nature of the rhetoric and the
persistence of both sides of this war of words does not paint a pretty
picture of what the future holds.
Note: Please do the world a
favor and share this article along with the rest of the series with your
friends, family and internet contacts. Only through raising awareness,
countering the Western propaganda, and spreading the truth can we fight
against what could very well bring about World War III and instead bring
about a new era of peace in the region and the world at large.
So long as the establishment media can keep the blinders on Americans and
Europeans and keep them thinking that Iran is a threat to the rest of the
world, they will be able to push the public to support war. Once we can
eradicate the constantly promulgated falsehoods and instead perpetuate truth
and justice, we will be able to see a real dialogue for peace.
Part VII
January 23, 2012
With the European Union passing new sanctions on Iranian oil exports and
freezing the assets of the Iranian central bank and the suspicious murder of
yet another Iranian military figure, the grim situation in Iran does not
seem to be letting up.
Ramin Mehmanparast, the spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry called
the EU’s new sanctions “psychological warfare” aimed at trying to halt
Iran’s nuclear program, an assessment which I think is hardly inaccurate.
Russia has already come out against the new EU sanctions, saying in a
“Under pressure of this sort, Iran will not
make any concessions or any corrections to its policies.”
Seeing as Iran is doing nothing more than
pursuing the same civilian nuclear technology as every other Western nation,
I do not think this statement is out of line in any way.
However, as the weeks and months have passed, it has become clear that the
United States and the West in general will not be satisfied with the fact
that Iran is not pursuing the development of nuclear weapons, something
which United States Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta had to admit himself.

The aircraft carrier USS
Enterprise (CVN-65)
underway in the Atlantic
(Photo credit: US Navy)
It appears that they will not give up until Iran
has given up all hopes of a domestic nuclear program for energy or research
purposes, something which is hardly fair or justified.
The European Union’s sanctions are arguably the harshest that have been
passed thus far.
They include an immediate halt to any and all new contracts for Iranian
crude oil and other petroleum products.
However, existing contracts are allowed to run until July, meaning that Iran
will not feel the full force of these sanctions for some time.
The 27 nation European Union also froze all assets belonging to the Iranian
central bank, something which will likely end up hurting the average Iranian
citizen more than anyone else, just like the rest of the sanctions.
Currently it seems that the Iranian currency is being hurt most by the
sanctions, with the value dropping to record lows compared to the US dollar.
Seeing how roughly 80% of Iranian oil revenue is derived from their exports,
these latest sanctions coming from the EU could severely damage the Iranian
economy and skyrocket the cost of living for average Iranians due to the
devalued currency.
Whereas a year ago the Iranian rial was trading roughly 10,500 to the US
dollar, it is now trading around 21,000 to the dollar.
Obviously this is a massive devaluation and in just the short period from
Friday to Monday, the rial dropped around 14% in value.
We must keep in mind who these sanctions are hurting: working Iranians and
others who do not have access to foreign currencies or the assets to absorb
such an immense devaluation of their currency.
For those unfortunate Iranians that are just scraping by and do not have
some kind of foreign investments to protect their assets, these sanctions
could very well be a matter of life and death.
With the European sanctions on Iranian oil exports, Iran will likely be
forced to turn East and sell at a discount to those operating outside of the
Western markets.
However, the United States has been pressuring Asian nations to move away
from Iran as well, something which has the potential to be quite devastating
if the US manages to get Japan, South Korea and India to cut off Iranian
With these latest sanctions, Iran has renewed their threats to close the
Strait of Hormuz, something which led the United States to make some
remarkably pointed statements about what they would do if Iran decides to
close off the strait.
Many analysts, myself included, believe the chances of Iran actually
following through with their threats to close the strait are quite slim.
This is because it is likely the case that Iran is well aware of the fact
that the West is getting “an itchy trigger finger” as it were, and thus any
remotely aggressive move would be exploited and used to justify an attack on
The United States’ Ambassador to NATO, Ivo Daalder, stated that
international navies will work together to keep the Strait of Hormuz open
amidst renewed Iranian threats to close the channel through which an
estimated 20-40% of the world’s oil passes (estimates are chronically
unreliable and the same publications will routinely publish the 20% number
and the 40% number without reconciling the massive difference).
