by David Hatcher Childress
extracted from 'The History of the
Knights Templar'
New Dawn No. 40 & 41
(January-February & March-April 1997)
NewDawnMagazine Website
The Knights Templar have been associated with all sorts of
incredible activities including:
having the Ark of the Covenant, the
Holy Grail, a secret fleet that sailed the oceans, and an
awe-inspiring self-confidence and courage that made their enemies
shudder in fear.
Despite their fearsome, battle-hardened reputation, the Knights
Templar were learned men, dedicated to protecting travellers and
pilgrims of all religions, not just Christians.
They were great
statesmen, politically adept, economic traders, and they were
apparently allied with the great sailor-fraternity that had created
a worldwide trading empire in Phoenician times.
Despite a great deal of negative propaganda against the Templars at
the time of their suppression, they are still known today as the
preservers of knowledge and sacred objects. While the origins of the
Knights Templar are said to go back to the building of King
Solomon’s Temple by Phoenician masons from Tyre, or even the Great
Pyramid and Atlantis, we trace their modern history from the
Crusades period of the Middle Ages.
The Knights Templar began when a group of nine "French" knights came
to Jerusalem in the year 1118 A.D. These knights petitioned the king
of Jerusalem to allow them to live in the ancient Temple of Solomon,
then partly a mosque and partly in ruins.
In his book The Mysteries of Chartres Cathedral
8 the French
architect Louis Charpentier claims that the Knights Templar built
Chartres as a repository for ancient wisdom.
This repository is
equal to Stonehenge, the Temple of Solomon or the Great Pyramid of
Egypt. He further claims that special knowledge about the Temple in
Jerusalem was gained by the founding group of nine knights who lived
at Solomon’s Temple starting in 1118 A.D.
In that year it is historically recorded
that nine "French" knights presented themselves to a Christian
Baldwin II of Jerusalem, and explained that they planned to form
themselves into a company with a plan for protecting pilgrims from
robbers and murderers along the public highways leading to the holy
city. King Baldwin II had been a prisoner of the Saracens and knew
of their infighting. Factions such as the Assassins were active in
Moslem politics.
They also asked to be housed within a wing of the palace, a wing
which happened to be adjacent to the Dome of the Rock mosque which
was built on the site of Solomon’s Temple.
The king granted their request and the Order of the Knights of
Solomon’s Temple or Knights Templar was born. Ten years later the
nine knights presented themselves to the Pope, who gave his official
approval to the Knights Templar. Although only nine mysterious
knights existed, a tenth joined them, who was the Count of
Champagne, an important French noble.
In fact, none of the "poor" knights was apparently poor, nor were
they all French. Several came from important French and Flemish
families. Of the ten original knights, four have not been
identified, although their names are known. Furthermore, it seems
unlikely that the Knights of the Temple of Solomon were formed to
protect the pilgrims to Jerusalem because such an order of knights
already existed. They were the Knights Hospitallers or Knights of
St. John, later to become the Knights of Malta.
It is important not to confuse the Knights Templar with the Knights
of Malta, as many readers, and some historians, do. The Knights
Templar are quite different from the other crusaders and were
sometimes said to fight in combat against each other, even in the
"Holy Land."
The Knights Hospitallers, which still exist today as
the Knights of
Malta, were forced to leave Malta by Napoleon, who stopped at the
island on his way to Egypt. Today the Knights of Malta reside in
Italy, still have their own "sovereign country" and are said to be a
secret society for
the Vatican.
Charles Addison, a London Lawyer, who wrote in his 1842 book
The History of the Knights Templar
mentions in the first few pages how it was commonly believed the
Templars were at odds with the Vatican and their military arm, the
Knights Hospitallers. Addison denies the rumors, but admits such
rumors existed.
Charpentier likens the original band of Knights Templar to commandos
who raided the ancient Temple of Solomon in order to uncover its
engineering secrets and possible lost treasure such as the Ark of
the Covenant, possibly hidden deep in a strange cavern system
beneath the temple.
With the help of the brilliant French Abbot Bernard de Clairvaux,
the nine knights, directed by the Count of Champagne, created the
Knights Templar. With the money that they accumulated, a cathedral
at Chartres was built. Later, other cathedrals were built around
Europe and the legends of the "Master Stonemasons" became common.
Incorporated into Chartres Cathedral are beautiful stained-glass
windows, many of the colors difficult or impossible to duplicate
today. Hidden within the cathedral are various ancient "cubits" of
measure, plus such esoteric devices as the famous Chartres Maze and
other visual tools such as sacred geometry, for personal
transformation - a sort of personal alchemy of the soul. Included in
the image was the quest for the Holy Grail.
When a nobleman would join their ranks, he would surrender his
castle and property to the Knights who would use revenues generated
from the property to purchase weapons, war-horses, armor and other
military supplies. The ranks of the Knights Templar grew rapidly.
