by Shepard Ambellas and Avalon
January 27, 2012
TheIntelHub Website
Stadiums have and will be used
as FEMA camps and stagging centers for future martial law events.
This article also touches on Aon (bank) and it’s ties to Larry
Silverstien. |
Los Angeles
By now you may have heard of the many
FEMA camps
located throughout the United States which will serve as holding centers for
U.S. citizens during times of civil unrest.
The camps are no conspiracy theory and they happen to be popping up at a
rapid rate in the Continental United States (CONUS). In fact, Infowars
recently reported on
a new detention hub located at the Los Angeles Airport
But what about the fact that every stadium is a FEMA camp hiding in plain
sight, stagnantly awaiting its grim use one day in the near future? (Think
New Orleans Super Dome)
The roots of this diabolic agenda trace back to the Reagan/Oliver North era
and the
REX-84 Program.
However, modern-day Congress is still approving these camps under the guise
of terror provisions set forth by the staged attacks of 9/11 and USA PATRIOT
Act which was signed into law by Bush in 2001 but created years before to be
implemented after the Oklahoma City Bombing, which, to this day, has been
covered up by corrupt FBI and Southern Poverty Law Center operatives.

Dodgers Stadium
Yesterday, an urban warfare drill conducted over
downtown Los Angeles had area residents shaken up as 4 black OH-6 “Little
Birds” and one “Blackhawk” helicopter with military personal aboard, invaded
the city of angels, with more drills set for today.
Sadly these military maneuvers by special operations forces of the U.S.
military are now nearly commonplace in the CONUS.
Helicopters hovered for awhile over the US Bank building, made a drop at a
park, and flew over the Lakers Stadium while a game was in progress.
The operational forces used the Dodgers Stadium as a staging point (mock
FEMA Camp) to base the training session out of.
Stadiums have and will be used as FEMA camps during martial law type
situations during future civil unrest and or economic collapse.
Hurricane Katrina was a prime example of how law enforcement and military
work together during times of martial law to set up FEMA camps in sports
stadiums as well as take part in large scale, illegal gun confiscation.
One curious aspect of the ‘Exercise’ is the involvement of the AON Tower. As
recently mentioned in the New York Times in the January 11th Edition, AON is
leaving the United States.
Aon’s main corporate offices are located in Australia which begs the
“Could Larry Silverstein have been
involved with Aon in the WTC
purchase and subsequent Destruction and Insurance Payoff of
An April 2004 CNN article
Larry Silverstein signed the lease just six
weeks before the WTC’s twin towers were brought to the ground by
terrorists in the September 11, 2001, attacks.
Silverstein contended that the two jetliners crashing into the twin
towers about 15 minutes apart should be considered two separate events,
which would allow him to collect the maximum from the insurers for each
tower, as much as $7 billion.
After all, this line of possible affiliation is
logical given that
Aon is an Insurance Company who would have benefited from
such a covert secret government operation.
In fact, Chicago is Aon’s corporate headquarters in the United States and
was designated the WTC of Chicago. Is there a possibility that a False-Flag
Operation and subsequent rescue operation is being practiced
Is there the possibility that a Nuclear Event might be planned for Chicago -
Obama's Hometown and now the preplanning stages for Martial Law
Implementations by Rham Emanuel and the G8 Summit?
Is this conspiracy theory or are we witnessing the planning stages of a
Flase Flag Event that could bring about Martial Law
- the result of Domestic
If you think about it, most major cities are
equipped with enough stadiums to hold a good chunk of dissident citizens.
Aon has connections to Larry Silverstein.
reported by Bloomberg:
Aon Corp. has been hired to find coverage for developer Larry Silverstein’s
construction of a new skyscraper on the site of New York’s World Trade
Chicago-based Aon will arrange construction, liability and worker’s
compensation insurance for the 1,776-foot Freedom Tower, the company and
Silverstein said in a statement Tuesday.
Silverstein, who fought a
three-year legal battle with 24 insurers who covered the twin towers that
were destroyed in the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, is returning to the
insurance market to cover the first of five high-rises he plans for Ground