“I have not looked at the exact military
contingency plannings that there are and how long that would take,”
Daalder said on BBC Radio 4′s “Today” program,
according to Bloomberg.
“But of this I am certain: the international waterways that go through
the Strait of Hormuz are to be sailed by international navies including
ours, the British and the French and any other navy that needs to go
through the Gulf; and second, we will make sure that happens under every
circumstance,” he added.
It is important to note here that the British
have already deployed their most advanced warship to the region and the
United States appears to be increasing their presence there with the USS
Abraham Lincoln moving into the 5th Fleet’s area of responsibility (AOR)
which includes the Persian Gulf region.
Furthermore, the United Kingdom’s defense ministry said in an e-mailed
statement that American, British, and French warships sailed as a group
through the Strait of Hormuz.
According to the statement, this was done not in an attempt to provoke the
Iranians as I suspect it was intended to do, but instead,
“to underline the unwavering commitment to
maintaining rights of passage under international law.”
“I am convinced that the Straits of Hormuz need to remain open and that
we need to maintain this as an international passageway and we will do
what needs to be done to ensure that is the case,” Daalder said to the
While this statement is somewhat cryptic, what
is clear is that a military strike is not only on the table but a viable and
quite possibly imminent option.
In my analysis of this situation, which has now stretched into a seven part
series, with more to come and many other materials outside of this
series to be read, it has become clear to me that the West wants to attack
Iran but will not do so without having some justification which would not be
politically and diplomatically unpopular.
This justification could be real, or could very well be contrived through
the use of
a false flag attack in the blueprint of
the now infamous Gulf of
Tonkin incident which brought the United States into Vietnam.
Indeed I believe that the chances of a false flag attack are growing with
the presence of the USS Enterprise in the region.
The USS Enterprise would be the perfect target for a false flag attack,
because like the World Trade Centers which were plagued by asbestos, the
Enterprise would cost a great deal to decommission.
The USS Enterprise, or CVN-65, was launched all the way back in 1960 and
originally ordered in 1957 and is scheduled to be decommissioned next year.
The Enterprise has actually been in operation since 1962 and boasts a
whopping 8 Westinghouse A2W nuclear reactors, meaning that all of this would
have to be disposed of in the costly manner in which nuclear waste is
supposed to be dealt with.
The Enterprise, or “Big E,” is an incredibly symbolic vessel due to the fact
that she is the longest naval vessel on the planet, and is the second oldest
commissioned vessel in the US Navy.
The Big E has also been in operation for the longest of any aircraft carrier
at 51 consecutive years.
Originally, she was slated to be decommissioned in 2014 or 2015, but the
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 changed this to
If a false flag attack was carried out on the USS Enterprise and then blamed
on Iran to justify an attack, it would be hitting two birds with one stone.
Firstly, it would save the military a
great deal of money dealing with the process of decommissioning the
vessel and handling the eight nuclear reactors.
Secondly, it would give the West the
justification they have sought to attack Iran while keeping the
international community on their side.
It would also make it harder for Russia and
China to come to Iran’s aid in a politically popular manner as it would just
appear that they are helping the aggressor.
The sad fact is that we know our military and intelligence establishment is
capable of such an operation as evidenced by the Gulf of Tonkin incident and
other false flag attack plans like
Operation Northwoods.
Hopefully our so-called leaders are not psychopathic enough to carry out
such an operation but given the historical precedent and the current
situation in the region, it is hardly possible to rule it out entirely.
January 26, 2012
It gives me no pleasure to report that the
situation with Iran is only getting more heated and the push for war
continues to get stronger.
An Israeli investigative journalist and highly connected analyst for the
Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, Ronen Bergman, recently
wrote a piece for the New York Times
magazine which states that indeed Israel will strike Iran in 2012.

Bergman bases his analysis and conclusions on
meetings with,
“many senior Israeli leaders and chiefs of
the military and intelligence.”
He says that the United States may choose to
intervene, something which I think is quite likely, but he does say that,
“from the Israeli perspective, there is not
much hope for that.”
I am not quite sure why they would think that
the United States would take a back seat in this conflict given the
unmatched power the Israel lobby has in Washington coupled with the growing
American presence in region of the Persian Gulf, which I have been detailing
in this series.