Other noblemen and kings who were not members often gave them gifts
of money and land. King Steven of England contributed his valuable
English manor of Cressing in Essex. He also made arrangements for
high-ranking members of the Knights to visit nobles of England and
Pope Eugenius decreed that the Knights Templar and only the Knights
Templar would wear a special red cross with blunt wedge-shaped arms
called the cross patee on the left breasts of their white robes, so
that they could be quickly recognized at any time by Christians and
by other Templars on the field of battle. The white robes with red
crosses became their required dress.
The warrior-knights fought
bravely in the Middle East, and were highly respected by their
Moslem counterparts for their strategy and bravery.
In 1129 the Templar Grand Master, Hugh de Payens, led a company of
300 knights, recruited from the noblest houses of Europe, to
accompany a huge train of pilgrims to Jerusalem. During this time
the Templars formed part of a contingent which, allied with the
Assassins of Persia, tried to take the important city of Damascus.
According to Arkon Daraul in his book A History of Secret Societies 7,
the followers of Hasan Ibn Sabah, leader of
the Assassins, were
definitely in contact with the Templars and apparently the Assassins
were prepared to become "Christians" should their goals be met,
which they were not. At one point, a payment of 3000 gold pieces
from the Syrian branch of the Assassins was made to the Templar
order, apparently as some form of tribute. The exact association
between the Templars and the Assassins has remained a mystery.
The Templars, it must be said on this regard, were not noted for
political assassinations, as were the Assassins. Rather, the Templars fell victim to political intrigue and were either publicly
executed or assassinated as was Henry Sinclair, Grand Master of the Templars, in 1401, when the Templar Fleet returned from North
Many Templars were of Palestinian birth, spoke perfect Arabic, and
were familiar with every religious sect, cult, and magical doctrine,
including the Assassins. For instance, the Grand Master Philip of Nablus (1167 A.D.) was a Syrian.7
The Assassins, it might be mentioned, eventually became what is
known today as the Ismaili sect of Islam.
Their head is the
Khan, and their followers reside largely in Pakistan and India,
today. The Aga Khan, a hereditary leadership descended from
Mohammed, maintains residences in both London and Bombay. The father
of today’s Aga Khan was married to Hollywood actress Rita Hayworth.
By 1133, King Alfonso of Aragon and Navarre (northern Spain) had
fought the invading Moors in 29 battles, and willed his kingdom to
the Templars. However, the Templars were prevented from claiming the
kingdom because of the Moorish victory over Spain.
Meanwhile, there was a parallel religious order, the Knights of St.
John, founded at Amalfi, Italy, in the 11th century. They went to
Jerusalem to protect and minister to the Christian pilgrims but soon
extended their mission to tending to the sick and poor all over the
Holy Land.
As the years went by the Knights of St. John (Knights Hospitallers)
became increasingly militant and, generally speaking, fought
along-side the more mystical Knights Templar and the Germanic order
of the Teutonic Knights of St. Mary.
With the fall of Jerusalem in 1309, the Knights of St. John
retreated first to Cyprus and then to Rhodes. As the main base for
the crusaders in their struggle against the Ottoman Empire, Rhodes
was a fortress, a prison, and a supply base for the ships and armies
on their way to Palestine and Asia Minor.
When the Ottoman Sultan Mehmet Fatih failed to clarify the
succession question of the newly powerful Ottoman Empire, in 1481, a
battle between his two sons at Bursa resulted and Cem was defeated
by his brother Beyazit. Cem fled to Egypt but was denied asylum by
the Marmelukes who controlled that country for the Ottomans.
Cem took the irreversible step of fleeing to Rhodes where he
appealed to the archenemies of the Ottomans, the Knights
Hospitallers, or Knights of St. John. With his brother now in the
hands of the crusader army, Beyazit knew he was in trouble and the
Ottoman Empire had to respond quickly.
Beyazit shrewdly contacted the Knights of St. John and negotiated a
contract to pay 45,000 ducats of gold annually - a huge sum at the
time - in return for the imprisonment of his brother on Rhodes and
later in the English Tower at the castle in Bodrum, on the Turkish
The Knights eventually handed their valuable prisoner over to the
Vatican, where Cem was made an interesting offer: to lead a crusader
army to recapture Istanbul (Constantinople).
To stop this final threat from his wayward brother Beyazit spared no
expense paying to the Vatican 120,000 gold ducats and a number of
sacred relics from Jerusalem including the famous Spear of Destiny.
This was also known as the Lance of Longinus and was reportedly the
Spearhead of the Roman centurion Longinus that was used to pierce
the side of
Jesus while on the cross. Another artifact offered was
the sponge of the last refreshment. This was the vinegar-like sponge
used to wet Jesus’ lips while on the cross.
