by James Fetzer and Joshua Blakeney
January 14, 2012
Jim Fetzer, a former Marine
Corps officer, is McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of
Minnesota Duluth and the founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth.
Joshua Blakeney is a graduate student at the University of
Lethbridge, member of Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Staff Writer at
Veterans Today. |

The ship with an orange hue
is the USS Vincennes afloat in Puget Sound.
It will reportedly be used in
a "False Flag" attack against Iran.
Several warnings of an imminent “false flag”
attack by
the Israeli-influenced US on one of its own
warships, which will be attributed to Iran,
have been reported by several reliable sources.
In recent years “false-flag” terrorism has been
utilized multiple times by US and Israeli political actors to provide
pretexts for otherwise unjustifiable, anti-Islamic military excursions.
The plan is to justify an all-out assault on
Iran based upon a new fabricated “Pearl Harbor”.
Israel is the primary motivator behind the attempts to destabilize Iran. US
traditional foreign policy was one of attempting to foster stability in the
Middle East for oil markets.
The Zionist impulse, conversely, is to
destabilize all potential regional hegemons and carve the Middle East up
into ethno-religious statelets. Thus, since the fraudulent events of 9/11,
we've seen a policy of Middle East disintegration being pursued by
Israeli-influenced American politicians.
Indeed, recently released CIA memos reveal that Mossad agents have been
posing as CIA agents and conscripting
anti-Iranian terrorists.
Former Israeli intelligence officer, Avi Perry, startlingly wrote in
a January 9th Jerusalem Post article of a forthcoming,
“'Pearl Harbor' scenario, in which Iran
[will] launch…a 'surprise' attack on the US navy,” giving the US “the
perfect rationalization to finish them [Iran] off.”
Tellingly, Perry chose to put the word
“surprise” in quotation marks. Is Perry telling us something?
Perry asserts:
“[an] Iranian attack on an American military
vessel will serve as a justification and a pretext for a retaliatory
move by the US military against the Iranian regime.”
However, Perry identifies “a US aircraft
carrier” as the likely target of this imagined Iranian attack.
We beg to differ. There are major indications that the vessel of choice is
to be the USS Vincennes. The fourth USS Vincennes (CG-49) is a US Navy
Ticonderoga class Aegis guided missile cruiser.
On July 3, 1988, the ship shot down Iran Air
Flight 655 over the Persian Gulf, killing all 290 civilian passengers on
board, including 38 non-Iranians and 66 children.
This would be an ideal vessel for the staged provocation as it could be
easily sold to the world as having been Iranian retribution for the 1988
downing of Flight 655. That way the evident lack of motive for Iran to
provoke the US and Israeli military will be replaced by a perceived
No one will stop to ask themselves why Iran
would thereby engage itself in a major war.
If we were to believe the
Wikipedia version of history the Vincennes
has already been scrapped.
The Wikipedia article for the Vincennes states,
“The Vincennes was completely scrapped by 23
November 2011.”
If that were true it could not be used as the
target of this “false-flag” attack. Yet we have photographic and testimonial
evidence suggesting otherwise.
A reliable source interviewed by one of us has brought us up to speed on the
latest developments:
“We now know what that INACTIVE Ticonderoga
class AEGIS missile cruiser got towed out of here under cover of
darkness for. It'll likely be the sacrificial lamb that starts the war
with Iran....
“Why else would they move it when all the rest sit at a buoy here for
months before they finally leave to be sunk?
“I told this to a former 9/11 Truth person back when that ship got moved
that it was likely to be used for a FALSE FLAG attack. Well, we'll soon
see if I was right about this one.”
Since the ship left Puget Sound in the dead of
night about two months ago, it’s most probable location today is at the 5th
Fleet Headquarters in Bahrain for safe keeping until the time comes for its
The ship would have been refurbished and
repainted and provided with remote control capabilities.
“That is the only location in the region
outside of Haifa Harbor where she could probably be at least partially
concealed by cocooning the superstructure to make it less obvious who
she is.
Meanwhile, the US Navy is compiling a list of casualties based upon
deceased sailors, very much as was the case on 9/11,” we were advised.
Former Israeli false-flag attacks, such as on
the USS Liberty in 1967, and the Argentine attacks in 1992 and in 1994,
demonstrate Israel's willingness to attack US targets, on the one hand, and
its own people, on the other.
It's highly probable that, having shipped the Vincennes into an acceptable
location, that the Mossad, which has also been implicated in the events of
9/11, would do the rest of the dirty work. Or the United States, which has
become Israel's lackey, might blow up one of its own ships, which would be a
literal and a figurative sign of how low the US has sunk.
As a Marine Corps officer, I, Jim Fetzer, swore an oath to preserve, protect
and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign
and domestic.
Neither I nor any other officer I know ever
swore allegiance to the State of Israel.
Our leaders are not only betraying our own
Constitution but have turned our nation into a servant of an unworthy,
brutal and tyrannical master, who couldn't care less about the best
interests of American citizens - and our own leaders not only permit this to
happen but actually promote it.
In light of recent “deep political events” in Iran, including the recent
murder of Iranian nuclear physicist Professor Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan,
it would not be surprising if the US and Israel were to raise the ante by
implementing a fraudulent trigger incident, which may very well ignite World
War III:
Because of the pervasiveness of US-Israeli deceptions, an increasing number
of public intellectuals are awakening to the prospect of these fraudulent
events before they happen, as appears to be the case with this initiative.
We can’t be certain about all of this, because we are on the outside,
looking in. Perhaps the USS Vincennes actually has been
But on this point the world can rest assured:
they haven’t scrapped the plan!