However, the British Guardian rightly points out that Bergman’s words are
more significant than those coming from most analysts and pundits given his
close ties to political, military and intelligence figures in Israel.
The Guardian
writes that since he spends,
“a significant amount of time with the
politicians, spies and generals who are going to make the ultimate
decision… his assessment carries more weigh[t] tha[n] your average
Israel-Iran analyst.”
Note: I had to modify the above
text (and other excerpts), as for some reason the Guardian’s article had an
egregious amount of errors which one would think might be caught by the
editor of a large news outlet but apparently not.
It’s always humorous to me when a
one-man-operation like End the Lie churns out higher quality content
than a large-scale enterprise like Guardian.co.uk which recorded
£1 million in profits in 2006 and is owned
by the Scott Trust.
Bergman says that the Israelis are already preparing for the strike,
something which I think is quite obvious and mirrored in the actions of the
United States’ military as well.
Bergman writes,
“The Israeli Air Force is where most of the
preparations are taking place. It maintains planes with the long-range
capacity required to deliver ordnance to targets in Iran, as well as
unmanned aircraft capable of carrying bombs to those targets and
remaining airborne for up to 48 hours. Israel believes that these
platforms have the capacity to cause enough damage to set the Iranian
nuclear project back by three to five years.”
Other estimates are much more conservative, but
I honestly think that the Israeli estimate isn’t too wildly off the mark,
although the author of the Guardian piece characterizes it as “very
This is mostly due to estimates from the likes of United States Secretary of
Defense Leon Panetta who estimated one to two years in a best case scenario
and Rafi Eitan, a Mossad veteran, who told Bergman it would set them
back “not even three months.”
The two factors at play here are Iran’s physical capability to continue the
nuclear program after taking a massive hit along with Iran’s drive to become
self-sufficient and a scientific leader in the region.
It seems that Iran has been able to survive and continue their efforts in
the face of tough sanctions, something which the country’s Supreme Leader
Khamenei boasted about not too long ago.
There were also
reports of roughly 1,300 students switching
their major over to the field of nuclear sciences due to the most recent
assassination and the many others that have occurred as of late.
It seems to me that the Western world’s hyperfocus on Iran has only served
to embolden their efforts, as they feel they’re being unfairly targeted and
thus should fight back by doing exactly what the West is trying to stop them
from doing.
However, I must emphasize that this does not mean that I believe Iran will
use a nuclear weapon against Israel or any other target, as I think it is
quite clear that they are not, in fact, pursuing any nuclear weapons program
at all.
Indeed Leon Panetta himself
said as
much on national television, yet the talking heads in the
establishment media and the bought-and-paid-for politicians in Washington
continue to spread disinformation about their nuclear ambitions.
I think that continued strikes and sanctions will in fact serve to embolden
the Iranians and drive them to work even harder on their nuclear program.
A direct strike on their facilities would likely have a similar effect but
the larger question is if they actually have the money and material
capability to continue at this rate after an attack.
While they have indeed announced that they have
created an underground enrichment facility
which would be much harder to take out from the air, this is only one
facility and I doubt that they have enough facilities which are sufficiently
protected from air strikes to sustain their program after an Israeli
If Israel managed to strike all above-ground facilities and take them out
completely, perhaps even damaging their underground facilities with the use
of so-called “bunker buster” bombs, I seriously doubt that they would be
able to recover in the “not even three months” cited by Eitan.
Honestly, I think Eitan’s statement very likely represents the
ever-present Israeli fearmongering about Iran which is intended to make
us believe that Iran is some bloodthirsty nation itching to pull the trigger
and nuke Israel and/or the West.
I think this assertion is laughable in its inaccuracy given that Iran is
more peaceful than both Israel and the United States and they likely are
well aware of the fact that any strike would be seen as justification for an
attack on their nation.
I seriously doubt that the Iranian leadership is clueless enough to think
that the West wouldn’t take any attack as an opportunity to utterly destroy
Ehud Barak, the Israeli defense minister, spent a great deal of time
with Bergman which allows us to get a peek into how the Israeli leadership
views Iran.
“From our point of view,” Barak said, “a
nuclear state offers an entirely different kind of protection to its
proxies. Imagine if we enter another military confrontation with
Hezbollah, which has over 50,000 rockets that threaten the whole area of
Israel, including several thousand that can reach Tel Aviv.