According to the legend of the lance,
"Whosoever possesses this Holy Lance
and understands the powers it serves, holds in his hand the
destiny of the world for good or evil."
Adolf Hitler believed in this power and
removed the lance from the Vienna museum when the Nazis took over
With this hefty payment, the Pope abandoned Cem and the plans for
him to lead an army against Istanbul. Cem died alone at the
Terracina prison in 1495. Rumor had it that he was eventually
poisoned. Today Cem is but a footnote in history, a victim of the
diplomatic maneuvers that brought the Spear of Destiny to the West.
The Knights stayed on Rhodes for 213 years, transforming the city
into a mighty fortress with 12-meter thick walls. They withstood two
Muslim offenses in 1444 and 1480, but in 1522 the Sultan Suleiman
the Magnificent staged a massive attack with 200,000 troops.
A mere 600 Knights with 1,000 mercenaries and 6,000 Rhodians
eventually surrendered after a long siege. In 1529 Charles V,
grandson of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain, offered Malta to the
Knights of St. John as their permanent base and they began to build
fortifications around the Grand Harbor. In 1565 the Ottoman fleet
arrived at Malta and immediately attacked the fortifications.
With 181 ships carrying a complement of over 30,000 men, the fleet
bombarded the fortress with over 7,000 rounds of ammunition every
day for over a month and finally took St. Elmo. But the Turkish
marines had suffered many casualties and could not take the other
heavily defended forts that were around the bay and inside the
island. News of reinforcements coming from Sicily caused the Turks
to retreat from the island and the Great Siege was over.
The Knights of St. John changed their name to the
Knights of Malta
and were said to be
fanatically loyal to the Vatican, and the Pope
apparently used them as his personal crusaders and soldiers.
Orders such as the Knights Templar and the Teutonic Knights were far
more independent, and if anything, were trying their best to subvert
the church that was centered on Rome. In fact it was sometimes said
that the Knights Templar and the Knights of St. John (later to be
known as the Knights of Malta) sometimes fought in combat against
each other. The Knights Templar were sworn to fight the Vatican
while the Knights of Malta became the Pope’s private army.
The Knights then turned to the Russian Tsar Paul I who offered to
found an Orthodox League of the Knights of St. James. This deal with
the Russian Tsar particularly enraged Napoleon.
Napoleon sailed to Malta and made anchor just outside the Grand
Harbor in June of 1798. When he was refused entry by the Knights of
St. John, he began to bombard the fortress. After two days of
shelling the French landed and gave the knights four days to leave,
thus ending their 268-year presence on the island.
The Pope restored the office of the Grand Master in 1879 and the
Knights of St. John still exist today. They are known as the Knights
of Malta, though they no longer reside in Malta at all, but have
offices in various cities in Europe. Even though they have no actual
territory, they are still recognized as a separate state by 40 or
more countries around the world, similar to the recognition of the
Critics of the Knights of St. John/Malta claim that they are a
right-wing Catholic organization that worked in Eastern Europe to
suppress non-Catholic ethnic groups.
The Wehrmacht General Reinhard
Gehlen received the highest honor given by the Knights of Malta
shortly after World War II for "services rendered."
Gehlen has been
credited with helping many former Nazi and SS officers into new
positions with the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S.)
and later the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
The Sea Empire
of the Knights Templar
During the 180 years of Crusades, the Templar wealth grew into a
huge fortune.
They owned over nine thousand manors and castles
across Europe, all of which were tax-free. Each property was farmed
and produced revenues that were used to support the largest banking
system in Europe. The Templar wealth and power caused suspicion and
jealousy among some members of the European nobility. Slanderous
rumors were spread of secret rituals and devil worship.
King Philip IV of France was responsible for many of these rumors.
Philip IV had taken refuge from an angry mob in Paris at the Templar
headquarters there. The Templars had moved their main headquarters
from Jerusalem to Paris after the Crusaders’ defeat in the Eastern
Mediterranean. The Ottoman Navy had taken over most of the
Mediterranean and were busy besieging the Knights Hospitallers on
The Templars gave Philip IV refuge from the mob, but it is said that
the King saw the magnificence of the Templar treasure and wanted it
for himself. His nation was bankrupt, he was a weak king who was
unpopular with the people, and he knew that the Templars were more
powerful and wealthy then he was.
King Philip IV went to Rome in 1305 and convinced Pope Clement V
that the Knights Templar were not the holy defenders of the faith
but were seeking to destroy it.
The Pope ordered King Philip to
arrest all the Knights in France and begin an inquisition. When the
Kings men went to the Templar castles they found many of them
abandoned and the large naval force that had been anchored at the
Templar base in La Rochelle was gone. Those that were arrested were
tried and found guilty of sins against God.
Jaques de Molay, the
last grand master of the Knights Templar, was burned at the stake in
Paris in 1314.
A contemporary English poem asked the question that many ask today,
where did all the Templars and their great wealth go? The brethren,
the Masters of the Temple, Who were well-stocked and ample, With
gold and silver and riches, Where are they? How have they done? They
had such power once that none dared take from them, none was so
bold; Forever they bought and never sold...
This question has plagued historians and treasure hunters for
centuries. For hundreds of years there have been rumors that the
Knights Templar were not only the defenders of the faith, but were
also the guardians of the Holy Grail. The Holy Grail is said to be
the most holy of religious artifacts.
Different versions of the legend exist, with the two most prominent
stating that the Holy Grail is the cup or chalice used by Christ at
the Last Supper or a piece of the cross that he was crucified on.
The chalice version of the Holy Grail has Saint Joseph of Arimathea
bringing to England the cup used at the Last Supper which had been
used to collect the blood that flowed from Christ’s wounds.
A Welsh version of the Grail story says Saint Joseph of Arimathea
brought the Grail to England with the word of Christ, and left the
holy relic at Glastonbury; there it reached King Arthur and the
knights of the Round Table. The Grail is said to have taken many
forms and King Arthur saw it in its fifth and final form while
receiving Communion with hermits, a bleeding lance, which was also
known as the Lance of Longinus, which was discovered by the
Crusaders at Antioch.
This last version would put the Templars and
the lance in the Middle East at the same time. Before leaving the
legend of the Holy Grail stop and think of the religious
significance such a relic would have.
The mysterious Knights Templar had an extensive sea network and may
have inherited some of the maps and other secrets of the
Phoenicians. When the Templars were outlawed and arrested in 1307 by King Philip IV of France, the huge Templar fleet at La Rochelle,
France, vanished and many Knights Templar sought refuge in lands
outside of France. Portugal was one of the few places where they
could find some asylum, and it is likely that the Templar fleet made
a stop at Almourol castle before continuing to its final
It should be noted that many Portuguese explorers and royalty were
Knights Templar and later Masons. Many believe that the Portuguese
Knights Templar were instrumental in Portugal acquiring its
transatlantic colony, Brazil.
While Portugal was an important haven for the Knights Templar, their
main base of operations, until they were outlawed was southern
France and Cataluna, the area of
the Cathars and
the Merovingian
kings. Barcelona, the capitol of Cataluna, was originally a
Phoenician port and this area along the border of Spain and France
has long thought of itself as Cataluna, a state, people and culture
separate from the rest of Spain. The populace speaks their own
language, Catalunian, a language that may have originated with
ancient Phoenician.
Outside of Barcelona is Montserrat monastery, site of religious
pilgrimage for a long time, probably going back even before the
Christian era. It is a mountain rising 4,054 feet above the coastal
plain which eventually became the site of a celebrated Benedictine
monastery. It was at Montserrat that Saint Ignatius of Loyola vowed
to dedicate himself to a religious life.
The monastery can be found about halfway up the steep, barren
mountain. Only ruins can be found of the 11th-century Benedictine
monastery and the new monastery on the site was built in the 19th
According to the Columbia Viking Desk Encyclopedia (1968 version),
Montserrat was thought in the Middle Ages to have been the site of
the castle which contained the Holy Grail.
Says the encyclopedia,
"The Renaissance church contains a
black wooden image of the Virgin, carved, according to
tradition, by St. Luke. In the Middle Ages the mountain, also
called Monsalvat, was thought to have been the site of the
castle of the Holy Grail."
Curiously, Barcelona is the city where
Columbus landed upon his return to Europe from the New World.
did Columbus come all the way to Barcelona when he had left from
Cadiz, a port that he had to pass on his way to Barcelona? Perhaps
Barcelona was a safer port to land at than Cadiz? It is quite
possible that Columbus was a Knights Templar. He always signed his
name with a curious triangle and coded letters, something which
Knights Templar were known to do.
All Jews had been banished from Spain on
the very day that Columbus had sailed for the New World. Some
historians have claimed that Columbus was actually a Spanish Jew and
not an Italian from Genoa as later historians were to claim. If
Columbus was a Jew, perhaps Barcelona and the Cataluna area was a
safe haven for him and his crew.
Also, Barcelona would have been a
highly likely city for the secret Grand Master of the Knights
Templar to reside in.
Those who do not remember the past
are condemned to repeat it.
- George Santayana
One of the most interesting and
mysterious of Scottish characters was Prince Henry Sinclair, the
last king of the Orkney Islands.
Henry Sinclair, like many other
nobles of the Middle Ages, held many titles and he was many things.