A nuclear Iran announces that an attack on
Hezbollah is tantamount to an attack on Iran. We would not necessarily
give up on it, but it would definitely restrict our range of
“And if a nuclear Iran covets and occupies some gulf state, who will
liberate it?” Barak asked. “The bottom line is that we must deal with
the problem now.”
This is a prime example of the Israeli approach:
propagandize, instill fear, posit hypothetical situations with no basis in
reality, then once you have your subject completely fearful and looking for
a solution, you offer the solution which is inevitably a strike on Iran.
The problem here is that all of what Barak said is completely divorced from
Since when was Iran threatening to occupy a gulf state? In reality, it is
the United States and the West in general which poses a greater threat of
occupying a gulf state.
Furthermore, if anyone is guilty of occupation, it is Israel, which has
illegally occupied Palestinian land for decades and committed egregious war
crimes in the process.
However, not all individuals are easily duped by
this type of psychological operation which is exemplified by Barak.
Take, for instance, Bruce Riedel, a former Middle East specialist for
the CIA.
In a recent piece
published in the Lebanese Daily Star,
Riedel argued that even if Iran had a nuclear bomb (which it doesn’t) it
would still not be an existential threat to Israel.
The Guardian thinks that Riedel’s view is representative of the majority
opinion of the CIA and White House, even though there are no indications
that this is the case.
Bergman goes on to examine this supposed divergence between the approaches
of the United States and Israel (something which I think is wholly
superficial) and wonders what notice, if any, Israel would give Washington
of an attack on Iran.
Israel has
previously said that they will not
necessarily warn the United States of an upcoming attack on Iran, but I do
not think that Israel would actually carry out a large-scale attack without
telling the United States.
First of all, these two nations are the closest of allies, secondly the
United States would likely be aware of an Israeli air campaign the second it
began due to the presence of carrier strike groups in the region which have
advanced radar capabilities.
However, a piece recently published
in Mondoweiss claimed that Israel would
give the United States 12 hours of warning before an attack on Iran because
Netanyahu supposedly doesn’t trust Obama.
This seems a bit off to me given that 12 hours
is enough time to mobilize the troops in the region to some extent.
On the other hand, Matthew Kroenig, who was formerly an advisor at
the Pentagon, now serving at the infamous Council on Foreign Relations
thinks that Israel’s warning will be,
“an hour or two [before the attack], just
enough to maintain good relations between the countries but not quite
enough to allow Washington to prevent the attack.”
This is borderline absurd to me, given that the
United States has no ostensible interest in preventing an attack on Iran.
Figures in the United States’ military establishment have been pushing for
an attack on Iran for years, leading many analysts to believe that an attack
was imminent even though it never materialized.
What’s more, the increasing American military presence in the region
surrounding Iran, which you can read about in painstaking detail in the
previous installments of this series (a list of which can be found at the
bottom of this article), indicates that the United States is indeed
preparing for an assault on Iran.
In writing for
The Atlantic, Jeffrey Goldberg
rightly points out that the same individuals giving intelligence to Bergman
had convinced Goldberg that an attack on Iran would come last summer.
Goldberg blames his miscalculation on the success of the
Stuxnet attack, although honestly I think
this is more of an attempt to keep whatever scrap of reputation he has left
This makes me wonder, why would Israeli military and intelligence figures be
trying to convince individuals in the media that a strike on Iran is
I believe that this very well might be in an attempt to pressure individuals
in America to preemptively strike Iran or prepare for such a strike in order
to make the Israeli job easier.
My impression is reflected in the Guardian piece in the passage which reads,
“Clearly, [Israel] has a motive in conveying
the impression that an attack might be imminent, to stir up urgency in
the West to confront Iran.”
In my analysis of the events surrounding Iran, I
have found that this is very likely the case and the constant “leaks”
regarding plans to attack Iran are meant to push the United States into
taking action first.
The military buildup in the region very well might be proof that this
approach being taken by Israel is working.
There is also the issue of
a third carrier strike group (the
Abraham Lincoln) making its way into the Persian Gulf region, a group
which would include the aging USS Enterprise.

The country's second aircraft
carrier Abraham Lincoln
and its battle group entered
the Gulf via the Strait of Hormuz last Sunday (January 22)
accompanied by UK and French
In the
previous installment of this series, I
discussed the possibility that the “Big E” could be used as a target for a
false flag attack which would give the West free license to assault Iran.