He was king of the Orkney Islands, although they were officially an
earldom granted to Prince Henry by the King of Norway. At the same
time Prince Henry held other territories as a vassal of the Scottish
king. Prince Henry Sinclair was also a Grand Master of the Knights
Templar, a veteran of the crusades and, according to some sources,
the possessor of the Holy Grail.
In the year 1391 A.D. Prince Henry Sinclair met with the famous
explorers and mapmakers Nicolos and Antonio Zeno at Fer Island,
which is located between the Orkneys and the Shetlands. The Zeno
brothers were well known for their maps of Iceland and the Arctic.
Prince Henry would contract them to send an exploratory fleet to the
New World.
With the aid of funding from the Knights Templar, who had now been
banished by the Pope, Prince Henry gathered a fleet of twelve ships
for a voyage to establish a safe haven for the order of Knights and
their treasure. The party was led by Prince Henry under the guidance
of Antonio Zeno, the mapmaker from Venice.
The fleet left the Orkneys in 1398 and landed in Nova Scotia,
wintered there and later explored the eastern seaboard of the United
States. It is said that the effigy of one of Henry’s close
companions, Sir James Gunn, who died on the expedition is to be
found carved upon a rock-face at Westford, Massachusetts.
The party is said to have built a castle and left a portion of their
navy in Nova Scotia. As we shall see, the famous Oak Island just off
the mainland of Nova Scotia is to become part of the mystery
surrounding Prince Henry Sinclair.
Prince Henry and his fleet returned to the Orkneys but shortly
afterward Prince Henry was assassinated in Scotland. The year was
1400 and it was another 92 years before Cristobal Colon, known to us
as Columbus, was to use his knowledge of Iceland and the Zeno
brothers’ maps to make his famous voyage across the Atlantic.
In his book Holy Grail Across the Atlantic 9,
Michael Bradley attempts to show that the ancient treasure from the
Temple of Solomon was kept at Montsegur in the French Pyrenees, the
Cathar region of France. This mountain fortress was besieged by the
forces of Simon de Montfort and the Inquisition on March 16, 1244,
but it is believed that the secret treasure escaped.
The treasure probably included both ancient treasure from the Middle
East but also gold, silver and jewellery of more modern manufacture.
The Knights Templar were well funded in secret by various royalty;
after all, the Merovingian kings were of the Holy Blood of Jesus -
or so it was claimed.
Bradley asserts that Prince Henry took over as many as 300 colonists
to the New World and a literal "Grail Castle" was built in Nova
Scotia - the New Scotland.
So strong is the evidence for Prince Henry Sinclair’s voyage across
the Atlantic with the Knights Templar that his distant relative
Andrew Sinclair wrote a book entitled The Sword and the Grail
12 in which he claimed much the same as Bradley in
Holy Grail Across the Atlantic.
The Templars may have also come into the possession of some highly
accurate maps made by the Moors and Turks, and in so doing,
inherited the secret sea knowledge once guarded so carefully by the
Carthaginians and their allies.
Bradley and Sinclair claim that a special Grail Castle was built in
an area of central Nova Scotia called "The Cross." This spot could
be reached via river from either side of the Nova Scotia peninsula
and at the mouths of both rivers was an island called "Oak Island."
Curiously, one of these Oak Islands has the famous "Money Pit" which
is a man-made shaft hundreds of feet deep with side tunnels.
It is believed that there is a treasure in this pit and millions of
dollars have been spent in attempts to reach the submerged bottom of
the pit.12
It has been traditionally believed that the Oak Island Money Pit was
built by pirates to hide a treasure, but Bradley and Sinclair claim
that it was built by Sinclair and the Knights Templar. Furthermore,
they claim, Canada was settled as a direct result of the Holy Grail
being taken there.
Sinclair and the Templars were attempting to
create the prophesied "New Jerusalem" in the New World.
The Final
Stand of the Knights Templar
The lost Templar fleet is discussed in Michael Baigent and Richard
Leigh’s book The Temple and the Lodge.3
They point out that the Templars had a huge fleet at their disposal, a fleet that was
stationed out of ports in Mediterranean France and Italy as well as
ports in northern France, Flanders and Portugal.
"On the whole, the Templar fleet was
geared towards operation in the Mediterranean - keeping the Holy
Land supplied with men and equipment, and importing commodities
from the Middle East into Europe. At the same time, the fleet
did operate in the Atlantic. Extensive trade was conducted with
the British Isles and, very probably, with the Baltic Hanseatic
League. Thus communities subordinate to the Templars (called
preceptories in Europe), in England and Ireland, were generally
located on the coast or on navigable rivers.
The primary Atlantic port for the
Templars was La Rochelle, which had good communication with
Mediterranean ports. Cloth, for example, could be brought from
Britain on Templar ships to La Rochelle, transported overland to
a Mediterranean port such as Collioure, then loaded aboard
Templar ships again and carried to the Holy Land. By this means,
it was possible to avoid the always risky passage through the
Straits of Gibraltar, usually controlled by the Saracens."
When the Order was persecuted by Philip
IV of France starting in 1307 and culminating in the burning at the
stake of Jacques de Molay in 1314, the Knights Templar became an
outlawed organization.
Philip IV of France persecuted them because
of their financial and political power, but to many historians the
persecution was part of a continued campaign against early Christian
heretics like the Cathars. Indeed, there is a great deal of evidence
to show that the Knights Templar and the Cathars were strongly
The Knights Templar were apparently part of a secret movement to
restore the Merovingian kings, who had the Holy Blood of Jesus in
their veins. The question is, what happened to the Templar fleet
after they were outlawed? Traditional history has no answer to this
Baigent and Leigh in The Temple and the Lodge
3 claim that the Templar fleet escaped en masse
from the various ports in the Mediterranean and northern Europe and
left for a mysterious destination where they could find political
asylum and safety. This destination was Scotland.
The Mediterranean fleet had to sail through the dangerous Straits of
Gibraltar and then probably stopped at various Portuguese ports that
were sympathetic to the Templars such as Almourol castle, near the
town of Abrantes. The fortress of Almourol was constructed by
Gualdim Pais, Master of the Order of the Templars in 1171.
Baigent and Leigh go on to say that the Templar fleet sailed up the
west coast of Ireland to the safe ports in Donegal and Ulster, where
Templar properties were located and arms smuggling to Argyll was
The Templar fleet then landed in Argyll by sailing to the south of
the islands of Islay and Jura into the Sound of Jura where the
Templars unloaded men and cargo at the Scottish Templar strongholds
of Kilmory, Castle Sweet and Kilmartin.
Robert the Bruce controlled portions of Scotland, but not all of it.
Significant portions of the northern and southern Highlands were
controlled by clans that were allied with England. Robert the Bruce
had been excommunicated by the Pope in 1306, one year before the
persecution of the Templars began. Essentially, the papal decree
that outlawed the Knights Templar was not applicable in Scotland, or
at least the parts that Robert the Bruce controlled.
The turning of the tide for Robert the Bruce, Scotland and the
Knights Templar was the famous Battle of Bannockburn which took
place on June 24, 1324.
While visiting Scotland I drove out of Edinburgh looking for the
site of the Battle of Bannockburn. It is known to have taken place
within two and a half miles of Stirling Castle.
On June 24 of 1324, Robert the Bruce of Scotland with approximately
6,000 Scots miraculously defeated 20,000 English soldiers. Exactly
what took place has never really been recorded. It is believed by
some that Bruce did it with the help of a special force of Knights
Templar. After all, June 24 was also a special day to the Knights
Templar; it was St. John’s Day.
Say Baigent and Leigh:
"Most historians concur that the
Scottish army was made up almost entirely of foot soldiers armed
with pikes, spears and axes. They also concur that only mounted
men in the Scottish ranks carried swords, and that Bruce had few
such men..." 3
Suddenly in the midst of the battle,
with the English forces engaged in a three-to-one combat against the
Scottish soldiers, there was a charge from the rear of the Scottish
A fresh force with banners flying rode forth to do battle with the
The English ranks took one look at the new force and in
sheer terror of the new combatants, they literally fled the field,
say Baigent and Leigh in The Temple and the Lodge,
..."after a day of combat which had
left both English and Scottish armies exhausted... Panic swept
the English ranks. King Edward, together with 500 of his
knights, abruptly fled the field. Demoralized, the English
foot-soldiers promptly followed suit, and the withdrawal
deteriorated quickly into a full-scale rout, the entire English
army abandoning their supplies, their baggage, their money,
their gold and silver plate, their arms, armour and equipment.
But while the chronicles speak of
dreadful slaughter, the recorded English losses do not in fact
appear to have been very great. Only one earl is reported
killed, only 38 barons and knights. The English collapse appears
to have been caused not by the ferocity of the Scottish assault,
which they were managing to withstand, but simply by fear."
In fact, what probably happened was a
charge by the remaining forces of Knights Templar against the
English army.
These crusade veterans were like the Green Berets or
Special Forces of the Middle Ages. All combatants suddenly stopped
to witness the charging army of Knights Templar, in full regalia
with white banners and red cross insignias flying high above the
mounted Grail Knights.
The probable strategy behind the Templars’ charge into battle would
have been to ride through the thick of the battle and attempt to
reach King Edward and his personal guards. Once engaged with the
commanding officers of the English foe, these seasoned war veterans
would have easily defeated King Edward’s knights and possibly killed
the King himself. As noted, King Edward and his special knights
immediately fled upon witnessing the Templar charge.