I find this to be likely because it would not only give the West the
justification they so desperately have been seeking which has been proving
difficult to achieve through pure propaganda, but it would also save the
United States a great deal of money in decommissioning the vessel.
While I went over this in some detail before, I believe it is worth
exploring more closely in an article devoted entirely to the subject,
something which I plan to do in the near future.
Part IX
January 28, 2012
Recently it has become clear that preparation
for war with Iran is well underway and no effort is being made to conceal
these efforts.
Of course, there are the token superficial statements made by Western
officials which surely only fool the most uninformed of individuals and it
is likely the case that all of my readers see past these meaningless
platitudes with ease.
Please remember to scroll to the bottom of this
piece in order to find the list of previous installments of this series
which I highly recommend you read in order to familiarize yourself with this
astoundingly complex situation.
While the news of
the Pentagon’s rush-ordered “mothership”
to be used as a forward launching point for commando squads (likely
in the Persian Gulf region) is quite important news indeed, today brought
some even more starting developments.
Today it was reported that the Pentagon now believes their 30,000 pound
“bunker buster” bomb, which is actually called the Massive Ordinance
Penetrator (MOP) is in fact insufficient.
Even though a shocking $330 million has already been spent by the
Department of Defense (DOD) on just 20 MOPs, the
DOD now says we need to sink another $82
million into the bombs in order to make them effective against Iranian
underground nuclear facilities.
Currently MOPs can penetrate up to 200 feet underground, but the Fordow
facility in Iran is estimated to be at least 200 feet underground with
unknown levels of reinforcement.

A satellite image of the
Fordow nuclear facility near Qom, Iran
(Photo credit: GeoEye)
Officials claim that this is part of “stepped-up
contingency planning for a possible strike against Iran’s nuclear program,”
while others seem to be trying to convince the people of the world that this
isn’t targeting Iran.
Take, for instance, George Little, the Pentagon press secretary, who said,
“The development of this weapon is not
intended to send a signal to any one particular country. It’s a
capability we believe we need in our arsenal and will continue to invest
in it.”
While one might be able to accept this if one
observes this latest expenditure as an isolated case, but in reality it is
part of a much larger scale effort.
When one views this in conjunction with the
troop buildup in Kuwait, the “mothership,”
the deployment of additional
carrier strike groups to the region surrounding Iran, the
military buildup in neighboring nations and so much more that I have been
covering in detail throughout this series, it becomes clear that this indeed
is intended to send a signal to one particular country.
Of course, that country is Iran, and this is likely painfully obvious to
anyone who has been keeping up with this series.
Even with the tens of millions in additional spending to upgrade the current
MOP technology, the American ability to take out an underground Iranian
nuclear facility is not promising to some.
One unnamed official cited by the Wall Street Journal said that some of the
warmongers in the Pentagon actually think that the only viable option for
the military will be a tactical nuclear weapon.
They claim that anything else will not destroy the facility and conventional
bombs will not be sufficient in the West’s quest to cripple Iran’s
facilities, especially the one at Fordow near the Shiite Muslim holy city,
“Once things go into the mountain, then
really you have to have something that takes the mountain off,” the
anonymous official stated.
The same individual guessed that the MOP might
be more effective against the main Iranian enrichment plant at Natanz,
“But even that is guesswork,” he said.
I find it painfully ironic that the West would
even consider using a nuclear weapon against a country for nothing other
than pursuing the same peaceful nuclear technology that every other
developed nation does.
Since Iran is not, in fact, developing a nuclear weapon - a
confirmed by United States Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta
himself - it seems ludicrous for a nuclear weapon to be used to stop their
civilian nuclear program.
Even if they were actually developing a nuclear weapon, the irony would
remain and yet somehow talking heads in the Western media are able to
reconcile this nonsense.
It remains to be seen what the actual justification will be for a strike on
Iran, as there is no concrete evidence which can support the claims of the
alleged Iranian nuclear weapons program.
Those who are pushing for war desperately need some kind of justification
and it seems like a false flag
attack on the USS Enterprise or the soon-to-be-retrofitted USS
Ponce (below image) is a real possibility which must be considered in
our examination of this issue.