The 1995 Oscar-winning movie, Braveheart concluded by depicting
Robert the Bruce and his charge at Bannockburn.
My friend Lionel Fanthorpe back in Wales had told me that I should
visit Rosslyn Chapel while I was near Edinburgh, so I headed south
from the Bannockburn battle area. It was just about noon when I
arrived at Rosslyn Chapel in the Lothian Hills south of Edinburgh.
I parked the car and walked around the small but ornate chapel. It
was a Sunday and there was a church service going on inside, so I
looked at some of the graves in the cemetery on the west side of the
When the service finished, a tall, thin man in a tweed
sport coat came out of the chapel and stood in the courtyard for a
"Excuse me," I said to him, "but
isn’t Rosslyn Chapel associated with the Knights Templar?"
"Oh, yes indeed," the man said. "This chapel was built by
William St. Clair, Grand Master of the Templars."
We stood there for a moment talking
about the chapel and the Knights Templar, when he told me he had
written several books on Rosslyn, the Knights Templar, the Holy
Grail and the Spear of Destiny.
"I co-wrote Mark of the Beast with
Trevor Ravenscroft," he said, "plus these other books for sale
at the chapel gift shop."
"I’ve read The Mark of the Beast," I said. "Are you Tim
"Indeed I am," he acknowledged, a bit surprised that I knew who
he was and had read one of his books.
"It’s a pleasure to meet you," I said, and we talked a bit about
the Battle of Bannockburn, since I had just come from the area
of the battle field. "The charge of the Knights Templar at
Bannockburn must have been quite a sight," I said. "Were any of
the knights killed?"
"No, not a one," he said. "The English fled in total fear of the
seasoned warriors. Not even one Knights Templar was killed."
"Well, that’s the kind of statistic I like," I said.
Privately, I wondered if this battle was
the reciprocal battle to the last stand of
the Cathars at Montsegur.
At Montsegur everyone had been killed; at Bannockburn the Grail
Knights had triumphed and not a man was lost.
Dr. Tim Wallace-Murphy took me into the gift shop where he showed me
his other books on Rosslyn Chapel and its history. He also told me
the story of Rosslyn, which is connected to the Orkneys and the
taking of the Holy Grail to North America.
The builder of Rosslyn Chapel, William St. Clair, was the last
Sinclair ‘Jarl’ of Orkney, who lived in the middle of the fifteenth
century. Master Earl William, the ‘Jarldom of Orkney’ passed from
the family to the Scottish crown as part of the dowry of Margaret of
Denmark on to her marriage to King James III of Scotland. William
was not only the grandson of Prince Henry and the last Jarl of the
Orkneys, he also had the somewhat peculiar title of Knight of the
Cockle and the Golden Fleece.
As Dr. Wallace-Murphy points out in his book, The Templar Legacy &
the Masonic Inheritance within Rosslyn Chapel,13 Sir William St.
Clair was a member of a secret group that preserved important
knowledge concerning the Holy Grail, the Holy Blood of the
Merovingian kings, and the destiny of the new continent across the
Atlantic. Wallace-Murphy speculates that the Knights of the Cockle
and the Golden Fleece was the current Grail Order of which Sinclair
was possibly Grand Master.
Clearly, the Knights Templar saw themselves as the inheritors of
ancient knowledge that went back to Atlantis. They struggled for
hundreds of years against the Vatican and the reign of terror known
the Inquisition. To the Templars, the true church, one that
taught mysticism, reincarnation and good works, was being suppressed
by a dark power that called itself the one true faith.
Oppression of
these other faiths was done with the familiar devices of torture,
terror and extermination.
Did the Templars seek to rediscover and recreate Atlantis in
America? Henry Sinclair of Orkney had risked all to make his voyages
across the North Atlantic. Had he taken the Holy Grail and possibly
even the Ark of the Covenant to America? Had these sacred relics
helped spur on the creation of the United States, a land which
Masonic founding fathers like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson
and Benjamin Franklin were to create partially on the Templar ideals
of religious freedom?
According to Templar historians like Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh,
Andrew Sinclair and Tim Wallace-Murphy, the Knights Templar had
helped create an independent Scotland, then a "New Scotland" and
finally an independent United States.
The Present
Day Knights?
What of the Knights Templar today? While Masonry apparently sprang
from the Templars, are there other surviving groups?
The "Knights Templar of Aquarius" existed in the 1940s and 50s in
England, based in Canfield Gardens, London, and the Island of
Jersey. The head of the order was an Englishman named H.C.
Randall-Stevens. Randall-Stevens wrote several curious books,
including one entitled
The Chronicles of Osiris, and another
Atlantis to the Latter Days,20 which was published in 1954.
In this rare book Randall-Stevens discusses various topics including
Atlantis, the Great Pyramid, King Solomon’s Temple and the Knights
Recent conspiracy literature has painted a dark portrait of modern
day Masons, often putting the blame of an Orwellian nightmare New
World Order squarely on the shoulders of a Masonic conspiracy.
Murderous renegade Masonic groups like the infamous P-2 organization
in Italy have made world headlines. The fact that many influential
businessmen are also Masons is also seen as part of the exclusive
club of the puppet-masters.
My own opinion is that, while the Masons were a powerful political
group 200 years ago, their significance in modern power struggles is
probably overrated. Furthermore, their doctrines are highly
misunderstood, especially by fundamentalist Christians.
Knights Templar of their day, and the Revolutionary War Masons of
their day, were free-thinkers who rebelled against any artificial
thought controls or economic controls forced upon them by the
controllers. The Knights Templar lost their final battle and escaped
en masse to Scotland and possibly the New World. The Revolutionary
War Masons of British/Scottish descent and the Rosicrucians of
German and Dutch descent succeeded in defeating the British Crown
and fending off encroachment from the Vatican (in the form of royal
Spain) at the same time.
Power struggles, between religious, racial and political factions
have occurred since the beginning of history. History records that
the Knights Templar, and later the Masons, stood for philosophical
and political freedom.
It is difficult to believe that the founding
fathers of America, virtually all members of secret societies linked
to the Knights Templar, were trying to set up a nation that was
meant to be led into a
World Order police state.
Rather, they
were attempting to set up a nation with special safeguards against
such a possibility. The checks and balances, guarantees of freedoms
and inalienable rights are part of the plan for a true "Nation Under
God" - a utopian society where all citizens live in peace and
Yet, let us not be fooled. There is Christ and there is the
Anti-Christ. There is the Buddha and there is the Anti-Buddha, and
there is the Novus Ordo Seclorum, and there is the Anti-Novus Ordo
Seclorum. All prophecies remind us that a golden age once existed in
the past, and a new golden age is soon to come in the future. What
shall we call this new era of light?
According to arcane lore, from many prophets as well as the Templars,
earth changes will destroy many lands, including Europe, while new
lands will rise in the Atlantic and Pacific. New countries, created
by new pioneers, will settle these new lands. These same people will
be escaping the devastation happening in their own countries.
Perhaps the new golden age is still to come, occurring on a land
that is not yet present.
and Footnotes
1. Holy Blood, Holy Grail, Michael
Baigent, Richard Leigh & Henry Lincoln, 1982, Johnathan Cape,
London (published in the U.K. as The Holy Blood and the Holy
2. The Messianic Legacy, Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh & Henry
Lincoln, 1985, Johnathan Cape, London.
3. The Temple and the Lodge, Michael Baigent & Richard Leigh,
1989, Johnathan Cape, London.
4. Emerald Cup - Ark of Gold, Col. Howard Buechner, 1991,
Thunderbird Press, Metairie, LA.
5. The Secrets of Rennes-le-Chateau, Lionel & Patricia Fanthorpe,
1991, Bellevue Books, London.
6. The History of the Knights Templars, Charles G. Addison,
1842, London.
7. A History of Secret Societies, Arkon Daraul, 1962, Citadel
Press, NY.
8. The Mysteries of Chartres Cathedral, Louis Charpentier, 1975,
Avon Books, New York, 1966, Robert Lafont, Paris.
9. Holy Grail Across the Atlantic, Michael Bradley, 1988,
Hounslow Press, Willowdale, Ontario.
10. The Morning of the Magicians, Jacques Bergier & Louis
Pauwels, 1960, Stein & Day Publishers, New York.
11. Prince Henry Sinclair, Frederick Pohl, 1974, Clarkson Potter
Publishers, New York.
12. The Sword and the Grail, Andrew Sinclair, 1992, Crown, New
13. The Templar Legacy & the Masonic Inheritance Within Rosslyn
Chapel, Tim Wallace-Murphy, 1993, Friends of Rosslyn, Rosslyn,
14. The Glastonbury Legends, R.F. Treharne, 1967, Sphere Books,
15. St. Joseph of Arimathea at Glastonbury, Lionel Smithett
Lewis, 1922, James Clark & Co., Cambridge.
16. GENISIS, David Wood, 1986, Tunbridge Wells, U.K.
17. GENESET, David Wood, 1994, Tunbridge Wells, U.K.
18. The Templars, Knights of God, Edward Burman, 1986, Destiny
Books, Rochester, Vermont.
19. The Druids, Stuart Piggott, 1967, Thames and Hudson, London.
20. Atlantis to the Latter Days, H.C. Randall-Stevens, 1957, The
Knights Templar of Aquarius, London.
21. The Search For the Stone of Destiny, Pat Gerber, 1992,
Canongate Press, Edinburgh.