The United States amphibious
assault ship USS Ponce
sails through the Suez Canal
in March 2011.
If retrofitted as “the
mothership,” the vessel could accommodate
smaller high-speed boats and
helicopters commonly used by Navy SEALs
The oil sanctions on Iran are also a matter
which must be discussed, as there seems to be a rift in the international
community over this issue.
Turkey seems to be dismissing pressure from the United States and Europe
regarding sanctions on Iranian crude oil while South Korea and Japan remain
hesitant to jump on the bandwagon.
This is quite interesting because
Turkey is one of the West’s prominent partners
in the global growth of NATO, especially when it comes to the Anti-Ballistic
Missile (ABM) system which is currently a major concern for Russia.
Interestingly, the Voice of Russia
“China, India and Turkey have warned that
they won’t support a ban on Iranian oil imports and will try and prevent
the US from blocking Iranian oil supplies. Japan and South Korea are
planning to follow suit.”
The fact that India is opposing the move, along
with Turkey, I find to be highly unusual.
Keep in mind that India, like Turkey, is a huge
player in the Western move towards the Asia-Pacific region and the greater
Middle East.
In the quest for NATO domination around the globe India is an invaluable
partner for the West due to the sheer landmass of the country along with the
relatively powerful military.
India is at the heart of the multilateral relations that are so critical
the Western effort to extend hegemony over the
Asia-Pacific region and thus I think it is likely the case that
the United States will not be quick to criticize India.
If they do, it will probably be nothing more than a tongue-lashing with no
real bite to it because the West is already sitting by silently knowing
about the Indian nuclear program and the trade of natural uranium between
Australia and India.
There is also the matter of the planned pipeline to be built between Iran
and Pakistan to transport gasoline, which Pakistan announced they would be
going forward with despite the current international climate which is marked
by uncertainty and tumultuousness.
In the face of threats of international sanctions, the Pakistan Foreign
Ministry announced recently that they would still be taking part in the
project, adding that sanctions should be limited to the Iranian nuclear
program and Pakistan should not be negatively affected just for
participation in a gas project.
If the West stays silent while a nation like India opposes the sanctions
imposed on Iranian oil exports, it will be that much clearer that they do
not actually care about sanctions but instead are just trying to push Iran
into taking offensive action.
This is reinforced by the fact that the West has only continued to press on
in the face of Iranian threats to close the Strait of Hormuz if additional
sanctions were put in place, a threat which they have clearly not followed
through with after the passage of new sanctions by the European Union.
The United States, along with Britain and France (a now classic Western
neo-imperialist alliance as seen in Libya), are also goading Iran with the
presence of warships in the region and by
sailing vessels through the Strait of Hormuz
right after Iran demanded that such movements cease.
It seems quite obvious to me that the West is not interested in a peaceful
resolution to this conflict, as if they were they wouldn’t be actively
sabotaging the six party talks
Iran has professed a willingness to engage
in after an all-too-long hiatus.
Iran has even said that they do not have a problem with using Turkey as a
venue after Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman Selchuk Unal told reporters
earlier this month that they are prepared to hold talks there.
However, the continued Western aggression and clear lack of interest in a
diplomatic solution are making these negotiations near impossible as analyst
Stanislav Tarasov points out to the Voice of Russia,
“The problem is that the moment Turkey
completed its mediatory mission to obtain Iran’s consent to a meeting
with six-party representatives in Istanbul, the West started
’torpedoing’ the talks.”
Iran is also moving closer to passing a bill
which would ban any Iranian oil sales to the European Union in response to
the EU’s sanctions, according to
the Associated Press.
The EU’s current sanctions allow existing contracts to run until July 1 but
if this bill passes the Iranian parliament it would immediately cease all
exports of oil to the EU.
“As long as the EU doesn’t lift the oil
embargo, we won’t give them a drop of oil,” Iranian state television
quoted Nasser Soudani, deputy chairman of the energy committee, as
Iranian legislators have argued that since the
EU makes up roughly 18% of Iran’s total oil sales, the EU would actually be
hurt by getting cut off from Iranian oil much more than Iran itself would.
The director of the National Iranian Oil Company, Ahmad Qalebani, said that
the top leadership in Iran has to approve the immediate cut off of oil
exports before anything is done, while adding,